01 Fundamentals of Computer

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Prepared By TCA Gafoor

AKM HSS Kottoor
Data and Information
 Data are unorganised facts or raw material for
making information.
 Data are represented by numbers, characters
and symbols. Information is data arranged in an
order and they are useful to the people for their
needs. Eg: 17, Raju, SBT
 information is relevant knowledge produced as
the output of data processing.
 There for all information consists of data.
Data and Information

 In another words data are set of

unarranged, unrelated and
unordered raw facts that have
confusions in its meaning.
 Information is a set of organized,
validated, corrected and collected
data that are meaningful.
Data and Information
 Let us take example to differentiate
between data and information.
 Look at the following: -
 “Kumar”, “65”, Kerala”,
 They do not convey any meaning except
that they are few English words/alphabets,
a number and the name of a state.
 But, suppose that the same data are
arranged as given below, and then it would
be information, i.e.
Kumar aged 65 is staying in Kerala
Data processing
 It is the activity to convert data in to
The activities in data processing are
1. Capturing data
2. Input
3. Storage
4. Manipulating data (Process)
5. Outputting the result & Distribution
Data Processing Activities

 Data processing consists the following activities:

 Capturing the input data

 Input
 Storage
 Process
 Output
 Distribution
Capturing the input data

 Data must be recorded or captured in

some form before they can be
 Data is first recorded on source
documents - paper forms designed to
accept input data - or they may be
captured by keyboards, automated
teller machines or other direct input
devices that accept input data in a
paperless, machine-readable form.
Manipulating the data

 The available data is subject to one

or more of the following operations.
 Classifying, Calculating, Sorting,
Managing the output results

 It includes Sorting, retrieving,

communicating and reproducing
 After all these process the final
result will be published for public
Functional Units of a Computer
• Input Unit
• Central Processing Unit
• Memory Unit
• Output Unit
Block Diagram of Computer Organisation
Computer Organisation

Hardware Software
 Processor is the computer’s brain.
 It processes basic instructions stored in memory.
 It co-ordinates all computing and decision making
 It determines the overall performance of the
 It is a package that contain transistors and other
components into a silicon chip referred as
 Registers are the storage locations inside the CPU
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
 It is the brain of the computer. It controls, operates
and co-ordinates all operations inside the computer.
 It is also called microprocessor which is a single
It has two parts
1. Control Unit (CU)
It co-ordinates and controls all activities of
computers.it works like a nervous system in our
2. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
It perform all arithmetic and logical operations

 In digital electronics, an arithmetic logic

unit (ALU) is a digital circuit that
performs integer arithmetic and logical
operations. The ALU is a fundamental
building block of the central processing
unit of a computer
control unit
 The control unit is a component of a
computer's central processing unit
(CPU) that directs operation of the
processor. It tells the computer's
memory, arithmetic/logic unit and input
and output devices how to respond to a
program's instructions

 They are used to retrieve and store data

at an extreme speed when
manipulations are done by the CPU on a
temporary basis.
 They are used to store any type of data and
information and also can retrieve when the user
or other devices are needed.
They are classified in to two:
1) Primary Memory (Main Memory -RAM,ROM)
2) Secondary Memory (Auxiliary Memory)
(Hard Disk,CD,DVD,USB Drive,Memory Cards)
Output Unit

 It communicate the result of processing to

the external world.
 They translate machine representation in to
human readable form.
 So It is an electro mechanical device.

They are:
 Computer can be defined as it is an
electronic machine designed to accept
and store input data then Process them
and produces output as results under
the direction of a stored program.
 For data processing input devices,
central processing unit, output devices
and memory devices are used for input,
process, output and storage
Characteristics of Computers

(Advantages of Computers)
 Speed
A computer can perform millions of operations in a second. It can do in a
minute, as much work as man can do in a year. The time taken to execute
an instruction is only a few nano seconds (1 nano sec = 10-9 sec)
 Accuracy
A computer can perform arithmetic calculations with a very high degree of
accuracy. But accuracy, we means less errors in the output and also the
precision with which calculation are performed. Because of high degree of
accuracy, computers can be used to solve scientific problems.
 Diligence (Hard Working)
Since computer is a machine it can operate for long hours unlike human
beings it will not show any emotions or disobedience. Due to this, they are
best suited for routine jobs. They do not become lazy or express feeling for
Characteristics of Computers
 Versatility
The computer is a very versatile tool. It can be used
to perform many different kinds of processing tasks. It
is a general purpose data processing machine. It can
perform any task that could be accomplished by a
series of logical steps.
Huge Memory (power of remembering)
 Computers have enormous memory capacity.
Huge volume of data can be stored in its memory
for processing.
Disadvantages (Lack) of Computer
 No IQ
They don’t have the power to make judgment of their
own. If a computer is given with wrong instructions
or invalid data, it cannot identify this. Hence if will
produce erroneous results.
 Lack of Decision Making Power

Computers cannot take decisions they own and they

do not possess the intuition capability, which are the
assets of human beings.
 No Emotions

Machines do not have any emotions or feelings.

Though the computer can solve problems logically,
they do not express any feelings or emotions.
Topic covered

 Definition of data and information,

 Data processing,
 Computers for data processing,
 Components of data processing,
 Definition of computer,
 characteristics(advantages) and lack
of computers.
Model Questions
 What are the steps in Data processing?

 Mr. Kiran wants to prepare the rank list of

candidates for plus one admission within a
short period of time by considering about
2000 applications. Suggest a suitable
method for doing this. Explain the steps
Model Questions
 Explain the main characteristics of computers.
 Processed form of data is known as ______?
 Human’s are Masters and Computer is Slave.
Justify the Satement
 Consider the following facts.
Ashok, 17,Science
Convert it in to information.
Model Questions
 “Computer is a data processing
machine”. Accept this statement and
how computers are plays its role in
data processing?
 “Human beings are more reliable
than computer”. Do you agree with
this? Give reasons.
 “Computers have No IQ of their own”
Chapter 1 Continues….

Number Systems
AKM HSS Kottoor
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Human’s uses Decimal Numbers(Natural Numbers) for our

day to day activities (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
But computer cannot understand our language and number
The Most important number representation in Computers are
Binary Numbers(0,1) .using these 2 Voltages computers
represent all Data and Operations inside the device

There are some other number system like

Octal Number System( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Hexa Decimal Numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)
Binary Number System

 In mathematics and digital electronics, a binary number is

a number expressed in the binary numeral system, or base-
2 numeral system, which represents numeric values using
two different symbols: typically 0 (zero, 0 Volt) and
1 (one +5 Volt). More specifically, the usual base-2 system
is a positional notation with a radix of 2. Because of its
straightforward implementation in
digital electronic circuitry using logic gates, the binary
system is used internally by almost all modern
computers and computer-based devices such as
mobile phones. Each digit is referred to as a bit.
1.Decimal to Binary

3710 = ( 1 0 0 1 0 1 )2 2 37
2 18 1

2 9 0
2 4 1
2 2 0

1 0
2.Decimal to Binary(Fractions)

25.37510 = ( 1 1 0 0 1 . 0 1 1 )2
2 25 0.375 X 2 =0.750 0
2 12 1

2 6 0 0.750 X 2 =1.500 1
2 3 0

1 1 0.500 X 2 =1.000 1
3.Decimal to Octal

22510 = ( 3 4 1)8 8 225
8 28 1

3 4
4.Decimal to Octal(Fractions)

198.57510= ( 3 0 6 . 4 1 0 )8
8 198 0.575 X 8 =4.600 4
8 24 6

3 0 0.600 X 8 =1.200 1
AKMHSS Kottoor

0.200 X 8 =0.400 0
© TCA Gafoor
5.Decimal to Hexadecimal

65910 = ( 2 9 3)16 16 659
16 41 3

2 9
6.Decimal to Hexadecimal(Fractions)

266.36710= ( 1 0 A . 5 D F )16
16 266 0.367 X 16 =5.872 5
16 16 10 (A)

1 0 0.872 X16=13.952 13 (D)

0.952 X 16=15.232 15 (F)

7.Binary to Decimal

( 1 0 0 1 0 1 )2 = ( 1 0 0 1 0 1 )2
= 1 X 25 + 0 X 24 + 0 X 23 + 1 X 22 + 0 X 21 + 1 x 20

= 1 X 32 + 0 X 16 + 0 X 8 + 1 X4 + 0 X 2 + 1 x 1

= 32 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1

= 37
8.Binary Fractions to Decimal

( 11101.110 )2 =
= 1 X 24 + 1 X 23 + 1 X 22 + 0 X 21 + 1 X 20 + 1 x 2-1+ 1 x 2-2+ 0 x 2-3

= 1 X 16 + 1 X 8 + 1 X 4 + 0 X2 + 1 X 1 + 1x½ + 1x¼ + 0
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= 16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 + ½ + ¼ + 0

=29 + 0.5 + 0.25 = 29.75

9.Octal to Decimal

( 364 )8 =
= 3 X 8 2
+ 6 X 8 1
+ 4 X 8 0

= 3 X 64 + 6X 8 + 4X1
= 192 + 48 + 4
= 244
10.Octal Fractions to Decimal

( 237.16)8 =
= 2 X 8 2
+ 3 X 8 1
+ 7 X 8 0
+ 1 X 8 -1
+ 6 X 8 -2

= 2 X 64 + 3 X 8 + 7 X 1+ 1 X 1/8 + 6 X 1/64
= 128 + 24 + 7 + 0.125 + 0.09375
= 159.21875
11.Hexadecimal to Decimal

( 12A )16=

= 1 X 16 2
+ 2 X 16 1
+ 10 X 16 0

= 1 X 256 + 2 X 16 + 10 X 1
= 256 + 32 + 10
= 298
12.Hexadecimal Fractions to Decimal

( 2AC.B)16 =

= 2 X 16 2
+ 10 X 16 1
+ 12 X 16 0
+ 11 X 16 -1

= 2 X 256 + 10 X 16 + 12 X 1 + 11 X 1/16
= 512 + 160 + 12 + 0.688
= 684.688
13.Binary to Octal

(1011110)2 = 001|011|110
= 1 3 6
= (136)8
(10111111.0111)2 = 010 |111|111. 011|100
= 2 7 7. 3 4
= (277.34) 8
14.Octal to Binary

( 147)8 = 1 4 7

= 001 100 111

= (001100111)2
( 637.543)8 = 6 3 7 . 5 4 3
= 110 011 111 . 101 100 011
= (110 011 111.101 100 011)2
15.Binary to Hexadecimal

(1011110)2 = |
0 101 1110
= 5 E
= (5E)16

(10111111.0111)2 =
1011 1111. 0111
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B F . 7
= (BF.7)16
16.Hexadecimal to Binary

( A69)16 = A 6 9

= 1010 0110 1001

= (1010 0110 1001)2

( 3AC.B)16 = 3 A C . B
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= 0011 1010 1100 . 1011

= (0011 1010 1100 . 1011)2

17.Binary Addition

Addition Rules
1 + 1 = 0 and a carry 1 to the next column
1 Carry
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11 1 0
18.Binary Subtraction

Subtraction Rules
0 - 1 = 1 with borrow 1
0 10 0 10
1 0 1 1 0-
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1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
19.Binary Representation of Integers

1.Sign and Magnitude Method

2.1’s Complement Method
3.2’s Complement Method
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Sign & Magnitude Method

Sign and Magnitude form is the normal form of a number

representation,to represent the sign of a number ,the MSB is used .
If it holds a value 0 then the sign is +ve and if it holds 1 then the
sign is negative.
1.Represent (27)10 in sign and magnitude form
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
Sign Bit( 0 for +ve)
2.Represent (-21)10 in sign and magnitude form
1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
Sign Bit( 1 for -ve)
1’s Complement Method

1’s complement of a + ve number is its binary equivalent

and negative number by their 1’s complement.It is calculated by
replacing every 0 with 1 and 1 with zero.
1.Represent (11)10 in 1’s Complement form
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

2.Represent (-11)10 in 1’s Complement form

Binary of (+11)10 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

1’s comp. of (-11)10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

2’s Complement Method

In 2’s complement the + ve numbers are represented in their original form and
negative numbers are in the 2’s complement form.2’s complement is calculated
by adding 1 to 1’s complement.
1.Represent (11)10 in 2’s Complement form
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
2.Represent (-11)10 in 2’s Complement form
Binary of (+11)10 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
1’s comp. of (-11)10 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 +
Add 1 to 1’s compli. 1
2’s Complement 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Real numbers can be represented by their Parts

Eg: 25.75 represented in Real number as

0.2575 x 102
Mantissa x Exponent
10 bit x 6 bit
Mantissa Part can be represented using 10 Bit and
exponent part can be represented using 6 bit.
Mantissa Part in 2s Compliment form
And exponent part represent from 0 to 63
Methods user for Representing characters in Memory
ASCII (American Standard code for information
interchange) is 7 bit code to represent all characters in
US keyboard. Using 7bit ,this can Represent 27
characters = 128 characters.Which is enough to reprsent
all Character,alphabets,numbers in keyboard
2. Unicode
Unicode is a 16/32 bit code,which have a capacity to
represent all of the characters used in written
language of the world other than English and
includes all punctuation marks,maths
symbols,technical symbols,arrows etc..

EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal

Interchange Code) is 8 bit code to represent all
characters in US keyboard (It is similar to ASCII Code)

ISCII (Indian Stanard Code for Information

Interchange) is 8 bit code to represent all writing
systems in india.Nowadays ISCII replaced by Unicode

Usually files can be identified by their extension

(it is the 3 or more characters apperas at the end of a
filename) eg: sun.jpg sample.mp4

Image file formats: .jpg,.png,.gif,bmp

Video File formats;avi,mp4,wmv,mkv
Audio file formats:wav,mp3,midi
The End

Prepared by TCA Gafoor

AKM HSS Kottoor Malappuram

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