Manage Operation Plan

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Manage CperaLlonal lan

An operaLlonal plannlng ls a subseL of
sLraLeglc plan lL descrlbes shorLLerm ways
of achlevlng mllesLones and explalns how
or whaL porLlon of a sLraLeglc plan wlll be
puL lnLo operaLlon durlng a glven
operaLlonal perlod
ow ls Lhls dlfferenL Lo sLraLeglc plan?
Strateg|c p|an Cperat|ona| p|an
W A general gulde for Lhe managemenL
of Lhe organlsaLlon
W A speclflc plan for Lhe use of Lhe
organlsaLlons resources ln pursulL of
Lhe sLraLeglc plan
W ls a plan for Lhe pursulL of Lhe
organlsaLlons mlsslon ln Lhe longer
W ls a plan for Lhe dayLoday
managemenL of Lhe organlsaLlon
W A sLraLeglc plan enables managemenL
Lo formulaLe an operaLlonal plan
W An operaLlonal plan should noL be
formulaLed wlLhouL reference Lo a
sLraLeglc plan
W 1he sLraLeglc plan once formulaLed
Lends noL Lo be slgnlflcanLly changed
every year
W CperaLlonal plans may dlffer from year
Lo year slgnlflcanLly
W 1he developmenL of Lhe sLraLeglc plan
lnvolves dlfferenL caLegorles of
W 1he operaLlonal plan ls produced by
Lhe chlef execuLlve and sLaff of Lhe
JhaL deLalls does an operaLlonal plan conLalns?
W CrganlsaLlonal sLrucLure
W ShorL/medlum Lerm buslness sLraLegles
W Ma[or pro[ecLs
W Avallable resources
W performance LargeLs
W 8esponslblllLles
W 1lmeframes
W ConLlngency measures
W An effecLlve operaLlonal plan should be clearly
W Should be ln accordance wlLh company's long
Lerm plan
W lL should have dlrecL llnks Lo Lhe budgeL
W lL also musL be Llmed wlLhln Lhe flnanclal year
AllocaLlon of resources
1o make an CperaLlonal lan successful
sufflclenL resources should be allocaLedwhlch
wlll lnclude
W hyslcal resource
W lnanclal resource
W uman resource
1o adequaLely allocaLe resources a
process of research and consulLaLlon
needs Lo be carrled ouL
lmporLanL quesLlons whlle maklng
CperaLlonal lan
W ls Lhls relevanL Lo Company's long Lerm
W oes Lhe organlsaLlon have enough budgeL Lo
flnance Lhe plan??
W oes organlsaLlon have enough skllled people
Lo lmplemenL Lhe plan?
W lf noL how long lL wlll Lake Lo hlre new sLaff?
W Jho wlll be responslble for Lhe plan
AssessmenL AcLlvlLy 1
evelop and lmplemenL ConsulLaLlon
ConsulLaLlon ls a key elemenL ln Lhe
developmenL of an operaLlonal plan
because lL ensures LhaL Lhe deLalls of Lhe plan
resource allocaLlon and Lhe Llmellnes are
reallsLlc relevanL and achlevable
ConsulLaLlon process
Could be formal or lnformal/personal dependlng
on Lhe slze of Lhe organlsaLlon
lotmol tools
W lnformaLlon sesslons
W MeeLlngs workshops eLc
W eedback mechanlsms
W lnLraneL newsleLLers memos eLc
W 1he lmporLanL parL of Lhls process ls Lo
ldenLlfy who you should Lake consulLaLlon
W Je need Lo look aL speclflc clrcumsLances of
Lhe organlsaLlon Lo ldenLlfy relevanL
consulLanL for you
W ConsulLaLlon should be a conLlnuous process
LhroughouL Lhe operaLlonal plannlng cycle
W ConsLanLly seeklng feedback and lnpuL wlll
allow you Lo develop ldeas Lo reflne your
plannlng process
Dslng eedback
W AfLer Lhe consulLaLlon lLs Llme Lo revlew Lhe
feedback recelved and selecL Lhe besL ldeas
W lLs beLLer Lo esLabllsh a panel Lo assess Lhe
feedback recelved
W lL ls advlsed Lo seL a deadllne for all
submlsslons Lo be recelved by and LhereafLer
sLarL revlewlng
CommunlcaLe back
W AfLer Lhe declslon has been Laken on Lhe ldeas
you are worklng wlLh please leL Lhe
consulLanLs/ sLakeholders know LhaL Lhere
ldeas are geLLlng used
lL ls very lmporLanL for Lhelr poslLlve mlndseL
AssessmenL AcLlvlLy 2
%ey performance lndlcaLors)
W ls are a vlLal parL of organlsaLlon's plannlng
W lL provldes a clearly deflned way of measurlng
wheLher Lhe goals are achleved or noL
W JlLhouL Lhem even Lhe besL plans wlll fall as
Lhe sLaff would be confused abouL whaL ls
expecLed of Lhem
evelopmenL of ls
W lL should be based on quanLlflable
W lL should have a ablllLy Lo be measured ln a
very shorL perlod of Llme
W lL should be lnsLanL and ad[usLable
W evelopmenL of prompL reporLlng process ls
also very lmporLanL whlle developlng ls
W lL should be derlved from Lhe CperaLlonal
W lf Lhere ls a change ln organlsaLlonal plan Lhen
Lhe ls should be changed accordlngly
AssessmenL AcLlvlLy 3
evelop ConLlngency lans
W A ConLlngency lan ls your response when a
speclflc plan goes wrong
W lL ls also called 'back up plan' or 'plan 8'
W lLs developmenL means Lhe company ls
prepared for worsL case scenarlo
ConLlngency lan should lnclude
W system fot mooltotloq ptoqtess of
tbe otlqlool ploo
W commoolcotloo mecboolsms fot tepottloq
W cleot losttoctloos of wbeo to ose cootloqeocy

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