Hello World Kids-Book 3

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Hello World Kids

Lessons plans
Level 1

Hello World Kids

The Teacher Guide and
Instructions for Junior 3 Material
Junior 3 Plans
Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Unit 1 .........................................................................................................................2
Hello Presentations ................................................................................................3
Met Design Tab.......................................................................................................6
Inserting Objects ....................................................................................................8
Meet Transition .................................................................................................... 10
Slide Show............................................................................................................ 12
Unit Exercises Solutions ....................................................................................... 14
Unit 2 ....................................................................................................................... 15
What is missing .................................................................................................... 16
The Coloring Game ............................................................................................... 19
Table of Shapes .................................................................................................... 21
Where in the Table ............................................................................................... 23
Challenges ............................................................................................................ 25
Unit 3 ....................................................................................................................... 27
Meet Animations 1 ............................................................................................... 28
Meet Animations 2 .............................................................................................. 30
Presentation Style ................................................................................................ 32
Presenting Skills ................................................................................................... 34
Chuck Hull ............................................................................................................ 36
Unit 4 ....................................................................................................................... 37
Challenge 1........................................................................................................... 38
Challenge 2........................................................................................................... 39
Challenge 3........................................................................................................... 39
Challenge 4........................................................................................................... 40
Challenge 5........................................................................................................... 40

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Unit 1
Hello MS Power

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Unit 1 – Lesson 1
Hello Presentations

 Opening Microsoft PowerPoint program
 Recognizing Microsoft PowerPoint parts
 Adding a new slide
 Deleting a slide

Terms and Concepts

 Presentation
 Slide

Class discussion
 Using a ppt slide, show page 7, ask the students: As you can see, Reddo is
happy or sad? The answer is: He is sad. Do you know why? He wanted to
show the food chain for an audience using MS word, but his show is very
boring. It is not interesting. He wondered if there is another way to have an
interesting show. Greeno helped him, he told him that he can use another
software instead of MS word to make his presentation.

 Tell the students: “Dear students, in this unit you will learn how to create
your own interesting presentations.

 Tell the students: “There is an amazing program used to create
presentations called Microsoft PowerPoint”

 Ask the students to say “Hello Microsoft PowerPoint” in a loud voice

together and show the power point icon on the screen using a ppt slide.

 Tell them, now I will show for you the steps to open MS power point

 Follow the steps mentioned under page 9 to open Microsoft PowerPoint

program with the students

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 When the program is opened, tell the students: “do you notice that the
Microsoft PowerPoint program parts are similar to Microsoft Word program
parts?, let’s explore its parts”

 Point to the program parts, and describe each part page 9

 Point to the slide again, then mention that the slide is similar to the
document, so you can type on it

 Tell them that the page in power point is not called page, it is called slide.
Let them say “Slide” loudly.

 On the screen, show for the students that you have to click inside the
textbox then start typing

 Tell the students: “Now I will tell you the first secret about creating a
presentation, your first slide should contain your presentation title and your

 Tell them, we will now make a presentation about the computer parts, are
you ready?

 On the screen, type the presentation title (Computer Parts) in the first
textbox, and your name in the second one

 Now, when you are done with the slide, tell them that your slide is full and
you need another slide to complete your presentation.
 Ask them: can you guess what I should do to type more text?”
*Listen to the students answers, they may mention you can add a new slide

 Tell the students: “Dear students, the PowerPoint program allows you to
add more than one slide”

 On the screen point to add new slide icon, then mention that by clicking on
this option a new slide will be added (click on it and add a new slide, steps
exist under page 10

 Point to the slide you added before, then tell the students that the slide is
added to a place called “Navigation Pane”.
 Now, tell the students, what if I added a slide and then I did not need it?
Can I delete it?
 The answer is yes, I can delete it
 Go through the steps to delete a slide under age 10


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Ask the students to open MS power point, in the first slide, write “computer
parts” as a title and their names in the second place. And then add another
slide to their presentation and delete it.

 Tell the students: “Today you have learned about the Microsoft PowerPoint
program which is used to create presentations”

 Open the program on the screen, point at its parts, focus on the slide and
mention that it is similar to the document

 Show the students how to add a new slide, and how to delete it

Exercise 1
Show the question on the board using a ppt slide.
Exercise solution:
c. To make presentations

Exercise 2
The teacher should prepare the presentation with the same conditions
mentioned under the exercise, tean ask the students to do the same. Ask the
students to delete the last slide

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Unit 1– Lesson 2
Met Design Tab

 Recognize that the design tab helps you style your presentation
 Styling slides

Terms and Concepts

 Design
 Apply
 Theme
 Variants
 background

 Tell the students: “Dear students, in the previous class you explored the
Microsoft PowerPoint program which is used to create wonderful

 Tell the students: “In today’s lesson you will learn how to make your
presentation more attractive by adding beautiful styles and designs

 Follow the steps to open MS power point
Now, tell the students that before starting to write anything, let us click on the
Design tab and explore the options under it

 Under the Design tab, explain the we have mainly 3 important parts
1- The Themes part: It changes the color and adds graphics to the
background. There are a lot of themes that we can pick.
 Now, pick any theme and tell the students that the first slide is always
different because it will have the title and the name.

Activity page 14

 Tell the students: “Now it is your turn to pick your own theme. Open MS
power point and create only two slides without text then pick a theme from
your choice to your presentation.
 Let the students show their themes to each other

2- The “Variants” part

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This part only gives you other options to make your theme customized the way
you want. You can play with your theme color. Go through the steps to change
the theme color.

Let the student play with the theme colors under the variants part.

3- Format Background
If you click on this option, a menu will be shown that helps you change the
slide background color without changing the graphics inside it. The change will
be only for one slide, which is the selected slide.

 Follow the steps of changing slide background with the students and then
ask them to change one slide background

 Tell the students: “Today you have learned how to apply a design to your

 Mention that the design tab lets you do more than one thing, it lets you add
theme and background with different options

 Tell them tha the design tab helps you to style your presentation


Ask the students to do the needed things under page 15

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Unit 1 – Lesson 3
Inserting Objects

 Adding pictures
 Adding shapes

Terms and Concepts

 Insert
 Border

 Tell the students the following:
 As you can notice that MS word and MS power point belong to the same
company. They are similar products. So, do you remember when we added
shapes and picture under MS word document? Do you think we can do the
same thing under MS power point?
 The answer is yes.
o So today I will teach you how to add pictures and shapes to your

 Follow the steps of opening ppt, (ppt stands for power point).
 Now, ask the students, who remembers which tab we used to click in MS
word to insert a shape? The answer is insert tab. The same for ppt. to insert
a shape you need to click on the insert tab.
 Go through the steps to add a shape under page 17.
 Add some shapes.

Ask the students to add a circle to their ppt presentation

Now, tell the students that if we want to add a picture, we follow the same
steps of inserting a shape but with picture option.
 Follow the steps of adding a picture with the students

 After adding a picture , mention that the format menu will open and from it
you can edit your picture

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 Mention that from the opened menu you can change your picture size,
color, border, crop and add some effects. Tell them that the same picture
format options under MS word exist under ppt.

 Go through the picture format options.

 Tell the students: “you can also change the picture border”, then show the
students the options and how to change it

Follow the steps to insert a picture, ask the students to insert a picture and
format it the way they want, But make sure that all of the students have one
picture at least.
 Go through the saving steps and ask the students to save their
 Go through the “open” steps and repeat how to open a saved

 Point to the insert menu, then mention that from this menu you can add
shapes and pictures to your slides (open the menu)

 Insert a picture, then point to the options they can use to edit pictures

 Insert a shape, then point to the options they can use to style shapes

 Ask the students to open an existing presentation and follow the steps
under page 19 on it.

Ask the students to save their presentations

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Unit 1 – Lesson 4
Meet Transition

 Applying a transition effect on a slide

Terms and Concepts

 Transition

 Tell the students: “Today I will tell you a new secret to create a powerful
presentation, are you ready?”

 Tell the students: “Today we will explore a new tab that does not exist
under MS Word, which is “ The Transition “ tab

 Open an existing presentation
 On the screen, show the students the transition tab, open it, click on fade
option to show the students the effect
 Ask them, what do you notice? Listen to their answers and tell them that
there is an action happened in the way the slide is shown.
 Tell them that this is one of the main secrets about ppt which makes it


 On the screen, add two slides, add different transitions to them, show the
students that you cannot see the transition while you are navigating
between the slides

 Tell the students: “The transition effect only apply to the slide show view,
after you add transition to your slides, you can view them in the slide show
view, which will be explained in the next lesson. then you can notice the
different effect each time you move to a new slide


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 Ask the students to create a ppt presentation with two sides and apply two
transition effects on it
 Now, open the transition tab again and explain the options under it
1- Transition option: You can choose different transition type which effects
the way that the slide will be shown
2- Sound: which add a sound during the transition
3- Duration: Sets the time between the transition moves
4- Preview: shows the transitions you applied as final results

 Try to use the options under the transition tab and let the students do the

Activity page 22
Ask the students to create a presentation of two slides and apply one transiotn
option with 2 seconds duration. After that they should preview to see the
results. And then save it

 Tell the students the following
o Today you have learned how to apply an effect on your slide or on
part of it
o To apply an effect on a slide we add a transition (point to the
transition menu)

The students should open a created presentation or if there is no saved
presentations ask them to create new one. Then ask them to follow the steps
mentioned under the exercise page 23
Ask the students to save their presentations

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Unit 1 – Lesson 5
Slide Show

 Presenting as a slide show

Terms and Concepts

 Slide show

 Tell the students:
o Dear students, now that you know how to create a nice presentation,
and how to add pictures and shapes to it and also how to apply some
interactions by the transition options. Let us today show our
presentations for our lovely audience!
o It is time to learn how to stand in front of people and show them your

 Tell the students: the goal of making presentations is present them in front
of the audience. That’s why we call it presentation. And to do this, we need
to have a tool that helps us to show our presentation in its final results.
 Now, open a created presentation that has a content, design and transition
with duration, point to the slide show tab, then click on it. Explain the
options under this tab mentioned under page 25

 To show the presentation, you should click on from beginning

 Click on it and tell the students that the transition effect do not show unless
you make a slide show
 Tell the students that now this is called presentation.
 Ak them if any of them want to come and presents his/here ppt

Ask the students to open a saved ppt and click on from beginning option

Wrap up
 Tell the students:
o So far, we have learned how to build our presentation with beautiful
designs and transitions.

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o Ask the students in a quick way about the tabs:

1- Insert
2- Design
3- Transition
4- Slide show
About why do we use each one pf them

 Ask the students to open an existing presentation and follow the steps
under page 26 for the exercise

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Unit 1
Unit Exercises Solutions

 Make sure that the student has added pictures to his/her

 Make sure that the student has used the transition options
 The students can choose any topic, not only the ones
suggested in the book

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Unit 2
Let us Have Fun

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Unit 2 – Lesson 1
What is missing

 Tell the students:
o Today we will play a game called what is missing!
o In this game we have to guess the missing shape that should be filled in
the blank
o Are you ready?

 Tell the students: “Dear students, let’s start with the first game. Reddo will
help you in this one”
 Tell the students that when something is repeated in a specific way this is
called pattern

 Display a ppt slide on the screen for Reddo’s face under page 31, then point
to Reddo, ask the students what do you notice? The third face of Reddo is
different. His smile is different than the smile in the other faces.
 Now, display a ppt slide on the screen, then point to Green’s faces under
page 31, ask the students what do you notice? Say Greeno’s face patterns
loudly: Sad, happy, sad, happy until you reach the last one and then they
should expect that the face should be happy

Activity 1
 Under page 32, say the shapes patterns loudly o the students can guess the
missing shape. For the first pattern, notice that the green triangle is on the
left and the nest one the green triangle is on the right side, then you can say
loudly (left green right green left green ……)


 Tell the students: “Now it’s you turn”, try to solve the patterns below under
page 32

Activity 2
The pattern is left, up right for the shapes positions


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Activity 3

For this activity, two circles are added each time in the top and the right sides.


Activity 4
Under this one, a blue square is added in (left, middle, right)


 Tell the students, let us now move to numbers, let the pattern be using
 Show the pattern under page 33 on the screen using a ppt slide and say the
numbers loudly: 2,4,2,4 until you reach the blank then let the students
guess the missing number
The missed number is 4

*Following the same way for the next activity, the solution is 1,3,5

Activity 5

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Ask the student what do they notice? There is no repetition but each number is
added by 2. So the missing number is 7 as we need to add 5+2 = 7

Activity 6

Ask the students, then explain that each number is losing 50, 50 is subtracted
form the previous number, the solution is 100 as 150-50 = 100

Activity 7

Ask the students, then explain that each number is added by 4, the solution is
16 as 12 +4 = 16

Activity 8

Here, 20 is subtracted form each number before, the solution is 40 as 60-20 =


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Unit 2 – Lesson 2
The Coloring Game

 Tell the students: “Today we will play a coloring game, but with a different
rule, let’s explore it”

 Start with drawing a triangle on the board, and show the students the
triangle borders

 Draw another triangle on the board, ask the students to mention where the
triangle borders are

 Make sure that the students know shapes’ borders

 Draw two triangles with a shared border on the board

 Ask the students to point to each triangle’s borders, mention that these two
triangles have a shared border and point at it

 Tell the students: “This game is about coloring shapes, but it has a rule:
shapes with shared borders cannot have the same color”

 Display a ppt slide on the screen for the shapes under page 35, then
mention the following:
o This drawing has 4 shapes
o shape 1 and shape 2 have a shared border, so they cannot have the
same color

 Ask the students to mention which shapes have a shared border, and which
shapes don’t have a shared border

 Point to the shapes that have a shared border and mention that the shapes
have different colors

 Display slide 5 on the screen, tell the students: “Now it’s your turn to color
this drawing, but first let’s check the shapes with a shared border ”

 Ask the students to color the drawing on their books for the triangles in
page 35

 Tell the students: “The game is going to be harder, are you ready?”

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Activities Solutions
Ask the students to color the shapes under page 36 by their own and then check their


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Unit 2 – Lesson 3
Table of Shapes

Terms and Concepts

 Row
 Column

 Tell the students: “Today we will play a new game with shapes ”

 First the students should know what rows and columns are

 Bring a group of boxes (3-4 boxes)

o Put the boxes next to each other, then mention that when you have
boxes arranged next to each other they are called a row
o Put the boxes above each other, then mention that when you have
boxes arranged above each other they are called a column

 Display a ppt slide on the screen, then mention that you have a group of
shapes and an empty row, the first rule of the game is to put the shapes
inside the row but not to put the same shape more than once

 Tell the students: “Now you will move to the second rule, which is related
to the columns”

 Display a ppt slide on the screen, then mention that you have a group of
shapes and an empty column, you have to fill the column with the shapes
but not to put the same shape more than once

 Display a ppt slide on the screen, then mention that here we have a group
of columns and rows, and they are filled with shapes (point to the columns,
point to the rows), mention that each row and column are sharing a box and
the shape inside the box is shared between the column and the row
(mention that each shape is not repeated more than once inside each row
and each column)

 Tell the students: “Now you will fill the missing shapes inside the table”

 Display a ppt slide on the screen, then show the students how to fill the

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o Point to the rows and to the columns

o Point to the first row, mention that there should not be repeated shapes
taking into consideration the columns not to have the same shape. Then
the missed shape in the first block should be a green triangle as we have
a red square in the first column.
 Fill the first row with the students, then ask them to fill the table on their
 Mention that we should have 4 shapes of each type in the whole table


 Display a ppt slide for the numbers table under page 40 on the screen, then
tell the students that the game will be with numbers now. Discuss with the

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Unit 2 – Lesson 4
Where in the Table

 Tell the students: “Today we will play a new game, this game depends on
your location
 Stand up on different places in the class room and tell the students that my
location will be different in each time I change my place.

 Start the lesson by showing the grid under page 42 on the board using a ppt
slide. Then say the following:
 As you can see, each shape of the shape exist in different place. And point
to all of the shapes locations.
 Let the students open their books page 42 and then say the shape name and
let them put their fingers on it.
 Now, say that each shape exists on a location given by two numbers, one
from the above an the other one from the left and point to each one.
 For example: the red square, exists in the location 2 from the above and 3
from the left. So the two numbers are (2,3)
 What about the green triangle? Ask the students what is the above and the
left number, and then draw the ( , ) on the board and let one of the
students fill it.

Now, play with the students a game, you say a location and they give you the
shape that exists.
 Tell them that we always start with the number above not the one on the
left side.
 Ask the students to Draw a star on location (1,1)
 Ask them to draw a flower on a location that they want and then tell ou the
location numbers.

 Play with the students a game that you say the location and they put their
fingers on it.

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Activities solutions
 Now, tell the students it is your turn. Let us solve the examples together.

Tell them that 4,1 is different than 1,4 as they can notice

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Unit 2 – Lesson 5

Challenge 1

Challenge 2

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Note: The second coloring challenge we should use four

not three colors

Challenge 3

Challenge 4

Note: The first empty box location should be 5,9 not 9,5 and there
is a box without location it should contains a dash not a letter

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Unit 3
Hello Wonderful
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Unit 3 – Lesson 1
Meet Animations 1


 Applying an animation effect on a part of the slide

 Viewing the slides in slide show option

Terms and Concepts

 Animation
 Navigate

 Tell the students: “Today I will tell you a new secret to create a powerful
presentation, are you ready?”
 Show Reddo and Green’s conversation under page 52 using a ppt slide,
discuss it with the students. Say that Reddo wants his presentation to be
more active, he wants some objects to be shown before the other.
 Tell the students: “Today we will explore a new option that will hep in
doing this, this option is called “the Animation”.

 On the screen, open a saved presentation and repeat the use of the design,
transition and slide show tabs.
 Ask the students: Do you remember why do we use the transition tab?
Listen to their answers.
 The answer is we use it to apply slide transition which means we apply
some actions to our “slides”
 Ask them: What about applying some actions to the internal content of the
slide? The internal content means all of the object that we can have, like:
text, pictures and shapes
 Now, go through the steps mentioned under page 52 to apply a text
animation to some of the existing contents of your slides
 Mention that you can click on preview to show the updates in its final
 Tell the students that you can not apply any animation type unless you
highlight the object.
Activity page 53

 On the screen, add a slide, add a transition to it.

 Pick a theme
 Add a title about your favorite animal
 Animate the title.

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 Ask the students to do the same.

 Tell the students: You can also control our animation to order which object
to be shown after the animated object by clicking on the “Trigger” option
that exists under the same Animation tab.

 Follow the steps mentioned under page 53

 Tell the students the following
o Today you have learned how to apply an effect on your objects
inside the slide
o To apply an effect on a part of the slide we add an animation effect
to the part (point to the animation menu)
o To see the effect of the transition and the animation you view your
slide in slide show option (point to the slide show option)

Before solving the exercise, make sure that the needed picture exist under the
students computers.
Ask the students to save their presentations

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Unit 3 – Lesson 2
Meet Animations 2

 Applying animation effects with extra animation options

Terms and Concepts

 Duration

 Tell the students: “Today you will be more professional in applying
animation, let us explore the new animation options together.

 On the screen, open any saved presentation and apply animation for its
 Ask the students: can we be more exact in applying our animation? Can we
control the way that animation happens? The answer is yes.
 Point to the animation options that exist under the animation tab and
explain the following:
1- The “start” option allows you to select when the animation starts.
 The start has different options:
 On click: which means that the animation will start once you click on
the mouse or the keyboard.
 With previous: the animation will start at the same time with the
previous object animation
 After previous: The animation starts after the previous animation is

Try to apply all of the mentioned options on some of your slides content
2- The Duration option: This option allows you to set the length of the
animation, which is the time taken to the object to be animated.
Apply duration for your animated objects in front of the students

3- Delay: Explain that delay means wait. And it means to let the animation
starts after a certain number of seconds.

 Tell the students: “The animation effects apply on parts of the slide, like
text, images and shapes”

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 Follow the steps of adding animation on a part with the students

For the presentation saved in previous lessons, which was about your favorite
animal, apply text animation using a duration 3 seconds and on click start
option and let the students do the same.


o Go through all of the options mentioned under the animation tab

and ask the students what does each one do.

Pictures should be available for the students to solve this exercise.
Ask the students to save their presentations

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Unit 3 – Lesson 3
Presentation Style

 Improving presentation to be more attractive and powerful

Terms and Concepts

 Soft
 Combination

 Tell the students:
o Dear students, now that you know how to create a nice presentation,
how to add pictures and shapes to it and how to make it active by
transition and animation options.
o It is time to give you hints to follow or to avoid in writing your

 Tell the students: “I will start with the tips for your presentation”

 Tell the students: “The first tip is related to your presentation content, you
should not add a lot of words to describe something, pictures should be
more than texts.

 Show for the students example on which presenter is having a slide with
too much text and say how this is annoying and hard for the presenter and
the audience, you can use the example on page 59 as it shows a slide with
long text.

 The second tip is regarding backgrounds and colors:

o Mention that they have to use soft colors for their slides’ backgrounds,
ones that do not bother people’s eyes
o Point to the first option under page 59, then mention that it is bad to
use colors as the following
o Point to the second option under page 59, then mention that it is good
to use colors like these

 Tell the students: “The third thing is the combinations of your colors, you
have to choose combinations that make it easy for people to read”

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o Point to the first option under page 60, then mention that you
should not use dark colors for both text and background or light
colors for both
o Point to the second option, then mention you can use colors like the
o Say that the font color and the background color should be

 Tell the students: “Now we will move to the fourth tip which is your
presentation content size”
o Mention that you have to use a readable font size, and don’t forgot
that some people might be far from the screen
o Point to the example under page 60, then mention that it’s bad to
use very small font size like this

The final recommendation again is to keep your presentation simple, more

pictures less text

As an activity. Ask the students to create a presentation with bad presentation
skills and another that is perfect and let them show it on the board and discuss
them with the students. The students should tell if the shown slide is
acceptable or not and why.

Show the exercise on the board using a ppt slide then solve it with the students.


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Unit 3 – Lesson 4
Presenting Skills

 Improving the presenter skills

 Tell the students:
o Dear students, now that you know how to create a powerful and easy to
read presentation. It the time to tell you how to be an awesome

 Tell the students: after talking about a professional presentation content.
Let us talk about the professional skills that the presenter should have. Ask
them, how do think the good presenter should be? Listen to all of their
 Now, using a ppt slide, show each skill alone and explain it as the following:
1- Practice before you present in front of the audience: Tell the students,
imagine that the presenter did not practice the presentation well, what
will happen? Listen to their answers.
2- Start the presentation by introducing your self and saying the topic title,
say that this is why the first slide should have the title and the presenter
name. Suppose that you are giving a lecture in a place that some people
do not know you! Then that why you should represent yourself.
3- Raise your voice while talking: If your voice is not loud then the people
that are far from you will not hear you.
4- Make eye contact with the audience: This helps you to understand if the
audience are with you or not. Try not to make eye contact with the
students and tell them how much is this will make your presentation
5- Keep a smile on your face: This will make you more attractive and well
listened. The audience would love to keep looking at you which will
improve your presentation efficiency as they will pay more attention to

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Wrap up
Try to behave with bad presenter skills and let the students tell you what are
the mistakes that you did.

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Unit 3– Lesson 5
Chuck Hull

 New information about technology

Terms and Concepts

 Three dimensional

Class Discussion
 Using a ppt slide, show the mentioned information about Chuck Hull under
page 65.
 Tell the students how much his invention is useful.
 Show for the students different pictures for a 3d printed objects.
 Ask them to mention things that can be printed by the 3d printer

 Pictures should be saved for the students to be added to their presentations.
 They should follow the conditions under page 66
 They can add extra things that are not mentioned under the conditions
 Give them notes while making their presentations about the tips that they
missed or used.

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Unit 4

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Challenge 1

Challenge 1 page 70
Read the instructions and give example


Suppose that the added shapes are square and circle, then:
Slide 3 content may be:

Slide 4 content may be:

Slide 5 could be:

The patterns use the added shapes only

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Challenge 2

Challenge 2 page 71
The student should follow the steps under page 71. Show the conditions in a ppt slide
on the screen.

Challenge 3
Challenge 3 page 72
The rabbit should not hit the plant

The order is: right, down, right, down, down, right, right, right, down, down, down,
right, right, right, down.

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Challenge 4

Challenge 4 page 74


Challenge 5

Challenge 5 page 74


Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3

Challenge 5 page 75

Hello World Kids
Lessons plans
Junior 3


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