YASH Refelective Paper

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Our outcome was well derived by primary research and analysis. We were looking forward to
spreading awareness about mental health and intoxication in teenagers. I found this topic very
intriguing and wanted to give my best. I was satisfied with our outcome at the end, we were able
to inform our audience and engaged our social media audience with constant updates about the
topic until our final video was ready. Our video consisted of interviews with educators and all the
content was based upon the primary research that we derived by interviewing our school
counselors and other educators. However, I was introduced to my team later when all the
research was already conducted and hence it took several weeks for my teammates and myself
to engage and collaborate with them. Even Though, we had a limitation, my teammates were
very friendly and knew me as we were classmates, they always motivated me to share my
opinions and allowed me to present my views regarding the outcome. Personally, the outcome
was improved after several drafts by evaluations and the suggestion of our teachers.

I contributed to my team by editing the video with my other teammate Manyata, I helped her in
converting the video formats and improving the video quality. She encouraged me to give
suggestions regarding the video ideas throughout the editing process. We both handled the
technical part of our outcome whereas Nitya and Shriyans did all the research and framed the
text content of the video. I was well versed with editing and had professional experience which
contributed to the quality of the video. Moreover, I have a very open-minded approach towards
other opinions and ideas which allows our team to have healthy discussions and various
approaches towards an issue. We researched the topic by interviewing our school counselors
and learning about the issue from a base level. In addition, we also interviewed our educators
and a psychology student who gave us in-depth knowledge about the issue. Furthermore, we
read multiple research papers produced by universities. This was mainly done by Shriyans and
Nitya. It was difficult to manage the time at the beginning as I had other 5 subjects to tackle
however, my teammates understood my problem and helped me to schedule my timings, later I
was able to manage my time effectively and be productive whenever we had meetings. We all
had other external tuition, hence we had very limited time to give to our team component, but
we scheduled our meetings on weekends, and this helped in team building and allowed us to
work efficiently on our team project.

Personally, I think working in a team helped me to incorporate several skills such as effective
communication which I lacked priorly moreover, I learned how to present my opinions with
confidence and adapted collaborative skills along with enhancing my knowledge about the topic.
We all needed a period to adapt to each other's opinions and this was one of the main
challenges we faced but we overcame it by spending time with each other and learning about
our behaviors and this was helpful as we were communicating better and were not hesitant to
share ideas. At the start I was not engaging in discussion and was not indulging with my
teammates but all 3 of them gave me time to adjust and always encouraged me to open up
which I later did as the time passed and was more engrossed in the process compared to
We conducted extensive primary research and analysis for our project, which examined teens
awareness of intoxication and mental health issues. Our first objective was to bring these
important concerns to light. I was fascinated by the subject and, even though I joined the team
after the first round of study, I was excited to give it my all.

My peers and I had to work cooperatively for weeks to coordinate our efforts despite my late
introduction. However, my amiable teammates who were also classmates encouraged candid
conversation, which made it easy for us to exchange ideas. The outcome, enriched by reviews
and instructor suggestions, reflected our joint diligence.

My specific contribution involved video editing with Manyata, improving formats, and enhancing
quality. My professional editing experience helped improve the video quality, complementing the
comprehensive research conducted by Nitya and Shriyans, who framed the textual content. Our
diverse strengths, including my approach, fostered healthy discussions and innovative problem-

Navigating busy schedules and external commitments, we scheduled weekend meetings for
effective collaboration. Overcoming the initial challenge of adapting to differing opinions, our
team-building efforts proved successful. Personally, the experience enhanced my
communication skills, boosting confidence in sharing opinions and fostering cooperative spirit.
As we collectively faced challenges, I evolved into an engaged and contributing team member,
ultimately finding fulfillment in the project's impact.

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