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HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom

SANY HGR21III 樓面式布料杆





“三一” 混凝土布料杆的主要標準
The main standard of SANY Concrete Placing boom
1 Q/OKTW 039-2011《混凝土布料杆》

Q/OKTW 039-2011《Concrete Placing Boom》

2 DIN 24117-1987《建築機械和建築材料機械 布料杆計算原則和穩定性》

DIN 24117-1987 《 Machine for the building and building-material industries ;

distributing mast for concrete pump;principles of calculation and stability》

3 JG/T 95《混凝土輸送管型式與尺寸》

JG/T 95《Concrete delivery pipeline model and dimension》

4 JGJ/T 10-95《混凝土泵送施工技術規程》

JGJ/T 10-95《The technical regulation of Concrete pump working》

地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 1
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom

HGR21III 樓面式布料杆特點
The main characteristic of HGR21 Floor-Mounted Placing booms

1 全液壓驅動,365°全回轉。

The machine is fully driven by hydraulic and can slewing 365°.

2 電氣系統主要元件選用日本歐姆龍 Omron 和德國西門子 Siemens、施耐德

Schneider 等世界知名品牌。

The main electric components are products of the world-renowned companies such as

地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 2
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom

Omron Company of Japan or Siemens, Schneider Company of Germany.

3 有手動控制、無線遙控、有線遙控三種操作方式。

採用 HBC 遙感式遙控器,小巧簡便,人機介面好,圖解易懂,功能全面。操縱閥


There are three modes of operation: manual control, radio remote control or cable
remote control. HBC remote controller is small and simple, and its function is all-sided.
The man-machine interface is good, and the graph on the interface is easy understood.

4 安全性高:具有多重安全保護裝置

The machine has good safety because it has many safety protecting devices.

5 可靠性高:電液比例閥採用德國原裝進口 HAWE 元件。

Good reliability: The electric-hydraulic proportioning valves are products of HAWE

Company of Germany.

6 使用費用低:輸送彎管為精密鑄造,壁厚為曲線成型,確保磨損均勻,提高使


The expense during using is a little: the delivering bends are precision casting. The
thickness of the bend is different at different point; it means that the thickness at the
badly worn point is thicker. So the service life is long.

7 布料杆主要結構件使用的材料為高強鋼板。

The material of Concrete Placing booms’ main structure is high-strength plate.

8 安裝時,可將整機分解為幾個大部件,其重量及幾何尺寸如下(總重約 10.9t)

In order to setting conveniently, divide the machine into some big units. Their weight
and dimension is shown in followed table (Total weight is about 10.9tons):
單件重量 件數 幾何尺寸 Dimension
部 件 名 稱 Part name
Weight (kg) Qty. (長×寬×高)m
上立柱 Upper Vertical Column+工作平臺 Working platform+護
1800 1 0.5×0.5×6
梯 Protective ladders
下立柱 Lower Vertical Column 1306 2 0.5×0.5×6
臂架總成 Arm Frame+臂架配管 Pipelines+固定轉塔 Fixed 4850 1 9×2.7×2.6

地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 3
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom

rotating tower+ 回 轉 機 構 Returning mechanism+ 轉 臺 裝 配

Rotating Platform Assembly+1#臂前段 Front Section Of Arm (1)
+泵站平臺 Platform assembly of Pumping station+液壓泵站(含
油 ) Pumping Station Assembly(incl. oil)+ 電 控 櫃 Electric
Control Box

臂架總成 Arm Frame+臂架配管 Pipe lines+固定轉塔 Fixed rotating tower+回轉機構 Returning

mechanism+轉臺裝配 Rotating Platform Assembly+1#臂前段 Front Section Of Arm (1) +泵站平臺

Platform assembly of Pumping station+液壓泵站(含油)Pumping Station Assembly(incl. oil)+電控

櫃 Electric Control Box

地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 4
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom

HGR21III 主要技術參數 Main Technical Specifications

1、技術參數 Technical Specifications
Model 型號 HGR21
Max.radius of placing boom 最大布料半徑 m 21
Freestanding height (to the joint between the
end of the boom and swivel table) m 20.7(安裝立柱為 6+6+6m)
Performance Boom articulation 臂架回轉角度 。 365
Slewing brake 回轉制動 / always close 常閉
Working temperature 工作環境溫度 ℃ -20℃~50℃
Total weight 整機重量 kg 10900
Power 電源 / 380V/50HZ
Model 型號 / Y160L-4 IP55 IMB35
Motor Power 功率 kw 15
電機 Safety grade 防護等級 / IP55
Insulation grade 絕緣等級 / F
Hydraulic Pressure 系統壓力 Mpa 32
液壓系統 V 油箱容積 L 180
Circumstance temperature 5℃-48℃環境溫
Hydraulic / ESSO NUTO H46
度 5℃-48℃
液壓油牌號 Circumstance temperature -20℃-5℃環境溫
Control mode Short-haul Control /radio remote
控制方式 control 近控/無線遙控
Pipeline cleaning 輸送管清洗方式 / Wet /Dry cleaning 水洗/乾洗
Structure of tower body 塔身結構形式 / Tubular column 立柱
Section of tower body 塔身截面 m×m 0.5×0.5
Four hydraulic z foldable arms
Shape 形式 /
四節 Z 型液壓卷折
Inner diameter of pipeline 輸送管徑 mm DN125
End hose 末端軟管 mm 125×3000
1st section Length 長度 mm 6500
Boom 第一節臂 Articulation 轉角 ° 93
臂架 Length 長度
2nd section mm 4650
第二節臂 Articulation 轉角 ° 180
3rd section Length 長度 mm 4650
第三節臂 Articulation 轉角 ° 245
4th section Length 長度 mm 5000
第四節臂 Articulation 轉角 ° 245
注:安裝立柱為 3×6m。

地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 5
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom


Working range

地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 6
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom


Forces on the floors

垂直載 風載扭
HGR21 風載 風壓 彎矩 水準載荷 制動扭矩
荷 矩
方向 q/(KN/m^2) Me/(KN*m) V(KN) FO(KN) Fu(KN) T/(KN*m) T1(KN*m)
泵送 X 0.3 358 119.8 56.1 52.6 119
泵送 Y 0.3 341 119.8 52.5 50.7 119 30
X 1.284 150.6 109.2 31.8 13.2

Y 1.284 201.7 109.2 45.7 16.8


地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 7
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100
HGR21III 樓面式布料杆 HGR21III Floor-Mounted Placing Boom


Install dimension Of climbing on floor


地址:長沙市經濟技術開發區三一路 1 號 8
電話:0731-84031840 郵編:410100

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