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Solving Coup as an MDP/POMDP

Semir Shafi Adrien Truong David Lee-Heidenreich

Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science
Stanford University Stanford University Stanford University
Stanford, USA Stanford, USA Stanford, USA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—We modeled the card game Coup as a Markov the game is to deceive the other players by lying and claiming
Decision Process and attempted to solve it using various methods you have whatever card suits you best. Because lying can give
learned in CS238. Due to our large state space, we focused on a significant advantage to the player, the other players try to
online methods. Since Coup is a multi-agent game we generated
optimal policies against players with specific strategies. We first determine when a player is lying and call bluff. If they call
modeled the game as an MDP where we knew everything about bluff and you were not lying, the player who called bluff must
the game state and developed policies against a player doing flip over one of their cards (and cannot use it anymore). If the
random actions. We used forward search, sparse sampling, and other players catch you lying, you must flip over one of your
monte carlo tree search. We then modeled the game as a POMDP cards.
with state uncertainty where we did not know our opponents
cards. We implemented Monte Carlo Tree Search, sparse sam- B. Sources of Uncertainty
pling and forward search with both incomplete and complete
information. Finally, to try and beat our Monte Carlo Tree There are several sources of uncertainty in the game:
Search player, we implemented Forward Search with Discrete • Players are uncertain what roles (cards) other players have
State Filtering for updating our belief.
until they are eliminated
Index Terms—MDP, POMDP, Coup, multi-agent
• Players are uncertain what actions/claims their opponent
will make
C. Related Work
Fig. 1. Coup Rules To the best of our knowledge, there isnt any previous work
that has tried to compute the optimal policy or computed
online planning strategies to play the board game Coup. We
review work done on related games here. There’s another
similar game called One Night Werewolf where the objective
of the game is to try and discern which players are lying. It was
a topic at the Computer Games Workshop at IJCAI, and they
discussed Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), reinforcement
learning, alpha-beta, and nested rollout policy adaptation [1].
Yet, they note that the most popular methods was MCTS and
Deep Learning. Similarly, in our project we try out using
MCTS to decide the best action from a given game state.
We can represent Coup as an MDP with the following
states, actions, transitions, and rewards.

A. Coup Overview Actions

Coup is a popular deception and strategy board game that 1) Income
contains a lot of uncertainty. There are five different card roles 2) ForeignAid
and three of each type in the deck. Each player is dealt two 3) Coup1 (target opponent 1
of these cards at random, and each player can observe only 4) Coup2 (target opponent 2)
their own cards. Each card has its own unique actions and 5) Tax
counteractions (refer to Fig. 1). The objective of the game 6) Assassinate1 (target opponent 1)
is to remain alive and eliminate all other players. A player is 7) Assassinate2 (target opponent 2)
eliminated if both of their cards are face up and are observable 8) StealFrom1 (target opponent 1)
to all the players, rendering their cards useless. The strategy of 9) StealFrom2 (target opponent 2)
10) ChallengeOrBlock (Challenge and block are never si- The reward values chosen here are human crafted rather than
multaenously valid so we represent these 2 actions as 1 inherently a part of the game.
11) NoOp Transitions
Note: Depending on the state of the game, not all actions are The transition function is a function of 3 actions from all 3
valid. players. State transitions are deterministic given the 3 actions.

State T (s0 |s, a1 , a2 , a3 ) = δs0 (StepGame(s, a1 , a2 , a3 ))

1) PlayerState 1
a) Number of coins (0 ≤ i ≤ 12) where δ is the Kronecker delta function and StepGame is
b) Card 1 (0 ≤ i ≤ 3) a function that outputs a new state deterministically given a
c) Whether card 1 is alive or not (True/False) current state and all 3 players’ actions.
d) Card 2 (0 ≤ i ≤ 3)
e) Whether card 2 is alive or not (True/False) From the perspective of a single agent, we treat a2 and
a3 as unknown parameters that transform the transition
2) PlayerState 2 - Same format as player state 1
function into a probabilistic function.
3) PlayerState 3 - Same format as player state 1
4) Current player index (0 ≤ i ≤ 2) X
5) Current player’s action (0 ≤ i ≤ 10) T (s0 |s, a1 ) = T (s0 |s, a1 , a2 , a3 ) ∗ P (a2 |s) ∗ P (a3 |s)
a2 ,a3
6) Blocking player index (0 ≤ i ≤ 2)
7) Turn Phase (0 ≤ i ≤ 3) where P (a2 |s) and P (a3 |s) are unknown to the agent.
a) Begin turn - The current player needs to submit an
action while their opponents submit a NoOp action.
b) Challenge current player’s right to play their action III. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT
- The current player must submit a NoOp action.
Their opponents submit either a Challenge action We present two versions of this game. First, as a warm up,
or a NoOp action. we consider a version where the full state is exposed to all
c) Block current player’s action - The current player agents, meaning each agent knows their opponents’ cards. In
must submit a NoOp action. Their opponents sub- this environment, agents are only uncertain about the actions
mit either a Block action or a NoOp action. that their opponents will take. Formally, they are uncertain
d) Challenge right to block - If a player decides to about P (a2 |s) and P (a3 |s). This is the model uncertainty case.
submit a Block action in the previous phase, their Next, we consider a version where agents are also unable to
opponents must submit a Challenge action or a see their opponents’ cards (as in a real game). In this version
NoOp action. The blocking player may only submit of the problem, we have both model uncertainty and state
a NoOp action. uncertainty. To learn about their current state, agents are able
to observe a vector of 2 integers that represent the actions their
Note: Some values of the state are only relevant for specific
opponents took.
values of Turn Phase (e.g. if we are in the Begin Turn
phase, the ”blocking player’s index” value is ignored). Thus, In both cases, we wish to develop algorithms that can learn
it is possible for two states to have different values but be optimal policies that perform well under uncertainty and are
considered an equivalent state. able to win the game.
We also removed the Ambassador card due to the difficulty
of modeling its interactions. IV. B UILDING C OUP S IMULATOR

Rewards We created a robust coup simulator where we can input

Gaining x coins: +x different game parameters such as the number of players, the
Losing/spending x coins: −x type of players, set the initial cards for each of the players
Causing an opponent to lose a card (1 remaining): +30 or choose randomly, and recreate instances of the game that
Losing your first card (1 remaining): -30 we want to explore more. Our simulator follows the MDP as
Causing an opponent to lose a card (0 remaining): +100 described above. In a single instance of a game, we can step
Losing your last card (0 remaining): -100 through and choose each action we want the player to make.
Winning the game: +300 For each possible state, the simulator outputs tuples containing
our possible actions, the possible states we can enter, and the
Note: We really only care about winning the game. rewards associated with that transition. We can extend this
However, to help our policies navigate the state space, we simulator to run several games where the action is determined
shape the rewards and provide rewards for actions that lead by the type of player and the simulator then outputs the winner
to winning the game (as determined by domain knowledge). at each round.
Unlike sparse sampling, the complexity of MCTS does not
There are two approaches to solving MDPs. We can either
grow exponentially with the horizon. Instead of exploring all
precompute an entire policy for all possible states or compute
possible actions, we only explore a random subset of possible
optimal actions in real time as we are playing the game. We
outcomes that can result from a given action. Essentially,
first considered offline methods such as value iteration. We
we do not iterate through all possible opponent actions but
began by computing the upper bound for our state space. For
rather randomly sample a few of them. In addition, instead of
a single player state, there are 12 ∗ 4 ∗ 2 ∗ 2 = 768 possible
calculating the expected utility to be the utility after 4 steps,
values. For the entire state, there are upwards of 7683 ∗ 3 ∗ 11 ∗
we run simulations using a random policy as a heuristic for
3∗4 = 179, 381, 993, 472 possible values. (Note that this is an
the expected utility with an infinite horizon (i.e. until the game
upper bound because some states may have different values but
are considered equivalent states as explained earlier). With a
state space this large, clearly, it is computationally infeasible to VII. M ETHODS TO S OLVE S TATE U NCERTAINTY C ASE
apply offline methods and compute an optimal action for every We now move on to a model that more closely resembles
possible state. Thus, we are forced to only consider online a real game where players do not have knowledge of their
methods. The number of possible next states is much less than opponents’ cards. We can extend the three methods we’ve
the overall number of states which makes the problem more previously discussed to the state uncertainty case. Again to re-
tractable. solve the model uncertainty, we simply assume our opponents
are random. To deal with the state uncertainty over opponents’
VI. M ETHODS TO SOLVE M ODEL U NCERTAINTY C ASE cards, we adopt a uniform belief over all the card combinations
our opponents’ may have. In essence, this simply means we
As a warm up, we started by making a simplifying assump- explore more possible next states instead of those restricted by
tion that agents had knowledge of their opponents’ cards. In cards our opponent’s actually hold (since we no longer have
other words, when a player is about to select an action given that information). The core of the algorithms remain the same.
a state, the state provided contains not only their two cards
and the number of coins that each player has but also the two A. Forward Search With Discrete State Filtering
cards of each of their opponents. We now discuss a method that can do something smarter
We tried three different methods: than just assume a uniform belief over our opponents’ cards.
1) Depth limited forward search / lookahead Previously, we assumed we did not know our opponents’
2) Monte Carlo Tree Search strategies. Thus, we simply assumed they were random players
3) Sparse Sampling and as a result were forced to assume a uniform belief over
all possible cards they may have since no information can
In each method, to resolve the model uncertainty, we assume be gleaned from our observations of our opponents’ actions
1 1 (since they are random and by definition independent of the
P (a1 |s) = and P (a2 |s) = underlying state). However, if we are given our opponents’
|A| |A|
strategies, we can do better. With this extra knowledge, we
In other words, we assume our opponents are random. are able to construct an informed belief over the cards they
may have from the actions they choose. Essentially, we assume
we know P (a1 |s), P (a2 |s) where P (a1 |s) 6= P (a1 ) and
A. Depth Limited Forward Search / Lookahead
P (a2 |s) 6= P (a2 ). We can then use Bayes theorem to find
Forward Search simply looks ahead from some initial state P (s|a1 ), P (s|a2 ) and form a belief over the underlying state
to some depth, d. The algorithm iterates over all possible (i.e. our opponents’ cards)
actions and next state pairings until the desired depth is With the goal of beating an opponent that uses Monte-
reached. We assume our players are random and thus all Carlo Tree Search, we implemented a player that uses Forward
possible outcomes are equally likely. We choose the action Search with Discrete State Filtering to update belief. We
that yields the highest utility in expectation. We do not use a followed the Forward Search algorithm outlined in section
discount factor and set γ = 1. 6.5.2 of the textbook [2] and we used Discrete State Filtering
from section 6.2.1 to update our belief.
1) Modeling Belief: We held a belief over all possible
B. Sparse sampling
permutations of cards that our opponents could have. In our
Sparse sampling avoids the worst case exponential complex- case, there were four total types of cards and our opponents
ity of forward search by using a generative model to produce could each have two cards, so our belief space was of size
samples of the next state and reward given an initial state. 44 = 256. To save space and computation, we structured our
Instead of exploring all possible outcomes by iterating through belief to be comprised of two sub-beliefs which were beliefs
all possible opponent actions, we randomly sampled a subset over just one opponent’s possible cards. In other words we
of all possible opponent actions. kept track of 2 beliefs, each of size 42 = 16. We made
the assumption that one player’s cards were independent of VIII. R ESULTS
another player’s cards. This allowed us to simply multiply our Forward search with a fully observable state beats random
two sub-beliefs to compute our total belief over the state space. agents all the time for a depth greater than or equal to 4. A
While this assumption is not completely accurate to the game depth of 4 corresponds to the state where the player is given
in real-life, for our purposes, it is okay. reward for selecting an action. A depth of 2 corresponds to the
2) Modeling Observations: Our model of Coup involves state where the player is given reward for either challenging
three players. Every turn, we as the player submit an action and or blocking another player and therefore, while random may
our two opponents also each submit an action. We modeled sometimes beat Lookahead with a fully observable state for
our observation as the actions that our opponents each took. a depth of 2, Lookahead will always win the challenges and
Consider a game of Coup between our Forward Search player blocks.
and two opponents, which we will call Opponent1 and
Opponent2. If after 1 round of the game, Opponent1 took TABLE I
action a1 and Opponent2 took action a2 , then our observation F ORWARD S EARCH I NCOMPLETE VS 2 R ANDOM PLAYERS
for that round would be the tuple (a1 , a2 ). To calculate O(o|s), Depth Win % Time(sec, 1 action)
we simulated our opponents taking an action given the state 1 19 .17
s. 2 76 .42
3 80 1.23
a1 = Action1 (s) 4 93 5.74
a2 = Action2 (s)
In Table 1, we have Forward Search agent with a partially
Since our opponents were using MCTS to implement their pol- observable state competing against two random agents.
icy, our opponents’ actions were (almost) always deterministic
given a state. In other words, given a state s, our opponents TABLE II
would always do the same action. We could therefore model S PARSE S AMPLING C OMPLETE S TATE VS . R ANDOM P LAYERS
our O(o|s) function using Kronecker delta functions δ as
Depth # samples Win % Time(s/1000 games) Time(s/action)
follows: 1 1 70.9 10.98 .00045
1 2 69.9 18.49 .00090
O(o|s) = O(o1 , o2 |s) 1 5 70 46.42 .0021
= P (o1 |s)P (o2 |s) 2 1 94 15.93 .0015
2 2 97.9 44.32 .0050
= δo1 (Action1 (s))δo2 (Action2 (s)) 4 1 92.8 42.66 .0043
4 5 100 7889 1.1015
where o1 and o2 are the actions of Opponent1 and
Opponent2 respectively and where a1 and a2 are the actions
we got from calling Action(s) on our opponents above. TABLE III
3) Optimizations: During Forward Search, we need to S PARSE S AMPLING I NCOMPLETE S TATE VS R ANDOM P LAYERS
calculate the term P (o|b, a). From the way we modeled Depth # samples Win % Time(s/1000 games) Time(s/action)
observations, our observation is not dependent on our action 1 1 69.7 9.4 .00046
a. Therefore, we were able to save time by pre-computing 1 2 67.6 16.38 .00086
P (o|b, a) outside the for loop iterating through our action 1 5 70 36.29 .0020
2 1 93.5 11.96 .0009
space. Additionally, to save computation, as discussed earlier 2 2 97.5 31.41 .0029
we are able to split up our observation into two smaller 4 1 77.6 30.26 .0020
observations. o1 represents opponent1’s action and o2 repre- 4 5 90 4777 .530
sents opponent2’s action. Together, our complete observation
is o = (o1 , o2 ). We calculate P (o|b, a) as follows: In Table 2, we have a Sparse Sampling agent with access
to the full state competing against Random agents. In Table 3,
P (o|b, a) = P (o|b) we have a Sparse Sampling agent with access to the partially
= P (o1 , o2 |b) observable state against two Random agents. We can see that
= P (o1 |b)P (o2 |b) in both figures the larger the depth and the more samples
X X that we take, the better our agent performs. Yet, the greater
= P (o1 |s)b1 (s) P (o2 |s)b2 (s) the depth and number of generative samples, the more time it
s∈Ss s∈Ss
takes. The fully observable state agent always outperforms the
b1 and b2 are the 2 sub-belief states we discussed earlier, agent with the partially observable state, but it takes less time
which each hold beliefs over one players hand. Thus, in the for the partially observable state to choose its action. Since this
above equation b1 and b2 are beliefs over two-card state spaces is a board game and a small percentage increase in winning
(16 total states) rather than the full 4 card-state space (256 is not very significant, then it might be better to prefer speed.
states). Likewise Ss above represents the state space made up In Table 4, we have a MCTS agent with access to the fully
of two cards (16 total states). observable state competing against two Random agents. In
TABLE IV because all the agents believe that they are playing against
MCTSI NCOMPLETE VS . R ANDOM P LAYERS random agents and assume that the other players will lie
Depth # sims Win % Time(s/1000 games) Time(s/action) uniformly. However, none of the agents are willing to lie them-
1 4 29.8 25.1 .0007 selves since the expected reward for lying is −30 ∗ 0.5 = −15
1 10 25.5 53.7 .0017 if we assume our opponents are random and will challenge
4 1 3.5 41.81 .00072
4 4 32.4 98.41 .0025 us 50% of the time. Since none of the agents are willing to
10 10 60 355.58 .018 lie, the third agent always wins by taking income and couping.
10 20 73.9 721 .031 Once the depth is greater than four, then the agents are looking
20 10 55.2 541 .027 past just the first action and therefore, they all should have an
equal probability of winning.
Depth # sims Win % Time(s/1000 games) Time(s/action)
Depth # sims Win %
1 4 70.4 19.97 .0007
1 4 0
1 10 69.6 42.2 .0011 1 10 0
4 1 3.5 29.43 .00044 4 1 0
4 4 64.2 68.33 .0017 4 4 0
10 10 82 230.26 .010 10 10 30
10 20 90.3 486 .019 10 20 0
20 10 73.4 393 .024 20 10 50

Table 5, we have a MCTS agent with access to the partially MCTSI NCOMPLETE VS 2 MCTSC OMPLETE P LAYERS
observable state competing against two random agents. The
same reasoning for variation in speed and win percentage hold Depth # sims Win %
1 4 0
in Table 4 and Table 5 as in Table 2 and Table 3. MCTS agents 1 10 0
take less time than Sparse Sampling to choose an action but 4 1 0
have a reduced win percentage. 4 4 0
10 10 10
10 20 0
TABLE VI 20 10 40
In Table 8, we have an MCTS agent with complete state
Depth # samples Win % information competing against two MCTS agents with incom-
1 1 0 plete state. In Table 9, we have the opposite: an MCTS agent
1 5 0
2 1 20 with incomplete state competing against two MCTS agents
2 2 40 with complete state. The same logic can be held for the pair
4 1 60 of figures as in Table 6 and Table 7.
4 5 70
For Forward Search with Discrete State Filtering, we were
able to implement an initial version but it ran too slow for us to
gather meaningful results. However, we do believe that if we
TABLE VII refactored our code to avoid redundant computation, Forward
S PARSE S AMPLING I N C OMPLETE VS . 2 S PARSE S AMPLING C OMPLETE Search with Discrete State Filtering would be a feasible
method that would work in practice. We could also explore
Depth # samples Win % different approximation methods such as particle filtering and
1 1 0 others.
1 5 0
2 2 30
4 1 10 Because this a friendly board game where there isn’t any
4 5 10 monetary incentive to win, it is better to sacrifice a bit on
the chance of winning it for a quicker game. Forward Search
In Table 6, we have a Sparse Sampling agent with complete with a partially observable state is more accurate than any of
state competing against two Sparse Sampling agents with the methods that use a generative function but costs a lot more
incomplete state. In Table 7, we have the opposite: a Sparse time. Therefore, it might be more valuable to use either Sparse
Sampling agent with incomplete state competing against two Sampling or MCTS to compute the best action to take.
Sparse Sampling agents with complete state. Notice that if the We believed, initially, that we could use offline methods
depth is less than four, then our agent never wins. This is to generate an optimal policy to play the game. We realized
that the state space is too large to feasibly iterate through and
update all state action combinations. We then decided to try
and reduce our state space by removing an entire role, creating
qualitative classes to represent the quantitative number of coins
and removing the opponents cards from the state. It turns out,
that still the order of the magnitude of the state space is still
huge and unfeasible to run value iteration or Q-learning.
To extend this project, it would be interesting to consider
how we can create players to challenge our player that uses
forward search with particle filtering. Inspired by the level-K
model, if we know that all our opponents are implementing
forward search, can we leverage that knowledge?
Adrien is taking this class for 3 units and tackled represent-
ing Coup as an MDP. He also implemented Forward Search,
contributed to debugging Sparse Sampling and MCTS and
helped analyze the results. David is also taking this class for 3
units and was integral in the development of optimizations for
Forward Search with discrete state filtering and transforming
our results into a presentable manner. Semir is taking the
class for 4 units and combed through the literature. He also
contributed to the initial design of Coup as an MDP and
creating the simulator. He implemented Sparse Sampling,
MCTS, and contributed to Forward Search with discrete state
filtering. He helped outline the report and ran the simulations
to generate the results and interpreted the findings.
[1] Srivastava, Biplav, and Gita Sukthankar. ”Reports on the 2016 IJCAI
workshop series.” AI Magazine 37.4 (2016): 94.
[2] Mykel J. Kochenderfer; Christopher Amato; Girish Chowdhary;
Jonathan P. How; Hayley J. Davison Reynolds; Jason R. Thornton; Pedro
A. Torres-Carrasquillo; N. Kemal Ure; John Vian, ”State Uncertainty,” in
Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Theory and Application , , MITP,
2015, pp.

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