ICT India Working Paper 64n

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CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications

Technology-Led Growth and Development

Information and Communications Technology

for Teacher Training in India

ICT India Working Paper #64

Anchal Sharma

January 2022

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Abbreviations............................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 5
ICT Competency Framework for Teachers ............................................................................. 6
UNESCO’s ICT Competency Framework ..................................................................................... 6
TPACK Framework ......................................................................................................................... 8
National Curriculum Framework for Teachers’ Education under NEP 2020 ........................... 9
ICT for Teacher Education ...................................................................................................... 9
ICT for Pre-Service Teacher Training ......................................................................................... 10
ICT for In-Service Teacher Training ........................................................................................... 11
Challenges in the Journey ...................................................................................................... 12
For the Successful ICT enabled Teacher Education Program ............................................. 13
As a way forward ..................................................................................................................... 14
References ............................................................................................................................... 15

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are making major differences in the
teaching approaches and the way students are learning. ICT enhanced learning environment
facilitates active, collaborative, creative, integrative, and evaluating learning as an advantage
over the traditional methods. Overtime, we have learnt that integrated teacher education
initiatives brought more learning resources to the classroom. The new technologies and their
effective integration with curriculum and classroom processes have presented enormous
possibilities and have revolutionized teacher education at all levels. The recent ICT
developments have allowed teachers to be imaginative, flexible, and willing to renew their
vision of teaching and learning. The possibilities of integrating ICT tools by teachers and for
in-service training and teachers’ professional developments have undergone a revolution in the
last decade. New Educational technologies in India have encouraged the adoption of new roles
by the teachers to embrace new pedagogies and approaches.

The New Education Policy 2020, gives immense importance to the interdependence of
education and technology in the future. It emphasizes the role of ICT as an effective tool in
facilitating teacher education and encourages the utilization of technology platforms for online
teacher training. The policy calls for investment in digital infrastructure, development of online
teaching platforms and tools, creation of virtual labs and digital repositories, training teachers
to become high-quality online content creators, designing and implementing online
assessments, establishing standards for content, technology, and pedagogy for online teaching-
learning. ICT integration for pre-service teacher training programs plays a crucial to equip and
prepare future teachers for the classroom, who are confident and competent about managing
the change and influencing it for the better quality of teaching. Considering the future of using
technology for teaching and learning is always ever-evolving and challenging. Teacher
Education Institutes must create an environment for teachers to enable them to create an
appropriate learning experience for teachers to enable them to create an appropriate learning
experience for students in the new age of learning.

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development


ICT Information and Communication Technology

SDG Sustainable Development Goals
NEP National Education Policy
OER Open Educational Resources
NMEICT National Mission on Education through Information and
Communication Technology
DIKSHA Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing
SWAYAM Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds
MOOC Massive Open Online Course
CFT Competency Framework for Teachers
TPACK Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge
NEP National Education Policy
NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training
CIET Central Institute of Educational Technology
CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling
NCFTE National Council for Teacher Education
NCF National Curriculum Framework
SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
NCTE National Council for Teacher Education
DIET District Institute for Education and Training
B.ED Bachelor of Education
TPD Teacher Professional Development
NTP National Teacher Platform
TISS Tata Institute of Social Sciences

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

Teachers enable education to achieve its transformative potential for individual communities
and overall national development1. They constitute the core of the process of imparting
knowledge in the classroom. The quality of teaching, teachers, and teachers’ education is
central to delivering quality education for all. Sustainable Development Goal 4 also
advocates teachers as the biggest contributors in accomplishing the goal of the Education
2030(add the link) agenda – ‘Providing Equitable Quality Education for All’. The
effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration is impacted
by the teachers’ motivation, personal knowledge and experience, confidence levels, access to
ICT resources and training, and technical and pedagogical support (Cabanatan, 2002). Thus,
teachers, through their knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices, are key agents to achieve
SDG 4 targets. The recently released National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in India, has
further reinforced this notion by rightly placing teachers at the center of the education system.
The possibilities of integrating ICT tools by teachers and for in-service training and teachers’
professional developments have undergone a revolution in the last decade. The recent ICT
developments have enabled and supported the teachers to create more ‘learner-centric’
learning environments. It has allowed teachers to be imaginative, flexible, and willing to
renew their vision of teaching and learning.

The Indian Education sector has been adapting to the latest ICT tools to support the existing
teaching knowledge and practices. The new technologies have encouraged the adoption of
new roles by the teachers to embrace new pedagogies and approaches. ICT advancements
have helped teachers to interact with students and improve their teaching, provide feedback,
the upgrade the overall effectiveness of the classroom. The NEP, 2020 gives immense
importance to the interplay of education and technology. The policy notes that one of the
central principles steering the education system will be the “extensive use of technology in
teaching and learning, removing language barriers, increasing access as well as education
planning and management”. It emphasizes the role of ICT as an effective tool in facilitating
teacher education and encourages the utilization of technology platforms for online teacher
and training. The policy calls for investment in digital infrastructure, development of online
teaching platforms and tools, creation of virtual labs and digital repositories, training teachers
to become high-quality online content creators, designing and implementing online
assessments, establishing standards for content, technology, and pedagogy for online
teaching-learning. The policy also recognizes four important components of ICT integration
in school education:- 1) provision of ICT Infrastructure in schools, and institutions for teacher
education and education administration, 2) professional development of teacher and teacher
education and building of professional learning communities, 3) development of curricular
resources (for students and teachers), as Open Educational Resources (OER), and, 4)
Building state-level infrastructure to facilitate ICT integration, including OER repository,
platforms for e-learning courses.


CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

The Indian Education landscape of professional development includes pre-service teacher and
in-service education programs for primary/elementary and secondary/senior secondary school
teachers. Under national initiatives like ‘National Mission on Education through Information
and Communication Technology (NMEICT) and ‘Digital India’, to leverage the potential of
ICT to make the best quality content accessible, various digital platforms have been
launched. Digital platforms like DIKSHA, NISHTHA, SWAYAM, online MOOC courses
have supported teachers to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Dedicated Modules and
courses on using ICT also have been proven crucial for pre-service teacher training programs.
Private tech players like Microsoft and Dell are contributing considerably to the whole digital
movement with their flagship programs like ‘Project Shiksha’ and ‘Dell Aarambh’ for
training the teachers. ICT has not only helped with the evolved training aspect but also the
administrative processes of the various teacher education institutes of the country.

ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Successful integration of ICT into teaching and learning requires rethinking the role of
teachers in planning and applying ICT to enhance and transform learning. Education systems
need to regularly update and reform teacher preparation and professional development
according, ensuring that all teachers can harness technology for education - UNESCO.
Integration of ICTs and their implications in teacher education programs are a means to
support high-quality teaching and learning2. There is a strong argument that good teaching
with technology also requires a shift in the existing practices both in pedagogy and content.
Capitalizing on the potential of new technologies in general and digital technology in
particular as a learning tool, an effective teaching-learning process is a real need in today’s
world. This calls for the educational communities to think about their context and go beyond
technology literacy to promote educational practices that innovatively use the interaction of
technology, pedagogy, and content. A well-researched roadmap from various aspects of the
education domain will support the national and institutional goals. Some of the leading
frameworks as a model in this aspirational direction are discussed here.

UNESCO’s ICT Competency Framework

The effective integration of ICT in schools and classrooms can transform pedagogy and
empower students. In this context, it becomes essential that teachers have the competencies to
integrate ICT in their professional practice to ensure the equity and quality of learning.
Teacher training programs and ongoing professional support must enable teachers to develop
the necessary ICT competencies so they can, in turn, ensure their students develop the
relevant skills, including digital competencies for life and work.3 UNESCO has developed
the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers as a tool to guide pre-and in-service teacher
training on the use of ICTs across the education system. The framework is intended to be
adapted to support national and institutional goals by providing an up-to-date roadmap for
policy development and capacity building. Its target audience is teacher-training personnel,
educational experts, policy-makers, teacher support personnel, and other professional
development providers. The framework addresses the recent technological and pedagogical
developments in the field of ICT and Education and incorporates inclusive principles of non-
2 https://www.cemca.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/ICT%20Integrated%20Teacher%20Education-


CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

discrimination, open and equitable information accessibility, and gender equality in the
delivery of education supported by technology. The ICT CFT framework identifies 18 ICT
competencies to which teachers should aspire and subdivides these into 64 specific
objectives. The competencies range from encouraging teachers to understanding national
priorities as identified in national ICT in Education policies, how ICT can support
the curriculum, assessment strategies, pedagogy, school and class organization,
administration as well ongoing professional development.

The ICT CFT Version 3

The ICT CFT advocates for the conception of teacher development as a lifelong learning
process. It provides criteria when assessing national levels of teachers' ICT competence or
undertaking analysis of training initiatives. The framework is intended to inform educational
experts, policymakers, teacher support personal, and providers of professional learning on the
role of ICT in educational reform, as well as to assist UNESCO member states in developing
national ICT competency standards for teachers. It encourages an approach to teacher
development that uses these crucial areas to demonstrate directly the educational benefit that
can be derived from ICT. The framework provides an excellent point of reference for the
creation or refinement of course development strategies4. Significantly, instead of presenting
an ICT application approach, the framework provides a solid educational context for the
development of ICT skills and competencies to integrate ICT into teaching and learning.


CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

TPACK Framework

The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework describes the type
of teacher knowledge required to teach effectively with technology. The TPACK framework
identifies a unifying structure that not only respects this complexity but also provides
guidance for appropriate technology integration (Koehler & Mishra, 2008; Mishra &
Koehler, 2006). In the TPACK framework, what teachers need to know is characterized by
three broad knowledge bases – technology, pedagogy, and content – and the interactions
between and among these knowledge bases. In this approach, technology in teaching is
characterized as something well beyond isolated knowledge of specific hardware or software.

Source: http://tpack.org

The TPACK framework describes the kinds of knowledge that teachers need to teach with
technology and the complex ways in which these bodies of knowledge interact with one
another. Teaching with technology requires a flexible framework that explains how rapidly-
changing technologies may be effectively integrated with a range of pedagogical approaches
and content areas. Good teaching with technology, therefore, cannot be achieved by simply
adding a new piece of technology upon existing structures. Good teaching, with technology,
requires a shift in existing pedagogical and content domains. The TPACK framework also
emphasizes the role of the context within teaching and learning. Ignoring context leads to
“generic solutions to the problem of teaching” (Mishra & Koehler, 2006, p. 1032). Teaching
is a context-bound activity, and teachers with developed TPACK use technology to design
learning experiences tailored for specific pedagogies, crafted for specific content, as
instantiated in specific learning contexts. In the sections below we describe each of the
components of the TPACK framework and, most importantly, their interactions with each
other. The TPACK framework is a testament to the complexity of teaching. The framework
proposes that tackling all of the variables at once creates effective teaching with technology.

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

The TPACK framework also functions as a theoretical and conceptual lens for researchers
and educators to measure pre-service and in-service teachers’ readiness to teach effectively
with technology. For this purpose, researchers have developed a range of instruments,
quantitative and qualitative, to measure TPACK (Koehler, Shin & Mishra, 2011; Schmidt, et
al., 2009)5.

National Curriculum Framework for Teachers’ Education under NEP 2020

The New Education Policy 2020 (NEP), has given even emphasis on the role technology has
to play in creating well-equipped teachers. It promises the availability of educational
software, for students and teachers at all levels. Teaching-learning e-content will continue to
be developed by all States in all regional languages, as well as by the NCERT, CIET, CBSE,
to address the digital divide with the population whose digital access is highly limited, ICT
tools like television, radio, and community radio will be extensively used for telecast and
broadcast. A special focus on content in all Indian languages will be emphasized and, digital
content will reach the teachers and students in their medium of instruction as far as possible.
It also promises a continuous commitment to meaningful research and innovation. India has
been aiming in the direction of having a sound framework for the healthy integration of ICT
in Indian teaching practices. The NEP 2020, proposed a new and comprehensive National
Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, NCFTE 2021 to be teacher education, pre-
service and in-service, of teachers working in academic, vocational & special education
streams. The NCFTE thereafter will be revised once every 5-10 years by reflecting the
changes in the revised NCFs as well emerging needs in teacher education.

ICT for Teacher Education

Teacher education is a means of providing teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge
needed to adequately carry out their teaching jobs as well for their professional growth. It is
an essential exercise that enhances the skills of learning and teaching. Inadequate teacher
preparation programs result in a majority of teachers’ inability to demonstrate adequate
knowledge and understanding of the structure, function, and development of their disciplines.
Introduction to ICT has been an encouraging move for the adoption of new teacher roles that
embrace new pedagogies and approaches to teacher education. In India, teacher education is
divided into two broad areas – pre-service education which is focused on preparing students
for a career in teaching, and in-service teacher training that is provided by the government
through the Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) or NGOs and social enterprises. The National
Council of Teacher Education (NCTE), is the advisory body for the teacher education system,
responsible for the regulation and the planning of the development of teacher education in the
country. The District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) are responsible to train all
pre-primary and primary school teachers.

Successful on-going professional development models can be divided into three phases: 1)
pre-service, focusing on the initial preparation on pedagogy, subject mastery, management
skills and use of various teaching tools, 2) in-service, including structured face-to-face and
distance learning opportunities building upon pre-service training and directly relevant to
teacher needs, and 3) ongoing formal and informal pedagogical and technical support,


CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

enabled by ICTs, for teachers, focusing daily needs and challenges. Sustained investments in
teachers’ education and concerted actions between pre-and in-service teacher training form
the foundation of the successful implementation of ICT integration.

ICT has been tremendously significant in the way it has evolved the whole process of the
creation, revision, and sharing of the curricular content. It has helped with the availability of a
large pool of digital tools to create digital resources, in text, image, animation, audio, and
video formats. With the world throwing new complex challenges now and then, like the
recent pandemic situation around the world is facing due to the Covid-19, teachers need to be
better equipped to be able to adapt to the new environments and tackle new challenges. The
role of teacher education institutions becomes even important to create a new generation of
teachers capable of employing a variety of technology and tools in all phases of academic,
administrative, research, and extension function. A range of newly initiated professional
development programs using ICT has begun to emerge in recent years, offering the
following: -

1) A greater variety, and hence a greater chance of relevance and potential to meet
diverse interests and needs
2) High quality of expertise directly accessible to teachers
3) Flexible to select programs and take them at one’s own pace
4) Online mentoring, reflection, interaction with peers and experts, either in professional
learning communities or in courses.

The focus of teacher education institutes has shifted more to provide teachers with a solid
understanding of the various media, their affordance, and constraints. Such understandings
emerge when teachers are actively involved in teaching and learning with technology across
the various disciplines. Teachers should not be taught about technology but how to use
technology for constructing, organizing, and communicating knowledge (Barron & Goldman,

ICT for Pre-Service Teacher Training

Pre-service teachers are the group of teachers who are enrolled under the teacher training
program like B.Ed (Bachelors of Education) or DIET. For teacher preparation programs, it is
important to strike a balance between fundamentals of computer skills and pedagogical
knowledge. The student teachers must be trained in the pedagogical use of ICT. The current
training programs emphasize understanding the nature of the ICT, use of subject teaching-
related software tools, accessing web resources, encouraging teachers to create digital
resources using a wide variety of free and open sources digital resources. There are two levels
of expertise required for teachers to attain ICT integration in the classroom, one is hardware
and software components and the other is the pedagogical applications of new information
technologies. Both the components are crucial for the correct use of ICT in classroom

Hardware and Software Component - The emphasis of this component is to make the student
teachers get familiarized with the hardware devices and various software components. The
aim is to help them understand how these ICT tools, like desktop computers, laptops, tablets,
mobile phones, and digital platforms, can be used for teaching and learning purposes. They

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

are trained to select appropriate ICT tools and training in how to use ICT in the classroom.
The goal is to provide exposure to the teachers to a wide variety of ICT hardware resources.

Pedagogical Application - The focus of this approach is to train the teachers for successful
ICT pedagogy integration. Training is provided to use technology for constructing,
organizing, and communicating knowledge. The purpose is to get a better understanding of
various mediums, their contextual usage, and constraints as well.

Thus ICT integration for pre-service teacher training programs plays a crucial to equip and
preparing future teachers for the classroom, who are confident and competent about
managing the change and influencing it for the better quality of teaching. The ICT innovation
has been contributing not only to the evolving training curriculum and training modules but
also to the administrative process as well. One such example of effectively integrating
technology into large-scale educational systems is from the state - Bihar. A smaller-scale
innovation was led by the Directorate of Research and Training, Department of Education,
Government of Bihar, to transform the application and admission process in teacher
education institutions across the state. The manual process of copying the information and
calculating applicants’ scores and merit lists was a process of errors, leading to complaints.
To solve this, with the help of the World Bank’s project, Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in
Bihar, came up with an online system of applications and admissions which made the process
of enrolment into teacher train courses smooth and hassle-free

ICT for In-Service Teacher Training

Training and ongoing support must enable teachers to develop the necessary ICT
competencies to ensure their students develop the relevant skills, including digital
competencies for life and work. Teachers’ professional development should be understood as
a lifelong learning process, rather than a one-off event. Teacher Professional Development
(TPD) is a journey of the learning experiences sustained over time, enabling teachers to
acquire and apply knowledge, understanding skills, and abilities to achieve personal,
professional, and organizational goals, to facilitate student learning. The importance of ICT
for education and Teacher Education has also been recognized and well–articulated in all the
national policies and programs initiated in the country. The National Curriculum Framework
for School Education and the National Curriculum Framework for teacher education
programs, both at pre-service and in-service levels. India has also launched the “National
Mission of Education Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT). The National
Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education also stresses teachers' education needs to
orient and sensitize the teacher to distinguish between critically useful, developmentally
appropriate, and detrimental use of ICT, in a way, ICT can be imaginatively drawn for
professional development and academic support of the pre-service and the in-service

National digital platforms like e-pathshala, DIKSHA, NISHTHA, and the National Teacher
Platform (NTP) have become rapidly popular among teachers. Different forms of OER run on
a wider spectrum are offering tutorial videos for better remembering and understanding.
Extensive teacher training modules enable and equip the teachers to overcome their
technological challenges. Understanding the basics of an ed-tech interface to understand its
significance, power, and benefits has been an important part of the e-education ecosystem.
Continuous Professional Development enables the teachers to stay updated on new methods

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

of teaching, skill development, techniques to map students learning and academic progress.
With the help of digital tools and devices, teachers can now track and update their teaching
and assessment methods and enabling them to explore more advanced and updated
techniques. The process of the whole ICT training helps teachers to understand both its
benefits and limitations as well, giving them space to explore more ways of innovative
teaching and exploring new educational avenues. This helps them create a positive learning
environment that enables the teachers to encourage the students further towards productive
tech-led learning. Ed-tech teacher training solutions supporters training this is inclusive
towards social issues, especially for rural areas. With the help of online teacher training
programs, awareness towards current issues like educating girl child, women empowerment,
the importance of health and nutrition, and many such have been able to reach the remote
areas of the country.

For training purposes, “Blended learning” has been seen as the best suitable mode of teacher
training in the future. It provides possibilities of learning beyond geographic restrictions,
allowing for large-scale reach and impact. Courses can be structured in collaboration with
pre-service teacher education institutions, thus connecting teacher and teacher educator
communities and institutions. Complementing physical workshops/meetings with virtual
interactions over an e-learning forum is a new way of providing teacher education in the
country. For instance, the MA course by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
Education program provides training to students across the country and also access faculty
from across the country through a digital platform Moodle. More such programs in the future
will allow learners to learn at their own pace (relatively) and also reach a larger number of
teachers than is possible through merely physical interactions. It also allows for greater
possibilities for addressing the diverse and heterogeneous learners' needs. Thus blended
model allows for diverse needs, contexts, and aspirations. Thus, a well-rounded
understanding of technology determines the future of education and also empowers teachers
to use technology smartly and create an effective online teaching environment.

Challenges in the Journey

The teacher education institutions in the country are now understanding the tremendous
potential of digital technologies and trying their best to harness the teaching-learning process
to enable the students to learn meaningfully. Utmost preference is given to the need to invest
in the creation of open, interoperable, evolvable, public digital infrastructure, to solve for
India’s scale, diversity, complexity, and device penetration. National level educational
initiatives have seen considerable progress in the country but also have faced numerous
challenges as well. These challenges could be infrastructure-related, teachers’ capacity
building related, technology support related, language and context related, or overall
Some of the common issues to be overcome for the successful integration of ICTs in the field
of teacher education are briefly discussed here: -

 Lack of coherence in planning and leadership consequently affects the

implementation aspect.
 Mindset gap between the mind setup of new-age students teachers and experienced in-
service teachers through advocacy and in-service training and capacity-building
activities from time to time.

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

 Teachers face major challenges when they are in schools due to many demands and
expectations. At the same time, they are expected to be innovative in the use of ICTs
in the classroom teaching-learning process.
 The course content must be constantly revised and updated as the technology is
moving fast from time to time. It is essential to make the content in line with new
trends in learning with technology. For example, Smartphones can be considered as
the most reliable digital tool, can be used as a learning device given their accessibility,
cost-effectiveness, and ease of operation.
 Issues of poor connectivity in rural and remote areas that are inaccessible.
 Lack of improvised need-based and localized courseware for capacity building of
teacher educators, trainers, teachers, and students at different levels.
 Lack of integration of ICT-based materials with curriculum and course design and
course planning.
 Inadequate training and capacity-building process for teachers, teacher educators,
administrators, and policy planners at different levels.
 Schools located in rural and semi-urban areas face difficulties in the supply of

For the Successful ICT enabled Teacher Education Program

In the field of teacher education, the ICT-based applications and their integration with
content, method, and pedagogy are potential catalysts for meaningful learning of students.
Professionals associated with teacher education institutions equip them to design their
educational system and prepare teachers for the future of society (Singh, 2014). A well-
designed training program is essential to meet the demand of today’s teachers to effectively
use ICT. More attention should be given to the specific roles of technology in offering
multimedia simulations of good teaching practices, delivering individualized training courses,
helping overcome teacher’s isolation, connecting individual teachers to a larger teaching
community continuously, and promoting teacher to teacher collaboration.

Some of the important strategies to make ICT- enabled Teacher Education program a real
success are:

 A well-designed technology-mediated teacher education curriculum with the

appropriate mechanism of assessing and monitoring the quality of education should
be in place for ensuring better implementation of integrated teacher education
 Teacher education institutions should be equipped with ICT-based resources with the
provision of training and orientation of teacher educators for better integration of
technology with content and pedagogy.
 Availability and accessibility of technology should be made cost-effective for users at
all levels.
 Professional competencies to integrate ICTs into the teaching and learning process are
a continuous process to ensure meaningful participation and integration of students.
 Educational administrators and policymakers should work more closely with schools
and colleges to determine the training needs of teachers and extend their support to
organize appropriate training programs with better exposure at all levels.

CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

 The effective integration of ICTs for meaningful learning needs to be constantly

updated to make them current, relevant, and pedagogically sound.
 In-service and pre-service training should involve of ICTs in pedagogical analysis,
presentation of content with new techniques of evaluation. Teachers in educational
institutions should have a well-equipped ICT Lab with a computer, satellite
communication, high-speed internet facility, and other electronic media to supplement
the learning of children in this digital world.
 Curriculum and course content should be designed with an approach to ensure better
implementation of ICTs and should be supported by a technology-mediated Learning
Management System (LMS). The curriculum and content of teacher education should
enable the students to compete globally.
 By developing a pool of world-class content and designing the content with socially
relevant examples and illustrations through technology-mediated interventions for
 Teacher education institutions across the country must provide the leadership for pre
and in-service teachers and model the new pedagogies and tools for learning with
active collaboration from national and international agencies. With mutual
collaboration from all around it would be easy and convenient to design and develop
culturally responsive digital content for teachers and students.

As a way forward
Effective implementation of ICTs is certainly a powerful means of improving the quality of
education in general and teacher education in particular6. Shifting pedagogies, redesigning
the curriculum and assessment, and providing more autonomy to the teachers will help to
optimize the use of ICT. For this, adequate time must be allowed for teachers to develop new
skills, explore their integration into their existing teaching practices. Streamlining the pre and
in-service teacher education programs to ensure training and support for in-service teachers
building on the knowledge acquired in pre-service institutions would be beneficial. ICT
should not be seen as one item in TPD, rather it should be seen as a method to strengthen.
This needs structural arrangements along with the hard infrastructure, from the state level
SCERTs to the regional level & district level, and block resource centers for ICT integration
capacity building programs. The future of using technology for teaching and learning is
always challenging. Therefore, teacher educators must update themselves with recurrent
training and orientation through refresher courses and orientation programs. To foster this,
teacher education institutions must create an environment for teachers to enable them to
create appropriate learning experiences for students in the new age of learning. The Indian
education sector should be having a sound framework in place soon to strengthen the ICT
implementation in the teacher education programs.


CSD Working Paper Series: Towards a New Indian Model of Information and Communications
Technology-Led Growth and Development

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“No teacher, no class: state of the education report for India”. UNESCO Digital Library.2021

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Bhattacharjee, Baishakhi & Deb, Kamal. “Role of ICT in 21st Century’s Teacher Education”. IJEIS.

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