Chapter 3 - Intanelina Binti Jaluddin

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STUDENT ID : 2021843642

1. Explain the difference between conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation (8m)

Conduction involves direct transfer between two solid materials in physical contact, as heat
flows from a region of high temperature to a region of lower temperature. Convection
involves transfer of heat by the movement of fluid, either in liquid or gas form. Radiation
involves emission of electromagnetic radiation, as it is emitted from the surface of an object
which is due to the object’s temperature. Evaporation occurs when water dissipates heat, as
water molecules absorb thermal energy from an object when making transition from liquid to

2. ⁠Differentiate Bergmann rule and Allen rule (2m)

Bergmann’s Rule states that animals living in cold environments tend to be larger than
animals in warmer conditions, while Allen Rule states that animals in colder climates have
shorter extremities than animals in warmer climates.

3. ⁠List body part that shows the alteration of the amount of surface area to handle the heat
problem (3m)

● Size of ears
● Length of legs
● Size of feet

4. ⁠Define insulation and discuss how it can become effective (2m)

Insulation is defined as a layer of material that reduces thermal exchanges, as heat loss is
directly proportional with the thermal gradient. Its effectiveness depends on its thickness.

5. ⁠Discuss two main types of thermal strategies (2m)

● Tolerance, where body temperature is allowed to vary with ambient temperature.

● Regulation, where body temperature does not vary with ambient temperature.

6. Differentiate poikilotherm, heterotherm and homeotherm (3m)

Poikilotherm has variable body temperature, meaning the body temperature tends to
fluctuate more or less with the ambient temperature. Heterotherm means that sometimes
body temperature maintains a certain level but other times fluctuate with the environment.
Homeotherm occurs at constant body temperature, meaning using physiological processes
to regulate the rates of heat production and loss.
7. ⁠Using a specific example of the endotherm and ectotherm, explain temporal heterotherm

● Endotherm
Examples are bats, as they allow their body temperature to drop for the winter
months, so their metabolic rate retains.

● Ectotherm
Examples are pythons after a large meal, as they wind their bodies into a ball to
speed digestion, nutrient assimilation and biosynthesis.

8. ⁠Explain using the specific example regional heterotherm (2m)

Regional heterotherms retain heat in specific regions of the body. For example, marlin have
heater tissue to elevate brain temperature and scrotum to draw testes against the warmer

9. ⁠Explain homeotherm for human (3m)

Homeotherm for humans does not involve all parts of the body as they are not regulated at
the same temperature. That involves the core, in which the portions of the body usually deep
in the animal and most containing important organs whose function is the most dependent
on a constant high body temperature, such as the brain, heart and digestive system. The
periphery as it is regulated to various degrees, and some experience temperatures much
lower than the core body temperature.

10. ⁠Discuss thermal zone based on temperature level and metabolic rate (6m)

There are three thermal zones, which are the thermoneutral zone, upper critical zone and
lower critical zone. Thermoneutral zone is the range of temperature that is optimal for
physiological processes, and its metabolic rate is minimal.

Upper critical zone has a high metabolic rate to induce a physiological response to prevent
overheating. At a still higher temperature, animals can no longer defend their body
temperature, resulting in hyperthermia, a state of abnormally high body temperature.

Lower critical zone also has a high metabolic rate to induce heat production. Below a certain
point, animals can no longer maintain a constant core temperature, resulting in hypothermia,
a state of abnormally low body temperature.

11. ⁠List four classes of macromolecule (4m)

● Protein
● Lipid
● Nucleic acids
● Carbohydrate
12. ⁠List classes of macromolecule that affected by temperature (2m)

● Protein
● Lipid

13. ⁠List three types of weak bond (3m)

● Hydrogen bonds
● Hydrophobic interactions
● Van der Waals forces

14. ⁠List two types of chemical bond that disrupted by the high temperature (2m)

● Hydrogen bonds
● Van der Waals forces

15. ⁠Name the chemical bond that stable at high temperature (1m)

Hydrophobic interactions

16. ⁠Explain membrane fluidity based on temperature and the bond between membrane
structure (4m)

Van der Waals forces hold the membrane lipids together. The interactions between
phospholipids are strong but the membrane must remain fluid enough, as changes in
membrane fluidity affect protein movement. Low temperature causes the membrane lipids to
solidify, therefore impair protein movement.

17. ⁠State the effect of high temperature towards plasma membrane (1m)

High temperatures have high membrane fluidity, therefore its effectiveness decreases as a
permeability barrier.

18. ⁠Explain homeoviscous adaptation in membrane remodelling (1m)

Homeoviscous adaptation preserves membrane fluidity across different temperatures by

changing the membrane composition.

19. ⁠List poikilothermic organism (6m)

● Bacteria
● Fungi
● Protist
● Plants
● Fish
● Other ‘cold-blooded’ animals that cannot regulate their own temperature
20. ⁠Discuss the process that happen during membrane remodelling in adapting to
temperature change (6m)

Membrane remodeling begins when temperature-sensitive proteins embedded in the cell

membrane detect changes in temperature. In response to temperature increase, certain
lipids within the membrane become more fluid, allowing for increased movement and
flexibility. Proteins within the membrane may undergo changes in their conformation or
localization in order to maintain membrane integrity and functionality.

Cells may synthesize or incorporate different types of lipids into the membrane to adjust its
composition and fluidity. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) may also play a role in membrane
remodeling by stabilizing membrane proteins and preventing their denaturation. These
processes collectively allow the membrane to adapt to temperature changes, ensuring that it
remains functional and maintains proper permeability and structure under varying
environmental conditions.

21. ⁠Explain enzyme kinetic regarding temperature change (4m)

In enzymes, catalytic properties are altered by changing the temperature. It involves

changes in weak bonds that affect the 3D structure, the ionization state of critical amino
acids can change within the active site and the ability of the enzyme to undergo structural
changes for catalysis can be altered. Its biochemical reactions are accelerated at high
temperature and vice versa.

22. ⁠Discuss quantitative strategies and qualitative strategies in tissue remodelling (4m)

Quantitative strategies involve more of the same machinery. For example, low temperature
increases the number of mitochondria in the muscle.

Qualitative strategies alter the type of machinery. For example, different myosin isoforms in
winter and summer.

23. ⁠Explain heat shock response (3m)

Heat shock response occurs when protein denature faster at higher temperature. The
accumulation of denatured proteins can kill the cell. Cells activate specific genes that
produce heat shock proteins (HSPs), which act like molecular chaperones, stabilizing
proteins and preventing their denaturation or misfolding. This response ensures cellular
homeostasis by assisting in protein refolding, maintaining membrane integrity, and promoting
cell survival under heat-induced damage.

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