Class XI HHW

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1. Prepare an A3 Size chart paper on the literary contribution/ works, achievements and
awards and recognition of any one of the following poets/writers:
2. Prepare a Ted talk on any topic of social importance that you will be presenting in your
ASL class. ( Duration: 1.5-2 minutes)
3. Write articles/poems or make an art work that can be submitted for the annual magazine
4. Read a book and prepare a synopsis of the same.

1. Prepare an A3 size poster on any topic of chemistry.
2. Make an investigatory project on any of the suggested topics (or any topic of choice):
• To compare the neutralising ability of different antacids
• Chemistry project to study the Adulterants in different food samples. (This needs to
be discussed first)
• Study of content of ascorbic acid in citrus fruits (Kiwi , Tomato , Lemon , Orange)
• To analyse a sample of brass and bronze qualitatively
• To Determine the Caffeine in Tea Samples and study its effects.
• To prepare hand sanitizers from local materials
• To synthesize perfumes (esters – sweet smelling compounds)
• Chemistry Project on Presence of Insecticides & Pesticides in Fruits & Vegetables
• To check for the contents of milk powder.
• Preparation of organic plastic
• To Study the content of honey.
• Chemistry Projects on purification of water using innovative biodegradable materials.
• Chemistry Projects on Preparation of Pigments and Poster Paints
• Chemistry Project to study the content of tooth powder
• To study the amount of caffeine content of Cold Drinks and its adverse effects
• Preparation of Organic Soaps and comparison of their foaming capacity

3. Complete Assignment in assignment notebook.

Nature of matter
1. Why is air regarded sometimes as heterogeneous mixture?
2. Classify the following into elements, compounds and mixtures:
Marble, Honey, Tooth paste , Sugar , Gold , Brass, Slaked lime, Fruit Juice

Laws of chemical combination and Dalton's atomic theory

3. Discuss Dalton's Atomic theory and its limitations?

4. Define law of definite proportions of mass with example..

Mole concept and molar mass

5. Calculate the mass of (i) an atom of silver (ii) A molecule of CO2.

6. One million of silver atoms weigh 1.79 × 10-16 g. Calculate the atomic mass of silver.
7. Calculate the number of molecules and number of atoms present in 11.32 litres of oxygen
(O2) at N.T.P.
8. Calculate the number of molecules in a drop of water weighing 0.05g?
9. Calculate the volume at NTP occupied by :
(i) 14 g of nitrogen
(ii) 1.5 moles of SO2
(iii) 1021 molecules of Oxygen gas

Percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula

10. An inorganic salt gave the following percentage composition, Na = 29.11, S = 40.51 and
O = 30.38 Calculate the empirical formula of the salt.
11. A sample of salt has the following percentage composition :
Fe = 36.76 : S = 21.11 and O = 42.14
Calculate the empirical formula of the compound.
12. Determine the percentage of water of crystallization in pure sample of green vitriol
13. The hydrated salt Na2CO3.xH2O undergoes 63% loss in mass on heating and becomes
anhydrous. What is the value of x?
14. Fe2(SO4)3 is used in water and sewage treatment to aid the removal of suspended
impurities. Calculate the mass percentage of iron, sulphur and oxygen in this compound.
15. On analysis , a substance was found to have the following percentage composition :
K = 31.84 Cl = 28.98 and O = 39.18
Calculate its molecular formula if its molecular mass is 122.5 u.

Stoichiometric Calculations
16. Take the reaction: NH3 + O2 NO + H2O. In an experiment, 3.25 g of NH3 are allowed
to react with 3.50 g of O2.
(i) Which reactant is the limiting reagent?
(ii) How many grams of NO are formed?
(iii) How much of the excess reactant remains after the reaction?
17. If 4.95 g of ethylene (C2H4) are combusted with 3.25 g of oxygen.
(i) What is the limiting reagent?
(ii) How many grams of CO2 are formed?
18. Gastric juice contains 3 g HCl per litre. If a person produces 2.5 L of gastric juice per
day, how many antacid tablets each containing 400 mg of Al(OH)3 are needed to
neutralise all the HCl produced in one day?
19. Commercially available sulphuric acid contains 91% acid by mass and has a densityof
1.83g ml-1
(i) Calculate the molarity of the solution
(ii) volume of concentrated acid required to prepare 3.5L of 0.50 M H2SO4
20. One litre of sea water weighs 1050 grams and contains 6×10-3 g of dissolved oxygen gas.
Calculate the concentration of the dissolved oxygen in ppm.
21. Calculate the mass of Na2CO3 which will have the same number of molecules as are
contained in 132 g of MgSO4.7H2O
22. What is the mass of carbon present in 0.5 mole of K4{Fe(CN)6]
23. Calculate the weight of iron which will be converted into its oxide (Fe3O4) by the action
of 14.4 g of steam on it.
24. How many grams of chlorine are required to completely react with 0.40 g of H2 to yield
HCl? Also calculate amount of HCl formed?
25. 4 g carbon was heated with 8 g sulphur. How much carbon disulphide (CS2) will be
formed when the reaction is complete?

Miscellaneous Questions
26. Assertion – Reason based questions

Choose the correct answer out of the following choices:

(a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason explains the assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are wrong statements.
(c) Assertion is correct statement and reason is wrong statement.
(d) Assertion is wrong statement and reason is correct statement.
(e) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason does not explain assertion.

(i) Assertion:A solution of table salt in a glass of water is homogeneous.

Reason:A solution having same composition throughout is heterogeneous.
(ii) Assertion:The molecular weight of oxygen is 32 amu.
Reason:The atomic weight of oxygen is 16 amu.

(iii) Assertion:No of moles of H2 in 0.224 L of hydrogen is 0.01 mole.

Reason:22.4 L of H2 at STP contain 6.023 × 1023 moles.

(iv) Assertion:Atomic mass of Na is 23.

Reason:An atom of sodium is 23 times heavier than 1/12th mass of C-12 isotope.

(v) Assertion:Number of atoms of He in 60 u of He is 15.

Reason:Atomic weight of He is 4 u.

27. Read the given passage and answer the questions (a) to (e) that follow.
The mole, symbol mol, is the SI unit ofamount of substance. One mole containsexactly
6.02214076 × 1023 elementary entities.This number is the fixed numerical value ofthe
Avogadro constant, NA, when expressed inthe unit mol–1 and is called the
Avogadronumber. The amount of substance, symbol n,of a system is a measure of the
number ofspecified elementary entities. An elementaryentity may be an atom, a molecule,
an ion, anelectron, any other particle or specified groupof particles. It may be emphasised
that themole of a substance always contains the samenumber of entities, no matter what
the substance may be. In order to determine thisnumber precisely, the mass of a carbon–
12atom was determined by a mass spectrometerand found to be equal to 1.992648 × 10–23

(a) Calculate mass in gram of 5.8 mol N2O

(b) Calculate number of moles in 8.0 g of O2
(c) What is Molar mass of a gas if 11.2 L at STP weigh 8.5 g.
(d) How many atoms and molecules are present in 124 gm of phosphorus (P4) ?
(e) The cost of table salt ( NaCl ) is Rs. 10 per Kg. calculate its cost per mole.

28. How many significant figures are there in each of the following :
(i) 6.005 (ii) 6.022 × 1023 (iii) 8000 (iv) 0.0025
29. How much copper can be obtained from 110gm of CuSO4?
30. Why molality is preferred over molarity in expressing the concentration of a solution?

Hots Questions

31. What is the mass of the precipitate formed when 50 mL of 16.9% (w/V) solution of
AgNO3 is mixed with 50 mL of 5.8% (w/V) NaCl solution?
32. A crystalline salt when heated becomes anhydrous and loses 51.2 % of its weight. The
anhydrous salt on analysis gave the following percentage composition Mg = 20.0% , S =
26.6 % , O = 53.33 % Calculate the molecular formula of the anhydrous salt and the
crystalline salt. Molecular weight of the anhydrous salt is 120.
33. The mole fraction of CH3OH in an aqueous solution is 0.02 and density is 94 g/cm3.
Determine the molality of the solution.
34. A reaction container holds 5.77 g of P4 and 5.77 g of O2.The following reaction occurs:
P4 + O2 P4O6. If enough oxygen is available then the P4O6 reacts further:
P4O6 + O2 P4O10.
(a)What is the limiting reagent for the formation of P4O10?
(b) What mass of P4O10 is produced?
(c)What mass of excess reactant is left in the reaction container?
35. 2.5 g of CaCO3 was placed in 50 ml of a solution of HCl.1.05 g of CaCO3 was left after
the reaction. Calculate:
(a) the weight of HCl per litre
(b) the Molarity of HCl

1. Derive the formulae for velocity (v) of water waves that may depend upon their wavelength
λ, density of water ρ and acceleration due to gravity g.

2. Find the expression for centripetal force if it depends upon mass of the body, speed of the
body, and the radius of the circular path.

3. If x = a + bt + ct2, where x is in metres and t in seconds, write the SI units of a, b, c.

4. What is principle of homogeneity in dimensional method?

5. When white light travels through glass the refractive index,


is found to vary with wave length as = + /λ2 .
Where A and B are constants and λis wavelength of light. Determine the dimensions
of A and B.

6. The frequency of vibration (ν) of a string may depend upon length (l) of the string, tension
(T) in the string and mass per unit length (m) of the string. Use the method of dimensions for
establishing the formula for frequency (ν).

7. A new unit of length is chosen such that the unit of mass equals 100 g, the unit of length
equals 200 m and the unit of time is second. Calculate the value of 10 N in the new system of
8. Write is the SI unit of luminous intensity?

9. If velocity, time and force were chosen the basic quantities, find the dimensions of mass?

10. If force (F) acceleration (A) and time (T) are taken as fundamental units, then find the
dimension of energy.

11. If (P + a/V) (V - b) = RT, where P is pressure, V is volume of gas, R is universal gas

constant and T is temperature, find the dimensions of a, b.

12. An object covers first d distance with v1 velocity, second d/2with v2velocity, and next d/2
with v3velocity. Calculate the average velocity of the object.

13. The position coordinate of a moving body is given by the equation:

x = 6 + 18t + 9t2 (where “x” is in meters and “t” is in seconds).
What is the velocity and acceleration at t = 2 sec.

14. The velocity time graph of an object moving along a straight line is as shown below

calculate distance covered by the object between

(i) t = 0 to t = 5 sec
(ii) t = 0 to t = 10 sec


1. Convert the following decimal numbers into equivalent binary-

(i) 123 (ii) 74
(iii) 65.170 (iv) 37.650
2. Convert the following binary numbers –
(i) 110011110.110 - ________(8)
(ii) 1010101100.101 - ________(16)
(iii) 1111110.011 - ________(8)
3. Convert the following –
(i) FACE(16) - _________(8)
(ii) AF2(16) - _________(2)
(iii)125(8) - _________(2)
(iv) 108(10) - _________(16)

4. What do you mean by ASCII?

5. Explain UNICODE.
6. Write Short notes on-
(i) Signed Magnitude
(ii) 1’s complement & 2’s compliment


1. Prepare the truth table for a. X+(X.Y) b. X.(X+Y) c. X + Y d. (X.Y) + (Y.X)

2. Write rules for preparing the truth table.
3. Explain the following gates with an example:
a) AND
b) OR
d) NOR
e) XOR

4. Name following law and verify them using a truth table:

a) x + x’ = 1
b) x + y = y + x
c) x + (y + z ) = (x + y ) + z
d) x + xy = x
e) (x + y)’ = x’.y’

5. Draw logical circuits for following:

a) Y = ab + bc + ca
b) Y = (a+b)’ . (a+b)
c) Y = a’.b’ + (a.b)’

6. Prove DeMorgan’s law using truth table.


1. Define biodiversity.
2. How is nomenclature different from identification?
3. Expand ICBN and ICZN.
4. Mention the significance of scientific names.
5. Explain with an example the universal rules of nomenclature.
6. Explain the following:
i. Taxa ii. Taxonomy iii. Systematics
7. Mention the taxonomic categories into which an organism is classified.
8. Explain the significance of each taxonomic category with an example.


Read the given passage and answer the questions given.

Taxonomy is the study of the classification, characterization, nomenclature, and identification of
organisms and it is a branch of science. Systematics is another branch of science that includes the
study of the classification, nomenclature, identification, and evolutionary history of an organism.
Thus, the taxonomic characteristics of an organism along with its evolutionary history come
under systematics. In 1813, A.P de Candolle was the first to introduce the term taxonomy while
systematics was introduced as the time of human civilization. The term Systematics is derived
from the Latin word ‘systema’ which means the
systematic arrangement of organisms. Linnaeus (father of taxonomy) published his book
Systema Naturae where the classification of plants, animals were based on taxonomy.
Neo-systematics is the branch of systematics that deals with the species to be the product of
evolution. In 1940, Julia Huxley was the one who developed this concept. It involves the known
characteristics of an organism and the known evidence from different fields of biology.
Identification – It is the method of pacing the organisms in their exact place based on their
classification. The identification of organisms can be done with the help of taxonomic keys.
Classification – The classification is the process of grouping various living organisms based on
the common features that they share. A single group consists of those organisms that have
similar common features. To make classification easier various groups are forms in which
different organisms are placed depending upon their characteristics.
Characterization – The studying and understanding of characters of organisms and categorizing
them like external and internal structure (morphology and anatomy), the structure of the cell
(cytology), developmental process (embryology), and ecological information (ecology) of the
(1) Who is the Father of New Systematics?
(a) Aristotle
(b) Linnaeus
(c) Theophrastus
(d) Julian Huxley

(2) Which of the following considers evolutionary relationships

between organisms?
(a) Cladistics
(b) Artificial System of Classification
(c) Natural System of classification
(d) Systematics

(3) Who is the father of taxonomy?

(4) Define taxonomy.

(5) What is meant by Systematics?


1. Throw somelight on aristotle’s idea of classifying organisms.

2. Mention the scientist and the criteria used for classifying organisms into 2 kingdoms, 3
. Kingdoms, 4 kingdoms and 5 kingdoms and 6 kingdoms.
3. Mention the characteristics on the basis of which organisms were classified into 5
. Kingdoms.
4. Why are archaebacteria named so? Mention the significance of halophiles, methanogens
. and thermoacidophiles.
5. Explain with examples: i. algal bloom ii. heterocysts
6. What do you understand by chemosynthetic autotrophs. Explain with an example.
7. Identify a and b. mention their significance.

8. Some heterotrophic bacteria are helpful. Justify.

9. What are mycoplasma?
10. What do you understand by diatomaceous earth?
11. a.Identify the given organism.

b. What do you mean by red ttides?

ides? Mention their impact on aquatic organisms.
12. Mention the characteristic feature of euglenoids
13. Elaborate on house slime moulds react in favourable and unfavourable conditions.
14. Mention the 4 major groups of protozoa along with one example each.
15. Explain the association of living organisms in a. lichens. b. mycorrhiza
16. Elaborate on the sexual cycle in fungi.
17. Differentiate between phycomycetes, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes
on the basis of sexual
al and asexual reproduction.
18. Identify the organisms and mention the classes of fungi to which they belong.

a. b.

19. What do you understand by partially heterotrophic plants. Explain giving examples.
20. What is the mode off nutrition of organisms belonging to kingdom animalia?
21. Draw a labelled diagram of tobacco mosaic virus and bacteriophage.
22. Mention the contributions of the following scientists;
Dmitri Ivanowsky , M.W. Beijerinek and W.M. Stanley.
23. Differentiate between viruses and viroids.
24. Mention the genetic material present in the viruses infecting plants, bacteria and animals.
25. What are prions? mention the disease it causes in cattle and human beings.
26. Elaborate on the significance of m
mycobiont and phycobiont in lichens.



Corona viruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from
the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A
novel corona virus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified
in humans.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and
people. Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet
cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known
coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness
of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause
pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand
washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly
cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of
respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

(i) Name the family of the virus to which new Corona virus belongs.
a) MERS-CoV b) SARS-CoV c) N-CoV d) D. CoV

(ii) Which part or organ system of human body is affected by corona virus?
A. Nervous system B. Muscular & skeletal system
C. Respiratory system D. Digestive system

(iii) Symptoms of corona virus infection resembles to which viral infection

in humans?
A. Chikungunya B. Common cold C. Herpes D. Hepatitis

(iv) What are the precautions that need to be taken to protect from the
corona virus?
A. Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing & wear mask securely when
B. Add more garlic into your diet.
C. Visit your doctor for antibiotics treatment
D. Wash your feet after every hour.

(v) Name the molecule which forms genome of Corona virus.

A. RNA B. ds RNA C. DNA D. Both DNA & RNA

(vi) How does Corona virus transmit?

A. When a person sneezes or coughs, droplets spread in the air or fall on the
ground and nearby surfaces.
B. If another person is nearby and inhales the droplets or touches these surfaces
and further touches his face, eyes or mouth, he or she can get an infection.
C. If the distance is less than 1 meter from the infected person.
D. All the above are correct.


Germ-for-germ, biological weapons are the deadliest weapons ever produced.

Germs don’t respect borders, so biological threats—manmade and naturally
occurring—can quickly have global impacts. Although only a few countries are
suspected of having biological weapons, rapidly producing and weaponizing
biological agents is surprisingly easy.
What's more, it's difficult to tell the difference between legitimate and harmful
biological research. Advances in the life sciences hold extraordinary promise for
new treatments and cures for disease, but the same knowledge—and equipment—
can be used to engineer deadly pathogens.
Rapid advances in biotechnology mean that most countries with pharmaceutical
and medical industries possess the knowledge and tools to develop biological
weapons. And as technology and know-how spread, the risk of improper lab safety
increases, with consequences ranging from hazardous lab accidents to the
unwitting development of “superbugs” that are beyond the control of public health
a) The term biological weapons includes-
(i) Microorganisms or natural toxins to produce disease in humans, animals orplants
(ii) Microorganisms used to produce treatment for human diseases
(iii) Pharmaceutical and medical technology for public health
(iv) Hazardous lab accidents

b) How biotechnology provides a tool for making bio weapons?

(i) It allows alteration at DNA level.
(ii) Does corona virus come into that category?
(iii) Biotechnology is future of science.
(iv) All the above

c) Germs don’t respect borders. What does it mean?

(i) Can quickly have global impact
(ii) Have no impact globally
(iii) Deadly but cannot spread from one country to another.
(iv) None of above.
d) Advances in the life sciences hold extraordinary promise for new treatments and cures for
disease, but the same knowledge—and equipment—can be used to
engineer deadly pathogens.
(i) No (ii) Yes

e) Can biotechnology also helpful in diagnosis and control of deadlymicroorganisms?

(ii) No (ii) Yes

2. Explanation of physiological process using working models

Methodology: students will make a working or static model explaining concepts of human
1. Human kidney (roll no 1-5)
2. Human heart. (roll no 6-10)
3. 360 degrees rotting DNA model. (roll no 11-15)
4. Working of Haemodialysis chamber. (roll no 16-20)
5. BP measuring device. (roll no 21-25)
6. Lung capacity measurement device. (roll no 26-30)
7. Parts of Human Brain (roll no 31-35)
8. Lobes of human brain (roll no 36 to last)
9. Cell Cycle events
10. Sliding Filament theory of muscular contraction
11. Respiratory system
12. 4 levels of protein structure
Kindly note :

• Assignments to be done in A4 sheets.

• Activities to be done in math lab file.

Prepare a Physical Education Practical file and write down all three practical mention below in
practical file.
1. Fitness tests administration. (SAI Khelo India Test)
2. Procedure for Asanas, Benefits & Contraindication for any two Asanas for each lifestyle disease.
3. Anyone IOA recognised Sports/Games of choice. Labelled diagram of Field & Equipment. Also
mention its rules, terminologies and skills.


1. What will be the kind of data published by the railway department

regarding the progress ofrailway,foraninvestigator?
2. “CensusofIndiaprovidesa
3. Statethethree relevantsituationswhere primary&secondarydata canbe used.
4. Howwouldyouusetherandomsamplingmethodswhenyouhavetoselectasampleo
5. A village comprises 300 small & big farmers, you are to select sample
of 10%farminghouseholds, the idea is to study the cropping pattern in
the village. How will you take yourdecisiononselecting thesample?
6. Thereare40 studentsin yourschoolwhoarecricketplayers. You haveto
formateamof11playershowwouldyoudoit? Givereasons

7. Whatarethemeritsofclassification?
8. Thesecondarydatacan’t beusedblindlywithout
consideringsomeimportantfactors. Explain those factors.
9. Discussthefactorsthatshould beconsideredwhileusingthesecondarydata.
10. Write ashortnoteonNSSO.
11. Whereisthesuitabilityofconveniencesampling?
12. Giveoneexampleofopenend series.
13. Match the following:
Column I Column II
a)Information from correspondents i)Information is collected from the third
party or witness who possesses
information about the subject
b)Indirect oral investigation ii)Trained local agents are appointed to
provide continuous information
c)Questionnaire filled by enumerators iii)Information is collected by sending a
questionnaire to the respondents along
with a covering letter
d)Mailed Questionnaire iv)Information collected by trained
personnel who filled the questionnaire
on the basis of information provided by
a-iii,b-i, c-iv,d-ii
a-ii,b-i, c-iv,d-iii
a-i,b-ii, c-iv,d-iii
a-ii,b-iv, c-i,d-iii
14. Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case
the remarkattributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: “There are three kinds of lies:
lies, damned lies, and statistics.”
Whypeople call statistics as a rainbow of lies? What causes such distrust on statistics
by the people?

Questions to be done in statistics notebook

Case study to be attached first prior attempting questions.


Q1) Define Accounting.

Q2) Define Book Keeping?

Q3) Differentiate between Book Keeping and Accounting.

Q4) List the advantages of Accounting.

Q5) List the limitations of Accounting.

Q6) State the different users of Accounting information and their informational needs.

Q7) Highlight the qualitative characteristics of accounting information.

Q8) Giving examples, explain each of the following:

a) Capital
b) Liability
c) Purchase
d) Sales
e) Debtor
f) Creditor
g) Drawings
h) Discount
i) Stock

Q9) Distinguish between:

a) Loss and expense
b) Revenue and income
c) Fixed asset and current asset
d) Long term liability and short term liability

Chapter 3

Q1) “ The basic measurement in accounting is money.” Identify and explain the assumption.

Q2) “ Revenue earned and cost of earning that revenue should be properly identified for a
period.” Explain this statement.

Q3) Why is it necessary for accountants to assume that business entity will remain a going

Q4) What is meant by GAAPs?

Q5) Why do accounting principles emphasize the use of historical cost as a basis for measuring

Q6) Name and explain the principles of Accounting in the following cases:
a) Balance sheet is not a valuation statement.
b) Caliber or quality of management team is not directly disclosed in the Balance Sheet.

Q7) State which accounting convention/ principle is followed/ violated in the following cases:
a) A company incurs a heavy amount of Rs. 15,00,000 on publicity through T.V. and radio. It
wishes to spread the expenditure over a period of 5 years.
i) Assuming benefits are expected in that year only.
ii) Benefits are expected over a period of 5 years.
b) A company wishes to decrease the rate of depreciation from 15% to 10% in view of the
inadequate profits In the current year.
Q8) What do you mean by Accounting Standards? Explain its nature?

Q9) Distinguish between Cash basis and Accrual basis of Accounting

Part A) Mention true or false (one mark questions)

1) Teaching in a school is a non-economic activity. true/false. Give reason.

2) Business is an economic activity. true/false. Give reason

3) Sale of one's ancestral house will not fit into the description of a business. true/false. Give

4) A housewife sells old newspapers for rupees hundred . It is a business activity. true/false. Give

5) Risks arise in business due to uncertain future. true/false. Give reason.

6) Profit is the reward for bearing risks. true/ false. Give reason.

7. Earning profit is the sole objective of business. true/false. Give reason.

8) Risk is an essential element of every business activity. true/ false. Give reason.

9) Industry and commerce are interchangeable terms. true/false. Give reason.

10. Trade between two countries is known as internal trade. true/false. Give reason.

Part B) Fill in the blanks (one mark questions)

1.Taking photographs of mountains as a hobby is--------------( an economic and non economic)


2. ----------------is the primary objective of business.

3. Profit is essential for covering--------------of the business. Every business must earn reasonable
profit to----------------.

4. ----------------(speculative/pure) risk means chance of loss without any possibility of gain.

5. ----------------(speculative/pure) risk means chance of loss with possibility of gain.

6. ABC limited is planting trees on the road side. It is trying to achieve----------------- objectives
of the business.

7. -----------------industries provide support services to primary and secondary industries.

8. ----------------- facilitate buying and selling of goods and services.

9.-----------------is concerned with holding goods in stock for sale in future.

10.--------------- involves movement of goods from one place to another.

Short answer type Questions (3-4 marks each)

Q1) Define economic activities how do they differ from non economic activities give examples.

Q2) Define business. Explain the nature of business as an economic activity.

Q3) "No business is risk free" in the light of this statement explain the concept of business risk
and its any three causes.

Q4) How does commerce remove the hindrances of exchange, time and place?

Q5) Distinguish between business and profession on the basis of:

a) mode of establishment
b) reward or return
c) risk
d) transfer of interest
Long answer type questions (5-6 marks each)

Q6) 'Besides pursuing economic objectives, it is necessary that business should also pursue some
social objectives.' why? Explain any five such objectives.

Q7) What do you mean by auxiliaries to trade? Explain any four auxiliaries to trade.

Q8) Explain with examples the various types of industries.

Q9) Explain the meaning of trade. what are the various types of trade?

Q10) Distinguish business from employment on the basis of:

a) establishment
b) qualifications
c)nature of work
d) element of risks and
e) object

1) A PROJECT ON ,upcoming G20 summit

What is G20?
Evolution of G20?
Key issues for G20
Relevance of G20 in 21st century
Role of India in G20(G20 and India’s Presidency)

2) A POSTER REFLECTING THE IDEA ON any of the one topic given below

(a) 42nd Constitutional amendment

(b) Constitution as a living document

(c) The political philosophies of Indian Constitution

3. Form at least 25 MCQs each from the following Topics

(a) Constitution, Constitution as a living document

(b) Election and representation

(c) Legislature

(4) Political theory an introduction

(5) Liberty

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