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CARAGA Administrative Region TER
Department of Education
Division of Agusandel Sur
Azpetia, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
School I.D. 317405


Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: _____________ Score:__________

I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It means “wisdom and knowledge of vision.”
a. Veda b. Moksha c. Puja d.Rig Veda
2. In Hinduism, he is considered to be the creator of the universe.
a. Dharma b. Brahma c. Shiva d.Prince Arjuna
3. It is the liberation from samsara which is the endless cycle of reincarnation and rebirth.
a. Puja b. Veda c. Moksha d. Rig Veda
4. It is the ritual performed by Hindus when worshiping a deity.
a. Veda b. Puja c. Moksha d.Fita
5. In Hinduism, he is known as the “god destroyer.”
a. Shiva b. dharma c. Mantra d. Brahman
6. It is said to be the oldest and the mother of all religions.
a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Shintoism d. Taoism
7. Who is the creator god of Hinduism?
a. Brahma b. Kali c. Shiva d. Vishnu
8. This Religion form the majority of the population in india, nepal and Mauritius.
a. Buddhism b. Shintoism c. Confucianism d. Hinduism
9. It is the “oneness” of the three images of Hindu gods which Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu belong.
a. Trinity b. Trimurti c. Tri-power d. Three image
10. He was a very important Hindu person who fought to end discrimination?
a. Ganesha b. Gandhi c. Buddha d. Mahabaratta
11. What is ATMAN?
a. The final stage of reincarnation.
b. The inner soul of a person.
c. The physical body of a person
d. The ultimate happiness that someone may attain.
12. Which of the following describes Moksha?
a. One’s innermost self.
b. Freedom from the wheel of samsara.
c. Rebirth of a person.
d. The god who destroy.
13. It is literally means enlightened one, a knower.
a. Samsarsa c. Moksha
b. Buddha d. Nirvana
14. It is the ultimate spiritual goal in Buddhism and marks the soteriological release from rebirth?
a. Samsara c. Reincarnation
b. Nirvana d. Moksha
15. According to Buddhist teaching, it is an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection which can be achieved by man
through purely human means.
a. Wisdom b. Enlightens c. Knowledge d. Encouragement
16. Which division of Buddhism believed that a Buddhist must strictly follow the teachings of the Buddha?
a. Mahayana Buddhism c. Theravada Buddhism
b.Hindu Buddhism d. Zen Buddhism
17. What are the missing words in the Four Noble Truths: Life is , Suffering is due to ,
There is way to overcome , The way to overcome craving is the_ .
a. Blessing, selfishness, selfishness, meditation
b. Given by Brahman, craving, death, wisdom
c. Suffering, craving, craving, eight fold path
d.Wonderful, mistakes, failure, four noble truth
18. Which believe that nothing is fixed or permanent and that change is always possible.
a. Shintoist c. Confucians
b. Buddhist d. Taoist
19. The liberal form of Buddhism which believed that not all the truth in the world was taught by the Buddha.
a. Mahayana Buddhism c. Hindu Buddhism
b. Theravada Buddhism d. Zen Buddhism
20. Which of the following shows similarities of Hinduism and Buddhism?
a. Believe in the samsara/reincarnation.
b. Believe in Four Noble Truth.
c. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama.
d. Worship many gods.

II. Direction: Modified True or False. Write true if the statement is correct. If not, change the underlined word to make the
statement true.

___women______1.In Hindu society, men are expected to take care of the children.
_________2. Kshatriyas consist of priests and teachers.
_________3. Corruption continues to happen in Hindu society.
_________4. As a child, a woman is expected to obey their parents, especially her father.
_________5. Shudras consist of commoners, peasants, and farmers.
_________6. Lack of job opportunities allow Hindus to buy decent homes.
_________7. India’s illiteracy rate is very high, like its population.
_________8. Illiteracy has resulted in many Hindus not being able to properly practice their faith.
_________9. The division of Indian society into different classes was based on the Manusmriti which is considered to be the most
important and authoritative book on Hindu law.
_________10. The Dalits are the lowest class of people in the caste system.

III. Identification. Identify the following terms being pertained to in each item. Write your answers on the space provided.

_________1. It is the religious and moral law which tells the individual how to conduct himself or herself among the members of
_________2. In Hinduism, he is known as the “god destroyer.”
_________3. A sacred prayer, hymn, or word taken from the sacred text and uttered in a ritual to communicate with or consecrate
a deity, cast charms, and seek protection against harm.
_________4. It is the cause, basis, and the very purpose of a Hindu’s life.
_________5. This type of yoga is considered as the royal path of meditation.
_________6. It pertains to an endless cycle of reincarnation.
_________7. For Hindus, He is the ultimate existence or reality.
_________8. This type of yoga leads to attaining knowledge of Brahman and atman as well as the realization of their unity.
_________9. A Hindu doctrine which pertains to the universal self and is identified with the eternal core of one’s personality.
_________10. It refers to what the mind and physical body desires.

Kama shiva samsamara

Atman mantra brahman

Jnana yoga raj yoga Bodhisattva

Dharma sacrifices/making sacrifices nirvana

IV. Enumeration.
2. The four sights
6. The four Noble truths
10. Issues and Challenges of Hinduism Religion

Good luck and God Bless!

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