LCSC-intro-programs-latest For Chapter

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Bro. Rommel and Sis. Eugene De Castro Bro. Race and Sis. Meret De Ocampo
Provincial/Area Coordinator Chapter Coordinator
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Bro. Freddie and Sis. Nette Valencia Bro. Migz and Camzie Ortillana
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Bro. Jai and Sis. Aubrey Ada Bro. Ding and Sis. Len Hallare
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LCSC PUBLICS: Bro. Nilo and Sis. Cora Toledo

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or (Manila)
The Live Christ Share Christ (LCSC) is the lay response to the sacred call for New Evangelization. It is
mainstreaming Catholic Lay Evangelization since 2011 and championing the mission to the ends of the
earth. LCSC envisions lapsed Catholics to meet, live and share Christ. LCSC is of the Church, by the
Church, and for the Church. We are servants the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, we work to
defend the Catholic faith and to proclaim the saving power of the Good News.



LCSC’s banner program is the Life in Christ Seminar (LCS). It is an integrated course
intended to lead seminar participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call to
them as Catholic Christians.
The LCS has one basic purpose: bringing participants to a personal relationship with
Jesus as Savior and Lord, and getting them started on living a truly spirit-filled Christian

The LCS is for all – active or lapsed, mature or an infant in Christ, rich or poor, young or
old, married or single, of whatever nationality or culture. It is however particularly
effective in reaching nominal Catholics and the grassroots.

The LCS is comprised of 5 sessions, each session having the basic ingredients: prayers,
songs, teaching, group discussion, fellowship. The topics are based on the sermon of
Peter on the day of Pentecost, when he proclaimed the gospel and 3,000 people
accepted the message of salvation.

Content of the LCS:

Session 1: Jesus the Messiah

This talk speaks about the dire situation in the world today. The world has
turned away from God, and only God can make things right. Thankfully, God has a
wonderful plan for us, that is why He sent His son, Jesus.

Session 2: Called to Witness

This talk speaks about what is expected of us, if we are to truly experience the
fullness of life in Jesus. We must strive to live out the two greatest commandments –
love of God and love of neighbor.
Session 3: Repentance and Faith

This talk speaks about our response to God’s call. As we fall far short of the
authentic Christian life, we need to repent and put our faith in Jesus.

Session 4: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Aside from the talk, this is a prayer session. The call to the Christian life is
difficult, not to be done on our own strength. We need the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit provides the power from above that enables us to lead a normal
Christian life.

Session 5: Growing in the Spirit

This talk speaks about the 5 tools to growing in the Christian life. These are
prayer, study, service, fellowship and the sacraments. This paves the way for people to
become witnesses who can credibly share the gospel.
The LCS is just the first step in bringing people fully back to God and back to the Church.
After the LCS, there should be a lifetime of formation, of which there is much to offer in
the Church.



Module 1: My Identity as a servant leader

o Talk 1.1.1 My Identity as a Servant
o TALK 1.1.2 The Gift of Humility
o TALK 1.1.3 The Gift of Obedience through Single-mindedness for God


o TALK 1.2.1 Modelling Christ

o TALK 1.2.2 Evangelistic Leadership
o TALK 1.2.3 Consuming Zeal


o TALK 1.3.1 The Empowering Spirit of God

o TALK 1.3.2 The Power of Prayer & Scripture
o TALK 1.3.3 The Power of Faith


o SLFP 2.1.1 The Call as a Pastoral Leader

o SLFP 2.1.2 Shepherds After God’s Own Heart
o SLFP 2.1.3 The Servant and the Earthly Treasure


o SLFP 2.2.1 The Call to Discipleship

o SLFP 2.2.3 Total Dependence in God
o SLFP 2.2.3 Shape-up or Ship-out


o SLFP 2.3.1 The Challenges of a Servant

o SLFP 2.3.2 Maturity in Character
o SLFP 2.3.3 Preserving Unity


o The Live Christ Share Christ Mission is not engaged in the Church only, for we believe
that other institutions outside the Church must also be evangelized, thus, the LCSC


o Live Life
o Live the Word
o Live Full
o Live Pure
o Live the Faith
The Live Life pillar of the Live Christ Share Christ(LCSC) Mission is the pillar that proclaims the Gospel of
Life. It is an advocacy for the culture of life.

The Live Life formation programs focuses on:

➢ Live Life
➢ Defend Life
➢ Proclaim Life

Formation programs:

1. Live Life Forum – Discusses that life is a gift, sacred and valuable. It also presents the causes of
the culture of D.E.A.T.H. (Divorce, Euthanasia, Abortion, Total population control, Homosexual
unions) and motivates and empowers the audience to embrace the Culture of Life. The session
ends by emphasizing that the fullness of life is in Christ.

Sessions: Audience: Duration:

- Know Life - Kids - 2 Hours
- Choose Life - Youth and Singles
- Adults

2. Natural Family Planning – Porsuelo Experience – Promote NFP by making the participants be
informed of the benefits of NFP and the ill effects of artificial birth controls. It is not just about
teaching couples to achieve or postpone pregnancy but to deepen their love for each other.


- God’s Loving Plan for the Family

- Humane Vitae
- The Gift of Sexuality and Fertility Awareness
- Marital Intimacy Through NFP Porsuelo Experience


- Couples


- 2 Day Training
3. C.A.R.E. Project: Mental Health Program – Compassion, Accompaniment, Respect,
Encouragement Project or C.A.R.E. project aims to address the need to pastorally care for
people who are experiencing mental health concerns. We offer to connect persons experiencing
Mental Health issues to persons capable of giving care. We also create awareness about Mental
Health through forums and seminars.

Sessions: Audience: Duration:

- Mindful Activity - Kids, Youth, Singles and Adults - 1 to 2 hours

- It’s Okay Not to be Okay
- Blessing in Distress

4. Defend Life Series – It is a 5-part series that focuses on an in-depth discussion of the Culture of
D.E.A.T.H. that destroys marriage, family and life.


- The Sanctity of Marriage: Divorce is not the answer.

- Life is Sacred: The Truth About Suicide and Euthanasia.
- Life is a Gift. From Beginning to End.
- Overpopulation is a Myth: Debunking the Total Population Control Agenda
- Original Identity: On Homosexuality and Same-Sex Unions.

- Youth, Young Adults and Adults

- 1 to 2 hours per session.

5. CHOSE: Christian HOme Seminar – A basic seminar in building a Christian Home. It talks about
the vision of God for the family and how to develop a strong family in Christ.

Sessions: Audience: Adults

- God’s Vision of a Family
- Developing a Strong Christian Family
- Healing of the Family Duration: 1 Day Seminar

6. Live Life Training – Training for those who have experienced the Live Life Forum who wants to
join in the mission of being an advocate of the Gospel of Life.

➢ Live Life Social Media
➢ Pro-Life Webinars
➢ Live Life Conference
➢ Videos – on – Demand
Live the Word is a pillar of the Live Christ Share Christ(LCSC) Mission that focuses on deepening the faith
through the study of the Word of God through the Liturgical Bible Study(LBS).

What is Liturgical Bible Study?

➢ It is a Catholic Bible Study Method developed by Fr. Arlo Yap, SVD.

➢ It is a facilitated Bible Study method.
➢ It utilizes a question and answer format, verse by verse, where the answer will
come from the read verses alone.
➢ It uses the readings of the coming Sunday Liturgy.
➢ The Gospel, the 1st and 2nd readings are connected and the theme/s are extracted
from the readings.
➢ There is a one-thread message (HIBLA) that is formed from the Gospel, and the 1st
and 2nd Readings that the participants take after the LBS.
➢ There is a Reflection Question (HUGOT) to serve as guide for the sharing and
➢ There is a Challenge (HAMON) to encourage the participants to Live the Word.
➢ Duration is 2 to 2 ½ hours.

LBS Goals:

➢ Prepare the participants for Sunday Mass by studying the readings beforehand.
➢ Develop an appetite for the Bible through a facilitated Bible animation method.
➢ Deepen relationships in groups, communities and families complementing
formation programs of Dioceses, Parishes, schools and other organizations and

Where LBS is applied:

➢ Homes, Households/Prayer groups, Hubs.


➢ Live the Word is an affiliate of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the

Philippines(CBCP) Episcopal Commission on Biblical Apostolate (CBCP – ECBA).
Other programs: Bible Timeline Series

The Live Full pillar - Proclaiming the gospel of POVERTY. Helping to build the Church of the Poor and
valuing the virtue of Charity. Responding to the call to build not only social communities, but most
specially spiritual communities. Through the No One in Need(NONe) Foundation, Inc., its legally
registered name.

No one is in need. Every Catholic helping the least of their brethren, living out the spirit of the first
Christian community where they shared things in common.

To share the work in every parish. The goal is to provide a sustainable community where there is NO


OUR CONVICTION: Less for self. More for others. Enough for all. See Less

Bringing Christ to the needy in the F.L.E.S.H. :

Conducts Spiritual and Values Formation
➢ Values Education & Enhancement Program (VEEP)
➢ Life in Christ Seminar (LCS)
➢ Liturgical Bible Study (LBS)
➢ Child and Youth Development (CYD) Program
and others as needed.

➢ Implements product development according to the needs and capacity of the area
➢ Livelihood support (organize and develop)
➢ Cooperative Building
➢ Farming, marketing, fishing, et. al.

➢ Biyayang Aral Tanging Alay (BATA) Early Childhood Education Program
➢ Feeding Program of BATA center pupils
➢ Implements CYD program to BATA Centers
➢ Managing BATA teachers and supporting BATA centers

➢ Implements housing programs at restoration villages
➢ Provide and implement programs at mission villages

Current active Restoration villages:

Laguna, Batangas
Current active Mission villages:
Valenzuela, Bulacan, Navotas.

➢ Conducts (physical and online) medical missions to different areas
➢ Counseling
➢ Forms health-related partnerships (blood letting, frontliners’ recollection,
mental health advocacy)

Other Programs:
➢ Disaster Management
o Organizes and manages resources during disasters
o Relief operations – immediate assistance
o Rehabilitation – provision of temporary shelter
o Restoration – helping in livelihood and reconstruction of building

➢ Restorative Justice
o Mission and evangelization for the renewal in Prisons, Juvenile Centers, &
Drug Rehab Centers.
o Coordination with these beneficiaries for implementation of livelihood,
health, and other programs

➢ Migrants’ Family Program

o Reaching out to OFWs and their families left behind to build a stronger bond
through values formation.
As a pillar of LCSC, Live Pure proclaims the Gospel of Purity. It is a Catholic pro-life youth movement
committed to lead young people to a life of Chastity that there is more to life than what we see. Leading
them to discover what we were made for, what we were truly meant to live for. Live Pure, this is a way
of life.
The Live Pure Movement is also promoting the virtue of chastity to the young, that we can all experience
real freedom, total happiness and true love.

Live Pure Offering:

➢ The Live Pure Forum – Its Basic Formation:

o Chastity Forum – Discover the way to happiness.
o Men’s Forum – Real men guard your heart.
o Women’s Forum – Princess Diaries
o Love Forum – How to find your one true love.

➢ For You Live Pure Recollection – Life in Christ Seminar

o #TheGreatestInfluencer – Jesus the Messiah
o #FollowBack – Called to Witness
o #Unfiltered – Repentance and Faith
o #Unboxing – The Gift of the Holy Spirit
o #ChallengeAccepted – Life in the Holy Spirit
The youngest pillar of LCSC that responds to the call of New Evangelization by educating, forming and
inspiring Catholics to know, love and defend the Catholic faith. It is proclaiming the Gospel of Catholicity.

“Know, Love and Defend the Faith.”


➢ Catechesis – Teaching and explaining the Catholic Faith.

➢ Apologetics – Defending the Catholic Faith.

Program Offerings:

➢ LIVE – Live the Faith Forum

➢ LOVE – Know the Faith Topics
➢ DEFEND – Defend the Faith Series
➢ CELEBRATE – Celebrate the Faith Catechesis
➢ SHOW – Live the Faith Podcast
A Catholic corporate evangelization program designed to address the situation in the workplace today
by providing spiritual, personal and social wellness.

If you wish to continue with our formation,

The following are the content of
we are open for future engagements using
the Spiritual Wellness, Life Goals
other topics found in these modules that are
Series and Values Enrichment
very much needed in the workplace today:


Mastering Your Emotions Module
Jesus the Messiah
Mastering Our Emotions
Called to Witness
Righteous and Unrighteous Anger
Repentance and Faith
Face Your Fear
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
True and False Humility
Growing in The Spirit
Personal Relationship Topics
First Things First Learning to Love One Another
Taming the Tongue
It’s Not You, It’s Stress
Embracing Loving Correction
Good, Better, Great Working Out Difficulties
Joy at Work Career Enhancement Module
Honesty and Integrity Goal Setting
Binding the Wounds
Honor and Respect Path to Excellence
Love and Relationship Servant Leadership
Time Management
Beauty of Life Money Management
Other LCSC Modules:

Session 1: Discover Your Purpose
Session 2: Discover Your Passion
Session 3: Discover Your Pain
1. Our basic commitment
Session 4: Discover Your Pleasure
2. Functioning as a body
Session 5: Discover Your Power
3. Governance and personal guidance
4. Peace and discipline
5. Unity and disagreement
6. Our personal responsibility


1. Emotions in our Christian Life
2. Christian Love and Human Desire
3. True and False Humility
4. Guilt and Repentance
5. Righteous and Unrighteous Anger
6. Fear
1. Sons and daughters of God
2. Brothers and sisters in the Lord
3. Growing in faith
4. Knowing God’s will
5. Overcoming the world
6. Overcoming the flesh
7. Overcoming the work of evil spirits
8. Repairing wrongdoing
9. The Christian and money
10. Headship and submission
11. Faithfulness and order
12. Unity in Christ
Looking Forward to Our Five Hundredth
Go and make disciples… (Mt. 28:19)

We look forward with gratitude and joy to

March 16, 2021, the fifth centenary of the coming of
Christianity to our beloved land. We remember with
thanksgiving the first Mass celebrated in Limasawa Island on Easter Sunday March 31 that same blessed
year. We remember the baptism of Rajah Humabon who was given his Christian name Carlos and his
wife Hara Amihan who was baptized Juana in 1521. Our eyes gaze on the Santo Niño de Cebu, the oldest
religious icon in the Philippines, gift of Ferdinand Magellan to the first Filipino Catholics that same year.
Indeed the year 2021 will be a year of great jubilee for the Church in the Philippines.

We shall therefore embark on a nine-year spiritual journey that will culminate with the great
jubilee of 2021. It is a grace-filled event of blessings for the Church starting October 21, 2012 until
March 16, 2021.

How opportune indeed that on October 21 this year, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will add
another Filipino to the canon of saints of the Church, our very own Visayan proto-martyr Pedro
Calungsod who gave his life for the faith on the morning of April 2, 1672 in Guam.

The canonization of Pedro Calungsod will take place under the brilliant light of the fiftieth
anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the twentieth year of the publication of the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the declaration of the Year of Faith from October 11, 2012 until
November 24, 2013 by the Holy Father. The XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops with
the theme “The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith” will take place in Rome
from October 7 to 28 this year.


All these events happening this year are bound together by the themes of “faith” and
“evangelization”. Evangelization indicates proclamation, transmission and witnessing to the Gospel
given to humanity by our Lord Jesus Christ and the opening up of people’s lives, society, culture and
history to the Person of Jesus Christ and to His living community, the Church.

This “New Evangelization” is primarily addressed to those who have drifted from the Faith and
from the Church in traditionally Catholic countries, especially in the West. What we are being called to
do by this task of “New Evangelization” in Asia is to consider anew “the new methods and means for
transmitting the Good News” more effectively to our people. We are challenged anew to foster in the
Church in our country a renewed commitment and enthusiasm in living out the Gospel in all the diverse
areas of our lives, in “real-life practice”, challenged anew to become more and more authentic witnesses
of our faith, especially to our Asian neighbors as a fruit of our intensified intimacy with the Lord.
The task stands on four pillars:

First, fostering and fulfilling the “missio ad gentes”, as a special vocation of the Church in our
country, effectively involving our laypeople, our “Christifideles” brothers and sisters; our priests and
seminarians; men and women in consecrated life.

Secondly, “bringing Good News to the poor.” Again and again, Filipino Catholics coming together
to discern priorities, have seen that the Church here must become genuinely “a Church for and with the
Thirdly, reaching out to those among us whose faith-life has been largely eroded and even lost
due to the surrounding confusion, moral relativism, doubt, agnosticism; reaching out tothose who have
drifted from the Faith and the Church, and have joined other religious sects.
Lastly, awakening or reawakening in faith, forming and animating in Christian life our young people and
youth sector groups, in both urban and rural settings;

A nine-year journey for the New Evangelization has already been charted climaxing with the
Jubilee Year 2021: Integral Faith Formation (2013); the Laity (2014); the Poor (2015); the Eucharist and
of the Family (2016); the Parish as a Communion of Communities (2017); the Clergy and Religious
(2018); the Youth (2019); Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue (2020); Missio ad gentes (2021).
These are the nine pastoral priorities of the Church in the Philippines.

In the time before us, we will focus on these dimensions of faith, evangelization and
discipleship, one by one. And it is most propitious that as we received the faith 500 years ago, so with
the Year 2021we envision to become a truly sending Church.

In the face of a secularism which in some parts of our present world has itself become a kind of
a “dominant religion”, in the face of the reality of billions who live in our time and who have not truly
encountered Jesus Christ nor heard of His Gospel, how challenged we are, how challenged we must be,
to enter into the endeavor of the “New Evangelization”! We for whom Jesus has been and is truly the
Way, the Truth and the Life, — how can we not want and long and share Him with brothers and sisters
around us who are yet to know and love Him, who are yet to receive the fullness of Life for which we
have all been created, and without which their hearts will be ever restless – until they find Jesus and His
heart which awaits them?

May our Lady, Mary Mother of Our Lord, lead us all in our longing and labors to bring her son
Jesus Christ into our time and our world, our Emmanuel – our God who remains with us now and yet
whose coming again in glory we await.

Maranatha, AMEN.

For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines:


Archbishop of Cebu
July 9, 2012

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