Plan of Action

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Committee-Arctic Council
Agenda: Resource conflict in the Arctic; Sustainable management and cooperation in
changing region.
Date: 25th November, 2023.

In the recent years Arctic have seen a drastic change in its environment due
to various factors, one of them being majorly global warming. The Arctic has
now become an ever-changing region. Arctic Council’s focus on this
committee was to solve the resource conflict and discussed various
sustainable management and cooperation methods in the vulnerable Arctic
region. The committee went on discussing crucial sub-agendas of the agenda
of the committee.

Partial Removal of Air Pollution:

Suggests establishing cyclone dust trappers to separate dust from air by centrifugal force.

International Cooperation and Bilateral Talks:

This world cannot exist without cooperation.
1. Cooperation has been seen in the history of the diplomatic world such as the UN,
where its nations has reached great heights.
2. Discussion between 2 states can result into the forming of agreements, collaboration
3. Collaborating with Arctic nations, NGOs, and private entities to protect and restore
biodiversity collectively.

Understanding the Arctic:

Enhanced Arctic understanding can help provide us with better solutions and better
scientific monitoring of all of the Arctic region.

Working and planning on:

1 Promoting sustainable practices in all Arctic activities, be it tourism or fishing to minimize
disruption to the ecosystem.
2. Emphasizing continuous research and monitoring to comprehend Arctic changes, guiding
informed conservation strategies.
3. Coordination on search and rescue operations to ensure the safety of Arctic travelers.

Proceeds to provide:
1. Recognition of territorial boundaries and sovereignty of Arctic nations.
2. An agreement on sustainable resource management to protect Arctic ecosystems.
3. Adaption building funds: Adaption building funds, nonetheless allows the arctic to
use them as monetary resources for the afflicted ones. The fund can be used to
develop early alarm systems, aid the victims of the brutal and harsh climate change.

1. Collaborative efforts to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas
2. Joint initiatives for scientific research and data sharing to enhance understanding of
Arctic ecosystems.
3. Implementation of measures to support indigenous communities and their
traditional ways of life.

Planning to establish:
1. Green Tourism Certification: Establish and promote green tourism certification
programs to encourage eco-friendly practices in the tourism sector.
2. Green Building Standards: Enforce green building standards and codes to promote
sustainable construction and design practices. Incentivize the use of energy-efficient
materials and technologies.

Deliberates upon:
The Arctic Council addressing challenges like pauses in their work by fostering stronger
collaboration among member nations, emphasizing consistent communication channels, and
implementing contingency plans to mitigate interruptions, ensuring smoother functioning
even during periods of disruption.

System to impose fines on countries that have extensive carbon emissions.
Countries can have quotes much like the fishing quota for their carbon emissions and
countries going over their quota are fined proportionally to the breach of the limit.
Quota for each country would be different factors affecting this quota would be -
1. Level of development of the country
2. GDP of the country
3. Population
4. Landmass
This will help motivate the countries to cut down Carbon emissions.

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