IMD Alumni Scholarship Program Form Spring 2024

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IMD Alumni Scholarship Program

Application Form Spring 2024


This is a financial need-based/merit scholarship for the Industrial and Manufacturing department students. It is
intended to help those ambitious, motivated students who need some financial help to achieve their goals. There are
a limited number of scholarships available each semester, thus not all applicants can receive the IMD Alumni

All applicants are considered based on their qualifications, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, handicap, age,
or national origin. It is highly recommended that you submit your application with complete documents by the
submission deadline.

Applications that misrepresent or provide inaccurate information will not be considered and applicants will not be
eligible to receive a financial grant and/or scholarship in the future.

Application Submission Deadline: January 30, 2024

Scholarship Decision Announcement: February 9, 2024

Scholarship Funds Release: February 16, 2024

Instructions For Application Submission and Weightage on Your Application:

a. Applications are only to be submitted from students’ official NED email. “”
b. Email needs to be professionally formatted and should contain a list of enclosed documents. (10%)
c. All documents need to be submitted in the below order as one single pdf.
• Application form (attached below)
• Letter of intent (250 words max, tell us about your future goals with plans of achieving them and
why you are the deserving candidate for this scholarship, PLEASE DO NOT FOCUS ON YOUR
• Copy of all previous semester mark sheets (10%)
• Any extra-curricular activity details/certification to strengthen your application (optional)
• Parents/Guardian(s) last three months’ pay slips
• Parents/Guardian(s) bank statement for the last 3 months where the salary is transferred regularly.
• Any other information you consider relevant to your application
d. Resume. (1 page) (30%)

If any of the documents listed above are not submitted by the deadline, the application will be considered incomplete
and will not be reviewed. Applicants may submit additional material in support of the application.

Please email your application package to [email protected].

1. Application Form

Applicant’s Information
Full Name
Date of Birth
Semester Applying For (e.g. 4th semester)
Previous Semesters Cgpa 1st- 2nd- 3rd- 4th- 5th- 6th- 7th-

Enrollment Number
Class Roll Number
Phone Number
Email Address
Residential Address

IMD Initiative Scholarship Awarded Before? If 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

yes, please circle all semester we have helped
Would you accept help from Zakat funds?
**Sometimes we have separate slots from Yes No
Zakat scholarships which we don’t advertise
Any Other Financial Assistance Declaration
Scholarship Received from Any Other Yes No
Program/Organization or Source
Amount received for the current semester
Name of Program/Organization or Source
Applicant’s Parents / Guardian Information
Parent / Guardian Name
If Guardian Relation with student
Parent / Guardian Occupation
Parent / Guardian Contact Number
Parent / Guardian Email Address
Parent / Guardian Residential Address
(If different from student)
3. Income and Assets Information
This includes salaries of employed members of the family, income earned from investments, and property (such
as rented apartments, buildings, etc.). Gross salaries include ALL allowances and/or benefits (such as housing and
transportation allowances, allowance for children’s education, etc.).

Monthly Gross Income of Parent / Guardian …………….....…………..PKR/Month

Monthly Gross Income of other Households (siblings etc.) …………….....…………..PKR/Month
Other Financial Resource(s) ……...…..………………..PKR/Month
4. Reference of IMD Faculty

Contact Number (Office)
Email Address

5. Declaration
“I certify that information contained within this application is complete and accurate to the best of
my knowledge. I authorize IMD Alumni Scholarship Management to verify any information presented
in this form or supporting documents. I fully understand that any misrepresentation or material
omission will invalidate this application and disqualify me from future financial grants and/or

__________________ ___________________
Name of Applicant Signature and Date

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