Educ 5 Obe Syllabus (Assessment On Learning 1)
Educ 5 Obe Syllabus (Assessment On Learning 1)
Educ 5 Obe Syllabus (Assessment On Learning 1)
The Gani L. Abpi College, Incorporated formerly Central Maguindanao Institute aims for the development of a humane
School’s Mission: person with creative, critical mind and diversified skills adaptive to his environment, responsibly participative to the
well – being of the community where he belongs.
1. To produce graduates who are academically prepared.
2. To undertake research which would contribute to the socio – economic growth and development.
Objectives: 3. To develop student’s potential towards the realization of a self – actualized person.
4. To inculcate values of loyalty, honesty, commitment, dedication to service, integrity, self – reliance and love of
God and country.
1. Enhance manpower skills development in the field of various educational levels that will lead to self-reliance and
sufficiency among rural communities.
2. Educate individual that, steer Central Maguindanao’s political, economic, social and cultural development.
3. Improve the quality of life of the community and people through utilization of available resources and extension
delivery services.
4. Establish sustainable income generating projects.
5. Strengthen/establish linkages, networks and partnership among government line-agencies, and private
organizations at local, national and if possible as well as international level.
To achieve these goals, College Department intents to undertake the following programs:
a) Instruction b) Research c) Extensiond) Production
College Objectives: A four years degree program, which aims to prepare the graduates to teach in elementary school, English,
social studies, and mathematics. This program provides the student, with the necessary exposure that will
equip them to become teacher who are humane in attributes Godfearing, responsible, productive, effective,
loving, peaceful, caring, just and article thinking.
Instructor’s Information
Name: JOHN RAY D. GARCIA LPT/MAEd Eng. 09774282673
Email Consultation
[email protected] 54 hrs
Address: Hours:
Course Details
Course Code: EDUC 5 Descriptive Title: ASSESSMENT ON LEARNING 1
Pre – Course
Credit Units: 3 EDUC 4 TTH : 8:30AM-10:00AM
requisite: Schedule:
This course focuses on the principles, development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring,
monitoring and evaluating authentic learning and communicating its results. It emphasizes on how to assess process- and
Course product-oriented learning outcomes as well as affective learning. Pre-service teachers will experience how to design,
description: develop, select and use rubrics and other alternative assessment tools for performance-based and product-based
assessment. The course further addresses how to provide accurate and constructive feedback to improve instruction and
learner performance.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
1. Demonstrate understanding of the principles of high quality assessment in conceptualizing, organizing and using authentic
assessment techniques in various curriculum teaching areas;
2. Demonstrate skills in designing, developing and using learner-appropriate performance-based, product-based, and affective
assessment tools in monitoring and evaluating learner progress and achievement in various curriculum areas;
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to improve learner
4. Demonstrate familiarity with various strategies for communicating authentic learning results;
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of assessment data as feedback in teaching and learning practices and programs;
6. Demonstrate an understanding of how professional reflection on assessment feedback can be used to improve practice.
(with citations and OUTCOMES ACTIVITIES
Week 1-4 A.Unit 1 – Authentic At the end of the unit, the Insightful Prior Laptop Summative
Assessment in the preservice teacher (PST) can: Understanding. At the Internet quizzes
Classroom a. discuss the nature outset, pre-service teachers Connection Unit learning
A. High Quality and characteristics of name and/or present some Moodle log or reflective
Assessment in authentic assessment key words of relevance to the Hand-outs journal
Retrospect and related terms; topic. Preservice teachers Small group
1. Purpose b. differentiate will reflect on what they presentation of
2. Targets authentic currently think about a prior outputs.
3. Methods andtraditional topic, how it relates to a new Groups choose
4. Sampling assessment; topic, how they feel about it, an appropriate
5. Accuracy c. reflect on the and why this might be the graphic
importance case. Pre service teachers organizer to
B. What is andapplications of will be asked to predict what capture the
Authentic authentic assessment; they will learn about, how main idea of
Assessment? and they feel about that, and what authentic
1. Nature d. make connections how they expect to feel about assessment is,
2. Characteristics between the principles the experience of learning as well as,
3. Related terms of high quality about it. differences
assessment and the between
C. Why use development and use Case-based discussion. Pre- authentic and
authentic of authentic service teachers will be traditional
assessment? assessment provided with a real-world assessment.
1. Principles techniques and tools case to study (e.g. a news Group
2. Traditional within and across article, account of a decision members take
assessment vis-à teaching areas. or procedure, video, etc.). turns in
vis authentic Individually, or in small presenting
assessment groups, have pre-service components of
teachers analyze the case their outputs.
D. Developing using guidelines and a Process:
Authentic framework provided by the discussion of
Classroom professor. Pre-service concepts and
Assessments teachers may be asked to effective use of
1. A framework for present their analysis to the charts,
authentic class. Facilitate discussion diagrams,
Mini case
study. Pre-
teachers will
reading on
cases or
portraying use
or misuse of
The reflection
paper shall
highlight the
relationship of
principles of
high quality
assessment to
assessment in
contexts and
areas. Output:
paper with
summary of the
Week 5-8 B.Unit 2 – At the end of the unit, the Interactive instruction Laptop
Performance preservice teacher (PST) and facilitated discussion Internet Summative
Assessment can: using SOLO hexagons or Connection quizzes
A. What and SOLO maps. This will Moodle
why of a. design and develop introduce the pre-service Hand-outs Unit
performance performance tasks using teachers to the SOLO learning log
assessment the Goal, Role, Audience, model and provide them or reflective
1. Meaning and Situation, Products, a framework on journal
nature Standards (GRASPS) formulating and
- Purpose of model; developing constructively Performance
performance aligned outcomes, tasks Task and
assessment b. develop appropriate and indicators. (For more Rubric
- Types of assessment rubrics or information on SOLO development.
performance customize Taxonomy, refer to
tasks * Process- existing ones to fit the Supplementary Pre-service
based * Products- desired outcome; and Resources.) teachers will
based develop a
2. Principles of c. interpret performance Explicit instruction on performance
performance assessment data/ results the development of task and
assessment for monitoring and performance tasks and scoring
evaluating learner appropriate rubrics. rubric,
B. Developing achievement to improve containing
Performance learner performance appropriate
Tasks and inform instruction. weighted
1. Designing (indicators),
performance descriptors
tasks for
2. Goal, Role, n and
Audience, aligned
Situation, standards.
Products, Process:
Standards aligned and
(GRASPS) model: A objective
guide to developing statement of
authentic criteria
performance tasks
3. Differentiating
performance tasks
for diverse learners
task using
4. Scoring Rubrics
- Types
model and
- Components
- Development
ng rubric
- Interpretation
and utilization
Week 9-11 C.Unit 3 – Authentic Laptop Summative
Assessmentof the Literature review or Internet quizzes
Affective Domain At the end of the unit, the research report. Connection
A. Affective preservice teacher (PST) Moodle Unit
Targets can: Pre-service teachers will Hand-outs learning log
1. Attitudes a. select appropriately be asked to look for or reflective
2. Interests developed, high recent researches on the journal
3. Motivation quality affective various affective targets
4. Values assessment tools; as well as researches on Poster
5. Self-concept the selection, presentation
6. Locus of control b. use target- and development, utilization . Pre-service
7. Self-efficacy learner appropriate and interpretation of teachers in
8. Anxiety affective assessment affective assessment small
9. Creativity methods and tools; methods and tools in the groups will
10. Epistemological and context of teaching succinctly
beliefs and/or learning. and
c.interpret Research shall be effectively
B. Appropriate performance summarized in terms of communicat
methods assessment data/ the Problem, Theories, e their
1. Types results for monitoring Methodology, Findings research
2. Selection and evaluating learner and Discussion of output
3. Development achievement to Results. selection,
4. Interpretation improve learner development
and utilization performance and , utilization
inform instruction. and
n of affective
s using a
of text,
graphs and
C. Other
Affective Process:
Measures and assessment
Assessments of content
1. Non-test and delivery
Indicators using
2. Transversal rubrics
Competencies Outputs:
3. 21st Century Poster,
Skills annotated
collection of
samples of
Week 12- D.Unit 4 – Laptop
16 Communicating Internet Summative
Authentic Connection quizzes
Assessment Moodle
Results Jigsaw collaborative Hand-outs Unit
A. Effective information sharing. Pre- learning log
Communication At the end of the unit, the service teachers are or reflective
1. What to preservice teacher (PST) can: organized into small journal
communicate a. design and develop groups, and each one is
2. Why portfolios for provided with one of the Portfolio
communicate authentic assessment smaller parts of development
3. How to of learning outcomes; information. Pre-service . Pre service
communicate teachers work together to teachers will
- Managing b. report, punctually understand the design and
message quality and accurately, information they are develop
ntents and
teachers will
simulate a
focused on
Week 17- E.Unit 5 –Assessment At the end of the unit, the Colloquium with resource Laptop Summative
18 of One’s Teaching preservice teacher (PST) can: person from the field. A basic Internet quizzes
Practice a.demonstrate education master teacher, a Connection
A.Reflective reflective school head or a colleague may Moodle Unit
Practice Using selfassessment, using be invited to give a first-hand Hand-outs learning log
Learner learner assessment account on the principles and or reflective
Attainment data and other actual conduct of reflection journal.
Data reflection aids, for about teaching practice and
1. Learners’ test purposes of adjusting professional development based Written
scores one’s teaching on assessment feedback. narrative.
2. Learners’ non- practices and for Pre-service
test data and other purposes of growing in teachers will
information the profession be asked to
(advancing in the write a
B.Reflective career stage); narrative on
Practice b.explain how what
Through professional reflection transpired
Performance and learning can be in the
Evaluation used to improve colloquium
1. Students as teaching practice. capped with
Evaluators insights on
2. Peers as the different
Evaluators purposes of
3. Supervisors as
Brief written
Total hours:54 hrs
Course Requirements
Each student is required to:
1. • Major Exams
2. • Summative quizzes
3. • Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment
4. • End of course learning log (reflective journal) and portfolio
Grading System
Written Tasks ----- 20% Attendance ---- 5%
includes: Behaviour ---- 10%
Quizzes Prelim Examination ---- 10%
Assignments Midterm Examination ---- 10%
Term Paper
Seatwork Semi – Final Examination ---- 10%
Compilation Final Examination ---- 10%
Performance Tasks ----- 25%
Total: 100%
Class Participation
Oral presentation
Creative Performance