General Agriculture Data-2024: Agriculture Profile of India

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General Agriculture Data- 2024


 Total Geographical Area of the country- 329 Million Hectare (Mha)
 Net sown area of the country- 139.35 mha (42.4% of total geographical area)
 Culturable wasteland-12.21Mha
 Area put to non-agricultural uses- 27.34
 Permanent pastures & other grazing lands- 10.37 Mha
 Gross sown area of the country- 197.32 Million Hectare
 Net Irrigated area in India- 71.55 Mha (2021)
 Gross Irrigated area in India -102.67 Million Hectare
 % of Gross Irrigated Area over Gross Cropped Area- 52.03
 % of Net Irrigated Area over Net Area Sown- 51.35
 Cropping Intensity of India is- 141.6%
 Barren and uncultivable land area in the country- 17.16 Mha
 Fallow land- 14.53 Mha
 Area under food crops- 126.95 Mha; Area under non-food crops- 49.24 Mha
 Degraded land area/Deforested/desertification area in the country- 97.85 Mha
 Waste land area in the country- 55.7 mha (16.96% to TGA)
 Share of Agriculture and allied sectors in GDP during 2021-22 was- 18.6%
 The percentage of population dependent on agriculture for livelihood- 47% (Economic
survey, 2023)
 The share of agriculture in overall employment- 45.76% (PLFS 2022-23)

Source: Annual report of Department of Agriculture 2022-23.


 Top five states in area covered under micro irrigation (drip + sprinkler) is- Karnataka (18.01
L ha)> Tamil Nadu (10.9 Lha) > Gujarat (10.8 Lha) > Maharashtra (9.38 Lha) > Andhra
Pradesh (9.19 Lha)
 The Top 3 States With The Highest Area Covered Under Drip Irrigation: Maharashtra

General Agriculture Data 2024
(1,414,185 ha)> Andhra Pradesh (1,400,780 ha) > Tamil Nadu (867,898 ha)
 The Top 3 States With The Highest Area Covered Under Sprinkler Irrigation: Rajasthan
(1,777,985ha) > Karnataka (1,604,399 ha) > Gujarat (788,672 ha)
 Total Area covered under micro irrigation- 83.45 lakh ha

Food grain Production Scenario (2023-24):

 Total food grain production in the country for the year 2023-24 (3rd Advance Estimates)-
328.85 Million Tonnes (MT)

 Total food grain production in the country for the year 2022-23 (Final)- 329.68 Million

 Area under cultivation of millets in 2021-22 is- 15.48 million hectares

Food grains Production for the year 2022-23 (Final Estimates):

Food grain production includes Cereals and Pulses only

Total Cereals Production 303.62 MillionTonnes (MT)
Total Pulses Production 26.05 MT
Total Food grain Production 329.68 MT

Cereals Production (Million Tonnes)

Rice 135.75
Wheat 110.55
Maize 38.08
Bajra 11.43
Jowar 3.81
Small millets 0.384
Shree anna/ Nutri cereals 17.32
Nutri/Coarse cereals 57.31
Total Cereals Production 303.62 MT

General Agriculture Data 2024
Gram/Bengal gram/Chickpea 12.26 MT
Tur /Red gram/Arhar 3.31 MT
Urad/Black gram 2.63 MT
Green gram/Moong 3.67 MT
Other pulses 2.61 MT
Total Pulses Production 26.05 MT
Total food grain Production 329.68 MT
(Kharif- 155.71 MT
Rabi - 157.84 MT)
Summer- 16.13 MT)

Food grains Production for the year 2023-24 (Third Advance Estimates)

Food grain production includes Cereals and Pulses only

Total Cereals Production 295.74 MillionTonnes (MT)
Total Pulses Production 27.5 MT
Total Food grain Production 328.85 MT

Cereals Production (Million Tonnes)

Rice 136.70
Wheat 112.92
Maize 35.67
Bajra 10.66
Jowar 4.74
Small millets 0.43
Shree anna/Nutri cereals 17.40
Total Cereals Production 293.69
Gram/Bengal gram/Chickpea 11.57 MT
Tur /Red gram/Arhar 3.38 MT
Urad/Black gram 2.61 MT
Green gram/Moong 2.91 MT
Total Pulses Production 24.48 MT

General Agriculture Data 2024
Total food grain Production 328.85 MT

Area and Yield particulars of Principal Crops:

Crop Area in Mha Yield (kg/ha) Top ‘5’ producing states in
2023-24 2023-24 2023-4
Paddy 47.58 2873 1.Telangana
2.Uttar Pradesh
3.West Bengal
4. Punjab
Wheat 31.23 3615 1.Uttar Pradesh
2.Madhya Pradesh
3. Punjab
4. Haryana
5. Rajasthan
Maize 10.74 3321 1.Karnataka
3.Madhya Pradesh
4.Tamil Nadu
5.West Bengal
Sorghum 4.03 1175 1.Maharashtra
3.Uttar Pradesh

General Agriculture Data 2024
5.Andhra Pradesh
Bajra 7.36 1449 1.Rajasthan
2.Uttar Pradesh
5.Madhya Pradesh
Finger millet 1.20 1300 1.Karnataka
Nutri cereals/ 22.70 2251 1.Rajasthan
Shree anna 2.U.P.
Total cereals 99.44 2899 1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Madhya Pradesh
Arhar/Redgram 4.90 861 1.Karnataka
3.Uttar Pradesh
Black gram 4.63 599 1.Madhya Pradesh
2.Uttar Pradesh
3.Andhra Pradesh
4.Tamil Nadu
Bengal 10.74 1261 1.Madhya Pradesh
gram/gram 2.Maharashtra
5.Uttar Pradesh
Moong/green 5.55 570 1.Madhya Pradesh
gram 2.Rajasthan
Lentil (Masur) 1.41 899 1.Madhya Pradesh
2.Uttar Pradesh
3.West Bengal
Total pulses 30.73 888 1.M.P
Total food grains 124.78 2425 1. Uttar Pradesh

General Agriculture Data 2024
2.Madhya Pradesh

Fig: State wise Pulses area and production (source:

Commercial crops production for the year 2022-23 & 2023-24:

 Oil seeds: Includes Nine crops i.e., Ground nut, castor, Mustard and Rape seed, Niger,
linseed. Safflower, Sunflower, Soyabean and Sesamum.

 Area, Production & Yield Particulars of Oilseeds:

Crop Area in Million Production in Yield
hectare (Mha) Million Tonne (MT) kg/ha
Soyabean 13.22 13.05 987

Groundnut 4.72 10.28 1777

Rape seed & Mustard 9.12 13.16 2179
Sesamum 1.49 0.79 544
Castor seed 1.03 1.91 1844
Sunflower 0.014 0.06 1136

Niger seed 0.08 0.02 324

Safflower 0.06 0.05 739

Total nine oil seeds 29.73 39.27 MT 1312

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Major Oil seeds producing states:
Crop Area Production Top Producing States
(million hectares) (million tonnes)
Groundnut 5.18 10.28 1.Gujarat

3.Madhya Pradesh
4.Tamil Nadu

Soybean 12.04 14.97 1.Madhya Pradesh


Sunflower 0.27 0.28 1.Karnataka



Rape seed & 8.86 12.49 1.Rajasthan

2.Uttar Pradesh
3.Madhya Pradesh

5.West Bengal

 Other Commercial Crops (2022-23 & 2023-24)

Crop Area in Production Yield in Area in Production in Yield in
Million Million Tonne (MT) kg/ha Mha MT in kg/ha
hectare 2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24 2023-24

General Agriculture Data 2024

Sugarcane 5.18 490.53 84906 5.61 442.5 MT 78,749

Cotton 13.06 33.66 Million bale# 442.65 12.46 31.58 Million 440.52

Jute & Mesta 0.67 9.39 Million bales Jute Mesta 0.60 9.49 Million 2730
## bales##
2795 2056

(Note: #1bale= 170 Kgs; ##1bale= 180 Kgs)

Commercial crops top producing states: 2023-24

Crop Area Production Top Producing States
(million hectares) (million tonnes)

Cotton 12.46 31.58 Maharashtra
Jute Mesta
Jute and 0.60 9.49 West Bihar
Mesta Bengal West bengal
Bihar Assam
Assam Odisha
Uttar Pradesh
Sugarcane 5.61 442.5 Maharashtra
Tamil Nadu
Tobacco 0.36 0.76 Andhra Pradesh

Millet scenario in India

 Millets include three major Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl millet (Bajra), Finger millet (Ragi))
and six minor crops (Barnyard (Sanwa), Proso (Chenna/Barri), Foxtail (Kakum), Kodo,
Brown Top and Little (Kutki/Shavan).
 The United Nations General Assembly declared- 2023 the International Year of
Millets (IYM 2023)
 GOI has declared millets as- ‘Powerhouses of nutrition’/ Nutri cereals/Climate resilient

General Agriculture Data 2024
crops/next super food
 The country that ranks first in millet production is- India (accounts for 19% of world

Fig: Country wise production of millets

Fig: State wise millet production 2023-24

General Agriculture Data 2024
Fig: Major Millet production in India 2023-24
 Government of India (GOI) in Budget 2023-24 conferred --------------- research institute as
‘Centre of Excellence’ for sharing best practices, research and technologies at the
international level is- Indian Institute of Millet Research, Hyderabad.
 To make India a global hub for millets, GOI designated millets as- 'Shree Anna

Leading States with Millet Area, Production & Yield particulars

Crop Top ‘3’ states in Area Top ‘3’ states in Top ‘3’ states in Yield
(Lakh ha) production (Lakh (kg/ha)
Jowar 1.Maharashtra 1.Maharashtra 1. Andhra Pradesh
2.Karnataka 2. Karnataka (3493 kg/ha)
3.Rajasthan 3. Rajasthan 2. Uttar Pradesh
3. Madhya Pradesh
Bajra 1.Rajasthan 1. Rajasthan 1. Tamil nadu (2578
2. Uttar Pradesh 2. Uttar Pradesh kg/ha)
3. Haryana 3. Haryana 2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Andhra Pradesh
Ragi 1. Karnataka 1.Karnataka 1. Tamil Nadu (2989
2. Maharashtra 2. Tamil Nadu kg/ha)
3. Uttarakhand 3. Uttarakhand 2. Uttarakhand
Small millets 1. Madhya Pradesh 1. M.P. 1. Gujarat (2321
2. Odisha 2. Uttarakhand kg/ha)
3. Chhattisgarh 3. Uttar Pradesh 2. Uttarakhand

General Agriculture Data 2024
4. Uttar Pradesh 3. Kerala
Total millets 1. Rajasthan 1. Rajasthan 1.Andhra Pradesh
2. Maharashtra 2. Uttar Pradesh (2672 kg/ha)
3. Karnataka 3. Karnataka 2.Haryana
3.Uttar Pradesh

Area and production data of Millets in 2023-24

Millet Crop Area (Mha) Production (MT) Productivity
Jowar (Sorghum) 4.77 4.03 1106
Bajra 7.08 9.53 1360
Ragi 1.03 1.3 1336
Small millets 0.49 0.42 864
Total millets 12.18 15.37 1262

(Source: DA&FW; APEDA Millet portal)

Horticultural Crops Statistics for the year 2023-24

 Total Horticultural crops production for the year 2023-24- 352.23 Million Tonnes
(Second Advance Estimates)
 Total area under Horticultural crops for the year 2023-24- 28.63 Million hectares
 Total Fruit production in India - 112.63 Million Tonnes
 Total Vegetable production in India- 204.96 Million Tonnes
 Total horticulture crops production during the year 2022-23- 355.25 Million Tonnes
 Top ‘3’ fruit producing states in India- Andhra Pradesh (19 MT) > Maharashtra (12.4
MT) > Uttar Pradesh
 Top ‘3’ vegetable producing states in India- Uttar Pradesh (19 MT) > West Bengal (12.4
MT) > Maharashtra
Area and production particulars of principal horticultural crops:

General Agriculture Data 2024
Total Horticulture 2022-23 (Final 2023-24 (2nd estimate)
Area (in Million hectares) 28.44 28.77
Production (in Million Tonne) 355.48 352.23
Productivity (Tonnes/ha) 12.49 12.24

Top “3” cultivated Top “3” cultivated Top “3” Fruits in

Vegetables in Area & Fruits in Area Production
First- Potato Mango Banana
Second- Onion Banana Mango
Third- Tomato Citrus Citrus

Top “3” States in Top “3” States in Top “3” States in Top “3” States in
Vegetable Area Vegetable Production Fruit Area Fruit production
West bengal Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh
(1.53 Mha) (29.94 Mt) (0.83 Mha) (18.99 Mt)
Uttar Pradesh West bengal Andhra Pradesh (0.78 Maharashtra (12.46
(1.32 Mha) (28.43 Mha) Mha) Mt)
Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh Gujarat Gujarat
(1.17 Mha) (21.92 Mha) (0.43 Mha) (8.2 Mt)

Crop Area Production Area Production

(million hectares) (million tonnes) (million hectares) (million tonnes)
2022-23 2022-23 2023-24 2023-24)
Citrus 1.1 14.6 1.09 14.7
Mango 2.3 20.8 2.40 22.54
Banana 0.9 36.6 0.99 37.47
Potato 2.3 60.14 2.32 56.76
Onion 1.74 30.20 1.53 24.21
Tomato 0.84 20.42 0.87 21.23

MSP of Crops for Marketing Season 2024-25:

Kharif Crops MSP (Rs.)

Paddy- Common 2300
Paddy Grade A 2320
Jowar-Hybrid 3371
Jowar- Maldandi 3421
Bajra 2625
Ragi 4290

General Agriculture Data 2024
Maize 2225
Tur/Arhar/Redgram 7550
Moong/Green gram 8682
Urad/black gram 7400
Groundnut 6783
Sunflower 7280
Soybean (Yellow) 4892
Sesamum 9267
Niger seed 8717
Cotton (medium staple) 7121
Cotton (Long Staple) 7521
Rabi Crops MSP (Rs.)
Wheat 2275
Barley 1850
Gram 5440
Lentil (Masur) 6425
Rapeseed & Mustard 5650
Safflower 5800
Milling copra 11,160
Ball copra 12,000
Raw Jute 5050

Animal Husbandry, Dairy & Poultry

 Milk production in the country during 2022-23 was- 230.58 million tonnes
 Highest milk producing State during 2022-23 was - Uttar Pradesh (with a share of 15.72 %
of total milk production)
 Top ‘5’ milk producing states in India- Uttar Pradesh > Rajasthan (14.44%) > Madhya
Pradesh (8.73 %) > Gujarat (7.49 %) > Andhra Pradesh (6.70 %)
 India ranks which position in the world in terms of total milk production- First.

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Per Capita Availability (Gram/Day)- 459 gram/day
 Egg production in the country during 2022-23 was - 138.38 billion nos
 Highest Egg producing state in India during 2022-23 was- Andhra Pradesh (with a share of
20.13 % of total Egg production)
 Top ‘5’ egg producing states in India - Andhra Pradesh > Tamil Nadu (15.58 %)
>Telangana (12.77 %) > West Bengal (9.94%) > Karnataka (6.51 %)
 Per Capita Availability (Nos per Annum)- 101
 Meat production in the country during 2022-23 was - 9.77million tonnes
 Top ‘5 meat producing states in India- Uttar Pradesh (12.20 %) > West Bengal (11.93 %) >
Maharashtra (11.50 %) > Andhra Pradesh (11.20 %) > Telangana (11.06 %)
 Total Wool production in the country during 2022-23 was- 33.61 million kg
 Top ‘5’ wool producing states in India- Rajasthan (47.98%) > Jammu & Kashmir (22.55%)
> Gujarat (6.01%) > Maharashtra (4.73%) > Himachal Pradesh (4.27%)
(Source: Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2023)
Aquaculture Scenario 2023-24:

 India is the Second largest producer of fish and Fresh water fish in the world and
accounts for 8.00 per cent of the global production
 The total fish production in India during 2022-23- 175.45 lakh tons/17.54 Million Metric
Tonnes (MMT) (Includes Inland fish production of 12.12 MMT and Marine fish
production of 4.12 MMT)
 The contribution fisheries sector to overall GVA was 1.09 and contribution to the
agricultural GVA was- 6.72 per cent
 Nodal agency to promote the export of marine products in India- MPEDA (Marine
Products Export Development Authority); HQ- Kochi, Kerala.
 MPEDA statutory body under the- Ministry of Commerce and Industry
 India exported marine products during 2022-23 - 1.73 MMT worth Rs.63, 969 cr with
Frozen shrimp largest exported among marine products followed by frozen fish.
 India is the third largest fish producing country in the world and second in aquaculture
production in the world.
 Leading state in Marine Fish production- Gujarat

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Leading state in Inland Fish production- Andhra Pradesh (A.P)
 Five major fish producing states in India during 2022-23- A.P.> West bengal>
Karnataka > Odisha > Gujarat
 World Fish Centre headquarter located at- Penang, Malaysia
 Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute- Kochin, Kerala
 Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute- Barrack pore, West Bengal
 Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE)- Mumbai, Maharashtra
 Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture- Chennai
 The country that form the top destination for India’s marine exports- USA> China> EU
Fisheries Statistics

Global position 3rd in Fisheries 2nd in

*Contribution of Fisheries to GDP 1.09%
*Contribution of fisheries sector in 6.72
Per capita consumption of fish (Kg) 8.89
Present fish Production 17.54MMT
Inland 12.12 MMT

Marine 4.12 MMT

(Source: ICAR & NFDB)

Natural farming:
 The programme formulated by for up-scaling the Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (BPKP)
to promote natural farming on larger scale across the country- Natural Mission on Natural
Farming (NMNF) during 2022-23.
 The practices have evolved with time and farmers are also using innovations like Pre
Monsoon Dry Sowing (a method of multi-species green manuring), Green manuring and
applying Farm Yard Manure (FYM), vermi-compost, etc. along with the Desi-cow based
components of Natural Farming.
 10,000 Bio-Input Resource Centers (BIRC): will be set-up, creating a national-level
distributed micro-fertilizer and pesticide manufacturing network. BIRC will facilitate 1 crore
farmers to adopt natural farming.
 Knowledge partner for natural farming extension- National Institute of Agricultural

General Agriculture Data 2024
Extension Management (MANAGE)
Climate change and environment:
 The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference /Conference of the Parties (COP 28)
was held from 30 November- 12 December 2023 in- Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
 The first conference of parties (COP1) was held in- Berlin in 1995.
 The declaration launched at COP28 aims to- triple global nuclear energy capacity by 2050.
Major engagements of India in COP 28:
 Green Credit Initiative:
 The Green Credit Initiative has been conceptualized as a mechanism to incentivize
voluntary pro-planet actions, as an effective response to the challenge of climate change.
 It envisions the issue of Green Credits for plantations on waste/degraded lands and river
catchment areas, to rejuvenate and revive natural ecosystems.
 Global River Cities Alliance (GRCA):
 It was launched at COP 28, led by the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) under
the Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India.
 GRCA highlights India's role in sustainable river-centric development and climate
 This platform will facilitate knowledge exchange, river-city twinning, and dissemination of
best practices.
 Quad Climate Working Group (QCWG) on Localized Climate Action :
The event focused on recognizing and amplifying the role of local communities, and regional
governments in supporting sustainable lifestyles.
 India’s achievements against the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

General Agriculture Data 2024
Fertilizer Scenario (2023-24):
 Total production of ‘N’ fertilizer nutrients in India during 2022-23- 15.74 million MT
 Total production of ‘P2O5’ fertilizer nutrients in India during 2022-23- 5.01 million MT
 Total production of ‘NP’ fertilizer nutrients in India during 2022-23- 20.75 million MT
 Total production of ‘Urea’ in 2022-23 is- 28.50 million MT
 Total production of ‘DAP’ in 2022-23 is- 4.35 million MT
 Total production of ‘SSP’ in 2022-23 is- 5.65 million MT
 Total production of NP/NPKs fertilizer products- 9.29 million MT
 Total production of fertilizer products- 48.69 million MT
 Total import of fertilizer products in 2022-23 is- 19.27 million MT (Urea- 7.58 million MT;
DAP- 6.58 million MT; NP/NPKs- 2.75 million MT; MOP- 1.87 million MT)
 Total Consumption of nutrients in 2022-23- 29.84 million MT (N- 20.21 million MT;
P2O5- 7.92 million MT; K2O- 2.53 million MT; K2O- 1.72 million MT)
 Total Consumption of fertilizer products in 2022-23- : 63.92 million MT (Urea- 35.73
million MT: DAP- 10.53 million MT; MOP- 1.63 million MT; NP/NPK complex
fertilizers- 10.07 million MT; SSP- 5.02 million MT)
 All-India NPK use ratio during 2022-23 is- 11.8:4.6:1
 Per hectare consumption of total fertilizer nutrients (N+ P2O5+ K2O) is- 141.2 kg/ha
 Top 5 fertilizer consuming states in India are- Uttar Pradesh> Maharashtra > Madhya
Pradesh > Karnataka> Punjab

Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS): scheme started in the Year 1 April, 2010
 Where a fixed rate of subsidy is announced on nutrients. The NBS covers three macro
nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) and one secondary nutrient (Sulphur).
 NBS for nutrient N, P, K and S (Rs. per kg.) w.e.f 01.04.2024 to 30.09.2024.
Nitrogen Phosphorous Potash Sulphur
(Rs. per Kg Subsidy) (Rs. per Kg (Rs. per Kg Subsidy) (Rs. per Kg Subsidy)
47.02 28.72 2.38 1.89
 Three grades of fertilizers included in the NBS w.e.f 01.04.2024 are:
a) NPK (11-30-14) fortified with Magnesium, Zinc, Boron and Sulphur (additional subsidy

General Agriculture Data 2024
for fortified/coated fertilizer grades of fertilizers Boron- Rs.300/MT; Zinc- Rs.500/MT)
b) Urea-SSP Complex (5-15-0-10)
c) SSP (0-16-0-11) fortified with Magnesium, Zinc and Boron

Pesticide consumption scenario (2023-24):

 Total Insecticides/ pesticides registered in India is- 339
 Pesticide Formulations Registered For Use In The Country:
A. Approved Formulations of Solo Pesticides: Insecticides formulations (271), Herbicides
formulations (107), Plant growth regulators (27), Fungicides (107), Bio-Insecticides (72),
bio fungicides (32)
B. Formulations of Combination of Pesticides: Insecticides (137), fungicides (99),
herbicides (75), Insecticide + Fungicide (12), Plant growth regulators (02), Plant growth
regulator + Fungicide (01), Nematicide (03).
 Pesticides / Formulations Banned In India: as on 31 March, 2024
A. Pesticides Banned for manufacture, import and use: 49
B. Pesticide / Pesticide formulations banned for use but continued to manufacture for export: 05
C. Pesticides Withdrawn : 08
 Pesticides restricted for use in the country- 16
 Pesticides Refused Registration: 18
 Top pesticide consumption states in India are- Uttar Pradesh (11,824 Metric Tonnes) >
Maharastra (6,814 Metric Tonnes) > Punjab (5,130 MT) > Telangana (4,920 MT) >
Haryana (4066 MT) accounting to 42.3% of pesticide consumption in India (52,466 MT).
 The least pesticide consumption State/UT in India is-Goa (34 MT) & Mizoram (31 MT)
 The total consumption of bio-pesticides in 2022-23 at the national level stood at- 7,248
MT (West Bengal was the major consumer with 1234 MT > Tamil Nadu (907 MT) >
Chhattisgarh (740 MT)

Public Distribution System (PDS):

 Central government has decided to distribute millets such as “Jowar and Bajra
through Public distribution system to improve nutrition security of the poor.

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Total number of Beneficiaries in India under PDS system are- 80.93 crore

 Major commodities distributed in PDS system are- Rice (Rs.3/kg), Wheat (Rs.2/Kg) &
coarse cereals (Rs.1/kg)

 The Revamped Public Distribution System (RPDS) was launched in- 1992

 The Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) was introduced with effect from- June

 The buffer stock maintained/Procurement made by FCI in the crop year 2022-23 is- 106.2
million metric tonnes (MMT) (Rice-67.5 MMT; Wheat- 30.73 MMT)
Note: Normal buffer stock capacity of FCI is- 41.12 mmt
 The total storage capacity available with Food Corporation of India (FCI) and the State
Agencies (both owned and hired capacity) is- 145 MMT

 Nodal Agency that deals in Procurement, Processing, Distribution, export & import of
selected agricultural commodities- NAFED (Oct, 1958)

 Nodal agency for undertaking price support operations for pulses & oilseeds and market
intervention operation for other agricultural commodities is- NAFED

 GoI decided to extend Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) for
another 5years till- 1 January 2024 to 31 December, 2028. Expenditure for the scheme
would be around Rs. 11.8 lakh crore for the next five years.

Note: PMGKAY in March, 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic provides free food grains
to about 81.35 crore people. From January 1, 2023, the PMGKAY had subsumed other
schemes under the National Food Security Act such as the Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)
and Priority Households (PHH). AAY card holders will get 35 kilograms of food grains per
family per month and PHH scheme beneficiaries will get five kilogram’s per person per


Indian Food Processing Sector at a glance:

 Total number of Mega Food Parks in India- 42

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Cold storage capacity of Mega food parks- 32 Mt
 Minimum Land required for setting up a Mega Food Park is- 50 acres
 The Food Processing Industry contribution to Agricultural sector is - 9%
 The Food Processing Industry contribution to Manufacturing sector is - 10%
 Share of processed food exports in agri-exports - 25.6%
 According to UN Environment Programme, India’s per capita food waste stood at- 55 kg per
year (78.2 - million tonnes every year)
 Employment provided by food processing industry in the organized/registered manufacturing
sector- 12.22%
 The Gross Value Added (GVA) of food processing sector- Rs.2.08 lakh crore
 Post-harvest losses in cereals and Pulses accounts for- 4-6 per cent
 Post-harvest losses in vegetables accounts for- 7-12 per cent
 Post-harvest losses in fruits accounts for- 6-18 per cent
 Wastage of food item from farm to fork/consumer- 25%

Genetically Modified crops/Transgenic crops/Biotech crops:

 Total Global Genetically Modified Crop Area- 206.3 Million ha
 Top ‘3’ globally cultivated GM crops- Soybean (100.9 Mha) > Maize (69.3 Mha)> Cotton
(24.1 Mha)
 Top ‘3’ leading countries in GM crops cultivation- USA (74.4 Mha) > Brazil (66.9 Mha) >
Argentina (23.1 Mha) > India ( 12.1 Mha)
 * Government during 147th meeting of Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC)
on 18 October, 2022 approved environmental release of GM Mustard for its seed production
and testing is- Dhara Mustard Hybrid (DMH)-11.
 GEAC approval makes GM mustard only the second approved transgenic crop in India
after Bt cotton and the first such food crop that can be commercially cultivated by
 DMH-11 is indigenously developed Herbicide Tolerant (HT) mustard.
 DMH-11 is a result of a cross between Indian mustard variety ‘Varuna’ and East European
‘Early Heera-2’ mustard.
 DMH contains two alien genes (‘barnase’ and ‘barstar’) isolated from a soil

General Agriculture Data 2024
bacterium called- Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.
 DMH-11 developed by the- Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants (CGMCP) at
Delhi University.
 Barnase in Varuna induces a temporary sterility.
 Barstar in Heera blocks the effect of barnase allowing seeds to be produced.
 Area under transgenic plants in India (2023-24 )- 12.46 Million Hectares (Mha)
 India’s rank in Cultivation of GM crops- 4th
 Bt-Cotton is the only GM crop Cultivated in India with an area of- 12.46 Million Hectares
 *Central Government recently approved field trials of Indigenous Bt Brinjal Varieties-
Janak and BSS-793 (Developed by IARI contains Bt Cry1Fa1 gene) (IMP)
 Which state government recently issued a no-objection certificate (NOC) to conduct field
trials on Mahyco BG-2 RRF (herbicide tolerant Bt cotton)- Haryana

 Agricultural Exports and Imports:

 India’s total agricultural exports during 2023-24 stood at- USD 48.82 billion
 India’s total agricultural imports during 2023-23 stood at- USD 32.87 billion
 The agricultural trade surplus during 2023-34 is- USD 15.95 billion
 *India’s largest exported agricultural commodity in terms of its value- Marine
products (7.37 billion$) > Basmati rice (5.84 billion$) > Non-basmati rice (4.57 billion
$) Spices (4.24 billion$)> Buffalo meat (3.74 billion$)
 Highest exported :Cereals (basmati rice &Non basmati rice) >Marine Products >
Spices > Buffalo meat > Sugar
 Highest imported: Vegetable oils (14.87 billion$) > Pulses (3.74 billion$) > Cashew
(1.8 billion$)> Fresh fruits (2.73 billion $) Spices (1.45 billion$)
(Source: The ministry of commerce and industry, 2024)

General Agriculture Data 2024
Fig: Agricultural Exports-Imports for the year 2023-24

Organic Farming Scenario:

 Total organic agricultural land globally- 96.4 million hectares

 Total Organic agricultural land in India- 4.78 Million hectares

 Total area under the organic certification in India was:

A. Cultivated Area (Organic)- 1.76 Mha
B. Cultivated Area (In conversion)- 3.62 Mha
C. Wild Harvest Collection Area- 4.78 Mha

 Total certified organic production in India:

A. Farm Production(Organic)- 2.66 Million Tonne
B. Farm Production(In conversion)- 0.28 Million Tonne
C. Wild Harvest Production- 0.019 Million Tonne

 Total number of organic producers in India- 4.43 million

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Total organic export value- Rs.5525 cr, Export quantity- 3.12 Lakh Tonne (Processed food
> medicinal plant products > Cereals & millets > Oil seeds

 The state with largest area under organic certification is- Madhya Pradesh (1.51 Mha) >
Maharashtra (1.28 Mha) > Gujarat (0.93 Mha) > Rajasthan (0.58 Mha)
 The leading states with highest organic production- Madhya Pradesh (82.5 Lakh Tonne) >
Maharashtra (79 LT) > Rajasthan (32.2 LT)> Karnataka (23.7 LT)> U.P (21.7 LT)
 Total certified organic production in India- 2.95 MT

 Highest number of organic producers in the world - India (More than 30 per cent of
world’s organic producers are in India)

 India’s rank in terms of organically cultivated area is- 4th; first rank in terms of Organic

 Largest produced organic commodities was- Fibre (27.9 LT) > Oil seeds (6.04 lakh
tonnes)> Cereals & Millets (2.32 lakh tonnes)

Important Snippets:
 Agriculture credit target for 2024-25- Rs. 20 lakh crore
 *The WTO's 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) took place from- 26 February to 2
March 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Note: The Ministerial Conference is the top decision making body of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) which usually meets every two years. Ministerial Conference can take
decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements.
 Abu Dhabi ministerial conference declaration: Reform of the Deliberative and Negotiating
Functions, E-Commerce, TRIPS Non-Violation and Situation Complaints, Fisheries Subsidies,
Sustainability-Related Initiatives, Domestic Regulation of Services, Plurilateral Agreements
and Initiatives, COVID-19-related TRIPS Waiver, Special and Differential Treatment.
 The Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Department of fertilizers has introduced Sulphur
coated Urea under the brand name-‘Urea Gold’

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Introduction of Sulphur coated urea in 40 kg bag at the same MRP as that of 45kg bag of
Neem coated urea i.e. Rs.266.50. The new sulphur coated urea will address Sulphur
deficiency in the Indian soil.
 Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd. (IFFCO) has signed an agreement with US based
company for export of Nano liquid urea to the USA is- California-based Kapoor
Enterprises Inc.
 The programme launched by IFFCO for development of 5,000 rural entrepreneurs who are
identified and trained for spraying drones-‘IFFCO Kisan Drones’.
 IFFCO receives FCO approval for innovative Nano-formulations aim to combat zinc and
copper deficiencies in agriculture- Nano Zinc & Nano Copper liquids under the Fertilizer
(Inorganic, Organic, Mixed) Control Order.
 An advanced formulation of Nano Urea developed by IFFCO in which nutrition is
redefined to meet crop nitrogen requirement at critical growth phases- Nano Urea Plus
Note: Nano Urea Plus in liquid form with 16 per cent nitrogen content in weight by weight,
and pH value of 4-8.5 and viscosity of 5-30. (Currently Nano urea has 1-5% weight-by-
weight nitrogen content).
 Target set by GoI of installing –renewable energy capacity by 2030- 500 GW
 The average MGNREGA wage across India for 2024-25 will be- Rs.289/day
 Under MGNREGA scheme the state that get maximum wage in absolute terms- Haryana
@Rs. 374 per day. The lowest has been fixed for Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland at Rs. 234
per day.
 GoI formulated new Programme for ‘Development of Semiconductors and Display
Manufacturing Ecosystem in India’ with a total outlay of Rs. 76,000 crore for setting up a three
semiconductor units in- Sanand and Dholera in Gujarat and Morigaon, Assam.
 The first state in the country to obtain Organic Certification for Kiwi under Mission Organic
Value Chain Development for North East Region (MOVCDNER) - Arunachal Pradesh
 United Nations General Assembly is declaring 2026 as the- International Year of the
Woman Farmer.
Note: Aims to increase awareness of the crucial role that women farmers around the world
play in agrifood systems, as well as their contributions to food security, nutrition and poverty

General Agriculture Data 2024
 According to the World Trade Organization (WTO) data, the country that emerged as second
largest exporter of agro chemicals in the world- India (India’s agrochemical exports reached
a new high of US$ 5.5 billion for the financial year 2022-23). China is the largest exporter of
agro chemicals in the world.
 Per ha agrochemical consumption in India - 400gm/ hectare of agrochemicals as compared to
the global average of 2.6 Kg/ hectare.
 2024 world food prize awarded to- Cary Flower and Geofrey Hatwin
Note: Cary Flower and Geofrey Hatwin decades long dedication to preserving crop
biodiversity (preserving >6,000 species of crops and culturally important plants) has not
only reshaped global food security but also united the world towards a common goal.
 India's first pig school established by the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC), aims to
stimulate the local economy and improve pig farming methods at- Assam's Bodoland
Territorial Region (BTR)
 *The first government TV channel ‘DD Kisan’ of the country deployed two Artificial
Intelligence anchors namely- AI Krish and AI Bhoomi
(The farmer viewers will be able to see these anchors in all the states of the country from
Kashmir to Tamil Nadu and from Gujarat to Arunachal, these AI anchors will provide every
necessary information about agricultural research happening in the country and global level,
trends in agriculture mandis, changes in the weather or any other information of government
schemes. One special thing about these anchors is that they can speak in fifty languages of the
country and abroad).
 5th World Coffee Conference (WCC) hosted by- India (for the first time) at Bangalore,
Sep 25-28, 2023.
 According to Periodic Labour Force Survey, 2022- 2023, the share of agriculture in the
rural female work force is- 76.2 % (skilled agriculture labor- 59.4%, elementary agriculture
labors- 16.6%)
 According to Periodic Labour Force Survey, 2022- 2023, the share of agriculture in the
rural male work force is- 49.1%
 GI Tag bestowed Agricultural products during 2023-24
GI tag product Location
Authoor betel leaves Thoothukudi district, Tamil Nadu

General Agriculture Data 2024
Chokuwa rice (magic rice) Assam
Koraput Kalajeera Rice (Prince of Rice) Koraput district of Assam
Salem Sago (locally known as “Javvarisi”, is Salem, Tamil Nadu
derived from the wet starch powder extracted
from tapioca roots).
Matti Banana (larger-than human finger-sized Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
fruit with a sweet aroma and honey-like taste)
Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir
Mushqbudji Rice variety Anantnag district, Jammu and Kashmir
Northeast’s Mithun -Food animal tag
Ladakh Sea Buckthorn (Wonder Plant/Ladakh Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir
Kachchhi Kharek (Date Palm) Kutch, Gujarat
Riyawan Lahsun (Garlic is renowned for its Ratlam district, Madhya Pradesh
unique quality and high yield, with each bulb
containing five to six cloves)
 The digital portal launched by Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance to provide
subsidized loans to farmers under the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme- Kisan Rin
 An advanced agricultural data management platform by the Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmers Welfare designed to generate crop estimates and integrate with other systems
generating Agriculture Statistics such as Price, Trade, Procurement, Stock etc - Unified Portal
for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg)
 Digital platform launched by Horticulture to disburse subsidies to horticulture farmers under
the Cluster Development Programme (CDP) to promote horticulture crops- CDP-SURAKSHA
(System for Unified Resource Allocation, Knowledge, and Secure Horticulture
 The institute that developed biodegradable natural polymer based microgels for sustainable
agriculture- IIT Mandi
(Natural polymer-based multifunctional smart microgels for the slow release of urea over a
longer period).

General Agriculture Data 2024
 First Artificial Intelligence powered agricultural news platform developed by Union
Agriculture Ministry, in collaboration with the Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence
is -Krishi 24/7
 First-ever AI-powered solution for automated agricultural news monitoring and analysis,
with support from Krishi 24/7
 Wheat flour brand launched by Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public
Distribution to provide affordable wheat flour to consumers - Bharat Atta (to offer a cost-
effective alternative to the market prices, contribute to price moderation @ Rs.27.50/Kg)
 Digital platform launched by Ministry of Textiles, Cotton Corporation of India to provide
essential information and updates on cotton initiatives- ‘Kasturi Cotton Bharat’ Portal
 63rd council meeting, Chair of International Sugar Organization (ISO) for 2024 to be hosted
by- India (International Sugar Organization (ISO) headquartered in London)
 National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) and Asian Development
Bank (ADB) collaborates with Gates Foundation to establish- Technical Support Unit (TSU)
to address climate change challenges, focusing on agriculture and rural livelihood sectors
in India
 The first vice chairperson of the incoming bureau of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries
Management (SCFM) of FAO- Dr. Balaji (India will serve as a member of the FAO Fisheries
Bureau on Capture Fisheries for first time in 57 years. The SCFM provides a forum for
national, regional, and international discussion on fishery management.)
 The country that Chair’s FAO Intergovernmental Group (IGG) on Tea for a period o two
years- India
 The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) approved various amendments in
food safety regulations to eliminate the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and Agmark
certification for food products. In line with the concept of “One Nation, One Commodity,
One Regulator”. Food business will only require mandatory FSSAI certification.
 The state that launched state 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐒𝐏 (𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐦 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞) 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐇𝐀
(𝐋𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐮 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐭𝐲𝐚 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐚 𝐊𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚) 𝐘𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐧a 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞- Odisha
 ICAR- NBFGR have identified two new specimens of congrid eels (Anguilliformes) namely-
Ariosoma Kannani and Ariosoma Gracile, off the coasts of Tamil Nadu (TN) and Kerala

General Agriculture Data 2024
 The portal launched by NITI Aayog to significantly boost the promotion of Agroforestry
initiatives by government bodies- Greening and Restoration of Wasteland with
Agroforestry (GROW)
Note: Agroforestry covers 8.65% of India’s total area, about 28.42 million hectares.
 NITI Aayog Unveils GROW Initiative for Agroforestry Transformation
 The GROW report aims to facilitate restoration projects for achieving national commitments
of Land Degradation Neutrality and restoring 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030,
as well as creating an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide
 Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, & Dairying, Government of India, excluded the
income tax for the Dairy Cooperative Society under the Income Tax Act, 1961, to provide
relief to the cooperative societies.
 The scheme and portal launched by Haryana, to encourage community participation in tree
plantation activities on non- forest lands- Van Mitra scheme
 On February 9, 2024, GoI announced ‘Bharat Ratna’ India's highest civilian honor, for their
revolutionary work uplifting the nation's farmers and rural economy- Renowned agricultural
scientist M.S. Swaminathan and former Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh
 Union Minister of Science & Technology inaugurated ‘National Speed Breeding Crop Facility’
at- National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) in Mohali.
 Eighteenth meeting of G20/2023 G20 meeting held at- 9-10 September 2023, New Delhi
Main Theme: ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future'/'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'.
Theme: 1.Strong, Sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth
Theme 2: Accelerating Progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Theme 3: Green Development Pact for A Sustainable Future
Theme 4: Multilateral Institutions for the 21st Century
Theme 5: Technological Transformation and Digital Public Infrastructure
Theme 6: International Taxation
Theme 7: Gender Equality and Empowering All Women and Girls

General Agriculture Data 2024
 G-20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting held at- Hyderabad from 15thto 17th June 2023.

The themes of the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ meeting held in Hyderabad from 15th - 17th
June 2023 were:

1. 'Sustainable agriculture for nutritional food’

2. Role of women in farming expansion and agriculture' in connection with biodiversity

The following issues were discussed during the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting:-

(i) Food security and nutrition,

(ii) Sustainable agriculture with climate smart approach,

(iii) Inclusive agri-value chains and food systems and

(iv) Digitalization for agricultural transformation

 1st meeting of "G-20 Agriculture Working Group" held at Indore from- 13th-15th
February 2023 at Indore, M.P.
 The two key outcomes of the G20 Agriculture ministers meeting are: (i) Deccan High Level
Principles on Food Security and Nutrition 2023 and (ii) International Millets and Other
Ancient Grains Research Initiative (MAHARISHI)
 G20 Agriculture working group main focus on- Embracing Millets: The Key to
Enhancing Food Security and Nutrition


 Agriculture and allied sectors Share in Total Economy GVA 2023-24

 Share of agriculture & allied sectors in total economy GVA during 2023-24- 17.7%
(Rs.47.25 lakh cr)
 Contribution of Crops to Agriculture GVA- 55.28% (Rs. 24.78 lakh cr)
 Contribution of Livestock to Agriculture GVA-30.22% (Rs.13.55 lakh cr)
 Contribution of Forestry & logging to Agriculture GVA- 7.24% (Rs.3.24 lakh cr)
 Contribution of Fishing & Aquaculture to Agriculture GVA - 7.248% (Rs.3.25 lakh cr)

General Agriculture Data 2024
Agriculture and allied sectors Share in Total Economy GVA, 2023-24 (at 2011-12 prices)
Total economy GVA growth rate 7.22
Agriculture & Allied sectors Growth rate 1.44
Agriculture & Allied sectors contribution to total GVA 14.5%
Total economy GVA 158.73 Lakh cr
Agriculture & allied sectors GVA 23.04 Lakh cr
Agriculture and allied sectors Share in Total Economy GVA, 2023-24 (at current prices)
Total economy GVA growth rate 8.53
Agriculture & Allied sectors Growth rate 5.37
Agriculture & Allied sectors contribution to total GVA 17.7%
Agriculture & allied sectors GVA 47.25 lakh cr
Total economy GVA 267.62 Lakh cr

Agriculture and allied sectors GVA (Lakh cr in value) 2023-24 at 2011-12 prices

Fishing & Aquaculture 1.65 lakh cr

Livestock 6.90 lakh cr
Forestry & Logging 1.86 lakh cr

General Agriculture Data 2024
Crops 12.30 lakh cr
Agriculture and allied sectors GVA (Lakh cr in value) 2023-24 at current prices
Fishing & Aquaculture 3.25 lakh cr
Livestock 13.55 lakh cr
Forestry & Logging 3.24 lakh cr
Crops 24.78 lakh cr

 Agricultural Exports and Imports:

ICMR dietary guidelines for Indians: According to the guidelines, for a 2000 kcal intake a
day, people should eat about:

Food group Daily intake (gms/day)

Cereals & Nutri cereals 250
Vegetables 400
Fruits 100
Pulses, Eggs & Flesh foods 85
Nuts & Seeds 35
Milk/Curd 300 ml
Fats & oils 27
(Source: Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics)

FAO statistics:
 The number of people working agriculture worldwide, including forestry and fishing
employed- 873 million, or 27% of the global workforce
 The share of agriculture in global GDP has been stable at around- 4%
 Agriculture value added to- USD 3.7 trillion
 Agricultural use of inorganic fertilizers was- 195 million tonnes of nutrients, of which
56% was nitrogen.
 Per ha consumption of inorganic fertilizers per ha cropland area -119 kg of nutrients per
hectare (highest in Asia, at 176 kg/ha)
 The global agricultural land area was- 4.79 billion hectares
 Global Per capita agriculture land - 0.20 ha
 The global land area equipped for irrigation is- 352 million ha
 Average women represented- 37.8 percent of all agricultural workers

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Global pesticides consumption - 3.5 million tonnes
 Global pesticides use per cropland area -2.0 kg/ha (highest in USA (4.7 kg/ha)
 The production of primary crops was- 9.5 billion tonnes

International Comparison for selected Crops: 2022-23

Crops India World Share of India in

world (%)
Total 99.6 355.1 3567 731.6 3059.6 4182 13.6 11.6
Total 36.1 27.7 766 96.0 96.0 1000 37.6 28.8
Paddy 46.4 196.2 4229 165.0 776.5 4705 28.1 25.3
Maize 10.0 33.7 3387 203.5 1163.5 5718 4.9 2.9
Soybean 12.1 13.0 1069 133.8 348.9 2608 9.1 3.7
Groundnut 5.7 10.1 1777 30.5 54.2 1776 18.7 18.7
Sorghum 3.8 4.2 1092 40.8 57.6 1413 9.3 7.2
Note: A- Area in million hectares, P- Production million tonnes, Yield in kg/ha
(Source: Food and Agriculture Organization, 2024)

Agriculture Programs launched during 2023-24:

 The Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA) launched an online digital
platform to empower farmers with access to pledge finance against harvested commodities- e-
Kisan Upaj Nidhi
 In the National Creators Award 2024 'Most Impactful Agri-Creator’ awarded to- Lakshya
Dabas (creates short videos on improving agricultural practices with the use of innovation and
technology, focusing on natural farming)
 The program launched by Chhattisgarh to provide input assistance to farmers- 'Krishak
Unnati Yojna'
 NAMO Drone Didi scheme: A groundbreaking effort to revitalize farming practices and uplift
rural women in India. By providing drones to 15,000 women-led Self Help Groups (SHGs),
the initiative seeks to revolutionize agriculture and empower women as key players in the rural
economy. 15,000 Women Self Help Groups to provide rental services to farmers for agriculture

General Agriculture Data 2024
The government announced and it has approved an outlay of Rs. 1,261 crore for the period
from 2024-25 to 2025-26 for the scheme.

 Green Credit Program (GCP): 13th October 2023

 Innovative market-based mechanism designed to incentivize voluntary
environmental actions/pro planet actions across diverse sectors, by various
stakeholders like individuals, communities, private sector industries, and companies-
Green Credit Program
 GCP envisions the issue of Green Credits for plantations on waste/degraded lands
and river catchment areas, to rejuvenate and revive natural ecosystems.
 GCP's governance framework is supported by an inter-ministerial Steering Committee
and The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) serves as the
GCP Administrator, responsible for program implementation, management, monitoring,
and operation.
 The scheme launched by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to
encourage environmentally friendly practices rooted in tradition and conservation;
reflecting the ideas of LiFE concept- Green Credit Program (GCP) and Ecomark
 The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has introduced two pioneering
initiatives that indicate the country's pro-active approach to climate change, sustainability
and promotion eco-conscious practices- Green Credit Program (GCP) and Ecomark
 Ecomark Scheme: 13th October 2023
 It provides accreditation and labeling for household and consumer products that
meet specific environmental criteria while maintaining quality standards as per
Indian norms. Products accredited under the Ecomark Scheme will adhere to
specific environmental criteria, ensuring minimal environmental impact
 Products accredited under the Ecomark Scheme will adhere to specific environmental
criteria, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
 Department of Agriculture and Farmers welfare and Department of School Education and
Literacy have undertaken a pilot project on- School soil health programme. Under the
project, 20 soil labs were set up in 20 schools of Kendriya and Navodaya Vidylaya of rural
areas & now updated to 1000 schools. Study modules were developed and training was
given to students and teachers.
 Krishi Sakhi (Women associates in the farm sector): August 30, 2023.
 Certified Krishi Sakhis become Para-extension workers, community resource
persons for creating awareness and building capacity of farmers and also acts as
a link between farmers, research institutions, KVKs, Agriculture and Allied

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Aim: To uplift rural women by providing them with additional income opportunities
but also seeks to enhance agriculture extension services practically through localized
 Target: to train 90,000 Krishi sakhis
 Krishi sakhis are drown from Self help groups are trained in all aspects of agriculture
so that they become certified Para extension workers.
 Krishi Sakhis play a pivotal role in implementing schemes like National Mission of
Natural Farming (NMNF), Bio Resource Centres, Prdhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
(PMFBY) etc.

PM Kisan AI Chatbot Kisan-eMitra:

 PM Kisan AI Chatbot Kisan-eMitra, Farmer’s digital assistance to address their scheme

related queries in 11 available languages.

Ministry of Cooperation:

 Prime Minister launched the world's largest grain storage plan in the cooperative sector with
storage capacity of- 700 lakh tonne will be created in the next five years, with an
investment of Rs.1.25 lakh crore.
Note: Total Food Grain Production in India is 330 MMT and total Storage Capacity in India is
only 145 MMT, i.e, there is a shortage of 185 MMT Storage. There is surplus Storage
capacity in other countries 131%, while in India there is a shortfall of 47%.
 The model promoted by government to empower small & marginal farmers and other
marginalized sections- Cooperative-based economic development model
 Computerization of 63,000 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) with an
investment of Rs. 2,516 crore.
 Mandate of new cooperation ministry- ‘Sahakar Se Samriddhi’ (Prosperity through
 National cooperative database is being developed for- Country-wide mapping of
cooperative societies
 Total number of registered cooperatives in the country is- 8.54 lakh cooperatives (with
>29 cr members).
 Cooperative societies operational in the agricultural sector- 1,00,428 with maximum under
Maharashtra (20,788).
 New co-operatives that commence manufacturing activities till 31.3.2024 shall get the benefit

General Agriculture Data 2024
of a lower tax rate of 15 per cent
 Higher limit for member of PACS/ PCARDBs for cash deposits to and loans in cash is- Rs.2
 The Union Cabinet has given its approval for the establishment of the "world's largest grain
storage plan” in the cooperative sector with an outlay of around Rs.1 lakh crore by
introducing modern storage facilities and embracing cooperative principle. The initiative aims
to curb crop damages, prevent distress sales by farmers and bolster the country’s food

National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL): October, 2023

 Ministry of Cooperation has set up National Cooperative Exports Limited (NCEL) under
the Multi-State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002. NCEL will provide a complete
ecosystem for the promotion of exports mainly of agri commodities (organic
products). It aims to provide a global platform for organic products.
 NCEL is launched in the cooperative sector with 6 objectives of increasing exports,
prospering the farmer, changing the crop pattern, providing a global market for organic
products, gaining a place for India in the global market for biofuel and strengthening the
cooperative sector.
Bharatiya Beej Sahakari Samiti Ltd (BBSSL): October, 2023
 National level Multi-state cooperative seed society
 Authorized share capital: Rs 500 crore
 Initial paid-up share capital: Rs 250 crore, shared equally by IFFCO, Kribhco, Nafed,
National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC), and National Dairy
Development Board (NDDB).
 BBSSL aims to help in increasing the production of quality seeds in India through
cooperatives thereby reducing the dependence on imported seeds, enhancing
agriculture production and provide boost to rural economy.
 Of the 787 lakh quintal seeds required annually, only 372 lakh quintal is available through
organized retail, leaving an untapped potential for 415 lakh quintal (estimated value of Rs
40,000 crore), for which farmers rely on their own crops and that of their neighbours.

*National Cooperative Organic Limited (NCOL)

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Authorized share capital: Rs.500 cr
 Initial paid-up share capital: Rs.100 cr (equally shared by NDDB, NCCF, NCDC,
 Headquarter: Anand, Gujarat
 Ministry of cooperation has established NCOL on 17 Jan, 2023.
 Chief Promoter: NDDB
 Objective: to help India realize its potential to become a global leader in organic
 Aim: to propel India’s share (currently less than 3 per cent) in the global organic market
estimated at Rs.10 lakh crore.

Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs):

 Govt. of India launched ‘Formation and promotion of FPOs’ under which by 2027-28,
about 10,000 new FPOs are to be created. (Major role has to be played by NABARD)
(U.P. has highest no. of FPOs registered under Formation and Promotion of FPOs.
7,597 FPOs has been registered in India, under the scheme. In Uttar Pradesh, around 1,150
FPOs have been registered, followed by Madhya Pradesh (566), Maharashtra (521), Punjab
(475) and Bihar (474).)
 FPOs are formed on the Model: Sustainable business model and Augmented Income
 Most appropriate institutions to mobilize small and marginal farmers and build their
capacity to collectively leverage their production and marketing is- FPO
 The concept of producer companies introduced in the year- 2002
 Nodal Agency for growth and Promotion of FPOs is- Department of Agriculture and
Cooperation (DAC)
 Single window for providing technical and all round support to FPOs is - SFAC (Small
Farmers Agribusiness Consortium a society under DAC.
 Total number of FPOs in India- 5000 (out of this 910 affiliated to SFAC, 3000 affiliated to
NABARD & remaining created and run by Private firms).
 Highest number of FPOs registered in- Maharashtra (1940) followed by U.P (750) Tamil
Nadu (528), M.P (458).

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Total number of SHGs is- 6.6 million (Source: NRLM)
 Fund created by NABARD to promote new FPOs and support their initial financial
requirements, to make them credit worthy, commercially vibrant and sustainable
business enterprise of farmers- ‘Producers Organization Development and Upliftment
Corpus’ (PRODUCE) Fund (2014-15)
 Fund created by NABARD to support FPOs for credit facilitation, capacity building and
market linkage support-Producers Organization Development Fund (PODF) (2014-15)

Fig: Government Schemes related to financial support to the FPO

 Total number of KVKs at present is- 731 (as of June, 2024)
 KVKs are under the administration control of- DDG of Agricultural extension
 Present DDG of Agricultural Extension- Dr. Udham Singh Gautam
 For effective functioning and monitoring of KVKs, KVKs are divided into- 11 ATARI
 Acronym of ATARI - Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes
(ATARIs formerly called as Zonal Project Directorates)

 Applied research done by- KVKs; Basic research by- ICAR Research Institutes; KVKs
work starts from Technology testing onwards.
 Highest number of KVKs are in- Zone III, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh with 89 KVKs
 Lowest number of KVKs are in- Zone VII, Barapani with 43 KVKs.

General Agriculture Data 2024
 KVKs 100% fully funded by- ICAR
 Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Krishi Vigyan Kendras:
 The ICAR established the first KVK on- 21st March 1974 at Puducherry.
 India has a robust network of 731 kvks with 1KVK in 545 districts and 2KVK in
93 districts each.
 Each kvk serve more than- 5000 farmers (ICAR)
 The adoption of KVK recommended technologies have led to a notable 42%
increase in the productivity, housing and healthcare of farmers.
 Each kvk trains around 100 individuals annually in agripreneurship with
approximately 25% trainees embarking on self employment ventures.
 Cluster Front line demonstration program by kvks has played a crucial role in
bolstering pulse production from 17.70 MT to 27.80 MT.
 According to study by IFPRI, KVK interventions have resulted in an additional net
farm income of- Rs.5, 752/ha demonstrating their effectiveness in enhancing farmer’s
 Anthocyanin Rich Red Okra variety - Pusa lal Bhindi-1
Recently released varieties of ICAR:

Crop Variety Characteristic

DDW 55 (Karan Biofortified durum wheat variety from IIWBR, Karnal
DBW 327 Climate resilient and biofortified (Zn- 40.6 ppm) variety released for
(Karan Shivani)cultivation in the North Western Plain Zone by CVRC. This variety
has a yield potential of 87.7 q/ha with an average yield of 79.4q/ha
HD 3385 Climate-smart variety, amenable to early sowing and escaping the
impact of temperature spikes in March.
DBW 316 (Karan New high yielding bread wheat variety released for cultivation under
prema) late sown conditions in NEPZ which covers Eastern U.P., Bihar,
Wheat Jharkhand, Orissa, West bengal, Assam and plains of NE states.
Karan Varuna Recommended for cultivation under irrigated early sown conditions of
(DBW 372) NWPZ Covering states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, J&K,
Rajasthan, H.P. and Uttaranchal.
Karan Vaidehi Recommended for cultivation under irrigated early sown conditions of
(DBW 370) NWPZ Covering states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, J&K,
Rajasthan, H.P. and Uttaranchal.
Best chapatti quality score, high protein content & high biscuit spread

General Agriculture Data 2024
Karan vrinda Recommended for cultivation under irrigated early sown conditions of
(DBW 371) NWPZ Covering states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, J&K,
Rajasthan, H.P. and Uttaranchal.
Taro Sree Hira New elite variety of taro (colocasia esculenta) suitable for rainfed
upland & irrigated medium and lowland conditions of Odisha.
Swagata Elephant foot A new high yielding variety of elephant foot yam
Rose Arka Neelachal Early maturing, high yielding variety of rose apple was developed at
apple Akshay ICAR-Central Horticultural Experimental station, Bhubaneswar.
Bengal Pusa JG -16 Climate smart drought hardy chick pea variety.
Thar Acid lime A new bunch bearing variety of acid lime
Water Kashi manu Upland leafy vegetable
Okra Kashi Chaman Tolerant to Yellow Vain Mosaic Virus (YVMV) & Okra Enation Leaf
Curl Virus (OELCV),rich in many nutrients and particularly high in
vitamin C and K. Chaman is rich source of antioxidants which reduce
risk of serious diseases
Onion Pusa Shobha Onion variety developed by IARI specifically designed for dehydration

 Promising sugarcane varieties resistance to pest and diseases developed by Navsari Agricultural
University- CoN13073 & CoN13072
 Total registered animal breeds in the country is- 219
Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) Umbrella covers
Research Institutes 72
National Bureaus 06
All-India Coordinated Research Projects + Network 82
Research Projects.
Agricultural Universities 74
A. State Agricultural Universities- 63
B. Deemed Universities- 04
C. Central Agricultural Universities- 03
D. Central Universities with agricultural faculty- 04
National Research centers 12
ATARIs (Agricultural Technology Application 11
Research Institutes)/KVK Zones
Project Directorates 12
Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s 731
(Source: ICAR).

Chairman’s/Heads/Presidents of different Institutes

General Agriculture Data 2024
Institute Year of Chairman Headquarter
establishment /Head/president
President- Shivraj chouhan
 ICAR th
16 July,1929
DG- Dr. Himanshu Pathak New Delhi
Chairperson- Narendra Modi
1 Jan, 2015 Vice Chairperson-Suman Bery
 **NITI Ayog CEO- B.V.R. Subrahmanyam New Delhi
 Doubling of 2016 Ashok Dalwai New Delhi
Farmer Income
12 July, 1982 Shaji K V Mumbai
 Asia Pacific Rural Oct, 1974 Chairman- Shaji KV Bangkok,
& Agricultural Secretary General- Thailand
Credit Association Dr. Prasan Kumar Das
 Agriculture Skill 2015 Sanjeev Asthana Gurugram,
Council of India Haryana

 FCI 1965 Ashok Kumar Meena New Delhi

 APEDA 1986 Abhishek Dev New Delhi

 PMFBY 2016 CEO- Ritesh Chauhan New Delhi

 CACP 1965 Vijay Paul Sharma New Delhi

 United Nations 1945, Antonio Guterres Newyork
 ICRISAT 1972 Dr. Jacqueline Hughes Hyderabad
 PPV&FR *2001 Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra New Delhi

 MANAGE **1986 Dr.P.Chandra Shekara Hyderabad

 FAO Oct 24, 1945 Qu Dongyu Rome, Italy
 *NAFED **Oct 2, 1958 Chairman- Jetha Ahir New Delhi

MD- Rajbir Singh Panwar

 FSSAI 2011 Apurva Chandra New Delhi

 FICCI 1927 Subhrakant Panda New Delhi

 Cotton 2003 Lalit Kumar Gupta New Delhi

India (CCI)

General Agriculture Data 2024
 NDDB 1965 Meenesh Shah Anand, Gujarat

 RBI 1 April, 1935 Shaktikanta Das Mumbai

 IARI *1905 Dr. AK Singh New Delhi

 World bank 1945 Ajay Banga Washington

 IFFCO 1967 Chairman-Dileep Sanghani New Delhi

MD –U.S. Awasthi

 GST council 2015 Nirmala Sithraman New Delhi

 IMF 1945 Kristalina Georgieva Washington

 NSC 1963 Dr.Maninder Kaur New Delhi
 IRRI 1960 Dr. Yvonne Pinto Los Banos,
 IRRI South Asia Dec, 2018 Dr. Sudhanshu Singh Varanasi
Regional Center-
 Competition 14 Oct, 2003 Ravneet Kaur New Delhi
Commission of
India (CCI)

India’s Rank in Different Indices- 2023-24

Index Rank
Human Development Index 134 (First rank- Norway)
Global Innovation Index (Switzerland- 40
First rank)
Global Hunger Index 111
International Intellectual Property Index 42
Gender Gap Index 129
Global Entrepreneur Index 68
Environmental Performance Index 176
Climate change Performance Index 7th
Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) 63 (New Zealand- First Rank)

 India has emerged as the 3rd largest ecosystem for startups globally with over 1,12,718
DPIIT-recognized startups and 110 unicorns across 763 districts of the country as of 03rd
October 2023. Nearly 2800 agri startups operating in India. (Source DPIIT).

General Agriculture Data 2024
For more information on schemes/programs launched during 2014-2022, international
organizations refer 2022 General Agriculture and 2023 General Agriculture files:

 Annual Report.2022-23. Department of Agriculture & Farmers welfare.
 Annual report 2022-23. DARE.
 Basic Animal Husbandry statistics 2023.
 FAO. 2023. World Food and Agriculture Statistical Yearbook 2023. Rome.
 Report on Price Policy for Kharif crops of 2024-25 season.
 Ministry of Commerce and Industry

General Agriculture Data 2024
 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Prepared by
Dr. K. Raghavendra Chowdary
Scientist (Agril. Extension)

General Agriculture Data 2024

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