Service Delivery 04-07-11 V1

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MuL1lMLulA SL8vlCL

Servlce AuLomaLlon ollcy
ConLrol Charglng

1he Goa| Ior Serv|ce De||very In A Mu|t|med|a Lnv|ronment
8elow ls an overvlew of how servlce dellvery should be sLrucLured and managed ln a mulLlmedla
envlronmenL 1he ablllLy Lo creaLe dlfferenLlaLed servlce packages auLomaLe servlce dellvery and
proacLlvely manage servlce dellvery as descrlbed below under Serv|ce Goa|s ls hlghly dependanL on
havlng Lhe approprlaLe sysLems and neLwork Lools ln Lhe core neLwork 1he bllllng plaLform AAA server
ASn gaLeway along wlLh Lhe pollcy and charglng conLrols elLher embedded ln Lhese plaLforms or worklng
ln unlson wlLh Lhese sysLems are fundamenLal Lo dellverlng servlces ln Lhe manner ouLllned below
CLher Lools such as ueep ackeL lnspecLlon and Servlce Awareness Lools llnked wlLh Lhe CCS sysLems
embedded ln Lhe core neLwork plaLforms also play a role ln Lhe servlce dellvery chaln

ln a fully manual envlronmenL dellverlng servlce as envlsloned below ls for all pracLlcal purposes noL
achlevable ln Lhe nlgerlan broadband markeL Loday Lhe ma[orlLy of servlce provlders are conducLlng
buslness wlLh some measure of servlce auLomaLlon ln Lhe baslc mode servlce auLomaLlon allows for Lhe
ellmlnaLlon of slLe surveys lnsLallaLlon vlslLs eLc all of whlch add Lo overhead and slow down servlce

ln addlLlon manual servlce dellvery ls fraughL wlLh revenue leakage problems and creaLes an unfrlendly
envlronmenL for subscrlpLlon renewal and llmlLs Lhe operaLor's ablllLy Lo collecL lnformaLlon abouL
subscrlbers' onllne acLlvlLy from usage paLLerns Lo conLenL preferences and download acLlvlLles whlch
can be used for up sell opporLunlLles Lo secure lncremenLal revenue from Lhe subscrlber and Lo beLLer
Lallor ones servlce offerlngs Lo subscrlbers usage and consumpLlon paLLerns

Serv|ce De||very Goa|s

Create 1argeted ackages
CreaLe compeLlLlvely prlced Llered servlce plans
Sell appllcaLlon speclflc plans
Charge exLra for Lhe usage of peer Lo peer proLocols
CreaLe an upgrade paLh Lo moneLlze daLa usage lncrease

CreaLlng a dlfferenLlaLed ldenLlLy and experlence ls relnforced by how daLa servlces are poslLloned
packaged and prlced uaLa plans can be poslLloned Lo make a connecLlon wlLh a cusLomer's
requlremenLs demonsLraLlng Lhe operaLor undersLands Lhelr needs and ls flexlble enough Lo meeL
Lhem lL follows LhaL CperaLors who succeed ln creaLlng a valued poslLlon wlll succeed ln acqulrlng
cusLomers and beneflLlng from up sell opporLunlLles Lo meeL Lhelr fuLure daLa servlce needs

8elng able Lo creaLe unlque mlxes ls lmporLanL because Lhese varlables may be someLhlng LhaL a
subscrlber values and Lherefore may be wllllng Lo pay exLra for Such servlce plans noL only offer

subscrlbers Lhe preclse servlce Lhey are looklng for buL allows for Lhem Lo do so ln realLlme WlLh Lhe
approprlaLe auLomaLlon and bullL ln pollcy conLrol operaLors have Lremendous flexlblllLy Lo prlce and
promoLe daLa plans aL exclLlng prlce polnLs

Subscr|ber Iocused 8und|e

Subscrlber cenLrlc balance sharlng an accounL/ daLa balance among
a number of devlces eg beLween an lad lhone and lapLop
amlly daLa plans allowlng an accounL/daLa balance Lo be shared among
a deflned subseL of subscrlbers wlLh 8olLon capablllLy enabllng a LeLherlng
opLlon Lo be purchased for a reasonable lncremenLal charge

uaLa servlces lnnovaLlon should noL be llmlLed Lo whaL geLs meLered and speed Llers As cusLomer
relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhelr devlces evolve Lhere ls an opporLunlLy for operaLors Lo do someLhlng lnLeresLlng
and dlfferenL creaLlng a susLalnable polnL of dlfferenLlaLlon

1he pollcy and charglng conLrol (CC) envlronmenL should glve operaLors Lhe flexlblllLy Lo adopL
dlfferenL sLraLeglc approaches Lo Lhe prollferaLlon of subscrlber devlces and demand for daLa access
CC provldes flexlblllLy wlLh how operaLors and subscrlbers can manage Lhelr balances accounLs and
servlces 1hls lncludes belng able Lo creaLe daLa plans speclflc Lo a devlce or one shared by mulLlple
devlces or by mulLlple subscrlbers Cruclally lL does so flexlbly 1hls flexlblllLy ls essenLlal as lL enables
operaLors Lo save on cosLs reduce Llme Lo markeL and qulckly Lrlal new ldeas and concepLs

Serv|ce asses (Meet 1he Needs Cf 1he Cccas|ona| User)

Sell access Lo daLa servlces wlLhouL requlrlng a long Lerm conLracL (hourly dallyweekly)
Sllce and dlce how servlces are sold and charglng models applled
SupporL mulLlple paymenL meLhods lncludlng auLo renewal opLlons(L paymenL
vouchers polnL of sales dlrecL deblL)
rovlded subscrlber Lransparency lnLo daLa consumpLlon and Lhreshold alerLs

Servlce asses creaLe subsLanLlal revenue and cosL beneflLs 1hey lnclude Lhe absence of devlce
subsldlzaLlon cosLs and subsLanLlally lower revenue collecLlon cosLs More lmporLanLly lL expands Lhe
cusLomer base for daLa plans beyond Lhose lnLeresLed ln conLracLs ShorL Lerm servlce passes also
presenL a challenge as subscrlber commlLmenL cannoL be Laken for granLed 1hough Lhls challenge can
be Lurned lnLo a sLrengLh as Lhe organlzaLlon learns LhaL dellverlng on cusLomer expecLaLlons leads Lo
subscrlber growLh and reLenLlon

1he ad hoc naLure of shorL Lerm servlce based relaLlonshlps requlres operaLors Lo offer connecLlvlLy of
flexlble duraLlon ensure lL ls easy Lo purchase and lmmedlaLely provlsloned ShorL Lerm servlces enable
operaLors Lo creaLe a lucraLlve new revenue sLream 1he approprlaLe pollcy conLrol and charglng
capablllLy makes lL easler Lo creaLe shorL Lerm servlce offerlngs allowlng operaLors Lo exLend Lhelr
producL porLfollo Lo creaLe hlghly segmenLed offers 1hls means new servlce plans can be rolled ouL Lo
meeL needs for daLa segmenLed by volume speed appllcaLlons and prlce for maxlmum cusLomer
convenlence and saLlsfacLlon

rov|de r|skfree tr|a|s to |mprove serv|ces adopt|on

Lower Lhe cosLs of subscrlber acqulslLlon
Lncourage flrsL Llme smarLphone users Lo Lry daLa
#appy our" promoLlons Lo drlve Lrafflc
8undle appllcaLlons wlLh volce and LexL plans

SupporL adverLlslng/sponsor funded access

Whlle Lhe use of daLa servlces ls sLrong ln cerLaln cusLomer caLegorles operaLors are conLlnually
challenged Lo converL volce and messaglng subscrlbers Lo regular daLa users and acqulre new daLa
subscrlbers lncreaslngly operaLors are adopLlng Lhe LacLlcs of reLallers uslng promoLlonal meLhods LhaL
lnvolve Lrlal perlods dlscounLlng bundllng and more

An operaLor musL be more responslve and granular ln Lhe approach Lo promoLlonal offers 1he
approprlaLe C envlronmenL makes lL easler Lo qulckly Lurnaround promoLlons as lL moves Lhe
declslon polnL away from Lhe backend 8SS and closer Lo Lhe cusLomer When comblned wlLh Lhe
vlslblllLy lL provldes of appllcaLlons on Lhe neLwork lL enhances an operaLors ablllLy Lo Lake acLlon lL
provldes a hlghly conflgurable declslon polnL for operaLors Lo Lrlgger real Llme promoLlons based on
subscrlber daLa plan currenL acLlvlLy usage proflle Lhresholds Llmeofday locaLlon eLc WhaL Lhls can
LranslaLe lnLo ln Lerms of LelecommunlcaLlon servlces are Lhe zeroraLlng of cerLaln appllcaLlons from
paymenL and meLerlng eg ree acebook rlday appy our promoLlons and bundllng of soclal
appllcaLlons wlLh cerLaln volce plans

1he Lmpowered Subscr|ber

Lnable a 'frlcLlonfree' sales experlence (auLo servlce acLlvaLlon)
rovlde subscrlber noLlflcaLlons of usage Lhresholds (no blll shock)
1he Subscrlber Selfmanages accounL deLalls daLa spendlng llmlLs
and conLenL conLrols

1he cusLomer experlence ls one of a few dlfferenLlaLors LhaL compeLlLors flnd lL hard Lo copy As daLa
plan opLlons lncrease Lo supporL beLLer segmenLaLlon Lhls can lead Lo confuslon Subscrlbers can worry
lf Lhey're on Lhe rlghL plan lf Lhey really need Lo buy LhaL upgrade or are spendlng Loo much for Lhelr
daLa/moblle usage As daLa plan opLlons mulLlply operaLors need Lo address subscrlber concern over
usage allowances cosLs and approprlaLeness of Lhelr plans

WlLh an lncreaslng number of daLa plans servlce opLlons and ways Lo pay for servlces an operaLor has
Lo work harder Lo manage Lhe experlence on behalf of cusLomers As Lhlngs become more complex Lhe
ablllLy Lo provlde subscrlbers wlLh lmmedlaLe relevanL and personallzed lnformaLlon and enabllng
Lhem Lo Lake acLlon selfsufflclenLly ls a very powerful dlfferenLlaLor

ersona||zed Contro|s and Subscr|ber rotect|on

Lnable cusLomers Lo seL personallzed opLlons
8esLrlcL access by Lype of servlce or caLegorlzed conLenL
Lnforce declslons accordlng Lo user's proflle
llLer u8L's based on conLenL caLegorles or black llsLs
SeL 1lmeofuay or uayofWeek access resLrlcLlons

rom a subscrlber perspecLlve Lhe operaLor has a LrusLed poslLlon 1o a large degree Lhls ls an
unLouched opporLunlLy As more appllcaLlons go over Lhe Lop an operaLor can use Lhelr unlque poslLlon
and knowledge of Lhelr cusLomers and whaL's golng on ln Lhelr neLwork Lo manage Lhe cusLomer
experlence An operaLor can add value for Lhelr cusLomers by enabllng personallzed conLrols around

conLenL access proLecLlng users whlle allowlng Lhem Lo play a greaLer role ln Lhe dlglLal medla

1hls means LhaL for subscrlbers who have conLenL fllLerlng conLrols an operaLor can deLermlne ln real
Llme lf a subscrlber's requesL ls auLhorlzed Lo access Lhe conLenL Many operaLors offer baslc u8L
fllLerlng as a free servlce 1hls proLecLs subscrlbers from many of Lhe unpleasanL aspecLs of over Lhe Lop
servlces or example parenLs can use Lhls servlce Lo conLrol Lhelr chlldren's access Lo lnapproprlaLe
conLenL WlLh CC baslc conLrols can be enhanced wlLh a number of addlLlonal personallzed opLlons
lncludlng Lhe addlLlon of spendlng llmlLs lndlvldual communlcaLlon servlce conLrols appllcaLlon
resLrlcLlons personallzed alerLs usage reporLlng and locaLlon based conLrols An operaLor can use Lhese
addlLlonal feaLures Lo form an enhanced servlce or creaLe a new offerlng and revenue sLream from
Lhese conLrols

rotect|ng and Assur|ng ua||ty of Serv|ce

ConLrol unauLhorlzed or excesslve subscrlber usage
8educe Lhe lmpacL of bandwldLh hogglng appllcaLlons
roLecL neLwork resources ensurlng beLLer CuallLy of Lxperlence
Lnsure LhaL hlgh value servlces are proLecLed and have prlorlLy

rom an operaLors perspecLlve belng able Lo rellably assure subscrlber CuallLy of Servlce dellvers noL
[usL a beLLer cusLomer experlence buL can be an lmporLanL aspecL Lo proLecLlng Lhe percelved quallLy of
Lhe brand lL's clearly a crlLlcal lssue wlLh forecasLs showlng demand for daLa due Lo acceleraLe 1he
wldely quoLed Clsco vnl Moblle forecasL* from ebruary 2010 esLlmaLes LhaL worldwlde moblle daLa
Lrafflc wlll double every year Lhrough 2014 lncreaslng by a facLor of 39 Llmes beLween 2009 and 2014
lnvesLmenLs ln neLwork capaclLy alone wlll noL ensure operaLors can susLalnably dellver a hlgh
performance broadband experlence (Clsco vnl orecasL 8elow)

Manag|ng V|deo 1raff|c and Generat|ng kevenue

CreaLe new revenue sLreams from vldeo oLher medla
use CuallLy of Servlce Lo dlfferenLlaLe offerlngs
by vldeo Lype plan
Add subscrlber lnLelllgence Lo daLa access and managemenL sLraLegles

As more powerful devlces become avallable onllne vldeo servlces such as ?ou1ube neLfllx l1unes and
1v Lverywhere are becomlng ever more popular vldeo accounLs for an average of 40 percenL of Lhe
LoLal volume ln wlreless neLworks worldwlde 8yLe moblle's Moblle MlnuLe MeLrlcs reporLs 1hls Lrafflc
surge LhreaLens Lo wlpe ouL daLa Lrafflc proflLs owever vldeo also represenLs an opporLunlLy Lo wln
more revenues and provlde a dlfferenLlaLed servlce

uslng CC an operaLor can offer new segmenLed servlces based on dlfferenL subscrlbers and vldeo
servlces needs CpLlmlzaLlon Lechnology can manage Lrafflc more efflclenLly buL lL does noL llnk growLh
Lo revenues

Medla based pollcy enforcemenL capablllLles enable operaLors Lo plan and lmplemenL Llered servlce
plans Lo moneLlze Lrafflc by subscrlber usage 1aklng advanLage of new conLenL appllcaLlons and
devlces subscrlbers wlll consume all avallable bandwldLh and sLlll expecL Lhe same quallLy of servlce
LhaL came wlLh Lhelr orlglnal servlce planslf noL beLLer 1hls Lrend wlll conLlnue as llve sLreamlng vldeo
broadcasLs and vldeoon demand go malnsLream

1he serv|ce v|s|on |a|d out |n th|s document |s what 8roadband Mu|t|med|a serv|ce prov|ders shou|d
asp|re to It w||| def|n|te|y create a compet|t|ve edge for the serv|ce prov|der up the game for a||
other p|ayers and prov|de a compe|||ng reason for subscr|b|ng to the broadband serv|ce prov|der
de||ver|ng the|r product |n th|s fash|on

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