Carbonate Platform Configuration 埃及,层序地层学

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Sedimentology (2003) 50, 387–414

Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration

(Late Cenomanian–Santonian), Sinai, Egypt
*Bremen University, Department of Geoscience, PO Box 330440, D-28334 Bremen, Germany
Ruhr-University, Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Universitätsstr. 150,
D-44801 Bochum, Germany


Relative sea-level changes on the mixed carbonate–siliciclastic platform of

Sinai are manifested in shifts of distinct facies belts (deep-water facies, high-
energy subtidal, shallow subtidal, lagoon, shallow shoreface siliciclastics,
supratidal) and are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy. Eight
sedimentary sequences are recognized for the Upper Cenomanian to
Santonian. Their correlation along a north–south transect reveals distinct
changes in lithofacies and progradation/retrogradation patterns within the
individual systems tracts. The number and stratigraphy of the sequence
boundaries of Sinai correlate well with those from adjacent areas. Patterns of
increased subsidence are documented for the Central Sinai Basin since the
Late Cenomanian by increased thickness of the stratal packages (post-CeSin 7
HST, post-TuSin 1 LST and HST, post-TuSin 2 LST) and are balanced by
varying accumulation rates. Based on new sedimentological and
biostratigraphic data, large-scale palaeogeographic maps and cross-sections
show the: (1) temporal and spatial evolution of the Central Sinai Basin, e.g. its
latest Cenomanian initial formation, Lower Turonian deep-water facies,
Middle Turonian to Coniacian synsedimentary subsidence; (2) drowning of
the Cenomanian platform coinciding with the latest Cenomanian to Early
Turonian relative sea-level rise; (3) re-establishment of the platform in
Middle–Late Turonian times; and (4) a Coniacian basin and swell morphology.
Keywords Carbonate platform, palaeogeographic maps, sequence stratigra-
phy, Upper Cretaceous.

INTRODUCTION Steinitz, 1977; Bartov et al., 1980; Chérif et al.,

1989a,b; Kuss, 1992; Ziko et al., 1993; Kora &
The aims of this study were to: (1) improve Genedi, 1995; Issawi et al., 1999). Some contri-
sequence-stratigraphic interpretations of the butions have focused on the sequence-strati-
Upper Cenomanian–Santonian mixed carbonate– graphic evolution of Sinai (e.g. Bachmann &
siliciclastic platform deposits of Sinai (Fig. 1); Kuss, 1998; Lüning et al., 1998a,b), the Eastern
(2) reconstruct the palaeogeographic evolution Desert of Egypt (Kuss et al., 2000a) and the Near
involving neighbouring areas; and (3) determine East (Buchbinder et al., 2000). However, new
environmental and tectonic issues controlling the sedimentological and stratigraphic data presented
sequence architecture and platform configuration. here allow the detection of previously unknown
Several publications have described the sedi- sequence boundaries in Sinai and the testing of
mentology and stratigraphy of the Middle and existing sequence-stratigraphic interpretations.
Upper Cretaceous strata of Sinai (Bartov & This study incorporates the factors controlling
facies distribution of 10 sections within a
Present address: Badley Ashton & Associates Ltd, sequence-stratigraphic framework; these factors
Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire include relative sea-level changes, platform
LN9 6PB, UK (E-mail: [email protected]) drowning and tectonics.
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists 387
388 J. Bauer et al.

Fig. 1. Palaeogeographic recon-

struction of the Late Cenomanian
Tethys between southern Europe
and north Africa (simplified after
Philip et al., 2000). The arrow and
frame indicate the Sinai Peninsula
(compare Fig. 2).

Regional sequence-stratigraphic studies (Roba- 1962; Moustafa & Khalil, 1990; Shahar, 1994;
szynski et al., 1990, 1993; Van Buchem et al., 1996; Guiraud & Bosworth, 1997), recent investigations
Kuhnt et al., 1997; Abdallah et al., 2000; Scott neglect the C-S Basin. Lewy (1975), Bartov &
et al., 2000) show the important impact of relative Steinitz (1977) and Kuss (1992) noted its impor-
and eustatic sea-level changes in north Africa and tance for palaeogeographic interpretations, but its
the Arabian Peninsula. Among these, the well- evolution in time and space is still unclear. New
known Late Cenomanian to Early Turonian global palaeogeographic maps included here for specific
sea-level rise perhaps resulted in the highest sea- systems tracts document the platform configura-
level stand of the entire Phanerozoic (Haq et al., tion and the migrations of the facies belts, and
1987; Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991; Hancock, thus differ from previously published palaeogeo-
1993). Early Turonian platform drowning has been graphic maps (Lewy, 1975; Said, 1990; Kuss &
recorded on many Tethyan platforms in north Bachmann, 1996; Lüning et al., 1998b). Addi-
Africa (Camoin, 1991; Saidi et al., 1997), Israel tional data from Sinai, Israel, Palestine and
(Buchbinder et al., 2000), the Arabian Peninsula Jordan are also incorporated in the palaeogeo-
(Philip et al., 1995; Scott et al., 2000) and Europe graphic reconstructions.
(Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991; Drzewiecki &
Simo, 1997; Philip, 1998; Davey & Jenkyns, 1999).
It was mostly attributed to flooding of the platforms GEOLOGICAL SETTING
by oxygen-depleted waters, related to oceanic
anoxia (Arthur et al., 1987; Jarvis et al., 1988;
Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991; Drzewiecki &
Simo, 1997; Weissert et al., 1998). In contrast, only Late Triassic–Early Jurassic opening of the Neo-
minor attention has been paid to the drowning of tethys resulted in ENE-trending flexural basins
the Cenomanian platform in Sinai. and half-grabens (Fig. 2B) in north Sinai (Mou-
The sedimentary and tectonic evolution of stafa & Khalil, 1990), Egypt (Kuss, 1992;
Sinai was predominantly controlled by the estab- El-Hawat, 1997), the Negev (Hirsch et al., 1998;
lishment and evolution of the Central Sinai Basin Vidal et al., 2000) and Jordan (Abu-Jaber et al.,
(C-S Basin) and the Syrian Arc system. Although 1989). In Sinai, NW–SE convergence of the
the latter has been studied extensively (Said, Afro-Arabian and Eurasian plates resulted in
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 389

zone in north Sinai, and ‘stable shelf’ for the

tectonically more inactive area of central and
south Sinai (Fig. 2A). Detailed discussions of
Syrian Arc evolution and comparisons with other
regions of north Africa are given by Moustafa &
Khalil (1990), Shahar (1994), Guiraud & Bosworth
(1997), Guiraud (1998), Walley (1998), Bosworth
et al. (1999) and Rosenthal et al. (2000). It is
generally accepted that the major period of defor-
mation was in the Late Cretaceous, but the timing
of first compressional pulses is controversially
debated and ranges from the Cenomanian to
Campanian. The major episode of reverse faulting
probably correlates with compressional deforma-
tions in large parts of north Africa and Arabia
referred to as the ‘Santonian tectonic event’
(Guiraud & Bosworth, 1997).

During the Cretaceous, Sinai belonged to the
pericratonic Arabo-African carbonate platform,
which extended from Morocco to Oman along the
southern margin of the Tethys Ocean (Philip
et al., 2000; Fig. 1). In Aptian times, a mixed
siliciclastic–carbonate ramp was established in
north Sinai, but the depositional setting switched
to a carbonate-dominated ramp in Albian and
Early Cenomanian times (Bachmann & Kuss,
1998; Kunow et al., 1998). During the Late Cen-
omanian–Early Turonian, extensive sea-level rise
Fig. 2. (A) Locations of sections studied: R, Gebel (Haq et al., 1987; Philip & Airaud-Crumiere,
Risha (N 3041¢ 16¢¢/E 3424¢ 58¢¢); AN, Gebel Areif El 1991; Hancock, 1993) led to mainly shallow
Naqa (N 3021¢ 23¢¢/E 3426¢ 00¢¢); M, Gebel Minsherah inner-shelf environments being established on a
(N 3017¢ 17¢¢/E 3339¢ 50¢¢); Z, Gebel Abu Zurub mixed siliciclastic–carbonate platform. In con-
(N 2922¢ 31¢¢/E 3321¢ 07¢¢); X, Gebel Gidira (N 2923¢ trast to the preceding ramp morphology, the
55¢¢/E 3431¢ 28¢¢); UA, Gebel Um Alda (N 2918¢ 50¢¢/E platform extended over 200 km from north to
3431¢ 45¢¢); Q, Ain Quseiyib (N 2916¢ 47¢¢/E 3443¢
12¢¢); G, Gebel Gunna (N 2856¢ 09¢¢/E 3405¢ 48¢¢); D,
south Sinai without any recognizable regional
Gebel Dhalal (N 2853¢ 43¢¢/E 3355¢ 46¢¢); V, Gebel slope until the Late Turonian. In the Coniacian, a
Arabah (N 2822¢ 25¢¢/E 3330¢ 40¢¢). Syrian Arc anti- basin and swell morphology developed, and
clines in Sinai and in neighbouring areas on the ‘un- siliciclastic input from the southerly exposed
stable shelf’ (grey area) and the southern ‘stable shelf’ hinterland increased markedly. From the late
(white area) are shown. (B) Sketch of the Mesozoic Coniacian onwards, the inner-shelf facies retrea-
tectonic evolution of Sinai. See text for explanation. ted southwards, and deep-water deposits devel-
oped in north and central Sinai. Hemipelagic
transpressive inversion along the pre-existing chalks dominate the Santonian–Maastrichtian.
ENE-trending half-graben structures from the
Turonian onwards, and involved several phases
Central Sinai Basin
of lateral strike-slip faulting and gentle folding
(Guiraud, 1998), referred to as the Syrian Arc Since the Late Cenomanian, a synsedimentary
(Krenkel, 1924). ENE-trending domal anticlines subsiding intrashelf basin, the Central Sinai Basin
in north Sinai (Fig. 2A) are part of this intraplate (C-S Basin), formed in Sinai. Because Upper
fold belt, which extends from northern Egypt to Cenomanian deposits of the C-S Basin are not
Syria and Lebanon. Said (1962) introduced the exposed, its Late Cenomanian configuration is
terms ‘unstable shelf’ for the inversion and folding unclear. However, Upper Cenomanian basinal
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
390 J. Bauer et al.

deposits occur in its eastward prolongation, the range charts and regional biozonation schemes for
Eshet–Zenifim Basin (Bentor, 1960; Bartov & Egypt (Kassab & Obaidalla, 2001), Palestine and
Steinitz, 1977), and are also expected further Israel (Freund & Raab, 1969; verified by Lewy,
west in the C-S Basin. This is also indicated by 1989), Tunisia (Robaszynski et al., 1990; Chan-
the isopach maps of Bartov & Steinitz (1977). cellor et al., 1994) and southern Europe (Harden-
Moreover, Kassab & Obaidalla (2001) reported a bol et al., 1998). A stratigraphic gap in large parts
diverse assemblage of Upper Cenomanian plank- of Sinai spans at least the Lower Turonian
tonic foraminifera and ammonites in a single Watinoceras coloradoense biozone, because
section in West Sinai (Wadi Feiran), suggesting a upper Lower Turonian ammonites Mammites
deep-water facies, locally restricted within the nodosoides, Choffaticeras luciae and Kamerun-
Cenomanian carbonate platform. oceras turoniense directly overlie Upper Ceno-
In the Early Turonian, deep-water deposits of manian strata in north and central Sinai (Bartov
the C-S Basin covered north and central Sinai and et al., 1980; Allam & Khalil, 1988; Ziko et al.,
interfingered with inner-platform deposits. From 1993; Bauer et al., 2001). This stratigraphic gap is
the Middle Turonian–Coniacian, shallow-sub- also confirmed by previous biostratigraphic data
tidal sediments prevailed in the C-S Basin from Chérif et al. (1989a) and Kassab (1996).
throughout Sinai. However, ongoing basin subsi- Paratexanites desmondi is characteristic of the
dence is reflected by the increased thickness of late Coniacian successions studied.
the Turonian–Coniacian sedimentary cover (Bar- The calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy
tov & Steinitz, 1977). used here (Fig. 3) follows the biozone concepts
of Salis (in Hardenbol et al., 1998) with two
exceptions: the lower boundary of CC 11 is placed
METHODS in the uppermost Cenomanian, in agreement with
Bralower (1988) and Burnett (1996); the lower
Detailed bed-to-bed analysis, including sedimen- boundary of CC 12 is considered as lowermost
tological and palaeontological studies, was per- Middle Turonian after Robaszynski et al. (1990).
formed on 10 sections throughout Sinai (Fig. 2A). Some benthic foraminifera and ostracods
The sequence-stratigraphic interpretation follows enable the identification of specific stage bound-
the ‘Exxon concepts’ of Van Wagoner et al. (1988) aries (Fig. 3) according to the work of Bassoullet &
and Vail et al. (1991) for carbonate lithologies. Damotte (1969), Rosenfeld & Raab (1974), Saint-
Special attention was paid to indicative surfaces Marc (1974), Schröder & Neumann (1985) and
(hardgrounds, subaerial exposure surfaces, Morsi & Bauer (2001). Rudist bivalves allow the
drowning surfaces), sedimentary stacking pat- differentiation of Cenomanian and Turonian plat-
terns and lateral and vertical facies distribution form carbonates. The last occurrence of Ichthyo-
patterns. Sequence boundaries and systems tracts sarcolites marks the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T)
were numbered after the system of Hardenbol & boundary (Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991) and,
Robaszynski (1998), e.g. sequence boundary Tu- in the sections studied, the first Hippuritidae
Sin 1 where Tu ¼ Turonian, Sin ¼ Sinai, 1 ¼ first occur in the Middle Turonian.
sequence boundary in the Turonian of Sinai.
Systems tracts are differentiated by the prefix
‘post’ and the underlying sequence boundary (e.g.
post-TuSin 1 LST ¼ lowstand systems tract above The lithostratigraphic units used here are shown
sequence boundary TuSin 1). in Fig. 3. The Cenomanian (CC 10–lower CC 11)
Halal Formation in north Sinai mainly consists of
dolostones, with some intercalations of marl and
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY AND bioclastic limestone. The Raha Formation is the
LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY equivalent of the Hala Formation in central and
south Sinai. It consists of fossiliferous limestones,
dolostones, marls and sandstones. Marls and
quartzose sediments are more frequent in com-
A detailed biostratigraphic framework of the parison with the Halal Formation. The Abu Qada
sections studied was given previously by Bauer Formation ranges from the upper Lower Turonian
et al. (2001) and is summarized in Fig. 3. The (upper CC 11 or M. nodosoides zone) to the Middle
stratigraphic ranges of selected Lower Turonian and Upper Turonian (middle CC 12) and is
ammonites (Fig. 3) are based on comparisons of subdivided here into three members: (1) marls
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Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 391

Fig. 3. Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphic framework for the sections studied. The lithological section on the left
is compiled from Figs 4 and 5 and shows the prevailing lithologies and components of the formations (for key, see
Fig. 5). The stratigraphic ranges of the taxa are based on range charts and regional biozonation schemes cited in the
text. Southern European ammonite zones are after Hardenbol et al. (1998), those of Israel and Palestine are after
Freund & Raab (1969; verified by Lewy, 1989); calcareous nannofossil zones are after Hardenbol et al. (1998), note
exceptions regarding lower boundaries of CC 11 and CC 12. Abbreviations: calcareous nannofossils: E., Eiffellithus;
L., Lucianorhabdus; M., Microrhabdulus; Ma., Marthasterites; Mi., Micula; Q., Quadrum; R., Reinhardtites; benthic
foraminifera: B., Biconcava; C., Chrysalidina; N., Neoflabellina.

and a nodular dolostone layer with densely characteristics of the facies belts are compiled in
packed Lower Turonian ammonites (‘ammonite Table 1. The correlation of sequence boundaries
bed’) at the base (Lower Member) are overlain by and systems tracts within the biostratigraphic and
(2) well-bedded dolostones and limestones (Mid- lithostratigraphic framework is shown along a
dle Member) and by (3) marls with intercalated north–south transect in Figs 4 and 5.
ooid grainstones and bioclastic packstones (Upper
Member). The Upper Turonian (middle–upper CC
Surfaces and systems tracts
12) Wata Formation is dominated by cliff-forming,
cyclically bedded dolostones and bioclastic lime- Sequence boundaries (SB)
stones. The Coniacian–Santonian (CC 13–CC 16) Emersion surfaces are characterized by thin pal-
Matulla Formation shows highly variable litholo- aeosols or sometimes by diagenetic features such
gies with cross-bedded sandstones, marls, bioclas- as caliche or meteoric cements. Additionally,
tic limestones, dolostones and chalks with chert reddish mottled, ferruginous and sometimes
concretions. Siliciclastic detritus is common in bored hardgrounds indicate non-deposition
most of the carbonate lithologies. accompanied by subaerial exposure. However,
significant emersion surfaces are often missing
at the respective SBs, which is attributed to their
SEQUENCE-STRATIGRAPHIC low preservation potential.
Lowstand systems tracts (LST)
The sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of the In the sections studied, LSTs are composed of
sections studied is shown in Figs 4–7. Bauer et al. very shallow-water deposits, such as red and
(2003a) presented an interpretation of the plat- green foliated claystones or reddish mottled
form environments including sedimentological siltstones and sandstones. Ferruginous ooids are
descriptions of the systems tracts. Lithofacies common in siliciclastic lowstand deposits of the
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392 J. Bauer et al.

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Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 393

dolostones with common shallow-water macro-

Fig. 4. Sequence-stratigraphic correlation of sections
in north and central Sinai. The datum line is placed at fossils (rudists, oysters) in the northern, more
sequence boundary TuSin 1. In some sections, certain basinwards realm; (2) bioclastic packstones and
systems tracts could not be differentiated. Question wackestones, with echinoderms, oysters, benthic
marks indicate uncertain correlation. For key to sym- foraminifera, calcareous algae, ostracods and
bols, lithologies and correlation lines, see Fig. 5. peloids in central Sinai (Bauer et al., 2003a);
and (3) cross-bedded, winnowed, oolitic grain-
stones in both north and central Sinai. In south
southern Sinai palaeocoasts. The ferruginous Sinai, shallow-water siltstones and sandstones
ooids may have originated from the redeposition predominate.
of iron-rich soils. Similar interpretations have
been given for Upper Cretaceous ferruginous
Upper Cenomanian–Santonian sequences
ooids in southern Egypt and Sudan (Mücke,
2000). Stromatolitic and laminated calcareous Sequence post-CeSin 5
marls, wackestones and packstones with milio- The Upper Cenomanian (CC 10) sequence post-
lids and peloids accumulated in lagoons. Supra- CeSin 5 is equivalent to the upper Halal and Raha
tidal and restricted environments are Formations. It has been measured completely in
characterized by claystones with plant remains central and south Sinai (sections G, D and V,
or with monospecific, abnormal hypersaline Fig. 5); only the HST has been investigated in
to brackish ostracod and oyster assemblages. sections M and Z (Fig. 4). Sequence post-CeSin 5
Ponded evaporites formed in local sabkhas. represents one of the oldest preserved sedimen-
tary sequences in south Sinai, because Protero-
Transgressive systems tracts (TST) zoic metamorphic and magmatic basement rocks
In the sections studied, indicators of reduced are exposed only a few tens of metres below the
sedimentation rates, typical of transgressive sur- SB (Fig. 6). In north Sinai, the underlying
faces (ts) and of TST deposits, are hardgrounds, Aptian–Cenomanian units are several hundreds
masses of disarticulated ostracod valves, glauc- of metres thick and were studied in detail by
onite accumulations or highly bioturbated and Bachmann & Kuss (1998) and Lüning et al.
nodular sediments. Within the TSTs, shallow- (1998a).
subtidal deposits prevail, which are mostly com-
posed of calcareous marls and coarse bioclastic SB and LST. The SB CeSin 5 is placed at the base
limestones with rich benthic fossil assemblages. of alternating beds of siltstone and claystone
High-energy packstones and grainstones are often (LST), which overlie coarse-grained sandstones in
intercalated and contain ooids, oncoids and sections G and D (Fig. 5).
reworked components (Bauer et al., 2003a); rip-
up structures, cross-bedding and channels are Ts and TST. The onset of calcareous and marly
common. Protected subtidal or open lagoonal deposits with oysters and echinoderms charac-
settings were established in the proximal areas of terizes the ts in sections G, D and V (Fig. 5).
deposition. Deep-water TST deposits occur only Washed packstones with frequent miliolids and
in the Lower Turonian and Upper Coniacian peloids occur in the shallow-subtidal TST depos-
successions studied. They are composed of its (Fig. 6).
marls and chalks with frequent planktonic for-
aminifera and calcareous nannofossils as well as Mfs and HST. The mfs in sections V, D and G is
ammonites. probably marked by the lithological break from
calcareous TST deposits to more quartzose HST
Highstand systems tracts (HST) sediments. Additionally, hardgrounds indicate
The maximum flooding surfaces (mfs) some- reduced sedimentation rates at the mfs in section
times feature indicators of condensation similar V (Fig. 5). In sections M and Z, thickly bedded,
to those described above. HST deposits are massive dolostones with limestone intercalations
characterized by aggradational or progradational predominate in the HST. The limestones are
stacking patterns of shallow-subtidal deposits sometimes characterized by bioclastic, peloidal
with varying lithologies depending on the dis- packstones and wackestones with a species-rich
tance to the palaeoshoreline. In north and association of benthic foraminifera, rudists and
central Sinai, shallow-subtidal environments less frequent calcareous algae, and are assigned to
are represented by: (1) thick-bedded, massive a protected marine environment. In section V
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Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 395

Formation and is traced throughout Sinai in the

Fig. 5. Sequence-stratigraphic correlation of sections
in central and south Sinai. Note the different datum sections studied.
line (sequence boundary TuSin 2) compared with
Fig. 4 for graphical reasons. Some undifferentiated SB, LST, ts and TST. The ts falls together with
systems tracts are combined; question marks indicate the SB in most sections studied. The deep-water
uncertain correlation. TST deposits are composed of the ‘ammonite
bed’ in sections R, AN, X, Z, G and D (Figs 4 and
5) and marls with frequent planktonic foramini-
(Fig. 5), the neighbouring palaeocoastline is fera (hedbergellids, whiteinellids, heterohelicids
reflected by quartzose HST sediments, which in sections R, M, AN and Z) of the Lower Abu
interfinger with shallow-subtidal, calcareous Qada Formation. Condensation is indicated by
deposits in sections G and D in central Sinai. hardgrounds and frequent oyster encrustations
on the ammonites, as well as glauconite grains in
Sequence post-CeSin 6 the lower marls of the TST. The TST sediments
The Upper Cenomanian (CC 10 to lower part of mark a pronounced relative sea-level rise, coin-
CC 11) sequence post-CeSin 6 (upper Halal and ciding with a drowning of the Cenomanian
Raha Formations) has been studied in sections shallow platform during the Early Turonian (see
AN, M, G, D, Z and V (Figs 4 and 5). below). They overlie shallow-subtidal deposits of
the Cenomanian post-CeSin 6 HST; the two
LST. Very shallow-subtidal siliciclastics of the systems tracts are separated by thin reddish
LST in sections M, Z and G grade southwards into mottled hardgrounds, which are interpreted as
supratidal deposits, which are composed of red SB CeSin 7.
and green foliated claystones with high contents In the southern section V, a deep-water facies is
of ferruginous ooids (Fig. 6). These deposits not observed (Fig. 6). Protected shallow-subtidal
reflect a relative sea-level lowstand with respect TST deposits (Fig. 6) are represented by coarse
to the underlying HST deposits of sequence post- bioclastic (oysters, gastropods and bivalves) marls
CeSin 5. and packstones, as well as by peloidal wacke-
stones with benthic foraminifera and ostracods.
Ts and TST. The ts and TST are only clearly In section Z, the LST missing elsewhere may be
recognizable in section M. The ts is placed above represented by a silty dolomite layer underlain by
the uppermost LST siltstones. Calcareous and a hardground (Fig. 4). These LST deposits are
dolomitic marls of the TST contain frequent likely to correlate with marls, shales and sand-
oysters and document a shallow-subtidal, low- stones of tidal-flat to fluviomarine environments
energy environment during the TST. at the Gulf of Suez coast (Ekma Member, sensu
Chérif et al., 1989a), which were deposited in
Mfs and HST. The onset of massive, thick-bed- locally restricted depressions (Chérif et al.,
ded dolostones characterizes the mfs in north 1989a; Kora et al., 1994). It is important to note
Sinai (sections AN and M; Fig. 4). Bioclastic that Ceratostreon flabellatum and Neolobites
packstones and wackestones with diverse assem- vibrayeanus occur in these siliciclastic deposits
blages of benthic foraminifera associated with (Chérif et al., 1989a; Eweda & El-Sorogy, 1999),
rare rudists, chaetatids and corals characterize the indicating a Late Cenomanian age.
shallow-subtidal HST facies. Above the stratigraphic gap that exists across
In central and southern Sinai (sections Z, G, D the C/T boundary (Fig. 3), the first TST deposits
and V), TSTs and HSTs could not be differenti- are placed in the Upper Lower Turonian (M. nod-
ated, because relatively uniform shallow-subtidal osoides zone) to Middle Turonian (CC 12). The
successions are composed of alternating marls, question remains unsolved whether the SB CeSin
dolostone and limestone beds above the respect- 7 lies above or below the stratigraphic gap, and
ive LSTs, without distinct changes in lithofacies. thus should be placed in the Cenomanian or in
Furthermore, candidates for an eventual mfs are the Turonian (Fig. 8). The lacuna may have been
not preserved. caused either by: (1) non-deposition and conden-
sation in the Early Turonian TST after a Cenoma-
Sequence post-CeSin 7 nian SB (‘hypothesis 1’ in Fig. 8); or (2) erosion in
The uppermost Cenomanian (lower CC 11) to the Cenomanian late HST followed by a Turonian
Upper Turonian (CC 12) sequence post-CeSin 7 SB and TST (‘hypothesis 2’ in Fig. 8). ‘Hypothesis
corresponds to the Lower and Middle Abu Qada 1’ seems more plausible because rapid sea-level
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396 J. Bauer et al.

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Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 397

et al., 2003a) as well as hardgrounds. Occasional

Fig. 6. Sequence architecture and platform and basin
configuration along a N–S transect, based on large-scale high-energy deposits (oolitic and oncolitic win-
facies patterns; the sections (vertical bars) refer to nowed packstones and grainstones with ooids,
lithological columns in Figs 4 and 5. oncoids and reworked bioclasts) were established
predominantly in the northern sections AN, M, X
and Z (Fig. 6), whereas quartzose carbonates
rise trapped sediments updip and resulted in prograded in the nearshore environments (section
condensation and non-deposition in the TST in V).
central and northern Sinai. In addition, the
correlation with more complete successions in Sequence post-TuSin 1
the Negev (Fig. 8) and the Late Cenomanian age of The Middle and Upper Turonian sequence post-
the LST deposits in section Z suggest a Cenoma- TuSin 1 (Upper Abu Qada Formation to Wata
nian SB. Therefore it has been given the prefix Formation) is recorded in all sections studied
‘Ce’ for Cenomanian, although the following (Figs 4 and 5), except for section Q.
deposits are mostly Turonian.
SB and LST. Emersion surfaces correspond to
Mfs and HST. The mfs is marked by the onset of the SB and are well developed in sections AN, M
fossiliferous dolostones and limestones of the and D (Figs 4 and 5), where thin palaeosols or
HST, which correspond to the Middle Abu Qada meteoric cements (Bauer et al., 2003a) indicate
Formation. They represent a re-establishment of subaerial exposure. Shallow-water and supratidal
the carbonate platform. The protected shallow- deposits of the LST (lower part of the Upper Abu
subtidal HST deposits contain diverse assemblag- Qada Formation) are traceable throughout Sinai
es of rudists and gastropods. Peloidal packstones (Fig. 6). Local supratidal and sabkha deposits in
with calcareous algae and bryozoans, ostracods, section AN (Fig. 4) are composed of dark clay-
echinoderms and bivalves are common (Bauer stones with plant remains and ponded evaporites.
These sediments are overlain by marls with
monospecific oyster and ostracod (Neocyprideis
vandenboldi) assemblages indicating abnormal
hypersaline to brackish environments (Bartov
et al., 1980). In section R, shallow-subtidal sand-
stones and intercalated reddish mottled siltstone
beds occur.
In central Sinai, the LST is composed of bright
red and green claystones with rare caliche layers
and reddish siltstone beds. Siltstones increase
successively southwards towards the palaeocoast
and grade into sandstones and siltstones in
section V (Fig. 6).

Ts and TST. The ts is placed at lithological

breaks that indicate a transition from supratidal
deposits (LST) to shallow-subtidal environments
and an increase in turbulence (oolitic deposits,
cross-bedding, rip-up clasts in section R;
reworked rudist debris in section M, Fig. 4). In
section AN, the ts is interpreted by the presence
of marl beds with frequent glauconite grains, as
well as very abundant, disarticulated ostracod
valves, both suggesting condensation.
In north Sinai, the TST deposits of the Upper
Abu Qada Formation are characterized by marls
Fig. 7. Lateral and chronostratigraphic distribution of
six major facies belts (for key to fill patterns and sym- with occasional intercalations of rudist bio-
bols, see Fig. 6). Systems tracts and surfaces are indi- stromes and oolitic and bioclastic limestones,
cated; durations of major tectonic events are given in which indicate a shallow-subtidal environment
the right column. with temporary high-energy conditions (Fig. 6).
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
398 J. Bauer et al.
Table 1. Lithological and palaeontological characteristics of six major facies belts and their local occurrences in
Sinai. The facies belts dominate in certain systems tracts as indicated in the right column.

North Sinai Central Sinai

Facies (sections R, (sections Z, X, UA, South Sinai
belts AN and M) Q, G and D) (section V) Systems tracts
Supratidal Emersion surfaces, karstification evaporates, Emersion surfaces, LSTs
foliated claystones with plant remains plant remains,
silicified wood,
caliche beds
Shallow Reddish mottled siltstone and fine sandstones Reddish siltstones LSTs,
shoreface Coarse- and medium-grained sandstones and sandstones with subordinate in
siliciclastics ferruginous ooids HSTs in
Bioclastic (cross-bedded) calcareous sandstones (Cross-bedded) central and
bioclastic south Sinai
Lagoon Marls, monospecific, Stromatolitic and Marls with LSTs, subordinate
hypersaline to brackish laminated monospecific in HSTs in
ostracod and calcareous marls ostracod central Sinai
oyster assemblages Wackestones and assemblages
packstones with
miliolids, ostracods
peloids, bird’s eyes
Shallow Coarse bioclastic, dolomites, limestones and calcareous Bioclastic marls TSTs
subtidal marls with bivalves (e.g. rudists, oysters), corals, and packstones and HSTs
chaetatids, gastropods, echinoderms (e.g. oysters,
Bioclastic packstones and wackestones gastropods)
(benthic foraminifera, calcareous algae, Peloidal,
ostracods, echinoderms, bivalves, peloids) wackestones
with benthic
foraminifera and
High-energy Winnowed packstones and grainstones Not developed TSTs and HSTs
subtidal with ooids, oncoids, reworked debris
(e.g. algae debris, ostracods)
Cross-bedding, channels,
rip-up structures, reworking textures
Deep-water Marls and chalks with frequent Not developed TST
ammonites, planktonic foraminifera
and calcareous nannofossils

LST, lowstand systems tract; TST, transgressive systems tract; HST, highstand systems tract.

Planktonic foraminifera (heterohelicids in section Mfs and HST. The mfs is placed at the base of
AN) and glauconite grains occur rarely. cyclically bedded dolostones, calcareous marls
The shallow-subtidal TST deposits in central and limestones of the Wata Formation (HST);
and south Sinai (sections X and Z, Fig. 4; and reworking structures or condensation features
sections UA, G, D and V, Fig. 5) are mainly (e.g. hardgrounds and iron impregnations) are,
composed of calcareous and dolomitic marls with however, rarely preserved at the mfs. Most HST
frequent gastropods, echinoderms and oysters. deposits reflect shallow-subtidal to lagoonal envi-
Bioclastic packstones, rare oolitic grainstones ronments throughout the study area, with diverse
(sections G and D) as well as occasional cross- assemblages of benthic foraminifera, calcareous
bedded sandstones (section Z) are intercalated in algae, rudists and oysters as well as minor amounts
the succession. of corals, ooids and oncoids. However, distinct
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 399

predominant sandstones, siltstones or claystones

commonly interrupts the uniform calcareous
succession of the Wata Formation. These LST
deposits are traced over wide areas of Sinai
(Fig. 6). Lagoonal stromatolitic and laminated
calcareous marls in section Z (Fig. 5) confirm
the lowstand above subtidal deposits of the post-
TuSin 1 HST. In contrast to the other sections, the
LST and the SB have not been recognized in
section AN, but erosion during the lowstand is
suggested by intraclasts. Alternatively, dolomiti-
Fig. 8. Two possible age assignments of sequence
boundary CeSin 7. The generalized outcrop stacking
zation may have prevented the recognition of
pattern of section AN (compare Fig. 4) shows a coin- eventual lowstand deposits.
ciding sequence boundary (SB) and transgressive sur-
face (ts) at the C/T boundary, which implies a lacuna. Ts and TST. The ts is marked by the first
Chronostratigraphic interpretations are (middle col- occurrences of winnowed calcareous sediments
umn): hypothesis 1, after a Late Cenomanian SB, the (e.g. sections UA, Q and G; Fig. 5). The TST is
lacuna originated from non-deposition during the Early uniformly composed of dolostones in north
Turonian lowstand; hypothesis 2, erosion during the
late highstand (Late Cenomanian) caused the lacuna,
Sinai, whereas in central and south Sinai, it
the SB (Early Turonian) is overlain by the TST, and features fossiliferous marls and limestones. Here,
LST sediments were not deposited. This paper follows the TST is also characterized by high-energy
hypothesis 1. Interpretations of coeval successions in deposits. In sections M and AN, cyclically bed-
the Negev are shown for comparison (right column). ded dolostones dominate, as in the post-TuSin 2
HST beneath. It is proposed that the interference
of higher order relative sea-level changes ham-
differences are observed between the sections pered the establishment of significant TST de-
studied, regarding both the composition and the posits in northern Sinai, which explains the more
thickness of the HST sediments: (1) rudists and or less identical lithofacies of the TST compared
calcareous algae in particular show a clear de- with the post-TuSin 2 HST. Yet the intercalated
crease in frequency and diversity from north to siliciclastic LST deposits in section M reflect a
south (Bauer et al., 2003b). Moreover, subordi- pronounced sea-level fall, and the transition to
nately occurring ooids, oncoids and cross-bedding dolomitic deposits may be a potential ts. In
in central Sinai (sections X in Fig. 4 and UA and G section AN, the ts may coincide with the SB,
in Fig. 5) suggest an occasional increase in turbu- because LST deposits are not distinguishable.
lence. In section D (Fig. 5), lagoonal mudstones Alternatively, the ts may be placed at the onset of
and foraminiferal packstones dominate the HST rudist patches within the dolomitic succession
deposits, whereas thickly bedded, sometimes (Fig. 4).
quartzose dolostones occur in section V; (2) in In central Sinai, fossiliferous dolomitic marls
comparison with sections in central and south alternate with winnowed packstones with high
Sinai, the HST deposits of sections AN, M, UA and amounts of ooids, oncoids and reworked compo-
Z are considerably thicker (Fig. 6), which strongly nents throughout the TST. The latter are associ-
suggests higher subsidence rates. The thick dolo- ated with cross-bedding, channels and rip-up
stone packages of sections AN and M were most structures (Fig. 6). Additionally, episodes of
probably a result of aggradation, owing to a reduced sedimentation rates are indicated by
constant high subsidence coeval with sediment highly bioturbated and nodular calcareous inter-
accumulation close to sea level (see below). calations and the occurrence of glauconite. To-
wards the south, a lagoonal facies belt (sections D
Sequence post-TuSin 2 and V, Fig. 5) is composed of peloidal wacke-
The Upper Turonian (CC 12) sequence post- stones, packstones and marls.
TuSin 2 is represented by the Wata Formation
in most sections (Figs 4–6). Mfs and HST. The mfs is placed at the base of
protected, shallow-subtidal HST deposits.
SB and LST. Emersion surfaces at the SB are Thickly bedded dolostones, limestones and dol-
rarely preserved in hardgrounds of sections AN, Z omitic marls of the Wata Formation aggrade in the
(Fig. 4) and UA (Fig. 5). A thin interval of HST in north (section M, Fig. 4) and central Sinai
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
400 J. Bauer et al.

(sections UA, Q and G, Fig. 5). The HST deposits some calcareous sandstone intercalations are
are characterized by bioclastic (echinoderms, present, a reduced quartz input is obvious in
gastropods, oysters, ostracods, miliolids, calcar- comparison with the TST.
eous algae) and peloidal wackestones and pack-
stones. Winnowed or reworked textures are Sequence post-CoSin 1
scarce, compared with the underlying TST. In The sequence post-CoSin 1 is Upper Coniacian
section V, quartzose intercalations dominate in (CC 14) to Santonian (CC 15–16) and comprises
the HST, owing to high siliciclastic influx from the Matulla Formation. The sequence has been
the hinterland. The reduced thickness of the HST studied in central Sinai (sections UA, Q, and G)
in section V results from the limited accommo- and in south Sinai (section V), but it is only
dation space in this nearshore setting. completely measured in section Q (Fig. 5).

Sequence post-TuSin 3 SB and LST. The boundary between quartzose

The uppermost Turonian (CC 12) to Lower Con- LST deposits and dolostones of the post-TuSin 2
iacian (CC 13) sequence post-TuSin 3 coincides HST marks the SB CoSin 1, owing to the lack of
with the lower part of the Matulla Formation in other indicative discontinuities. In section V, the
central and south Sinai (sections UA, Q, G and V; SB is characterized by a thin interval of several
Fig. 5). hardgrounds.

SB and LST. Hardgrounds (section UA) and Ts and TST. The lithological break from silici-
karstification structures (section Q) or caliche clastic LST deposits to chalky limestones and
beds (section V) at the base of the LST deposits chalks (TST) marks the ts in sections UA, Q and V
are considered as SB TuSin 3. In central and (Fig. 5). The TST deposits reflect a marked deep-
south Sinai, the LST is composed of marls and ening of the depositional system and coincide
claystones with intercalations of siltstone and with a southward retreat of the inner-shelf facies
dolostone (Fig. 5); the latter may exhibit gypsum beyond section V.
nodules. The siliciclastic LST deposits of section
V contain plant remains, ferruginous ooids, sili- HST. The HST is only exposed in section Q, and
cified wood, a caliche bed, two hardgrounds and it is again composed of indurated chalks. A mfs
an emersion surface; these features suggest short- is not discernible in these chalks. The HST is
term switches from silty mudflats to supratidal interpreted here, based on comparisons with
conditions. studies of Bauer et al. (2001) and Lüning et al.
Ts and TST. The ts is marked by the first
appearance of high-energy deposits with ooids Sequence post-SaSin 1
and occasional reworked bioclast debris, chan- The LST (uppermost Matulla Formation) in sec-
nels or rip-up structures. Subtidal to intertidal tion Q (Fig. 5) is the only part of the sequence
dolostones and dolomitic marls with oysters are post-SaSin 1 studied. Calcareous sandstones
interpreted as TST deposits. The calcareous de- above the chalks of the post-CoSin 1 HST reflect
posits of central Sinai interfinger with thickly lowstand conditions. The lithological break most
bedded, occasionally cross-bedded, bioclastic probably coincides with the post-Sa/CaSin LST
sandstones in the proximal section V. of Lüning et al. (1998b). A middle to Late
Santonian age is proposed for the LST because
Mfs and HST. Reduced sedimentation rates at corresponding siliciclastics at Wadi Gidira were
the mfs are indicated by hardgrounds and intense assigned to the biozone CC 16 and the Dicarinella
bioturbation in sections UA and V. In the HST, asymetrica zone, respectively, by Bauer et al.
dolomites and dolomitic marls alternate with (2001).
scarce calcareous sandstone beds. In contrast to
the underlying TST, the HST deposits lack indi-
cators of high-energy environments, apart from PALAEOGEOGRAPHY
occasional cross-bedding. In section Q, the TST
and HST are not clearly differentiated because The new sequence-stratigraphic interpretations
marked changes in facies are not observed, and presented here allow the construction of detailed
potential candidates for a mfs are missing. In palaeogeographic maps (Figs 9 and 10). General
section V, marls dominate the HST. Although assumptions of other palaeogeographic interpre-
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 401

tations (Said, 1990; Kuss & Bachmann, 1996; Jordan

Lüning et al., 1998b) are incorporated. Regions In southern Jordan, Kuss (1992) recognized Upper
where the palaeogeographic setting remains un- Cenomanian limestones, very similar to those of
clear or where biostratigraphic data are imprecise Sinai. Common foraminifera, calcareous algae
remain blank. For the geographic locations men- and oysters within wackestones, as well as high-
tioned in the text, refer to Fig. 10D. energy facies belts and coral biostromes, indicate
a shallow inner-shelf environment. More restric-
ted environments occurred nearshore in the
Late Cenomanian platform
The Late Cenomanian palaeogeography (Fig. 9A)
was represented by a broad carbonate platform
Latest Cenomanian–Middle Turonian:
with a flat topography and a wide proximal–distal
platform drowning, lacuna, intrashelf basins
extension of the inner shelf realm. The half-
grabens shown in Fig. 9A were caused by exten- Important palaeogeographic changes coincided
sion, probably owing to Tethyan rifting, and are with the latest Cenomanian to Early Turonian sea-
indicated by thick Upper Cenomanian sediment level rise (Fig. 9B). Large parts of the Cenomanian
accumulations. platform were drowned, and the formation of the
C-S Basin and the Eshet–Zenifim Basin notably
Sinai and Eastern Desert affected the facies evolution in Sinai and the
During the Late Cenomanian (post-CeSin 6 TST Negev (Bartov & Steinitz, 1977).
and HST, Fig. 9A), shallow-subtidal, calcareous
deposits (Raha and Halal Formations) covered Sinai and the Eastern Desert
almost the entire Sinai (Bartov & Steinitz, 1977; A stratigraphic gap occurs across the C/T bound-
Chérif et al., 1989a; Kora et al., 1994; Lüning ary in large parts of Sinai, apart from slope and
et al., 1998a) and the Eastern Desert (Bandel basin deposits in the subsurface of northernmost
et al., 1987; Kuss, 1992). In north Sinai, shoal Sinai (Jenkins, 1990). In north Sinai, this gap is
carbonates were attached to the shelf edge (Kuss probably related to submarine non-deposition or
& Bachmann, 1996), whereas slope and basin exposure on isolated highs, which reflect the
sediments are only known from the northernmost initial pulses of Syrian Arc movements (Bartov
subsurface of Sinai and offshore (Jenkins, 1990). et al., 1980; Kuss et al., 2000b). However, in
In south Sinai and the Eastern Desert, a thin belt central and south Sinai, it rather reflects the
of nearshore sandstones interfingered with flu- northward retreat of the coastline during the Late
viatile deposits (Bandel et al., 1987; Kuss & Cenomanian lowstand. Uppermost Cenomanian
Bachmann, 1996), but these lie outside the siliciclastics of the post-CeSin 7 LST missing
studied area. Therefore, the post-CeSin 6 TST elsewhere are preserved in section Z (Fig. 6) and
and HST retrogradation and progradation pat- in other areas along the Gulf of Suez. They are
terns (cross-sections in Fig. 9A) are proposed on probably related to local, tectonically induced
the basis of the general context, but are not depressions (Chérif et al., 1989a), which are
proven by observations presented in this paper. interpreted here as the westward extension of
the C-S Basin (Fig. 9B). In the Eastern Desert,
Israel and Palestine local channels at Wadi Qena (Fig. 10D) transpor-
Middle Cenomanian to lower Upper Cenomanian ted conglomerates and siliciclastics from the
outer-shelf sediments dominated the TST, pre- elevated Red Sea Hills south-westwards (Bandel
dating the SB CeUp (Fig. 11) of Buchbinder et al. et al., 1987). Although biostratigraphically not
(2000). During the following highstand (equival- well dated, these deposits presumably also
ent to post-CeSin 6 HST), dolomitic inner-plat- represent locally restricted lowstand deposits,
form deposits with rudists and oysters prograded similar to those in West Sinai.
in the Negev (Braun & Hirsch, 1994). They During the following Early Turonian relative
interfingered northwards with outer-shelf and sea-level rise, the exposed areas were flooded,
basinal chalks and marls (Lewy, 1990; Lipson- and large parts of the platform were drowned.
Benitah, 1994) from the Judean Hills to the This is documented by the condensed deep-water
Carmel region (Fig. 10D). Further north in Gal- deposits of the C-S Basin (post-CeSin 7 TST),
ilee, a prograding, carbonate platform was again which include ammonites and planktonic fora-
present (Bogoch et al., 1994). minifera such as hedbergellids, whiteinellids and

 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414

402 J. Bauer et al.

 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414

Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 403

As in section AN, uppermost Cenomanian–Lower

Fig. 9. Palaeogeographic maps of Sinai (including
parts of Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Saudi Turonian deposits are missing at Makhtesh
Arabia) (A) during post-CeSin 6 HST, and (B) post- Ramon. A conspicuous Upper Cenomanian omis-
CeSin 7 LST, TST, HST. Schematic cross-sections il- sion surface (Fig. 8) indicates extreme submarine
lustrate changing facies belt distributions and C-S Ba- condensation (Buchbinder et al., 2000) or even
sin configurations within certain systems tracts local exposure (Lewy & Avni, 1988). After this
(compare Figs 6 and 7). Additional data are cited in the stratigraphic gap, the inundation of the uplift
text. For location of sections, line of correlation and
started in late Early Turonian times, slightly
other important localities, see Fig. 10D. Note, some
abbreviations in the legend refer to Fig. 10 only. earlier than in section AN, and the basinal
sedimentation persisted until the Middle Turo-
nian (Lewy, 1989). Owing to extreme condensa-
heterohelicids. Although keeled planktonic fora- tion on further highs, stratigraphic gaps of similar
minifera, generally considered to be deep-water ages are also recorded from the Judean Hills and
taxa (Hart, 1999), were not recorded, deposition the Mediterranean coast (Lipson-Benitah, 1994)
probably took place within the neritic zone. as well as from the Carmel and Galilee regions
These deposits mark the minimum N–S extension (Buchbinder et al., 2000). The highs separated
of the C-S Basin from section R in the north to several local intrashelf basins (e.g. Gaza Basin,
section D in central Sinai (Fig. 9B). The minimum Ashqelon Basin; Fig. 9B) with monotonous nerit-
westward position of the basin margin is con- ic and, in parts, dysoxic deposits (Honigstein
firmed by very similar lithofacies in section Z and et al., 1989; Lipson-Benitah et al., 1990).
in other areas along the Gulf of Suez coast (Chérif
et al., 1989a; Kora et al., 1994), as well as by Jordan
condensed, organic-rich shales in the subsurface Swells and rapidly subsiding basins are recor-
(Mostafa, 1999) near Ras Gharib (Gulf of Suez ded especially in central Jordan. Organic-rich
coast, Fig. 10D). beds accumulated in these basins and in gra-
Beyond the southern margin of the basin, bens in Syria (Abu-Jaber et al., 1989). Compared
protected shallow-subtidal or open lagoonal en- with Sinai, a stratigraphically more complete
vironments prevailed (section V, Fig. 5). Parts of succession of Upper Cenomanian–Lower Turo-
the Red Sea Hills (Fig. 10D) were also inundated nian deep-water deposits with restricted black
(Bandel et al., 1987), and transgressive deposits shale occurrences (Khalil, 1992) is locally
similar to those of north and central Sinai (inclu- exposed in Jordan (Fig. 10D). This basin poss-
ding the ‘ammonite bed’) dominated in the East- ibly formed the eastward extension of the
ern Desert (Kuss & Malchus, 1989), but they were Eshet–Zenifim Basin, before it was displaced
probably deposited in shallower water depths northwards along the sinistral ‘Dead Sea trans-
compared with Sinai. In northern Egypt, shallow- form fault’ in post-Cretaceous times. A marked
subtidal environments were established on sub- inundation during the Early Turonian relative
marine highs, for example in the Abu Roash area sea-level rise is also manifested by an interval
(Hamza, 1993). of frequent Lower Turonian ammonites and
planktonic foraminifera throughout Jordan (Kha-
Israel and Palestine lil, 1992), very similar to the Lower Abu Qada
During the Late Cenomanian–Middle Turonian, a Formation of Sinai.
morphological differentiation into basins and
swells has been recorded in the Negev (Lewy,
Middle–Late Turonian platform recovery
1989; Sandler, 1996). Sedimentation in the depo-
centres of the Eshet–Zenifim Basin started in the After Early Turonian drowning, the platforms
Late Cenomanian (Lewy, 1989). In the northern recovered in the regions considered. Subtidal
and southern Negev, a condensed deep-water calcareous deposits again dominated in the
facies with planktonic foraminifera and ammon- Middle to Late Turonian (Fig. 10A and B), inter-
ites (post-CeUp TST of Buchbinder et al., 2000) rupted by a pronounced Middle Turonian shal-
overlies Cenomanian platform deposits. The lowing event.
depocentres in the southern and northern Negev
were separated by an uplifted area in the central Sinai and Eastern Desert
Negev (Makhtesh Ramon, Figs 9B and 10D), The offset of deep-water deposits marks a
which is regarded as the eastward prolongation further important feature of the depositional
of the Gebel Areif El Naqa structure (Lewy, 1989). history in the Middle Turonian. On the newly
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
404 J. Bauer et al.

 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414

Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 405

nearshore realm, a siliciclastic facies belt pro-

Fig. 10. Palaeogeographic maps during (A) post-TuSin
1 LST, (B) post-TuSin 2 TST and (C) post-TuSin 3 HST graded northward.
and post-CoSin 1 LST. The schematic cross-sections of Exposure surfaces at SB TuSin 1 reflect a
the facies belt distributions and platform configurations pronounced Middle Turonian relative sea-level
within the systems tracts were constructed by analogy fall, and shallow-subtidal to supratidal LST
with Fig. 9. Owing to the limited amount of Coniacian deposits (Fig. 7) covered large parts of Sinai
sections, cross-sections for the maps in (C) were not (Fig. 10A; Bartov & Steinitz, 1977; Lüning et al.,
constructed. The line of correlation and further
1998a,b). Coeval siliciclastic mud flats were
important localities referred to in the text are shown in
(D). For legend, see Fig. 9. attached in south Sinai (Fig. 10A). A local feature
is the siliciclastic-dominated LST in section R
(Figs 4 and 6); the close lithological similarities to
established platform (post-CeSin 7 HST, Middle the ‘clastic unit’ in the Negev (Sandler, 1996)
Abu Qada Formation), mainly protected shal- suggest a previously unreported westward exten-
low-subtidal deposits aggraded in north and sion of the latter. The generalized middle Turo-
central Sinai, and high-energy conditions pre- nian facies of: (1) shallow-subtidal and locally
vailed along the margins of the C-S Basin high-energy deposits in north and central Sinai;
(Fig. 9B). The C-S Basin margins are placed and (2) prograding/retrograding siliciclastic facies
between sections M and AN in north Sinai and belts in the south (Figs 7 and 10B) persisted until
between sections UA and G in central Sinai, the Late Turonian (Upper Abu Qada Formation
owing to increased sediment accumulations of and Wata Formation). A hiatus across the Turo-
sequences post-TuSin 1 and 2 (Fig. 6) in the nian/Coniacian (T/C) boundary has been reported
basin (sections AN and UA). In the southern from central Sinai (Chérif et al., 1989b; Kassab &

Fig. 11. Correlation of the sequence boundaries in this study with those of other regional studies and the eustatic
concept. Several sequence boundaries in this study were probably markedly influenced by tectonics as indicated. For
detailed discussions, see text. Stippled lines indicate cross-correlation with corresponding sequence boundaries of
previous studies in Sinai and the Negev. Some sequence boundaries in the Negev are related to platform drowning
(indicated by ‘drn’). The biozone schemes in the left columns and the correlation of the global sequence boundaries
with those from Tunisia and France are after Hardenbol & Robaszynski (1998).

 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414

406 J. Bauer et al.

Ismael, 1994). Although its precise biostrati- even parts of the underlying HST deposits (Buch-
graphic position cannot be confirmed in this binder et al., 2000). A Late Turonian return to
study, non-deposition resulting from emersion marine sedimentation is documented by alter-
corresponds to SB TuSin 3, which is close to the nating inner-platform and outer-platform depos-
T/C boundary (Fig. 7). A correlatable sea-level its. These are interrupted by outer-shelf deposits
drop has also been proposed in Egypt (Issawi in the southern Negev, which are interpreted as a
et al., 1999, p. 215). short-term, local platform drowning event (SB
In the Eastern Desert, shallow-subtidal facies Tu2 of Buchbinder et al., 2000). However, this
associations of limestones and dolostones mixed drowning unconformity cannot be confirmed in
with siliciclastics prevailed in the Turonian. Sinai.
Although relative sea-level fluctuations con-
trolled sedimentary compositions (Kuss, 1992; Jordan
Kuss & Bachmann, 1996), biostratigraphically The drowned Upper Cenomanian platform recov-
well-constrained correlations are rarely pub- ered in Middle Turonian times (Khalil, 1992).
lished. Nevertheless, the Middle Turonian shal- Lagoonal limestones, rudist banks and oyster flats
lowing event is recorded by: (1) fluviomarine characterize the shallow-marine carbonate plat-
siliciclastic intercalations (Kuss & Malchus, form. It was occasionally exposed, owing to an
1989; Issawi et al., 1999, p. 215); (2) a probable inherited basin and swell morphology (Kuss,
disconformity and hiatus between the lower 1992; Shinaq & Bandel, 1998).
and Upper Turonian deposits (Kuss & Malchus,
1989); and (3) prograding fluvial sandstones in
Latest Turonian–Santonian basins and swells
southern Egypt (Wadi Qena; Said, 1990). Uplift
of the Abu Roash structure (Hamza, 1993), the A basin and swell morphology formed at the end
Suez–Cairo–Kattaniya High, the coastal areas of of the Turonian (Fig. 10C) owing to Syrian Arc
Sinai (Said, 1990) and other exposed isola- tectonics and evolved further into Coniacian–
ted areas (Fig. 10B) persisted in the middle Santonian doming. Furthermore, an overall deep-
and late Turonian (Kerdany & Chérif, 1990; ening of the depositional setting is indicated
Said, 1990). during the Late Coniacian–Santonian (Fig. 7),
coinciding with a relative sea-level rise (post-
Israel and Palestine CoSin 1 TST/HST). Santonian palaeogeographic
In contrast to Sinai, the onset of renewed middle maps of Lewy (1975), Said (1990), Kuss &
and Upper Turonian platform sedimentation was Bachmann (1996) and Lüning et al. (1998b) docu-
probably diachronous in Israel and Palestine. ment deep-water environments in rapidly subsi-
According to Buchbinder et al. (2000), platform ding depocentres, while coeval shallow-water
growth started in the Early Turonian on elevated environments formed on local highs.
structures of the Judean Hills and northern
Negev, prograded successively towards the south Sinai and Eastern Desert
and reached the Makhtesh Ramon area and Basins in Egypt and Sinai were successively filled
southern Negev in the Middle Turonian, 1Æ5 Myr with thick accumulations of sandstones and
later. As in Sinai, the Middle Turonian relative carbonates after the Late Turonian (Kerdany &
sea-level fall (post-Tu1 LST of Buchbinder et al., Chérif, 1990; Said, 1990; El-Hawat, 1997). The
2000) is documented by omission and erosion North Sinai Basin (Fig. 10C) formed in the latest
surfaces (Lewy & Avni, 1988). Freshwater lakes Turonian (Lewy, 1975) and was separated from
covered the platform as indicated by claystones the southern inner-shelf realm by an oolitic shoal
that contain an angiosperm flora (Dobruskina, until the late Coniacian. The Coniacian sediments
1997). Furthermore, a siliciclastic–evaporite of north Sinai were deposited on a rapidly
facies (‘clastic unit’) occurs in the Negev and subsiding outer shelf, but were locally eroded in
further north with palaeosols, pedogenic altera- pre Santonian times (Jenkins, 1990). Bartov et al.
tions and fluvial sandstones. At the Mediterra- (1980) and Lüning et al. (1998b) reported Conia-
nean coast, coeval outer shelf and basinal cian open-marine chalks at Gebel Areif El Naqa,
sedimentation remained apparently undisturbed overlain by inner-shelf carbonates. In south Sinai
(Fig. 10B); neither a SB nor LST sediments are (section V, Fig. 7) and west-central Sinai (Chérif
recorded. The same is true for the southern et al., 1989b), a siliciclastic, shallow inner-shelf
Negev, owing to a marine ravinement surface that to fluvial marine environment was attached.
truncated the lowstand deposits and occasionally These siliciclastics prograded during post-TuSin
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 407

3 HST (Fig. 10C). In the early late Coniacian, the Jordan

region was locally exposed, and shallow silicic- Turonian and lower Coniacian lagoonal and
lastics dominate the post-CoSin 1 LST (Fig. 10C). shallow-subtidal environments in north and cen-
Lewy (1975) reported a pronounced erosional tral Jordan switched to predominantly hemi-
unconformity in the lower upper Coniacian pelagic conditions in the middle Coniacian and
succession of Sinai, which most probably cor- Santonian (Shinaq & Bandel, 1998). Only in
responds to SB CoSin 1 as defined here. During south-east Jordan did a nearshore environment
the Late Coniacian–Santonian, the inner-shelf with dolostones and sandstones persist (Kuss,
facies retreated (Lewy, 1975). Deep-water chalks 1992). As in Egypt, Israel and Palestine, basins
and marls developed in local depressions in and swells were apparent in Jordan, but the highs
south Sinai (section V, Fig. 7), central Sinai were not folded during Syrian Arc tectonics (Abu-
(sections UA and Q) and north Sinai (Bartov Jaber et al., 1989). Abed & Amireh (1999) reported
et al., 1980; Lüning et al., 1998b), owing to rapid a lateral thinning of the stratal packages towards
subsidence in combination with the prominent the swells, and reworked and condensed phos-
sea-level rise during post-CoSin 1 TST/HST phorite belts developed along the flanks of some
(Fig. 7). of these elevated structures.
In the Eastern Desert, shallow-marine, silici-
clastic and terrestrial conditions prevailed during
the relative sea-level lowstand across the T/C CONTROLS ON THE SEQUENCE
boundary. Middle and upper Coniacian deposits ARCHITECTURE AND PLATFORM
are limited to isolated occurrences (Kuss, 1992) CONFIGURATION
and reflect a shallow-marine to continental envi-
ronment (Kuss & Malchus, 1989).
Changes in accommodation
Israel and Palestine In the sections studied, changes in accommoda-
Compared with Sinai, the region was more tion are expressed by repeated reorganization of
strongly affected by Syrian Arc tectonics, and the depositional system, favouring the prograda-
synsedimentary folding and faulting formed an tion/retrogradation of the facies belts and the
extremely pronounced palaeorelief with intra- establishment of specific environments within
shelf basins and swells (Rosenthal et al., 2000). different systems tracts. Minimum accommoda-
Differential subsidence, varying sedimentation tion resulted in local exposure (documented by
rates and erosion resulted in pronounced thick- stratigraphic gaps, emersion and erosion surfa-
ness variations of the Coniacian–Santonian suc- ces). Furthermore, supratidal and siliciclastic–
cessions (Reiss, 1988; Lewy, 1989; Rosenthal evaporite environments formed during low-
et al., 2000). Coniacian deposits, in particular, stands, owing to northward shifts of the shore-
are often incomplete, and upper Coniacian–San- lines. Increased accommodation triggered the
tonian hemipelagic deposits rest disconformably deposition of extended shallow-marine, inner-
on Turonian successions in wide areas of Pales- platform carbonates within the TSTs in north and
tine and Israel (Lipson-Benitah et al., 1985; Lewy central Sinai, and also led to the establishment of
& Avni, 1988; Flexer et al., 1989). Although high-energy environments. Siliciclastic input
associated with a relative sea-level fall, this decreased in south Sinai (proximal), and
unconformity was mainly tectonically driven increased accommodation resulted in the retro-
(Lewy, 1989) and probably corresponds to SB gradation of protected subtidal and lagoonal TST
CoSin 1. In the southern Negev, however, lower deposits.
Coniacian outer-platform deposits above Turo- The maximum flooding of platforms results in
nian inner-platform carbonates are again inter- the highest rates of carbonate production and
preted as local drowning (SB Co1 of Buchbinder aggradation (Handford & Loucks, 1993). In the
et al., 2000) related to the newly subsiding area of investigation, this is reflected by homo-
Eshet–Zenifim Basin (Lewy, 1975). Since the late genous, dolomitic inner-platform deposits during
Coniacian, hemipelagic chalks onlapped the highstand aggradation, especially in north Sinai
folded highs (Honigstein et al., 1988), and up- (e.g. post-TuSin 1 HST). During periods of high-
welling and high productivity controlled the stand progradation, muddy protected inner-plat-
distribution of local oxygen-depleted sediments form or lagoonal environments developed in
(Reiss, 1988; Flexer et al., 1989; Almogi-Labin central and south Sinai. In the nearshore realm,
et al., 1990). siliciclastics derived from the hinterland often
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
408 J. Bauer et al.

prograded and limited the southward extension on the architecture of sequences post-CoSin 1 and
of carbonate lithofacies. post-SaSin 1. A variety of depositional environ-
ments documents the complex interplay of relat-
ive sea-level changes and swell and basin
Platform topography
morphology during the Late Coniacian–Santoni-
Despite high subsidence in the C-S Basin, plat- an in north and central Sinai (Lewy, 1975; Bartov
form topography is considered as having been & Steinitz, 1977; Kuss & Bachmann, 1996). This is
rather flat in the Late Cenomanian and in the also supported by Late Cretaceous uplift of the
Middle to Late Turonian, because the deposition- Gebel Areif El Naqa anticline (Bartov et al., 1980;
al environments were not deeper than the shallow Lüning et al., 1998a; Kuss et al., 2000b), and the
subtidal zone. The studied shallow-marine varying thickness of the stratal packages in cen-
deposits probably built up at or close to sea level, tral Sinai (Chérif et al., 1989b; Kora & Genedi,
filling accommodation. This resulted in a gener- 1995).
ally flat platform topography, which in turn
favoured a more or less uniform facies distribu-
Lower Turonian lacuna and platform
tion within the individual systems tracts, especi-
ally within the HSTs. Moreover, the Upper
Cenomanian and Middle to Upper Turonian The Late Cenomanian to late Early Turonian
deposits on the flat topography were probably stratigraphic gap is interpreted here as being a
highly susceptible to sea-level changes, and even result of long-lasting exposure in central and
low-amplitude sea-level variations resulted in south Sinai, whereas in north Sinai, it is probably
widespread and more or less synchronous expo- closely related to uplift movements at the Gebel
sure or flooding (compare Hunt & Tucker, 1993; Areif El Naqa anticline (see above). Moreover,
Sharland et al., 2001, p. 50). In contrast, sea- platform drowning is reflected by the rapid
level falls on the structured Coniacian and deepening of the depositional system during the
Santonian morphology probably led to emersion post-CeSin 7 TST and possibly also influenced
at different times and places (compare Strasser the genesis of the stratigraphic gap, as drowned
et al., 1999). carbonate platforms are often characterized by
extreme condensation or long hiatuses (Schlager,
1999). For example, platform drowning across the
C/T boundary in Provence (Fig. 11, sequence
Uplift boundary Sb5) was associated with a long strat-
Bartov et al. (1980) interpreted the Late Cenoma- igraphic gap in the Lower Turonian Watinoceras
nian–Early Turonian (Mammites nodosoides coloradoense zone (Philip & Airaud-Crumiere,
zone) stratigraphic gap in section AN (Fig. 7) as 1991; Philip, 1998). As in Sinai, this gap was
a result of submarine non-deposition or extreme followed by condensed deposits in the Mammites
condensation on an elevated high. This corres- nodosoides zone during the TST, and the estab-
ponds well to further reports of stratigraphic gaps lishment of a new platform in the middle Turo-
related to tectonics across the C/T boundary in nian HST (Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991;
Egypt, Negev (Fig. 11), north Africa (Camoin, Philip, 1998). In the Pyrenees, a shorter interval
1991) and Arabia (Philip et al., 1995; Sharland of strong condensation and a stratigraphic gap in
et al., 2001, p. 111). Additionally, Kuss et al. the Early Turonian were also caused by platform
(2000b) interpreted a successive thinning of the drowning (Drzewiecki & Simo, 1997). In this
Turonian sequences along the northern flank of context, it cannot be excluded that drowning in
the Gebel Areif El Naqa anticline (locality of Sinai started before the onset of the post-CeSin 7
section AN) as synsedimentary onlap geometries TST deposits, and the stratigraphic gap may
on an asymmetrically uplifted area. possibly be related to the drowning phase.
According to Schlager (1999), platform drown-
Subsidence ing may be caused by either rapid subsidence or
Tectonically driven subsidence has been mani- reduced carbonate production coinciding with a
fested since the Late Cenomanian as an increase rising eustatic sea level. Restricted carbonate
in sediment accumulation within the half-grabens growth is generally attributed to drastic environ-
of north Sinai and the C-S Basin. During the mental changes, namely flooding of the platforms
Coniacian and Santonian, Syrian Arc tectonics by oxygen-depleted waters. These were caused by
formed a structured shelf and had major influence oceanic anoxic events, high nutrient influxes,
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 409

increased coastal upwelling and eutrophication or (1990, 1993) and Philip (1998), as well as
changing oceanic circulation and stratification of Buchbinder et al. (2000), Bachmann & Kuss
water masses (e.g. Arthur et al., 1987; Jarvis et al., (1998) and Lüning et al. (1998a,b) is presented
1988; Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991; Drzewiecki in Fig. 11. The number of SBs correlates well
& Simo, 1997; Weissert et al., 1998). Well-known with those from adjacent areas, especially in the
benthic extinction events across the C/T boundary Turonian. However, different stratigraphic posi-
were important issues contributing to the reduc- tions of the correlated sequences are most
tion in carbonate production (Philip & Airaud- probably caused by limited biostratigraphic
Crumiere, 1991; Kauffmann, 1995; Kerr, 1998). resolution and depend on the calibration of
In Sinai, siliciclastic influxes temporarily the biostratigraphic schemes used in the differ-
reduced the extent of carbonate deposition in ent studies. For practical reasons, identically
the Cenomanian, and proximal areas and uplifted named sequence boundaries are supplemented
highs were exposed in the latest Cenomanian (SB in the following discussions by listing their
CeSin 7). Thus, carbonate deposition was already authors.
disturbed before the Lower Turonian flooding of
the platform, and the depositional system would Correlation with Haq et al. (1987),
have reacted very sensitively to changing envi- Robaszynski et al. (1990, 1993), Philip (1998)
ronmental factors as described above. Mostafa The timing and correlation of these SBs is based
(1999) and Shahin (1991) interpreted the genesis on Hardenbol & Robaszynski (1998). The correla-
of Lower Turonian, organic-rich shales and a d13C tion with the SBs of Sinai (Fig. 11) shows
excursion in Upper Cenomanian–Lower Turo- ambiguities regarding TuSin 1 and TuSin 3,
nian deposits at the Gulf of Suez coasts as results and stratigraphic mismatches with respect to the
of a marked oxygen minimum zone. It is therefore remaining sequence boundaries of Sinai are
assumed that a flooding of oxygen-depleted probably caused by the different biostratigraphic
waters affected the benthic community and schemes used (i.e. calcareous nannofossil vs.
delayed the re-establishment of carbonate depos- ammonite biozones). TuSin 1 apparently corre-
ition in the Early Turonian. This is underlined by lates with Tu2 or Tu3 of Robaszynski et al.
a decline in the diversity and frequencies of (1990, 1993)/Haq et al. (1987). Hardenbol &
benthic foraminifera (Chérif et al., 1989a), ostra- Robaszynski (1998) proposed that Tu2 of Robas-
cods (Shahin, 1991) and molluscs (Kassab, 1996) zynski et al. (1990, 1993)/Haq et al. (1987) rep-
at the C/T boundary. However, in contrast to resents a minor sea-level fall, whereas in Sinai
many other Tethyan shallow carbonate shelves and the Negev, a prominent sea-level fall is
(e.g. Philip & Airaud-Crumiere, 1991; Steuber & recorded. This may suggest that TuSin 1 is
Löser, 2000), in Sinai, the contribution of rudists equivalent to Tu3 of Robaszynski et al. (1990,
to carbonate production in the Cenomanian was 1993)/Haq et al. (1987) and that the minor sea-
only minor (Bauer et al., 2003b). Although a level fall in their Tu2 probably did not leave a
decline in specific rudist taxa is obvious at the recognizable imprint in Sinai and is not pre-
C/T boundary, this had little overall effect on served (e.g. within the dolostone successions
carbonate production. assigned to post-CeSin 7 HST). Alternatively,
A further episode of platform drowning is Tu2 of Robaszynski et al. (1990, 1993)/Haq et al.
observed during the Late Coniacian–Santonian (1987) and their Tu3 are possibly amalgamated
in parts of Sinai, Israel and Palestine, coinciding in TuSin 1.
with a widespread deepening of the depositional
system and the accumulation of deep-water Correlation with Buchbinder et al. (2000)
deposits (post-CoSin 1 TST). This drowning The structural evolution and depositional envi-
event is also well known in large areas of north ronments in Israel and Palestine were very similar
Africa (Camoin, 1991) and was induced by rapid to those in Sinai, and the stratigraphic mismat-
subsidence, owing to the renewed tectonic activ- ches between sequences of these regions are most
ity (‘Santonian tectonic event’ of Guiraud & probably due to biostratigraphic uncertainties.
Bosworth, 1997). However, Buchbinder et al. (2000) interpreted
their Tu1 and Co1 as a result of drowning (type
3 sequence boundary, sensu Schlager, 1999),
Local vs. regional relative sea-level changes
whereas the probably corresponding sequences
A correlation of the SBs recognized in Sinai with post-TuSin 2 and post-TuSin 3 both clearly
those from Haq et al. (1987), Robaszynski et al. exhibit LST deposits.
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
410 J. Bauer et al.

Correlation with Bachmann & Kuss (1998) 1984; Burchette & Britton, 1985; Philip et al.,
and Lüning et al. (1998a,b) 1995). On the other hand, it cannot be excluded
These authors reported from Sinai some of the that, in Sinai, the fault-induced differential
SBs described here, but some biostratigraphic subsidence during the Cenomanian may have
mismatches exist that are caused by the different persisted throughout the Turonian, and trans-
biostratigraphic concepts used. Furthermore, two pressive movements eventually formed the C-S
additional Turonian sequence boundaries (TuSin Basin, e.g. in the form of a pull-apart basin
2 and TuSin 3) have been detected in this study. bounded by horsts in the vicinity of Gebel Areif
Comparison of the facies changes strongly sug- El Naqa.
gests that SB16 of Lüning et al. (1998a,b)/Bach- Following the tectonic subdivision of Sinai
mann & Kuss (1998) corresponds to CeSin 7. (Said, 1962), fault reactivation and inversion are
However, their interpretation of a corresponding expressed on the northern ‘unstable shelf’ of
uppermost Cenomanian LST (post-SB16 LST) is Sinai. However, Bosworth et al. (1999) noted
not recognized here, and appears to be restricted that Santonian folding affected the sedimentary
to individual sections at Gebel Areif El Naqa and cover in the Gulf of Suez region, which was
Gebel Minsherah (Bachmann & Kuss, 1998; previously considered a stable cratonic setting.
Lüning et al., 1998a). Moreover, local depressions along the Gulf of
Suez coast (Chérif et al., 1989a) and increased
subsidence in the C-S Basin interpreted here
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE LARGE-SCALE show that tectonic activity also affected the
STRUCTURAL CONTEXT southern ‘stable shelf’.

Differential subsidence along reactivated, deep-

seated faults during the Late Cenomanian in Sinai CONCLUSIONS
corresponds well with similar features in other
regions of north Africa (Camoin, 1991), where 1 Eight sedimentary sequences have been in-
halokinesis often intensified fault block move- terpreted for the Upper Cenomanian to Santonian
ments. In contrast, post-Cenomanian inversion of strata of Sinai. Varying accommodation favoured
ENE-trending half-grabens in Sinai resulted from progradation/retrogradation and the establish-
Syrian Arc tectonics. Bartov et al. (1980), Kerdany ment of specific facies belts within different
& Chérif (1990) and Kuss et al. (2000b) concluded systems tracts. Shallow-water to supratidal and
that the Gebel Areif El Naqa anticline was already siliciclastic deposits characterize the LSTs. Chan-
uplifted in latest Cenomanian–Early Turonian ges in lithofacies and palaeogeographic settings
times as a result of the first pulses of Syrian Arc were controlled by relative sea-level rises, and
movements. This correlates well with post-Ceno- extended inner-platform carbonates and occa-
manian compressional regimes described from sional high-energy deposits occur in TSTs; during
Turkey, Oman and Iran (Patton & O’Connor, 1988; highstands, dolomitic inner-platform deposits
Collins & Robertson, 1997; Sharland et al., 2001, aggraded in north Sinai, and protected, muddy
pp. 106, 112), and coeval uplift and folding inner-platform environments in association with
recorded from Israel and Palestine (see above). In prograding siliciclastics were common in central
contrast to the theory of uplift induced by Syrian and south Sinai. In addition, sea-floor topography
Arc tectonics, Gvirtzman & Garfunkel (1998) in combination with shifts of the palaeocoastline
presented an alternative model of magmatically left particular imprints on the sequence architec-
induced doming since the Early Cretaceous ture.
caused by hotspot activities, e.g. in the Maktesh 2 Palaeogeographic maps allow the reconstruc-
Ramon area. The origin of the C-S Basin and tion of the platform configuration and the esti-
Eshet–Zenifim Basin is little known and scarcely mation of the minimum extensions of the Central
discussed in the literature. Gvirtzman & Garfunkel Sinai (C-S Basin). Several key episodes of plat-
(1998) and Buchbinder et al. (2000) suggested a form evolution have been verified. The Cenoma-
flexure deviated from pre-existing thermal subsi- nian platform was drowned, coinciding with the
dence of the passive margin; further differen- Early Turonian relative sea-level rise and the
tial subsidence occurred with the Coniacian formation of the C-S Basin. The C-S Basin was
Syrian Arc tectonics. Early Turonian structures filled by shallow-subtidal sediments, and a new
related to flexural subsidence have also been platform built up from the Middle Turonian. A
reported from the Arabian Peninsula (Harris et al., pronounced shallowing event in the Middle
 2003 International Association of Sedimentologists, Sedimentology, 50, 387–414
Sequence architecture and carbonate platform configuration 411

Turonian has been observed throughout Sinai. In oceanographic controls on organic-matter production and
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J. Brooks and A.J. Fleet), Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ., 26,
occurred, caused by Syrian Arc movements asso- 401–420.
ciated with a relative sea-level rise. Bachmann, M. and Kuss, J. (1998) The Middle Cretaceous
3 The number of SBs recognized in Sinai carbonate ramp of the northern Sinai: sequence stratigraphy
correlates well with those from adjacent areas, and facies distribution. In: Carbonate Ramps (Eds V.P.
especially in the Turonian. However, several Wright and T.P. Burchette), Geol. Soc. London Spec. Publ.,
149, 253–280.
stratigraphic mismatches exist, which are prob- Bandel, K., Kuss, J. and Malchus, N. (1987) The sediments of
ably due to limited biostratigraphic resolution Wadi Qena (Eastern Desert, Egypt). J. Afr. Earth Sci., 6, 427–
and depend on the calibration of the biostrati- 455.
graphic schemes used in the different studies. Bartov, Y. and Steinitz, G. (1977) The Judea and Mount Sco-
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lysis of the thickness data. Israel J. Earth Sci., 26, 119–148.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and Tertiary stratigraphy, paleogeography and structural
history of the Gebel Areif en Naqa area, eastern Sinai. Israel
Funding was provided by the German Science J. Earth Sci., 29, 114–139.
Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Bassoullet, J.-P. and Damotte, R. (1969) Quelques ostracodes
nouveaux du Cénomano-Turonien de l’atlas saharien occi-
Ku 642/15-1). The authors thank M. M. Morsi dental (Algérie). Rev. Micropaléontol., 12, 130–144.
and A. M. Bassiouni (both Ain Shams University, Bauer, J., Marzouk, A.M., Steuber, T. and Kuss, J. (2001)
Cairo) for valuable help in preparing the field Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Cenomanian–
work programme, A. Marzouk (University of Santonian strata of Sinai, Egypt. Cretaceous Res., 22, 497–
Tanta, Egypt) for the determination of calcareous 526.
Bauer, J., Kuss, J. and Steuber, T. (2003a) Platform environ-
nannofossils, F. Wiese (FU Berlin) and P. Luger ments, microfacies and systems tracts of the Upper Ceno-
(TU Berlin) for ammonite determinations, and U. manian–Lower Santonian of Sinai, Egypt. Facies, 47, 1–26.
Heimhofer (ETH Zurich) for his assistance during Bauer, J., Steuber, T., Kuss, J. and Heimhofer, U. (2003b)
field work. M. Bachmann, R. Bätzel, E. Friedel Distribution of shallow-water benthics: the Cenomanian–
and R. Speijer (all Bremen University) are Turonian carbonate platform sequences of Sinai, Egypt. In:
Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Rudists.
acknowledged for helpful assistance and com- Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg (in press).
ments. We thank Jan Hardenbol, Toni Simo and Bentor, Y.K. (1960) Lexique Stratigraphique International,
Ian Jarvis for their constructive reviews, which Asie, 3/1 (Israel). Centre National de la Recheche Scientifi-
improved this paper significantly. que, Paris, 151 pp.
Bogoch, R., Buchbinder, B. and Magaritz, M. (1994) Sedi-
mentology and geochemistry of lowstand peritidal lithofa-
cies at the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary in the
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