QM 7 - Section 7.

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Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.


ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

7.1.1 GENERAL:
Resource requirement is generated in CEO/HRD Management MRM Customer
MRM considering capacities of & Review Minutes quality &
constraints on existing internal Procedure (Outputs) delivery
resources & what needs to be FAPL/MR/F-02 rating ,
obtained from external providers. MR/PR/08 Internal audit
The management is Committed to report; No of
provide adequate resources for resources
maintenance & implementation of demanded &
Quality System & to improve effectively
customer satisfaction. provided

7.1.2 People : FAPL has determined & CEO Organization Appraisal

provided persons necessary for QMS /HRD Chart
implementation & for operation & Annexure 5A
control of its processes
7.1.3 List of infrastructure is maintained CEO, List of List of Reduction in
including building, utilities, HRD infrastructure machines, machine
workspace & transport. Ex. , List of MRM breakdown
List of infrastructure is maintained for Maintenance approved minutes, maintenance.
process equipment’s, hard ware & Software, transporter Process
Information & Communication CEO, MRM Re-
Technology. HOD evaluation
Any new resource requirement is
identified in MRM.
related to
Risks a) Emphasis is on optimization of
material flow, material handling & Process Flow
value added use of floor space Layout
All Diagram
b) Facilitated synchronous material flow, as
applicable; and
c) Implemented cyber protection of Procedure Testing
equipment and systems supporting

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Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure


OPERATION OF PROCESSES FAPL has determined , provided & CEO/ Government Records of Compliance
maintained Environment necessary Asst. Mgr. regulations Necessary to all work
for conformity of products HR & IR (If Any) Safety environmental
considering combination of human & Safety issues, requirement s.
physical factors like social, related WI, Accidents,
psychological & physical Employee PPEs,
Code of Temp. etc.
Conduct, 5S GENERAL Measuring Systems Analysis MSA
Statistical studies are conducted to Procedure
analyze the variation present in the Dy. Mgr. QA/WI/04 MSA
results of each type of measuring and Q.A Studies
tests equipment system Measurement traceability
Measuring equipment are :
a) calibrated or verified, or both, at Dy. Mgr. Calibration Calibration Calibration
specified intervals, or prior to use, Q.A Procedure records status review
against measurement standards CAL/ PR/01
traceable to international or national
measurement standards; when no Lab. Calibration
such standards exist, the basis used Executive Plan
for calibration or verification is FAPL/QUA/F-09

retained as documented information; CRB/FR/02

b) Identified in order to determine
their status;
c) Safeguarded from adjustments,
damage or deterioration that would
invalidate the calibration status and
subsequent measurement results. The
organization determines if the validity
of previous measurement results has
been adversely affected or not.

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Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure Calibration/ Verification records

FAPL calibrates / verifies all Ex. Lab/ Calibration Calibration 100%

Inspection, Measuring Equipment to Quality. Procedure Certificate Compliance
ensure that they are maintained as per LB/PR/01 to
measurement requirement. Calibration
All Inspection, Measuring Calibration
Equipment’s are Plan

1. Calibrated / verified at specified CBR/FR/02

frequency traceable to national or
international Standard.
2. Adjusted to meet the requirement
3. Marked with stickers disclose its
Calibration status.
4. Safeguarded from adjustment.
5. Protected from damage and

Inspection, Measuring Equipment Ex.Lab/ Manual Verification

found to be out of acceptance criteria, Quality. Calculation & Computer
previous results will be verified for Aid.
conformity & necessary actions are

IMTE: Inspection, Measuring,

Testing Equipment including test
software’s and Comparative
Notification is done to the customer
by email in case suspected material is
shipped. Laboratory requirements AGM Document Calibration

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Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure Internal laboratory Develop & for labs. report.

FAPL internal laboratory facility have a
defined scope that included its capability
to perform the required inspection, test,
or calibration services. Laboratory scope
included in the quality management
system documentation Lab Manual. The
laboratory specify and implement, as a
minimum, requirements for:

a) Adequacy of the laboratory technical

b) Competency of the laboratory
c) Testing of the product;
d) Capability to perform these services
correctly, traceable to the relevant
process standard (such as ASTM, EN,
etc.); when no national or international
standard(s) is available, the organization
shall define and implement a
methodology to verify measurement
system capability;
e) Customer requirements, if any;
f) Review of the related records. External Laboratory :
External independent laboratory
facilities are used for material testing, AGM Document Calibration
calibration etc. these laboratories are Develop & for NABL report.
accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 or its Technology accreditation
national equivalent (e.g., CNAS-CL01 in for labs.
China) by an accreditation body
(Signatory) of the ILAC MRA
(International Laboratory Accreditation

Forum Mutual Recognition Arrangement

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Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

– www.ilac.org)1 or NABL and

acceptable to customer. and include the
relevant inspection, test, or calibration
service in the scope of the accreditation
(certificate); the certificate of calibration
or test report shall include the mark of a
national accreditation body; or

where an non-5 accredited laboratory is

utilized5 (for example, but not limited to:
specialist or integrated equipment,
parameters with no international
traceable standard reference,4 or original
equipment manufacturers5), the
organization is responsible to ensure that
there is evidence that the laboratory has
been evaluated and meets the
requirements of Section of
IATF 16949.4

7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge : Process

FAPL has determined the knowledge All HOD,s parameters, Process
necessary for operation of its and process validation
processes & and the data maintained validation reports,
and available to the extent necessary, check sheet,
considering changes from time to PRD/FR/08D
time for the conformity of products & P/FR/20
services. Learning and experience Annexure
from previous projects is also 7.1.6
considered as organizational


DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 5 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

Ensures personnel performing work HOD, Training Training 100%

affecting product requirement to be Asst.Mgr. Procedure Records, competent
competent on the basis of appropriate HR & IR FAPLHRD002 Skill person
education, trainings, skill & MR/PR/03 Matrix available
experience. SOP –
 Management evolves “Training Asst. Mgr. HR/FR/19
Plan” at planned frequency to HR & IR
ensure all employees are competent
to perform their jobs in line with CEO, Training Competent
market, customer requirements and Asst. Mgr. need Training Work force
new technologies. HR & IR identification calendar
 New Recruited employees are HR/FR/12 Awareness
given “Induction Training “i.e. about overall
rotational training in all dept. Induction company
Training working.
7.2.1  Training Needs are also identified Asst. Mgr. Procedure Induction All
via other avenues like – Corrective HR & IR FAPLHRD002 Training Employees
/ Preventive actions to Customer HR/FR/02 Plan trained as per
problems, Job Transfers, customer Asst. Mgr. Training Strategic their job
requirements. HR & IR Calendar. Training performance
Compliance. needs.
 The training needs are
identified via Appraisals, Asst. Mgr. Training Training Trained
Kaizen. HR & IR Procedure Records, Work Force
For contract labor, training needs are FAPLHRD002 Skill
identified as one point lesson, visual (MR/PR/03) Matrix
SOP / Work instruction.
Asst. Mgr. Appraisal Timely
TRAINING RECORDS HR & IR Appraisal records Appraisals
At the end of each Training program Procedure
Personnel Training Records are FAPLHRD003
Maintained. HR/PR/03

DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 6 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

7.2.1 To reduce or eliminate risks to the Training

organization, the training and All HOD,s Check sheet, Personnel Training
awareness included with information Training Training records of
about prevention relevant for the material. Record each training
organization’s working environments Maintained
and employees’ responsibilities, such Internal Training
as recognizing the symptoms of auditor records.
pending equipment failure and/or course
attempted cyber-attacks. HR material
7.2.2 Competence on job training Internal records of
FAPL provides on job training with auditor Internal each training
customer requirements and in any Competency auditor Maintained
new or modified responsibilities Procedure evaluation
affecting conformity to requirements FAPLIAC001 records and
related to quality, internal, regulatory. MR/PR/10 certificates.
Informing about the consequences of
non-conformities to customer Course
requirements. material. Certification
7.2.3 Internal Auditor competency. Asst. Mgr. IATF-16949 body Exam.
FAPL imparts training to competent HR & IR
personal to become internal auditors.
Their competence is evaluated
through internal audits.
FAPL have a documented process(es)
to verify that internal auditors are Asst. Mgr. Training Training Availability
competent, taking into account any HR & IR need Records of 100%
requirements defined by the identification competent
organization and customer-specific FAPL/HRD/F-04
requirements. For additional guidance HR/FR/12
on auditor competencies, refer to ISO Training
19011. The organization shall Procedure
maintain a list of qualified internal FAPLHRD002
Quality management system auditors,
7.2.3 demonstrate the following

DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 7 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

a) Understanding of the automotive
process approach for auditing,
including risk-based thinking;
b) Understanding of applicable
customer-specific requirements;
c) Understanding of applicable ISO
9001 and IATF 16949 requirements
related to the scope of the audit;
d) Understanding of applicable core
tool requirements related to the scope
of the audit;
e) Understanding how to plan,
conduct, report, and close out audit
At a minimum, manufacturing
process auditors demonstrate
technical understanding of the
relevant manufacturing process(es)
audited, including process risk
analysis (such as PFMEA) and
control plan.
At a minimum, product auditors
shall demonstrate competence in
understanding product requirements
and use of relevant measuring and test Asst. Mgr. Training Training Availability
equipment to verify product HR & IR need Records of 100%
conformity. identification competent
If the organization’s personnel person.
provide the training1 to achieve FAPL/HRD/F-04

competency, documented information HR/FR/12

shall be retained to demonstrate the Training
trainer’s competency with the above Procedure

7.2.3 f) Executing a minimum number of

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Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

audits per year, as defined by the

organization; and
g) Maintaining knowledge of relevant
requirements based on internal
changes (e.g., process technology,
product technology) and external
changes (e.g., ISO 9001, IATF 16949,
core tools, and customer specific

7.2.4 Second party auditor competence

FAPL has deployed competent
personnel to conduct audits at their
external providers end.
These auditors are competent about
customer requirements ISO 9001 and
IATF 16949 requirements, PFMEA
and control plan and other auditing
7.3 AWARENESS : (MR/PR/03)
FAPL ensures deployment of Asst. Mgr. Training Training Availability
competent personnel by providing HR & IR Feedback Records of 100%
necessary training for work affecting FAPL/HRD/009 competent
for product quality & evaluating the HR/FR/07 person.
FAPL Maintains records of Skill Matrix Skill
Education, trainings, skill & HR/FR/15 Matrix Skill
experience as appropriate. HR/FR/16 Display assessment
Policy. Records of
FAPL maintains a documented motivation
process to motivate employees to Motivation
Top Procedure al
achieve quality objectives to make Manageme FAPLHRD004 activities.
continual improvements and create an nt HR/PR/04 Appraisal
environment that promotes innovation.

DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 9 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

MCO ensures that internal MCO Document & Display Concern

communication regarding QMS-as Data control Boards person aware
Quality Policy (Display board) procedure. of 100%
Objectives (Display board / FAPLGEN001
Management Cockpit)
Customer related Issues – Cross MR/PR/02
functional team meeting is held to MOM
address customer complaints,
customer inputs as & when required.
Customer ratings are discussed in QC

Quality & Procedure Manual MCO

(Document & Data control procedure,
Tactical Training identified for each
change in manual / Procedure.

Records of other issues (Document Document

control procedure/Training). Change
Note &
Above communication is planned
a. What is to be communicated Communic
b. When to communicate ation
c. With whom to communicate Matrix,
d. How to communicate & Escalation
e. Who communicates Matrix

7.5 GENERAL: - MCO Quality policy N.A. Effective

DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 10 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

7.5.1& The Quality system of FAPL include & objectives; documentati documentation as – on of QMS
a) The scope of the quality management
system, including details of and Quality
justification for exclusions of 8.3 ; manual;
Quality policy & Objectives (included
in quality Manual & reviewed annually ) Procedure
b) Quality Manual with CSR manual; List
c) Procedure Manual and the of procedure
organization’s processes and their
sequence and interactions (inputs and Work
outputs), including type and extent of instructions;
control of any outsourced processes.
WI/Procedure required by IATF Master list of
16949:2016 standard and to ensure records,
effective planning, operation and FAPL/MRL/02
control of QMS. MR/ML/01
d) A document (for example, a table, a
list, or a matrix) indicating where within
the organization’s quality management
system their customer-specific
requirements are addressed.
Refer: Quality system structure as
given in the annexure attached at the
end of this section.


7.5.2 FAPL ensure appropriate: Master List Availability
data control MR/ML/01 of latest
a) Identification and description (e.g.
a title, date, author, reference procedure information /
number); MCO current
FAPLGEN001 documents at
b) Format (e.g. language, software
version, graphics) and media (e.g. the point of
paper, electronic); use.
c) Review and approval for suitability MR/PR/02
and adequacy.

DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 11 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure

A separate documented procedure is made and controlled to ensure : Document & Master List Availability
a) Its available and suitable for use, data control MR/ML/01 of latest
where and when it is needed; procedure information /
b) Its adequately protected (e.g. from current
loss of confidentiality, improper use, or FAPLGEN001 documents at
loss of integrity). the point of
(MR/PR/01) use.
Control activities MR/PR/02
a) Distribution, access, retrieval & use; b) Storage and preservation, including
preservation of legibility;
c) Control of changes (e.g. version )
d) Retention and disposition. RECORD RETAINTION List of

FAPL has defined documented and ALL quality Records as
implemented a record retention HODs records per list
policy. Satisfying statutory, Document &
regulatory organizational and data control
customer requirements. procedure

FAPL has a documented process MR/PR/02
describing review, distribution and
implementation of all customer Ex.
engineering standards / specification Marketing Standards Product Timely
and related revisions based on & AGM specifications File APQP communicati
customer schedules. Developm , drawings, file on
ent / etc.
Review is completed and sent to Technolog
customer within ten working days of y
receipt of notification of engineering
standards / specifications changes.

DOCUMENT NO: - QM - 7.0 REV. NO.01/01.03.2023 Page 12 of 13

Filtrum Autocomp Pvt. Ltd.

ISSUED BY : MCO & APPROVED BY: CEO (When effective?) DATE : 01/02/2020
(What) Reference: IATF 16949:2016

(What?) Title of the procedure: SECTION – 7.0 (SUPPORT)

Clause What & when Who What What (How)

Number (Responsible) (Ref. (Record) Performance
Procedure) Measure


The Quality System Structure shall be as given below: -


(QM – X.X REV. NO.: XX)
X.X- Section no. XX- No.

- XXX- Dept. YYY- Procedure no. XX- No.
(XX/PR/YY - Rev XX)
XX- Dept. Code PR- Procedure no. YY- No.


III - ( XXX- Dept. YYY- No. ) (XX- No.)

(XX/FR/ YY ) (Rev-XX) (DD/MM/YYYY)

( XX- Dept. FR- Format YY- No. ) (XX- No.)
(DD-Date, MM- Month, YYYY- Year

XXX- Dept. YYY- No. ) (XX- No.)


XX- Dept/. WI/ YY- No. ) (XX- No.)
(DD-Date, MM- Month, YYYY- Year

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