Homeostasis: Maintenance of The Constancy of The Internal Environment of The Body

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Def. – maintenance of the constancy of the

internal environment of the body.

Internal environment – milieu interieur

extracellular fluid which includes
interstitial fluid.
Volume and composition of this fluid
should be maintained constant (within
narrow limits) in spite of changes in
external environment for the normal
function of cell.

Failure of homeostasis leads to disease

Control systems of the body –

- genetic control in all the cells

- systems working within the organs

control function of individual organs

- systems operating throughout the

entire body to control interrelation

between the organs

Composition of ECF is same all over

the body because of constant mixing

of interstitial fluid and blood and

circulation of blood
Some regulating systems and their
functions –
Resp. system - CO2 content
Liver and pancreas – glucose
Kidney – conc. of ions
CVS – blood flow and temp regulation
Nervous and endocrine systems
regulate the function of other systems
Components of control system –
1. sensor to detect disturbance,
2. controlling center,
3. effector

Homeostatic Mechanisms-
1.Negative feedback mechanism
2.Positive feedback mechanism
3.Feed forward or anticipatory mechanism
Im 1.Negative feedback mechanism –

- most common

- the effect of controlling system is in the

opposite direction of change in the
parameter so that disturbance is
-ve feedback mechanism


regulation of blood pressure by


regulation of hormonal secretion,

regulation of PCO2 of ECF.

Components of -ve feedback regulation

Disturbance Controlled variable at a set point

Sensor monitors currant value

Feedback signals

Controller- compares
Set point
If error

Output through effectors

Effector response

-ve feedback mechanism
Characteristics –
-the disturbance is not corrected
immediately – latency – dead time so
oscillations are possible
-The disturbance is not corrected
completely – residual change
-Regulation factor = change with regulation
change without regulation
-ve feedback mechanism

-Effectiveness of regulating system –

Gain =

correction applied / residual change

-ve feedback mechanism

E.G. if large vol of blood is transfused

without baroreceptor system increase in
blood pressure is 100 mmof Hg to 175
mm of Hg and with baroreceptors it is
125 mm of Hg then,

Regulation factor is 25 / 75 = 1/3

Gain is -50 / +25 = -2

Gain of body temp.regulating system is -33

Positive feedback mechanism –

the effect of regulating system

magnifies the error and sets in vicious
cycle which stops only when the initial
stimulus is removed.
2 lits of blood loss +ve feedback

Ineffective heart pump


↓blood flow to heart muscle

Weakness of heart muscle

↓heart pump

Vicious cycle stops when blood volume

is corrected
+ve feedback mech.

Examples of Useful +ve feedback regulation –

for rapid magnification of basic corrective

1.Hodgkin’s cycle for Na+ transport during AP

2.Oxytocin secretion during parturition

3.LH surge for ovulation

4.Enzymatic cascade for blood coagulation

5.Activation of digestive enzymes

3. Feed forward mechanism – anticipatory
mechanism – conditioned reflex
By detecting rate of change rapid
anticipatory corrective measures which
may not be accurate e.g. acceleration,
exposure to cold
Limitations –

- age

Undamped oscillations due to long dead

time and more gain of system –

e.g. Chyene Stoke’s breathing, clonus

during deep reflexes
Metabolic tissue

Intracellular water-40 % Total

Extracellular water -20%

Bone tissue

Body fluid compartments-
60% of body wt.(70kg.) – 42 lits.

ICF-2/3 -28lits ECF – 1/3 – 14 lits

2 lits in RBC
Plasma -3lits -1-2 lits
-5% 1/5 Interstitial fluid
-11 lits. 3/4

7% of fluid in intravascular compartment

Body fluids
•62% of body wt in males and 52 % in

•72% of lean body mass (adipose free)

body wt is 70kg in man

body water is 42 lits.

28 lits ( 2/3) ICF – 2 lits - intravascular

14 lits. (1/3) ECF – 3 lits - intravascular

Body fluids
Measurement of body fluid compartments-

•indicator dilution technique –

•Criteria for ideal dye –

•Dye should get uniformly diluted only in

the compartment whose whose volume
is to be measured
Body fluids
•Dye should be nontoxic,

•should not change fluid volume,

• should not be metabolized, altered

•or excreted in significant amount

• should be able to estimate easily

Body fluids

Two spaces are calculated indirectly –

- Intracellular fluid compartment

( TBW – ECF)

- Extravascular fluid compartment

(ECF - plasma vol.)

Body fluids
Inulin for ECF – 100 mg inulin injected
After 30 min. inulin conc in blood –
0.75 mg /dl
25 mg excreted in urine during 30

ECF vol = 100 – 25 / 0.75 = 10000 ml

= 10 lits.
Body fluids

Substances used –
TBW – D2O, tritiated H2O, aminopyrine
ECF – Na thiosulphate, sucrose, mannitol,
Intravascular fluid –
Plasma vol. - Evan’s blue, T1824 , 131

Osmolarity of ECF = 290 mOsm / lit

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