Individual LogBook-Sample 2
Individual LogBook-Sample 2
Individual LogBook-Sample 2
Also, we learned about the difference between Routine work and Innovative work. And, we
learned about the design thinking process.
In this class, I learned about the meaning of the term innovation, which I will describe it to
be creativity, something extraordinary, unique and something that helps humanity or make
our lives easier. Also, it’s a new way or different ways of thinking, such as thinking out of the
box., finally, we need to implement our ideas to be innovative. Also, I learned about the
term entrepreneurship which can be a process or a person that is taking the risks by
entering a business to try to implement the ideas obtained from being innovative, which can
either success or fail. However, it can be done without being innovative but it might be less
successful than businesses involving innovation.
Also, we learned about the the essence of the entrepreneurship which is to overcome the
obstacles, constrains and the limitations, and that we shouldn’t give up no matter how hard
the obstacles might be. Also, constraints help us to innovate better. And we learned about
the mythical obstacles which are imaginary constrains in our minds.
In addition, we learned about the difference between primary and secondary researches,
where primary researchers are collected directly, rather than depending on data collected
from previously done researches such as conducing surveys and analyzing them. On the
other hand, the secondary researches are data that are collected by someone else such as
newspaper and journals and we use them.
Moreover, we learned about the routine work and and the innovative work, where the
routine work is the work that we are used to with no failures or taking risks, meanwhile, the
innovative work is the work that’s done where failures are expected and riskier.
Finally, we learned that empathy is the action of understanding, being aware of, being
sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings and thoughts.
Today’s class helped me to realize that to be innovative we should always have a positive
mindset. And this will help me in my senior design project and in this course to always be
positive and to avoid the mythical constrains. Also, it helped me to understand that
innovation should be a response to what human needs, hence, in my projects I will try to
solve an existence problem by implementing the design thinking process we learned in
today’s class. Furthermore, as an engineering student I face a lot of obstacles in my project,
since they require a lot of hand skills. However, after today’s class I learned that facing these
obstacles will improve me.
I learned that we shouldn’t despise any idea we get and that we should respect each other’s
thoughts and deny them politely with a meaningful reason. Also, I learned that its better to
choose a solution for a world wide problem instead of narrowing it to one region.
Furthermore, enhance my communication skills since I needed to communicate online and
physically with my team member because some of the members had to attend online to
come up with innovative ideas.
Learning about empathy will help me to connect with the people around me and to
understand what do they really need and lack for. Hence, it will help me to come up with a
good worldwide project idea that will make people lives easier. Also, it will help me in my
other courses. Furthermore, developing my communication with others is always an essence
of this course.
I learned that we need empathy map to connect with the people around us, also, I learned
that an empathy map is a collaborative visualization used to articulate what we know about
a particular type of user. It externalizes knowledge about users in order to 1) create a shared
understanding of user needs, and 2) aid in decision making. Furthermore, I learned that
empathy maps should be used to establish common ground among team members and to
understand and prioritize user needs.
In addition, I learned that coming up with an idea that has an impact on the world isn’t an
easy task, where we need to look at the problem from all the different aspects. And then
decide if its worth working on or not.
Empathy map will help me in the project to be utilized as a secondary data source, also, it
will help me to distill and categorize my knowledge of the user into one place.
Furthermore, today’s class will help me in my future projects by applying what I learned in
the empathy map to find a unique and creative ideas and solutions to worldwide issues.
I learnt that we need to target the correct sample that is related to our project to get an
accurate result. Also, I learnt that the more responses we get from our survey the more
reliable our research is. Furthermore, I learnt that we need to look at the project from all the
aspects and prepare answers to all the possible questions from the judges.
In our case, we settled on the Stick for elderly and vision impermanent patients, however,
there are some obstacles we are facing , such as, what if the stick got lost? What will be the
solution to it? Also, its hard for us to survey elderly and people with vision impermanent
online. Hence, we might need to conduct a survey that is face to face, or conduct an
interview with them, which might make it hard for us to get a lot of responses that is above
30, so, we decided to conduct a survey for 2 samples, the first sample are the people who
has relevant that is suffering from the illness, and the other sample are the patients
Moreover, Maitha discussed with the teacher about the survey and how we
should present it, where the teacher suggested that we should present it as a
poster which will grant us extra marks for using animation and a poster.
I learnt that we can use online websites with free templets to create posters,
where we can also add a voice, which would be nice for the audience and for us to
present our work. Also, I learnt that there are a lot of free websites that help to
create animation which will help me in the future in my other projects.
Also, I learned that there are a lot of different ways to present our ideas in creative
way rather than the regular ways we are used to. For instance, instead of using
power point slides, we can present our ideas using a animation, videos or poster
which are more interactive for the audience and more creative.
I have learned in this class that working together gives a much better results than
trying to do everything solo.
Also, we decided to make a short story showing the importance of our project by
using animation websites and applications, where we divided the anime to 8
scenes, which are, the bedroom scene, the hospital call, getting lost, falling, stick
appear, preventing from falling, and navigating. In addition to that, we decided to
make a poster to show the results of our survey. Furthermore, Hessa suggested to
name the stick “Eye-Walk” and everyone agreed to her suggestion and liked it alot.
Finally, we divided the work among us, where Hessa Maitha and Anood will work
on the poster, and Reem, Ryan and Budoor will work on the animation.
And to start with the video, we firstly we looked for a good animation video, and we found
after effect, illustrator, picsart, inshot and gifhy. And to excute our video we used them all.
Also, after going through several websites looking for an animation application, we figured
out a lot of poster websites which had better templets than ours, hence, I advised my
teammates to change the poster. Since our poster had a lot of written and the teacher
advised us to include more pictures than words. So, we decided to change the design by using
a new application.
In this class, I learned that a poster can be made in a lot of different ways using different
applications easily online such as canva as the teacher suggested to us. Before taking this
course, I used to use powerpoint to make the poster, which wasn’t as creative as using the
online websites and free templets.
Also, I always thought that animation is hard to do, since I used to draw it as a child since each
action requires a lot of movements in sequence, however, after trying the application that are
available for us, where we could select a read character and control them, it was way easier
than I thought, thanks to the advanced technology we live in now adays, everything is
possible. However, editing videos is not as easy as I thought it would be.
And after this project, im certain that a lot of my future projcts will change to the better, since
I learned a lot, and in my work as well.
We decided to create an anime to explain our idea since people tend to enjoy
animation and visual effect more than words. Hence, I believe that I’m going to use
the animation technique in my other coerces as well and that’s going to improve me
in a lot of different biases.
Also, a picture can explain a thousand words. Also, in our project, we decieded to
change the poster from text only to add figures too, and we noticed it was more
appealing and easier to understand.
And while working on the poster, we noticed that we need the empathy map to get a deep
sight and to organize our thoughts before writing the poster, and honestly, before that, I
didn’t quite understand the benefit of the empathy map, but now I do.
Moreover, while working on the video and the poster, we noticed that we need to have a logo
for our project, which we called iwalk, which also can be pronounced as eye walk, and it is the
best representation for our project. And for the logo, the teacher advised us to use an eye
icon instead of writing the I letter, which was really creative from her and we admired her
While working on the poster and the video, as the team leader, I realized that the best team
work is to know each girl’s potential and give her a task she’s comfortable and familiar with,
instead of dividing the work randomly. Since at the start, I used to give the tasks randomly,
however, when I started asking my teammates about their skills and what are they good at,
I’ve noticed a lot of improvements, where they finished the tasks earlier and they were
creative in it.
Moreover, as an engineering student, I’ve never worked on animation or video editing, and
since we lack a media member, all my teammates struggled with it, so, I decided to challenge
myself and work on it with my sister Hessa, which turned to be a really great and fun
experience! which I didn’t expect to enjoy at all, editing videos and animating was really fun,
and after making my first anime, I was really proud of myself and happy.
Also, I’ve learned that with the advanced technology we have, we can do anything easily in an
extremely neat way. Where at the start, I worked on sony vegas which wasn’t the easiest to
use, since I had to use my laptop and a lot of new short cuts I’m not used to. However, after
going through my phone, I found that I have a lot of editing videos which have the same
features and way easier to use! Such as Inshot,picsart and imovie.
Finally, I realized that being an engineering student doesn’t particularly mean that I’m only
good with math and physics and writing reports! I can also be good with animation and video
editing, and after finishing this project, I’ve discovered a new potential within myself which I
didn’t recognize before, which is editing, I enjoyed it so much that I worked non stop on it for
12hrs and I didn’t get bored of it for a single second!
This project helped me to understand a lot of aspects I didn’t have before, such as empathy
map, proper team leading, how to make a good poster and discovering new potentials.
Which I am certain will have a huge impact on me for my other courses and after graduating.