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Flaresim Guide

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Simple Flare Stack Design (Pipe Tip)

Given Information

The following design data is available:

Fluid Material Hydrocarbon Vapour
Flow 100,000 lb/hr
Mol Wt. 46.1
Vapour Temp. 300 F
Heat of combustion 21,500 btu/lb
Heat Capacity ratio 1.1
Tip Diameter 18 in
Wind Velocity 20 mph

Modeling Start

 Fluid Tab:
Temperature = 300 F
Mole Weight = 46.1
LHV = 21500 btu/lb
Cp/Cv = 1.1

# Note that Flaresim requires the lower heating value for a fluid rather than
the higher, gross heating value.

 Tip Tab:
Tip type = Pipe Tip.
F Factor Method = Generic Pipe method.
Fluid Mass Flow Rate = 100,000 lb/hr.
Tip diameter or Mach number should be input.

#General pipe method is generally recommended for initial calculation to

predict F factor, i.e. the fraction of heat radiated by the flame
#Default Mach number at General pipe method is 0.45
#For clean burning, smokeless flares from well designed flare tips in good
condition, the High Efficiency method can be used. In practice this means
flares burning paraffinic hydrocarbons of low molecular weight fluid (<60) at
reasonable exit velocities (> 0.2 mach).
#For fluids other than paraffinic hydrocarbons vendor advice should be
sought. In the absence of advice, user specified F Factors of 0.3 to 0.4 are
generally reasonable.
 Environment Tab:
Wind speed = 20m/s (Default for offshore, normally extracted from flare
datasheet, for TPPI, 12m/s)
Wind Direction as 0 (i.e. North)
Temperature 59 F (Refer to BEDD or Flare Data Sheet, @Max?)
Humidity 10% (Refer to BEDD or Flare Data Sheet, @Dry)
User Transmissivity 1.0 with the Transmissivity Method set to “User
Checkbox “Include Solar Radiation”

# Note this transmissivity value of 1.0 is the most conservative option.

# Including solar radiation leads to a more conservative design and its
inclusion is recommended by API 521.

 Stack Tab:
Stack Angle = Vertical

# The Stack Length will be left unspecified to let Flaresim calculate it.

 Receptor Tab:
Add Receptor 1 = Distance Downwind from Stack to 0 ft and
Allowable Radiation for the point is 1500 btu/hr/ft2.
Add Receptor 2 = Distance as Northing as -150ft(downwind), Easting 0ft,
Elevation 30ft. and the radiation limit as 600 btu/hr/ft2.
 Calculations Tab:
Calculation Method =Mixed
the Flame Elements =25.

# the Mixed method is a compromise designed to give the best accuracy

for calculating radiation both close to and further away from the flame. As
such it is a good default method. 25 flame elements is usually sufficient to
calculate the flame shape with a reasonnable degree of accuracy.

 Finish button
Calculation Options 창으로 가서 flare Stack Height 계산 범위를 늘려줄 것.
Default as 100m Height
Then, “Click to Calculate”

Result View

 Grid 1 – Radiation tab

Select “Plot” in the Display drop down.
The radiation isopleths are displayed. @ Elevation = 0 m 에서의 Plan View
Graph 범위 조절하면 다시 Run 해야됨.
 Click Stack 1 in the Case Navigator view
Stack Height 계산 결과 확인 할 수 있음. 예제 결과는 247ft
 Click Receptor Summary View in the Case Navigator view
Receptor 위치에서의 Radiation 계산 결과 확인 할 수 있음.

3.2. Sonic Tip Design

Flare Height 와 Weight를 줄이고 싶을 때 -> Sonic Tip

The fluid data, environmental data and radiation limits are the same as for
Example 1.

Given Information : Same as above

The following design data is available:
Fluid Material Hydrocarbon Vapour
Flow 100,000 lb/hr
Mol Wt. 46.1
Vapour Temp. 300 F
Heat of combustion 21,500 btu/lb
Heat Capacity ratio 1.1
Tip Diameter 18 in
Wind Velocity 20 mph

Modeling Start

 Fluid Tab: same as above

 Environment Tab: same as above
 Receptor Tab: same as above
 Stack Tab: same as above
 Calculation Tab : same as above

 Tip Tab:
Tip View (Case Navigator view 에서 Click) 에서 추가
Name = “Sonic Tip”
Tip Type = Sonic
Number of Burners = 1
Seal Type = None
Fraction Heat Radiated Method (F Factor Method) = High Efficiency

Noise Input tab of Tip View (Case Navigator view 에서 Click)

Combustion Noise Method = Standard Reference.
Location & Dimensions tab of Tip View (Case Navigator view 에서 Click)
On Stack = Stack_1 (이미 만들어놨던거)
Length = 3.0ft (실제 Tip의 길이라서 PDS에 없음, Vendor DS 확인)
Angle to Horizontal = 90
Angle to North = 0
Exit Diameter = 18in (Tip Diameter 를 알 때 아님 Pipe model로 구해진 Tip
Riser Diameter = 18in
Contraction Coefficient = 1.0 (default)
Exit Loss Coefficient = 1.0 (default)
Roughness = 9.843e-4in (default)
Calc Burner Opening = Selected

Fluids tab of Tip View (Case Navigator view 에서 Click)

Fluid Name = Fluid 1 (이미 만들어놨던거)
Fluid Mass Flow = 100,000lb/hr
Tip diameter or Mach number should be input.
★Mach Number Limitation 확인 (Flare Datasheet)

In the Case Navigator, 아까 Pipe model의 Tip 1 은 Ignore 버튼 클릭

 Calculations Tab:
Calculation Method =Mixed
the Flame Elements =25.

# the Mixed method is a compromise designed to give the best accuracy

for calculating radiation both close to and further away from the flame. As
such it is a good default method. 25 flame elements is usually sufficient to
calculate the flame shape with a reasonnable degree of accuracy.

Result View

 Click Stack 1 in the Case Navigator view

Stack Height 계산 결과 확인 할 수 있음. 예제 결과는 68ft
 Click Receptor Summary View in the Case Navigator view
Receptor 위치에서의 Radiation 계산 결과 확인 할 수 있음.

# Print tool bar button 별도창으로 결과항목 체크해서 뽑을 수 있으며 이렇게

여러 파일을 열고 Print tool 이용해서 다수 modeling 결과 비교가능

# Pipe model vs Sonic Tip

Stack Height: 247 ft vs 68 ft
F factor: 0.35 vs 0.1
Flame Length: 173 ft vs 88 ft (by Mixed method)
Tip back pressure (Tip inlet pressure): 14.7 psi vs 26 psi (Tip Results section
of the reports find the tip back pressure i.e. tip inlet pressure.)

# Pipe flares exhibit relatively poor mixing of air with the flared fluid and as a
result the flame contains many partially combusted luminescent carbon particles
that give it an orange colour and a relatively high fraction of heat radiated. Sonic
flare tips are designed to maximise the mixing of air and the flared fluid and so
burn with a clearer flame with lower heat radiation.
# The fact that the sonic tip is operating at choked conditions means that the
pressure drop over this type of tip is much higher than for the pipe tip. Thus a
sonic tip can only be used if the resulting back pressure on the flare system is
not so high as to prevent safe relief of the gas.

3.3 Two Tip Design

Sonic tip 은 Height 줄여주고 다 좋은데 back pressure 가 너무 크다. 그래서

HP, LP 두개 tip으로 나누어 적용하기도 한다.
예제는 HP 로는 Sonic tip 하고 (허용되는 범위내) 남은 양은 LP – Pipe tip
으로 하기로 한다.

Modeling Start

앞선 Sonic tip file 에서,

Tip view In the Case Navigator view

 Tip Tab:
“Sonic Tip” –> Fluid tab = 90,000 lb/h.
“Tip 1” as (pipe tip) -> Fluid tab = 10,000 lb/h. & Ignore box 해제

Result View

 Click Stack View in the Case Navigator view

HP+LP two tip 결과는 96ft

#Tip View 에서 Pipe tip (Tip 1) 의 Fluid rate 을 조절하면서 Stack Height를
높이거나 낮출수 있다. 여전히 Sonic Tip 의 Back pressure 확인해야함
그 다음 Pipe tip을 조정한다.

Modeling Start

앞선 Sonic tip file 에서,

Tip view In the Case Navigator view

 Tip view for Pipe tip:

F factor as 0.38 (Load & velocity 줄어서 Tip efficiency도 줄어들음)
# For efficient operation the velocity should be 0.2 mach or higher.

On the Location & Dimensions tab, click the “Size Me” button.
the Mach number = 0.3
“Use Nominal Diam” =“No”
 Then,the tip size will be calculated as 4.6 in. (Diameter 계산용)

결과 확인 후,
“Use Nominal Diam” = “Yes”
an nominal diameter = 5 inch

+ Mach number 는 Tip dia 4.6 in 기준으로 남아있으니 5 in일떄 Mach

number 를 다시 계산적용하고 싶으면,
The Nominal Diameter drop down list and reselect 5 inch to update the
calculated Mach Number which will be 0.25 Mach.
This is acceptable (>2 Mach) so click the Ok button.
The tip size and riser diameter will automatically be updated to the new
selected diameter.

Result View

 Click Stack View in the Case Navigator view

LP의 Tip Diameter 조절하면 (as Exit Velocity 0.25 Mach)
HP+LP two tip 결과는 90ft

3.4 Working With Isopleths

In the Case Navigator view > Click Receptor Grid branch > Add new Receptor
Grid object.

Vertical Cross-Section View 만들기

Name = Helideck Elevation,
Orientation = Elevation-Northing,
Easting = 0ft,
Elevation Min = -100ft,
Elevation Max = 300ft,
Elevation Points = 41,
Northing Min = -500ft,
Northing Max = 300ft,
Northing Points = 41.
(Northing = Wind downwind)

Contour Details tab : 필요한 Radiation Level Check 하기

<TPPI Radiation>
1. Existing Flare Radiation 돌려서 계산된 Stack Size 비교하기
(4.73 Radiation level at grade receptor 0,0)
2. New Flare 의 Sonic velocity Limit 확인
3. HP (Sonic)/ LP (Sonic) 각각 Stack Length 계산하기
(4.73 Radiation level at EL. 3M, receptor 0,0)
Fraction Heat Radiated 결과값 확인 하고 Max 값 을 HP/LP Tip 적용
4. Tip data에서 각각의 Fluid, Stack Data 할당하기
5. Existing 을 Origin (0,0) 으로 하고, New Stack 위치를 N,E
설정하여 합치기

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