Review Paper On Recent Advances of Biotechnology Application To Aquaculture Development

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Review Paper on Recent Advances of Biotechnology

Application to Aquaculture Development
*1,2Bello Mubarak.Umar ; 2Kalu O Elezuo
Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India.
Department of Fisheries Technology, Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology, Lagos Nigeria.

Corresponding Author: Bello Mubarak Umar*

Abstract:- Recent advances in biotechnology have Keyword:- Biotechnology, Recent Advances, Aquaculture
significantly impacted aquaculture production, and Development.
revolutionizing the industry. which explores key
developments in applying biotechnological tools to I. INTRODUCTION
enhance various aspects of aquaculture. Molecular
techniques, such as genetic manipulation, have enabled Due to overfishing, the productivity of numerous major
the selective breeding of fish for desirable traits, fish stocks is fleetly declining, and given the current state of
improving growth rates, disease resistance, and overall the world and terrain, farther earnings aren’t imaged
productivity. Furthermore, the application of advanced (Dunham, 2004, another recent reference). Being the least
genomics and bioinformatics has facilitated the precious source of beast protein, monoculture is still the
identification of specific genes associated with important world's stylish chance of producing enough fish to feed
traits, paving the way for precision breeding. everyone (Aerni, 2004). still, the monoculture sector
Biotechnological interventions also extend to disease moment has to address the issues of creating commercially
management in aquaculture. Novel diagnostic methods doable product systems, lessening environmental effect, and
based on molecular biology enable early detection of enhancing public perception all at the same time while using
pathogens, contributing to effective disease prevention lower land (Dunham, 2004). As the demand for
and control. Vaccines developed through aquacultured foods has grown, there has been a need for
biotechnological approaches have shown promise in further effective product styles than the conventional bone,
protecting aquatic species against various infections, which have sustainability issues similar fish growth that's
reducing reliance on traditional antibiotics. Nutrition is too sluggish and poor feed conversion. One of the most
another critical aspect benefiting from biotechnological important ways to meet the expanding global population’s
advancements. Genetically engineered feed formulations, unborn food demands is the creation of enhanced fish seed
enriched with essential nutrients, enhance the overall stocks that can lead to advanced fish product (FAO, 2007).
health and growth of aquaculture species. Furthermore, A new avenue for the development of inheritable coffers in
by enhancing feed conversion efficiency and waste monoculture has been made possible by biotechnology.
management, probiotics and prebiotics obtained from Monoculture can profit from the operation of inheritable
biotechnological processes aid in the development of technologies for a number of reasons, including increased
sustainable and ecologically friendly practices. productivity, marketability, culturability, and resource
Aquaculture and biotechnology are integrated in conservation (Moses etal., 2005). Fish husbandry is the most
environmental conservation and monitoring projects. popular type of monoculture. It entails the marketable
Aquatic organisms are guaranteed ideal conditions civilization of fish, generally for food, in fences, fish ponds,
through real-time water quality monitoring made or ocean enclosures (FAO, 2010). The objects of
possible by biosensors and molecular tools. Utilizing monoculture can be added up as follows- Producing
genetically engineered organisms, bioremediation abundant, nutrient- thick, protein-rich, and fluently
techniques help to lessen the negative environmental digestible mortal food that will profit society as a total at
effects of aquaculture operations. In conclusion, recent low or reasonable costs;- Producing sportfish to support
advances in biotechnology have propelled aquaculture recreational fishing;- Producing baitfish for marketable and
towards a more sustainable, efficient, and sport fisheries;- Producing cosmetic fish for aesthetic
environmentally conscious industry. The integration of purposes;- Recycling organic waste; and- Producing
molecular techniques, genetic manipulation, diagnostics, artificial fish( Yemi, etal., 2008). The objectives of this
and environmental monitoring has opened new avenues study are to itemized the most and yet to be given utmost
for addressing challenges and optimizing production in consideration aspects of recent biotechnology in to
aquaculture. The continued exploration and application aquaculture practice in Nigeria, some of which will be
of biotechnological tools hold great promise for the Transgenesis, Nanotechnology, Bioremediation, Gene
future of this crucial food production sector. manipulation and Hybridization.

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


From 1991 to 2001, there was a noticeable increase in PRODUCTION
the knowledge of aquaculture among government agencies,
institutions, and private investors as a reliable way to Mating relatives results in inbreeding. One of the three
produce cheaper protein and a source of jobs. The situation conventional breeding methods, inbreeding has been used to
at the beginning of this decade amply demonstrated the utter create new breeds and can be used with cross-breeding to
failures of government farms, particularly those under the create homogenous, exceptional individuals (Chapter 4).
Agricultural Development Programs (ADP) in the majority Intentional and uncontrolled inbreeding will lead to issues,
of the states. Even with the substantial funding provided by even though directed and planned inbreeding might be
the World Bank as part of its intervention program to advantageous. In terms of genetics, inbreeding reduces
increase fish output, the goals were obviously not met heterozygosity (i.e., genetic variety) and increases
because the development that was made could only be homozygosity (i.e., genetic similarity) in the progeny.
characterized as minimal. Although there was an increase in Additionally, homozygosity is created when non-relatives
personnel, the level of skill remained questionable. There mate, and the two types of homozygosity are genetically
were some notable growth levels, improvements in the identical. Despite the fact that the two types of
investor profile and investment scale, and a little increase in homozygosity are equivalent, there is a distinction because
the number of small and medium-sized business owners of how homozygosity is generated and what happens as a
(between 31,500 and 100,000 kg/ha/year) with fish farms result (FAO 2008).
producing an average of 10 tons annually. Even if the
significant level of success of these fish farms was attributed  Genetic Drift
to foreign assistance from their foreign technical or financial Random variations in gene frequency that are not
partners, it demonstrated the productivity level that can be brought about by selection, migration, or mutation are
reached with the correct combination of financial and known as genetic drift. The causes of the random changes
technical help (FAO, 2010). can be man-made, as happens when fish farmers catch or
spawn their fish, or they can be natural, like a landslide that
 Biotechnology and Food Production: splits a population or a storm that kills a significant section
Biotechnology is one of the newest and most of a population or damages parts of its environment (FAO,
contentious areas in science today. Following the 2008). Normal circumstances result in much fewer fish
advancement of genetic engineering, which allowed reproducing and producing viable progeny than adults; this
researchers to alter the genetic code of live cells, is particularly true in aquaculture. It is possible that the
biotechnology emerged in the 1970s (Island Harvest, 2007). frequencies of one or more genes will differ in the progeny
The modification of DNA molecules to create altered compared to the parental generation when this subsample
animals or other organisms is known as genetic engineering. spawns; the fewer spawned, the greater the likelihood of
DNA, a double-stranded molecule found in every cell of an these differences. Allele loss is the ultimate result of genetic
organism, is the component of a cell that regulates an animal drift, and the likelihood that an allele will be lost due to
or plant's genetic information (Island Harvest, 2007). Over genetic drift increases with decreasing gene frequency (FAO
the past few decades, biotechnology has advanced to the 2008). When aqua-culturists select which fish to purchase
point that it is now possible to artificially manipulate genes for their foundation population, they also contribute to
and chromosomes in live organisms. Aquaculture research is genetic drift (FAO 2008).
very interested in the generation of transgenic fish and
shellfish because of the possible production increases that  Domestication
this technology might provide (Dunham, 2004). Domestication is a process of selection that modifies
the gene pool of a population by weeding out alleles less
 Biotechnology in Fish Production: suitable for the hatchery and favoring alleles that can take
The use of growth hormones (GHs) to boost growth advantage of the conditions of culture. This increases an
and feed conversion efficiency, the use of antimicrobial organism's adaptation to the culture environment and to all
peptides to boost disease resistance, the use of metabolic facets of the management that is used to raise it (Bilio,
genes to support low-cost, land-based diets, and genetic 2000). Intentional and accidental selection come together to
techniques for sterility induction are some of the main areas form domestication. Domestication modifies the gene pool,
of transgenic research in fish (FAO, 2007). Research on and since these modifications are passed down to
transgenic fish is widely established, but because of the succeeding generations, the population gradually transforms.
difficulties in introducing and expressing foreign genes, Aquaculturists, on the other hand, raise undomesticated
transgenic marine invertebrates are still in their infancy. plants and animals. All significant plants and animals raised
Successful gene transfer techniques have been developed as for food in agriculture have become domesticated Since
a result of early research on marine invertebrates, with there is no clear distinction between the wild and the
studies aimed at enhancing disease resistance. Apart from domesticated, domestication is a process that is difficult to
transgenic studies, developments in chromosome measure. Continuous controlled reproduction for more than
manipulation, or polyploidy, have the potential to enhance three generations is known as domestication (Bilio, 2000).
aquaculture production, especially with regard to shellfish Domestication may or may not include basic behavioral
(FAO, 2007). change. Fish, for instance, respond to the sound of a feed

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

truck or the noise the feeder generates, and they can sense breeding today and is sold commercially under the name
when they will be fed (Bilio, 2000). Enhancing hatchery "Ovaprim" worldwide. In actuality, unless the hormone
survival rates, a common aquaculture strategy, is a type of urges them to do so, the majority of the commercially
domestication selection that has been demonstrated to significant culturable fish in landlocked water do not breed.
indirectly select for smaller egg sizes, hence reducing wild With the advancement of GnRH technology, fish can now
viability. Domestication selection will take place if the be successfully bred using induction.
survival and reproductive success of the stocked fish differs
from that of their wild counterparts, even if the only method  Improved Seed Production (Selective Breeding)
of fish culture is gathering wild eggs, culturing the Production of improved quality seed in terms of
fry/fingerlings for a short time, and then stocking them growth performance, disease resistance, and environmental
(Bryden, 2003). adaptability is present and future of hatchery technology.
Selective breeding is acting as a vital tool in the hatchery.
IV. ADVANCE APPLICATION OF Many successful examples of such species are GIFT, Jayanti
BIOTECHNOLOGY IN AQUACULTURE rohu, common carp, salmon, sea bass etc. (Zbikowska,
2003). Selective breeding is at present only viable
Our understanding of genetics and molecular methodology to produce specific pathogen resistant seed.
biology—including genomics, proteomics, and the structural Efforts are going on around the globe to produce SPR
biology of aquatic organisms—has greatly advanced. The shrimp and fish for disease free aquaculture (Sujit Kumar,
genome of the puffer fish (Fugurubriges) has been 2020).
sequenced (Aparicio et al., 2002), while the Japanese
Medaka and zebra fish are next on the genomic sequence  Metagenomics
list. Africa's developing nations have produced and are Microbial studies in aquaculture are intended to
developing global molecular profiling technologies (Ude et understand the benefits as well as the harmful effect of
al., 2006). These include the development of protein and microbes on culture animals either it is fish or any other
lipid chips, as well as micro assays utilizing DNA or culture group such as crustacean and molluscs. In this
oligonucleotide chips. With these developments, perspective, metagenomics can present a better
biotechnological applications in aquaculture are unavoidable understanding of microbial association with the animal in
(Hulata, 2001; Hew and Fletcher, 2001; Melamed et al., different circumstances such as healthy or diseased, stunted
2002; Ude et al., 2006). When it comes to improving or fast-growing, etc. by utilizing the genetic component of
aquaculture stocks, the use of biotechnological the sample from an organism or ecosystem. This section is
advancements is unavoidable. Numerous molecular markers, intended to showcase some important potential applications
including RFLPs, AFLDs, and RAPD, are now accessible of metagenomics in aquaculture (Sujit Kumar, 2020).
for genetic linkage mapping, genome analysis, and finger
printing. Many fish species have benefited from transgenic  Induced Breeding and Biotechnology
technology, and efforts are being made to create transgenic Induced breeding based on hypophysation (Chaudhuri,
fish with genes encoding antimicrobial peptides like and Alikunhi, 1957) was developed long ago during the
lysozyme, which would confer disease resistance on the fish 1950s but it is the production of synthetic hormones which
(Zbikowska, 2003). has helped in disseminating the technology of induced
breeding to the ground level. Synthetic super-active
 Recent Biotechnology Application in Fish Breeding analogues were developed using biotechnological tools
Currently, the most effective biotechnological such as recombinant DNA technology and protein
technique for fish induction breeding is gonadotropin- engineering with better inducing efficacy at a lower dose.
releasing hormone (GnRH). In every vertebrate, GnRH is Such analogue possesses modified amino acid in position 6,
the primary regulator and core initiator of the reproductive which leads to higher resistance to peptidase. It has also
cascade (Bhattacharya et al., 2002). It is a decapeptide that altered the polarity and tertiary structure of the GnRHa,
was originally discovered in the hypothalami of pigs and which outcomes in an enhanced receptor binding affinity
lambs. It has the capacity to stimulate the pituitary gland to (Pandia and Sheela, 2005).
release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH) (Schally et al., 2003). Since then, it has been  Chromosome Manipulation in Aquaculture
determined that the only neuropeptide responsible for The application of chromosome sex manipulation
releasing LH and FSH in the majority of placental techniques, including inducing polyploidy (triploidy and
mammals, including humans, is a single type of GnRH. tetraploidy) and uniparental chromosome inheritance
Twelve GnRH variations, including seven or eight distinct (gynogenesis and androgenesis), has been extensively
forms that have been isolated from fish species, have now utilized in cultured fish species (Pandian and Koteeswaran,
been structurally characterized in non-mammalian animals 1998). These techniques play a crucial role in enhancing fish
(apart from guinea pigs). Robinson et al. (2000) and breeding practices by offering swift approaches for gonadal
Carolsfeld et al. (2000) produced the most current purified sterilization, sex control, enhancement of hybrid viability,
and described GnRH (2000). Numerous chemical and clonation.
equivalents have been developed based on structural
variants and biological activities. One such analogue is the
salmon GnRH analogue, which is widely utilized in fish

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Androgenesis animals, including fish, followed suit. The transfer of

Androgenesis, characterized by the generation of foreign genes into fish can be accomplished in vivo by
progeny solely from the male parent without any genetic introducing DNA into embryos or directly into somatic
contribution from the female, is a significant process in tissues of adults (Hew, 1995). Direct delivery of DNA into
aquaculture. Induction of androgenesis holds the potential to fish tissues offers a simple approach, yielding rapid results
yield all-male populations in fish, thus carrying commercial and obviating the need for screening transgenic individuals
implications in aquaculture. Furthermore, it facilitates the and selecting germ line carriers. Successful gene transfer
development of homozygous lines of fish and aids in the and expression have been achieved through intramuscular
recovery of lost genotypes from cryopreserved sperm. direct injection of foreign DNA into skeletal muscles of fish
Notably, androgenetic individuals have been successfully (El-Zaeem, 2004). However, despite considerable progress
produced in various species of cyprinids, cichlids, and in various laboratories worldwide, several challenges must
salmonids (Bongers et al., 2014). Moreover, reports indicate be addressed before the successful commercialization of
the feasibility of androgenesis via heterospecific transgenic broodstock for aquaculture becomes feasible.
insemination in several fish species, such as Cyprinus
carpio, C. auratus, C. idella, Puntius conchonius, and  Biotechnological Advancements in Fish Nutrition
Pangasius schwanenfeldii. It is noteworthy that artificial The aquaculture sector in numerous developing nations
androgenesis has primarily been limited to commercially has experienced notable expansion in recent years,
significant food and ornamental fishes, with C. carpio contributing significantly to both food security and poverty
serving as the universal sperm donor and O. mykiss as the mitigation. Projected further growth in global aquaculture
universal recipient. A significant advantage of this technique production accentuates the critical role of nutrition and
lies in its ability to trace the density and distribution of feeding practices in fostering sustainable aquaculture.
parental genomes from an early embryonic stage, along with Consequently, there persists a concerted emphasis on the
confirming the parental origin of haploid androgenotes that utilization of nutritionally balanced and meticulously
disintegrate during the embryonic stage (Pandian and formulated feeds in the production of finfish and shellfish.
Kirankumar, 2003). Concurrently, endeavors are underway to explore alternative
and biotechnologically enhanced feed ingredients,
 Sex Control concomitant with enhancements in pond management
The utilization of sex control techniques to influence techniques and the manipulation of pond productivity.
the characteristics of economically desirable teleost species While the integration of exogenous enzymes into fish feed is
is emerging as a vital management tool to enhance not novel, ongoing assessments are aimed at elucidating
aquaculture production. Techniques enabling the production their efficacy. Notably, the supplementation of diets with
of mono-sex populations through sex manipulation hold proteolytic enzymes has demonstrated modest positive
potential utility in species where one sex is more effects in common carp (Dabrowska et al., 1979).
economically valuable than the other. Two primary methods
of sex manipulation include hormonal and genetic  Nutrigenomics
approaches. Hormonal or endocrine control involves Feed constitutes a substantial expense in aquaculture,
administering sex steroids to fish during the early phases and the escalating cost of feed outpaces the growth rate of
before sex differentiation commences. Given the protracted aquaculture, primarily attributed to diminished availability
and labile nature of sex differentiation in teleosts, hormonal of fish for fish meal production. In response, fish meal
induction of sex reversal is feasible in both gonochoristic substitution with alternative sources such as plant protein
and hermaphroditic species. This induction entails and poultry feather meal has been proposed. However, the
administering an optimal dosage of sex steroids during the metabolic ramifications of these substitutions necessitate
labile period, leading to the phenotypic transformation of thorough investigation (Sujit Kumar, 2020). Nutrigenomics
genetic females into males, while genetic males retain their presents an optimal approach for studying these effects,
male identity. Presently, protocols for hormonal sex reversal offering deeper insights into the biochemical and metabolic
have been documented for 44 species of gonochoristic and pathways implicated in the utilization of dietary macro- and
hermaphroditic fish, utilizing one of the 31 steroids (Pandian micronutrients and energy derived from feeds. Such insights
and Koteeswaran, 1998). are invaluable for assessing organismal responses to
nutrients from diverse sources, optimizing dietary nutrient
 Transgenesis utilization, and informing diet formulation. Given that
Transgenesis, or the introduction of exogenous biochemical pathways or nutrient metabolism are governed
genes/DNA into the host genome resulting in its stable by one or more enzymes, which are gene products, a
maintenance, transmission, and expression, presents an molecular approach to nutritional study becomes imperative
excellent opportunity for modifying or enhancing the (Sujit Kumar, 2020).
genetic traits of commercially important fishes, mollusks,
and crustaceans for aquaculture. The concept gained traction  Biotechnology in Fish Health Management
when Palmiter et al. (1982) produced the first transgenic Disease challenges represent a significant impediment
mouse by introducing a fusion gene of metallothionein and to aquaculture development. Biotechnological interventions,
human growth hormone (mT-hGH) into a mouse egg, encompassing molecular diagnostic methods, vaccine
resulting in a significant increase in growth. Subsequent utilization, and immune stimulants, have garnered attention
attempts at gene transfer in economically significant for bolstering disease resistance in fish and shellfish species

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

globally. Notably, for viral diseases, pathogen avoidance dependency in shrimp aquaculture by suppressing the
assumes paramount importance, underscoring the necessity proliferation of pathogenic bacteria (Jayanta and Praveen,
for rapid pathogen detection methods. In this context, 2017).
biotechnological tools such as gene probes and polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) have emerged as potent assets. Gene  Challenges
probes and PCR-based diagnostic methods have been Transgenic technologies present a promising avenue
devised for various pathogens affecting fish and shrimp for effecting substantial and immediate enhancements in
(Dabrowska et al., 1979). In the realm of finfish aquaculture, performance, such as growth rate, surpassing those
a myriad of vaccines targeting bacterial and viral pathogens achievable through alternative methods. However, the
have been developed. While some of these vaccines utilization of transgenic technology is impeded by valid
conform to conventional formulations comprising killed apprehensions regarding potential environmental
microorganisms, a new generation of vaccines incorporating repercussions arising from the escape of transgenic fish into
protein subunits, genetically engineered organisms, and the wild (Beardmore et al., 2001). Alleviating this concern
DNA constructs are currently in development. Immunization necessitates the development of transgenic fish rendered
against disease represents a commonplace strategy in sterile through genetic modifications. Notably, the induced
vertebrate systems (FAO, 2010). sterility should be reversible, allowing for fish fertility to be
restored via straightforward treatments such as hormonal
 Cryopreservation of Gametes or Gene Banking injections. This capability could facilitate the reproduction
Cryopreservation, involving the long-term preservation of brood stock and the production of sterile fry (Mair, 2001).
and storage of biological material at ultra-low temperatures,
offers a means of safeguarding genetic resources. The Another valid concern pertains to the desirability of
technology has been adapted from animal husbandry, with employing transgenic fish species. Public apprehension
seminal success achieved in preserving fish spermatozoa regarding the use of transgenic organisms, fueled by
(milt). Notably, spermatozoa from nearly all cultivable fish concerns over unpredictable and adverse consequences, is
species have been successfully cryopreserved. justified given that the genetic alterations in transgenic
Cryopreservation alleviates challenges associated with individuals are often poorly characterized. The development
asynchronous maturation of male and female gametes, of vaccines demands extensive research into the target
facilitates selective breeding and stock improvement, and pathogen and any resulting diseases (Subasinghe, 2009),
enables genomic conservation (Harvey, 2006). entailing meticulous planning, field trials, and cost
assessments. Presently, the deployment of vaccines may
 Nanotechnology pose logistical challenges or prove economically prohibitive
Nanotechnology, hailed as a highly promising in developing nations, constituting a significant obstacle
technology, has unveiled new avenues for applications in hindering the adoption of biotechnology in aquaculture. The
aquaculture and allied sectors (Guttmacher & Collins, 2002; ongoing debate surrounding the application of
Romero et al., 2006; Rather et al., 2011). Leveraging biotechnology in aquaculture remains unsettled,
nanotechnology promises transformative applications in underscoring the imperative to address public perceptions
rapid disease detection, enhancing the bioavailability of regarding ethical and safety issues. Additionally, factors
pharmaceuticals such as hormones, vaccines, and nutrients such as intellectual property rights and accessibility may
in fish, and shellfish. The technology's immense potential further constrain its implementation.
for biomolecule analysis, development of non-viral vectors
for gene therapy, targeted drug delivery, clinical diagnosis, V. CONCLUSION
and therapeutics underscores its significance. Notably, DNA
nano-vaccines employing nanoparticle carriers hold promise In conclusion. The recent advances in biotechnology
for conferring robust protection against bacterial and viral applications to aquaculture development are driving
diseases in fishes and shellfishes (Jayanta and Praveen, significant improvements in productivity, sustainability, and
2017). resilience. From genetic engineering and disease
management to nutritional enhancements and environmental
 Environmental Management and Bioremediation sustainability, biotechnology offers innovative solutions to
Aquaculture, akin to other intensive livestock the challenges faced by the aquaculture industry. As these
production systems, generates nutrient-rich effluents fraught technologies continue to evolve and mature, they will play a
with pollution and/or toxicity potential. To address such crucial role in ensuring the sustainable growth of
challenges, biotechnological interventions such as aquaculture, contributing to global food security and the
bioremediation, probiotics, and vaccination offer health of aquatic ecosystems. Aquaculture, the cultivation of
considerable promise. Bioremediation entails the aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish, and seaweeds, has
degradation of hazardous wastes into environmentally seen remarkable growth in recent decades, driven by
benign products using microorganisms or biofilter-capable increasing demand for seafood and the depletion of wild fish
macroorganisms such as bivalves. Probiotics, administered stocks. The integration of biotechnology into aquaculture is
as live microbial feed supplements, serve to optimize revolutionizing the industry, offering solutions to enhance
intestinal microbial balance, thereby fortifying the host productivity, sustainability, and resilience against various
organism against pathogenic invasions. Notably, probiotics challenges.
have demonstrated efficacy in reducing antibiotic

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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