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Effects of Negative Emotions

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Effects of negative emotions on academic peroformance of grade 11 in dolores stand alone

senior high school


We are grateful to the following individuals and for their help toward the successful completion of this

research: We would like to thank our thesis adviser Ms. Irene D. Payad for her support that helped us for

mentoring to work this research. To the students who willingly join and participate in our research. To the

school principal that gives permission to conduct research in their school. We are forever thankful for the

support throughout the thesis process. The study's participants, without their willingness to share their

experiences and thoughts, would not have made the research feasible. Thank you to our family and friends

for their continuous support, tolerance, and understanding during this endeavor.



Chapter I: The problem and it’s background.........................................................................4

Background of the study............................................................................................................4

Statement of the problem............................................................................................................4

Significance of the study...........................................................................................................5

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Scopes and limitations................................................................................................................5

Conceptual framework................................................................................................................6

Definition of terms......................................................................................................................7

Chapter II: Related Literature....................................................................................................9

Chapter III: Methods of Research...........................................................................................11

Method of research...................................................................................................................11

Subjects of Study......................................................................................................................11

Description of Research instrument.........................................................................................11

Data Gathering Procedure.........................................................................................................11

Statistical Treatment Applied...................................................................................................13

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Chapter IV: Analysis and Interpretation of Results................................................................14


AND RECOMENDATION ........................................................................................................30






School Permit .............................................................................................................................35

Research Survey.........................................................................................................................36


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The Problem and It’s Background

A. Background of the Study

Negative academic emotions have been found to have a negative impact on

academic performance. Students who experience negative emotions such as bashful,

anxiety, stress, lack of self-confidence, nervousness and other negative emotions tend to

have lower academic performance. With different mindsets, people tend to take different

measures when encountering stress. Many individuals believe that overall pressure is still

causing some negative effects on themselves. In the era of increasingly strong social

pressure, eleven grade school students are especially faced with multiple academic

works. Past studies have shown that these academic pressures will affect students’

negative emotions and academic performance. According to nationwide study, high

school students experience mostly negative emotions toward school, with feeling tired

among their biggest complaints”. Negative emotional states such as anxiety, stress, grief,

sadness, worry, and fear can be a hindrance to learning processes and the motivation to

learn and suffocate the development of effective learning dispositions. If a learner

perceives negative emotions, their attention will be drawn to them, interfering with their

ability to learn. In a learning environment.

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B. Statement of the problem

This study is focused on the effects of negative emotions on academic

performance of grade 11 students at dolores stand alone senior high school during

academic year of 2023-2024.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. what is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of age and gender?

2. What are the negative emotions encountered by the grade 11 students of Dolores Stand

Alone Senior High School such as?

2.1 fear

2.2 lack of confidence

2.3 anxiety

2.4 nervousness

2.5 shyness

3. What solutions can be given to address the problems encountered in effects of negative

emotions on academic performance of grade 11 students of Dolores Stand Alone Senior

High School?

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C. Significance of the study

This study aimed to find out the data and proofs of evidence on the effects of

negative emotions on academic performance of grade 11 in dolores stand alone senior

high school learners.

The results of this study are considered beneficial to the following:

Learners- it can help them do better academically by lowering anxieties and increasing


Teachers- understanding and resolving negative emotions can improve classroom

management, provide a more conducive learning atmosphere, and reduce disturbances,

all of which can lead to a more compassionate and understanding approach to teaching.

Parents- parents can participate in more open and supportive conversation with their

children, which develops trust and strengthens the parent-child relationship. Parents may

establish a supportive home environment by implementing effective ways to assist their

children cope with difficult emotions.

Future Researchers- can produce new research by reviewing existing research and

identifying topics that require more exploration.

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D. Assumptions of the Study

The following assumptions are made regarding this study:

1. It is assumed that the respondents possess a comprehensive understanding of the

questions posed to them, ensuring accurate and meaningful responses.

2. The respondents are presumed to have a genuine interest in participating in the

research and are expected to provide honest and confidential information during data


3. It is assumed that the participants' responses accurately reflect their true experiences,

attitudes, and perceptions related to the research topic.

4. The research assumes that the selected sample is representative of the population under

study, allowing for generalization of findings to a broader context

5. The study assumes that any potential biases or limitations in the research design have

been identified and appropriately addressed to ensure the validity and reliability of the


6. Ethical guidelines, such as ensuring informed consent and safeguarding participant

confidentiality, are expected to be strictly followed throughout the research process.

7. The study anticipates addressing and mitigating any factors that could potentially

influence the results, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the findings.

8. It is expected that the research outcomes will offer significant contributions to existing

knowledge in the field, providing valuable insights and understanding on the research.

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E. Hypotheses


H1: There is a significant relationship between experiencing negative emotions and

academic performance among grade 11 students at Dolores Stand Alone Senior High


H0: There is no significant relationship between experiencing negative emotions and

academic performance among grade 11 students at Dolores Stand Alone Senior High


F. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is focused on the negative emotions on academic performance of grade

11 in Dolores Stand Alone Senior High School during academic year.

The respondents of the study are the grade 11 students of Dolores Stand Alone

Senior High School.

G. Conceptual Framework


Effect of negative Survey Academic performance
emotions in academic

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(explain the conceptual framework)

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Review of Related Literature

A. Local

Students have difficulties controlling their emotions that can make academic

challengers harder for them and makes them harder to concentrate and learn information

which can have negative impact on their academic performance. According to Garcia, a

(2016) different kind of negative emotions are felt by the students when they are

attending class, studying and taking an exam. Destacamentor (2018), negative emotions

are negatively linked to perceive academic achievement. Datuk (2018) aranetag) 2023

teachers being aware of the emotions of the students can help them monitor and guide

their students. Moreno, l (2018) negative emotion and poor academic performance are

related to each other a negative emotions are found to have cause negative academic

achievement to students. Rowe, a (2018) emotions are related to the result of the

student’s academic performance if the student is suffering or experiencing negative

emotions. Compared students’ academic performance with their emotional intelligence

profiles and found that academically successful students scored significantly higher in

intrapersonal, stress management, and adaptability, as well as total emotional

intelligence, compared to unsuccessful students. According to gumora & arsenio (2014)

investigated the relationship between emotional states and cognitive performance,

developing a measure to assess self-reported negative emotions during academic tasks.

Their findings indicated that students experiencing these emotions tended to have lower

grade point averages. However, they also noted that effective regulation of these negative

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emotions could lead to higher levels of adaptive social functioning. The validity of

students from a prominent educational institution

In the Philippines DE Leon et al. (2014). Findings revealed four main factors:

Reliance on instrumental and emotional support, use of substances, preferred stress

coping methods in addition various types.

Through examining the association of everyday discrimination with negative emotions

and academic achievement among Filipino high school students. A cross-sectional study

(study 1) showed that everyday discrimination was positively associated with negative

emotions and negatively linked to perceived academic achievement. Furthermore,

everyday discrimination had indirect effects on academic achievement through the

intermediate variable negative emotions Datu ,( 2018)

There are many stressors within academic life such

As academic demands and achievements from parents, a

Personal inclination for academic self-actualization, amount of assignments, conflict with

a classmate and final writing assignments (thesis), and so on. Earning high grades is a

source of stress that affects them to succeed in making good impressions to their parents,

classmates and significant other people. Failures become pressures that come from

intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic. . Austria-Cruz (2019)

Academic performance talks about how students are accomplishing their

responsibilities and studies. There are some factors that determine the status and rate of

students’ learning performance. Ability is a talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area

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of discipline. It is what students can do, given the ideal circumstances. Many can think of

it as being internal and hidden until they show their knowledge and skills through various

learning tasks. According to Singh (2016), the academic performance of the students has

gained significant attention from past researchers. Previous studies on the academic

performance of students focused on issues like teacher education, family, educational

background, gender differences, and socio-economic factors. Additionally, as emphasized

by Shakeel and Peterson (2020), one of the most significant parts of human resource

development is education. Academic performance is the basis of student achievement

across various academic subjects.

Albarico( 2016)

B. Foreign

The study investigated the relationship between negative affect, worry, working

memory, and academic performance using self-report questionnaires, school administered

academic test data, and a battery of computerized working memory tasks. Higher levels

of anxiety and depression were associated with lower academic performance M. Owens

et al. (2015).

Negative emotions can cause frustration or anxiety, leading to impaired learning.

Emotions are ambiguous and dynamic, and without innovations in learning analytics (Los

Angels) and educational data mining, it is challenging to predict such emotions D’Mello

et. al.(2017).

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The emotions students express during the school day are believed to have

implications for their learning and academic achievement. Emotions such as anxiety,

boredom, sadness, and anger are generally negatively related to measures of academic

achievement, including grades, standardized test scores.

According by Carlos valiente, wen wang, longfeng li, ashley m. Fraser (may,

2022), the results of the study proves that there exists a relation between the negative

emotions of depression and the academic performance of the students. The findings of the

current study would assist counsellors, psychologists, educators and researchers in

developing strategies to enhance the mental well-being. Was an instrument used to

measure student's academic performance and study habit, while ratings of severity of

students' depressive symptoms were used to measure the depression level of the students.

The result of the studies proved that there existed an inverse relationship between

academic achievement and depression. This perspective was then supported by Zaid,

Chan, and ho (2007). In a study conducted by Sherina et. al., 2003, it was found that the

academic performance of 41.9% of students in a public institution in Malaysia was found

to be affected by depression Basha ( 2019)

In secondary schools to respond to the French version of differential emotion

scale adapted for school context and to nineteen syllogisms which evaluated cognitive

nonacademic performances. As a result, we expected that negative emotions related to

academic achievement would reduce performance in reasoning and positive emotions

would improve it Yakimova (2020).

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Academic performance refers to the way in which students fulfil their obligations

and complete their coursework. The state and pace of students' learning performance are

determined by a few factors. Ability is a gift, aptitude, or level of competence in a certain

field of study. If the right conditions are met, it is what students can accomplish. Many

may believe it to be internal and concealed until they demonstrate their abilities and

knowledge via different learning assignments. As stated by Singh (2016), previous

scholars have given the pupils' academic achievement a great deal of attention. Prior

research on student academic performance has concentrated on topics such as gender

disparities, socioeconomic characteristics, family, educational backgrounds, and teacher

preparation. Furthermore, Shakeel and Peterson (2020) noted that one of the most

important aspects of human Matalka ( 2022).

Students are exposed to many emotions daily. The emotions experienced are

either positive in nature or negative in nature. Pam ( 2017) defines negative emotions

"As an unpleasant or unhappy emotion which is evoked in individuals to express a

negative effect towards an event or person." Schools, colleges, media, and other

traumatic experiences are often where a student encounters negative emotions. Many

studies have reported the adverse effects of negative emotions. Long term exposure to

negative emotions can cause damage to the physical health, mental health and emotional

health of an individual. Students require good mental health and physical health to study

well. The adverse effect of negative emotions on mental and physical health deters

students from studying effectively Mead ( 2019)

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A. Methods of Research

The researchers used the descriptive method wherein the study is focus on present

situation. It involved analysis and the present system. With the survey method researchers

were able to statistically study specific areas where the proponents must concentrate.

Findings regarding common practices being done and methods

B. Subjects of the Study

The respondents of the study were all grade 11 of Dolores Senior High School

Stand Alone A.Y 2023-2024.

C. Descriptions of Research Instrument

Survey Questionnaire

The main instruments used in gathering the needed date and information was a

questionnaire. The questionnaire determines the effects of effects of negative emotions on

academic performance of grade 11 in Dolores Senior High School Stand Alone, asking if

the students are experiencing fear, lack of confidence, anxiety, nervousness, and shyness

and what are the effects that five negative emotions on academic performance.

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D. Data gathering procedure

The researchers produced copies equal to the number of respondents. At the same

time, the letter of request to the concerned school administrator who will be joining was

prepared. While the questionnaires are being given the researcher explain how to finish

the questionnaires. On the same day, the completed questionnaires we gather the needed

data for this study, the researchers used the survey questionnaires.

Regarding the effects of negative emotions on academic performance of grade 11

in Dolores Senior High School Stand Alone.

E. Statistical treatment of the data

The reliability of data collected from the questionnaire checklist were compiled

and included for statistical treatment in order to determine the validity, reliability and

interpretation. The following statically measures were employed:

Formula: P= f/n x 100

P - percentage of distribution

F - frequency of an item or response

N - total number of respondents

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Analysis and Interpretation of Results

1. Do you worry about your performance in exam or assignment?

Always = 62.5%

Sometimes = 35%

Never = 2.5%

Majority of the students always worry about their result in their exam and


2. Do you avoid certain activities or classes at school because they make you feel


Always = 2.5%

Sometimes = 52.5%

Never = 45%

The graph shows that students sometimes avoid doing school related activities

because they make them feel anxious.

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3. Do you feel anxious or worried about school?

Always = 17.5%

Sometimes = 72.5%

Never = 10%

Most of the students sometimes feels worried or anxious about school.

4. Do you feel uncomfortable speaking in front of the class?

Always = 27.5%

Sometimes = 65%

Never = 7.5%

Base on the graph the students are sometimes comfortable speaking in front of the class

5. Do you find difficult to talk in front of the class?

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Always = 17.5%

Sometimes = 62.5%

Never = 20%

Most of the students are sometimes having a difficult time talking in front of the class

6.Does meeting new people make you nervous?

Always = 17.5%

Sometimes = 60%

Never = 22.5%

The graph shows that the students sometimes gets nervous when meeting new people.

7.Do you tend to keep yourself during breaks and free periods?

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Always = 7.5%

Sometimes = 67.5%

Never = 25%

Majority of the students sometimes like to be alone on breaks and free period

8 do you feel relieved when you are excused from school-related social gatherings

and activities?

Always = 12.5%


Never = 30%

Most of the students sometimes feels good or feel relieve when they are excise from the

school related social gathering and school activities.

9.Do you feel comfortable and safe going to school?

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Always = 57.5%

Sometimes = 37.5%

Never = 5%

Most of the students always feel safe and comfortable when they are going to school

10 do you fear that your other classmates may bully you or harass you?

Always = 15%

Sometimes = 37.5%

Never = 47.5%

According to the graph most of the students doesn’t fear that their classmates will bully

or harass them.

11 are you afraid of getting into trouble with teachers and administrators?

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Always = 37.5%

Sometimes = 32.5%

Never = 30%

Majority of the students are afraid of getting into trouble that involves teachers and


12 do you fear failure or making mistakes in front of others?

Always = 37.5%

Sometimes = 47.5%

Never = 15%

The graph shows that most of the students sometimes feels failure or making mistake in

front of other people

13 do you still speak infront of so many people even though you’re getting nervous?

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Always = 47.5%

Sometimes = 42.5%`

Never = 10%

Majority of the students speak infront of their class even though they are nervous to do it

14 are you nervous when you are infront of the class to speak?

Always = 32.5%

Sometimes = 60%

Never = 7.5%

Most of the students are sometimes nervous when they are speaking in front of the class

Why you re nervous do you lose focus on reciting and you end up stuttering?

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Always = 20%


Never = 17.5%

Do you feel that your low self esteem affects your ability to interact with your teacher?

Aged or unmotivated lack of confidence question 16

Always = 27.5%

Sometimes = 62.5%

Never = 10%

Have you ever felt discouraged or unmotivated to learn to low self esteem?

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Always = 25%

Sometimes= 57.5%

Never = 17.5%

Do you feel that your low self esteem affects your ability to handle criticism or feedback

from teachers or peers?

Always = 10%

Sometimes = 67.5%

Never = 22.5%

Have you ever avoided talking on challenging task or assignments due to fear of failure

or low self esteem?

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Always = 7.5%

Sometimes = 60%

Never = 32.5%

Have you ever felt inferior or inadequate in comparison to your classmates?

Always = 12.5%

Sometimes = 70%

Never = 17.5%

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Summary of Findings Conclusion and Recommendation


A. Summary

62.5% of students are worried about their performance in school. 52.5% of the

students sometimes avoid classes because they feel anxious. 65% of students are

uncomfortable speaking in front of the class. Sometimes, 60% of the students are

nervous meeting new people 67.5% of students only want to be alone during their

breaks. Sometimes, 57.5% of the students feel relieved when they are excused from

school-related activities. Students with an average of 57.5% feel comfortable and safe

going to school. 37.5% of the students are afraid of getting into trouble with teachers

and administrators. Sometimes, 47.5% of the students fear making mistakes in front

of others.

B. Conclusions

Based the summary findings, the following conclusion is derived:

Students value their studies that’s why they are worried about their performance

in school. When feeling anxious, students prefer to skip classes instead of overcoming it.

Students lack of self-confidence to speak in front of many people students can't make

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new friends since they are too nervous. Students don't want to be associated with their

classmates. Students prefer to skip school activities because it satisfies them.

Students still feel comfortable going to school despite negative thoughts. Not only

are they afraid of meeting new people, they are also afraid to meet their administrator.

Most of the students don't want to create mistakes especially in front of many people

C. Recommendations

In the view of findings and conclusions, the researchers offer the following


The students shall be more vocal about their feelings

o Students shall use their time in school in the most meaningful way by making


o Students shall not rely too much on themselves.

o For the parents, they must guide their children about how they spent their day in


o The teachers shall guide students on their journey fulfilling their goal in school.

o Give them support to what they want to do that will make them happy.

o Other researchers may be done to strengthen the findings of the study.

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AlbaricoAG ( 2016)



Basha, A. (2019)



Valiente C., et.al. (2022


Samani C. et. al ( 2022)



Mead( 2019 )


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Mead ( 2019)


Austria-Cruz ( 2019)


(M Al Matalka · 2022)


Yakimova S.(,2020)









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Sample Survey Questionnaire

NAME (OPTIONAL): ________________________________________________

EMAIL (OPTIONAL): _______________________________________________

GENDER: _______________________ AGE: _____________________

DIRECTION: Read and check the following items, use the rating scale as basis for the



1. Do you worry about your performance in

exam or assignment?
2. Do you avoid certain activities or classes at
school because they make you feel anxious?
3. Do you feel anxious or worried while at
4. Do you feel uncomfortable speaking in front
of the class?

1. Do you find difficult to talk in front of the

2. Does meeting new people make you nervous?

3. Do you tend to keep yourself during breaks

and free periods?

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4. Do you feel relieved when you are excused
from School-related social gatherings and

1. Do you feel comfortable and safe going to

2. Do you fear that other classmates may bully or
harass you?
3. 3. Are you afraid of getting into trouble with
teachers or administrators?
4. Do you fear failure or making mistakes in
front of others?

1. Do you still speak in front of so many people

even though you’re getting nervous?
2. Are you nervous when you are in front of the
class to speak?
3. Why you’re nervous do you lose focus on
reciting and you end up stuttering?

1. Do you feel that your low self-esteem affects

your ability to interact with your teacher?
2. Have you ever felt discouraged or
unmotivated to learn due to low self-esteem?
3. Do you feel that your low self-esteem affects
your ability to handle criticism or feedback
from teachers or peers?
4. Have you ever avoided taking on challenging
tasks or assignments due to fear of failure or
low self-esteem?

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5. Have you ever felt inferior or inadequate in
comparison to your classmates?



Alexandra Mae C. Albano, born in city of San Fernando, Pampanga. Born on

november 22, 2005. I finished my elementary school in national power corporation

elementary school in Bulacan and I move in Batangas where in I finished my junior high

school in Pinagkawitan Integrated High School and now I am currently studying my

senior high school here in AMA San Fernando Pampanga branch as a general academic

strand student. My hobbies are playing online games, reading books, playing instrument

and play volleyball.

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Abigail Layug Cabuling is an 18 years old student. She was born on

January 05, 2006 at San Matias, Sto. Tomas Pampanga to the Spouses Joana Marie B.

Layug and Reynaldo C. Cabuling. She started to study for her kinder in Sta Lucia

Integrated School. From Grade 1 to 6 she continued her study at Camp Olivas

Elementary School at the City of San Fernando Pampanga. She continued his Junior High

School at San Matias National High School in San matias Pampanga, and she entered for

her Senior High School at AMA Computer College in San Fernando Pampanga.

Currently she is a Grade 12 student with the strands of Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) at AMA Computer College.

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Tiffany D. Sarmiento was born on January 10, 2006, in San Simon,

Pampanga. She is the third child of Mr. and Mrs. Sarmiento. Her parents separated when

she was 8 years old. She lived with her mother and her siblings. Tiffany’s mother was

named Melanie D. Sarmiento, she took on all the responsibilities when her husband

separated, and she works abroad to support her children. And Tiffany’s father was named

Jay P. Sarmiento, he’s a truck driver. On September 22, 2020, in the middle of the night,

her dad passed away at the age of 39. She studied elementary at San Nicolas Integrated

School. In grade 7 She studied at San Simon High School, in the half of the quarter she

transferred to San Nicolas Integrated School. In grade 8, she won as Ms. Eco Fashion.

And in senior high, she studied the GAS strand at Ama Computer College in San

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Fernando, Pampanga. For Tiffany, being alone is most peaceful. Her hobbies are writing

spoken poetry and modeling. Her dream is to become a psychologist to help people who

have depression, anxiety, etc.


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What I learned from our research is that negative emotions are not a joke and are

very serious among students and others. All of us will experience this, whether we are

students or those who work, and academic performance or work can be affected


on this research we learned how to cooperate and to do task, in research time

management is important without time management, nothing can be done properly. I

learned a lot when we were doing research, especially the effects of negative emotions on

students. My knowledge became extensive about the effects of negative emotions on

students. Every student faces a lot of negative emotions, it wasn't easy for us to do

research because we didn't have enough time but we still managed to balance it because

we did time management. There were many problems in the work but we overcame them

and we learned a lot about our topic and the fellowship of each group.

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