BSBTEC301 SESSION PLAN 1 & 2 40 Mins Each For Presentation Days Exemplar

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Presentation Days


Training Program
Title BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents (Release 1)
Today’s Session Introduction to design and product business documents
Total Time of 9:30 – 10.10 40 mins

The training program is aimed at learners who are currently unemployed and
looking to develop the skills and knowledge to confidently apply for work in a
Client / Target
range of clerical or administrative roles.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of entry-level
Business Services job roles.

At the end of this session, learners will be able to:

Objective/s ● Identify common technology and software used in business
● Identify types of documents used in the workplace

Assessment Assessment will be done on Day six of the course in class and involve creating
Overview several documents using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Venue Pinnacle Computer Classroom CG5

Computer classroom with computers networked to printer, scanner, and

Computers preloaded with Microsoft Office, Adobe, Anti-Virus software
Aids / Resources ergonomic tables and chairs, all cords to be tied under tables so as not to be a
/ Materials tripping hazard.
Trainer can take over all computers to show students how to perform tasks and
monitor progress.
Data Projector and screen linked to trainer’s laptop.

Sequence Topics/Content Delivery Method Timing Resource
s Material/s
Intro, body, What you are going to cover? How you are going Timefra PowerPoint
conclusion to cover it? me
Data Projector
INTRO Housekeeping, emergency lecture 9.30 – Computer
procedures, exits, assembly 9.35 Data Projector
points, toilets, breaks, how the 5 mins Internet
course will flow. access
Welcome to this UoC. learner
Overview of delivery workbooks,
schedule, delivery methods, vocational
context, assessment vocabulary
methods. diary

Ask students: Brainstorm with 9.35 – Whiteboard

Previous experience with students 9.40 markers
technology, computers, 5 mins
software packages, work

Student feedback of how they

learn best with technology.

Remind students to update

the vocab diary and speak out
if they don’t understand.

Discussion points include:

gaming, email, google, job
search, apply for work, writing
a resume.

Briefly discuss various

learning styles e.g. working
with step by step instructions
with screenshots, watching
the teacher then attempting;
listening, speaking,
BODY Ask question: Brainstorm with 9.40 – Whiteboard
Brainstorm answers – write on students 9.50 Markers
whiteboard: Students to identify 10 mins Write up on
What types of documents tasks and whiteboard
are produced in the equipment they Three column
workplace, what equipment have experience task, software,
and software are required? with. equipment
(Responses may include
letters, memos, emails,
reports, financial budgets,

marketing and sales
forecasts, annual reports)
(software may include Word,
Excel, Project, PowerPoint,
Show students Learner Discussion
Workbook – explain the
layout and when it will be

Discuss: Lecture and Whiteboard

Integration of Microsoft discussion Markers
software – using tables and examples include
charts in Word and PPS, reports may include
merging database customer charts and pictures,
lists with a format learner for brochures,
marketing. newsletters
on the uses of software and
integration of programs

Ask learners for other

Write their suggestions on the

Organisational Lecture
requirements: why do we use
Policies and procedures of procedures? image
producing documents.

Ask – What sorts of P&P

might apply to producing
documents? E.g.
• WHS incl ergonomics
• HR
• Legal

Selecting layout and style of

What is a Style Guide?

What is in a Style Guide?

Why must we use a Style


Using Style Guides.

the purpose of a style guide is
to make sure that multiple
contributors create in a clear
and cohesive way that reflects
the corporate style and
ensures brand consistency

with everything from design to
PC1.2 select layout and style of
publication according to information and
organisation requirements.
PC1.3 Use basic design principles and
ensure document design is consistent
with organisational requirements.
PC1.4 Discuss and clarify format and
style with required stakeholders.
KE3 organisational policies, plans and
KE4 Organisational requirements for
document design, including style guide
PE2 Comply with organisational policies
and procedures for producing business
Student exercise – Prepare to Group study & Whiteboard
access a Personal Computer discussion 5 mins Work
Turn to Learner Workbook example
page 33 Learner
Discuss the various types of workbook p.
documents – discuss purpose 33-47
and format. Forms, letters,
PC2.1 Identify, open, and create files reports
according to task and organisational
requirements Style Guide
PC2.2 Design document and ensure
efficient entry of information.
PC2.3 Use a range of functions to
ensure consistency of design and
PC3.1 Complete document production
according to organisational policies,
procedures and requirements.
PC3.3 Store documents appropriately
and save documents.
PC4.1 proofread document for
readability, accuracy and consistency of
language, style and layout prior to final
PC4.2 Modify documents according to
task requirements.
PC4.3 Name and store document in
accordance with organisational
requirements and exit application.
PC4.4 Present document according to
task requirements.

Complete activity Student individual 9.50 – Learner

Assist students, as required exercise 10.05 workbook p15
15 mins Prepare to
access a
CONCLUSION Summary of today’s learning Discussion 10.15 – Whiteboard
typical types of documents Q&A 10.10 markers
required to produce in the 5 mins
Software and office equipment
and what can be created.

Organisational requirements –
Style guide, policies, and

Supervisor/Client Sign off:


Training Program
Title BSBTEC301 Design and produce business documents (Release 1)
Today’s Session
Title Creating and saving documents in Word.
Total Time of 9:30 – 10.10 40 mins

The training program is aimed at learners who are currently unemployed and
looking to develop the skills and knowledge to confidently apply for work in a
Client / Target
range of clerical or administrative roles.
This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of entry-level
Business Services job roles.

At the end of this session, learners will be able to:

Objective/s ● Identify, open, and create files according to task and organisational
● Design documents in Word

Assessment Assessment will be done on Day six of the course in class and involve creating
Overview several documents using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Venue Pinnacle Computer Classroom CG5

Computer classroom with computers networked to printer, scanner, and

Computers preloaded with Microsoft Office, Anti-Virus software
Aids / Resources ergonomic tables and chairs, all cords to be tied under tables so as not to be a
/ Materials tripping hazard.
Trainer can take over all computers to show students how to perform tasks and
monitor progress.
Data Projector and screen linked to trainer’s laptop.

Sequence Topics/Content Delivery Timings Resource
Method Material/s
Intro, body, What are you going to cover? How you are Timeframe PowerPoint
conclusion going to cover it? Laptop
Data Projector
INTRO Recap of what we learnt in the Discussion 9.30 – 9.35 Computer
last session Data Projector
Typical types of documents 5 mins Internet access
required to produce in the Distribute learner
workplace. workbooks
Software and office vocational
equipment and what can vocabulary diary
be created.
requirements – Style guide,
policies, and procedures.
Introduction to today’s session
● Identify, open, and create
files according to task and
● Design documents in Word
Correct entry of information and

BODY Opening Word and use the Demonstration 9.35 – Computer & Data
Ribbon Bar. 9.40 Projector
Using features of Word – 5 mins
bold, italic, underline, learner workbook
aligning text, inserting a p. 3 - 5
Student exercise – using Student 9.40 – Computers loaded
Word to develop keyboard individual 10.05 with Word
skills. exercise learner
PC1.1 PC1.2 ,PC1.3, PC;2.1, 25 mins workbooks.
PC2.2, PC2.3, PC3.1, PC3.2,
PC3.3, PC 4.1, PC4.2, PC4.3,
PC4.4 Task p. 17 -
KE1, KE3, KE4, PE1, PE2, PE3, Develop keyboard

CONCLUSION Check-up - discussion and discussion 10.05 –

recap. 10.10
5 mins
Supervisor/Client Sign off:

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