Quiz 04 With Answer

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JEE (Main + Advanced) 2025



SECTION–I (i) : (Maximum Marks : 21)
This section contains SIX questions. Marking scheme : +3 (–1)
Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four option(s) is correct.
1. The difference of values of screening constant as slater's rule on 12 th and 15 th electron of
phosphorous element will be :-
(A) 1.05 (B) 0.70 (C) zero (D) 0.35
1. Ans. (C)
2. Which of the following shell of 'Cl'(Z = 17) will have maximum number of electrons having
similar value of azimuthal quantum number (consider ground state configuration and occupied
orbits only) :-
(A) K (B) L (C) M (D) N
2. Ans. (B)
3. Maximum number of electrons present in the orbital which have only one nodal plane will
be :-
(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 2 (D) 1
3. Ans. (C)
4. Out of 6p, 5s, 4d, 5f and 5d orbitals, (n + l) value is maximum and minimum for :-
(A) 6p and 5s respectively (B) 5f and 5s respectively
(C) 6p and 4d respectively (D) 5f and 4d respectively
4. Ans. (B)
5. If a curve is plotted between first ionisation energy and atomic number of elements then which
of the following statement(s) is CORRECT [Atomic number is taken on X-axis] :-
(A) Peak position of curve will be occupied by He
(B) Graph will have positive slope only
(C) Graph will have negative slope only
(D) All of these
5. Ans. (A)
6. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT for an electron which has the quantum
numbers n = 5 and m = 3 :-
(A) The electron may have the quantum number l = 4
(B) The electron may have the quantum number ms = –
(C) The electron may have the quantum number l = 0, 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5
(D) The electron must be in the directional orbital
6. Ans. (C)

Section-I (ii) : (Maximum Marks : 32)

This section contains EIGHT questions. Marking scheme : +4 (0)
Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these
four option(s) is (are) correct.
7. Which of the following have identical value of Zeff. on outermost electron :-
(A) Cs (B) Ne (C) Ca (D) Rb
7. Ans. (A, D)
8. If s value of 'Na' is 'x' then Zeff. value for 'Al' will be :-
(A) (11 – x) + (2 × 0.35) (B) 13–(x + 0.70)
(C) 13–x (D) 12.30 – x
8. Ans. (B, D)


JEE (MAin + Advanced) 2025
9. Which of the following pairs of elements, the magnitude of Zeff. remains same on outermost
electron as Slater's rule :-
(A) Be , Mg (B) Li , Na (C) K , Na (D) Sr , Mg
9. Ans. (C, D)
10. Select the CORRECT order of first ionisation energy :-
(A) Cl < KÅ< Ca+2 (B) Al < Si < Mg (C) Ga < In < Tl (D) Ca < Se < S
10. Ans. (A, D)
11. Which of the following sets of orbitals have atleast one comman nodal plane ?
(A) 3px , 3dxz (B) 3pz , 3dyz (C) 3dxy , 3dxz (D) 3dyz , 3dz2
11. Ans. (A, B, C)
12. Which of the following sets of cations have same magnetic moment (spin only) value ?
(A) Co+3 , Fe+3 (B) Cu+ , Hg+2 (C) Fe+3 , Mn+2 (D) Au+ , Ti+4
12. Ans. (B, C, D)
13. Carbon has the electronic configuration [He] 2s2 2p2 rather than 2s1 2p3 because :-
(A) Exchange energy > excitation energy (B) Excitation energy > exchange energy
(C) Exchange energy » excitation energy (D) Exchanged pairs of 2p2 > 2p3
13. Ans. (B)
14. Choose the CORRECT order of radius for the following species :-
(A) Na < Be < B (B) Cl < K+ < S–2 (C) Mg+2 < F < N–3 (D) Pb+4 < Pb+2 < Pb
14. Ans. (C, D)

SECTION–IV : (Maximum Marks : 24)

This section contains SIX questions. Marking scheme : +4(–1)
The answer to each question is a SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER ranging from 0 to 9, both inclusive
1. Total number of elements upto atomic number -'30' which have atleast 6 'd' electrons :-
1. Ans. (5)
2. How many of the following are paramagnetic in nature :-
Fe+2 , Mn+3 , Cr+3 , Zn+2 , Na+ , Ca+2
2. Ans. (3)
3. How many of the following have smaller atomic size than hydrogen atom :-
F , Cl , Na , Be , I , As
3. Ans. (0)
4. If first four I.E. values for an element are 4.2 eV, 9.3 eV, 42.5 eV and 52.4 eV respectively.
Then this element will have how many valence electrons :-
4. Ans. (2)
5. If total number of exchange pairs for dn configuration are 13 then what is the value of n :-
5. Ans. (8)
6. Find the total number of pairs of isoelectronic species
(ONF, ONO–) ; (CO2 , NO2Å) , (Mg+2 , N–3) , (N2O , NO2Å) , (CH4 , NH4Å) , (Mn+2 , Fe+3)
6. Ans. (6)


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