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Chapter 2: Homeostasis

Milieu interior

Term coined by Claude Bernard

Also known as internal environment of the body

Cells are in contact with interstitial fluid which in turn is in constant

exchange with plasma. Cells get nutrients and other requirements
from their surrounding (i.e ECF: Interstitial fluid and plasma) and
release the end products into it. Also to perform functions
adequately , they need to be maintained in an appropriate
environment of pH, temperature, electrolyte concentration etc. Hence
the concentration of various substances in the internal environment
of body i.e ECF needs to be maintained.

Fundamentally milieu interior refers to the extracellular fluid


Term coined by Walter B Cannon

Maintenance of nearly constant conditions in the internal

What is the need for homeostasis ?

Cells function only within a limited range of

Electrolyte composition

These variables need to be maintained in a physiological range in

the internal environment for proper functioning of cells

Mechanisms of homeostasis

Various systems participate directly or indirectly in maintaining


Systems: Groups of organs that perform related functions and

interact to accomplish a common activity essential to survival of the
whole body

The integration between various organ systems is brought about by

CONTROL SYSTEMS which are either

1. Neural mechanisms: nerves are involved, are very fast

2. Hormonal mechanisms: hormones are involved, slower to act ,
especially important for regulating metabolic functions
3. Neurohormonal mechanisms: Initial activation nerves which
causes the release of hormones

In order to maintain homeostasis, control system must have

certain characteristics.

1. They should have a sensor to detect deviations in the value of

the variable from normal in the internal environment or detect the
current value of the variable

2. They should integrate this information with other relevant

information (controller)

3. They should make appropriate adjustments in order to restore the

variable to its desired value (effector)

For doing so, control systems have various components:

5 Components of control system

1. Sensor detects actual value of the variable, or deviations in value

of the variable or in case of feedforward systems, sensor detects the
disturbance which can cause change in the value of the variable

E.g. Baroreceptors sense current value of mean blood pressure

(Feedback systems)
Thermoreceptors detect core body temperature (Feedback
systems) and surface body temperature which is a surrogate of
environmental temperature (Feedforward systems)
2. Afferents send the information to control center

E.g IX and X cranial nerve send the information from baroreceptors

to control center

3. Control center: Integrates the information

E.g Nucleus Tractus Solitarius integrates the information coming

from baroreceptors (current value of mean blood pressure) with
other information, for e.g. coming from peripheral chemoreceptors
i.e pO2. E.g If pO2 is less, and current value of BP is more than
normal range of mean blood pressure, yet the control center will not
reduce the BP

4. Efferents: Send the information from control center to effectors

E.g. If after integration, calculations in control center need to correct

the BP, control center sends information to effectors by Sympathetic
and parasympathetic nerves which are the efferents

5. Effectors: Bring about change in their activity due to efferents.

E.g. Heart and Blood

vessels will change
their activity in
response to
change in the
sympathetic and
parasympathetic input
to them

Control systems

Control systems are of various types

1. Feedback mechanisms

Negative feedback mechanism

Positive feedback mechanisms

2. Feedforward mechanisms

Characteristics of control systems

Feedback systems

The property of a control system to use its output as its input.

Hence output is fed back as input into the system.
Negative feedback:
The type of feedback when a deviation in the controlled quantity
is counterbalanced by the control system.

E.g. If blood pressure decreases, a negative feedback control system

will tend to increase the blood pressure and vice versa

E.g: Decrease in BP is detected by Baroreceptors (Sensors). The

information is conveyed by IX and X cranial nerves (afferents) to NTS
(Control center). Control center integrates information and sends it
to heart and vessels (effectors) which change their functionality
(Response - CO increases and BVs constrict). This brings the BP back
to the original level.


Most common homeostatic system

Monitors end result of activity
Has time lag which leads to oscillations
Gain determines the efficiency of the system
Can be neural, humoral or neurohumoral

Gain of the system - defines effectiveness of control system

Gain = correction / residual error

Where correction = Actual change - predicted change
And residual error is residual change with regulation

E.g. How to calculate gain?

Look at the table below while reading the scenario for understanding

Suppose there is blood loss which decreases BP from 100 mmHg. If

baroreflex was not working, the BP would have dropped to 50
mmHg (B). But due to Baroreflex correction, BP dropped only to 80
mmHg (C). So change without regulation (WOR) and change with
regulation (WR) are determined.

BP BP Change BP Residual Correction Gain

(mm without without with change (Actual (Correctio
Hg) regulati regulatio regulat with change - n/error)
on n (Final ion regulation predicted
(A) value - (Error) change)
(B) Initial (C)
value) (WR) =
(WOR) = change

100 50 50 - 100 80 80-100 = -20 - 30/-20 =

= -50 (a -20 (-50) = - 1.5
decrease +30
of 50
Positive feedback:
The type of feedback when a deviation in the controlled quantity
is further amplified by the control system

In simple terms, output is in same direction of disturbance.

Blood coagulation: Initiation of coagulation by activation of clotting
factors leads to further activation of clotting factors and hence
amplification of the original change
Oxytocin release
Action potential generation ( = Hodgkin’s cycle)
LH surge


Positive feedback is a vicious cycle. If it continues beyond a

desired value, then uncontrolled activity and hence amplification
may even lead to death.

In physiological conditions, positive feedback stops when original

stimulus is removed. Also, positive feedback systems generally
work under the loop of negative feedback such that when a
desired value of the variable is reached, it leads to switching of
the system to negative feedback.

Feed forward control

Control system in which the sensors detect the disturbance

rather than the actual value of the variable.

Based on the amount of disturbance, they make necessary

anticipatory corrections in the variable. For e.g. surface
thermoreceptors detect the change in body temperature which is a
surrogate for environment temperature. The control system then
makes anticipatory responses so that the core body temperature is

• Anticipates changes in regulated variable
Such as Internal body temperature
• Improves speed of body’s homeostatic responses
• Minimizes fluctuations in levels of variable being regulated
• Always neural
• Can learn - Adaptive control (The responses of this system can
change over time. So this system is capable of learning)

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