CBSE Class 11 Mathematics Sample Papers 04 (2019-20)

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CBSE Class 11 Mathematics

Sample Papers 04 (2019-20)

Maximum Marks: 80
Time Allowed: 3 hours

General Instructions:

i. All the questions are compulsory.

ii. The question paper consists of 36 questions divided into 4 sections A, B, C, and D.
iii. Section A comprises of 20 questions of 1 mark each. Section B comprises of 6 questions of
2 marks each. Section C comprises of 6 questions of 4 marks each. Section D comprises of
4 questions of 6 marks each.
iv. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in three
questions of 1 mark each, two questions of 2 marks each, two questions of 4 marks each,
and two questions of 6 marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all
such questions.
v. Use of calculators is not permitted.

Section A

1. A function f : [0, ] [0, ) defined as is

a. onto but not one-one

b. one-one and onto

c. neither one-one nor onto

d. one-one but not onto

2. The number of three-digit numbers having at least one digit as 5 is

a. 648

1 / 23
b. 225

c. 252

d. 246

3. If and then

a. x y

b. x y

c. x = y


4. In how many ways can a mixed doubles tennis game be arranged from a group of 10
players consisting of 6 men and 4 women

a. 48

b. 180

c. 90

d. 120

5. Let function f : R R be defined by f (x )= 2x + sin x for x R. Then f is

a. one-to-one and onto

b. one-to-one but NOT onto

c. onto but NOT one-to-one

d. neither one-to-one nor onto

6. The inequality is true

a. for all n> 2 ,

b. for all n 1

2 / 23
c. for all n N

d. for no n N

7. Two events A and B have probabilities 0.25 and 0.50 respectively. The probability that
both A and B occur simultaneously is 0.14. Then the probability that neither A nor B
occurs is

a. 0.375

b. 0.39

c. 0.89

d. 0.86

8. The graph of the equation in the three-dimensional space is

a. Z-axis

b. X-axis

c. Y-axis

d. XY – plane

9. If E is an event, then P is equal to

a. - P (E)

b. P (E)

c. 1 – P (E)

d. 1 + P (E)

10. If three successive terms in the expansion of have their coefficients in the
ratio 6 : 33 : 110, then n is equal to

a. 10

3 / 23
b. 13

c. 12

d. 11

11. Fill in the blanks:

If the set A has 3 elements and set B has 4 elements, then the number of elements in A
B is ________.

12. Fill in the blanks:

In the objective function Z = ax + by, x and y are called ________ variables.

13. Fill in the blanks:

If there are two events such that they can be performed independently in m and n
ways respectively, then either of the two events can be performed in ________ ways.

14. Fill in the blanks:

If the mid-points of the sides of a triangle AB;BC;CA are D(1, 2, -3), E(3, 0, 1) and F(-1, 1,
-4), then the centroid of the triangle ABC is ________.


Fill in the blanks:

The equation of z-axis, are ________.

15. Fill in the blanks:

The value of limit is ________.


Fill in the blanks:

The derivative of cosecx is ________.

4 / 23
16. Write the interval in set-builder form: [-23, 5)

17. In how many ways, 5 flags in which 3 are red, 1 is white and 1 is blue, be arranged on
staff, one below the other, if flags of one colour are not distinguishable?

18. Find the real and imaginary parts of the complex number 3 i.


If | z | = 1, then find the value of

19. If then find the values of x and y.

20. Given, 5 Different green dyes, 4 different blue dyes and 3 different red dyes. Find the
number of combinations of dyes which can be chosen taking at least one green and
one blue dye.

21. Decide among the following sets which sets are subsets of each another:
and x satisfies , B = {2, 4, 6} , C = {2, 4, 6, 8, . . . },
D = {6}


Is B = {x : x2 + 2x + 1 = 0, x N} a singleton set?

22. In a simultaneous throw of a pair of dice, find the probability of getting 8 as the sum.

23. Using binomial theorem. evaluate (103)3.

24. Find the equation of straight line which passes through the point (5, 6) and has
intercepts on the axes equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.


Find the equation of the line intersecting the X-axis at a distance of 3 units to the left
of origin with slope -2.

5 / 23
25. Write the component statement of the compound statement and check whether the
compound statement is true or false:
To enter into a public library children need an identity card from the school or a
letter from the school authorities.

26. Find the maximum and minimum values of 6sin x cos x + 4 cos 2x.

27. Let A, B and C be three sets such that and then prove that A =
C - B.

28. If h denotes the number of honest people and p denotes the number of punctual
people and a relation between honest people and punctual people is given as h = p
+16. If P denotes the number of people who progress in life and a relation between
number of people who progress and honest people is given as

P= +5

Find the relation between number of people who progress in life and punctual people.
How does the punctuality is important in the progress of life?


Let A and B be two sets such that n(A) = 3 and n(B) = 2. If (x, 1), (y, 2), (z, 1) are in
, find A and B, where x, y and z are distinct elements.

29. Find where y = 3 tan x + 5 log

30. Find the real numbers x and y if (x - iy) (3+ 5i) is the conjugate of -6 - 24i.

31. Solve the inequation .


A man wants to cut three lengths from a single piece of board of length 91 cm. The
second length is to be 3 cm longer than the shortest and the third length is to be twice
as long as the shortest. What are the possible lengths of the shortest board if the third
piece is to be at least 5 cm longer than the second?

32. Prove by the principal of mathematical induction that for all n N.

6 / 23
1 + 4 + 7 + ...+ (3n - 2) = n(3n - 1)

33. Solve: 4 sinx cosx + 2 sinx + 2 cosx + 1 = 0.


If tan = cot and then prove that cos

34. The sum of p, q, r terms of an AP are a, b, c respectively. Show that

35. Find the vertex, axis, focus, directrix and length of latus rectum of parabola y2 - 8y - x
+ 19 = 0.


A rod of length 12 m moves with its ends always touching the coordinates axes.
Determine the equation of the locus of a point P on the rod, which is 3 cm from the
end in contact with the X-axis.

36. From the following data, state which group is more variable, A or B?

Marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Group A 9 17 32 33 40 10 9

Group B 10 20 30 25 43 15 7

7 / 23
CBSE Class 11 Mathematics
Sample Papers 04

Section A

1. (d) one-one but not onto


is defined by,

one - one :

f is one - one

onto: Let (co - domain) be arbitrary, such that

f(x) = y

f is not onto

2. (c) 252
Explanation: First we will find the number of three-digit numbers (i.e, numbers
from 100 to 999)which can be formed using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8and 9 with
repetition allowed.

Now we have the first place can be filled by any of the 9 digits other than 0 and since
repetition is allowed the second and third can be filled by any of the ten digits.

Hence the total number of three-digit numbers will be =

8 / 23
Now we will consider the case that the number does not have the digit 5.

Now the first place can be filled by any of the 8 digits other than 0 and 5 and since
repetition is allowed the second and third can be filled by any of the 9 digits other
than 5.

Hence the total number of ways we can form a three-digit number without 5 will be =

Therefore the number of three-digit numbers with at least one 5=

3. (a) x y

Explanation: Given

Now subtract equation (ii) from equation (i), we get

4. (b) 180

A team of 4 players are to be selected.

2 out of 6 men can be done in 6C2 ways. 2 out of 4 women can be done in 4C2ways.

So the number of ways to select 4 players is 6C2x 4C2= 90.

Now we can arrange these people to form mixed doubles.

9 / 23
If M1,M2,W1,W2, are the 4 members selected then one team can be chosen as

in 2 different ways

Therefore the required number of arrangements= 90x2 = 180.

5. (a) one-to-one and onto


one - one:

6. (a) for all n> 2, n∈N


Since when n = 1 , we get the inequality as , which is not true. also for n = 2 , we
get , which is false. Hence the given statement is true for

7. (b) 0.39

We have, P(A) = 0.25, P(B) = 0.50,

Required Probability

= 0.39

8. (a) Z - axis

10 / 23
represents a point (0,0) in space in 2D. In 3D
the collection of all these points forms Z axis.

9. (c) 1 – P (E)

we have,

{U sing additiion thereom and E and are mutually


{Probability in sample space is unque}

10. (c) 12
Explanation: We have

Suppose the three consecutive terms be Tr-1, Tr and Tr+1, whose coefficients are in the

ratio 6 : 33 : 110
Now we have


Solving (i) and (ii) we get n = 12

11. 12

12. decision

11 / 23
13. (m + n)

14. (1, 1, -2)


x = 0, y = 0



-cosecx cotx

16. The interval [-23, 5) can be written in set builder form as

17. Here, n = 5, p1 = 3, p2 = 1, p3 = 1

Required number of ways

=5 4 = 20
Required number of ways is 20.

18. Suppose,
Here, Re (z) = 0 and Im (z) = 3


Given, =1
2 =1 =1
Now, [ 1= ]

= =z=1

19. Given,

Comparing corresponding elements,


12 / 23

20. In each dye of chosen, there are two possibilities either choose or reject it.
The total number of ways in which at least one green and one blue dyes are chosen

= (25 - 1) (24 - 1)23 = (32 - 1) (16 - 1)8

= 3720

21. Here and x satisfies

B = {2, 4, 6}
C = {2, 4, 6, 8, . . . } and D = {6}


We have, { ]

which is not a natural number.

Thus, B = {} =
Hence, B is not a singleton set.

22. Since a pair of dice have been thrown,

Numbers of elementary events in sample space is
Suppose E be the event that the sum 8 appear on the faces of dice,
E = {(2,6), (3,5), (4,4), (5,3), (6,2)}

23. Here, 103 can be written as 100 + 3.

(103)3 = (100 + 3)3

13 / 23
= 3C0 (100)3 + 3C1 (100)2 3 + 3C2 (100)1 32 + 3C3(100)0 33

= 1000000 + 9 10000 + 3 9 100 + 27

= 1000000 + 90000 + 2700 + 27
= 1092727

24. Let the equation of line in intercept form is

We have, a = - b ...(i)
Now, equation of line becomes
It passes through (5, 6).

a = -1
On putting a = -1 and b = 1 in Eq. (ii), we get



Given, the line intersecting the X-axis to the left of the origin. It means it intersect the
negative X-axis. Clearly, line AB passes through the point (-3, 0) and m = -2.
Equation of line in point slope from is
y - y1 = m(x - x1) y - 0 = -2(x + 3)

y = -2x - 6
2x + y + 6 = 0

14 / 23
25. The component statements of the compound statement.
p: To get into a public library children need an identity card.
q: To get into a public library children need a letter from the school authorities.
We know that if p and q are true then p or q must also be true.
Hence, the compound statement is true.

26. Given, [ sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A

which is of the from

Thus, maximum and minimum values of 6sin x cos x + 4 cos 2x are 5 and - 5,

27. Here

28. According to the question, the relation between honest and punctual people is

And the relation between progress and honest people is

Required relation between the number of people who progress in life and punctual is
given by,



We can complete our work on time and the quality of work will also good if we are
punctual. This helps us to get progress in our life.

15 / 23

Here and
(y, 2) and
(z, 1) and 1
It is given that n(A) = 3 and n(B)= 2
A = {x, y, z }
and B = {1, 2}

29. Here y = 3 tan x + 5 log .

= 3 tan x + 5 log x + (x-2) + 5ex

30. Here
Now (x - iy) (3 + 5i) = -6 + 24i

Comparing both sides, we have

3x + 5y = -6. . . . (i)
and 5x - 3y = 24 .... (ii)
Multiplying (i) by 3 and (ii) by 5 and then adding

Putting x = 3 in (i)
Thus y=-3

31. Here ,

16 / 23
Dividing both sides by -2

the solution set of given in equation is .


Let the length of the shortest board be x cm

Then length of the second board = (x + 3) cm
length of the third board = 2x cm
Now and
Thus minimum length of shortest board is 8 cm and maximum length is 22 cm.

32. Let P(n) be the statement given by

We have,

LHS = 1
RHS = (1) (3 1 - 1) = 1
So, is true
Let P(m) be true. Then,
We wish to show that P(m + 1) is true. For this we have to show that

= [Using (i)]
= [
= (m + 1)(3m + 2) = (m + 1)[3(m + 1)-1]

17 / 23
P(m + 1) is true
Thus, P(m) is true P(m + 1) is true.
Hence, by the principle of mathematical induction, the given result is true for all n



Now, if sin x = -

sin x = sin

The general solution of this equation is

x=​ =

x= ...(i)

and if cos x =

cos x = cos = cos

The general solution of this equation is


x= ... (ii)

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have x = or where n Z

These are the required solutions.



sin sin = cos cos

18 / 23
cos cos - sin sin =0
cos [ ]=0
[ ]
cos = cos [ cos = 0]
cos + sin =
On multiplying both sides by , we get

cos cos + sin


[ ]
Hence proved.

34. Given that, Sp = a, Sq = b and Sr = c

Let A be the first term and d be the common difference. Then,

Sp = [2 A + (p - 1)d] = a

2 A + (p - 1)d = ...(i)
Sq = [2 A + (q - 1)d] = b

2 A + (q - 1)d = ...(ii)
and Sr = [2 A + (r - 1)d] = c

2 A + (r - 1)d = ...(iii)
On multiplying Eq. (i) by (q - r), Eq. (ii) by (r - p) and Eq. (iii) by (p - q), we get
[2 A + (p - 1)d] (q - r) = (q - r) ...(iv)
[2 A + (q - 1)d] (r - p) = (r - p) ...(v)
and [2 A + (r - 1)d] (p - q) = (p - q) ...(vi
On adding Eq. (iv), Eq. (v) and Eqs. (vi), we get

= [2 A + (p - 1)d] (q - r) + [2 A + (q - 1)d] (r - p) + [2 A + (r - 1)d] (p - q)

= 2 A (q - r + r - p + p - q) + d[(p - 1) (q - r) + (q - 1) (r - p) + (r - 1) (p - q)]
= 2 A (0) + d[(pq - pr - q + r + qr - qp - r + p + rp - rq - p + q]
= 0 + d (0) = 0
Hence proved.

19 / 23
35. Given equation is

y2 - 8y - x + 19 = 0

y2 - 8y + 16 = x - 19 + 16

(y - 4)2 = x - 3 ...(i)
Let y - 4 = Y and x - 3 = X
Then, Eq. (i) becomes,

Y2 = X ...(ii)
Now, from Eq. (ii), coordinates of vertex are,
X = 0 and Y = 0
x - 3 = 0 and y - 4 = 0
x = 3 and y = 4

On comparing Eq. (ii) with Y2 = 4aX, we get

4a = 1 a=
Coordinates of focus of parabola (ii) are,
X = a, Y = 0
x-3= ,y-4=0
x= + 3, y = 4 x= ,y=4
Equation of directrix of parabola (ii) is,
x=- +3 x=
Length of latusrectum = =1

Hence, for given parabola vertex = (3, 4), axis, y = 4, focus , directrix, x

and the length of latusrectum = 1.


Let l be the length of the rod and which at any position meet X-axis at A (a, 0) and also
meets the Y-axis at B (0, b), therefore we have

l2 = a 2 + b 2

(12)2 = a2 + b2 ...(i) [ l = 12]

20 / 23
Let P be the point on AB which is 3 cm from A and hence 9 cm from B.
This means that the point P divides AB in ratio 3 : 9 i.e., 1 : 3.
If P = (x, y), then by section formula, we have

(x, y) =

(x, y) =

x= ,y= a= and b = 4y
On putting the values of a and b in Equation (i), we get

144 = + (4y)2

which is required equation.

36. For group A,

Let assumed mean

Class interval Mid-point (xi) ui = fi f iu i fi

15 -3 9 9 -27 81

25 -2 4 17 -34 68

35 -1 1 32 -32 32

45 0 0 33 0 0

55 1 1 40 40 40

21 / 23
65 2 4 10 20 40

75 3 9 9 27 81

Total 150 -6 342

, , and , b = 10

= = 45 +


Standard deviation, =
Coefficient of variation (CV) = =
For group B,
Let the assumed mean

Class interval Mid-point (xi) ui = fi f iu i fi

15 -3 10 9 -30 90

25 -2 20 4 -40 80

35 -1 30 1 -30 30

45 0 25 0 0 0

55 1 43 1 43 43

65 2 15 4 30 60

75 3 7 9 21 63

Total 150 -6 366

= -6 and = 366

= 45 +

22 / 23

= =
Standard deviation, = = 15.61
Coefficient of variation (CV) = =
Since, CV(B) > CV(A)
So, group B is more variable than group A.

23 / 23

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