Dating Rich Men

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Dating Rich Men

Hypergamy is not a bad word!

 Some women feel guilty about wanting to date wealthy men. But those wealthy men must marry
someone eventually. Why not let that someone be you?
 You deserve to have the best in every area of your life. That includes your career, social life and
romantic life
 Rich people don't feel dirty about teaching their daughters to practice hypergamy. Their
daughters aren't told that they are golddiggers, even if they are living of their parents money and
using their parents connections to meet other wealthy people.
 I once heard a man say that if he was a woman, he'd be rich. He's not the first man to say this.
Men know the power that women hold. You could literally become rich just because you're a
Identify Rich Men:
 Avoid men who are overly flashy in the photos. They likely aren't very rich at all and are in debt.
 Avoid men who have high end designer logos all over the jacket or shirt.
 Look for men who are properly fitted suits or business casual outfit outfits in the photos. As they
are likely businessman of some sort.
 Don't discount men wear dress down. I know plenty of millionaires and wealthy men who wear
jeans and a T-shirt.
 Just check to see if he is well groomed at the very least. Does he take care of his hair? Does his
clothes at least fit him right?
 Many truly wealthy men, except for the nouveaux riche, don't want people to know they are rich
and don't want to attract the wrong people, so they purposely dress down.
Make affluent girlfriends

 The goal should be to build a network of classy, successful women are living the lifestyle that
you desire. At least one of them should be married, single and in a relationship
 Many successful men are going to trust the close friend for recommendations on the great girl,
instead of trying to approach random women in public or going online
 If they're getting married sometime soon, and you are invited to the wedding many of his and her
male friends will be there, and they are most likely is just as successful as your friend and her
 Meghan Markle didn't stumble upon prince harry by accident, she was introduced to him by a
 It is also important that you become the woman that other classy, successful women want to be
around. The relationship shouldn't be one-sided in value you should offer them value as well.
 You do have to carry yourself as a classy, successful lady would. You should have interesting
things going on in your life. This is another reason why I tell women to build a side income, even
if their goal is to meet a wealthy man who takes care of them.
 If you've upgraded your friends, you will be up and dating again in no time, because they can
introduce you to someone new.
 You should always be working on your network and your net worth. Think of all the rich people
who went bankrupt but remained fine because they had not only the knowledge but the network
of other successful people who could help them in someway.
"Your dresses should be tight enough to show you’re a woman and lose
enough to show you're a lady." - Edith Heard

 most men want something to fantasize about. If you're overly proactive, they have nothing to
daydream about.
 If you dress overly conservative or worse, if you dress masculine, then he won't want to fantasize
about you at all.
 It's easy to find a man but finding a good man of quality and requires you to do some upgrading
to yourself and your life.
 finding a good man is like finding a job good job, you don't stop improving yourself and looking
for one until you finally find it.
 Subscribe to magazines that wealthy people read in your town.
 Many magazines that are popular and lower income areas are filled with gossip and celebrity
topics because they know what people in these environments find entertaining.
 Magazines that I popular amongst wealthy people tend to be filled with very different topics.
Only accept expensive Dates!

GIF publié par beatchya

 Some men and women make the argument that if you meet online, the guy doesn't really know
yet and it may be a waste of money...but it's not a waste of money if you're selective about who
ask out on dates.
 If he is swiping right on every woman online, dating a new woman every week and taking none
of them seriously, then of course a coffee date with him best because he's not looking for a
serious relationship to begin with.
 Remember, men follow the standards that women set. Men wouldn't offer a coffee date when
Every woman said no to coffee dates.
 You should want to date a man who is generous towards you, loves to wine and dine you and
treats you the best.
Dating Etiquette:
 Keep phone calls very short during the beginning of the relationship I'm talking 5 to 10 minutes.
 If a man wants to know more about you and talk to you for hours he needs to take you out on a
proper date.
 If he hasn't asked you out with and text exchanges, start taking even longer to respond to his text
messages. I'm talking days.
 It is OK not to give an answer to a question that is too personal. Many women make the mistake
of feeling the need to give an answer to everything.
 But not a classy lady! If he asks you how many men you've slept with respond with "I'm a lady
and I would rather not discuss something so personal".
 Whenever man asks any other question that you deem to be too personal, just let him know that
you would rather not discuss it at the moment and change the subject
 Don't try to tell a ton of jokes, ask ton of questions or talk to much about yourself. All these are
signs that you were trying to impress him
 This doesn't mean that you should act shy and boring. Show that you were impressed when he
tells you about his accomplishments. men love feeling smart.
 The people who talk the least tend to be the most interesting. The people that let us do most of the
talking are usually the people we find to be good conversationalist, when in reality, they just
know how to keep you talking about yourself. Which most people enjoy doing.
 Only allow him to see you once per week until you become exclusive. Why? Because why
would he buy the whole package, when he can get it for free?
 If he already has full access to your time, and can see you whenever he would like anyway, what
incentive does he have to take things to the next level?
 A woman who is living her best life doesn't have time to go out with the guy multiple times per
week. She's not that easily obtainable.
 I don't care how much he begs you or tells you he enjoys being around you, always keep it once
per week. Men will always fast track a relationship and see you as much as possible in the
 And most of the time they will genuinely mean it. You are new to them so the excitement (and
let's be honest, the lust) makes them want to see you as much as they can. If you allow it, that
excitement will die out fast and quickly turn into boredom.
 Avoid serious topics like Marriage and starting a family. If he brings it up first then give them a
light answer for example: "I could see myself getting married to the right person", "I could see
myself having kids with the right man" etc.
How to get him to propose (or do anything else you want him to)

GIF publié par mclarenspuzzle

 I once had a man admit to putting off proposing to his girlfriend because he already knew she
would say yes. He said he thought no rush to propose because he knew she wasn't going
 Most guys are used to women constantly nagging them about marriage, so let them wonder why
you don't mention it at all. Be more mysterious than the rest.
 Many women make the mistake of nagging their partners in order to get what they want, yet this
technique only leads to the man resenting you.
 Now when I say ignore him, I'm not talking about doing the silent treatment. Not only does the
silent treatment create the opposite effect of what you want, but it's very immature.
 I once knew a woman who wanted to get married, but her boyfriend wasn't even bringing up
marriage. Of course she didn't nag him, as it would go against my advice. Instead she told him
she was taking a mini vacation to Europe and she didn't invite him.
 Prior to that, she was constantly staying busy and texting and calling him less. She "punished"
him by giving him less of her time. By the time she got back from her four-day trip, he asked her
for her hand in marriage
 When you show them that you care too much the chase is over.
 Men are used to being spoiled by women's emotions and over-affections. It's part of the reason
why the silent treatment doesn't work.
 When you are sitting right next to him being angry and silent as he tries to talk to you, it shows
that you truly do care too much and he knows it.
 If you truly didn't care you would have walked out and left along time ago are you would be too
busy to be sitting next to him and pouting.
 When you pull away from the relationship even just a bit he will notice. He will begin to worry
that you might leave or that you found someone better. He will feel losing you and he will do
anything to fix it.
 Now the catch is that if he isn't that into you, you will soon find out with this technique. So be
sure that you are ready to handle the truth.
 If you are following this rules, the wealthy man that you are seeing will have invested too much
time, money and energy into you, to want to lose you so quickly.
Don’t build with a Man!

GIF publié par lemonyandbeatrice

 When you help a man build his career from the bottom up, you represent what he can get
while he's on bottom. Which is why many men cheat or leave a woman altogether once he gets
on top and becomes successful.
 You want him to be doing well in his career before you except a proposal. This allows him to see
you as a woman that he got while on top.
 Keep them chasing you from the beginning. He will feel like you are still the prize to be won,
once he's on top, because he still hasn't fully "caught" you.
 And after that, the fact that you let him build his career alone without you helping him, he will
feel like he truly got to impress you.
 In the end men just like to feel as though they got the best women that they could while they are
successful. They don't want to feel like they've settled.
Source: „The seven rules of Dating Rich men - Learn How to Attract AND Marry The Rich Man
Who Will Love And Spoil You Forever“ By Grace Harper

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