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Environmental Impact Comparison
of Fluoropolymer Powder Coating,
Polyester Powder Coating and
Anodising processes

Prepared for: Australian Anodising Association

Prepared by: KMH Sustainable Infrastructure
Report Number: KMH 4010213 Rev 0
Date: XX November 2010
0 Report SN TT GL 23/11/2010


This report has been prepared in accordance with the scope of services agreed upon by the above
named client and KMH Sustainable Infrastructure. To the best of KMH’s knowledge, the information
presented herein represents the above named client’s intentions at the time of printing the report. In
preparing this report, KMH has relied upon data, surveys, analyses, plans and other information
provided by the above named client and other individuals and organisations. Except as otherwise
stated in this report, KMH has not verified the accuracy or completeness of such data, surveys,
analyses, plans and other information. The information presented herein is copyright KMH.

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
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ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4
2. LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Primary Production of Virgin Aluminium ................................................................................... 4
2.2. Surface Coating Energy Consumption ..................................................................................... 4
2.3. Surface Coating Profile ............................................................................................................. 5
2.4. Aluminium Recycling Energy Consumption.............................................................................. 5
2.5. Surface Coating Life Expectancy ............................................................................................. 5
2.6. Emission Factors ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.7. Alternative Energy Emission Factors ........................................................................................ 6
3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ............................................................................................ 12


Table 1 Anodising energy consumption and GHG footprint ........................................................... 7

Table 2 Fluoropolymer Powder Coating energy consumption and GHG footprint ......................... 8
Table 3 Polyester Powder Coating energy consumption and GHG footprint ................................. 9
Table 4 Energy used for production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium .............................. 10
Table 5 GHG footprint for production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium (100 year life cycle)
(tCO2-e per tonne of Al produced) ................................................................................................. 11


Figure 1 Energy use (100 year life cycle) for production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium
....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 GHG footprint for 100 year life cycle production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium
....................................................................................................................................................... 11

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
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ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

KMH Sustainable Infrastructure has been engaged to provide an Environmental Impact
Assessment on the Anodising and Polyester Powder Coating processes. The Australian Institute
of Surface Finishers (AISF) seek a review of the full life-cycle energy and environmental data
available for Anodising, Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder Coating. Much of
the data has been developed from local industry information including association members. This
data has been used to calculate energy consumptions for the various steps in the production of
coated aluminium products, all on the basis of kilowatt-hours per tonne of aluminium product
(kWh/tonne of Al), and the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in carbon dioxide
equivalents per tonne of aluminium produced (CO2-e/tonne of Al).

The whole product life-cycle assessment has been completed in accordance with the Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission‟s (ACCC) Green marketing and the Trade Practices Act
and includes the manufacturing, recycling, destruction and disposal process. This document
specifically recommends the use of whole product life-cycle as one of a number of principles to
be followed when making claims about a particular product.


The product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology uses actual figures, such as those for
energy consumption, emissions to the environment and materials used for both the Anodising,
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder Coating processes and for aluminium
section primary production and recycle processes. This data is separated into stages of the life-
cycle and all other factors considered are outlined in this review.

2.1. Primary Production of Virgin Aluminium

The life cycle of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium begins with the primary production of virgin
aluminium, a highly energy intensive process involving mining, shipping, refining and smelting,
with major electric and fuel consumptions, as well as the considerable embodied energy in the
chemicals used. This is followed by reheating and forming, including casting, forging, extrusion
and rolling processes, to produce the sections and other products required. The surface coating
process involves the use of chemicals, electricity, fuel and gas heating energy.

Electricity and gas consumption in terms of energy per tonne of aluminium production and GHG
emissions per tonne of aluminium for both manufacturing processes are displayed in Table 1 for
the Anodising process, Table 2 for the Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Table 3 for the
Polyester Powder Coating process. The process steps, including the manufacture of chemicals
consumed, are separated into corresponding electricity, fuel and gas consumption figures per
tonne of aluminium. Because Anodised, Fluoropolymer Powder Coated and Polyester Powder
Coated products all involve the same primary production these energy figures have been omitted
from the comparison.

2.2. Surface Coating Energy Consumption

KMH has obtained site specific energy and production data for the past 12 months from a total of
three Anodising, Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder Coating manufacturing
process sites along the eastern seaboard of Australia, including a site visit in Victoria. Additional
data has also been obtained from the Australian Aluminium Finishing (AAF) members. An
average based on throughput (kWh/tonne of Al) of the three sites in Australia has been used to
calculate Electricity and Gas consumption per tonne of Aluminium product. Production and
performance data for the three processes was used to calculate energy consumption (kWh) and
2 2
GHG emissions. Based on average production a figure of 2.3 – 2.4kg/m or 0.426m /kg has been

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) 2008, Green marketing and the Trade Practices Act,

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p4 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

2.3. Surface Coating Profile
Coating depth or „thickness‟ is the principal energy affecting variable in the actual Anodising,
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder Coating processes. Anodising coating
thickness generally varies from 5 to 25 micron depending on the duty, and 20 micron has been
assumed for the present exercise, this has been suggested as best representing the most
frequently used product in Australia.

Fluoropolymer Powder Coating thickness generally varies from 2 to 50 micron depending on the
duty, and 50 microns has been assumed as a comparable coating for the present exercise, again
representing the most „popular‟ product.

Polyester Powder Coating finish thickness to a large extent determines the useful life of the
coating and following the Australian Standard 3715 (2002) for architectural applications a 60
micron coating has been employed for the present exercise.

2.4. Aluminium Recycling Energy Consumption

After the surface coating reaches the end of its functioning life, the aluminium can be recycled.
This involves cleaning, melting, casting and then the forming processes. The recycled aluminium
can then be re-coated through a repeat of the surface coating process.

Surface coated aluminium is fully recyclable along with its aluminium substrate without any loss
of its metal qualities.

Recycling surface coated aluminium involves melting the scrap metal down. This process
requires about five (5%) percent of the energy used to produce aluminium from ore. Recycling of
aluminium emits approximately four (4%) percent of the CO2-e as for primary production of

However, a significant part (up to 15% of the input material) is lost as dross (ash-like oxide). The
dross can undergo a further process to extract aluminium. This complexity has not been included
in the present considerations, it is highly energy intensive.

2.5. Surface Coating Life Expectancy

The estimated end of life for Anodised, Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder
Coated aluminium has been taken as 50, 40 and 25 years respectively. Anodised and
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating years of serviceability have been provided based on reasonable
evidence in industry.

The Japanese Society of Steel Construction Authority (2002) claim that the anti-corrosive effect
of a heavy duty Fluoropolymer Powder Coating in general environment lasts up to 50 years . A
severe environment (very salty and severely polluted by exhaust gases or factory smog) is up to
30 years. The average of the two environments (40 years) has been assumed for this exercise
and has been confirmed by the industry experience in Australia.

Architectural Polyester Powder Coating has a life expectancy standard of maximum 10%
reduction in erosion resistance properties over 5 years . The end of life for Polyester Powder
Coated aluminium is assumed to be when 50% loss in erosion resistance properties has
occurred. This is deemed to be a sufficient loss of thickness that factors such as dulled
appearance, protective function and potential for corrosion cause the product quality to be
sufficiently diminished that it is ready for replacement. Therefore, a 25 year life has been
Subodh K.Das, Secat, Inc., 2007, „Aluminium Recycling and Processing for Energy Conservation and Sustainability‟,
Chapter 9, Emerging Trends in Aluminium Recycling.
Lumiflon catalogue „Fluoropolymer for coating‟,
Taken from AAMA coating performance standard AAMA 2604-05.

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p5 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

estimated for Polyester Powder Coated aluminium based on the life expectancy standard of 10%
in erosion resistance properties every 5 years.
A 100 year life cycle has been chosen to represent a reasonable life cycle assessment. For a
100 year life cycle, the Anodised aluminium will be recycled once and go though the anodising
process twice. Fluoropolymer Powder Coating will be recycled two (2) times and coated three (3)
times. Polyester Powder Coated aluminium over a 100 year life cycle will be recycled a total of
three (3) times and coated four (4) times.

Totals in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 can be used to look at alternative life cycle years. These
totals are annual amounts that can be multiplied by the number of coatings and recycles that will
occur in the investigated life cycle period.

2.6. Emission Factors

The emission factors for electricity, gas and diesel oil (fuel) consumed in the LCA come from the
Department of Climate Change workbook National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors (June
2009) . Due to variability in emission factors between Australian States and Territories, New
South Wales (NSW) and Australian Capital Territory (ACT) have been used to estimate a point of
reference of emissions to the environment. Any use of the present study results needs
qualification with respect to the energy emission factors employed in the study. It is likely that the
variations from state to state will affect the results to a large degree, but it is certain that any
comparisons of emission factors will still favour Anodising as the more energy efficient

For electricity consumption, the full fuel cycle emission factors were utilised. These consist of
Scope 2 (Indirect) (0.89 kgCO2-e/kWh) and Scope 3 (0.18 kgCO2-e/kWh) emission factors for
consumption of purchased electricity from the grid.

The full fuel emission factors for natural gas distributed in a pipeline include both Scope 2
(indirect) (51.33 kgCO2-e/GJ) and Scope 3 (16.4 kgCO2-e/GJ). For NGA calculations, a “small
user” has been assumed and is defined as one with an annual gas consumption of less than
100,000 GJ.

The Diesel oil full fuel emission factors for the “fuel” used in the production and chemical process
include both Scope 1 (direct) (69.5 kgCO2-e/GJ) and Scope 3 (5.3 kgCO2-e/GJ).

In Australia, electricity from the grid in NSW and ACT has the second highest emission factor (full
fuel cycle) 1.07 kgCO2-e/kWh after Victoria 1.35 kgCO2-e/kWh. Tasmania is the lowest at 0.24
kgCO2-e/kWh with Northern Territory the next lowest at 0.79 kgCO2-e/kWh.

Scope 3 emission factors (small user) for Natural gas from NSW and ACT are the highest in
Australia at 16.4 kgCO2-e/GJ. South Australia is 13.9 kgCO2-e/GJ and all other States and
Territories are less than 5 kgCO2-e/GJ.

2.7. Alternative Energy Emission Factors

Energy efficiency measures and alternative forms of energy can have a strong impact on
improving the environmental impact of all three investigated processes. Energy efficiency can
also potentially reduce overall costs. The reduction in energy consumption throughout the life-
cycle will directly reduce the amount of GHG emissions produced. Alternative forms of energy
with a lower emission factor may also reduce the environmental impact. The energy content
factor (GJ/kL) of the alternative fuel and its source of origin is used to determine the feasibility of
reducing emissions with regards to the volume of fuel combusted and energy used for
transporting or supplying the fuel.

Department of Climate Change 2009, National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors,

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p6 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

Table 1 Anodising energy consumption and GHG footprint

Average Energy GHG emission Annual GHG

Energy Consumption
Aluminium Primary Manufacture (Anodising) Consumption (kWh factor (kgCO2- footprint (TCO2-e
(kWh/kg of Al)
per tonne of Al) e/kWh) per tonne of Al)

Total Mining, refining, smelting and transport (Elec.) 43.6 - 50.3 46,944 1.07 50.23
Total Mining, refining, smelting and transport (Fuel) 11.1 11,111 0.27 2.99
Casting processes (Electricity) 0.4 - 0.5 431 1.07 0.46
Casting processes (Fuel) 0.2 222 0.27 0.06
Forging/rolling/extrusion (Electricity) 0.6 - 0.9 778 1.07 0.83
Forging/rolling/extrusion (Fuel) 0.3 333 0.27 0.09
Conventional machining (Electricity) 0.9 - 1.1 1,042 1.07 1.11
Conventional machining (Fuel) 0.5 528 0.27 0.14
TOTAL 61,389 55.9

Annual Energy GHG emission Annual GHG

Energy Consumption
Anodising Chemicals Consumption (kWh factor (kgCO2- footprint (TCO2-e
per tonne of Al) e/kWh) per tonne of Al)

NaOH (Electricity) 2.1 - 2.9 237 1.07 0.0027

NaOH (Fuel) 1.5 85 0.27 0.0004
HNO3 (Electricity) -0.09 -14 1.07 0.0001
HNO3 (Fuel) 0 0 0.27 0
H3PO4 (Electricity) 0.6 to - 0.7 -15 1.07 0.0007
H3PO4 (Fuel) 1.1 26 0.27 0.0003
H2SO4 (Electricity) -0.27 to - 0.33 -130 1.07 0.0003
H2SO4 (Fuel) 0 0 0.27 0
Nickel Acetate Seal: Sealing (hot or cold) (including
2.8 - 5.6 2 1.07 0.0045
mining and refining) (Electricity)
Nickel Acetate Seal: Sealing (hot or cold) (including
8.3 3 0.27 0.0022
mining and refining) (Fuel)
TOTAL 194 0.011
Recycle: Melting (energy used to recycle aluminium at
the end of life (50 years) is 5% of the energy used to
3,069 2.237
produce aluminium from ore and only 4% as much CO 2-
e as primary production)
Annual GHG
Energy usage per GHG emission
emissions (TCO2-
Anodising Process: Electricity and Gas tonne production factor (kgCO2-
e per tonne of
(kWh/tonne of Al) e/kWh)
Electricity 1529.7 1.07 1.64
Gas 1910.9 0.24 0.47
TOTAL 3,440.6 2.10

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p7 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

Table 2 Fluoropolymer Powder Coating energy consumption and GHG footprint

Average Energy GHG emission Annual GHG

Aluminium Primary Manufacture Energy Consumption
Consumption (kWh factor (kgCO2- footprint (TCO2-e
(Fluoropolymer Powder Coating) (kWh/kg of Al)
per tonne of Al) e/kWh) per tonne of Al)

Total Mining, refining, smelting and transport (Elec.) 43.6 - 50.3 46,944 1.07 50.23
Total Mining, refining, smelting and transport (Gas) 11.1 11,111 0.27 2.99
Casting processes (Electricity) 0.4 - 0.5 431 1.07 0.46
Casting processes (Gas) 0.2 222 0.27 0.06
Forging/rolling/extrusion (Electricity) 0.6 - 0.9 778 1.07 0.83
Forging/rolling/extrusion (Gas) 0.3 333 0.27 0.09
Conventional machining (Electricity) 0.9 - 1.1 1,042 1.07 1.11
Conventional machining (Gas) 0.5 528 0.27 0.14
TOTAL 61,389 55.9

Annual Energy GHG emission Annual GHG

Energy Consumption
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating Chemicals Consumption (kWh factor (kgCO2- footprint (TCO2-e
per tonne of Al) e/kWh) per tonne of Al)

Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - HF (including mining and

2.8 - 5.6 49.6 1.07 0.0045
refining of fluorspar and heating of kilns) (Electricity)
Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - HF (including mining and
8.3 99.3 0.27 0.0022
refining of fluorspar and heating of kilns) (Fuel)
Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - H2SO4 (Electricity) -0.28 to -0.33 -2.4 1.07 0.0003
Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - H2SO4 (Fuel) 0 0.0 0.27 0
Pre-treatment - HF (Electricity) 2.8 - 5.6 2.0 1.07 0.0045
Pre-treatment - HF (Fuel) 8.3 4.0 0.27 0.0022
Pre-treatment - H2CrO4 (Electricity) 3.9 - 5.6 10.4 1.07 0.0051
Pre-treatment - H2CrO4 (Fuel) 10.0 22.1 0.27 0.0027
Powder – Polymer (30%-60%) (Electricity) 19.4 - 20.8 78.1 1.07 0.0215
Powder – Polymer (30%-60%) (Fuel) 9.7 37.7 0.27 0.0026
Powder – Pigment (30%-60%) (Electricity) 22.2 - 26.1 93.7 1.07 0.0259
Powder – Pigment (30%-60%) (Fuel) 11.1 43.1 0.27 0.0030
TOTAL 438 0.07
Recycle: Melting (energy used to recycle aluminium at
the end of life (40 years) is 5% of the energy used to
3,069 2.237
produce aluminium from ore and only 4% as much CO2-
e as primary production)
Annual GHG
Energy usage per GHG emission
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating Process: emissions (TCO2-
tonne production factor (kgCO2-
Electricity and Gas e per tonne of
(kWh/tonne of Al) e/kWh)
Electricity 247.9 1.07 0.27
Gas 3269.2 0.24 0.80
TOTAL 3,517.1 1.06

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p8 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

Table 3 Polyester Powder Coating energy consumption and GHG footprint

Average Energy GHG emission Annual GHG

Aluminium Primary Manufacture Energy Consumption
Consumption (kWh factor (kgCO2- footprint (TCO2-e
(Polyester Powder Coating) (kWh/kg of Al)
per tonne of Al) e/kWh) per tonne of Al)

Total Mining, refining, smelting and transport (Elec.) 43.6 - 50.3 46,944 1.07 50.23
Total Mining, refining, smelting and transport (Gas) 11.1 11,111 0.27 2.99
Casting processes (Electricity) 0.4 - 0.5 431 1.07 0.46
Casting processes (Gas) 0.2 222 0.27 0.06
Forging/rolling/extrusion (Electricity) 0.6 - 0.9 778 1.07 0.83
Forging/rolling/extrusion (Gas) 0.3 333 0.27 0.09
Conventional machining (Electricity) 0.9 - 1.1 1,042 1.07 1.11
Conventional machining (Gas) 0.5 528 0.27 0.14
TOTAL 61,389 55.9

Annual Energy GHG emission Annual GHG

Energy Consumption
Polyester Powder Coating Chemicals Consumption (kWh factor (kgCO2- footprint (TCO2-e
per tonne of Al) e/kWh) per tonne of Al)

Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - HF (including mining and

2.8 - 5.6 49.6 1.07 0.0045
refining of fluorspar and heating of kilns) (Electricity)
Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - HF (including mining and
8.3 99.3 0.27 0.0022
refining of fluorspar and heating of kilns) (Fuel)
Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - H2SO4 (Electricity) -0.28 to -0.33 -2.4 1.07 0.0003
Pre-treatment: Pre-cleaner - H2SO4 (Fuel) 0 0.0 0.27 0
Pre-treatment - HF (Electricity) 2.8 - 5.6 2.0 1.07 0.0045
Pre-treatment - HF (Fuel) 8.3 4.0 0.27 0.0022
Pre-treatment - H2CrO4 (Electricity) 3.9 - 5.6 10.4 1.07 0.0051
Pre-treatment - H2CrO4 (Fuel) 10.0 22.1 0.27 0.0027
Powder – Polyester (30%-60%) (Electricity) 19.4 - 20.8 93.7 1.07 0.0215
Powder – Polyester (30%-60%) (Fuel) 9.7 45.2 0.27 0.0026
Powder – Pigment (30%-60%)
22.2 - 26.1 112.4 1.07 0.0259
Bulk TiO2 for white colour (Electricity)
Powder – Pigment (30%-60%)
11.1 51.7 0.27 0.0030
Bulk TiO2 for white colour (Fuel)
TOTAL 488 0.07
Recycle: Melting (energy used to recycle aluminium at
the end of life (25 years) is 5% of the energy used to
3,069 2.237
produce aluminium from ore and only 4% as much CO2-
e as primary production)
Annual GHG
Energy usage per GHG emission
Polyester Powder Coating Process: emissions (TCO2-
tonne production factor (kgCO2-
Electricity and Gas e per tonne of
(kWh/tonne of Al) e/kWh)
Electricity 247.9 1.07 0.27
Gas 2335.1 0.24 0.57
TOTAL 2,583.1 0.83

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p9 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

Table 4 and Figure 1 show the life cycle energy consumption per tonne of aluminium production
for the Anodising and Polyester Powder Coating processes. The life cycle is based on 100 years
with Anodising and Polyester Powder Coating life cycles being 50, 40 and 25 years respectively.
The processes are separated into the chemicals, electricity, and gas consumption and recycling
process. The primary production of aluminium is a large amount and is only used for the
calculation of energy and GHG emissions in the recycling process (see Section 2.4 Aluminium
Recycling Energy Consumption).

Table 4 Energy used for production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium

(100 year life cycle) (kWh per tonne of Al produced)

Chemicals and
processing Chemicals and
energy processing
Process (including Al energy Chemicals Electricity Gas Recycling
original (including
production and recycling)

71,728 10,339 388 3,059 3,822 3,069
(50 year life)

79,392 18,003 1,313 744 9,808 6,139
(40 year life)
82,882 21,493 1,952 992 9,341 9,208
(25 year life)

Energy consumption for production of 1 tonne of surface coated

aluminium (100 year life cycle) (kWh per tonne of Al)


kWh per tonne of Al

15,000 6,139 Recycling



3,069 Chemicals


3,059 744
388 1,313
Anodising (50 year life) Fluoropolymer Powder Coating (40 year Polyester Powder Coating (25 year life)

Surface Coating Process

Figure 1 Energy use (100 year life cycle) for production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p10 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

Table 5 and Figure 2 show the GHG footprint, tonnes of CO2-e per tonne of aluminium
production for the Anodising, Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder Coating
processes. The same life cycle of 100 years has been used to estimate the GHG emissions. The
primary production of aluminium is a high value and only used to calculate the emissions in the
recycling process (see Section 2.1 Recycling).

Table 5 GHG footprint for production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium (100 year life cycle)
(tCO2-e per tonne of Al produced)

Chemicals and
processing Chemicals and
energy processing
Process (including Al energy Chemicals Electricity Gas Recycling
original (including
production and recycling)

62.4 6.5 0.02 3.3 0.9 2.2
(50 year life)

63.8 7.9 0.22 0.80 2.4 4.5
(40 year life)

66.3 10.3 0.30 1.06 2.3 6.7
(25 year life)

GHG Footprint for production of 1 tonne of surface coated

aluminium (100 year life cycle) (tCO2-e per tonne of Al)


tCO2-e per tonne of Al




4 Chemicals


0.02 0.30
0 0.22
Anodising (50 year life) Fluoropolymer Powder Coating (40 year Polyester Powder Coating (25 year life)

Surface Coating Process

Figure 2 GHG footprint for 100 year life cycle production of 1 tonne of surface coated aluminium

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p11 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au


The present study is an energy and carbon footprint comparison aimed at providing the
Association with a more representative answer to a published criticism of Anodising in
comparison with Polyester Powder Coating and subsequently compared to Fluoropolymer
Powder Coating. This study has focused on the energy consumption and related environmental
impact this has on the environment.

From the results of the 100 year Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Anodising is better both in terms of
energy used (kWh) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO 2-e) per tonne of aluminium
product. Over a 100 year life cycle Polyester Powder Coating has almost double the energy
component of the Anodising process and Fluoropolymer Powder Coating has approximately 45%
more total energy component than the Anodising process.

In this LCA, Anodising has been apportioned a longer cycle life (50 years) and is therefore
recycled less and uses less gas fuel and chemicals in the 100 year life cycle compared to the
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating (40 year life) and Polyester Powder Coating (25 year life)
process. However, the Powder Coating processes use significantly less in the way of direct
electricity consumption over the same life cycle, but there is large energy embodiment in the
chemicals and polymers used.

The lower energy consumption in recycling, chemicals and gas for Anodising corresponds to
lower GHG emissions (CO2-e) than Fluoropolymer Powder Coating and Polyester Powder
Coating. However, a major proportion (~50%) of the GHG emissions for the Anodising process is
from the consumption of electricity. Compared with the Polyester Powder Coating process, the
overall GHG emissions for Anodising amount to 38%, or 3.9 tCO2-e less, per tonne of
aluminium. Compared with the Fluoropolymer Powder Coating process, associated GHG
emissions are only 18%, or 1.4 tCO2-e less, per tonne of aluminium.

The surface treatment employed generally depends on the end-use or application. Anodised
products are best suited to storefronts, high-rise and commercial and public buildings, anywhere
a rich metallic appearance and long life is required. The corrosion protection afforded by
Anodising requires tight specification and control to ensure the correct Anodised film thickness is
obtained and that sealing efficiency is high, to maintain corrosion resistance and colour life.
Fluoropolymer Powder Coating is also used on commercial, industrial and residential buildings
due to the high durability, adhesion, colour and gloss retention based on the fluorinated ethylene
vinyl ether (FEVE) and carbon to fluorine atom (C-F) bond energy.

Environmental impact assessments of the coating processes will continue to be an important

factor in the decision making process and there are many more environmental factors than
energy and GHG carbon footprint. Some of the chemicals used require considerable discharge
and emission control. These considerations in order to determine the full environmental impact
warrant further study.

The consumption data was prepared from separate Anodising and Polyester Powder Coating
operations in three states along the eastern seaboard of Australia. The plants offered differing
technologies and products, yielding differing data. Averages of the sites for each of the products
have been used in producing the figures presented in this report.

The range of energy levels across the various sites for the Anodising process are from 3,185
kWh/tonne of aluminium to 3,740 kWh/tonne of aluminium, an average of approximately 3,441

The range of energy levels from the Powder Coating process are higher with energy
consumption from 2,127 kWh/tonne of aluminium to 3,137 kWh/tonne of aluminium, an average
of approximately 2,583 ±20%.

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p12 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

In addition, due to variations in emission factors for power generation across Australian States
and Territories GHG emissions can vary depending on where the energy is sourced. However, it
is certain that any comparisons of emission factors will still favour Anodising as the more energy
efficient alternative. Similar charts could be produced covering the limiting cases.

The 100 year life cycle for surface coated aluminium employed in this LCA seems a reasonable
basis for an end of recycle life, it could be longer, but with recycle losses and wastage this has
been decided upon for present purposes. The longer the LCA period the greater the margin
between the three aluminium surface finishing processes.

Many factors are involved in the overall environmental performance of a surface finishing
process. Besides assessing the scenarios for energy consumption and the associated GHG
emissions, energy efficiency measures and an increased use of renewable forms of energy can
further reduce the CO2-equivalent emissions for all aluminium surface finishing processes, some
may be better than others.

KMH 4010213 Report 101123 Level 4, 180 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205
p13 of 13 ▪ T + 61 3 8640 6200 ▪ F + 61 2 8008 1600
ABN 34 141 734 901

Where the environmental experts live www.kmh.com.au

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