Chapter 3 Quality and Innovation in Product and Process Design

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 After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the processes firms use to design products.

2. Perform “house of quality” quality function deployment (QFD) analysis.
3. Defend design concerns such as design for manufacture, maintainability, and reliability.
4. Perform rudimentary failure modes and effects analysis.
5. Discuss green design.

 When designing products, we must first answer many questions. For example, what are the functions the customer
wants? What are the capabilities of current products? What are the limitations of the materials we have selected for
the product? Are there better materials available? How much will the product cost to make? How much must the
product cost to make it successful in the marketplace?
 What does it mean to design products for quality?

 quality has many different dimensions.

 Performance dimension - What are the critical measurements of performance? How much performance does the
customer want? How much performance is overkill? How do we balance competing dimensions of performance
(e.g., audio output versus distortion)?
 All these questions must be answered early in the design process. For example, if durability is an important quality
dimension for the producer of a cell phone, the design team might actively investigate new polymers to find a
durable housing for the internal electronics - materials choices are technical and should be made by engineers.
 However, engineers need input from marketing and operations to understand customer needs, marketing
requirements, and the realities of production. Supply chain functions provide inputs on needs such as sourcing,
logistics, and collaborations.
 engineers would design many products to the nth degree. If you don’t believe this, look at a remote control for a
DVD player or a television set. You will never use many of the buttons on the remote. A study was performed by
Sony Corporation to determine which buttons were actually used by the customer. Based on the results of the
study, the remotes for Sony televisions were simplified.
 Professor Noriaki Kano of the Science University of
Tokyo illuminates the relationship between quality and
design with the Kano Quality/Design Model. -
quality is a function of fulfilling customer
requirements and achieving high levels of satisfaction.
He then distinguishes between basic quality,
performance quality, and exciting quality. The goal
should be exciting quality.
 As you contemplate the Kano model, you should
realize that as time passes, customer demands will
increase, and what was once exciting will become a
basic expectation.

 Quality function deployment

(QFD - method for translating
customer requirements into
functional design.
 this process of translation is
referred to as the voice of the
Develop a list of customer requirements
• The list of customer requirements includes the major customer needs as they relate to a particular aspect of a process

Develop a listing of technical design elements along the roof of the house
• These are the design elements that relate to customer needs

Demonstrate the relationships between the customer requirements and technical design
• A diagram can be used to demonstrate these relationships
Identify the correlations between design elements in the roof of the house
Perform a competitive assessment of the customer requirements
Prioritize customer requirements
Prioritize technical requirements.
Final evaluation

 computer-aided design (CAD) system.

 These systems are used for designing anything from an ultralight airplane, to a hamburger, to a home, or to a new
intersection that can handle higher volumes of traffic. Computer-aided tools greatly improve the ability of
designers to generate new and varied designs. they simplify the design process.
 An important advance in CAD systems has been the advent of multiuser CAD systems. Using a common
database in a network, multiple designers in locations worldwide can work on a design simultaneously around the
 CAD systems are used in geometric design, engineering analysis, design review and automation, and automated
 Geometric modelling - used to develop a computer-compatible mathematical description of a part.4 The image
developed is typically a wire-frame drawing of a component. This part may appear in two dimensions, as a two-
dimensional drawing of a threedimensional object, or in a full three-dimensional view with complex geometry.
 Engineering analysis may involve many different engineering tests such as heat-transfer calculations, stress
calculations, or differential equations to determine the dynamic behavior of the system being designed. Analysis-
of-mass-properties features in CAD systems automatically identify properties of a designed object such as weight,
area, volume, center of gravity, and moment of inertia. CAD systems allow for the automatic calculation of these
 Designs are checked for accuracy during design review. Using CAD, the designer can zoom in on any part of
design detail for close inspection of a part.
 Examining a design to see whether different components in a product occupy the same space is called interference
checking. Interference checking is of major importance in airplane design. Hundreds of pipes and thousands of
wires occupy the walls of the aircraft. Interference checking in design review ensures that designs are feasible.
 CAD systems can be stand-alone or tied into computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) systems that are used in
automated production systems. Another important component of a CAD system is the group technology
component that allows for the cataloging and standardization of parts and components for complex products.
Standard parts can result in fewer suppliers, simpler inventory, and less variability in processes.
 CAD/CAM systems are often tied together in a closed-loop system with computer-aided inspection (CAI) and
computer-aided testing (CAT) quality control systems. CAI and CAT allow for 100% inspection of products at a
relatively low cost. Inspection is performed by 3-D laser scanning and noncontact sensors that enable parts to be
inspected without handling, thereby reducing the chance of damage to products.
organizing the design team

 concurrent engineering - steps are performed simultaneously as often as possible., has been very helpful for
speeding up the design life cycle.
 The benefits of concurrent engineering primarily include communication among group members and speed. By
working on products and processes simultaneously, the group makes fewer mistakes, and the time to get the
concept to market is reduced drastically.
 Another benefit of concurrent engineering is increased interaction with the customer.
 The product life-cycle concept demonstrates the need for developing new
products by showing product design, redesign, and complementary product
the product life cycle development on a continuum.
 Two imperatives have come to the forefront in the study of product life cycles. The first is that product life cycles are
becoming shorter. This means that obsolescence is a greater problem for designers and that the speed at which new
product concepts are delivered to market is becoming much more important for companies around the world.
 The second imperative is that as product life cycles shorten, product variety and change become much more important to
the successful competitor because complementary products are needed to consume productive capacity. Complementary
products are needed for two reasons.
 First, as discussed, product obsolescence requires that products be updated. Second, some products have seasonal
demand, which necessitates counter seasonal products.
 Variety refers to the differences in products that are produced and marketed by a single firm at any given time.
 Change is the magnitude of the differences in a product when measured at two different times.5 Using the framework for
variety and change developed by Sanderson and Uzumeri,6 variety is the range of different items produced by a firm.
Variety is related to a specific family of products. Change can occur as a result of either evolutionary small changes or
drastic big changes to a product

 new products using similar technologies that can coexist in a family of products.

 These products extend the life of the product line by offering new features or improvements to prior versions of
the product. Sometimes, these improvements are cosmetic; at other times, they are substantive.
 One example of a complementary product is a product that has a counter-seasonal demand when compared with a
base product such as a motorcycle or a snowmobile. Arctic Cat produces ATVs for summer use and snowmobiles
for winter use, allowing for level production rates throughout the year

 design for manufacture (DFM)—One consideration is how we design the product so it is easy to maintain. After
all, maintenance, if required, can be very expensive. Another aspect is designing for reliability. It makes little sense
to design a product that is capable and stable, but not reliable. Another issue relating to design is speed, the time it
takes for a concept to reach the market. If it takes a long time for products to reach the market, competitiveness
may be hampered. Product designs must be simple. Designing for simplicity means standardizing parts,
modularizing, and using as few components as possible in a design. Environmental issues also have become key
considerations for companies designing products. With changes in regulations around the world, products must be
designed for reuse, disassembly, and remanufacture

 The overriding concept to consider when discussing DFM is to make it easy to build. Although this concept may
seem intuitive, it is sometimes difficult to be intuitive when you are too close to a process (for example, the people
who design products). The reason for this difficulty may be more behavioral or organizational than technical. In
the old world of designing products, there existed a hierarchy of engineers. At the top of this hierarchy was the
product design engineer. Lower down the hierarchy were the process design engineers. Often, these different
engineers worked in totally different departments. The fact that they were in different departments often impeded
 This organizational problem has been referred to as the over-the-wall syndrome, which is demonstrated by
looking at the design process sequentially
 Many firms use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to integrate financial, planning, and control
systems into a single architecture.
 As a result, there is an effort in the business world to include computerized design systems in these ERP systems.
An important component of such design software is the product data management (PDM) tool. PDM is a
general extension of techniques commonly known as engineering data management, document management, and
other similar names. PDM helps manage both product data and the product development process by tracking the
masses of data needed to design, manufacture, support, and maintain products.

 It often seems cheaper to replace a product than to repair it. The

 The decision to repair is essentially an economic decision involving costs, benefits, and trade-offs. This decision
becomes particularly difficult when the product life cycle is short
 Design for maintainability concepts include:
 Components that are easily replaced
 Components that are easily removed with standard tools
 Adequate space to perform the maintenance function
 Non-destructive disassembly
 Safe maintenance
 Available adequate owners’ manuals and documentation (e.g., wiring diagrams, help facilities, and videos showing how to perform minor

 Reliable products are always available when you need them, and you can depend on them to work properly.
Reliability, as it relates to products, results from the interaction of multiple components in a system.
 Component reliability is defined as the propensity for a part to fail over a given time.

 System reliability refers to the probability that a system of components will perform the intended function over a
specified product life.
 It is important to recognize the difference between component reliability and system reliability. The levels of
measurement are different for system and component reliability. When we talk of component reliability, we refer
to a finite aspect of the overall product. System reliability is computed from the aggregation of multiple
 failure modes and effects analysis

 systematically considers each component of a system—identifying, analyzing, and documenting the

possible failure modes within that system and the effects of each failure on the system.
 It is a bottom-up analysis beginning at the lowest
 level of detail to which the system is designed and works upward
 Some benefits that can be derived through the use of FMEA include:
1. Improvement of the safety, quality, and reliability of products
2. Improvement of a company’s image and its competitiveness
3. Increased satisfaction from a user standpoint
4. Reduction in product development cost
5. Record of actions taken to reduce a product risk
 There are five basic areas in which FMEA can be applied: concept, process, design, service, and equipment.

 Concept. FMEA is used to analyze a system or its subsystems in the conception of the design.

 Process. FMEA is applied to analyze the assembly and manufacturing processes.

 Design. FMEA is used for analysis of products before mass production of the product starts.

 Service. With respect to services, FMEA is used to test industry processes for failure prior to their release to
 Equipment. A company can also use FMEA to analyze equipment before the final purchase.

 analytical tool that graphically renders the combinations of faults that lead to system failure. This technique is
useful for describing and assessing the events within a system. Such events can be either normal or abnormal, but
it is their sequence and combination that are important

 extensive but simple method for identifying ways in which an engineered system could fail. As with FMEA,
failures, effects, and causes are identified. FMECA rates failure modes by ranking each possible mode according
to both the probabilities of its occurrence and the severity of its effects. The primary goal of FMECA is to develop
priorities for corrective action based on estimated risk. FMECA is used to analyze a probable cause of a product
failure, to determine how the problem affects a customer, to identify the probable manufacturing or assembly
processes responsible, to identify which process control variable to focus on for prevention detection, and to
quantify the effects on the customer.
 Criticality in FMECA is important because it prioritizes how the design team should be spending its resources

1. A description of the product’s function

2. Listings of the potential failure modes
3. Potential effects each failure mode could have on the end user
4. Potential causes of each failure mode with the likelihood ranking for each
5. Preventive measures in place for firmly scheduling by the time production starts
6. Ranking of the effectiveness of each preventive measure
7. A ranking of the difficulty of detection
8. An estimate of the probability that the cause of a potential failure will be detected and corrected before the product
reaches the end user

 Although FMEA and FTA help predict where defects will occur and what their effects will be, unforeseen defects
occur from time to time that can result in dangerous and costly results that can subject the firm to liability
 Product traceability and recall procedures are important aspects of product design. Because companies are liable
for the products they create, it is important to be able to identify the origins of defective products or components
through product traceability procedures.
 A major goal of product traceability and recall procedures is to be able to trace products with a minimum of cost.
Product traceability also helps limit product liability relating to safety hazards.

 society demands much more from product

designers than just high-quality products. Many
manufacturers have turned to a more
environmental form of manufacturing that offers
positive returns on investment. Many companies,
such as Siemens, Caterpillar, Xerox, Hewlett
Packard, and others, are using environmentally
friendly forms of manufacturing
 green manufacturing began in Germany with
requirements for importers to remove packaging
materials. Using a life-cycle approach to product
design causes designers to focus not only on
incoming materials, manufacturing processes, and
customer use but also on the eventual disposal of
the product. This life-cycle approach has led to
practices known as design for reuse, design for
disassembly, and design for remanufacture
THANK YOU Farah Syazreena Azmi
[email protected]


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