Financial Ability Guarantee Form Lu

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Financial Ability Guarantee Form

For International Students

Additional Instructions and Guidance

• What is the purpose of this Financial Ability Guarantee Form?

Laws and regulations of the United States national government require foreign nationals seeking entry into the US to show reasonable proof that the
US entry applicant WILL NOT:
1. Become a Public Charge to the US government or its people,
2. Stay within the US past their approved admission allowance, and
3. Seek unlawful employment within the US.
International students seeking the SEVIS I-20 form and the F-1 visa must have the financial resources to live and study in the United States. This
includes being able to cover the cost of tuition, books, living expenses and travel. SEVIS Designated School Officials (DSOs) must collect
evidence of the student’s financial ability before issuing a valid, official I-20 form to an accepted student.
Additionally, prospective students must bring their evidence of financial ability when applying for their student visa with the U.S. Department of
State. It is also advised to have the evidence on-hand when entering the country at a U.S. port of entry, in the event a U.S. Customs and Border
Protection officer asks to review it.

• Am I required to use Lamar University’s Financial Ability Guarantee Form?

Lamar University does not strictly require students to exclusively use our Financial Ability Guarantee Form as their valid financial ability
guarantee. Students are free to use personalized guarantee forms or letters of sponsorship from their benefactors and/or financial institutions.
However, be advised that third-party forms may be considered invalid by our offices if it does not include all information needed in the student’s I-
20 issuance request, so it is advised to use our form when possible.

• My or my sponsor’s bank refuses to use their seal/stamp and signature on the LU form. What can I do to prove my financial
ability then?
If the financial institution will not directly stamp and sign our document in order to attest to the sponsor’s available funding, then you should
instead attach a bank statement or account balance letter from their institution to our financial ability form. That bank-issued document will be
considered in place of the stamp and signature of the bank representative. Please note that the name of the bank account owner must directly and
clearly match the name as given in the Sponsor section of our form.

• I’m receiving one or more funding awards from the school. How does this affect my completion of the Guarantee Form?
Our office will consider any scholarship awards that have been approved for you as a source of funding to meet your expenses. In effect, this lowers
minimum requirement in what you and/or your sponsor must show in the Guarantee Form in order for you to meet the I-20 issuance threshold.
Please be advised that our office is not automatically given notice from other campus offices on what scholarship awards may have been offered to
you. While we will gather what we can at the time of your admissions acceptance, please know that special awards might require that you contact
the office that offered you the award and request an offer letter which explains the details of that office’s offer to you.

• I wish to bring my Spouse and/or Children with me to the US. What to I need to do for that?
Please complete the Dependents section in our Guarantee Form and input the information of the dependents you wish to bring with you. We also
require scanned copies of each dependent’s passport (biographical) pages, to ensure that all information entered is accurate and as expected by
various US agencies who might review the information. Please also be aware that each dependent will add to the estimated expenses for the
issuance of the F-1 and F-2 I-20s, and so the minimum requirement for your financial ability guarantee will increase.

• Where and how should I submit the completed Guarantee Form?

It will depend on which office requested your completion of this form. If you are seeking the I-20 to the purpose of a US visa interview or adjusting
your current visa status to the F-1 visa, then please submit a scanned copy of your completed form to the Admissions office
([email protected]) as a .PDF attachment. Save the original completed copy for your visa interview or adjustment process. If you
are completing an SEVIS Program extension request or similar process, please submit the documents to the Office of International Education and
Services ([email protected]).

If you are transferring your SEVIS record from another school to Lamar University, then you will instead need to submit your financial guarantee
as a part of our SEVIS Transfer-In Form request (along with other documents). Students must complete that online webform and submit all
requested documentation within to receive the valid Transfer I-20.
Financial Ability Guarantee Form
For International Students
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• You may use a personalized affidavit instead of this form. If you will use a personalized affidavit, ensure that your document
contains satisfactory information to indicate your and/or your sponsor’s ability and willingness to fund your educational
pursuits. All financial documents must be within 12 months of their issue date for our office to consider it as valid.
• When using this form, complete all sections as applicable. If there is a section that is not applicable to you (such as no
dependents or no other sponsors), then simply leave those sections blank. Read all information given in this document!
• For additional information regarding the use of this form, please refer to the separate “Instructions” document for this form.
International students seeking the SEVIS I-20 form must have the financial resources to live and study in the United States. This
includes being able to cover the cost of tuition, books, living expenses and travel. SEVIS Designated School Officials (DSOs) must
collect evidence of the student’s financial ability before issuing a valid, official I-20 form to an accepted student.
To qualify for the I-20 issuance from Lamar University, a student must show reasonable evidence of financial ability that may cover
estimated expenses for at least one academic year (12 months). Refer to the table below for the most recent expense estimates (in
USD). A student’s financial guarantee must meet or exceed the Total Required Funding estimate (depending on Degree Level).

Undergraduate (Bachelors) Graduate (Masters and Doctoral)

(12 credit hours/ semester) x 2 long semesters (9 Grad credit hours/ semester) x 2 long semesters
Tuition and Fees $18,481 $15,754
Housing & Personal $9,980 $9,980
Health Insurance*, Books, and Supplies $2,611 $2,611
Total Required Funding $31,073 $28,346
* Health Insurance—Year-round (12 months) health insurance is required. Students are automatically enrolled in the University-
sponsored health insurance plan at the start of their first semester of enrollment.
Summer tuition expenses are not included in the estimates above. Students starting in Summer must enroll in that Summer semester,
as well as the following Fall and Spring semesters, to maintain their valid F visa status. These conservative estimates are based on
the needs of an average full-time student without dependents. Living costs are estimates only, and can be higher or lower depending
on a student’s living standards.
Students who are confirmed to be offered funding through scholarships or other school awards will have their financial ability
requirement lowered by the award amount. Any added F-2 Dependents will add to both your expense estimate and financial
requirement ($6,526 for spouse and $5,136 per child).
Section 1 - Student’s Identifying information - Please use the information presented in your passport where possible
Student’s Name (Family Name/Surname, then Given/First Name) LU ID Number (L########)
Address of Residence—Street Address (House Number, Colony, etc.)
House- 226, Road- 05, Mohammadpur, Adabor
City Province Postal Code Country
Dhaka 1207 Bangladesh
City/Place of Birth (as shown on passport) Country of Birth Country of Citizenship
Dhaka Bangladesh Bangladesh
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Gender Email Address
Apr 23, 1999 ✔
Male Female [email protected]
I have applied and been accepted for a (pick one) Undergraduate ✔ Graduate degree program, and I understand that I must
show evidence of funding that meets or exceeds the expense estimate as given in the table above in order to qualify for the I-20
issuance. My signature below certifies that my answers in this document are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Student’s Signature and Date: Apr 14,
MM DD 2024
Financial Ability Guarantee Form
For International Students
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Section 2 - Funding and Sponsor(s) Information

S p o n so r # 1
Sponsor’s Full Name - Please type or write clearly
Relation to Student
Self/Personal: Friend:
Family/Relative: ✔ Employer:


Sponsor’s Certification of Understanding

This is to certify that I, the sponsor named above, understand that I am willing and financially able to fund the expense costs of the
student identified on page 1 of this document. I am willing to provide up to USD $ 50,000 in funding for this
purpose. I am also providing reasonable evidence of my financial ability with this document, either with the bank representative’s seal/
stamp and signature, or with an attached letter issued by the financial institution. My signature below attests to the information above.
Sponsor # 1 —— Apr 14, 2024
Signature and Date
S p o n so r # 2
Sponsor’s Full Name - Please type or write clearly

Relation to Student
Self/Personal: Friend:
Family/Relative: Employer:


Sponsor’s Certification of Understanding

This is to certify that I, the sponsor named above, understand that I am willing and financially able to fund the expense costs of the
student identified on page 1 of this document. I am willing to provide up to USD $ in funding for this
purpose. I am also providing reasonable evidence of my financial ability with this document, either with the bank representative’s seal/
stamp and signature, or with an attached letter issued by the financial institution. My signature below attests to the information above.
Sponsor # 2 —
Signature and Date

Section 3 - Additional Information from Student

Q1: Do you plan to include any dependents on your SEVIS record to receive a F-2 I-20? Yes (see below) ✔ No (skip to Q2)
If YES, please enter their information below, and ensure your funding allows for their additional expense (see previous page).
Family Name/Surname First/Given Name Date of Birth MM/DD/YYYY Gender Country of Birth Country of Citizenship Spouse or Child



For additional dependents, please include a separate sheet of paper to this document, and list all information requested above.
Q2: Do you currently have an F-1 Student Visa from a different U.S. school? Yes (see below) ✔
If YES, please name the institution which issued your I-20:
If you wish to transfer your SEVIS record from another US school to Lamar University, you will be required to submit this form as part of the
online SEVIS Transfer-In Webform. You must also alert the DSO of the Transfer Out school of your intent to transfer your SEVIS record.
Retain copies of all financial documents submitted here for your Visa interview and travel request. US government agents reserve the right
to request these and other documents at any time to ensure your eligibility for the Visa stamp and your entry into the US.

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