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21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

Creator Hooks

The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life

January 29, 2024

I’ve asked some of the best creators on YouTube, “How do you write such
great titles?”

And they’ve all said the same thing: “I just model what works.”

So this email will show you 5 videos worth modeling to help you write great
titles and save time.

Btw, if you want to save more time and use a title generator that uses all the
titles ever featured in Creator Hooks, check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Not In Here 1/11
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Title: The Only Instrumental Banned On American Radio

Framework: The Only (Thing) Banned On (Place)

Hook score: +419

Why this works:

Negativity – “Banned” brings drama and controversy to this title and grabs
people’s attention.

Curiosity – This opens a loop and makes you wonder what this instrumental is.

Epic – The word “Only” makes this instrumental feel more special and epic.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience about the only thing
banned in a place.

Examples of this framework in action:

The Only Menu Item Banned At McDonald’s

The Only Car Banned From US Roads

Priestly Paradox 2/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

Title: The Bible Verse That Spiritually Throat-Punched Me.

Framework: The (Object) That (Drastic Action) Me.

Hook score: +522

Why this works:

Negativity – “Throat-Punched” and the thumbnail text, “Contradicted

Everything” brings some drama here. Plus, “throat-punched” is such visual
language that it increases this dramatic feeling.

Curiosity – This opens a loop and makes you wonder what this bible verse is.
There’s also contrast between “bible verse” and “throat-punched me”, which
builds even more curiosity.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience about something that
dramatically surprised you.

Examples of this framework in action:

The Steve Jobs Quote That Changed My Business Forever 3/11
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The DaVinci Technique That Artistically Throat-Punched Me.

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Fake Fotos 4/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

Title: Photographers Who Got Caught Cheating

Framework: (Group of People) Who Got Caught Cheating

Hook score: +527

Why this works:

Negativity – People love drama and this title promises a lot of it.

Curiosity – The thumbnail makes you wonder what’s circled and what
somebody did to cheat in this photo, so you’ve got to click to find out.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience about people in your
niche who got caught cheating, and in the thumbnail show a specific, but not
quite clear thing someone did to cheat.

Examples of this framework in action:

NBA Players Who Got Caught Cheating

YouTubers Who Got Caught Cheating

Winter Whoopsies 5/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

Title: 7 Mistakes Beginners Make Camping in Cold/Winter Weather

Framework: 7 Mistakes Beginners Make (Activity) in (Hard and/or Current


Hook score: +577

Why this works:

List – Lists make videos feel more tangible (you know exactly what the video
will be about) and they add some curiosity.

Negativity – This title leverages people’s fear of making mistakes. Plus, it’s
about a difficult time to camp — “7 Mistakes Beginners Make Camping In
Beautiful Weather” probably wouldn’t do as well.

Beginners – Calling out beginners works so well because beginners are the
biggest subset of any audience and they’re usually the most eager to learn.

Timeliness – This video was published at the beginning of winter when

camping in cold/winter weather was on everyone’s mind. 6/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience about mistakes
beginners make when doing a tough activity when it’s trending most.

Examples of this framework in action:

7 Mistakes Beginners Make Eating Healthy During The Holidays

7 Mistakes Beginners Make Filing Their Taxes

Empty Air

Title: STOP Throwing Away Aerosol Spray Cans With No AIR! How To Recharge,
Save And Fix It! DIY

Framework: STOP (Common Thing)! How To (Achieve Goal)

Hook score: +2153

Why this works:

Negativity – This title starts with a warning against doing something most
people do. 7/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

Curiosity – It’s counterintuitive to stop throwing away empty aerosol spray

cans. They don’t have any air, so of course you should throw them away, right?

Desire – This title finishes by helping the audience get something they want.

How you can use this framework: Tell your audience to stop doing
something that they think makes sense to do, and offer them a better solution
to get what they want.

Examples of this framework in action:

STOP Looking Up Flights on Google! How To Get Cheap Plane Tickets

STOP Trying To Lift More Weight! How To Get Stronger & More Athletic

Flop of the Week

Title: What I Found in One of the Smallest Countries in the World

Hook score: -85 8/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

Why this flopped: There are a few things this creator could’ve done to make
this packaging better:

The biggest opportunity is to make the thumbnail and title work better

The title sparks a question (“What did he find?”), but it feels like the thumbnail
answers it with the image of the big furry bull/yak thing.

In the “Photographers Who Got Caught Cheating” thumbnail above, there’s a

little circle that the creator is pointing to that makes you say, “What’s that?”

This creator could’ve done something similar.

Instead of having the bull/yak, there could’ve been an arrow pointing to the
city with text like, “So Weird” or something to make you wonder what he

The title also could’ve been a little punchier. I don’t like using “one of the” in

Extreme things work well on YouTube and “one of the” waters that down.

Instead, I try to make something the most extreme in its category.

In this title, instead of “One of the Smallest Countries in the World”, I would’ve
said “Europe’s Smallest Country”.

If that doesn’t make sense or isn’t true, then I’d either try to put it in a different
category or try a different angle.

Alright, that wraps up this week’s Creator Hooks!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition and if you know a fellow creator who
needs help writing better titles, please send them to

– Jake 9/11
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(@jthomas__ on Twitter)

P.S. Read previous editions here.

P.P.S. If you want to see all of the videos from Creator Hooks in one place,
check out Creator Hooks Pro.

Read last week’s edition »

Search … 10/11
21/02/2024, 10:05 The YouTube Tip That Changed My Life - Creator Hooks

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© Creator Hooks 2024 11/11

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