Leet Speak Cheat Sheet - GameHouse

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L33T SP34K
By Roald Craenen (http://www.roaldcraenen.nl)

Almost a decade before Tim Berners-Lee's World (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON).

Wide Web (http://webfoundation.org/about/sir-
tim-berners-lee/) saw its �rst light of day back in In that period leet speak existed only in small
1991, leet speak was born. Back then when the circles, and was only used when necessary. It
internet was coming up, most search originated within bulletin boards, where
functionalities simply looked for keywords in text someone having an ""elite"" status meant he or
to show relevant documents. Hackers weren't she was allowed access to �le folders, games and
very keen on having their information displayed chat rooms. But it wasn't until the addition of
on websites, bulletin boards, newsgroups or any internet connectivity to one of the most
other place, so they started to replace certain in�uential titles in the video games industry,
letters in words. It started out with simple vowel Doom and Doom II (http://www.idsoftware.com/)
Leet speak alphabet substitutions like a 4 instead of an A, or a 3 that the use of leet speak exploded.
instead of an E. This meant that topics like
Numbers cracking or hacking remained undetected. From there on leet speak evolved from a method
to mislead search functionalities into a language
One other (conspiracy) theory for online gamers to describe formidable
Vocabulary (http://www.verbatimmag.com/27_1.pdf) is that prowess or accomplishment. Phrases such as "1
leet speak was invented as a way to beat 4m 3l33t!" (I am elite!) were thrown around to
Abbreviations automatic government surveillance programs, demonstrate someone was an experienced
such as the legendary Echelon program gamer (or hacker).
L33t m4tr1x

4 Levels of Leet

Leet speak translator

A word of caution


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The leet speak alphabet in its simplest form substitutes vowels, but it can be pretty complex when
substituting consonants as well. The table below shows several ways every letter of the alphabet can
be replaced, starting with the most common substitutions at the top, moving to more fancy ones
further down.

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It's not only letters that are substituted with numbers, numbers can be substituted by letters too.

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Although substituting numbers by letters isn't as common as the fore mentioned in leet speak. But
for those of you who seek more obfuscation and frustration, the list below will de�nitely help you
with that, and will probably help you get quickly accepted amongst the gaming community.

L R E A S b T B g o

I Z G L q ()

In addition to substituting letters and numbers, more advanced leet speak uses various su�xes. In
most cases this ads more complexity and thus makes sentences and words harder to read and
understand. The most common su�xes are z's and ed's, that can simply be added to words like lol
(lolz) without changing its meaning. Other more complex su�xes are described below.

-zorz Puts extra emphasis on a word To pwn someone, means you defeated him, to
Of course any word or sentence can be transformed into leet speak, but there are some words
(mostly used to add sarcasm) pwnzorz someone means you really defeated
unique to it. Below you'll �nd all of these words, their meaning and even some sound bites to help
you fully master leet speak. Be aware these are a combination of regular words transformed into leet
-xor/-zor Derivation of agent nouns from a The word "hacker" could be transformend into speak, but also various terms used by online gamers.
verb stem. Substitution for -er or -r h4ck3r, but by using this su�x, it becomes h4x0r
(The o is often replaced by a 0)

-age Derivation of a noun from a verb When you pwn someone, that was total pwnage
Search for l33t terms...

-ness Derivation of a noun from an You sir, possess lots of leetness

adjective stem

-ed Replacing the -e of past participle The word "pwned" becomes "pwn'd" or might 0wn, p0wn, pwn, pwned, To own someone, or to beat someone's ass in a
endings with an apostrophe or become "pwnd" pwnd, owned, pwning, very humiliating way
omiting it completely pwnage, 0w|\|, 0wn3d,
-& Words containing -and-, -anned- or - Sandbox becomes &box, banned becomes b& 0wn4ge, p0wn4ge
ant- (or similar sounds) are replaced 13wt, l00t Loot or treasure, the reward you get when steeling
by ampersands (&) someone else's stu�

ai Arti�cial Intelligence; Characters that seem human

aiming bot A piece of software that automatically aims and

locks on targets or other players to kill them more

boomstick, BFG, big fucking A weapon that in�icts an awesome amount of

gun damage

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boss The "bad guy" that has to be beaten to win the l33t, 1337, leet Elite, skilled player
game. Bosses usually occur at the end of games,
or at the end of crucial chapters of a game
l4m3r, llama, lame A lamer is person who has very little energy and is
bot, NPC, monster, mobs Non-playable character, or a robot, is a character always cutting corners
controlled by the computer
level up Improving your character's ability and skills
bug, glitch An error in computer code that causes unwanted
behavior lobby A chat room in a multiplayer game

bunny hop, bunny hopping Rapidly jumping up and down and moving all over low-ping bastard, LPB People with a really fast internet connection
the place so you're a more di�cult target to kill m4d Mad, mostly used as an adjective like "I h4z g0t
camper A gamer that stays in the same spot, waiting for m4d sk1llz!". Or even marked for death
other players to walk by and then shooting them MMORPG Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
cheater Someone who doesn't play fair. Often times n00b, nwb, noob, tool t00l, An unskilled player or newbie
unskilled players call skilled players (l33ts) newbie, boon, b00n, tool,
cheaters, because they can't stand how good they t00l
really are.
np No problem
ctf Capture the �ag, a game type in which players
have to capture each others �ags omg, 0mg, 0mfg, OMG, Oh My God, or with a bit more emphasis, Oh My
OMGWTFBBQ Fucking God. Used to describe jawdropping events
d00d, d00dz Dude, as an expression of comradery that weren't anticipated

patch A software update for a game that �xes bugs and

easter eggs Usually small hidden features inside a game that glitches
don't contribute to the actual gameplay or
storyline, but are there mostly for amusement PC A playable character that is controlled by a real
purposes only human being

em Them ph33r, ph34r Fear, as in "Fear me!"

exp, xp Experience Points, the level of experience a gamer

has in a certain game Pr0n, n0rp A deliberate misspelling of the word porn

f00 Fool, or an unskillful player

r0x0r, r0x0rz Rocks, as in, OMG that dude rocks!

�ak Debris from an explosion sk1llz, sk1ll, sk1ll3d, m4d Skills

fragging, dropping, capping, Killing another player
icing, wasting spawn, sp4wn, respawn When you're killed in a game, you're brought back
to life so you can participate again
god mode This mode renders players invulnerable, so they
can't be killed and/or have unlimited ammunition sry, srry, soz, sozz Sorry
or money sux0r Sucks, as in something that isn't entirely rosy
h4x0r, haxor, HaXXor, A real hacker or someone with really awesome
h4XXor gaming skills
taunt Provoking, usually done when killing an opponent
high-ping bastard, HPB People with a crappy internet connection and telling him/her you're more l33t the he/she is

instagib A game mode in which players usually have just teh, t3h A popular misspelling for the word "the"
one weapon with unlimited ammo

j0 Yo! Hi! Hello! What's up! telefrag, teleportation frag Killing someone by teleporting yourself to the
exact same location as your opponent. Sometimes
j00 You it kills both players, in some games though it's a
method used by more skilled players to kill others

kicked If you cheat in a game and get banned from über, |_|83r The most awesome
playing that game, you're kicked from it

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w00t Yay! An expression of great joy and happiness

noobcannon, n00bc4nn0n A weapon that in�icts a lot of damage, but doesn't

require much skill to use

gibs, gibbed Wet bodily fragments, to gib someone is to kill

Leet speak has come a long way since the '80s and has evolved a bit over time. This is especially true
someone and then the corpse explodes
in online gaming, where you'll �nd a mix of leet speak and abbreviations. This too can be a bit
lag Slow internet connectivity, reducing response confusing, since there are so many variations. Most of them are undoubtedly used in various chat
times and creating sluggish gameplay rooms, instant messengers, Facebook, WhatsApp or any other form of digital communication. That's
why some of the obvious ones are omitted to present you with only the more colorful abbreviations.
clan A group of gamers that teamed up and �ght

kewl Cool
Search for l33t abbreviations...

sploitz Exploits, vulnerabilities in computer software

abused by hackers

spray, spraying Firing lots of bullets in the hope of killing someone,

instead of aiming accurately A&D Attack and Defend

ph4t, phat, ph@ Awesome or cool AFAIK As Far As I Know

AFK Away From Keyboard

trolling Making fun of someone ATM At The Moment

wallhack Cheat software that enables players to see and BAF Bring A Friend
shoot through walls
BBIM Be Back In a Minute
rank h00r, stat h00r Someone who cares too much his stats in a way
that it a�ects his normal game play BBL Be Back Later

BBS Be Back Soon

BRB Be Right Back

BS Bullshit

BTW By The Way

CU See You

DM Death Match

DMG Damage

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FB Flash Bang grenade

FFA Free For All

FFS For Fuck's Sake

FH Full Health

G2G, GTG Got To Go

GA Go Ahead

GD God Damn

GF Good Fight

GL Good Luck

GGA Good Game All

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HP Hit Points RT Roger That

IIRC If I Recall Correctly Sig Signature

IMO, IMHO In My Opinion, In My Honest Opinion SP Single Player

IRC Internet Relay Chat STFU Shut The Fuck UP

IRL, RL In Real Life, Real Life Sup What's Up

JJ, JK Just Joking, Just Kidding TBH To Be Honest

KOS Kill On Sight Thx, Thnx, Ty Thanks, Thank you

LFC Looking For Clan TTFN Ta Ta For Now (Goodbye for now)

LMAO, Laughing My Ass O�, Laughing My Fucking Ass O� GG, VGG Good Game, Very Good Game
WB Welcome Back
LOL, l0l Laugh(ing) Out Loud
WTF What The Fuck
LOS Line Of Sight
WTG Way To Go
Lvl Level
WYG What You Got?
M8 Mate, teammate
YW You're Welcome
Med Medic
OFC Of Course
Mod A modi�cation of a game, usually created by gamers instead of the original
SMH Shaking My Head
NC No Comment
MP Multiplayer
RUSOS Are You Stupid Or Something
MTFBWY May The Force Be With You
w/e Whatever
N1 Nice one
nd And
NP No Problem
YARLY Yeah, really!
NT Nice Try
RPG Role Playing Game
O RLY, ORLY Oh, really?
RTS Real Time Strategy game, as in it is not turn-based, but all players perform actions
OMG, OMFG Oh My God, Oh My Fucking God
OMW On My Way
FPS First Person Shooter, Frames Per Second
OOR, OOS Out Of Range, Out Of Sight

OSOK One Shot One Kill

PITA Pain In The Arse/Ass

PK Player Killing

PMSL Pissing MySelf Laughing

Port Teleport

PPL People

Res, Rez Resolution As you've read above, leet speak is mostly substituting letters to a certain degree. The more you
substitute letters, the more obscure it becomes. In addition leet speak, or more speci�cally a
ROFL Roll On the Floor Laughing combination of leet and game slang, also has its own words and abbreviations. It's not always clear
ROFLMAO Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass O� however, whether a word is meant as a compliment or an insult. That's where the leet matrix comes
in, containing various common expressions together with their level of politeness and positivity.
ROFLOL, r0�0l Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud Words in the lower left section have a pretty negative meaning and are meant as an insult. However
RP Role Play when someone uses a word in the upper right section, you're probably doing a good job.

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Basic Leet is nothing more than substituting Advanced Leet is where things get really exciting.
-5 5
every vowel for a number. This causes some Speaking (or actually writing) in advanced leet
confusion, but is actually pretty readable and takes time to master, but guarantees people
understandable. So an A becomes a 4, an E unfamiliar with leet have a hard time reading it.
h4x0r l33t, über
becomes a 3, an I becomes a 1 and an O Advanced Leet is in fact a combination of Basic
4 lpb j00 r0x0rz
becomes a 0 (a zero). The letter U is an exception and Intermediate Leet, but uses punctuation
ph4t d00d m8 sk1ll3d
as there isn't an obvious number to replace it marks for vowels as well. So instead of an A
2 lmfao n1
with. So in Basic Leet U's are either unchanged, becoming a 4, it could become an @ or /-\.
Positive ►

or you can replace it with (_).


/=<>Я 4££ üj3ëЯ £33']['-/_ <>|_|'][' '][']-[ëЯë, '][']-

-2 l4m3r, n00bc4nn0n
If you've read any of the above carefully, you've [ëЯë'es '][']-[ë /=|_|££ Яë']['4Я) £ëë'][' £ë\/ë£, ![\]
wtf t00l, rusos f00, pita camper
probably already surpassed the Basic Leet level. \|/]-[!<]-[ ë\/ëЯ'/' \/<>\|/ë£ <>Я <<>[\]es<>
-4 rank h00r hpb, stfu j00 sux0rz n00b
Good for you! In that case the obvious next step [\]4[\]'][' !es Яë|>£4<ë) j3'/' 4£']['ëЯ[\]4']['![\]{,
is replacing consonants with either numbers or <]-[4Я4<']['ëЯes, |>|_|[\]<']['|_|4']['!<>[\]
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 various punctuation marks. So in Intermediate <\/>4Я|{es 4[\]) {,£'/'|>]-[es. es<> /=<>Я
Leet for example the letter B could be replaced ë}{4<\/>|>£ë '][']-[ë £ë']['']['ëЯ 4 ![\] <>[\]ë \|/<>Я)
Polite ► by an 8, or by I3. Just like the letter G could be <<>|_|£) j3ë Яë|>£4<ë) j3'/' 4 4, !'][' <<>|_|£) j3ë
replaced by a 6 or a 9, or the consonant S by a 5. Яë|>£4<ë) j3'/' Д <>Я /-\ ![\] 4[\]<>'][']-[ëЯ \|/<>Я).

To put any of the above in perspective, you can use the Leet Speak Translator below to turn any text
you'd like into Leet. This translator converts normal words or text into leet speak. You can even
select any of the four levels. The Leet Speak Translator makes it easier to actually talk in leet to
others, since you only have to copy and paste text. So go on, get your 1337 on, and start converting!

Put in any normal text...

Basic Leet Intermediate Leet Advanced Leet Full Retard Leet

And get l33t here...

15 of 18 10/30/21, 23:2816 of 18 10/30/21, 23:28

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