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The Total Testing Center™

What is Think Quality™?

What is Think Quality™?

It is ‘managing your textile mill with quality in mind’
Today’s textile markets are highly-competitive, throughout the entire value
chain from fiber to fabric. Customers expect unique products, at the right
quality and free from unacceptable defects, every time. Mills need
to manufacture economically, with best-possible use of resources –
especially raw materials and labor. These are major challenges, requiring
comprehensive mill management strategies.

Take control of your quality – Think Quality™

USTER’s unique Think Quality™ approach is the way to ‘manage your
textile mill with quality in mind’. It integrates world-class USTER® products
and services to ensure you always produce optimum quality, enhancing
your reputation – as well as achieving predictable profits.

Think Quality™ means:

– Working to clear quality specifications from customers
– Controlling raw material sourcing, costs and yields
– Applying the best measurement and information systems
– Continuous production monitoring, for rapid response
– Understanding improvement options, through automated
application know-how
– Benchmarking with USTER® STATISTICS
– Improve yield and assure quality of the final product
Control Think Quality™ Specify Sustain Control
Measure Control Measure
Think Quality™ Specify Specify Improve Measure Sustain

Specify Measure Control Improve Sustain Think Quality™

Sustain Improve Think Quality™ Measure Think Quality™ Control
Improve Sustain Specify
Measure Control Sustain Think Quality™ Specify Improve

1. Specify 2 . Measure 3 . Control 4 . Improve 5 . Sustain

USTER® TESTER 6 – the vital link to Think Quality™

The USTER® TESTER 6 is the heart of the laboratory in mills around the
world. It provides the key to many of the principles of USTER’s unique
Think Quality™ approach. With the USTER® TESTER 6 the role of the
USTER® TESTER is expanding beyond ‘laboratory testing’ to ‘Total Testing’.

Connecting to USTER® QUALITY EXPERT is the route to effective and

preventive process optimization in textile mills. Assistant Q, the expert
with 70 years of experience, facilitates fast action by smart alerting. The
USTER® TESTER 6 and USTER® QUALITY EXPERT create a unique synergy
between 100 % online control and laboratory precision to secure quality
in every part of the spinning process.
Innovation: the starting point for superb quality and
optimized productivity in the spinning mill

USTER customers can expect exciting innovations in the new USTER® TESTER 6
generation. To start with there is a brand new Capacitive Sensor, which
measures with more accuracy and reliability than ever. There is also a range
of completely new optical sensors and features, surpassing expectations by
providing all the answers in testing, for overall customer satisfaction.

– The new global standard from the leading name in yarn testing
– USTER accuracy: your guarantee of reliable measurements at top testing speeds
– Direct correlation with the world’s textile quality benchmarks, the USTER ® STATISTICS

New global standard

The USTER ® TESTER 6 is acknowledged throughout
textiles as the new global standard in evenness
testing. Its new Capacitive Sensor and Optical
Sensor options give spinners the power to control
yarn quality levels precisely and guarantee the
quality is right first time.
– Automatic and semi-automatic models available
– Upgradeable for all sensor options, automatic
function, Knowledge Based System and Fancy
Yarn Profile

USTER accuracy reliability at top speed

All models operate at the testing speed of 800 m/min
with greater accuracy and reliability than ever. Set
to automatic, the high sample throughput rates give
even faster detection of quality exceptions. That
cuts down the risk of claims, reduces labor costs
and ensures customers get the quality they expect.

It’s also a vital part of the USTER ® ‘Total Testing’


Direct link with USTER ® STATISTICS

Founded on 60 years of textile expertise, the USTER ®
STATISTICS benchmarking tool is the worldwide
standard for objective quality comparisons.
It provides a benchmark basis for yarn trading and
certified specifications.

Only the USTER ® TESTER produces data which links

directly to USTER ® STATISTICS standards.
Welcome to the Total Testing Center™…
integrated quality throughout the mill with USTER TESTER 6

The Total Testing Center™ – incorporated in the USTER® TESTER 6 – integrates

data from precise laboratory tests and online monitoring systems covering
all short staple spinning mill processes. It is a unique combination, transforming
data into practical choices for quality yarns and profitable production.

– USTER ® TESTER 6 – the gateway to Total Testing

– USTER ® QUALITY EXPERT – the link to the Quality Management Platform™
– Assistant Q – the ‘staff member’ with 70 years’ know-how

USTER ® TESTER 6 – the gateway to

the Total Testing Center™
It’s the pulse of a new generation, destined to be
the beating heart of every textile laboratory.
The USTER ® TESTER 6 is a genuine evolution and
the launchpad for Total Testing. Opening up
brand new possibilities for every spinning mill.

USTER ® QUALITY EXPERT – the link to optimization

Full control from fiber to yarn in one online system
illustrates textile mill’s entire processes with key
quality parameters in the right format and right time.
Mill analyses with meaningful quality comparisons,
integrated application knowledge, focused
management reports – are leveraged for an even
more profound and informed decision making.
– One-stop shop for quality management and
– Accessibility 24 /7 from everywhere

Assistant Q – ever-ready helper with extensive

USTER Application Intelligence
Quality managers no longer need to waste time
on trivial tasks. Assistant Q is like a well-qualified
and highly-experienced new ‘staff member’ who
ensures nothing goes unnoticed. He works tirelessly
to present spinners with exactly the information
they need, for the ultimate goal of ‘managing
the spinning mill with quality in mind’. The unique
rule engine and smart algorithms for alarms and
predictions build the foundation for reliable alerting.
Innovation at the core: latest sensor technology has
all the answers with USTER TESTER 6

Sensors are the powerful brains inside the world-renowned USTER® TESTER
family. A completely new and unique Capacitive Sensor has been developed
specifically for USTER® TESTER 6. Along with the integrated Hairiness Length
Classification Sensor, and the Fineness Automatic, it means spinners will have
all the answers in testing – and all the information they need – to prevent claims.

– Brand-new: the latest USTER ® Capacitive Sensor (Sensor CS )

– The new Sensor HL for Hairiness Length Classification at up to 800 m/min
– Automatic measurement of absolute yarn counts and variations (Sensor FA )

Sensor CS – the brand-new USTER ®

Capacitive Sensor
This is USTER ’s new digital Capacitive Sensor,
bringing even greater accuracy and reliability.
– Accurate, dependable results, including the
famous ‘USTER value’ CV m to ensure the right
quality is produced
– Easy-reference graphical presentations with
diagrams, spectrograms, length variation
curves and histograms
– Highlighting quality issues with periodic faults,
for reduced customer claims

Sensor HL – hairiness at high-speed

Complete evaluation of the vital hairiness parameter
is now possible, thanks to the new Sensor HL for
Hairiness Length Classification. Its new measuring
principle focuses on the real length of the protruding
fibers, for the ultimate in useful data. Combined
with the established Sensor OH , spinners now
have the full picture of yarn hairiness, the ultimate
assurance against quality claims.

Fineness Automatic (Sensor FA )

Accurate measurement of absolute yarn count and
any variations is crucial for every mill. With the
new Sensor FA , yarn count measurement is effective
and automatic. This feature of USTER ® TESTER 6
saves time in the laboratory, is operator-independent
and speeds up reaction times for mill process

Existing USTER ® TESTER 6 installations can be

upgraded with Sensor FA on-site.
Yarn hairiness: the unique methods for the full story Yarn twist: precision control, for productivity and
optimum fabric appearance

With USTER® HAIRINESS technology, spinners have the full story, so they can Along with mass and hairiness problems, spinners know that variations in yarn
manage every hairiness testing need, for absolute customer satisfaction. USTER® diameter and twist influences ultimately the final product. USTER® TESTER 6
TESTER 6 is the definitive hairiness solution, its unrivaled combination of Sensor HL deals with all these threats, with a range of sensors dedicated to optimizing
and Sensor OH providing the key values for precise yarn specifications. fabric appearance by controlling the yarn.

– Sensor OH measures the H-value, acknowledged worldwide for use in yarn contracts – Sensor OM identifies twist variation to enhance the feel of the finished fabric
– Sensor HL provides the S3 u value for protruding fibers – a key indicator of fabric durability – Sensor OM avoids claims for apperance variations
– Together, the Sensors HL and OH form the unique USTER ® HAIRINESS solution – Sensor OI assesses the impact of impurities

Optical Hairiness (Sensor OH ) Optical Multifunctional – Twist (Sensor OM )

The H-value is the globally-recognized hairiness Spinners and yarn users know that twist is one of
benchmark. It is used in yarn trading, and as an the most important parameters in producing a
early-warning mechanism during production. The yarn. The twist level in a yarn affects the look and
Sensor OH offers reproducible and objective performance of the finished product. For cotton and
hairiness measurement at 800 m/min. It provides synthetics ring and compact yarns the USTER ®
the USTER ® HAIRINESS value, directly comparable TESTER 6 offers the unique option to get twist and
with USTER ® STATISTICS benchmarks. Hairiness twist variations during the yarn testing routine at a
variations may show up in a fabric only after testing speed of 800 m/min. Without any further
dyeing – just one example of how unmonitored effort, performance gaps like low speed spindles
yarn hairiness can have a negative and costly are identified, independent from the operator and
impact. saving additional test time in the laboratory.

Hairiness Length (Sensor HL ) Optical Multifunctional – Evenness (Sensor OM )

With its new measuring principle based on the real The CV FS (fine structure) parameter helps to prevent
length of the protruding fibers, this sensor provides ‘cloudiness’ in knit goods. For compact spinners,
the results of protruding fibers longer than 3 mm. Sensor OM is a must – offering better structure and
smoothness information for their yarns. Color
Sensor HL has the high sensitivity needed for use variations and shadowing can be traced back to
in yarn engineering, in identifying long protruding irregularities in yarn diameter, density and shape.
fibers likely to cause pilling, and for machine This sensor‘s data provides vital quality information
checks, especially on compact spinning machines. on how the yarn will look in the finished fabric.

Optical Hairiness and Hairiness Length Sensors – Optical Impurity (Sensor OI )

the complete package Dust and trash particles can cause serious problems
Yarn hairiness has a huge impact on fabric in subsequent fabric manufacturing processes.
appearance and durability. The ultimate two-sensor Sensor OI prevents this, by accurately measuring
package brings together all hairiness data for trash and dust particles in the yarn. The benefits: less
a yarn at the same time. Mills can react faster, to downtime in weaving; knitting needles last longer.
improve quality or prevent expensive claims. Unique measurement of the cleaning efficiency in
an open-end spinbox.

1 5
Built-in knowledge: USTER expertise in problem-solving Easy to learn, easy to use: a fresh approach to
makes yarns and fabrics better, faster, simpler textile laboratory testing

USTER’s detailed know-how, underpinned by 70 years of experience, is all Laboratory staff will appreciate the benefits of the new USTER® TESTER 6.
available to USTER® TESTER 6 users. Three special features draw on this Designed-in ergonomics, and a superb graphical user interface, make it
expertise to help spinners trace faults and implement fast quality management exceptionally user-friendly. Even more complex tasks such as slub yarn
remedies, for minimal downtime and ideal quality in both yarns and fabrics. testing are made simple, thanks to the new USTER® Fancy Yarn Profile.

– Knowledge Based System (KBS ) needs no extra settings – USTER ® Fancy Yarn Profile (FYP ) for automatic slub yarn analysis
– Improved fabric simulation – a clear visual representation – Touchscreen monitor, easy to learn and efficient in use
– Smart view of exceptions and limits – Intelligent user interface able to mirror textile processes in the mill

Knowledge Based System needs no extra settings USTER ® Fancy Yarn Profile ( FYP )
The new Knowledge Based System (KBS ) quickly The FYP is the standard for precise slub yarn
traces the cause of a quality problem on the measurement. USTER knowledge is the key,
spinning machine, with no need for extra settings enabling an automatic first evaluation – quick
or input from the machine supplier. A single click and easy for all users.
on the spectrogram display brings up the defective
component on the screen. Time saved, quality The USTER ® Fancy Yarn Profile measures quality
improved and expensive claims avoided… data for: number of slubs, mass increase and slub
length, and mass decrease after a slub.
For more details please see the Technical Data sheet.
An extended range of reports give quality
information and prevent unwanted patterns.

Fabric simulation, a clear view in advance Intuitive touchscreen

Yarn results are displayed on blackboards, giving The USTER ® TESTER 6 has a touchscreen monitor. It is
a clear view, in advance, of how the knitted or easy to use, even for untrained staff, so operators
woven fabric will look. can stay focused on test results, guaranteeing higher
– Yarn board efficiency and optimum user satisfaction.
– Knitted fabric
– Woven fabric (plain)
– Woven fabrics displayed in reflected and
transmitted light
– Magnified yarn board view for yarn hairiness

For more details please see the Technical Data sheet.

Low quality High quality

Smart view of exceptions Mirroring textile processes

A new feature with USTER ® TESTER 6 is ‘Smart View’. With test samples coming in from various spinning
At one click, customers can focus on test mill departments, the USTER ® TESTER 6 is able to
exceptions and outliers. Or switch quickly to the mirror the different processes in its user interface.
USTER ® STATISTICS function, to compare results This makes the entire test procedure simple and
with worldwide benchmarks. Smart View is a intuitive for the operator.
valuable time-saver, as a quick check on whether – Process routes are selectable: short staple,
a yarn meets specifications. long staple or raw silk
– Automatically follows logical sequence from
carding to winding
Unique measurements for the emerging conductive yarn market

Conductive yarns have attracted considerable attention in the past decade,

because they are
Uster Technologies used
UQX-Server 01 in fast-growing markets such as protective wear, fitness

3/4/2019and healthcare. The USTER® TESTER 6 withGaby2
2:37 PM Sensor OM is uniquely able Page 1/2

to measure frequent occurrences such as thin and thick

USTER® TESTER 6 Process step Ring spinning Testsplaces. This
5/1 function Temperature 21.2 °C
Operator Service Material class Conductive Yar Test speed 400.00 m/min Rel. humidity 75.4 %
fills Test
a gap
ID in improving
614581 yarnMeasuring
quality slot andAutomatic
MS4 of time
Test costly claims.
1.00 min Absorber Medium
FYP config. IP analysis Short Test length 400.00 m Yarn type Normal

Product Conductive Nom. count 60.00 Nm Fibers 64% Aramid 0.00 den 0.00 mm
– Measurement
Lot ID of frequent occurrences
Nom. twistwith Sensor OMZ
0.00 T/m, 25% Viscose 0.00 dtex 0.00 mm
Machine Not specified Processing Combed
– Yarn evenness testing and detection of periodic faults with Sensor OM 10% Aramid 0.00 dtex 0.00 mm
Mill unit Not specified Application Others 1% Metal fiber 0.00 dtex 0.00 mm
– Hairiness
Yarn length classification for colored yarns with Sensor HL
USTER® STATISTICS 100% CO, ring yarn, combed, package, knitting, 2018
Measurement of frequent occurrences
FO- FO+ FO spots CV2D S3u S1+2u
The 3mm
unique measurement 10mm H
of frequent occurrences sh( FO )
M M M 8mm
No. with Sensor OM allows the objective evaluation of
/km /km /km % /100m /100m
conductive /100mAnalysis
yarns. /100m of neps, thin and thick
1/1 105 200 233 9.52 4,488 places
is vital in2,343
improving and32 guaranteeing
4.01 0.99
2/1 103 193 223 9.34 4,216 of a 14,092
yarn. 2,268 30 4.02 0.96
3/1 65 155 158 9.14 4,941 13,479 2,566 30 4.09 1.00
4/1 200 270 220 10.19 4,530 Frequent
2,367 are available
34 in 12
4.07classes 1.00
5/1 125 220 240 9.60 4,888 can 13,919
be measured at a testing 37
2,466 speed up4.05
to 800 m/min.
Mean 120 208 215 9.56 4,613 13,512 2,402 33 4.05 0.99
CV 41.8 20.3 15.3 4.1 6.5 3.8 4.8 9.0 0.9 1.9
s 50 42 33 0.40 301 513 116 3 0.03 0.02
Q95 62 52 41 0.49 374 636 143 4 0.04 0.02
Min 65 155 158 9.14 4,216 12,818 2,268 30 4.01 0.96
Max 200 270 240 10.19 4,941 Yarn14,092 2,566 37 4.09faults
evenness and detection of periodic 1.00

1/1 (0.21 mm)

Sensor OM also measures optically the yarn evenness,
Diagram OM
0.6 diameter, density and shape. This information
combines all the key factors required to control the
quality of a conductive yarn – maintaining the
supplier’s reputation in this competitive environment.
Spectrogram analysis now makes it possible to
Uster Technologies UQX-Server 01 obtain information of periodic faults. This helps to
4/25/2019 0
10:08 AM Single sensor report HL locate the source and assist with repair of defective
Page 1/4
USTER® TESTER 50 Process step 100 Ring spinning 150Tests 200
10/1 250
Temperature 300°C
21.0 350 400
Operator B.Odaman Material class Normal Yarn Test speed
400.00 m/min
elements.76.3 %
Rel. humidity
Test ID 44186 Measuring slot Automatic MS4 Test time
1.00 min Absorber Medium
FYP config. IP analysis Short Test length 400.00 m Yarn type Compact

Product 2 / 1TWIST
(0.21 mm) Nom. count 30.40 Ne Fibers 100% Cotton 4.00 Mic 30.00 mm Diagram OM
Lot ID 6287 Nom. twist 20.26 T/inch, USTER® STATISTICS
Machine 0.6 Not specified Processing Combed Comment Trial 6287 / Vardhman Yarns
Mill unit Not specified Application Knitting
Yarn 0.5 Hairiness length classification for colored yarns
0.4 Most conductive yarns are colored. Sensor HL is the
mm S3u S1+2u 1mm 2mm 3mm 4mm 6mm 8mm 10mm
0.3 perfect solution for hairiness measurement of these
0.2 /100m /100m /100m /100m /100m /100m yarns,
/100msince it is color independent.
/100m /100m
1 / 0.1
1 1,474 12,158 8,998 3,160 1,009 410 46 8 2
2/1 1,511 11,768 8,409 3,359 1,054 409 Itprovides
39 the well-established
7 2 S 3 u values (fibers
3/1 1,499 11,515 8,490 3,025 1,055 377 longer than
49 3 15 Values for
mm). 2 both long and
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
4/1 2,957 12,187 8,366 3,821 1,710 993 208 37 10
m short protruding fibers are critical for downstream
5/1 1,635 11,826 8,572 3,253 1,083 488 46 17 2
6/1 1,385 11,390 8,254 3,136 948 393
they are2
key indicators for
7/1 1,741 12,549 8,932 3,617 1,214 468 performance
52 at weaving
5 and2 knitting machines, as
8/1 1,367 11,898 8,672 3,226 949 370 well as for
46 fabric durability.
2 0
9/1 1,295 10,072 7,230 2,842 848 393 44 9 0
10 / 1 1,463 11,780 8,660 3,120 992 420 39 8 4
Mean 1,633 11,714 8,458 3,256 1,086 472 61 11 3
CV 29.6 5.7 5.8 8.7 22.1 39.6 85.1 93.4 109.8
s 483 668 492 284 240 187 52 10 3
Q95 345 478 352 203 171 134 37 7 2
USP™ 2018
Min 1,295 10,072 7,230 2,842 848 370 39 2 0
® ® ®

Quality prediction and mill optimization potential

Optimization Fast action in response to quality deviations requires Application Intelligence
in the right format, which is provided by USTER® QUALITY EXPERT. Together
with USTER® TESTER 6, the benefits of 100 % in-line control and laboratory
precision merge to highlight the optimization potential in textile mills.

– Yarn prognosis for increasing credibility between spinners and yarn users
Total Yarn – Mill analysis to benefit from insightful analytics for data-based decisions
Contamination Prognosis – Application Intelligence for quality consistency to avoid claims from yarn users

Yarn prognosis for increased credibility
Spinners are increasingly keen to see quality from
the perspective of the customer, the yarn user, to
understand the issues concerning weavers and
knitters. The combination of USTER ® TESTER 6 and
USTER ® QUALITY EXPERT with the intuitive yarn-
grading options provides an accurate prognosis for
customer satisfaction, based on an easy-to-understand
grading system. So, Fabric appearance and Pilling
resistance prognosis require no fabric samples
and offer the possibility to test all produced lots at
practically no cost.
Alarm Mill
Center Analysis
Insightful analytics for data-based decisions
Information is condensed and presented in an easy-
to-read format that can be interpreted easily by
users. Comprehensive reports simultaneously help
to target areas for optimization. For instance,
the intuitive quality comparison reports point up
differences between products or production lots,
supported by the power of USTER ® STATISTICS .

With the extension of twist measurement results

from USTER ® TESTER 6 , all relevant quality data for
yarn specifications are finally brought together.
USTER ® QUALITY EXPERT is the Quality Management Platform™ for advanced process optimization across yarn
manufacturing processes. A single system provides control, securing fiber, yarn and fabric quality. A combination
of 100 % in-line monitoring, precise laboratory testing and integrated intelligence delivers the power to predict Application Intelligence for quality consistency
potential faults and prevent claims. USTER ® QUALITY EXPERT is available in two versions: either as a standalone Quality consistency is the goal of every spinning
solution via a dedicated client-server – or integrated within USTER ® TESTER 6 . mill – as inconsistent quality results in claims
from the yarn user, which can be very costly to
USTER ’s Application Intelligence is the foundation for merging textile application know-how with insightful analytics spinning mills. Application Intelligence with smart
and connected products. Smart algorithms guide data-based decisions, extending the analytical possibilities as each algorithms and the unique rule engine builds up
additional instrument is connected. the foundation for Assistant Q and smart alerts.
Wide-ranging quality alerts can be further extended
USTER ® QUALITY EXPERT and its Value Modules: by feeding in mill-specific rules on troubleshooting,
– Alarm center – creates awareness and triggers action constantly expanding the level of knowledge.
– Mill analysis – insightful analytics for data-based decisions
– Yarn prognosis – increases credibility between spinners and yarn users
– Total Contamination Control – for managing remaining contaminants in yarns at minimum possible cost
– Ring Spinning Optimization – the link to productivity and quality
Product configuration

S 800
(table included) Modules and their functionalities

Further options and accessoires

Knowledge Based System,
Fancy Yarn Profile, Unwinding device
with drive, Package carrier

Automatic Changer
Automatic transfer of the yarn from
the package changer and insertion into
the measuring slot (24 positions)

Fineness Automatic (Sensor FA )

Automatic determination of the
absolute count

Hairiness Length (Sensor HL )

Hairiness length classification

Optical Hairiness (Sensor OH )

Determination of the yarn hairiness

Optical Multifunctional (Sensor OM )

Determination of diameter, evenness, twist,
density and roundness
Determination of frequent occurrences for
conductive yarns

Optical Impurity (Sensor OI )

Determination of trash and dust
particles in the yarn

MS 120
Measuring unit for heavy sliver,
wool tops in the range
12 – 80 ktex


The managment tool for Total Testing

Capacitive (Sensor CS)

Determination of the unevenness and
imperfections (thin and thick places
plus neps, spectrograms and diagrams)

Basic   Options   Further options and accessoires

A modular system allows to tailor the product configuration to one’s need.

Starting from the basic module further modules can be added.
Key benefits at a glance

USTER® TESTER 6 – The Total Testing Center™

It is exactly what you expect from USTER: the very latest sensor technology,
the highest accuracy, innovative measurements. Everything you need for an
integrated approach to ‘managing a textile mill with quality in mind’.

– Ultimate sensor technology – the basis for maximum performance

– Built-in knowledge from 70 years of experience
– Unique combination of laboratory and online data

Sensor technology for top performance

For 70 years, USTER has been synonymous with
quality control sensors for textiles. The new
Capacitive Sensor CS with the USTER ® TESTER 6
represents the summit of current technology.
The integration of the latest Sensor HL for complete
yarn hairiness testing is another key element.

With the latest development for the Sensor OM , the

measurement of frequent occurrences for conductive
yarn, the evaluation of twist and twist variation
takes these vital quality parameters into new areas.

Built-in knowledge to support mills

Smart View Knowledge USTER shares the textile knowledge of several
decades. Making customers’ working tasks simpler,
Based System
so that they can focus on the ideal quality-cost ratio.
This is supported by:
– Knowledge Based System for detecting faulty
machine elements
– Smart view for pinpoint exceptions
– USTER ® STATISTICS the worldwide benchmarks

USTER® Everything is here, ready to deliver constant

quality and utmost efficiency.

The Total Testing Center™

Integration of laboratory test results with
online data creates the Total Testing Center™.
The ultimate safeguard for quality yarns.

USTER ® TESTER 6 delivers the full package.

Quality optimization, setting new standards in
yarn grading, monitoring 100 % of production,
protecting against exceptions.

The Total Testing Center™: meeting quality

expectations every day.
The standard from fiber to fabric USTER ® STATISTICS – the textile industry standards

240842-19020/03.21/© Copyright 2021 by Uster Technologies AG

Uster is the world’s leading supplier of total quality solu- We set the standards for quality control in the global textile
tions from fiber to fabric. Uster standards and industry. With Uster Statistics, we provide the benchmarks
precise measurement provide unparalleled advantages that are the basis for the trading of textile products at
for producing best quality at minimum cost. assured levels of quality across global markets.

Think Quality™ USTERIZED® – brand your products with quality

Our commitment to state - of - the - art technology ensures the USTERIZED® stands for ‘defined quality assured’ within
comfort and feel of the finished product – satisfying the the textile chain. We invite selected customers to join
demands of a sophisticated market. We help our customers the USTERIZED ® Member Program. More information at
to benefit from our applied knowledge and experience –
to think quality, think Uster.
USTER worldwide
Broad range of products With four technology centers, four regional service centers
Uster occupies a unique position in the textile industry. and 50 representative offices around the world, Uster is
With our broad range of products, we have a wide reach always sure of delivering only the best to its customers.
across the textile chain that is unmatched by any other sup- Uster – committed to excellence, committed to quality. And
plier in the market. that will never change.

Optimal service
Know - how transfer and instant help – we are where our
customers are. A total of 215 certified service engineers
worldwide grants fast and reliable technical support.
Benefit from local know - how transfer in your specific
markets and enjoy our service à la carte.

USTER Switzerland

Knoxville, USA Osaka, Japan

Adana, Turkey Suzhou, China
Greenville, USA Shanghai, China
Caesarea, Israel

Coimbatore, India

Uster Technologies AG
Sonnenbergstrasse 10
8610 Uster
T. + 41 43 366 36 36
F. + 41 43 366 36 37
[email protected]

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