Nano Detox Guide pt2

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Nano Tech TOOL KIT

These are examples of the most effective and widely available protocols.

The key is Consistency.

We are exposed to the nano tech DAILY. Therefore we simplify, and remember...

Every sensor we squash is less surrveilence and control the machine has...we are literally removing its
computing power and energy sources by detoxing as many people as possible and removing as much of
the environmental sensors as we can.

For those suffering ACUTE SYMPTOMS of ATTACK please read further publications and

Contact Glenda through telegram; OR

Odeysee; so we can connect you with support!


Salt and Oil This is the main defense! Any whole, raw salt and any halfway decent Oil.

-Take Orally - 1 tsp taken 1-2x a day. (Coconut oil works good for oral mix)

-Rub into and leave on skin as long as possible during shower or bath.

This can be as simple as salt and oil, but were trying to make it effective and efficient, especially for
those who do not have access to a bath.

Example recipe:

-1/2c Pink Salt

-1/2 c ground Epsom

-1/4c Borax

-1/2c Grapeseed Oil (a liquid type oil)

-1/2c Coconut Oil (solid type)

-1/4c DMSO or Castor Oil or Neem or RSO/Cannabis Oil infusion

-Frankinsense Essential Oil

DAILY Baths - With baths, more salt is better! Consistency is Best! Take DAILY if possible!

Soak or Steam with salt rub applied especially to head neck and chest 45min-1.5hrs

Get creative if no tub! Use bandages with salt rub on problem areas! Foot baths help!
Option 1: 5-9lb Real Salt in the Bath

Option 2: 5+cups Epsom, 1-2cups Borax, 1-2 cups Baking Soda or Bentonite Clay

Option 3: Ionic Foot Baths and/or Sauna with Salt Rub is very effective!

Option 4: Salt Rub on face AM. Hot Shower (trap your steam!) and Salt Rub PM.

Matthew 5:13

"You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer
good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people."

Mark 9:50

"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again?

Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other."

ACE 2 Receptors and CRISPR

Cripsr Cas 9 is a genetic database and wireless gene editing software. Crispr Cas makes alterations by
utilizing a bioengineered viruse made from Snake Venom called Crispr. This Crisp Virus (spike
proteins/venom) bonds to the ACE2 receptors. ACE2 receptors are primarily cannabinoid receptors.
Cannabinoids occur naturally in the body without consumption of cannabis and can even be found in a
sober mothers breastmilk. When there isn't enough cannabinoids to fill these receptors, they will take
on Nicotine.

Dr. Ardis's methods of protecting against and removing these proteins are advisable, though please be
aware that while EDTA is a formidable chelation agent, it has been used in experiements as a catalyst
to create the building blocks of nanotech IN VIVO(in body).

Avoid Nicotine patches or other patches and supplements using "NANO" delivery.

Parasites and Fungi

The Root Cause of Disease can always be traced back to Parasites, Fungi and Bacteria. Many
things can be parasitic, algea is a type of parasite and yeast is a type of fungus.

These main three are usually able to proliferate due to excess Environmental Toxins which
include chemtrails, frequencies, and emotional toxicity/violence, light polution.

In the Modern Environment we now have the pleasure of dealing with genetically modified and
bio-synthetic "super bugs".
Many of these "bugs" are in fact delivery methods and components of Self Assembling Nano
Technologies. The SMART Dust found in most homes, for instance, is often fungal.

Notice I havent mentioned Viruses, because this term is synonymous with "Engineered".

Parasites, Fungus, and Tech all grow faster under "dirty" frequencies like Wifi and EMF.

The synthetic nano "threads" called "Morgellons" were reported as early as the 1600's and we
have proof of Super Computing in the late 1800's.

(For more info on this topic, see pdf ANCIENT ENEMY.)

If you've never done any type of detox, it is recommended to start with the above topical treatments
first. This will prevent most negative detox symptoms. Then I would suggest a comprehensive parastie
protocol, of which there are many. This is a basic yet efficient one...

Remember that "tech" includes bio-engineered super "bugs" and that much of the nanotech uses these
frankin-fungi, yeasts and bacteria as the vector into the body.

Basic Parasite Cleanse:

One single tincture taken 1-2x daily.

3 weeks on. 1 week off. For 3 cycles. (3 months)

Tincture should contain at least the following;

Wormwood, Blackwalnut Hull, and Cloves.

Charcoal 2 capsules a night and extra if having "die off" symptoms.

Bonus:(Add in a handful of pumpkin seeds or some other parasite remedy during the 3rd week to
really shake up those stubborn bugs who were overcoming your cleanse!)

The Power of Prayer


For more info on the connection through history of Fungus, Parasites, Disembodied Nephilim Spirits,
Djin, Ghosts, Specters, AI and mental illness, see pdf ANCIENT ENEMY.

Now that you’re aware of the worms and fungus AKA “the machine” within your body, make it known
to them out loud who you serve, that you know they’re there and they won’t be staying long. SAY IT &

Reconnect with YOUR spiritual beliefs! Read the postive CODEXES of SOURCE to combat this
FRAUDULENT CODEX theyre trying to hard to force upon us!

Luke 10:19

Look, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and on the full force of the enemy, and
nothing will hurt you.

Matthew 17:19-21

Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive the demon out?” And He
said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a
mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will
be impossible to you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Matthew 6:17-18

When you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others when
you are fasting, but only to your Father who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward

If you find yourself under heavy attack and cannot speak, pray with your mind from the heart. Jesus
will hear you.

1 Corinthians 14:15

What should I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will sing praises with my
spirit, but I will also sing praises with my mind.

The Book of Psalms kills parasites! Read aloud or listen to it! Psalm 91 is a powerful prayer of

The Power of SONG.

Singing God’s name will disrupt tech signals and attacks. Hallelujah chorus (10-5-6-5)

10-5-6-5 is the Musical Melody that corresponds mathmatically to YWHY

Yod=(10) He=(5)Vah=(6)He=(5) in Hebrew.

Any music that stimulates your biofield is perfect too! I listen to TOOL to bounce signals!

Signal Mitigation

Signal Detox- While the use of devices is not necessary to be effected by these technologies, taking
certain steps to reduce direct exposure is effective in lessening symptoms.

We reccomend limiting cell phone, WiFi and personal device usuage to a MAX 4 hours a sitting, then fully
SHUTTING DOWN the device for a 2 hour BREAK before resuming.

Go HANDS FREE as often as you can with as much distance as possible from device.

Shut down Wifi, Bluetooth, whenever not in use, especially at NIGHT.

Limiting the number of APPS open on your devices, as these are primary sources of energy harvesting.
Certain apps are worse than others, such as X, which will harvest even after closing the app unless the
device is fully SHUTDOWN and restarted.

Be aware of the FLICKER RATES of the screens you are using and AVOID LED LIGHTS as this is used in
Optogenic Computing and data transfer, as well as to activate certain behavorial triggers, gene editing
programs and neural pathway alterations.

Blocking Signals- Please be aware that trying to block signals using aluminum foil, metal, shielding fabric
etc. can have ADVERSE effects. Because the body is being used to route data, as well as constantly
relaying back all of your biometric data, much of the signal is coming FROM THE BODY.

Be aware that surrounding yourself with reflective materials in and effort to block out the signals, can
infact bounce them repeatedly back at you, causing a "baking" effect.

Bouncing the Signal- It is however possible to "bounce" incoming signals through use of reflective
materials like mirrors strategically placed, say in the window reflecting out.

SINGING and SOUND are actually some of the best methods, especially when you can match the
incoming frequencies.


Environmental Mitigation- Leaving dishes of Vinegar out will reduce SMART Dust in the air.

Leave inside and outside in a cermamic bowl or crockpot on low, uncovered to evaporate. You can add
Cinnamon, Frankinsense, Myrhh, Cassia, Bay Leaves, Cloves (smells better too). This will evaporate
Chemtrails and cloud cover as well as the SMART Dust and Sensors.

Particle filters, Humidifiers, Ozone Machines (must leave the room during operation) are all great to

Youll want to get rid of the cobbwebbs and keep your environment clean, without losing your mind.
Seriously... you wont ever get rid of all of it. Just do your best to give yourself a safe space and fall inlove
with daily spa days.

Withdraw Consent- It is becoming increasingly evident that these particular layers of the control matrix
are just as dictated by Maritime Law as their more well known counterparts.
Therefore it is worth mentioning that those who are UNAWARE of these systems, are considered in the
eyes of the controlers to be under TACIT ACCEPTANCE to it.

If you think you cannot be fooled, its likely youre being made a fool.

Withdraw consent anyway that you can.

Laughter and Righteousness- The IoBNT (Internet of BioNano Things) is now fully autonomous with
pregcognitive abilites. It is totally pervasive, "ubiquitous" computing with nano biosensors all throughout
the environment (air, soil, water, humans, plants, animals).

The IoB (Internet of Behaviors) and its counterparts (Personalized Ai Healthcare) can elicit certain
emotional states, actions, speech, wireless drug delivery, memory loss and gene alterations (among
other things) in real time.

But theres a catch, the AI cannot process HUMOR or SARCASM properly and the effect that true laughter
and joy has on the biofield defeats the IoB everytime.

When you fail to fall for the AI's tricks, it loses all advantage and will often retreat. Do not be quick to
rage, avoid temptation of sloth, greed, envy, pride, jelousy, gluttony, and wrath. It can only feed on our

Biofield Awakening- The human biofield is a bodypart listed on the NIH and its power is far superior to
any AI or weapon out there. Remember, they would not need such pervasive methods of control if we
were not superior in everyway.

If you are not familiar with your biofield (aura), then it is not uncommon to have difficulty connecting to
and controling said body part until you have detoxed for a few weeks. It may be beneficial if in this
situation, to meditate by focusing on your body and takeing notes on the changes you experience during
your detox.

For those already familiar with thier energy field, try taking your practice to the next level and learn the
Block Shock Shunt Shield and Rebuke method by Sabrina Wallace.

Remember, the biofield is a BODY PART and those who stay active are less effected and have a stronger

Awake and Aware- Most of the methods utilized by the system, require a certain set of criteria (thoughts
and actions) to trigger the AI to take measures against you. (this does not necessarily apply to data
transfer and energy harvest)

There will be noticiable patterns to its tactics of manipulation.

You will see them much more clearly after detox and education.

You CAN stump it by speaking and acting unpredictably and simply noticing its tactics to create chaos in
your life. Refuse to fall for it, and the AI will retreat to recalculate.
Have fun with it, fear and anger only feed the beast.

Tech Defense- There are many electromagenetic and fequency technologies out there, touting their
ability to heal every ailment. We encourage everyone to research carefully before using these devices.

That being said, there are a few things you can do to create positive and corrective frequencies around
you and your family. Some of these include...

The Anti Nano Triangle, The Anti Nano Bucket, The Fan and Tensor Rings.

Please check out Tony P. for this and more

Rife Frequency Generators seem to be a helpful tool, though I would exercise caution regaurding PEMF
or other tech like Med Beds and the EES system.

AI and TECH itself is not EVIL...but some very real evil is trying its damnest to infiltrate the entire system
for total cyberphysical takeover. Tech is as close as the disembodies spirits have ever gotten to obtaining
a physical body...

Linen and Wool- Linen and Wool seem to repel the biosensor SMART dust quite well.

These two fabrics should NOT be worn at the same time as their frequencies cancel eaother.

Synthetic fabrics seem to drawn the SMART Dust to them.

Things to Think about-

This is a problem, that is in all likelyhood, much older than you!

It is certainly older than this author. Yet you have been surviving it everyday!

This information is meant to help people gain confidence when dealing with issues pertaining to their
own bodies and minds. My hope is to bring some simplicity to all the craziness going on in our world.

Remember that the body knows how to heal, but it helps to know how to assist it and reconnect, learn
the language the body speaks.

The BODY is the TRANSMITTING UTILITY between the seen and unseen worlds.

Most people are not "Gang stalked" in the traditional sense, though of course this does happen, general
manipulation of those around us can and does happen, usually in subtle ways leaving the target unaware
of the manipulation.

The term "Targeted Individual" implies the opposite of the Wide Body Area Network.

Blockchain is a HUGE component of this plan, and I highly suggest research on "Feeder Grids"

There are many honeypot organizations out there keeping tabs on the "Targeted Individuals" while
claiming to support and represent them legally.

Things to Be Cautious of-

Be cautious of all Nano Products, nascent iodine, nano zeolite, as all nano interacts differently at that
scale than their larger counterparts and these products have been used cited in academic papers for
their use in self assembling nano tech in vivo.

Pay attention to SOURCE! Who makes the products you use and consume? How is it made?

I would avoid anyone acting as if these technologies are a MYSTERY. In fact, most of the research and
directives governing this topic are very much PUBLIC. (even with google).

EVERYONE is at risk of being effected. This includes police, judges, teachers, DOCTORS therapists, your
family and friends, your pets. (for information on pets see PETS pdf)

I would NOT mention these topics to your Doctor or Therapist until you are well detoxed and
familiarized with the facts so you can speak confidently in the face of their gaslighting and
manipulation. Doctors are REQUIRED to learn about AI assisted Healthcare since 2008.

Most SUPPLEMENTS and VITAMINS are produced by Pharmacutical companies and often from
questionably sourced ingredients, contain metals, and are not bioavailable, save your money.

Most PHARMACUTICALS contain nano metals and meta materials, as well as other substances known
to increase connectivity.

Vaccinations are not required. Neither is your use of devices or internet.

A Warning -

None of the above should be considered "medical advice".

I recommend that people interested in educating others on this topic take at least a month to detox and
learn as much as they can about how it functions prior to sharing this information.

The main reason being, that anytime someone acts in a way that adversely effects the system the AI will
automatically imploy stratedegies to squash this behavior.

This could look like sugar cravings during your detox.

It could look like having off the wall technical difficulties while trying to get the word out, or suddenly
feeling ill... maybe you simply get distracted...


Some people are targeted much more seriously than this, especially now that the short sighted humans
have handed over full control to the AI. Neurological manipulation is commonplace among those who
fully wake up, and this can involve real time subtle electrocution, real time memory modification and
wireless nano lobotomies, which typically begin as a pain in the mid neck (c4) that radiates up across one
whole hemisphere of the brain and down the shoulder. The people you love may be effected more.

I simply suggest that people give themselves some time to detox and become aquainted with the system
now that they have more detailed information on its capabilities.

Another reason would be to cut down on unhelpful misinformation as people are already quite confused
as to how these systems of control function.

I highly encourage people to take notes of their experience with their detox journey. This will also help
you reconnect with your body which will in turn help to fight the machine.

Take samples from the bath. Let the water settle for 20-30 minutes after you get out and look for
sediment and suspicious looking grey sludge.

(These notes are also invaluable evidence, in fact I highly recommend you take photos, written, audio, or
video notes during your journey)

Please see the full Nano Tech Tool Kit pdf for further SOLUTIONS,

as well as the Nano Tech OPTIONS pfd for SOLUTIONS you may already have in your cabinet.

There is a pdf on how these systems effect, and how to protect Animals and PETS and one

giving an overview of symptoms.

Coming Soon...

Review of Basic Systems Architecture and Capabilities.

How to use this information to better NAVIGATE life on the LAND.

A Deep Dive on Symptoms of Nano Tech.

ANCIENT ENEMY - a look at the system of control through history.

All of these pdfs as well as videos and interviews will be posted to Odysee.

Contact Glenda through Telegram OR Odysee... Innoculum-Microscopy, Research and Personal Detox Notes. for more information on this topic and others.

Other helpful links... for parasite and nano detox information and support. for all things Biofield and Biotech. Tony P with frequency and herbal solutions. Sams dark field microscopy.

nonvaxer420- rumble dad for clean and informative video content. a collection of creative remedies and recipes.

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