Learn Spanish 8000 Common Words and Easy Phrases To Rapidly Expand Your Spanish Vocabulary Audition Script

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Rooms and Furniture

Understanding the vocabulary related to rooms and furniture is essential when describing your
living space or discussing daily activities around the home. This section provides you with essential
terms to help you navigate and talk about various rooms and their typical furnishings in Spanish.
Key Vocabulary for Rooms and Furniture:
1. La cocina (Kitchen) - Preparo la comida en la cocina. (I prepare food in the kitchen.)
2. El baño (Bathroom) - El baño está ocupado. (The bathroom is occupied.)
3. La sala (Living room) - Todos están en la sala. (Everyone is in the living room.)
4. El comedor (Dining room) - Cenamos en el comedor. (We dine in the dining room.)
5. El dormitorio (Bedroom) - Mi dormitorio es muy cómodo. (My bedroom is very comfortable.)
6. El estudio (Study) - Trabajo en el estudio. (I work in the study.)
7. El jardín (Garden) - El jardín tiene muchas flores. (The garden has many flowers.)
8. El garaje (Garage) - El coche está en el garaje. (The car is in the garage.)
9. El balcón (Balcony) - Tomo café en el balcón. (I drink coffee on the balcony.)
10. El pasillo (Hallway) - Las fotos están en el pasillo. (The pictures are in the hallway.)
1. La cama (Bed) - La cama es grande y cómoda. (The bed is big and comfortable.)
2. El sofá (Sofa) - El sofá es suave. (The sofa is soft.)
3. La silla (Chair) - La silla es antigua. (The chair is old.)
4. La mesa (Table) - La mesa está en el comedor. (The table is in the dining room.)
5. El armario (Wardrobe) - El armario está lleno de ropa. (The wardrobe is full of clothes.)
6. La estantería (Bookshelf) - La estantería tiene muchos libros. (The bookshelf has many books.)
7. El escritorio (Desk) - El escritorio está desordenado. (The desk is messy.)
8. El espejo (Mirror) - El espejo está en el baño. (The mirror is in the bathroom.)
9. La lámpara (Lamp) - La lámpara está encima de la mesa. (The lamp is on the table.)
10. El cuadro (Picture, painting) - El cuadro cuelga en la sala. (The picture hangs in the living
Usage Tips:
 Remember to match the gender and number of nouns and adjectives when describing rooms and
furniture in Spanish.
 Practice using prepositions of place, such as en (in/on), sobre (on top of), and debajo de
(underneath) to describe where items are located within a room.
Practice Exercises:
1. Describe your own living room or bedroom using the vocabulary from this section.
2. Match furniture items with the rooms where they are typically found.
3. Create a short story or dialogue about someone moving furniture around in a house, using the
vocabulary learned.
By familiarizing yourself with these essential terms for rooms and furniture, you'll be better
equipped to discuss your home environment and everyday activities in Spanish. This foundational
vocabulary serves as building blocks for more complex descriptions and interactions in domestic

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