Polity Ques
Polity Ques
Polity Ques
2. Who are entitled to receive free legal aid? Assess the role of the National Legal
Services Authority (NALSA) in rendering free legal aid in India.
3. “The states in India seem reluctant to empower urban local bodies both functionally
as well as financially.” Comment.
5. Discuss the role of Presiding Officers of state legislatures in maintaining order and
impartiality in conducting legislative work and in facilitating best democratic
6. Discuss the role of the Competition Commission of India in containing the abuse of
dominant position by the Multi-National Corporations in India. Refer to the recent
9. Account for the legal and political factors responsible for the reduced frequency of
using Article 356 by the Union Governments since mid-1990s.
10. Explain the constitutional perspectives of Gender Justice with the help of relevant
Constitutional Provisions and case laws.
11. Explain the significance of the 101st Constitutional Amendment Act. To what extent
does it reflect the accommodative spirit of federalism?
12. Explain the structure of the Parliamentary Committee system. How far have the
financial committees helped in the institutionalisation of Indian Parliament?
2. “Right of movement and residence throughout the territory of India are freely
available to the Indian citizens, but these rights are not absolute.” Comment.
3. To what extent, in your opinion, has the decentralisation of power in India changed
the governance landscape at the grassroots?
4. Discuss the role of the Vice-President of India as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
5. Discuss the role of the National Commission for Backward Classes in the wake of its
transformation from a statutory body to a constitutional body.
6. Discuss the procedures to decide the disputes arising out of the election of a
Member of the Parliament or State Legislature under The Representation of the
People Act, 1951. What are the grounds on which the election of any returned
candidate may be declared void? What remedy is available to the aggrieved party
against the decision? Refer to the case laws.
7. Discuss the essential conditions for exercise of the legislative powers by the
Governor. Discuss the legality of re-promulgation of ordinances by the Governor
without placing them before the Legislature.
8. “While the national political parties in India favour centralisation, the regional
parties are in favour of State autonomy.” Comment.
9. Critically examine the procedures through which the Presidents of India and France
are elected.
10. Discuss the role of the Election Commission of India in the light of the evolution of
the Model Code of Conduct.
3. How have the recommendations of the 14th Finance Commission of India enabled
the States to improve their fiscal position?
4. To what extent, in your view, the Parliament is able to ensure accountability of the
executive in India?
5. “Pressure groups play a vital role in influencing public policy making in India.”
Explain how the business associations contribute to public policies.
2. How far do you think cooperation, competition and confrontation have shaped the
nature of federation in India? Cite some recent examples to validate your answer
4. “Once a speaker, Always a speaker’ Do you think the practice should be adopted to
impart objectivity to the office of the Speaker of Lok Sabha? What could be its
implications for the robust functioning of parliamentary business in India?
5. Judicial Legislation is antithetical to the doctrine of separation of powers as
envisaged in the Indian Constitution. In this context justify the filing of large number
of public interest petitions praying for issuing guidelines to executive authorities.
6. The strength sustenance of local institutions in India has shifted from their
formative phase of ‘Functions, Functionaries and Funs’ to the contemporary stage of
‘Functionality’. Highlight the critical challenges faced by local institutions in terms of
their functionality in recent times.
1. Do you think that constitution of India does not accept principle of strict separation
of powers rather it is based on the principle of ‘checks and balance’? Explain.
3. What are the methods used by the Farmers organizations to influence the policy-
makers in India and how effective are these methods?
5. What can France learn from the Indian Constitution’s approach to secularism?
1. In the light of recent controversy regarding the use of Electronic Voting Machines
(EVM), what are the challenges before the Election Commission of India to ensure
the trustworthiness of elections in India?
2. Whether National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) can enforce the
implementation of constitutional reservation for the Schedules Castes in the
religious minority institutions? Examine.
4. Why do you think the committees are considered to be useful for parliamentary
work? Discuss, in this context, the role of the Estimates Committee.
5. “The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has a very vital role to play.” Explain
how this is reflected in the method and terms of his appointment as well as the
range of powers he can exercise.
6. Whether the Supreme Court Judgement (July 2018) can settle the political tussle
between the Lt. Governor and elected government of Delhi? Examine.
7. How far do you agree with the view that tribunals curtail the jurisdiction of ordinary
courts? In view of the above, discuss the constitutional validity and competency of
the tribunals in India.
8. India and USA are two large democracies. Examine the basic tenets on which the
two political systems are based.
9. How is the Finance Commission of India constituted? What do you know about the
terms of reference of the recently constituted Finance Commission? Discuss.
10. Assess the importance of the Panchayat system in India as a part of local
government. Apart from government grants, what sources the panchayats can look
out for financing developmental projects?
2. ‘Simultaneous election to the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies will limit the
amount of time and money spent in electioneering but it will reduce the
government’s accountability to the people’ Discuss.
4. Explain the salient features of the Constitution (One Hundred and First Amendment)
Act, 2016. Do you think it is efficacious enough ‘to remove cascading effect of taxes
and provide for common national market for goods and services’?
5. Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of the latest judgement of the
Supreme Court on Right to Privacy.
6. The Indian Constitution has provisions for holding joint session of the two houses of
the Parliament. Enumerate the occasions when this would normally happen and also
the occasions when it cannot, with reasons thereof.
7. To enhance the quality of democracy in India the Election Commission of India has
proposed electoral reforms in 2016. What are the suggested reforms and how far
are they significant to make democracy successful?
1. Discuss the essentials of the 69th Constitutional Amendment Act and anomalies, if
any that have led to recent reported conflicts between the elected representatives
and the institution of the Lieutenant Governor in the administration of Delhi. Do you
think that this will give rise to a new trend in the functioning of the Indian federal
2. To what extent is Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, bearing marginal note
“Temporary provision with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir”, temporary?
Discuss the future prospects of this provision in the context of Indian polity.
3. The Indian party system is passing through a phase of transition which looks to be
full of contradictions and paradoxes.” Discuss.
4. Exercise of CAC’s powers in relation to the accounts of the Union and the States is
derived from Article 149 of the Indian Constitution. Discuss whether audit of the
Government’s Policy implementation could amount to overstepping its own (CAG)
5. Discuss each adjective attached to the word ‘Republic’ in the preamble. Are they
defendable in the present circumstances stances?
6. What was held in the Coelho case? In this context, can you say that judicial review is
of key importance amongst the basic features of the Constitution?
7. Did the Government of India Act, 1935 lay down a federal constitution? Discuss.
1. Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform
civil code as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy.
6. What are the major changes brought in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1990
through the recent Ordinance promulgated by the President? How far will it
improve India’s dispute resolution mechanism? Discuss.
7. Does the right to clean environment entail legal regulations on burning crackers
during Diwali ? Discuss in the light of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and
Judgement(s) of the Apex Court in this regard.
1. Starting from inventing the ‘basic structure’ doctrine, the judiciary has played a
highly proactive role in ensuring that India develops into a thriving democracy. In
light of the statement, evaluate the role played by judicial activism in achieving the
ideals of democracy.
2. Though the federal principle is dominant in our Constitution and that principle is
one of its basic features, but it is equally true that federalism under the Indian
Constitution leans in favour of a strong Centre, a feature that militates against the
concept of strong federalism. Discuss.
3. The ‘Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and its Members’ as envisaged
in Article 105 of the Constitution leave room for a large number of un-codified and
un-enumerated privileges to continue. Assess the reasons for the absence of legal
codification of the ‘parliamentary privileges’. How can this problem be addressed?
4. Instances of President’s delay in commuting death sentences has come under public
debate as denial of justice. Should there be a time limit specified for the President
to accept/reject such petitions? Analyse.
5. What do you understand by the concept “freedom of speech and expression”? Does
it cover hate speech also? Why do the films in India stand on a slightly different
plane from other forms of expression? Discuss.
1. The role of individual MPs (Members of Parliament) has diminished over the years
and as a result healthy constructive debates on policy issues are not usually
witnessed. How far can this be attributed to the anti-defection law, which was
legislated but with a different intention?
2. Discuss Section 66A of IT Act, with reference to its alleged violation of Article 19 of
the Constitution.
3. Recent directives from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas are perceived by the
‘Nagas’ as a threat to override the exceptional status enjoyed by the State. Discuss
in light of Article 371A of the Indian Constitution.
4. The Supreme Court of India keeps a check on arbitrary power of the Parliament in
amending the Constitution. Discuss critically.
7. Discuss the recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission which have been a
departure from the previous commissions for strengthening the local government