HW 3

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1. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet X is 19.6 m/s2 .

If an
object on the surface of this planet weighs 980. newtons, the mass of the
object is
A) 50.0 kg
C) 490. N
B) 100. kg
D) 908 N

2. A car moving at a speed of 8.0 meters per second enters a highway and
accelerates at 3.0 meters per second2 . How fast will the car be moving after
it has accelerated for 56 meters?
A) 24 m/s
C) 18 m/s
B) 20. m/s
D) 4.0 m/s

3. Three forces act on a box on an inclined plane as shown in the diagram

below. [Vectors are not drawn to scale.]

If the box is at rest, the net force acting on it is equal to

A) the weight
B) friction
C) the normal force
D) zero

4. Compared to 8 kilograms of feathers, 6 kilograms of lead has

A) less mass and less inertia
B) less mass and more inertia
C) more mass and less inertia
D) more mass and more inertia

5. Two forces are applied to a 2.0-kilogram block on a frictionless horizontal

surface, as shown in the diagram below.
The acceleration of the block is
A) 1.5 m/s2 to the right
B) 2.5 m/s2 to the left
C) 2.5 m/s2 to the right
D) 4.0 m/s2 to the left

6. If the sum of all the forces acting on a moving object is zero, the object will
A) slow down and stop
B) change the direction of its motion
C) accelerate uniformly
D) continue moving with constant velocity

7. In a baseball game, a batter hits a ball for a home run. Compared to the
magnitude of the force imparted to the ball, the magnitude of the force
imparted to the bat is
A) less
B) the same
C) greater

8. A 50-kilogram student, standing on the Earth, attracts the Earth with a force
closest to
A) 0 N
B) 50 N
C) 5 N
D) 500 N

9. In order to keep an object weighing 20 Newtons moving at constant speed

along a horizontal surface, a force of 10 Newtons is required. The force of
friction between the surface and the object is
A) 0 N
B) 10 N
C) 20 N
D) 30 N

10. What is the range of a projectile launched near Earth with an initial velocity of
27 m/s at an angle of 60 degrees? (rounded to the nearest meter)
A) 32
B) 64
C) 27
D) 58

11. Estimate the gravitational force between two sumo wrestlers, with masses
220 kg and 240 kg, when they are embraced and their centers are 1.2 m

12. Calculate the centripetal force on the end of a 150-m (radius) wind turbine
blade that is rotating at 0.7 rev/s. Assume the mass is 4 kg.

13. How much work does a supermarket checkout attendant do on a can of soup
he pushes 2.600 m horizontally with a force of 5.00 N?

14. A 5.0-kg body has three times the kinetic energy of an 8.0-kg body. Calculate
the ratio of the speeds of these bodies.

15. A mouse of mass 200 g falls 100 m down a vertical mine shaft and lands at
the bottom with a speed of 8.0 m/s. During its fall, how much work is done on
the mouse by air resistance?

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