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Paper – V

Science and Technology

I. The role and impact of Science and Technology
1. Classical and Emerging areas of Science & Technology: Value
addition by Science & Technology, Current Science & Technology
developments in India and importance of Science & Technology as
an engine for National Development; Industrial development &
Classical and Emerging areas of Science & Technology: Value
addition by Science & Technology, Current Science & Technology
developments in India and importance of Science & Technology as
an engine for National Development
1. What are the strategies of development, transfer and diffusion of
technology in our country?
2. Write a brief note on the following:
(a) Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
(b) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
3. Highlight the contributions made by Indian Nobel laureates in the
field of Science and Technology.
4. What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)? Narrate the critical
issues in execution of ERP Projects.
5. What is DNA Finger Printing? Explain how it is done. Write its
forensic applications
6. What do you know about the NeGP (National e-Governance Action
Plan) operating under the aegis of Digital India? Explain about the
role of any three of the following projects in this plan:
(a) Jan-Dhan Yojana
(b) Digital Locker
(c) National Digital Literacy Mission
(d) E-Bhasha, and
(e) BharatNeT (National Optical Fibre Network)
7. What are the types of Government interactions in e-Governance
in India?
8. Explain the background and salient features of "Pradhan Mantri
Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan".

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9. Critically evaluate the role of E – learning in bridging the rural,
urban educational gap.
2. National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time
to time: Technology missions - ICT: Basics in Computers, Robotics,
Nano technology and Communication.
National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time
to time: Technology missions

National Policy of Science & Technology: changes in Policy from time

to time: Technology missions
10. Explain the salient features of Indian Science, Technology and
Innovation Policy 2013
11. Discuss our national policy on generation and management of
intellectual property.
12. What is Intellectual Property? Explain with examples the
differences between copyrights, patents, and trademarks. What
are the rights an inventor has on his invention, and how are these
rights gained and enforced globally?
13. What is a patent? Give examples of patents. What is the difference
between process patents and product patents? How are GI tags
related to patents?
14. Discuss the various information technology applications with
special reference to rural India.
15. Discuss on
(a) Intellectual Property Rights.
(b) National Policy on Technology Missions.
16. Write on
(a) Communications and remote sensing
(b) Influence of Information Technology on Indian Rural Sector
17. Briefly state the salient features of the National Data Sharing and
Accessibility Policy, 2012 and its benefits?
18. Discuss our national policy on generation and management of
intellectual property
19. Illustrate the National Policy on Science and Technology.
20. Discuss the role of technology missions in Indian with a suitable

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21. What are Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)? Discuss IPRs and their
implications on forestry and allied sectors in India with suitable
22. Mention the main objectives of Science, Technology and
Innovation (STI) Policy, 2013 of India
ICT: Basics in Computers, Robotics, Nano technology and
23. Discuss the role of software development in the economic growth
of our country.
24. Discuss the various information technology applications with
special reference to rural India.
25. What is cloud computing? Explain briefly about AP Cloud Initiative?
Describe Fiber Grid Project of Andhra Pradesh
26. What do you understand by "Big Data"? Discuss India's initiatives
in this regard; name the challenges and constraints.
27. What is the UIDAI? How has this government body harnessed IT to
improve targeted delivery of government benefits (DBT)? How can
the Aadhaar Card help in financial transactions?
28. What is cybercrime? Describe with examples any two of the
following and explain how the government helps victims of
29. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Cyber bullying
(b) Cyber stalking
(c) Phishing
(d) Ransomware
30. What is Big data analytics? Explain its functions and applications?
31. What is meant by ICTs? Do ICTs enable break the existing social
structural barriers? Explain.
32. Write a short note on the following:-
(a) Broadband digital communication
(b) Fixed-Satellite Services (FSS)
(c) Local Area Network (LAN)
33. The Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to be the biggest
technological revolution. Examine its likely impact on India

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34. What is Digital Divide? Discuss the causes and impacts of digital
35. Do you agree with the view that digital revolution has
empowered the people at grass roots?
36. Through E-Governance, what are the various measures taken to
ensure 'Citizen-IT interface' in India.
37. Cutting-edge developments in nanotechnology offer new ways of
preventing and treating lifestyle diseases, including cancer.
38. Describe the characteristic of Nanomedicine.
39. Write about RailWire Wi-Fi and RailTel. Explain the significance of
RailWire Wi-Fi.
40. Describe the role of information technology on human health.
3. Space program in India and its applications with special reference
to industrial, agricultural and other rural development activities,
INSAT, IRS systems, EDUSAT and Chandrayaan-1 and future
programme .
41. What are the significant features of INSAT-3D?
42. Write an essay on Chandrayaan programme.
43. What are the salient features of IRS-P5?
44. Comment on "Chnadra Yaan" Programme.
45. Discuss two salient features of IRS- 5 Satellite.
46. Describe the MOM (Mars Orbiter Mission - Mangalyaan)
programme of India? What are its distinguishing features?
47. Explain the applications of Remote Sensing technology in
48. What is GPS? Explain the recent efforts made by India to create its
own GPS system.
49. What is the difference between GSLV and PSLV launch vehicles?
Examine the advantages of GSLV over PSLV.
50. Write short notes about the mission and contributions of any two
of these Institutions in Science/Technology in India.
51. Write a brief account of the history of ISRO. Name any three ISRO
centers and their location. Add a note about the Mangalyaan or
Chandrayaan missions of ISRO.

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52. To date, ISRO has launched over 100 satellites. Explain what are
GEO, LEO, MEO, and SSO. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer.
Add a note on GSLV and PLSV launches.
53. Write a short note on IRNSS 1G.
54. Give a detailed account on various satellites launched by ISRO.
55. Discuss the scientific significance of SAARC satellite or GSAT-9.
56. Gaganyan is widely regarded as a significant milestone in India's
Space Research Programme. How is it significant?
57. Discuss briefly about the engine that is expected to power ISRO's
major upcoming projects such as Unified Launch Vehicle and
Reusable Launch Vehicle.
58. What is INSAT programme? Explain the different satellites
launched under INSAT programme.
59. Distinguish between polar and equatorial orbits of artificial
satellites. Which of the above two orbits is suitable for a
(a) Geostationary satellite
(b) Satellite used for weather forecasting?
4. Application of Space Technology in India with references to
Education, Agriculture and Industry. Climatic change, Floods,
Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade Disaster Management
Application of Space Technology in India with references to
Education, Agriculture and Industry
60. Telangana has several Central Government Institutions suitable
for research funded by the Department of Science and
Technology. These include BITS, CCMB, CDFD, CRIDA, DRDO,
How should these institutions contribute towards education of
B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. students in TS?
61. Discuss the role of Science and Technology to help farmers in
boosting their productivity and income.
62. List out pros and cons of mobile communication among school
children and their education
63. Traditional methods of in-person education have been disrupted
by the Covid-19 pandemic. How can India's Space Program help in
restoring and expanding access to education in India?

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Climatic change, Floods, Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade
Disaster Management
64. What are the potential impacts of climate change in India?
(a) Illustrate the role of Indian Space Programmes on
(b) Rural India
(c) Natural Resources
65. Write on
(a) Disaster Management Programmes in India
(b) Mitigation methods to address Global warming
66. Write a short note on
(a) Mobile Satellite Services (MSS)
(b) Environmental monitoring
67. Distinguish between a Hazard and a Disaster? Narrate various
types of natural disasters, the coastal seashore areas are prone to?
68. Explain the details of Tsunami Warning System of India.
69. Discuss the common challenges in any disaster management plan
70. Write the main points of the agreement reached at United Nations
Climate Change Conference (COP 21) held at Paris in December,
2015. What was India's stand at the conference?
71. Why are urban floods a recurrent feature in India? Discuss the
main causes of urban floods and measures taken by the
Government(s) for urban flood control.
72. Critically examine how illegal mining of river sand in various parts
of India is affecting the ecology of rivers and lives of people in the
vicinity of these rivers.
5. Energy Resources: Energy demands, Indian energy scenario- hydel,
thermal and nuclear. Importance of renewable resources - Solar,
Wind, small/Mini/Micro hydel, Biomass, waste based, geothermal,
tidal & fuel cells. Energy security - Role of Science & Technology,
Biofuel cultivation and extraction
Energy Resources: Energy demands, Indian energy scenario- hydel,
thermal and nuclear
73. Discuss the need for a revamped energy policy to tackle the
problems of growing urbanization in India.
74. What are the challenges faced by energy sector in our country?

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75. Of late there is lot of public resistance towards the establishment
of coal based power plants. Comment.
76. Narrate Nuclear Power growth in India. Add a note on Nuclear Fuel
reserves in the country.
77. What is nuclear energy? At the end of 2019, seven nuclear reactors
were under construction in India, with a combined capacity of 5.4
GW. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear
energy in India? What is the NPT and how does this impact India
which is not a member of the NPT?
Importance of renewable resources - Solar, Wind, small/Mini/Micro
hydel, Biomass, waste based, geothermal, tidal & fuel cells.
78. Solar energy is claimed to be a panacea for growing energy
problems in the country. Comment.
79. What is the status of utilization of Solar energy in India and the
World? What are some factors hindering utilization of this green
energy source?
80. Deliberate on
(a) Wind power in India
(b) Biomass management in India
(c) Ocean energy
81. Discuss the reasons for the sparse use of renewable resources in
82. Discuss the scope of renewable energy in the scenario of energy
crisis? Give a detailed list of barriers to renewable energy?
83. What is "Clean Energy"? List the sources of clean energy and
explain how they work. Which of these sources can be used or are
already widely used in India?
84. Explain the factors that are critical to make Solar and Wind energy
a mainstream power source and thus contribute to the India's
energy security.
85. Explain the major drivers for development and deployment of new
and renewable energy in India.

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86. Write a note about Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
(JNNSM) and its objectives. What are the action plans taken by the
Government of India to reach its objectives? Give the details of
solar energy scenario of Karnataka.
87. What are renewable and non-renewable resources. How are they
depleted and protected.
Energy security - Role of Science & Technology, Biofuel cultivation
and extraction.
88. Discuss the need for a revamped energy policy to tackle the
problems of growing urbanization in India.
89. Write a short note on Shale Gas Revolution.
90. What are the differences between first, second and third
generations of biofuels? Why are first and second generation
biofuels seen as threat to food security? How do third generation
biofuels manage to address those problems?

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Paper – V
Science and Technology
II. Modern Trends in application of knowledge of Science
1. Crop Science in India; Characteristics of Plants - Crop plants, Forest
species, Medicinal Aromatic plants, Useful and Harmful plants and
utility for mankind.
Crop Science in India
1. In the light of agrarian distress, present a critical note on the role
of crop science research in India.
2. Explain the salient features of 'Intensive Agriculture Development
Programme' in India.
3. What is ICAR and IARI? Discuss the concept of smart Agriculture.
Also add a note on ODOP.
4. What are the outcomes of crop science research in India?
5. Explain National Bureau of Plant Generic Resources (NBPGR).
Characteristics of Plants - Crop plants, Forest species, Medicinal
Aromatic plants, Useful and Harmful plants and utility for mankind.

6. Write the general characteristics of terrestrial plants. Write about

the uses of plants to mankind.
7. What is taxonomy? Write a note on the different plant breeding
8. Write short notes on:
(a) Post Harvest Technology (PHT)
(b) Oilseeds Production Programme (OPP)
9. What are essential oils? Enumerate the important uses of essential
10. Give an account of the following:
(a) Autotrophic Vs. Heterotrophic plants
(b) Symbiosis
(c) What are Lichens? Write their economic importance.
11. Explain how insects are useful to human beings.
Write a short note on the following:
(a) Homeostatis
(b) Animal response to Osmotic conditions of the medium

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12. Describe the medicinal qualities of mushrooms.
13. Give an account on chemicals and drugs produced from animals.
14. Describe the role of fungi in medicine, agriculture and industry
15. What is a phytohormone? Mention different groups of
phytohormones with examples? Discuss the present scenario on
commercial use of hormones in artificial fruit ripening?
2. Concept of Biotechnology and application of genetic engineering
and Stem Cell Research. Biotechnology in Agriculture (bio-fertilizers,
bio - pesticides, bio- fuels, tissue culture, cloning) and Environment
(Biotechnology in Environmental cleanup process)
Concept of Biotechnology and application of genetic engineering
and Stem Cell Research
16. Define genetic engineering. Discuss the debates on genetically
modified food.
17. Write a critical essay on the use of animals in laboratories.
18. What is pharmacogenomics? Discuss the important applications of
biotechnology inhuman health.
19. What is a low volume, high value product in biotechnology?
20. Write about the definition, criteria, history and process of
domestication of some common animals by humans.
21. What is meant by genetically modified crops? Write their role in
agriculture with a note on the legitimate concerns about
transgenic agriculture.
22. Is there any difference between gene therapy, transgenic
organisms, and gene enhancement/genome editing? With
example, explain the ethical concerns in each of these
approaches? When can genome editing be considered ethical?
23. In October 2020, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to the
CRISPR technology. Explain how CRISPR functions in nature and
how it has been adapted for research and clinical applications
24. Mention the achievements of CSIR in the field of biotechnology.
25. What are Genetically Engineered (GE) crops? What are the goals of
Genetic Engineering (GE)? How are biotech crops and foods are
assured for safety?

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Biotechnology in Agriculture (bio-fertilizers, bio - pesticides, bio-
fuels, tissue culture, cloning) and Environment (Biotechnology in
Environmental cleanup process)
26. Define plant tissue culture. Explain the importance of tissue
culture in agriculture.
27. Write about the role of biotechnology in environmental clean-up
(a) Define biofertilizers. Give an account of technology involved
for the mass production of different biofertilizers, with their
(b) What is plant tissue culture? Write applications of tissue
culture in agriculture?
(c) What is 'Golden Rice'? Describe its advantages?
29. What are Bio fertilizers? Explain different types of bio fertilizers?
Write advantages of bio fertilizers?
30. What is bioremediation? Explain the different biotechnological
methods and approaches for the control of pollution in the
3. Food bio-technology, Food safety and Food quality standards, Food
Laws and Regulations. Recent trends in organic farming and farm
mechanization. Safe Drinking Water – Defluoridation and other
Food bio-technology, Food safety and Food quality standards, Food
Laws and Regulations.
31. What is fermentation? Describe the process of industrial
fermentation and explain its social and economic relevance.
32. Define fermentation. Discuss the general procedure for the
production of alcohol in the industry.
33. What is yeast fermentation? Explain industrial use of yeast in
making different products?
34. What is Lactic acid fermentation? Explain how different products
can be made by fermentation of milk?
35. Write a short note on
(a) Central Food Technological Research Institute.

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(b) Balanced diet
Recent trends in organic farming and farm mechanization
36. What is organic farming? How it is expected to solve the
problems/ill-effects of modern agriculture?
37. Differentiate between manures and fertilisers with suitable
examples and briefly describe the classification of nitrogenous
fertilisers based on the form of nitrogen present in N-fertilisers.
38. Explain the difference between vermicompost and vermiculture.
What are the limitations of upgrading vermiculture in India?
39. What is sericulture? Write a brief note about different silkworms
reared in India, nature of cocoons, geographical distribution and
their host plants.
40. Discuss the basis and justification required for suitability of a crop
and cropping pattern. List out the important economic character
of sheep breeds of Karnataka.
41. What is Blue Revolution? Discuss its features and outcome in
enhancement of food production?
42. Write about the development of Sericulture practice in Karnataka.

Safe Drinking Water – Defluorination and other Techniques

43. Describe the applications of science and technology in water
management with respect to agricultural sector.
44. Bring out various issues involved in the supply of drinking water in
India. Add a note on drinking water quality standards.
4. Microbial infections; Introduction to bacterial, viral, protozoal and
fungal infections. Basic knowledge of infections caused by different
groups of microorganisms- diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera,
tuberculosis, malaria, viral infections like HIV, encephalitis,
chikungunya, bird flu preventive measures during out breaks.
45. Present a note on the promotion of menstrual hygiene and its
relevance in social development.
46. What is meant by Vector-borne diseases? Write about the
epidemiology of malaria and malaria situation in India.
47. The 2020 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to
three scientists for their work on HCV. What do you know about

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this virus and the disease it causes? Is there any vaccine available
for this disease?
48. What is Covid-19 and how is it spread? How are immuno-dia
gnostic methods used in context of the Covid 19 pandemic?
49. Write about the causative agent for diarrhoea, its symptoms,
modes of infection and the required preventive measures by the
government during the outbreak.
50. Discuss in detail about HIV virus; also mention the symptoms
associated with the infection, preventive measures and diagnostic
test for disease confirmation.
51. Describe the causative agent for malaria, emphasize its life cycle in
different hosts and discuss the preventive measures for the
52. What are Vitamins? Give a detailed classification of vitamins
mentioning their functions and sources of availability?
53. Explain different patterns of disease outbreak with examples?
Differentiate between epidemic and endemic diseases?
54. What is the cause of Chikungunya? What are it's preventive
measures and treatment? Give a comparative note on
symptomology of Chikungunya and Dengue?
55. Write a brief note on aetiology, mode of spread, symptoms,
treatment and preventive measures of malarial parasite?
56. Explain the preventive measures to be taken to avoid common
57. Which hormone regulates blood glucose levels in the body and
how is it synthesized artificially?
58. Describe the major types of fungus that cause Mycoses in humans.
59. Describe the most common protozoan diseases, causative agents
and preventive measures.
60. Write short notes on the causes, treatment, and methods of
prevention of any 3 of the following diseases:
(a) Cholera
(b) Malaria
(c) Encephalitis
(d) Tuberculosis
(e) Avian flu.

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61. What are the symptoms of Dengue fever?
62. Why is Mosquito called the most dangerous species? Discuss
briefly with reference to various diseases it causes.
63. Discuss about the "Life style disorders" in human beings.
64. What are microorganisms and how are they classified? Give a
detailed note on harmful and useful aspects of microorganisms.
65. Write a note on HIV/AIDS and its control measures.
66. On World Tuberculosis Day, 24th March 2016, Bedaquiline-new
drug for Drug Resistant TB - was launched in India as part of the
national programme. Discuss.
67. Discuss the role of fungi in medicine, agriculture and industry.
68. In view of the Covid pandemic, what public health and community
medicine initiatives would you suggest for prioritisation?
69. Write a brief note on
(a) Chikungunya
(b) AIDS
5. Vaccines: Introduction to immunity, Fundamental concepts in
vaccination and traditional methods of vaccine production
(production of DPT and Rabies vaccine), Production of modern
vaccines (production of Hepatitis Vaccine).
Introduction to immunity
70. What is an antibody? Discuss the advancements in the field of
immunodiagnostics with suitable examples.
71. What are restriction Enzymes? Enlist any five restriction enzymes
with their source and recognition site?
72. Write about interferons, their applications and a general scheme
for the industrial production of interferons.
73. What are monoclonal antibodies? How are they useful in detecting
parasitic diseases?
74. What is Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)? Describe the
role of MHC classes.

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Fundamental concepts in vaccination and methods of vaccine

75. Write a note on the combination vaccines and controversies

associated with these vaccines it.
76. Explain the mechanism of action of vaccines. Give two examples
where vaccines have eradicated diseases in India. What do you
know about the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 and Mission
77. What are vaccines? Write the fundamental concept of vaccination
and list some of the compulsory vaccines for children.
78. Write about the different types of modern vaccines available
today. How are the modern vaccines better than the conventional
79. Define immunity. Discuss the concept of vaccination and explain
how the vaccine for OPT is produced conventionally.
80. What do you understand by a vaccine? Describe the journey of
development from conventional to modern day (Recombinant
81. What is immunisation? Briefly write the history of development of
82. Write a short note on
(a) Edible vaccines
(b) ELISA test
(c) Autoimmune diseases
83. Give a detailed note on 'Triple Vaccination'.
84. 'Biotechnological intervention has transformed the vaccination
technology' - Discuss.
85. What is recombinant DNA? Draw a schematic to show the process
of creating rDNA and explain the roles of restriction enzymes and
vectors in this process. Give an example of rDNA technology.
86. Explain the term recombinant DNA. Write a note on the
applications of recombinant DNA technology (RDT).

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Paper – V
Science & Technology and Data Interpretation
III. Data Interpretation and Problem Solving
1. Data Analysis – Analytical Interpretation of statistical Data, Study of
Graphs and Charts - Bar graphs, Line graphs and Pie- charts and
drawing conclusions.
1. In the table below, the working life of 225 electrical appliances are
given in hours. Find out the average and mode of the working life
of the appliances.
Working life in hours Number of appliances

0 – 20 10
20 – 40 35
40 – 60 52
60 – 80 61
80 – 100 38
100 – 120 39
Directions for question 2:
A class has three sections: A, B and C. In a mathematics test, these
sections have scores of 40, 44 and 50 respectively, corresponding
to 22,25 and 33 students.
(a) Compute the mean score for the entire class.
(b) If each student is given a grace of 5 marks, what will be the
changed mean score?
2. The details of ages of patients admitted in a hospital in a year is
given in the table below. Find out the mean and mode of the age
of the patients

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Age of Patients in years Number of Patients
5 – 15 6
15 – 25 11
25 – 35 21
35 – 45 23
45 – 55 14
55 – 65 5
3. Marks scored by 30 students are given below 41, 55, 48, 47, 53, 48,
33, 32, 42, 55, 44, 38, 60, 65, 71, 80, 41, 53, 47, 48, 55, 20, 31, 34, 42,
51, 35, 35, 26, 25
(a) Arrange the marks in Ascending order
(b) Arrange the marks as frequency table
(c) Convert the marks into a continuous series of a class-interval
of 10.
4. Write the mathematical properties of Arithmetic mean.
5. Marks obtained by students in Mathematics are given below in
terms of marks and frequency:
Marks obtained Frequency
30 – 35 5
35 – 40 10
40 – 45 15
45 – 50 30
50 – 55 5
55 – 60 5
Complete the "More than" table given below:
Marks No. of
obtained students
More than 30 (including 30)
More than 35 (including 35)
More than 40 (including 40)
More than 50 (including 50)
More than 60 (including 60)

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6. A supervisor claims the employee A is faster than employee B. The
average time that A needs for a transaction is 60 seconds with a
standard deviation of 3 seconds. The average time B needs for
transaction is 65 seconds with a standard deviation of 2 seconds.
Is the supervisor right?
7. Eleven friends in a team carried rupees 20,70,100,50,50,200,0,
730,120,120 and 190 as pocket money on a particular day.
(a) What is the median amount of money in the team?
(b) If the member with Rs. 20 had forgotten his purse, what
would have been the median?
8. Giving examples for related variables, explain the concept of
9. Compute the correlation co-efficient r, given the following data set:
x: 4 7 8 3 4
y: 50 80 60 30 50
Interpret the value of the co-efficient.
(a) Draw the less than cumulative frequency curve.
(b) Determine the median, lower quartile and upper quartile.
(c) For the data given below on related variables x and y
(d) draw a scatter diagram,
(e) compute the coefficient of correlation, and
(f) interpret clearly the results in (i) and (ii).
x: 110 100 140 120 80 90
y: 70 60 80 60 10 20
10. In a marriage hall, 120 marriages were held in a particular year.
The age distribution of the brides is as follows:
Age (year) Number of birdes
18 – 20 12
20 – 22 30
22 – 23 30
23 – 24 22
24 – 26 18
26 – 28 8

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(a) Draw the less than type of cumulative frequency curve.
(b) Find the median from the curve.
(c) Determine the maximum age among the youngest 30 % of the
11. For the data given below for two related variables X and Y,
(a) the coefficient of correlation
(b) the coefficient of determination
Interpret the results obtained.
x: 2 3 5 4 11 5
y: 20 25 34 30 40 31
12. Calculate the Pearson's coefficient of correlation and coefficient of
determination using the following bivariate data:
x: 5 9 13 17 21
y: 12 20 25 33 35
Also, interpret statistically the values of the two coefficients.
Bar Graph
13. The bar graph given below shows the sales of books (in thousand
numbers) from 6 branch of a Publishing Company during 2
consecutive years 2000 and 2001
Sales of Books (in thousand numbers) from Six Branches - B1, B2,
B3 B4, B5 and B6 of a Publishing Company in 2000 and 2001

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(a) What is the ratio of total sales of branch B2 for both years to
the total sales of branch B4 for both years.?
(b) Total sales of branch B6 for both the years is what % of the
total sales of branch B3 for both the years?
(c) What % of the average sales of branches B 1, B2 and B3 in
2001 is the average sales of branches B 1, B3 and 136 in 2000?
(d) What is the average sales of all the branches (in thousand
numbers) for the year 2000?
(e) What is the total sales of branches Bl, B3 and B5 together for
both the years (in thousand numbers)?
14. The bar graph given below shows the foreign exchange reserves
of a country (in million US) from 1991-1992 to 1998-1999.

(a) What was the percentage increase in the foreign exchange

reserves in 1997-98 over 1993-94?
(b) The foreign exchange reserves in 1996-97 were
approximately what percent of the average foreign exchange
reserves over the period under review? (1991-92 to 1998-99)
(c) For which year the percent increase in the foreign exchange
reserve over the previous year is the highest?

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15. Study the following table and answer the questions
The following table gives item wise expenditure details of a family
during the years 201 3-201 5. (Expenditure in 000)

(a) What is the percent increase in expenditure on Education

during 2013 to 2015?
(b) Considering the total expenditure for all the three years
together what s the percent expenditure on House rent?
(c) What is the total expenditure of Food in 2013. Clothing in 2014
and Miscellaneous in 2015?
(d) Whats the percentage of house rent in 2015 in the total
expenditure in 2014?
(e) Expenditure of clothing in 2014 is what percent less than the
Expenditure of Education 2013
16. The bars represent the number of male and female cell phone
users (on Y-axis) in a town in different age groups indicated (on X-
axis) in the bar chart. Each user has only one cell phone. The age
interval includes the number in the lower limit and below the
number in the upper limit. (For example: 15-20 means 15 years
and above to just less than 20 years).

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 103

Answer the following questions:
(a) What is the total number of cell phones?
(b) What percentage of the total cell phones are used by females?
(c) In which age group are females the largest proportion of cell
phone users?
(d) What is the difference in the percentage of female cell phone
users of age less than 40 years and those of 40 years of age
and above?
(e) From the given data can we determine the percentage of
people in the town who own cell phones? If your answer is yes,
determine it, and if your answer is no, explain why.
17. The bar graph given below shows the data of the production of
paper (in lakh tonnes) by 3 different companies X, Y and Z over the
Production of Paper (in lakh tonnes) by Three Companies X, Y and
Z over the Years

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 104

(a) For which of the following years, the % rise/fall in production
from the previous year is the maximum for company Y?
(b) What is the ratio of the average production of company X in
the period 1998 — 2000 to the average production of
company Y in the same period?
(c) The average production for 5 years was maximum for which
(d) In which year was the % of production of company Z to the
production of company Y the maximum?
(e) What is the % increase in the production of company Y from
1996 to 1999?
Line Graph
18. Study the following line graph and answer the questions:

(a) For which of the following pairs of years are the total exports
from the 3 companies together equal?
(b) Average annual exports during the given period for company
Y is approximately what percent of the average annual
exports for company Z?
(c) In which year was the difference between the exports from
companies X and Y the minimum?
(d) What was the difference between the average exports of the
3 companies in 1993 and the average exports in 1998?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 105

(e) In how many of the given years, were the exports from
company Z more than the average annual exports over the
given years?
19. The following line graph gives the ratio of the amount of imports
by a company to the amount of exports from that company over
the period from 1995 to 2001
Ratio of Value of Imports to Exports by a Company Over the Years

(a) If the imports in 1998 was 250 crores and the total exports in
the years 1998 and 1999 together was 500 crores, then what
was the imports in 1999?
(b) The imports were minimum proportionate to the exports of
the company in which of the years?
(c) What was the % increase in imports from 1997 to 1998? Is the
data sufficient to answer this question? If not, why?
(d) If the imports of the company in 1996 was 272 crores, what
was the exports from the company in 1996?
(e) In how many of the given years were the exports more than
the imports?
(f) The following pie-chart shows the % distribution of the
expenditure incurred in publishing a book. Study the pie-
chart and then answer the questions based on it

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 106

20. The number of people who have climbed Mount Everest as a
cumulative figure each year after 1953 (Prior to this, the
cumulative total was zero as none had climbed the Everest.) has
shown a pattern as shown in the graph below.

A famous doctor has attributed this to the overall fitness of the

youth all over the world after the year 1953. Offer your views over
the verdict of the doctor and your views on the graphical trend
noted above.
21. Annual GDP Growth Rate

India's GDP growth annual rate for the years July 2013 through July
2016 is shown in the above graph. Using this graph answer the
following questions:
(a) During which period the country has witnessed the lowest GDP
annual growth rate?
(b) Over these four years which period recorded highest GDP
growth rate?
(c) During which periods did the GDP crossed 7.5?
(d) Which period witnessed sharp downfall in GDP annual growth
(e) During which periods the GDP was below 7?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 107

22. Answer the following questions based on the below chart:

(a) If in 2003-2004, Product-A is 16 % more than the previous year,

what is its value in 2003-2004?
(b) What is the average annual growth rate of Product-B during
(c) If Product B in 2002-2003 is 19 % less than the Product-B in
2003-2004, what is its value?
(d) During which year is Product-A/Product-B, the maximum?
(e) If Product-B in 2002-2003 has increased by 60 % from 2000-
2001, what is the ratio of Product-B in 2000-2001 to Product-A
in 2001-2002?
Pie Chart:
23. Read the following pie chart and answer the questions
Pie-chart showing the sales of different cars


36° Others
18° BMW 99°
18° 45°
(a) If the number of Audi cars sold is 300. Then how many Maruti
and Tata cars together were sold?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 108

(b) Combination of which three cars (excluding others) that
contribute tomore than 50% of the tota sole?
(c) What is the sale between the sales of maruti and tata?
(d) If10% of the reserved for Maruti be distributed to Hyundai and
Tata in the ratio 2:1. then what will be the angle corresponding
to Hyundai in the new pie – chart?
(e) If the sale of Maruti is 5 times of that of Honda and the sale of
Honda is 2 times phat of Audi. then what will be the ratio
between the Maruti and Audi?
24. Various Expenditures (in percentage) Incurred in Publishing a

(a) If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay Rs.
30,600 as printing cost, then what will be the amount of royalty
to be paid for these books?
(b) What is the central angle of the sector corresponding to the
expenditure incurred on royalty?
(c) The price of the book is marked 20% above the C.P If the
marked price of the book is Rs. 180, then what is the cost of the
paper used in a single copy of the book?
(d) If 5500 copies are published and the ,transportation cost on
them amounts to Z 82,500, then What should be the selling
price of the book so that the publisher can earn a profit of 25%?
(e) By how much is the royalty on the book less than the printing

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 109

25. The following pie charts show the distribution of students of
graduate an post-graduate levels in seven different institutes in a
Distribution of students at graduate and post-graduate levels ir
seven institutes

(a) What is the total number of graduate and post-graduate level

students in institute R?
(b) What is the ratio between the number of students studying at
post-graduate and graduate levels respectively from institute
(c) How many students of institutes M and S are studying at
graduate level?
(d) What is the ratio between the number of students studying at
post-graduate level from institute S and the number of
students studying at graduate level from institute Q?
(e) What is the total number of students studying at post-
graduate level from institutes N and P?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 110

26. The following Pie diagram shows the monthly expenditure of a
family towards heads: Food ( A, Education (E), House Rent (A),
Savings (S) and Others ( M ).

Answer the following questions, using the above diagram.

(a) What percent of the monthly income is spent on Education?
(b) Which two heads consume 40 % of the income?
(c) Which two heads consume 45 % of the income?
(d) What percent of the monthly income is kept for Savings?
(e) What percent of monthly income is spent on Food
27. Given below is a pie diagram that represents data of 5,000
students of a university. The numbers in the circle are angles of
the respective sections of circle and the letters denote the
A: Undergraduate female students,
B: Undergraduate male students,
C: Mole research scholars,
D: Female research scholars,
E: Masters' female students.
F: Mosters' male students.

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 111

Answer the following questions:
(a) How many female students are enrolled in this university?
(b) What is the percentage of female research scholars among all
the research scholars?
(c) What percentage of mole students are undergraduate
(d) What is the number of female undergraduate students?
(e) What percentage of female students are not research scholars?
28. The following is the pie-chart showing the expenditure in the year
2005 of a family. If the total expenditure is 900 , then what is the
amount spent on food, rent, education and saving

29. The following is a pie-diagram representing the values of exports

of six commodities A, B, C, D, E & F in a country.

If the total value of exports is Rs. 9,600 crores, calculate the value
of export of the commodities A, B, C, D, E & F respectively.

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 112

30. Educational Levels in Two Cities X and Y

Answer the following questions based on the above chart:

(a) If there are 70 post graduates in City: X, what is the population
of City: X?
(b) What percent of the population in City: Y is at school level?
(c) If the ratio of the number of graduates in City: X to those in City:
Y is 0.45, what is City:Y 's population?
(d) What is the proportion of students at graduate and post
graduate level in cities X and Y taken together?
(e) Which educational level is the least in City: Y?
31. The population of a country in the year 2000 was estimated as 641
million and in 2010 the estimate was 705 million. Assume that the
population grows linearly with the time. Then
(a) What would be the estimate of population by 2020?
(b) What was the population estimate in 1990?
32. In a trip organised by a college there were 80 persons, each of
whom paid Rs. 15 . 50 on an average. There were 60 students, each
of who paid Rs. 16. Members of the teaching staff were charged at
a higher rate. The number of servants was 6 (ail males) and they
were not charged anything. The number of ladies was 20 % of the
total of which one was a lady staff member. Tabulate the above
information and fill the blanks in the table, if any.

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 113

33. What are the various parts of tabulation?
34. Mention any three diagrammatic representation of statistical data.
35. Explain the construction of histogram.
36. The population of a country was estimated to be 1.22 million in the
year 1989 and to be growing at the rate 3.4 % annually. Then
(a) If t=0 denotes 1989, find formula for the population at time t
(b) When will the population gets doubled?
37. Distinguish between:
(a) Bar diagram and Histogram
(b) Scatter diagram and Ogive curve
State how these diagrams are useful in data analysis.
38. Explain the construction and uses of the following diagrams:
(a) Histogram
(b) Pie-chart
39. The following values of related variables x and y are given:
x: 4 10 12 14 20
y: 6 16 40 42 46
(a) Compute Pearson Correlation Coefficient r and 100r2.
(b) Interpret statistically the values obtained in (i).
(c) If every value of x is doubled, what will be the new value of r?
Give reasons.
2. Problems based on Tabular and Diagrammatical Data - Problems
based on Probability Logical Reasoning, Analytical and Mental
Tabular Data:
40. The production (in lakhs of units) of three types of products A, B
and C during the years 2011 through 2015 by a company is
tabulated below. Assume that the costs of producing one unit of
each of the products A, B and C are respectively Rs.3, 5 and 4.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
A 50 35 60 50 70
B 45 50 45 55 80
C 35 60 55 60 50

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 114

Using the above table answer the following questions.
(a) During the five years, on which product the maximum
amount was spent?
(b) What was the total production cost of the product B during
the last three years?
(c) How much amount was spent on production of A and B
during the years 2011 and 2012?
(d) What percent of total units produced constitute the units A
(e) What parent of the total cost of production was spent on
production of B in all the five years put together?
41. Directions for question 41:
Brand Sales in Percentage change from
2002 earlier year
A 7.5 12%
B 10 3%
C 22 -5%
D 34 -10%
E 16 -20%
Answer the following questions based on the above table
(a) Sales of brand C in 2002 was what the percentage of 2001
(b) The ratio of sales of D in 2002 to E sales in 2002 is
(c) What is the proportion of sales of A, B and C to the total sales
of all brands in 2002?
(d) By how much have the sales of D and E together fallen in 2002
as compared to 2001?
(e) Which brand faced the maximum change in sales from 2001 to

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 115

42. Direction for question 42:
Following is the data on the monthly expenditure of a family: Draw
the pie diagram for the below data.
Item Percentage of total
Food 65
Clothing 10
Housing 12
Fuel & Lighting 5
Miscellaneous 8
(a) If the total monthly expenditure of the family is ₹ 25,000, then
find the expenditure on individual items.
(b) How much percentage more money is spent on Housing than
on Fuel & Lighting?
43. Three tests were conducted for five students during the year. The
class teacher calculated the averages of the marks obtained and
showed them to the Principal as assessment of performance. The
marks were as under:
Student Test I Test II Test III Average
A 55 60 65 60
B 65 60 55 60
C 40 40 70 50
D 80 40 30 50
E 55 56 55 55
The teacher told the Principal that A was GOOD, B was GOOD, C
was POOR, D was POOR and E was FAIR.
Give your assessment in your own words describing the
performance of each student and your recommendation to the

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 116

44. The sales of a TV Manufacturing Company are given below:

Month Last year This year

January 100 98

February 104 103

March 105 104

April 109 107

May 109 108

June 110 110

July 111 110

August 111 111

September 112 111

October 114 112

November 115 120

December 120 126

Average 110 110

From the above data. A concluded, "1 am worried. In each of the

first ten months this year. the sales have been lower than the

corresponding months last year. The increase in the last two

months is fortuitous."

B concluded. "I am happy. In both the years, sales have steadly

risen between January and December: this year even more than

the last year."

C concluded. "1 do not bother the average performance. This year

is no worse than last year."

What do you conclude and why?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 117

45. The statistics available with the police authorities about the state
of crime in an important city in India were as follows:
Crimes Year
1997 1998 1999 2000
Dacoities 8 39 50 23
Murders 110 102 105 119
Attempted Murders 150 114 196 167
Robberies 409 178 372 202
Riots 155 70 195 104
Snatching 199 141 197 112
Burglaries 2168 1458 1749 1532
The police authorities claim that crimes have come down in 2000
and the law and order position in the city is showing definite sign
of improvement.
Analyze the above data and state your comments.
46. Represent the following data showing the value of exports and
imports (in crores of rupees) by a graph:
Year 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Exports: 26 32 35 47 52 57

Imports: 35 40 48 50 50 52
Assuming the rate of growth of imports as well as exports to be
uniform during each five year period, find out the year after which
the balance of trade became favorable.
47. The following table shows the marks obtained by three students
A, B and C in an examination:
Students Maximum marks in each subject
600 700 900 600 1000
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
A 560 553 549 540 500
B 480 420 540 360 600
C 424 427 423 426 420

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 118

Determine which student have shown:
(a) most consistent performance and
(b) most inconsistent performance.
48. The following table shows the distribution of 50 companies
according to the percentage of dividend declared during 2009-10.
Distribution of companies by dividend percentage
Percentage of dividend Number of companies
Less than 10 5
10 – 14 6
15 – 19 16
20 – 24 13
25 – 29 4
30 – 34 5
35 – 39 1
Above 39 0
Determine the following:
(a) Percentage of companies with dividend below 20 %.
(b) Proportion of companies with dividend above 29 %.
(c) Number of companies with dividend between 15 % and 29 %.
(d) Number of companies with dividend not less than 20 %
49. Represent the following data in the form of a double chart and
comment on the same:
Amount (crores of rupees)
Year Imports Exports
2001 – 02 3600 3200
2002 – 03 9000 6600
2003 – 04 4800 3200
2004 – 05 11600 7100
50. The weekly section of a leading newspaper has published the
following data on the percentage of female participation in various
professions within a state.

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 119

Profession Percentage
Software Engineers 25 37
defense Services 5 10
Foreign Services 12 13
Journalists 16 28
Lawyers 28 32
Architects 4 13
Chartered Accountants 13 20
Psychotherapists 43 58
(a) Construct a suitable diagram for the given data.
(b) Name the two professions with a narrow rise and a steep rise
in female participation.
(c) Which two professions show the same decline in male
(d) A woman activist writes “……… at any given time women enjoy
maximum benefits provided they were in the minority
compared to the other professions." Elicit this information
from the available data.
51. Study the following table and answer the questions:
Number of candidates who appeared and qualified in a
competitive examination from different states over the years
Item of Expenditure

State 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

App. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual. App. Qual.

M 5200 720 8500 980 7400 850 6800 775 9500 112 5

N 7500 840 9200 1050 8450 920 9200 980 8800 10 20

P 6400 780 8800 1020 7800 890 8750 1010 9750 1 250

Q 8100 980 9500 1240 8700 980 9700 1200 8950 9 95

R 7800 870 7600 940 9800 1350 7600 945 7990 88 5

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 120

(a) Total number of candidates qualified from all the states
together in 1997 is approximately what % of the total number
of candidates qualified from all the states together in 1998?
(b) What is the average of candidates who appeared from state
Q during the given years?
(c) In which of the given years the number of candidates who
appeared from state P has maximum % of qualified
(d) What is the % of candidates qualified from state N for all the
years together, over the candidates appeared from state N
during all the years together?
(e) What is the % of total number of qualified candidates to the
total number of appeared candidates among all the 5 states
in 1999?
52. Given below is data from the 2011 Census of India on number of
Total population 1,21,05,69,573
Males 62,31,21,843
Females 58,74,47,730
Total workers in India 48,17,43,311
Male workers in India 33,18,65,930
Female workers in India 14,98,77,381
Total workers in Andhra 3,94,22,906
Male workers in Andhra 2,41,85,595
Female workers in 1,52,37,311
Andhra Pradesh
Answer the following questions:
(a) What percentage of the population of India are females?
(b) What percentage of workers in the entire country are females?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 121

(c) What is the proportion of female workers among all workers
in the State of Andhra Pradesh?
(d) Among the female workers in the country, what percent of
them are from Andhra Pradesh?
(e) Among the male workers in the country, what percent of them
are from Andhra Pradesh?
53. Given below is data of percentages of cultivators and agricultural
labourers in the total work force in India and in Andhra Pradesh
from the 2011 Census of India.
Gender Total workers Cultivators Agricultural
Male 33,18,65,930 24.92% 18.56%
Female 14,98,77,181 24.01% 55.21%

Gender Total workers Percentage Percentage of
of Cultivators Agricultural
Male 2,41,85,595 18.02% 33.62%
Female 1,52,37,311 14.01% 58%
Answer the following questions:
(a) What is the number of female agricultural labourers in the
whole country and in Andhra Pradesh?
(b) What is the number of male cultivators in the whole country
and in Andhra Pradesh?
(c) Among all the female cultivators in the country, what percent
are from Andhra Pradesh?
(d) Among all the male agricultural labourers in the country, what
percent are frons Andhra Pradesh?
(e) How many workers in India are not in the profession of
cultivators or agricultural labourers?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 122

54. Given below are details of milk produced (in million tons) and
number of eggs (in millions) during the years 2004-05 to 2013-14
in India.
Years Milk Eggs
2004 – 05 92.5 45201
2005 – 06 37.1 46235
2006 – 07 102.6 50663
2007 – 08 107.99 53583
2008 – 09 112.2 55562
2009 – 10 116.6 60267
2010 – 11 121.8 63024
2011 – 12 127.9 66450
2012 – 13 132.4 69731
2013 – 14 137.7 74752
Answer the following questions:
(a) What is the average milk production per annum based on the
given data?
(b) Find out the rate of increase in milk production from 2006-07
to 2007 - 08 and similarly from 2010 - 11 to 2011 - 12. In which
period is the rate of increase more?
(c) Find out the rate of increase in egg production from 2006-07
to 2007 - 08 and similarly from 2010 - 11 to 2011 - 12. In which
period is the rate of increase more?
(d) Between milk and eggs, which commodity showed higher rate
of increase in production in the period from 2004 - 05 to 2013-
(e) In which years is the production of eggs less than the average
of the production for all the years?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 123

55. The table below gives the quantity of rice, wheat, millet and pulses
produced in million tons in India.
Year Rice Wheat Millets Pulses

2010 – 11 96 86.9 43.4 18.2

2011 – 12 105.3 94.9 42 17.1

2012 – 13 105.2 93.5 40 18.3

2013 – 14 106.7 95.9 43.3 19.3

Answer the following questions:

(a) Which crops showed increase in production for 2011 - 12
compared to the previous year?
(b) For which crop was the rate of increase in production the
highest during 2012-13 to 2013-14?
(c) Between which two consecutive years was the rate of increase
in rice production the least?
(d) Between which two consecutive years was the rate of increase
in production of pulses the highest?
(e) What are the percentage increases or decreases in the
production of the 4 crops from 2010-11 to 2013-14 in case of
each crop?
56. The table given below shows the distribution of the life-time of 400
electric tubes:
Life – time (hours) No. of tubes

300 – 399 14
400 – 499 46
500 – 599 58
600 – 699 76
700 – 799 68
800 – 899 62
900 – 999 48
100 – 1099 22
1100 – 1199 6

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 124

Find the percentage of tubes whose life-time is
(a) at the most 599 hours.
(b) at least 600 hours but not more than 999 hours.
(c) less than 700 hours or more than 1099 hours.
(d) more than 1200 hours.
57. llustrate, by a suitable diagram, the following data on the
expenditure of a typical middle class household:
Item Percentage of Total Expenditure

Food 50
Clothing 15
Housing 15
Fuel and Light 7
Education 8
Miscellaneous 5
In the set-up of given above, find out the actual expenditures, if
the total expenditure is Rs. 12,000.
58. Following data relate to the amount spent on import and export
by a country for the period from 1991 to 1998:
Year Import (in crores of Rs) Export (in crores of Rs)
1991 28.3 42.8
1992 34.7 51.3
1993 62.9 70.4
1994 95.1 82.4
1995 78.4 65.7
1996 85.3 93.8
1997 92.5 112.4
1998 107.4 128.5
Plot a time-series graph to the above data and comment on your

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 125

59. The amount of income-tax paid by a sample 125 employees of a
company is summarized in the following frequency distribution:
Income tax paid (in 00’s) No. of employees
0–5 12
5 – 10 29
10 – 15 36
15 – 20 23
20 – 25 11
25 – 30 8
30 – 35 4
35 – 40 2

Logical (Verbal) Reasoning:

60. Odometer is to Mileage as Compass is to ___
61. Marathon is to Race as Hibernation is to ____
62. Window is to Pane as Book is to ____
63. CEH : IKN : : OQT :?
64. FHK: LNQ : : RTW:?
Logical Alphabet & Number Sequence Test:
65. In English alphabet, if every vowel is replaced by its succeeding
letter and every consonant is replaced by its preceding letter, then
what is the code for 'SUCCESSFUL'?
Coding & Decoding:
66. In a certain code language 'HYDERABAD' is coded as 'FEZISBCBE'.
In the same code language, which word is coded as
67. In a certain code language 'RECRUTTMENT' is coded as
'UOFNUITQBDQ'. In the same code language, which word is coded

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 126

68. If orange is called blue, blue is called red, red is called white, white
is called pink and pink is called green, then what is the colour of
human blood?
69. If LADY is coded as B6A1B2A13 then find the code of INDIA.
70. If THURSDAY is coded as VJWTUFCA then decode JQPGUVA.
71. AODR is the code for ROAD, then the code of HUMANITY is
72. If MANGO = 20 and PINEAPPLE = 44, then what is the value of
73. In a certain code language CRAZY is ETCBA. How should we write
DRAGON in this code language?
74. If KEDGY is coded as EKDYG then how will LIGHT be coded?
75. If RAVE is coded as SXWB then how will SCAW be coded?
76. If PURSER is coded as UPSRRE then how will PERIODIC be coded?
77. If STRAY is coded as TUSBZ then how will MOURN be coded?
78. If BINARY is coded as DHPZTX then how will KIDNAP be coded?
79. If RASCAL is coded as QZRBZK then how will SOLDER be coded?
80. If MAPLE is coded as VOKZN then how will CAMEL be coded?
81. In a certain code APPLE is coded as ZKKOV. Then what is the code
word for CODE in the same code?
82. If BUTTER is coded as 123345, then what is the code word for
83. If, in a code, AXIS is coded as 02250920 then what is the code word
for AGENT?
84. If, in a code, WLSFD is the code word for ALERT, then which word
is coded as LOJTSE?
85. In a certain code, TEACHER is coded as GVZXSVI. In the same code,
what is the code word for STUDENT?
86. In a certain code WHALE is coded as 2308011205. In the same code
language what is the code word HIPPO?
87. If CORNER is coded as HTWSJW then what is the code word for

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 127

88. If the RAM is coded as IZN then which word is coded as GLOO?
89. If LIGHT is coded as 34567 then which word is coded as 74567?
90. If the words VAST, COST are coded as T0119V, T1519C respectively
then which word is coded as E 15 18 M?
91. If 96534 is 56430 , what is 827189?
Inserting the Missing Character:
92. Find the missing character in the figure below.

93. Find the missing character in the figure below.

94. Find the missing character in the figure below.

Ranking & Time Sequence Test:

95. In a class of 40 students, Shyamala's rank is eighth from the top.
Suman is five ranks below Shyamala. Sunil's rank is 20 from the
bottom. How many students are present between Sunil and
96. In a row there are 29 boys. Ramu's position is 13th from left.
Krishna is seven places away towards right of Ramu. Ramu is
present three places away to the left of Shiva. What is the position
of Shiva from right side of the row?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 128

Mathematical Operations & Inequalities:
97. If '+' means division, '-' means addition, " + 'means multiplication
and ' x ' means subtraction, then what should come in the place of
question mark?
132 + 12 – 150 + 6 x (36 + 6) + 5 = ?
98. If "+" means division, "-“ means addition, "+" means multiplication
and " x " means subtraction, then what should come in the place
of question mark?
157 x 36 – 54 + 9 x 15 – 9 + = ?
99. If L  B  P = R  Z  F is true, then what is the relation between L
and F?
100. If Q  T = M  A  D = H  K is true, then what is the relation
between A and Q?
Venn Diagrams:
101. Read the paragraph thoroughly and answer the following
There are 250 students in a college, of which 50 students study only
Computers, 60 students study only Mathematics and the total
number of students studying Chemistry is 97.20 students only
study Mathematics and Computers together. 15 students study
Computers as well as Chemistry. 23 students study none of these
three subjects. The total number of students studying Mathematics
is 102. Ten students study all the three subjects.
(a) How many students are studying Computers?
(b) How many students are studying only two subjects among
Computers, Mathematics and Chemistry?
(c) How many students are studying cither Chemistry or
(d) How many students are studying exactly one subject?
(e) Number of students studying only Mathematics is what
percent of number of students studying exactly one subject?

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102. A survey conducted, on 100 students in a college on their playing
habits, revealed the following information:
41 students play Cricket (C),
35 play Football (A),
24 play Hockey (H)
10 play both C and F
8 play both F and H,
9 play both Hand C
and 18 play exactly any two of the three games.
(a) How many students play all the three games
(b) How many play more of these games?
103. Readership survey conducted on 1000 persons with regard to
English dailies I, D and T is given below:
515 persons read l,
345 read D,
310 read T,
55 read I and D
50 read D and T
70 read T and I
and 10 read all the three.
Can you find any fault with the survey? If so, why?
104. Ashok could solve 12 problems in an assignment while Bharat
could solve 10. Both of then solved 6 problems, while neither of
then could solve 6 of then. In total, how many problems were there
in the assignment?
105. Which of the following Venn diagrams best represents the
statement, "In a village all the people speak Telugu. Sone of them
can speak Hindi, and some can speak English, but none of those
who can speak English can speak Hindi"?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 130

106. The sum of numbers on opposite faces of a dice add to 7. What are
the numbers on the other 4 visible faces, if the dice lands in a way
that the number facing up is 4?
107. In a city, three daily newspapers A, B and C are published. 42 % of
the people in the city read A: 51 % read B ; 68 % read C: 30 % read
A and B: 28 % read B and C: 36 % read A and C: 8 % do not read
any of these newspapers. Find the percentage of persons who
read all the three papers.
108. In a class, 56 students offered Physics, 32 students took Chemistry
and 44 students took Mathematics. Of these 21 took both
Chemistry and Mathematics, 19 took both Chemistry and Physics
and 12 took both Physics and Mathematics. If 8 students offered
all the three subjects, find the total number of students in the class.
Blood Relations:
109. If A + B means A is the mother of B; A — B means A is the brother
of B; A ÷ B means A is the father of B and A x B means A is the sister
of B, how do you encode "P is the maternal uncle of Q"?
110. B5D means B is the father of D.
B9D means B is the sister of D.
B4D means B is the brother of D.
B3D means B is the wife of D.
How do you represent, "F is the mother of K"?
Clocks & Calendars:
111. At what time between 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock will the minute hand
and the hour hand be perpendicular to each other?
112. An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how
many degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2
o'clock in the afternoon?
113. What is the reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10-25?
114. Find the day on 24th May, 1984.

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115. Find the day on 23rd May 1957.
116. Find the day on 22nd December 1987
Arrangement & Puzzles:
117. Four doctors Laxman, Lala, Lazar and Laxmi and four eugineers
Murali, Murari, Mukund and Mamatha are sitting around a table.
No two doctors sit adjacent to each other. Laxmi is two places to
the right of Laxman and adjacent to Mamatha, who is two places
to the left of Mirali, who is adjacent to Laxman. If Murari is seated
three places to the left of Lala, then Murari is seated between
which two persons?
118. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A
and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right
of P?
119. A, B, C, D and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, C is
sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the
bench. C is on the second position from the right. A is to the right
of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position is A
120. In a certain population the ratio of number of women to the
number of men is 11: 10. If the average age of the women is 34
years and the average age of the men is 32 years, then find the
average age of the population?
Logical Reasoning (Non-Verbal):
Mirror & Water Image:
121. What is the mirror image of 'ELEPHANTS'?
122. What is the water image of 'CROCODILE'?
3. Quantitative Aptitude – Number Sequences, Series, Averages,
Number Systems, Ratio and Proportion, Profit and Loss.
Directions for questions: (123-158):
Each of the following sequences follows a definite pattern. Complete the
sequence by replacing the question mark with suitable answer.
123. 4, 48, 180 ,448, ?

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124. W, V, T, Q, ?
125. 8, 28, 116, 584, ?
126. A, B, D, G, ?
127. 10001, 10100, 10111, ______, 11101
128. 13, 22, 39, _______, 137
129. ______ : 14:: 22: 32
130. 13,32,87, _______, 737
131. NAOB, PCQD, ______, TGUH
132. In this series what number should come next?
2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), _______
133. In this series what number should come next?
7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ______
134. In this series which pair of numbers comes next?’ 42, 40, 38, 35, 33,
31, 28, _______
135. What number should fill the blank in the series?
F2, ____, D8, C16, B32
136. Look at this series: V, VIII, XI, XIV,_______ , XX. What number should
fill the blank?
137. In this series 8, 12, 9, 13,10, 14, 11,_________which pair of numbers
comes next?
138. Fill the blank in the series : SCD, TEF, UGH,______, WKL.
139. N196, K121, H064, ______
140. L, P, _____ B, H
141. BY, EV, HS, KP, _______
142. 3, 10, 21, 36, 55, _______
143. X, V, S, O, J, ______
V05 ,U06, S08 , __________, M14 , H19 .
145. 1, 5, 14, 30, ?

B4 , C 9 , E25 , G49 ,?
147. 5, 13, 25, 41, 61, ?
148. 2, 4, 15, 70, ?
149. 1, 4, 27, 256, ?

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150. 1, 9, 25, 49, ?
151. 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, ?
A1 ,26 , D4 ,23 , G7,20 , J10,17 ,?
153. 3, 15, 105, 945, ?
154. 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, ?
155. Find the odd-man out of the series:
2007, 999, 499, 243, 117, 54.
156. What is the odd number out of:
126, 32, 81, 24, 18, 45, 69?
157. What is the odd number out of:
46080, 3840, 384, 48, 24, 2, 1?
158. What is the odd number out of:
5, 16, 6, 16, 7, 16, 9?
159. Explain the functions of an average.
160. Three persons A, B and C were given the job of finding the average
of 5,000 numbers. Each one did his own simplification.
A's method: Divide the set into sets of 1,000 each, calculate the
average in each set and then calculate the average of these
B's method: Divide' the set into 2,000 and 3,000 numbers, take
average in each set and then take the average of the averages.
C's method: 500 numbers were unities. He averaged all other
numbers and then added one.
Are these methods correct?
161. In a class of 50 students, there are 30 boys and 20 girls. In a test,
the average marks obtained by boys was computed to be 40 and
those by girls to be 45. However, on scrutiny, it was found that the
marks obtained by one of the boys was wrongly taken as 30
instead of 60 and the marks obtained by one of the girls was taken
as 70 instead of 50. Find out the correct average marks for the boys
and for the girls and for the class as a whole.

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162. The average (arithmetic mean) of a list of 6 numbers is 20. If we
remove one of the number, the average of the remaining numbers
is 15. What is the number that was removed?
163. The average score of a cricketer in certain number of innings is 15.
When he scored a duck in one innings his average dropped to 13.5.
How many innings have been played totally including the latest
164. The average marks of 3 students A, B and C are 48. Another
student D joins the group and the new average becomes 44 marks.
If another student E, whop has 3 marks more than D, joins the
group, the average of the 4 students B, C, D and E becomes 43
marks. Find how many marks A got in the exam.
165. There are five containers in a truck’s hold. The weight of the first
container is 150 kg and the weight of the second container is 30%
higher than the weight of the 3rd container, whose weight is 20%
lighter than the first container’s weight. The weight of the fourth
container is equal to the average weight of the first and the 3rd
container and the weight of the 5th container is equal to the
average of the weight of 2nd and 4th container. Find the average
of the 4 lighter containers and the 4 heavier containers.
166. 3 different numbers are chosen such that when each of the
numbers is added to the average of the remaining 2, it given 65, 69
and 76 as a result. What is the average of the 3 original number?
167. Davinder scored a total of 252 point in 28 basketball games.
Raman played 10 fewer games than Davinder and his scoring
average was 0.5 points per game higher than Davidern’s scoring
average. How many points, in total did Raman score.
168. 3 Math classes X, Y and Z taken an algebra test. The average score
in class X is 83. The average score in class Y is 76. The average score
in class Z is 85. The average score of all students in classes X and Y
together is 79.The average score of all students in classes Y and Z
together is 81. What is the average for all the 3 classes?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 135

169. The average wages of a worker during a fortnight comprising 15
consecutive working days was Rs. 90 per day. During the first 7
days, his average wages was Rs. 87/day and the average wages
during the last 7 days was Rs. 92/day. What was his wage on the
8th day?
170. The average height of all the 99 boys of a class is 143 cm and the
median height of the class is 139.5 cm. Further, the height of the
first child taller than the one with median height is 140.5 cm.
Another boy joins this class. With this addition, the average height
of the class reduces by 1 mm.
(a) Determine the height of the new entrant to the class.
(b) Determine the median height of the 100 boys.
171. The average height of all the hundred girls of the class is 140 cm.
The average height of 40 % of the girls of the class, whose heights
are more than the class average is 143 cm, while the heights of the
rest of the 60 % are less than the average. Two girls whose heights
are 145 cm and 144 cm left the class and two girls whose heights
are 142 cm and 137 cm joined the class.
(a) What is the average height of the girls in the present class?
(b) The heights of what percentage of the girls is more than the
(c) 60 % of the students in a class are boys and 40 % are girls. What
is the average mark of the girls if the average of the entire class
is 60 and the average of the boys is 55?
172. A batsman finds that by scoring a half century in the 6thinnings of
his test matches he has bettered his average of the previous 5
innings by 3 runs. What is his average after the 6thinnings?
173. A course of study has 2 tests, a mid-term examination and a final
examination. The teacher considers the final to be 5 times as
important as a test. The mid-term has thrice as much importance
as each test. Rani scores 54 and 66 in the tests, 80 and 70 in the
mid-term and final examinations respectively. What is her average
score? How many grace marks should the teacher add to the final
examination score in order that the average rises to 75?

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174. (i) Krishnamurthy has paid ₹ 465 every month on an average in the
year 2011. Now, he has detected that the computer has not
deducted a concessional amount of ₹ 50 per month towards solar
heating system from the months of September to December. If
this is rectified, what will be the monthly average?
175. The sex ratio of boys to girls in a class X taking up the Board
examination is 4: 5. The class of strength 90 averages to 64 marks,
while the boys average works out to 60. What will be the total
marks secured by girls?
Number System:
176. If the numerator of a fraction be increased by 15 % and its
denominator be diminished by 8 %, the value of the fraction is
. Find the original fraction.
177. The difference between two numbers is 5 and the difference
between their squares is 75, find thelarger number.
178. The following table gives the number of runs scored by two
batsmen A and B in the last five matches:
Batsman Number of Runs
A 40 50 60 40 50
B 100 120 5 5 10
Which batsman would you prefer for inclusion in the team for the
next match?
179. L.C.M. of two numbers is 14 times their H.C.F. The sum of L.C.M.
and H.C.F. is 600 if one number is 280 then find the other.
8 10 32
180. Find the HCF and LCM of , ,
9 27 81
Ratio, Proportion & Variation:
181. A bag contains one-rupee, two-rupee, and five-rupee coins in the
ratio 5: 7: 12 amounting to Rs. 395. Find the number of coins of
each type.

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182. If a:b = 5:9, and b:c = 4:7. Find a:b:c.
Profit & Loss
183. A merchant has announced 16 % rebate on prices of readymade
garments. If a purchaser wants to have erebate of ₹ 682, what is
the minimumnumber of shirts he has 10 buy if each shirt is costing
184. A sells an arl de to B for ₹935 at a loss of 15 B sells the same article
to C at a price. Had A sold the article at 10 B at the price at which B
sold to C. A would have made 20% profit. At what percent d B gain
or lose while selling the article to C?
185. A trades marks on item 20% above the cost price. He sells the
article after offering discount and suffers loss of 1% in this
transaction. What percent discount is offered?
186. 150 Laptops were to be sold with an in leaded profit of ₹7640 per
laptop. Of these 150 laptops, 75 laptops were sold at a profit of ₹
1,58,430: 18 laptops were sold at a profit of ₹ 2.250 per laptop. If
the cost price of each laptop is ₹25.990.Then at what price the
remaining laptops are to be sold 50 so that the intended profit is
187. A, B and C enter into a partnership business with investments in
2 3 4
the ratio : : . After four months A increases his shareby 50 %
3 4 5
while B withdraws rd of his share. If the year end profit is Rs.
4,09,000, then find the share of C in the profit?
188. A person P sells an item at Rs. 100 less than its marked price and
receives 10 % of his selling price as his commission. Another
person Q sells the same item at Rs. 200 less than the marked price
and receives 20 % of his selling price as his commission. If they get
the same commission, then find the list price of the item.
189. An item costing Rs. 200 is being sold at 10 % loss. If the price is
further reduced by 5 %. What will be the selling price?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 138

190. The cost of uniforms for 24 students is ₹ 6,000. How many students
can get uniform for ₹ 72,000?
191. A man sells two wrist watches at Rs. 594 each. On one he gains 10
% and on the other he loses 10 %. Find his gain or loss percent on
the whole.
192. A man sells two wrist watches at ₹ 864 each. On one he gains 8 %
and on the other he loses 10 %. Find his gain or loss percent on the
whole. Ram sold aalmirah at ₹ 6,000 after allowing a discount
of 8 %. Find the marked price.
4. Time and Work, Speed -Time – Distance, Simple Interest, Analytical
and Critical reasoning.
Time & Work:
193. Two persons A and B agree to finish a piece of work in 5 days for
Rs.28,800. But A alone can complete the work in 10 days while, B
alone can do it in 12 days. By taking help from another person C
they finished the job on time. What is the share of C in the amount
of Rs 28,800?
194. If 8 men and 6 boys can dig a well in 2 days and 6 men and 2 boys
can do it in 3 days how long will 5 men and 3 boys take to do it?
195. P can do a work in the same time as Q and R together. Also, P and
Q together can do the same in 12 days. R alone does in 60 days. In
how many days can Q do it alone?
196. An over head tank has been constructed to supply water to a
village with a population of 3925 at the rate of 20 litres per day per
head. Water is pumped into it through a pipe of 5 cm radius, the
rate of flow being 4 m per sec. How long will it take to fill the tank
every morning? (  =3.14)
197. An over head tank has been constructed to supply water to a
village with a population of 3925 at the rate of 20 litres per day per
head. Water is pumped into it through a pipe of 5 cm radius, the
rate of flow being 4 m per sec. How long will it take to fill the tank
every morning? (  = 3.14)

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 139

198. A manager wants to know the number of workers receiving wages
between Rs. 2,200 and Rs. 5,800 from the information given below,
supplied by his office:
Wages 0– 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 70 –
(Rs. 00’s) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
No. of 20 45 85 160 70 55 35 30
Speed, Time & Distance
199. If a car travels at 60 km/h, it would reach the destination half an
hour before the schedule time. If it travels at 50 km/hr it would be
late by 30minutes. At what speed should it travel so reaches on
200. A man can swim against the current a distance of 1.5 kilometer in
36 minutes and returns to the starting point in 24 minutes. What
is the ratio of his speed to that of the current?
201. If you travel at a constant speed of 20 KMPH from A to B and from
B to A at 60 KMPH, what is your average speed? Suppose that your
friend travels for half an hour from X to Y at a constant speed of
30 KMPH and from Y to Z for one and a half hours at 40 KMPH.
What is your friend's average speed?
202. A passenger train covers the distance between stations X and Y, 50
minutes faster than a goods train. Find this distance if the average
speed of the passenger train is 60 kmph and that of the goods train
is 20 kmph.
203. Jim travels the first 3 hours of his journey at 60 mph speed and the
remaining 5 hours at 24 mph speed. What is the average speed of
Jim's travel in mph?
204. When a student P walks to school, he averages 90 steps per
minute, each of his steps being 75 cm long. It takes him 16 minutes
to get to school. Another student going to the same school by the
same route, averages 100 steps per minutes, but his steps are only
60 cm long. How long it take Q to get to school?
State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify
your answer:

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 140

205. Smitha travels from Bangalore to Hassan at a speed of 40 kmph
and returns at a speed of 60 kmph. The average speed during the
entire trip is 50 kmph
Simple Interest:
206. A man invested one-fifth of some amount at the rate of 6 % simple
interest, one - fourth of the amount at the late of 8 % compound
interest and be remaining amount at the rate of 12 % some
interest. What is the amount he invested of he receives ₹78.400 ag
interest after one year on all the three investments together?
207. Ram borrowed ₹ 1,00,000 which he has to repay over six years in
six annual installments at a rate of 7 % simple interest per annum.
Immediately he invests this money for the same period, which will
earn him compound interest of 5 % per annum. In a table, write
down how much he has to repay each year and how much he is
earning on the invested amount assuming that he does not at any
time withdraw any of the invested amount or the interest. Also find
out, will his earnings from this amount be more than the repaid
amount in any year.
208. The simple interest on a sum of money is of the principal. Find
the rate of interest and time, if both are numerically equal.
5. Decision Making and Problem Solving: A duly structured situation
will be presented to the candidates and they will be asked to analyze
and suggest their own solution to the problem arising out of
209. A heart patient advised to undergo surgery had heard a statement
that every seventh heart operation resulted in fatality'. When he
went to his surgeon he learnt that the surgeon has just completed
six successful operations in a row. He refused to become the
seventh patient. How would you explain the above statement to
him to allay his fears?

TSPSC | Group-I | Mains Examination | Paper-V 141

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