AI Mid 1 QB
AI Mid 1 QB
AI Mid 1 QB
9 8 6 7 6 5 4 5 3
11. Differentiate between Depth First Search and Breadth First Search
12. Explain the missionaries and cannibals
13. Demonstrate n-queen problem.
14. Compare and contrast heuristic search and non-heuristic search.
15. Mention relationships in knowledge representation using semantic networks with
16. Give semantic tableau rules for
A<->B and ~ (A->B).
17. Define Quantification and give types of quantifiers with examples
18. Write three axioms of axiomatic system and give the inference rule
19. Define tautology with an example truth table
20. What are the characteristics of a problem
21. Show that S={~(AvB), CB, AvC} is unsatisfiable using semantic tableau
22. Construct a semantic network for the given knowledge using prop link
“Birds, Animals and Human beings are living things. Every man and woman is
human who have two eyes and two ears. John is a man. A parrot is a bird and eats
23. Construct the frame knowledge representation for the below knowledge
“Child Hospital and Heart Hospital are the types of hospitals. Labs, Doctors, Wards
are present in hospital. Pathology and X-ray lab are labs in a hospital. Escorts is a
heart hospital.”
24. Show that q(a) is a logical consequence of formulae A and B where
A: (for all x) [p(x)q(x)] B: p(a)
Using resolution refutation principle in predicate logic.
25. Establish that AC is a deductive consequence of set {AB, BC} using
axiomatic system approach.
26. Using resolution refutation principle show that CvD is a logical consequence of set
S={AvB, ~AvD, Cv~B}
27. Solve the given constraint satisfaction problem
+T W O
28. Transform the following formula into PNF and skolemize the obtained PNF
(For all x) p(x) (There Exists y) q[f(c), y]
29. Solve the given constraint satisfaction problem
+G O
30. Write semantic tableau rules.
31. Explain Natural deduction system.
32. Write rules of inferences.