Full Stack Web Development

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of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

We Are Offering a
Complete Course Of

Pakistan's No.1
IT Training Institute
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

WHY THIS COURSE support hundreds of thousands of

The advantage of being a full-stack :: React is a JavaScript library for
web developer is: You can master building user Interfaces
all the techniques involved in a :: Learn to Build real projects that
development project. A full-stack demonstrate your skills mastery
web developer is a person who can :: Learn Database Design and
develop both client and server soft- Modeling in MySQL Server
ware. In addition to mastering (Beginner to Advanced)
HTML and CSS, he/she also knows
how to: Program a browser (like REQUIREMENTS
using JavaScript, jQuery, Angular,
or Vue) Program a server (like using :: This course is highly
PHP, ASP, Python, or Node) recommended for you if you've
never written a line of code
:: Passion for learning web
WHAT WILL YOU development
:: Basic Knowledge of Programming
LEARN? will help but is not necessary as
:: Learn Web Development from this course will start from the
Scratch - Frontend & Backend basics
(Beginner to Advanced)
:: Learn Document Object Model COURSE OBJECTIVES
(DOM) in JavaScript - Advanced By the end of program participants
:: Learn the Fundamental of PHP will be become industry ready engi-
and MySQL neer who can be readily deployed in
:: Learn and Apply Media Queries a project.
and The Responsive Web
Design -To Build Mobile Web sites
:: Learn MVC Programming
:: Learn to create complex server-side
web applications
:: Learn to build applications that can
support any front end, and scale to

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth


:: Front end Developers who want
:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva to learn backend programming
/Ubuntu) or MAC or Windows :: Suitable for beginner
Host system programmers and ideal for users
:: Firefox, Chrome Browsers who learn faster when shown
:: Recommended for people with no
WHO IS THE programming or app developer
TARGET AUDIENCE :: Entrepreneurs who want to learn
web development and save money
:: A student who wants to on outsourcing
become the Full Stack Web :: Technical recruitment consultants
Developers will find this course to understand how the code works
very beneficial :: This course delivers a thorough
:: Backend developers who & foundational introduction to
want to learn front end programming and usage of
programming concepts the main building blocks of
:: Best for Startup founders who PHP to create applications and
have never written a line of further goes on to create web
code applications in conjunction
:: Best for Digital Managers who with web technologies such as
have never written a line of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
code Jquery for example. Topics
:: Front end Developers who want include all major data and
to learn backend programming control structures, usage pat-
:: Suitable for beginner terns, control flow, and 00P.
programmers and ideal for users It also extends onto building
who learn faster when shown more complex applications
:: Recommended for people with no using software development
programming or app developer techniques & showcasing

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

:: The course will cover everything various data-exchange mecha-

from thinking like a programmer, nisms (ex: HTTP) to get complete
to practical usage of common perspective of Full Stack.
software development tools and
resources, to key concepts such MODULE TOPIC
as data & con-trol structures,
usage patterns, control flow, and :: Front-end (HTML5 I CSS3 I
object orientated programming, Bootstrap I JavaScript I jQuery I
as well as leading on to basic web jQuery mobile)
development, utilizing styling, :: Php & Mysql
scripting, and backend imple :: Data Exchange (HTTP)
mentation. :: Foundation paradigms (OOPS I
Design Patterns I Object Modelling
:: React is MEAN Stack (MongoDB I
Full Stack Web developer course Express Framework I Angular 7 I
starts with introducing partici- Node.js)
pants with front-end tech-nologies
(ex: FITM5) and makes them devel- FRONT-END COURSE
op responsive one page web appli-
cation. Fol-lowed by that it deep MODULE:
dives into MEAN stack compo- Hyper Text Markup Language
nents and brings hands-on per- (HTML5)
spec-tive to building scalable web
applications by leveraging "JavaS- Module Objectives:
cript everywhere" phenom-enon.
Throughout the course foundation :: Building Strong expertise to
paradigms are stressed to ensure develop front end application
participants clearly understand using HTML5
software engineering fundamen- :: Implement MVC and responsive
tals and apply them. The course design to scale well across PC,
fur-ther covers various data-ex- tablet and Mobile Phone

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

OVERVIEW: :: Introduction HTML

:: HTML Basics
:: HTML Elements
This course provides you hands-on :: HTML5 Semantic
experience and exposure to devel- :: HTML Attributes
oping HTML5 based single page :: HTML Headings
application for browsers. This :: HTML Paragraph
course builds strong foundation on :: HTML Styles
HTML5 which will help developer :: HTML Formatting
to use HTML5 concepts for build- :: HTML Quotations
ing responsive web application. :: HTML Computer Code
:: HTML Comments & Colours
:: HTML CSS, Links and Images
:: HTML Blocks
:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / :: HTML Classes
Ubuntu) or Windows Host :: HTML Layout
system :: HTML Responsive
:: Firefox, Chrome :: HTML iframes
:: Implement MVC and responsive :: HTML JavaScript
design to scale well across PC, :: HTML Head
tablet and Mobile Phone
COURSE MODULE: cascading style sheet (CSS)
Module Objectives:
Hyper Text Markup Language
:: Building Strong expertise to
develop front end application
using CSS3
Detailed Course Contents:

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

Overview: :: CSS3 Shadows

:: CSS3 Text
:: This course provides you hands- :: CSS3 Fonts
on experience and exposure to :: CSS3 2D Transforms
developing CSS3 based web :: CSS3 3D Transforms
:: This course builds a strong FRONT-END COURSE
foundation on CS33 which will
help the developer to use CSS3 MODULE:
concepts for building a
responsive web application Cascading style sheet (CSS)

PLATFORM: Introduction CSS3

:: CSS Max-width
:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva /
:: CSS Position
Ubuntu) or Windows Host
:: CSS Float
:: CSS Inline-block
:: Firefox, Chrome
:: CSS Align
:: CSS Combinators
FRONT-END :: CSS Pseudo-class
COURSE MODULE: :: CSS Pseudo-element
:: CSS Navigation Bar
:: CSS Dropdowns
Cascading style sheet (CSS) :: CSS Tooltips
:: CSS3 Images
Introduction CSS3 :: CSS Attr Selectors
:: CSS Forms
:: CSS3 Syntax :: CSS Counters
:: CSS3 How To :: CSS3 Animations
:: CSS3 Colours :: CSS3 Buttons
:: CSS3 Backgrounds :: CSS3 Pagination
:: CSS3 Boarders :: CSS3 Multiple Columns
:: CSS Padding

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

FRONT-END Platform:
COURSE MODULE: :: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva /
Ubuntu) or Windows
Cascading style sheet (CSS) :: Firefox, Chrome

Introduction CSS3 Detailed Course Contents:

:: Introduction to Bootstrap
:: CSS3 User Interface
:: Bootstrap Basics
:: CSS3 Box Sizing
:: Bootstrap Grids
:: CSS3 Filters
:: Bootstrap Themes
:: Bootstrap CSS
FRONT-END :: Bootstrap JS
Module Objectives:
:: To become proficient in
Bootstrap concepts Module Objectives:
:: To develop a web page based on
Bootstrap :: Building Strong expertise to
develop front end application
Overview: using HTML5, CSS3 and
JavaScript along with jQuery
This course is targeted at fresh and AngularJS framework
engineers or professionals who :: Implement MVC and responsive
want to build competency in Boot- design to scale well across PC,
strap Based web development. tablet and Mobile Phone

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

Overview: :: JavaScript Numbers

:: JavaScript Math
This course provides you hands-on :: JavaScript Arrays
experience and exposure to devel- :: JavaScript Boolean
op JavaScript based web applica- :: JavaScript Comparisons
tion. This course builds strong :: JavaScript Conditions
foundation of JavaScript which :: JavaScript Switch
will help developer to apply JavaS- :: JavaScript Loops
cript concepts for responsive web :: JavaScript Loops
frontend and backend develop- :: JavaScript Loops
ment. :: JavaScript Type Conversion
: JavaScript RegExp
Platform: :: JavaScript Errors
:: JavaScript Debugging
:: JavaScript Hoisting
:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva /
:: JavaScript Strict Mode
Ubuntu) or Windows Host
:: JavaScript Functions
:: JavaScript Objects
:: Firefox, Chrome
:: JavaScript Forms
:: JavaScript HTML DOM
Module Objectives:
Introduction to JavaScript :: Building Strong expertise to
develop front end application
:: Java Script Language Basics using HTML5, CSS3 and
:: JavaScript Objects JavaScript along with jQuery
:: JavaScript Scope and AngularJS framework
:: JavaScript Events
:: JavaScript Strings

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

:: Implement MVC and responsive :: jQuery HTML

design to scale well across PC, :: jQuery Traversing
tablet and Mobile Phone :: jQuery AJAX & Misc

This course provides you PARADIGM
hands-on experience and expo-
sure to develop jQuery Mobile Detailed Course Contents:
based responsive web applica-
tion. It builds strong foundation of :: OOPs
jQuery which will help developer :: Design Patterns
to apply concepts for responsive :: Object-Oriented Design
web frontend development. :: JSON
:: DOM
Platform: :: AJAX

:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / PHP & MYSQL

Ubuntu) or Windows Host
system Part 1: PHP Crash Course
:: Firefox, Chrome
:: Using PHP
FRONT-END :: Embedding PHP in HTML
:: Adding Dynamic Content
COURSE MODULE: :: Accessing Form Variables

Introduction to jQuery Part 2 : Storing and

:: jQuery Syntax retrieving data
:: jQuery Selectors
:: jQuery Events :: Opening a file
:: jQuery Effects :: Writing a File

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

:: Closing a File Object - Oriented Concepts & Creat-

:: Reading from a File ing Classes, Attributes, Operations
in PHP Implementing Inheritance in
Part 3 : Using Arrays PHP & signing Classes

:: Numerically Indexed Array Part 7: MVC with Laravel

:: Associative Arrays
:: Sorting Arrays :: Laravel Installation
:: Recording Arrays :: Working with Forms
:: Working with Controller
:: Laravel Blade Template with
Part 4: String Manipulation Bootstrap
and Regular Expressions :: Responses with Html
:: Laravel Migration
:: Formatting Strings :: Laravel Requests, Models
:: Joining and Splitting Strings :: Laravel Eloquent ORM
with String Functions :: Build a Complete App in Laravel
:: Comparing Strings
:: Matching and Replacing Part 8: Designing your
Substrings with String Functions
web database
Part 5: Reusing Code and
:: Relational Database Concepts
Writing Functions :: How to Design Your Database &
Web Database Architecture
:: Using require() and include()
:: Using Functions
Part 9: Creating your web
:: Parameters
:: Recursion database
:: Creating Databases and Users
Part 6: Object :: System Setting Up a User for
Oriented PHP the Web

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

Part 10: Working with your also render on the server using
Node, and it can power native
MySQL database apps using React Native. React
implements one-way reactive
Inserting, Retrieving and Updating data flow, which reduc-es the boil-
Data in to the Database Altering erplate and is easier to reason
Tables after Creation about than traditional data bind-
1. Introduction to ReactJS
Building Web Appusing Reactjs
and Basic Concepts
Module Objectives:
:: Setup
:: ReactJS basically is an open- :: Your First React App
source JavaScript library which :: Custom Configs
is used for building user :: Var, let, const & Objects
interfaces :: This keyword & Binding this
:: It's used for handling view layer :: Arrow function and this
for web and mobile apps. :: Object Destructing
:: Spread Operator
2. Introduction to JSX
ReactJS is JavaScript library used
for building reusable Ul compo- 3. OOP (Object Oriented
nents. According to React official Programming)
documentation, following is the
definition. It encourages the cre- :: Classes & Objects
ation of reusable Ul components, :: Inheritance & Modules
which present data that changes :: Named and Default Exports
over time. React abstracts away
the DOM from you, offering a sim- 4. Components
pler programming model and
better performance. React can

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

:: Your First React Component 8. Calling Backend Services

:: Embedding Expressions &
Setting Attributes 9. Authentication and
:: Rendering Classes Dynamically
:: Conditional Rendering Authorization
:: Handling and Binding Events
:: Build an App (Exercise) 10. Testing your React App

5. Composing Components MEAN STACK

:: Passing Data to Components COURSE MODULE
:: Props vs State
:: Life Cycle Hooks Mongo DB

6. Forms Module Objectives:

:: Controlled vs Uncontrolled Building strong expertise in Docu-
Components ment Oriented Non-Relational Data-
:: Does React control your form base Management System Imple-
filed? ment frontend and backend scenari-
:: Getting Data Out of Form os to read, write and update data
:: When does React find out about stored in MongoDB
changes to your form field
:: Form Field Types Overview:
:: Controlling the text fields This course provides you hands-on
:: Working with Form data in Test experience and exposure to imple-
ment frontend and back end scenari-
7. Routing os to read,

:: Typing Components to URL

:: React Router
:: Passing Parameters via URL's
:: Other Router

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

Platform: This course provides you a strong

foundation on Angular7 driven by
:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / hands-on experience and exposure
Ubuntu) or Windows Host to develop responsive web applica-
system • Firefox, Chrome tions using MVC design patterns.
Detailed Course Contents: During the course, you should be
:: Introduction to MongoDB & able to build a strong background in
MongoDB Environment Angular7 architecture, usage of
MongoDB Create Database services, and applying the Angular7
concept to develop a frontend appli-
Course Detailed: cation.
:: Introduction to MongoDB
& MongoDB Environment :: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva /
:: MongoDB Create Database Ubuntu) or Windows Host
MEAN STACK :: Firefox, Chrome

COURSE MODULE Detailed Course Contents:

:: Introduction to Angular7
Angular 7 :: Angular7 Expressions &
Angular7 Modules
Module Objectives: :: Angular7 Controllers
:: Angula7 HTTP
:: Building Strong expertise to :: Angular7 Data Binding & AngularJS
develop front end application Scopes
using Angular 7 :: Angular7 Directives & Events
:: Implement MVC and responsive :: Angular7 Filters & AngularJS
design to scale well across PC, Services
Tablet and Mobile Phone
Detailed Course Contents:

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

:: Angular7 Tables & Angular7 Detailed Course Contents:

:: Angular7 Validation & :: Introduction to Angular 07
Angular7API :: Angular 07 Expressions
:: Fetching Data from MySQL :: Angular 07 Modules
:: Angular7 Animations & Angular7 :: Angular 07 Data Binding & Angular
il8n and i1 0n 07 Scopes
:: Angular 07 Directives & Events
Angular 07 Controllers
Angular 07 Filters & Angular 07
:: Angular 07 HTTP
Angular JS :: Angular 07 Tables & Angular 07
Overview: :: Fetching Data from MySQL
:: Angular 07 Validation & Angular
This course provides you a strong 07 API
foundation on AngularJS driven :: Angular 07 Animations & Angular
by hands-on experience and expo- 07 i18n and ii On
sure to develop responsive web
applications using MVC design MEAN STACK
patterns. During the course, you
should be able to build a strong COURSE MODULE
background in AngularJS architec-
ture, usage of services, and apply-
ing AngularJS concepts to devel- Module Objectives:
op frontend applications.
:: Building Strong expertise on
Platform: Node.js core to develop web
:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva / :: Implement web
Ubuntu) or Windows Host application & deployment
:: Firefox, Chrome

0300-123 9223
...of the youth, by the youth & for the youth

This course provides you strong
foundation on Node.js driven by
hands-on experience and expo-
sure to develop NodeJS based
application and deployment.
During the course you should be
able to builds strong background
about Node.js architecture, usage
of services and applying Nodejs
concept to develop frontend appli-
cation supported by backend web

:: Linux (Fedora / Mandriva /
Ubuntu) or Windows Host
:: Firefox, Chrome

Detailed Course Contents:

:: Getting Started & Node Core
:: Debugger,Automation and
:: Node Modules & File System

Detailed Course Content:

:: Getting Started & Node Core
:: Debugger,Automation and

0300-123 9223

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