Overview of Nonlinear Signal Processing in 5G and 6G Access Technologies

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Invited Review Paper

Overview of nonlinear signal processing in

5G and 6G access technologies

Eiji Okamoto 1 a)
Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of
Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi 466-8555, Japan

[email protected]

Received March 2, 2021; Revised April 12, 2021; Published July 1, 2021

Abstract: In recent years, there have been several advances in wireless communication systems,
including the increase in transmission rate, and as a result, they are playing an increasingly
significant role in our lives. To meet the widespread application scope, the commercialization
of the fifth-generation mobile communications system (5G) has been initialized. This paper
gives an overview of the 5G system and discusses the nonlinear signal processing technologies
that support its performance improvement. Here, the term “nonlinear signal processing” is
defined as an algorithm for transmitting and receiving data in communications that uses a
nonlinear mechanism. Because there is a significant shortage of frequency bands in wireless
communications, advanced technologies are being integrated to maximize frequency utilization.
In addition, unlike in the 4G era, there are additional use cases that require performance
guarantees for quality, delay, and the number of multiple connections in the 5G system, and
the performance requirements for wireless systems are becoming more stringent. Nonlinear
signal processing is key to improving the performance of these systems, and this paper outlines
the nonlinear technology used in 5G wireless access. We will introduce multiple-input multiple-
output transmission and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), which will help improve the
performance of wireless systems. In addition, we introduce a radio wave-encrypted NOMA
with a physical layer security that is proposed by the authors. Furthermore, the technical
trend of 6G is briefly introduced.
Key Words: 5G, nonlinear signal processing, massive machine type communication, multiple-
input multiple-output, non-orthogonal multiple access

1. Introduction
In 2020, the 5th generation mobile communications system (5G) was launched in Japan, and 5G
terminals are gradually spreading with the expansion of the service area. The fact that 5G is faster
than the fourth-generation mobile communications systems (4G) outlines the evolution of the previous
generation networks, but unlike the previous evolution, this network can accommodate communica-
tion with users other than mobile terminals such as automobiles and the Internet of things (IoT)
terminals [1, 2]. 5G will provide a massive platform for remote work and education, which has almost

Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 257–274 IEICE
c 2021 DOI: 10.1587/nolta.12.257
become a necessity across the globe, amid the spread of the coronavirus. Thus, the early spread and
deployment of 5G is desired. In this paper, we will explain several aspects of 5G, which is the first
mobile communication system to add the use cases of performance guarantee for quality, latency, and
number of connections due to the demand for advanced applications. This feature is different from
the use case of 4G and is a highly challenging service in terms of the principles of wireless communi-
cation. Given that its realization requires the application of advanced technologies, nonlinear signal
processing was adopted. In this paper, we focus on the nonlinear signal processing that supports
5G technology and introduce the motivation for its application along with a few ways to improve its
performance. Here, the term “nonlinear signal processing” is defined as an algorithm for transmitting
and receiving data in communications that uses a nonlinear mechanism. In the past, the capabil-
ity of signal processing was limited in wireless communication systems, especially in user terminals,
and then, linear algorithms were used to eliminate signal interference among users and to reduce
the decoding complexity in the receiver. However, by using nonlinear signal processing, the channel
capacity of communication can be increased and the decoding error rate can be reduced with the
same frequency bandwidth. In recent years, because the frequency band has become extremely tight,
nonlinear signal processing has been actively used in 5G. We specifically outline the multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) transmission [3, 4] and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) [5, 6], which
are key to improving the performance of these systems. Numerical simulation results show that the
capacity and transmission quality can be improved by enhancing signal processing. In addition, we
introduce a radio wave encryption NOMA with physical layer security [7, 8] and verify that it achieves
both encryption and an increase in the number of connected users.
We introduce the elements that outline the performance of mobile communication systems in Sec-
tion 2 and describe the new use cases and technical issues in 5G in Section 3. The results of the
integration of nonlinear signal processing are described in Section 4, and the specific signal processing
in MIMO transmission and NOMA is introduced in Section 5. The 6G trends are briefly discussed in
Section 6, and the conclusion is drawn in Section 7.

2. Key performance indicator of mobile communication systems

Wireless transmission is convenient because it has features that wired transmission does not have, such
as portability, which allows the communication terminal to be carried around, and broadcastability,
which allows information to be sent over a wide area at the same time. Wireless systems are widely
used today, not only in cell phones and smartphones but also in satellite broadcasting.
Figure 1 shows the number of users subscribed to mobile phone systems in Japan. The number of
cell phone users has constantly increased since the launch of the first-generation mobile communication
system (1G) (car phone) service in the 1980s due to its convenience. At present, the number of mobile
terminal subscriptions in Japan is about 1.7 per capita, and the subscription rate is still rising. The
number of subscriptions also includes terminal-to-terminal communication such as vending machines
equipped with communication devices, and given the arrival of the IoT era, it is likely that this number
will continue to increase in the future.

Fig. 1. Number of subscribers to cell phone systems in Japan.

Table I. Transmission rate and spectral efficiency of third and fourth gener-
ation mobile communication systems.
Generation Release 6 HSPA (3.5G) Release 8 LTE (3.9G) LTE-Advanced (4G)
Peak rate DL 14.4 Mbps 326.4 Mbps 1 Gbps
UL 5.7 Mbps 86.6 Mbps 500 Mbps
Peak spectral DL 3 15 30
efficiency bit/s/Hz UL 2 3.75 15

The theoretical error-free maximum transmission speed of transmission signals in communications

is given by

C = B log2 (1 + S/N ) bit/s, (1)

where C is the channel capacity, B Hz is the bandwidth of the signal, and S/N is the signal to noise
ratio (SNR) of the receiver [9]. Thus, to increase the transmission speed of communication, it is
necessary to increase the bandwidth of the signal or the SNR of the receiver. However, since the
transmission medium of wireless communication is space, unlike wired communication using copper
wires or optical fibers, the attenuation of the received power with respect to the propagation distance
is large, and the power of the received signal is significantly degraded. Generally, in plane wave
propagation in a vacuum, the power decay is proportional to the square of the distance. For example,
when a plane wave propagates between antennas that are separated by a distance of 100 m, the
received power is attenuated by a factor of 10,000, and the received SNR is degraded.
On the other hand, according to Eq. (1), if the bandwidth B of the signal is increased, the trans-
mission speed can be increased in proportion to B. However, since the transmitted waves are radio
waves, if two transmitters send out radio waves of the same frequency in the same space and at the
same time, the received signal is a combination of both waves. It is impossible to separate the two
waves, and the receiver will not be able to correctly retrieve the information from either signal. This
is called interference. Therefore, it is necessary to use different frequencies for different purposes. The
Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications (MIC), Japan, defines
the use and bandwidth of radio waves in the Radio Law [10], and radio waves below 10 GHz are almost
fully associated for various applications. In other words, radio waves are a precious resource, and it
is not easy to increase the size of B. Therefore, the transmission speed of wireless communication is
generally less than 1/1000 of that of wired communication.
Therefore, an important performance improvement index for wireless communication systems is the
frequency efficiency (or spectral efficiency) bit/sec/Hz, that is, the improvement of the transmission
rate per 1 Hz. Table I shows the peak transmission rate and frequency efficiency for the 3.5–4th
generation as specified by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) [11], a standardization
project that is studying 5G standards [12, 13]. In the table, the DL and UL indicate the communication
direction of the downlink from the base station to the terminal, and vice versa for the uplink. As
seen in the table, the peak rate of the system increases dramatically as the generation progresses,
but at the same time, the transmission rate per 1 Hz also increases significantly. In other words,
improving frequency efficiency is key for the evolution of wireless communication systems. With
regard to the aforementioned factors, to meet the demand for the constantly increasing number of
terminals and to improve the transmission rate, the mobile communication system goes through a
major update approximately every 10 years. The second generation was released in the early 1990s,
and the third and fourth generations were released in the 2000s and early 2010s, respectively, with the
fifth generation being released in 2020 [14–16]. Because the update of the generation is carried out in
line with the development of the technology at the given time, the mechanism of communication often
changes drastically. However, to prevent interruptions in the services provided, frequent generation
releases are scheduled, which ensure backward compatibility and smooth transitions between any
two generations. Based on this scheduling, the study of the sixth-generation mobile communication
system (6G) has already started across the world including Japan.

3. 5G challenges
For all communications systems up to 4G, only one scenario was assumed for generational evolution,
which was the increase in the speed of cell phones and smartphones. However, for 5G, two new sce-
narios have been added in addition to the existing one. Figure 2 shows the three scenarios and their
primary applications in the IMT Vision Recommendation [17] issued by the International Telecom-
munication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R). Moreover for communications systems up
to 4G, only the enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) scenario, shown in the upper part of the figure,
was envisioned. In 5G, the eMBB scenario is also being developed, and the peak transmission rate is
increased to 20 Gbps, which is significantly greater than that of 4G (1 Gbps). As shown in the figure,
this will enable three-dimensional video, 4K/8K high-definition video distribution, virtual reality, and
augmented reality applications.
For 5G, the ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (URLLC) and massive machine-type
communications (mMTC) scenarios shown in the lower part of the figure have been newly added. In
the URLLC scenario shown in the lower right of the figure, the performance requirement is aimed
at enabling the transmission of 32-byte packet data with a success probability of 99.999% or higher
within a wireless interval of 1 ms or less, and this scenario realizes highly reliable and low-latency
transmission [18]. In fact, achieving excellent quality is a strict requirement for wireless communica-
tions, and as a result, 5G is undergoing a major transformation. The reasons for this are explained
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of radio wave propagation. Because radio wave propagation
exists over a wide range, radio waves from a base station to a terminal are not only received as

Fig. 2. Three scenarios in 5G [17].

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of radio wave propagation in wireless communi-


direct waves but also as reflected, diffracted, scattered, and reflected mountain waves. Given that the
direction of reception, arrival time, and Doppler effect of these radio waves are different, the combined
radio waves at the terminal may strengthen or weaken each other, and the received power changes at
every instance depending on the location, time, and frequency. This phenomenon is called multipath
fading, and the effect of fading sometimes causes reception errors in wireless communications. This is
the reason why only eMBB-equivalent scenarios were provided until 4G, and therefore URLLC requires
the application of advanced technologies to realize highly reliable and low-latency communications
with excellent quality while considering the effects of fading. However, the use cases for this technology
are expected to expand, and the applications and services that can be realized are expected to grow
significantly. The future applications will include communication for autonomous driving and remote-
controlled driving, control of non-wired devices in smart factories, robot control, and telemedicine.
On the other hand, the mMTC shown in the lower left of Fig. 2 is a super-multiple-connected
scenario that must accommodate one million connections per km2 . If a large number of terminals
communicate using the same frequency at the same time, interference will occur. Therefore, to ensure
that multiple terminals are connected simultaneously, it is necessary to shift the radio resources
slightly (described later in Section 5.3). The mMTC is realized by applying this technology, and this
allows an extremely large number of terminals to connect simultaneously. As shown in the figure, the
main use case is for information collection and control of IoT terminals distributed over a wide area
in a smart city and home appliances in a smart home, and relatively low-speed transmission of small
amounts of data to and from a large number of terminals is assumed.
The addition of the URLLC and mMTC scenarios is expected to contribute to the development of
various industries. The 5G service, which started in March 2020, has already provided eMBB and
some URLLC services, and full-scale URLLC and mMTC services are expected to be available around
2023. Therefore, 5G will not be fully involved in new industries for several years to come, and we will
gradually be able to witness several 5G innovations in the forthcoming years.

4. Improving performance of 5G multi-user access with nonlinear sig-

nal processing
In wireless communication systems, even though various technologies are integrated to improve effi-
ciency, due to limitations in computing power and power consumption, signal processing designs are
primarily based on linear calculations with relatively low complexity. However, due to the continuous
improvement in the performance of semiconductors, the signal processing capability of the receiving
side has been dramatically improved. As a result, nonlinear signal processing has been actively used
in wireless access network technology.
Table II shows the classification of linear and nonlinear signal processing in wireless access network
technology. The axes of resources used in the design are carrier wave (in-phase (I), quadrature (Q)),
time, frequency, space, and spreading code. The advantage of the orthogonal norm is the avoidance of
interference due to the individual distribution of the allocated resources and the resulting reduction
in the amount of decoding computation. For example, as shown in Fig. 4, the quadrature phase-shift
keying (QPSK) is an orthogonal superposition of binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) on the I- and Q-
axes of the carrier wave, and decoding can be performed independently on both axes for simplification.
In contrast, the main benefit of non-orthogonal norms is that the capacity of the communication
channel can be expanded by increasing the signal density more than the orthogonal norm. If we

Table II. Classification of linear and nonlinear signal processing in wireless

access network technology.
Specification Pros Cons
Reduced decoding Limitations of quality
Orthogonal Linear
complexity and interference and capacity
Capacity expansion and higher Increased decoding
Non-orthogonal Nonlinear
quality through diversity complexity and interference

Fig. 4. Examples of orthogonal and non-orthogonal assignment in carrier
axis; (a) orthogonal assignment, (b) non-orthogonal assignment.

Fig. 5. Optimal allocation of wireless resources in heterogeneous networks.

consider the example of the carrier axis in Fig. 4, it corresponds to the case where Gaussian mapping,
which is an integrated signal point arrangement of the IQ axis and is performed by combining the
bit strings transmitted by the I and Q axes. In other words, the diversity effect is achieved because
the transmitted signals are widely distributed (with interference) on the resource axis. This simply
outlines the fact that a Gaussian distribution is optimal for input signals that satisfy Shannon’s
channel capacity [19]. However, to achieve this benefit, integrated maximum likelihood decoding
that includes interfering signals is necessary at the receiver side, similar to Shannon’s theory. In the
previous example, the received points corresponding to the correlated bitstrings must be collectively
estimated as a maximum likelihood sequence estimation, otherwise, the bit error rate will be worse
than that of QPSK. Because the amount of calculation increases exponentially with the number of
received points that are to be decoded together, it is much larger than that of QPSK, where the
I- and Q-axis can be determined for each received point. Because of the complexity and volume
of computation required on the decoding side, nonlinear signal processing methods have not been
emphasized in conventional wireless communication systems. However, due to changes such as the
tightening of frequencies and the improvement of semiconductor performance, it is gradually being
used more actively.
As shown in Fig. 5 as an example, in 4G and latter communication systems, multiple base stations
are superimposed and heterogeneous networks are used to communicate with user equipment (UE)
using the same frequency. Because multiple small cells are superimposed on a macrocell with a large
coverage area, there is a non-orthogonal resource partition in the spatial and frequency axes. The
users in the vicinity of a small cell are connected to a small cell base station (BS) to obtain good
reception power and can communicate at high speed. However, when the transmission power of the BS
increases, the SNR of the accommodating UE improves, but the interference power of neighboring UEs
connected to other BSs also increases. Thus, the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) of the

neighboring UEs decrease and the communication quality deteriorates. In addition, the superposition
of super wide area cells with satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, etc. as base stations,
shown in the figure, will be considered for future applications. In this case, if the objective function
is to maximize the capacity of the entire system under the constraint of constant transmitting power,
this becomes a nonlinear combinatorial optimization problem in radio resources and transmit power
allocation of each BS or UE. This mainly depends on the channel coefficient between all BSs and UEs.
Because the number of combinations is very high, a sub-optimal solution is considered for practical
applications. In the future, as described in Section 6, a large-capacity optimal multisource connection
technology with low computational complexity will be required not only for a group of BSs in a narrow
area but also for multiple BSs in a wide area. In Beyond 5G, adaptive radio resource allocation on the
carrier, time, frequency, space, and code axes, and the allocated power axis, is required to improve
the system efficiency.
The following are some examples of 5G wireless access technologies.

5. Signal processing for 5G user access technology

5.1 MIMO multiplexing transmission
Figure 6 shows a transmission method wherein the number of antennas of the transmitter and receiver
are multiplexed to send data, and this method is called MIMO multiplexing transmission [3, 4]. In this
case, if the number of antennas on the transmitter and receiver sides is Nt and Nr , respectively, the
communication channel capacity C can be increased by a factor of min(Nt , Nr ) without the need to
increase the signal bandwidth. This is a significant advantage in the current situation where the radio
is used for various purposes and frequencies are being exhausted. This has also become a standard
feature in mobile communication systems since 3.9 G, and is a mandatory technology for 4G and
beyond. As described in the next section, the same effect can be obtained even if there are Nt or Nr
terminals with one antenna either on the transmitting or receiving side. By extending this principle,
5G uses massive MIMO transmission, wherein the number of antennas at the base station is increased
to tens or hundreds, and simultaneous connection with a large number of receivers, or high-speed
communication to a small number of receivers equipped with many antennas is achieved.
When the complex channel coefficients hij between each transmitting and receiving antenna in
Fig. 6 are
⎛ ⎞
h11 · · · h1Nt
⎜ ⎟
H = ⎝ ... ..
. ⎠, (2)
hNr 1 · · · hN r N t
the relationship between the transmitter and receiver signals can be expressed as y = Hx + n. Here,
x and y are the transmitting and receiving signal vectors, respectively, and n is the received noise
vector. In this method, transmission signals are superimposed non-orthogonally on the spatial axis.
However, because the signals of all transmitting antennas except the i-th antenna interfere with the
i-th receiving antenna due to non-orthogonal multiplexing, it is necessary to remove the interference
by signal processing at the receive side. In this case, if Nr ≥ Nt , the degree of freedom of the receiving
antenna is equal to or greater than that of the transmitting antenna, the signals of each transmitting
antenna can be orthogonalized by spatial filtering. First, we orthogonalize the received signal by
linear filtering with x̂ = wr y. The simplest case is a matched filtering (MF), wherein wr = HH
is used as the receiver weight. Here, H is the Hermitian transpose. The case where the receiver

Fig. 6. Transmitter and receiver design for MIMO multiplexing transmission.

Fig. 7. Bit error rate performance of MIMO spatial multiplexing transmis-
weight is wr = HH HHH + δINr is called zero-forcing (ZF) filtering, wherein δ is a constant,
INr is an Nr -dimensional identity matrix, and σN is the variance of the noise at the receiver. The
following equation
 shows the result of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalization when
H H 2 −1
wr = H HH + Nr σN INr . The obtained x̂ is orthogonalized or quasi-orthogonalized between
the antennas. Due to the orthogonalization, each element of x̂ can be demapped independently, and
we can decode the signal with the Nt Q number of searches for Q-ary modulation. The performance
of the filtering is MF<ZF<MMSE, which is contrasting to the computation involved.
Next, let us consider decoding by nonlinear signal processing. Here, we use the joint full-search of

x̂ = argmin ||y − Hx||2 (3)


as the maximum likelihood decoding (MLD), which is an optimal decoding method for reducing the
received bit error rate. However, the amount of exploration for decoding is QNt , which increases
exponentially with the number of transmitting antennas.
Figure 7 shows the bit error rate (BER) characteristics at the receiver side in a Rayleigh fading
channel when Nt = Nr = 2. It is seen that the nonlinear signal processing of MLD has better char-
acteristics than the linear signal processing of ZF and MMSE equalization. This is because of the
integrated decoding of the signal spread on the spatial axis. As a result, in MIMO multiplex transmis-
sion, the capacity of the communication channel can be increased by transmitting non-orthogonally
on the spatial axis, and the quality can be improved by compensating the increase in calculation
complexity in the MLD, which is the nonlinear signal processing, on the receiver side.

5.2 Multiple access using massive MIMO

In the coming years, given the manner of advancements and exhaustive researches, it is likely that a
system will be constructed such that information from a large number of IoT sensor devices distributed
in the city will be transmitted to a cloud server and accumulated as big data. Further, artificial
intelligence (AI) will be used to analyze and extract features from this data using machine learning
and other techniques, making it possible to obtain minute and detailed information pertaining to the
trends, features, and concepts that could not be studied previously. By feeding this information back
to the system devices and IoT terminals to control physical systems in the real world, an advanced
information processing cycle will be realized. This system combines real and cyberspace and is called
the cyber-physical system (CPS). This system is sometimes referred to as a digital twin system for
similar concepts. By utilizing the CPS cycle, an intelligent information and communication fusion
space with an extremely high time and space resolution can be developed, and it is thought that it will
be possible to realize unprecedented services and applications. This will realize the safety, security,
and comfort of society in an ultra-smart society.

Fig. 8. Conceptual diagram of connecting many IoT terminals using massive

In general, the accuracy of AI is proportional to the volume of data used, and to improve the
accuracy, it is necessary to collect sensing data from IoT terminals over a wider area. However, the
power supply for IoT terminals is not always sufficient. For example, for illuminance and temperature
sensors in the field, the frequency of information transmission can be low, but they need to operate
on a battery-powered source for 10 years. The mMTC scenario described in Section 3 suffices these
requirements. Figure 8 shows a conceptual diagram of the connection of a large number of IoT
terminals in the uplink from the terminal to the BS. Several MIMO principles are used to expand
the number of antennas in the base station to several hundreds, which further enables a simultaneous
connection of up to several hundred single-antenna IoT terminals without the need to increase the
required frequency. Furthermore, by increasing the number of connections with the NOMA method
described in the next section, and by switching the IoT terminals to be connected by time division,
the number of IoT terminals that can be accommodated by a single base station can be increased to
tens of thousands. In addition, the mMTC provides a standard that reduces the transmission speed
by decreasing the frequency width, which in turn enables power-saving communication.
However, when the number of users in the uplink is large, the Nt in Fig. 6 increases to several
hundreds, thus resulting in the problem of increased computational requirements at the receiver. If
linear filtering is used, the order of the inverse matrix operation in Eq. (2) increases significantly.
Furthermore, if the MLD of Eq. (3) is used, the computational complexity increases to an extent
that detection cannot be achieved in real-time. Therefore, various quasi-maximum likelihood de-
tection methods suitable for massive MIMO using linear or nonlinear signal processing have been
proposed [20]. For example, in the case of linear filtering, a method to calculate the approximate
inverse matrix of H and reduce the computational complexity has been proposed. In addition, many
methods for quasi-maximum likelihood sequence estimation similar to MLD have been proposed. Ones
of these methods are

• A typical method is to start with an initial solution by linear filtering and searching for more
accurate solutions in the neighborhood through descent, random, or tabu search.

• By using the principle of belief propagation, the log likelihood ratio (LLR) is recursively ex-
changed between the received signal and the candidate transmitted signal. Subsequently, quasi-
maximum likelihood sequence estimation is obtained.

• When the number of active transmitted signals is smaller than the number of antennas, H can
be regarded as sparse, and x̂ is estimated by using compressive sensing technology.

• Machine learning is applied for MIMO detection and H estimation [21–23] to reduce the com-
putational complexity.

5.3 Non-orthogonal multiple access

The orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) method, which uses the principle of
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for multiple access, has been adopted in the
fourth-generation system (3.9 generation in the official standard), and the service was launched in

Fig. 9. Principle of orthogonal frequency Fig. 10. Principle of non-orthogonal multiple
division multiple access (OFDMA). access (NOMA).

Japan in 2010. Figure 9 illustrates the principle of the OFDM method, which assigns slightly different
frequencies (channels) to each user, but uses the OFDM principle to synchronize each channel. This
eliminates the need for guard bands, which are usually inserted between channels to prevent interfer-
ence, and results in a tightly packed orthogonal arrangement of channels. This is optimal in terms of
the orthogonal arrangement, and it also improves the frequency efficiency. In addition, because the
system is a packet switching system and not a call switching system with fixed users and channels,
the capacity of the entire system can be increased by adaptively assigning each channel to a user with
good propagation conditions between the terminal and the BS. This is referred to as multiuser diver-
sity. By combining the multiple access technology with the MIMO transmission technology described
above, a transmission rate of 100 Mbps or higher in the downlink has been achieved in 4G.
After dividing the radio resources in a similar way, if orthogonal division is performed for each
user, there will be no mutual interference, and since no calculation is required to extract the allocated
resources, the calculations on the decoding side can be reduced. In the early stages of 4G, such a
resource allocation was necessary because of the limited computing power of UEs and BSs. However,
with the increase in the number of subscribers and the demand for high capacity in mobile communi-
cation systems, orthogonal resource partitioning is insufficient for radio resources even for tight-lattice
partitioning such as OFDMA.
To achieve higher transmission rates, the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) was adopted
in 5G systems [5, 6] as shown in Fig. 10. As seen in the figure, multiple users are assigned to the
power axis of the same channel. For example, two users with different propagation conditions, such
as near and far from the BS, are selected as a pair, and the transmitting BS increases the power of
the signal for the farther user and superimposes it on the near user signal for transmission. A user in
the vicinity of the BS, which is the receiving side, receives the mixed signals of the neighboring and
distant users, wherein the signal of the distant user can be received with high power, and thus, this
signal is first determined correctly. Further, by applying successive interference cancellation (SIC), the
superimposed interference can be accurately removed, and only the signal addressed to the neighboring
user is extracted. On the other hand, the distant user also receives the mixed signals of the neighboring
and distant users, but due to the large attenuation of the propagation path, the interference of the
neighboring user small to an extent that it can be ignored, and only the signal addressed to the distant
user, which is assigned high power, is extracted. This method establishes a multiway connection
that accommodates more users and has higher efficiency than Fig. 9. The principle of this method
contributes to the speed-up of eMBB and the realization of multiple connections of mMTC.
As a concrete example of the operating principle of NOMA, we explain the downlink transmission
in a 5G cellular system. Figure 11 shows a conceptual diagram of the downlink NOMA system. In
the downlink from the BS to the UE, the BS is first informed of the propagation path information
(channel state information) of the user in the target cell by feedback. Based on this information, the
BS allocates each subband (subcarriers) to the users while considering the proportional fairness (PF).
This operation is called frequency scheduling. In this process, the NOMA allocates the frequency
bands while allowing overlapping users that may cause interference. The average user capacity when

Fig. 11. Downlink NOMA system model.

Fig. 12. Comparison of capacity for Users 1 and 4 in NOMA and OFDMA.

all subbands are allocated is maximized according to the PF standard. In the example shown in the
figure, UE1,4 and UE3,2 are superimposed in subbands 1 and 3, respectively, near and far from the
BS. By setting an appropriate difference in the transmission power, the capacity of the system can
be increased compared to OFDMA.
Figure 12 shows a comparison of the normalized channel capacity of UE1 and 4 in NOMA and
OFDMA, where the propagation of conditions of UE1 is 100 times than those of UE4, i.e., 100 times
higher channel power [6]. As seen, the sum of the channel capacities of both users is increased by using
NOMA compared to OFDMA. Because the bandwidth used is the same, the frequency efficiency is
considerably improved.

5.4 Spreading-based non-orthogonal multiple access for mMTC

In mMTC, wireless connections to a large number of IoT terminals are envisioned [1, 17, 24]. To achieve
this, a method using NOMA technology as described above has been proposed [25–29]. In NOMA, a
single radio resource is shared by multiple users, which causes mutual interference. However, overload
transmission can be realized, wherein more users transmit than the number of radio resources, thus
improving the performance of mMTC. Currently, orthogonal superposed connection-based methods
such as enhanced MTC (eMTC), which was developed for 4G, is used for IoT connectivity, but 5G
mMTC is more suitable for IoT connectivity, especially in the high-SNR regions on the receiver side.
It is known that the capacity of the 5G mMTC system is larger than that of existing orthogonal
systems in that region [30]. Various NOMA methods for mMTC have been proposed, depending
on the resource axis they are superimposed on [28]. A few examples of this method are the low-
density signature (LDS) [25] and sparse code multiple access (SCMA) [26], which spread the signal
on the time or frequency axis. By sparsifying the transmitted samples, it is possible to superimpose a
large number of users—for example, the case with four samples and six users enables 150% overload
transmission with the number of users compared to the number of transmitted samples. In addition,
by spreading the radio resources, the mutual interference due to non-orthogonal superposition can be
suppressed, which enables a highly accurate user detection.
Figure 13 shows the block diagram of the mMTC NOMA transmission method in the uplink link
wherein information is transmitted from the largest J users to the base station. Each user maps

Fig. 13. Block diagram of uplink SCMA, LDS, and SCCMA transmissions.

the transmitted bits using methods such as LDS and SCMA, and performs OFDM transmission
by applying inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) and placing the mapped signals on the same
Each user encodes the transmitted bit-sequence with an outer concatenation code, divides it into
log2 M bits along the modulation multiplicity M , applies NOMA mapping, and transmits it simulta-
neously. We denote the transmitted bits of user j by bj = b1j , · · · , b(log M )j , blj ∈ {0, 1}, where
l = 1, · · · , log2 M . Let xj = (x1j , · · · , xKj ) be the codebook corresponding to bj , where K is the
number of transmitted samples. Then, the transmitted bit sequence is converted into a complex signal
of Nj dimensions, where Nj < K, with a multidimensional signal point mapping gj of

cj = gj (bj ) (4)

cj = c1j , · · · , cNj j (5)
is obtained. Subsequently, by using a spreading matrix with null insertion, which is referred to as
the binary mapping matrix Vj , we obtain xj as xj = Vj cj = Vj gj (bj ). For the LDS, the existing
digital modulation mapping gj is used for cj , e.g., for M = 4, as in Fig. 4(a)

1 1
cij ∈ ±√ ± j √ (6)
2 2
is used. Therefore, xj corresponds to the transmission sequence of the QPSK signal code-spread by
the binary mapping matrix Vj . A generalized suboptimal codebook generation method for SCMA
is described in detail in [31]. Although K ≥ J was required up to 4G, transmission with K < J is
achieved with the NOMA. To illustrate this, we show the mapping for the case where the resources
used by the user are guaranteed in advance, which is referred to as the “grant type”. When the factor
graph matrix F given by 
F = (f1 , · · · , fJ ) , fj = diag Vj VjT (7)
is used, a 150% overloaded transmission with a grant type K = 4 samples and J = 6 users is achieved
with the 4 x 6 matrix F of ⎛ ⎞
0 1 1 0 1 0
⎜ 1 0 1 0 0 1 ⎟
F=⎜ ⎝ 0 1 0 1 0 1 ⎠
⎟ (8)
1 0 0 1 1 0
In F, the column j represents the non-zero transmit sample position of user j, and the column weight
of F is Nj . The row k represents the superimposed user in the k-th transmission sample. Thus, in

Fig. 14. Example of SCCMA codebooks.

F of (8), each user sends Nj = 2 non-zero samples out of K = 4 samples, and three users are always
superimposed on each transmission sample. As a result, K samples are transmitted for each of the
M -ary transmitted bit strings, and the codebook is sparse in that only Nj points are non-zero. In
addition, the sample position to be transmitted for each user is determined by Vj , and the sparse
sample point transmission reduces the number of users that cause overlapping interference on the
receiving side.
On the other hand, in the “grant-free” transmission method, the Nj and non-zero sample positions
are determined by the transmitting user. In this case, the maximum number of transmitting users
J is not limited to six in (8), and user superposition can be easily performed. However, the number
of superpositions in the transmitted sample increases with J, which results in a tradeoff of increased
users and the suppression of inter-user interference, which causes the user detection performance to
deteriorate. In general, the grant-free transmission is ideal for transmission error rate performances
for increasing Nj when the number of users J transmitting at the same time is small, and to reduce
Nj to less than half of K to mitigate interference when J is large.
In Fig. 13, OFDM transmission is performed for xkj samples of xj placed on the same K subcarriers
for all user j. As a result, overload transmission is possible, and the transmission efficiency can be
increased as compared to OFDMA. At the receiver side, after domain transformation is performed
using fast Fourier transform (FFT), the multiuser detection method is used to collectively decode the
user signals and calculate the LLR, which is then input to the outer channel code decoder at the later
stage. The updated LLR result is then returned to the multiuser detector to perform turbo iterative

5.5 Chaos-based grant-free sparse chaos code multiple access scheme

We proposed a new method called grant-free sparse chaos code multiple access (GF-SCCMA) [7,
8], which is similar to the LDS and SCMA methods. The GF-SCCMA is a non-orthogonal multiple
access method that can ensure security in the physical layer by generating a codebook using chaotic
signals. This ensures only the pairs that share the chaotic initial value as a common key can decrypt.
In addition, it does not require a detailed design of the codebook in advance, and a large number of
codebooks can be created, thus enabling GF transmission for an arbitrary number of users. Figure 14
shows an example of the SCCMA codebooks [7]. The codebook is a Gaussian modulation, which is
based on the Shannon theory as shown in Fig. 4(b), and the system capacity can be increased as
shown in Fig. 16 below. In the receiver side of the uplink transmission, Gaussian belief propagation
(GaBP) is applied for decoding, and the system capacity is increased such that K = 32 and J = 64.
In the following section, we show the numerical results of transmission performance. The existing
methods include grant-free low-density signature (GF-LDS), wherein the sending user selects an ar-
bitrary column of the grant-type factor graph matrix F, GF-SCMA, OFDMA without the grant-free
transmission, and grant-type LDS and SCMA using Eq. (8). Table III shows the basic simulation
parameters. In this study, the number of antennas for both the UE and the BS was assumed to be one,
and the performances were mainly evaluated for the number of transmission samples K = 4, number
of active transmission users JA = J = 6, number of subcarriers 2048, and the turbo code length

Table III. Basic simulation parameters.
Multiple access scheme OFDMA (GF-)LDS, SCMA GF-SCCMA
QPSK Chaos-based
Modulation Codebook (SCMA)
M =4 codebook M = 4
M =4
No. of samples K=4
No. of maximum users J =6
No. of max weights in F - (J, 2)
Transmission Multi-carrier OFDM w/ round-robin scheduling
No. of subcarriers 2048
No. of data subcarriers 2048 = 4 sample x 512 symbol
No. of guard interval 8 samples
Cell layout Non-sectorized hexagonal single cell model
User location Randomly distributed
Path loss exp. = 3.5,
Channel Standard deviation of shadowing loss = 7 dB,
1-dB decaying 8-path i.i.d. quasi-static Rayleigh fading
Channel estimation perfect
Subcarrier Message passing algorithm (MPA)
Multi-user detection algorithm
extraction using sum product algorithm
No. of detection iteration - 15 fixed
Channel coding Rate 1/2 punctured turbo code, code length = 1024
Channel decoding BCJR MAP decoding with 8 iteration
Error detection CRC-16
Outer decoding iteration - 1

Fig. 15. Comparison of normalized throughput performances versus cell-edge

average received SNR in single cells in fading channel.

1024. The common key signals between the transmitter and receiver sides of GF-SCCMA method
were assumed to be shared in advance. The number of non-zero samples for the SCCMA method was
fixed at Nj = 2. In the grant-free transmission, the resource information used by the receiver, i.e., the
detection of the column number of F, is assumed to be perfect. The turbo codewords are placed in
the frequency direction in one OFDM frame. One turbo iteration in decoding was performed between
the message passing algorithm (MPA)-based user signal detector and the turbo decoder. The data
to be turbo coded is CRC-16 encoded in advance, and the normalized throughput characteristic is
calculated using the detection result of the CRC-16 code, where the sample transmission per subcar-
rier is one. This indicates that the normalized throughput is defined as one for error-free orthogonal
Figure 15 shows the transmission characteristics in a single cell and fading environment. The

Fig. 16. Comparison of normalized throughput characteristics against the
number of sending users.

convergence of MPA is improved due to the instantaneous variation of received power caused by the
user distribution and fading, and that the performance of the NOMA with the grant type is improved
from the low SNR region, as compared to OFDMA. Although the performance of the proposed
GF-SCCMA method is degraded as compared to that of the grant method, which is caused by the
degradation of MPA detection by grant-free, it is confirmed that the proposed GF-SCCMA method
shows better performance than the GF-LDS and GF-SCMA methods where the codebooks completely
overlap in the region where the average SNR is more than 5 dB. This is because the LLR output of
the GF-SCMA method has a more desirable distribution for the subsequent turbo decoder, based on
Shannon theory. In addition, since the saturation throughput of the GF-SCCMA method is 1.5, it
is superior to OFDMA above a certain SNR. In addition, GF-LDS and GF-SCMA do not reach the
saturation throughput when SNR < 20 dB.
The figure also shows the signal separation characteristics when the real and imaginary parts of
the chaotic initial key signals of all users are shifted by 10−3 at the receiving base station. In this
case, the throughput is 0. This indicates that the decoder without the key signal cannot separate
the signals correctly and the physical layer security is ensured. Therefore, the proposed method can
achieve both physical layer security and channel coding gain in the uplink environment, contrary to
the existing GF-based and OFDMA methods.
Figure 16 shows the performance of the proposed method in a single-cell fading environment where
the average SNR received at the cell edge is 16 dB, and the number of active transmitting users
is JA . In this case, all transmissions are GF transmissions. From the results, it is clear that the
characteristics of the GF-SCCMA method are better than those of the existing GF-based methods
for all the number of users, thus indicating that chaos-based NOMA has a significant throughput
improvement effect. This is because the GF-SCCMA signal is closer to a Gaussian distribution as
described in Section 4. Consequently, this example showed that the nonlinear signal processing was
effective in 5G.
In this study, we assumed that the channel coefficients and the resource index for each user, i.e.,
the active user detection, are perfect at the receiver side. However, in reality, this needs to be done
by control signal transmission before data transmission. In the mMTC, this active JA UE detection
should be done from several thousand potential J UEs with an active ratio with a small percentage,
and their channels need to be estimated using a non-orthogonal preamble. This active user detection
also incorporates the techniques of nonlinear optimization problems [32–34].

6. Prospects on Beyond 5G and 6G

Figure 17 illustrates the concept of cell-free operation in Beyond 5G and 6G. The evolution of 5G,

Fig. 17. Concept of cell-free system in Beyond 5G and 6G.

which is currently under consideration by 3GPP and other organizations, could be diversified by
the use cases beyond eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC. To support the evolution of such peak elemental
performances, it is necessary to increase the transmission rate of the uplink and use radio waves in the
high-frequency band, including the THz band for a wider B. However, as the use of higher frequency
bands increases, the range of radio waves at the same transmission power becomes relatively shorter,
and thus, the existing cellular concept shown on the left of the figure will require a cell-free mechanism,
as shown on the right, which provides flexible radio access in terms of time, space, and frequency.
As a result, there is an increasing need for algorithms that perform areal optimization rather than
single control such as optimization of resource allocation at several BSs. In addition, because the
optimal solution is subject to combinatorial explosion, various methods are being investigated to
reduce the amount of computation and obtain an effective solution using machine learning and other
techniques [35].

7. Conclusions
In this paper, we presented an overview of 5G and outlined the nonlinear signal processing that
supports the improvement of the performance of 5G. The 5G communication system is expected to
open up newer industrial applications because it has use cases that guarantee the quality, latency, and
performance of the number of connections, unlike 4G. The nonlinear signal processing is necessary to
achieve the performance improvement, and the nonlinear technologies used for 5G wireless access were
explained, including the MIMO transmission and NOMA. In addition, our proposal of NOMA with
radio wave encryption was introduced. Since 6G is expected to implement nonlinear signal processing
on a larger scale for optimization over a wider area, it is expected that wireless signal processing
techniques for generating global semi-optimal solutions with low complexity, including the machine
learning technique, will be further developed.

This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI (grant number JP18K04136) and KDDI Foun-
dation Research Grant Program. The author wishes to express his appreciation for the supports

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