Final Exam Speaking Skill

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Unit 5

1. How has science changed the food we eat?

=> Science has had a significant impact on the food humans eat in various ways. One of the primary
changes is the invention of genetically modified foods. Genetic modification is the process of using top-
notch technology to change the genes in living things to alter their traits. Foods have altered the genes
called Genetically Modified foods. For example, corn can be genetically modified to help them grow in
areas where water is scarce or to be more resistant to pests. Genetic modification can increase the
amount of food that crops produce giving humans all more to eat and fruit can be altered so that it
grows bigger and lasts longer. Other examples of GM foods are onions that have altered the genes so it
does not make people cry or scientists have created tomatoes in different colors but have the same
health benefits.

Science has change packaged food a lot. They add vitamins because they’re good for us and they use
less fat and think they are good for us.

I think this is because of science that ppl eat so much packaged food , they discover way create foods
that ppl like usually by adding a lot of salt or sugar. It is not healthy at all.

They ‘ve learned to make all kinds of things out of corn, they use corn syrup sweeten soda, candy and
corn oil for fire corn is cheapest crop, so a lot of food is less expensive like fast foods.

Science have changed the plants and animals we eat. A long time ago, corn is a small plant but now it
is huge one and animal is bigger too because they figure out just a right diet to feed them to make
them mature.

Do you think science has done anything good for diet? Absolutely, because of science we are able to
grow more food and feed more people.

2. Which is more important in the food you choose: flavor, cost, or nutrition? Why?

From my perspective, nutrition plays a vital role in helping our body stay healthy so my top-priority in the
food I eat is nutrition. When I go to supermarket to buy foods I tend to choose some kind of foods
contains various necessary vitamins and minerals to nourish myself such as vegetables, fruits, whole
grain,lean meat and so on. Especially, I am keen on eating plant-based product and consume plant-based
protein. This is because this kind of protein is likely to have benefits over animal-based because higher
plant protein consumption is associated with a lower level of "bad" cholesterol, which helps reduce the
risk of heart disease. However I also consume in moderation amount of animal-based protein

3. What is Genetically Modified (GM) Food? Do you know any GM plants? What are the differences
between GM food and the normal one?
Geneticallly modified food also know as genetically engineered foods are foods produced from
organisms that have been added a specific stretch of DNA into its genome, giving it new or different

Other examples of GM foods are onions that have altered the genes so it does not make people cry or
scientists have created tomatoes in different colors but have the same health benefits. Or the pink
pineapple it is a genetically modified fruit. The GMO pink pineapple was developed to have pink flesh by
increasing the levels of lycopene. Lycopene is naturally found in pineapples, and it is the pigment that
makes tomatoes red and watermelons pink. And the taste is less sour, juicier and sweeter
than a trditional one.

One of the main differences between GM foods and regular one is the way they are produce. GM crops
are created in a laboratory using biotechnology techniques, while traditional crops are grown through
natural breeding methods. GM crops may offer certain benefits, such as increasing crop yields or
reducing the use of pesticides. However, the potential health and environmental risks associated with
GMOs must be concern. Non-GMOs do not come with these risks and may be preferable for those who
wish to avoid potential health and environmental risks associated with GMOs.

4. Would you prefer to eat fish raised in a farm or fish caught from the sea?

Would you prefer to eat fish raised in a farm or fish caught from the wild? My answer is wild fish and
why? I have two main reasons to lean myself towards fish caught from the wild.

Firstly, availability is my obvious option to choose fish from the ocean. In fact, I am living in the costal line
where a variety of offshore fish is still accessible to my daily cooking, whereas farm-raised fish is not
offered yet. For example, I can walk to a nearby local market to buy a piece of tuna. In addition to
availability, affordability is my top concern too.

It is obvious that many types of oceanic fish are still in my budget range to alter my diet. In have a limited
budget for daily meal of two including my younger sister, so I always shop for fish in my range of
spending. For instance, a piece of 5-gram tuna cost me around an equivalence of 2 US Dollar.

5. Do you think packaged food is healthy or not? Why?

Do you think packaged food is healthy or not? Why? I would say NO to processed and packaged food for
now and I can back my answer with many convincing arguments, but for this talk I will focus on my goal
of living healthy.

To stay healthy, my first important lifestyle is to absorb as much as possible chemicals. As matter of fact,
prepackaged foods appear to include chemical preservatives to keep them last longer. What are these
preservatives? I have done some research into food preservatives which are approved by food agencies
like FDA in the USA. Sodium sorbate is an example of chemical preservatives. However, I am not
convinced that these chemical preservatives are healthy, so I decided to stay away from them.
Scientist believe that fast food restaurant play a sustainable role in more and more people becoming

Furthermore, fresh produces retain their nutritional ingredients which improve my healthy living choice.
I have actually done some studies into ways of living healthy and I learned that shelf stable produces go
through extreme processing cycles which change their nutritional values. Published research, for
example, showed that 35-80% of ascorbate disappear from salad leaves stored at 4 Celsius degrees.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having bigger food?

Consuming genetically modified food can be both advantageous and disadvantageous.

One of the primary benefits is GMOs are usually cheaper. GMO crops are bred to grow efficiently – this
means that farmers can produce the same amount of food using less land, less water, and fewer
pesticides than conventional crops. Because they can save on resources, food producers can also charge
lower prices for GMO foods. In addition, GMOs may have fewer pesticides. Many GMO crops have been
altered to be less vulnerable to insects and other pests farmer . For example, corn is a GMO crop that
has altered the genes to be resitant to pests. This gene causes corn to produce a protein that kills many
pests and insects, helping to protect the corn from damage. This means that farmers don't need to use
as much pesticide on crops.

GMO crops can offer many advantages , but some experts worry that they carry health risks, as well for
various reasons. First, genetic engineering foods may cause allergic reactions. This is because that
genetic modification often adds or mixes proteins that were not indigenous to the original animal or
plant, which might cause new allergic reactions in our body. Another risk of Genetic engineering foods is
that they could make disease-causing bacteria resistant to curent antibiotics, resulting in a significant
increase in the spread of infections and disease in the human population.

7. How concerned are you about additives in your food? Do you avoid food that have additives.

Personally, I am deeply concerned about the additives in my food. The reason behind this is simple: I
prioritize my well-being and believe that consuming natural and unprocessed foods is essential for
maintaining good health. Numerous studies have linked certain additives to adverse effects such as
allergies, hyperactivity in children, and even cancer. Therefore, I make a conscious effort to avoid foods
that contain these additives.

Avoiding food with additives does require more effort and vigilance when grocery shopping or dining
out. However, it is worth to pay for peace of mind knowing that I am nourishing my body with
wholesome ingredients rather than potentially harmful chemicals.

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of food additives?

Food additives are substances that are added to food during processing to enhance their flavor, texture,
appearance or shelf life. While some additives are considered to have some benefits others have been
linked to various limitations. In terms of benefits, Some additives can make food last longer. For example,
some preservatives are used to prevent spoilage and extend the shelf life of food like sodium benzoate
and sulfites. In addition, Food additives are primarily used to enhance the taste, aroma, color of food.
For instance, artificial sweeteners, flavors like monosodium glutamate., coloring.

Some additives may have negative effects on health. For example, some people may be allergic to certain
kinds of food additives such as MSD. These substances can cause symptoms like hives itching and
difficulty breathing High fructose corn syrup has been associated with an increased risk of obesity and
other health problems, and certain artificial food colorants such as red 40 have been linked to
hyperactivity and other behavioral problems in children.

9. Should there be stricter rules for food additives on advertisements or food for children? Why and why

In my opinion, Stricter rules for food additives in advertisements for children are necessary to safeguard
their health for some reasons. First, Stricter rules are needed to protect children’s health. In fact,
excessive consumption of additives such as artificial colors, flavors and preservatives has been linked to
various health problems in children, including hyperactivity, allergies and obesity. Therefore, stricter
regulations could limit children’s exposure to potentially harmful additives.

10. Do you think genetically engineered plants or food is a good thing? Why? or why not?

From my perspective, genetically modified plants are beneficial for human beings.

One of the primary benefits is GMOs are usually cheaper. GMO crops are bred to grow efficiently – this
means that farmers can produce the same amount of food using less land, less water, and fewer
pesticides than conventional crops. Because they can save on resources, food producers can also charge
lower prices for GMO foods. The developments of GE has potentially address food security challenges
and help meet the growing global demand for food. In addition, GMOs may have fewer pesticides. Many
GMO crops have been altered to be less vulnerable to insects and other pests farmer . For example, corn
is a GMO crop that has altered the genes to be resitant to pests. This gene causes corn to produce a
protein that kills many pests and insects, helping to protect the corn from damage. This means that
farmers don't need to use as much pesticide on crops resulting reduce the pernicious impact on the
health of farmers and consumers.

11. How does TV advertising affect what food you eat ?

Unit 6

1. What does success mean to you?

Success is a subjective term that holds different meanings for different individuals. In my opinion, being
successful means achieving personal goals and finding fulfillment in one's chosen path. It is not solely
measured by material wealth or societal recognition but rather by the sense of contentment and
happiness that one derives from one’s accomplishments.

2. What are some roads to success that you know?

IN general, there are 2 paths to get the success one is traditional path, and another is non-traditional.
Traditional path is the path that individual graduated from high school and then get in university to study
with the university degree then go to work. But after graduating from high school individuals decided
not to get university, at that time these people follow the non-traditional path.

3. What are some benefits of taking a year off school or work?

There are many benefits that people can gain from taking a gap year after graduating high school. One of
the main advantages is the opportunity to pursue other passions. This means people could spend their
time pursuing hobbies and interests that are often neglected in favor of studying or work. As a result,
people might even discover that they want to go down a totally different path. In addition, people who
take a break from studies may find it easier to find a job after graduation. If people follow a concrete
plan and spend this year on the right way such as working, traveling another country or even
volunteering, it can provide them with valuable new skills that any employer would be impressed by
then can have great competitions to enter the work market.

4. What are some disadvantages of a gap year?

Although taking a gap year could confer tremendous benefits for personal development, it is important
to consider potential downsides as well. A primary limitation is the potential loss of motivation in
academic or career pursuits. Taking time off from school or work can make it difficult to get back into the
swing of things once the gap year is over. Additionally, some students may struggle with feelings of
isolation or loneliness during their time away from their usual social circles. Financial concerns are
another drawback of taking a gap year. Traveling and living expenses can add up quickly, and not
everyone has the means to support themselves financially during this time.

5. If you could take a year off from school, what kinds of experiences would you seek? Why?

If I were to take a gap year before going to college, I would like to do a number of things, all of which
have to do with travelling, I would want to visit as many countries and cities as possible especially
country where English is the mother tongue. This is because my goal is to become an English teacher, so I
want to travel to those country to study English, broaden my horizon , emmer myself in the culture in
those country to have propound insight into language.

6. Do you want to work in a company for many years or to change companies often to make progress in
your profession?

I think changing companies can be beneficial for my career ladder for some reasons. Firstly, changing
companies can lead to faster career promotion and salary increases. Moving to
different organizations can offer new challenges, responsibilities, and
opportunities for growth. Second, changing companies frequently can help
you expand your network by connecting with professionals from diverse
backgrounds and industries.
7. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

8. If a close friend is considering taking a year off, what would you tell your friend?

9. What types of gap year activities could help prepare someone for a career in education? Why?

10. Do you know anyone who took/ have taken a gap year?

11. Is success something that everyone should try to obtain? Why or why not

Yes, because success make people feel satisfied with what they want. Ex, I’m a teacher, I can teach
students -> feel happy -> success. Satisfied themselves with their goal. They have to setting the goal ->
achieve the goal-> they feel satisfied.

12. What different ways are there to become successful

13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each traditional path and non-traditional path.

Have you taken a traditional path or non traditional path to reach your educational and career gpals?
What are ad and disad of each path

What are the cons of working for same company

These 2 different models of career advancement. First, lét’s focus on the more traditional model for
advancement. A good picture for this model would be a busineesment climbing up a single ladder, one
step at a time. In this situation, a worker would start at a large company just out of high school or
college. The worker would stay with the company, receiving the promotion after promotion and rising
from the bottom of the ladder, perhaps working in the mail room, to working in an office to managing
and so on. Traditionally, workers were unsually loyal to their companies. They devote their entire
working lives to the same company.

Another in new model, by siontrast to the sighe ladder, these woker move from one comapy to another
sometime they move sideway sometime the person leaves one position at a company for similar position
in a different company; may be for better poay or the the promise of a quci promotion. Woker is able to
move to a position 1 2 3 step highr than their previous position

Unit 7

What is accidental discovery?

An accidental event happens by chance or as the result of an accident, and is n

ot deliberately intended.
How do accidental discoveries affect our lives?

Accidental scientific discovery. How these accidental discoveries affect our lives in positive and
negative way (gunpowder, plastic)
1. Have you ever discovered something important by accident? If so, what was it?

Yes, I have discovered sth by chance in my life for example I discovered the online learning English course
at Open University HCM city. Initially, I had no intention to attend any kind of course but an
advertisement of learning university by in facebook led me to a world of knowledge and growth. This
accidental discovery help me improved my English \ that I can confident communicate with people from
all ảound the world, It allowed me to broaden my horizon can easiyly become a global citizen. Besides,
learning English can provide many opportunity ti find well-paid job or work in some multinational

Possible answer: I once accidentally added the wrong ingredient to a dish. I thought it would ruin the
dish, but it ended up tasting great.

2. If you discover something by accident, how do you know if the discovery is important?

3. What are the roles of chance discoveries in science?

In addition, chance discoveries can also inspire creativity and innovation in scientific research by
encouraging scientists to think outside the box and explore unconventional ideas. By embracing
the element of chance in their work, scientists can harness the power of serendipity to make
groundbreaking discoveries that shape the course of scientific progress.

4. Do you know any accidental scientists? If yes, what can you learn from them?

Throughout the history of science many major discoveries came accidentally such as Penicillin. One of
the biggest medicinal breakthroughs in history came about entirely accident..



Through histrory, there are many popular discovery have been made not on purpose
which lead to advancements in variety of scientist field. One such discovery is penicilin,
which was accidnetally discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. After his holiday, Dr
Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory and find mold growing on his Petri dish. He
observed that the mold seemed to inhibit the bacteria around it. He quickly discovered
that the mold produced a self-defence chemical that could kill bacteria. This
serendipitous finding revolutionized medicine and led to the development of antibiotics.
Another discovery that unintentionally invented is the microway oven. In 1945 a
American engineer named Dr. Percy Spencer all of sudden noticed that a chocolate bar in
his pocket melted when he stood near a magnetron. He was so excited and then he
experimented further and eventually invented the microwave oven

5. If two siblings were separated as babies and then met many years later, do you think they would still
feel an emotional connection? Why or why not?

6. What are some accidental inventions that changed human life?

There are numerous other innovations that were made by pure accident that also have disrupted our
lives – both positively and negatively- chewing gum, super glue, brandy, dynamite, corn flake, popsicles,
post-it notes. Accidental discovery affect people positively because.

Through histrory, there are many popular discovery have been made not on purpose
which lead to advancements in variety of scientist field. One such discovery is penicilin,
which was accidnetally discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. After his holiday, Dr
Alexander Fleming returned to his labratory and find mold growing on his Petri dish. He
observed that the mold seemed to inhibit the bacteria around it. He quickly discovered
that the mold produced a self-defence chemical that could kill bacteria. This
serendipitous finding revolutionized medicine and led to the development of antibiotics.
Another discovery that unintentionally invented is the microway oven. In 1945 a
American engineer named Dr. Percy Spencer all of sudden noticed that a chocolate bar in
his pocket melted when he stood near a magnetron. He was so excited and then he
experimented further and eventually invented the microwave oven

Save many people lives like Penicillin is probably among accidental findings that has saved the greatest
number of lives.

x-ray could penetrate through most substances while casting shadows of solid subject.

Make their life more qualified like microwave help people with tight schedule don’t spend much time

Make life better than easier for example post-it note using to take note some thing and stick them
somewhere -. Remember

Popsicles was invented by an 11 year who kept it secret for 18 year, left the mixture of powdered soda
and water out on the porch, which contained a stir stick, when the temperatures in San Francisco
reached a record low, he discovered that it has frozen to the stir stick, creating a fruit flavored ice treat,
18 years later he patented (made or sold by a particular company) it and called it the popsicle

7. Where could be the good places for an accidental discovery?

8. Some accidental discoveries could be very negative? What are they?

However, not all accidental discoveries have positive outcomes. For example, the invention of plastic was
initially seen as a remarkable breakthrough but has since become an environmental nightmare due to its
non-biodegradable nature and harmful effects on ecosystems. Another is gunpowde, riginally invented
by Chinese alchemists in the 9th century, gunpowder was initially used for fireworks and later adapted
for military purposes. The unintended consequences of this discovery were devastating, as it
revolutionized warfare and led to the development of powerful weapons such as cannons and firearms.

The use of gunpowder in warfare has resulted in countless deaths and casualties throughout history,
leading to widespread destruction and suffering. Additionally, the proliferation of firearms has
contributed to an increase in violence and conflict around the world.

9. What might be the disadvantages to relying on serendipity to help us understand the human brain?

10. Is it ever good to leave things undiscovered? For example, isolated tribes of people, new species of
animals, or natural resources?

Unit 8

1. Do you play sports or games as a child? If so, what are they?

Yes, I was obsessed with sports when I was little. And I think I have a knack for
doing sports that I can do varieaty of kind of sports.

I play football when I was a kid, and io really liked it because it was fun to play a
game with my friend.

2. What are the pros and cons of competition?

One positive effect is that children can learn that no matter if you win or lose, its important to be
respectful of the team. One negative effect is that children can become too competitive

3. Do you think athletic competitions teach “self-discipline”?

4. How do organized sports affect children?

While some argue that children should focus solely on academics, I passionately believe
that allowing children to learn sports at school is crucial for their overall development.
Firstly, participating in sports helps children develop essential interpersonal skills such as
teamwork, comunication, leadership and some social skills like disciplined, and
perseverance. By engaging in team sports like soccer or basketball, children learn how to
work together to reach a common goal, how to become a good leader when teamwork.
They also understand the importance of following rules and regulations, thus instilling
discipline from an early age. Moreover, sports teach them to never give up and keep
trying even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Furthermore, learning sports at school provides an opportunity for children to discover

their talents and passions outside of academics. Not every child may excel academically;
however, they might have exceptional athletic abilities waiting to be discovered. By
offering a variety of sports options at school, we allow every child to explore their
potential and find joy.

Finally, physical activity is vital for a child's health and well-being. With the rise of
sedentary lifestyles and obesity rates among young people, it is imperative to encourage
teenagers doing regular exercise through sports.

5. What are the important qualities for a champion athlete?

6. Should sports be the major focus of a child’s life? Why or why not?

7. Why do you think parents get their children involved in competitive sports at as young as four or five
years old? Do you think they should wait until their children are older?

8. How can you encourage a child who isn’t succeeding in a particular sport?

9. What are the benefits of team sports? How about individual sports?

10. What do win and losing teach children about life?

Is athletic competition good for chidlren

The issue and problem that surround children and good sportsmanship and children are manifold.
These problem can have both negative and positive effects on the children development. On the
one hand, sport is a great way to reduce stress. This is because when adolescent enjoy
playing sport they often derive a lot of pleasure from winning as well as the children can
spend quality time with thier friend so they will blow of some steam after stressful studying
time. Furthermore, team sports, such as football and basketball, provide a number of
benefits to those who play. For example, team sports Team sports require children to
work together as a and give players the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills,
like teamwork and communication skills, which will not only help people in their day-to-day
social interactions but also benefit them in their workplace. They develop an
understanding of their roles and responsibilities within the team, and how
their actions impact overall performance. On the other hand, playing sport can
cause some negative impacts on teenagers. One common problem is poor behavior during
games, such as taunting opponents or cheating. This negative behavior not only affects the child's
reputation but also disrupts the overall spirit of the game. Additionally, injuries are inevitable
when teenager engaging in competitive sports, as a consequence if this is a serious injure
teenager can no longer be able to do sports as well as leave of absence from class
in long time for recovery.

Good for children for some reason maybe the children who has the good physical trait that fit with one
kind of sport, without training later they cannot become the professional athletic and canot play . So if
they are trained at the young age thay wil have good skills in playing sports and when they live far away
from family earlier and join in an organization like sport club children have opportunity to learn from
trainers live with their friends _> soft skill-> how to communicate -> have fair sprit in playing sport .
when thay are uNder pressure of training also tech them the good characteristics in obey the rules or
regulations in school or an organization. If the children are trained at the young age, step by step they
can develop their skill in one kind of sport professionally, => become a famous people => earn a lot of

Negative impact on children . scarified far away family , under pressure of training -> cant become a
good children -> learn sth bad from other people. Every day children just play to become professional ->
join nation and international competition -> have problem with their body -> injure -> more serious

Pay the price

Wwhat are the most important things the parents must do to achieve the goal

I think parents need to be supportive and realistic not everyone can become a professional athlete, but
everyone should be allowed to follow his or her dreams. Children should work hard toward their goals
but still make time for play.

These days, doing some sport plays a vital role in enhancing a heathy lifestyle. Some
people believe that playing sport has been recognize as a good way to practice the body,
some others agrue it still have limitaions. To begin with, working out regularly provide
many benefits for human wellbeing. One of the primary reason is that doing excersie help
people avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Besides, it can reduce the possibility of diseaes related
to mental and physical heath. As a matter of fact, many doctor advise people shoud
cycling or running 30 minutes per day to enhance cardiovascular system or improve
physical health or doing some excercise such as yoga could be a cure for mental healh.
On the other hand, participating some physical excersice could have several downsides. It
is true that playing sport can put players at risk of serious injury. Common injuries
include bruises, sprains, strains, knee injuries are likely to occur during play in the field.
These injuries may require medical attention for a long time to recover. Players can no
longer do sports, which potentially leads to long-term consequences. Furthermore, the
competitive nature of sports can create undue pressure on individuals to perform
constantly at their best. This pressure may result in stress-related issues such as burnout
or performance anxiety.

As a parent or teacher, they should teach children show respect for the efforts of other
rival Whether a child’s team wins or loses, Teach kids that if the other team wins the
game, then they accept defeat, acknowledge their abilities, and move on without any
hard feelings. And if their team wins, resist bragging, as that’s a strong component of
being a gracious winner. To solve the problem when children suffer from injury ,
parent and coach should encourage children to overcome the emotionally
challenging then Help the teenager understand the importance of following
the rehabilitation As the teenager recovers, work with the healthcare professional
to develop a gradual return-to-activity plan that balances their physical healing and
back to playing sports.

Part 2

Way to reduce the hyperactivity in children : having healthy meals, avoiding additives and preservatives,
doing deep breathing, planning a daily routine, exercising regularly, using music background.

Ways for children to help their children develop sportsmanship: helping children decide when to start to
play sports, learning about the injuries and safety in sport, being positive towards children’s games,
modelling how kids should react to their teammates, encoursging kids to play more than one sport,
spending children to a special school.

Wwhat the benefits of getting promotion in your job: improving social stastus, getting more fame,
widening social relationships, accessing more professional knowledge, ganning more work experience,
getting higher salary.
Advantages and disadvantages of new model of climbing the career ladder: workers, get to the top of
the ladder faster, companies don’t take care of wokers in their retirement, workers gain more work
experience, companies tend to be less stable, it is more flexible for the emplyees, workers are not very
loyel to the company

Factors in making any kind of discovery: desire to succeed, previous experience, supportive people, tools
and resources, great intelligence, luck or chance

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