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Machining Science and Technology, 13:385–406

Copyright © 2009 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1091-0344 print/1532-2483 online
DOI: 10.1080/10910340903237921



I. Llanos, J. A. Villar, I. Urresti, and P. J. Arrazola

Manufacturing Department, Faculty of Engineering (MGEP),
Mondragon University, Mondragon, Gipuzkoa, Spain

 A 3D finite element model (FEM) of the oblique chip formation process was proposed in
Abaqus/Explicit™ (v6.5) using an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation. The
sensitivity of the obtained results to variations of tool geometry angles, tool-chip friction, and
cutting conditions was analyzed. Experimental tests were carried out on AISI-4140 steel using
uncoated cemented carbide tools under oblique cutting conditions for validation of the FEM
results, and a good qualitative agreement between them was obtained. The analysis highlighted
the need for a proper identification of the friction on the tool-chip interface for the accurate
reproduction of the chip formation process by means of finite element modeling.

Keywords ALE formulation, constitutive models, FEM, oblique machining, sensitivity


Since the first approaches in the early 1970s (Okushima and Kakino,
1971; Tay et al., 1974), the finite element modeling (FEM) of the cutting
process has evolved toward the implementation of more realistic and
complex phenomena in the cutting models like elasto-viscoplastic material
behavior, variable friction along the rake face, or the effect of tool nose
radius in 3D simulations (Aurich and Hill, 2006; Klocke and Kratz, 2005;
Pantalé et al., 2004). Various works have been reported that incorporate
complex workpiece material microstructure into the simulations (Chuzoy
et al., 2003; Simoneau et al., 2007), being able to introduce microscale
effects into the analysis of the chip formation process.
However, the results obtained by the most commonly employed
techniques in this kind of simulations, namely, material damage-based
element deletion and continuous remeshing of the deformed material,

Address correspondence to P. J. Arrazola, Manufacturing Department, Faculty of Engineering

(MGEP), Mondragon University, Loramendi 4, Mondragon 20500, Gipuzkoa, Spain. E-mail:
[email protected]
386 I. Llanos et al.

show high dependence on the numeric parameters without physical

Because the remeshing-based simulations are limited to a maximum
number of elements so as not to overwhelm the computers, the results
obtained by such simulations can be dependant on the parameters
controlling the coarseness of the mesh in the machined material and the
chip (Li and Shih, 2006). In contrast, the methods employed to avoid
severe element distortions in the element deletion-based simulations can
lead to misleading results (Wen et al., 2006).
The Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation has shown the
possibility to avoid such problems thanks to the use of adaptive meshing
techniques (Arrazola et al., 2004). However, its capability to reproduce a
complex three-dimensional plastic material flow is not clear; therefore, the
results obtained from models based on this technique could be dependant
on the initial shape of the mesh.
Considering that a 3D nose turning process could be divided into
several sectors, each of which would correspond to a local oblique cutting
condition, the behavior of the whole process would be determined by the
coupling of these sectors. This way, before undertaking the development
of a 3D machining FE model, the behavior of the ALE formulation should
be analyzed on a simpler oblique machining model.
The present paper analyzes the capabilities of a machining FEM model
developed under an ALE formulation to reproduce the complex three-
dimensional plastic flow taking place during oblique cutting conditions.
First, the proposed FE model for oblique machining and the developed
experimental validation setup will be introduced. After a description of the
analyses carried out, the obtained results will be shown and discussed, and
finally, some general conclusions will be drawn.


Although limited in comparison to orthogonal machining, a wide

amount of work has been published on the characterization and modeling
of the oblique cutting process for the prediction of cutting forces (Fv , Ff ,
and Fp ) and chip flow angle (c ). Although the initial analytical approaches
were based on simple geometrical relationships (Kronenberg, 1954), there
started appearing experimental works highlighting the dependence of
the chip flow angle on variables such as the inclination angle (s ),
rake angle (n ), or cutting speed (Vc ) (Armarego and Brown, 1969;
Russel and Brown, 1966; Stabler, 1964; Zorev, 1966). However, the most
widely accepted expression for the prediction of the chip flow angle has
been Stabler’s flow rule (1) (Stabler, 1964), which states that the flow
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 387

angle equals the cutting edge inclination angle, rejecting other possible

c = s (1)

Presently, there still appear analytical works that tackle the cumbersome
task of introducing viscoplastic material behavior and friction laws with
complex dependencies into three-dimensional oblique cutting models for
the modeling of such processes (Moufki et al., 2000).


Based on a previous work of the authors (Arrazola et al., 2006), an
oblique machining model has been developed under the general purpose
FE software Abaqus/Explicit employing an ALE formulation to analyze
the effect of different process parameters as well as the cutting geometry
on cutting forces and chip flow direction. Figure 1 shows an image of
the model where the workpiece is considered as a pipe with one entry
for the unmachined material (entry_material) and two exits for the chip
(exit_chip) and the machined part (exit_material). Figures 2 and 3 show
the mechanical and thermal boundary conditions assumed for the FEM
model as well as an image of the deformed model under the stationary
cutting conditions.
To introduce the oblique cutting geometry in the model (Figure 4),
several angles have been applied on the cutting geometry fundamental
planes: Pr , Ps , and Pf (CIRP, 2004). Pr is the tool reference plane, which
is perpendicular to the cutting speed and the plane where the cutting

FIGURE 1 Deformed shape of the model under stable cutting conditions.

388 I. Llanos et al.

FIGURE 2 Mechanical boundary conditions taken for the model.

FIGURE 3 Thermal boundary conditions taken for the model.

Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 389

FIGURE 4 Schematic view of the angles analyzed in the oblique cutting geometry.

edge angle (r ) is measured. Ps is the tool cutting edge plane, which is
tangential to the cutting edge and contains the cutting speed direction,
where the inclination angle (s ) is measured. Last, Pf is the working plane,
which is perpendicular to the cutting edge and where the rake angle (n )
is measured (Figure 5).
The adaptive meshing technique employed for the workpiece allows
the modification from the initial shape defined for the model to a
deformed shape given by the process parameters. Moreover, no criterion
is needed to achieve the material separation into chip by the elimination
of elements or debonding duplicated nodes.
Reduced integration and hourglass control eight-node hexahedric
elements with trilinear displacement and temperature calculation
(C3D8RT) having been used in the model, with varying size from 15 m
close to the cutting zone to 0.1 mm in the outer zones.

FIGURE 5 Rake (n ), cutting edge (r ), and inclination (s ) angles on each of the planes for their
measurement (CIRP, 2004).
390 I. Llanos et al.

As the time integration is done on an explicit frame, the time

increment employed in the simulations is restricted because of stability
requirements; consequently more than 140 hours of computing time are
required to simulate one millisecond of actual machining time. To reduce
such values, mass scaling techniques have been applied to the model,
limiting the lower time increment to 10−8 s and reducing the calculation
times up to four times.
Because of the differences in the behavior of the tool and the
machined material, the former is modeled as rigid, while a thermo-
visco plastic material behavior defined by the Johnson–Cook constitutive

TABLE 1 Input Parameters for the FE Model. Cells in Grey Show the Input Parameters Varied
in this Study

Parameter Reference value

Plasticity A coefficient (MPa) 598
Johnson–Cook Law B coefficient (MPa) 768
(AISI-4140) n coefficient 0.2092
(Grolleau, 1996) C coefficient 0.0137
m coefficient 0.807
Inelastic heat fraction () 0.9
Density () (Kg · m−3 ) Part (AISI-4140 Steel) 7800
Tool (P10) 10600
Young’s Modulus (E ) (N · m−2 ) Part (AISI-4140 Steel) 21 · 1011
Poisson’s ratio ( ) Part (AISI-4140 Steel) 0.3
Thermal conductivity Part (AISI-4140) 33.1–42.3
() (W · m−1 · K−1 ) Tool (P10) 25
Specific heat Part (AISI-4140) 473–561
(c) (J · Kg−1 · K−1 ) Tool (P10) 200
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion ( ) (K−1 ) (AISI-4140) 0 − 15 · 10−6
Convective heat transfer coefficient (hc )(W · m−2 · K−1 ) 25
Emissivity ( ) 0.35
Mass scaling
Ther. conductance (Ki )(W · m−2 · K−1 ) 108
Heat partition coefficient ( ) 0.5
Friction coefficient ( ) 0.1/0.23/0.5
Friction energy tran. into heat () 1
Emissivity ( ) 0
Cutting speed (Vc ) (m · min−1 ) 300/200
Uncut chip thickness (h) (mm) 0.2/0.3
Depth of cut (doc) (mm) 1/3
Cutting edge roundness (r ) ( m) 40
Rake angle (n ) (◦ ) +6/ − 6
Clearance angle ( n )(◦ ) 5
Cutting edge angle (r ) (◦ ) 90/75
Cutting edge inclination angle (s )(◦ ) 0/ + 6
Minimum time increment (dt)(s) Not limited/10−8
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 391

FIGURE 6 Example of chip flow angle estimation in the FE model based on contact pressure
(CPRESS) distribution and the mean velocity direction for the last row of contact elements.

model (2) (Johnson and Cook, 1983) is employed for the latter. Although
there are limitations in the capability of such constitutive equation to
model the coupling between the temperature, strain, and strain rate
(Warnecke and Oh, 2002), this model is selected because of the amount
of data available in the literature. The tool-chip contact on the rake face
is modeled by a Coulomb friction law obtained from orthogonal cutting
tests employing the methodology proposed by Albrecht (Albrecht, 1960;
Arrazola et al., 2008). Values taken for the different input parameters are
given in Table 1.

    ˙ pl    m 
pl n ¯ w − amb
¯ = A + B × ¯ × 1 + C × ln × 1− (2)
˙¯ 0 m − amb

The values of the simulated cutting forces have been obtained by

calculating the reaction forces on the reference node for the rigid tool.
The chip flow angles were obtained by first identifying the last row of
elements in contact with the tool rake face employing the contact pressure
(CPRESS) contour maps as a guideline. Subsequently, the mean velocity
direction for all these elements has been calculated, and last, the chip flow
angle has been obtained by comparing this direction to the perpendicular
to the cutting edge on the rake face (see Figure 6).


A specially developed machining setup was employed (Figure 7) to

obtain experimental data of cutting forces and chip flow angles for the
qualitative validation of the numerical results. AISI 4140 steel tubes of
81 mm diameter and 3 mm thickness were machined, without lubrication,
392 I. Llanos et al.

FIGURE 7 Image of the experimental setup employed for the oblique machining tests.

under different oblique cutting conditions modifying the cutting geometry

and cutting conditions. Uncoated ISO P10 grade cemented carbide flat-
faced inserts were employed, which were measured to meet the requirement
of a cutting edge radius (r ) of 40 ± 5 m. A piezoelectric dynamometer
(Kistler 9121) was used for the measurement of the cutting forces during
the machining tests in the cutting, feed, and tangential directions. The
standard deviations of these force measurements were 6, 8, and 3 N
respectively, which were calculated from the mean values of the cutting
forces obtained in eight replications for a same experimental condition.
The measurement of the chip flow angle was carried out on images
of the rake face of the tool obtained using a high-speed filming camera
(Photron Ultima APX-RS). Details of the filming and lighting systems can
be found in Pujana et al. (2008). During the tests, the filming was carried
out at 3000 fps so as not to overwhelm the storage system, while the image
shuttering was set to 2 s to avoid motion-induced blur on the obtained
Because the variability of the chip curl during the cutting tests caused
by the interaction with different machine parts, four images were analyzed
for each test, on which the angles between the cutting edge and both sides
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 393

FIGURE 8 Measurements of chip flow angle on images taken for a sample test condition.

of the chip were measured, obtaining a total of eight angle measurements

for each test.
Although there was variability in the shape, it was noticed that when
measuring the chip flow angle close to the cutting edge, consistent results
were obtained for all the images acquired during a cutting test. Figure 8
shows the measurements made on two such images for one test. This way,
the standard deviation for the measurements of the chip flow angles was
calculated to be less than 0.9◦ from eight measurements for the same test.

First, three FEM simulations (Table 2) were conducted on the model
with 6◦ rake angle, 75◦ cutting edge angle, 6◦ inclination angle, 300 m ·
min−1 cutting speed, and 0.2 mm · rev−1 undeformed chip thickness (h) to
analyze the effects on the obtained results of:

1. Modifying the friction coefficient ( ) on the rake face.

2. Varying the workpiece thickness.
3. Employing mass scaling.

Once the effects of these input parameters on the results obtained with
the proposed model were analyzed, two experimental validation plans were
carried out on the model with 0.23 friction coefficient, 1 mm depth of cut

TABLE 2 Analyses Conducted on the FE Model

Analysis Parameter Values

1. Friction characteristic Friction coefficient ( ) (◦ ) 0.1 0.23 0.5

2. Model thickness Depth of cut (doc) (mm) 1 3
3. Mass scaling Minimum time increment (dt ) (s) Not limited 1 · 10−8
394 I. Llanos et al.

TABLE 3 Values Taken for the Analyzed Input Parameters for Comparison of FEM and
Experimental Results

DOE Parameter Values

1. Cutting geometry Rake angle (n ) (◦ ) −6 +6

Inclination angle (s ) (◦ ) 0 +6
Cutting edge angle (r ) (◦ ) 75 90
2. Cutting conditions Cutting speed (Vc ) (m · min−1 ) 200 300
Feed (f ) (mm · rev−1 ) 0.2 0.3

Note: For test plan 1 (Cutting geometry), the cutting conditions were fixed as 300 m · min−1
cutting speed, and 0.2 mm · rev−1 feed. For test plan 2 (Cutting conditions), the cutting geometry
was fixed as 6◦ rake angle, 6◦ inclination angle, and 75◦ cutting edge angle.

(doc), and the application of mass scaling to verify the behavior of the FE
model in comparison to experimental results when modifying the cutting
geometry and the cutting conditions.
For the cutting geometry experimental plan, the values taken for the
rake, inclination, and cutting edge angles were modified to analyze their
effects on the three-dimensional material flow during the cutting process,
whereas the cutting speed and feed were kept constant (300 m · min−1 and
0.2 mm · rev−1 , respectively). In the case of the test plan for variation of
cutting conditions, cutting speed and feed were modified, whereas the
rake, inclination, and cutting edge angles were kept constant (6◦ , 6◦ , and
75◦ , respectively). Table 3 shows the values taken for each variable in the
machining tests for the proposed factorial design of experiment (DOE).
Because of the multiple uncertainty sources of the FEM model
(constitutive models, numerical parameters, etc.), a straight comparison
between experimental and FEM results could be misleading. Therefore,
the analysis of the results will be carried out from a qualitative point of
view, comparing the behavior of the FEM model and the experimental
setup due to an input variable modification. In this sense, the effect
and interaction graphs were employed for the graphical representation
of such behavior (Box et al., 1978). These graphs show the main effects
and interactions of the input parameters over the output variables as
percentage values (with respect to the average value).


Next, the results obtained in each test are shown. First, the analyses
done on the FEM model will be shown, trying to identify the
possible uncertainties introduced into the numerical results due to
the simplifications taken for the model. Subsequently, the results will be
compared with the experimental ones to validate the behavior of the
model. All the cutting force values will be given per unit depth of cut, in
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 395

order to compare the 1 mm doc FE model to the 3 mm doc FE model

and the experimental results.

Effect of Friction Coefficient on the Rake Face

The modification of the friction coefficient during the simulations had
a notable effect on temperatures, cutting forces, and chip flow angle. The
increase of the friction condition on the rake face made all the cutting
force components, as well as the cutting temperature, rise due to the
larger amount of work dissipated on the tool-chip interface, while the
higher frictional forces on the rake face rendered the chip flow angle
more negative (Table 4). For instance, changing the friction coefficient
from 0.1 to 0.5 raised the feed force by 78 N, the cutting force by 99 N,
the tangential force by 27 N and the tool-chip interface temperature by
390 K, while the chip flow angle was reduced by 19◦ . Because of the high
modifications reported for the thermo-mechanical variables analyzed, the
use of proper friction models is necessary if good quantitative results are
expected in FE models of machining.

Effect of Depth of Cut

It was observed that for the depth of cut of 3 mm, there was a slight
decrease in the values of simulated temperature, cutting force, and feed
force, whereas no differences were observed for the tangential force. In the
case of the chip flow angle, the 3 mm depth of cut model resulted in
slightly lower values than the lower thickness model (Table 5).
When the 1 mm thickness model was employed, the rake temperature
increased by 23 K, the cutting force by 20 N, the feed force by 5 N, and
the chip flow angle by 18◦ in comparison to the 3 mm thickness model.
The high chip flow angle modification reported showed that care should
be taken when comparing experimental chip flow angles to the simulated

TABLE 4 Values Obtained for the FEM Model with Different Friction Coefficients


Test  (K) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N) c (◦ )

01 1034 378 109 3.4 9.0

023 1274 425 141 −8 7.9
05 1424 477 187 −24 7.1

Values obtained while using mass scaling, 1 mm doc, 6◦ rake, 6◦ inclination, and
75◦ cutting edge angles, 300 m · min−1 cutting speed and 0.2 mm · rev−1 feed. The
cutting force values are normalized per unit depth of cut.
396 I. Llanos et al.

TABLE 5 Values Obtained for the FEM Model with Different Depth of Cut


Test  (K) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N)  c (◦ )

doc = 1 mm 1274 425 141 −8 7.9

doc = 3 mm 1251 405 136 −8 6.1

Values obtained while using mass scaling, 0.23 friction coefficient, 6◦ rake,
6 inclination, and 75◦ cutting edge angles; 300 m · min−1 cutting speed and

0.2 mm · rev−1 feed. The cutting force values are normalized per unit depth
of cut.

values at low depths of cut because the FE models would tend to predict
higher chip flow angle values at such conditions.
Figure 9 shows the contact pressure (CPRESS) contour maps on the
secondary shear zone of the chip for (a) the 1 mm thickness simulation
and for (b) the 3 mm thickness model. Two zones could be recognized
in both models: the one corresponding to the lateral edges of the chip
(areas denoted by ellipses) with low contact pressure, and a continuous
high contact pressure zone in the center of the model. Because the
contact pressure was higher in the central zone, this one will be the main
contributor to the frictional forces in comparison to the lateral zones.
Taking into account that the lateral zones with low-contact pressure were
of similar dimension in both models, the ratio of central zone/lateral zone
was higher in the model with 3 mm depth of cut. This way, the lower chip
flow angle estimated with this model in comparison to the 1 mm thickness
model could be related to such a higher ratio.
An additional analysis was carried out around the chip cross-sections
to verify the capability of the adaptive meshing technique employed for
the reproduction of the material flow during oblique cutting for both the

FIGURE 9 Contact pressure contour maps in the tool-chip contact zone for the (a) 1 mm and
(b) 3 mm depth of cut models.
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 397

FIGURE 10 Chip cross-sections for experimental and numerical tests under (a) orthogonal and
(b) oblique conditions.

1 mm and the 3 mm depth of cut models. Figure 10 shows the chip cross-
sections for experimental and numerical tests in both (a) orthogonal and
(b) oblique conditions. The images above on the figure correspond to the
experimental chips, the images in the middle to the 3 mm depth of cut
FEM model, and the ones below to the 1 mm depth of cut model.
The figures show how the chip sections obtained on orthogonal
conditions are symmetrical, whereas the ones for oblique cutting are
not, modifying the shape of the laterals. It can be seen that both FEM
models are able to reproduce this effect, showing the capability of the ALE
formulation to reproduce the modification of the material flow due to the
cutting geometry.

Effect of Mass Scaling

Employing mass scaling techniques to increase the time increment
during explicit time integration had a slight effect on the measured
thermo-mechanical variables. Such an artificial increase of the density
() would raise the inertia of the small elements where the mass is
scaled; therefore, higher machining forces and chip flow angles were
obtained when this technique was applied to the simulations (Table 6).

TABLE 6 Comparison of the Numerical Results on the Tests with and

without Mass Scaling at 1 mm doc, 0.23 Friction Coefficient, 6◦ Rake,
6◦ Inclination, and 75◦ Cutting Edge Angles, 300 m · min−1 Cutting Speed
and 0.2 mm · rev−1 Feed


Test  (K) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N) c (◦ )

With_Mass_Scaling 1274 425 141 −8 7.9

Without_Mass_Scaling 1262 411 117 −38 7.5

The cutting force values are normalized per unit depth of cut.
398 I. Llanos et al.

The application of such technique in the FE model raised the maximum

rake face temperature by 12 K, the cutting force by 14 N, the feed force by
24 N, the tangential force by 4.2 N, and the chip flow angle by 04◦ .
Although this technique was not supposed to affect the thermal
solution response in a fully coupled thermal-stress analysis (ABAQUS,
2006), some marginal variations in temperature (around 12K) in
comparison to the models without mass scaling were reported. This could
be related to a modification of the plastic heat generation because of the
use of mass scaling during the mechanical calculation.

Effect of Cutting Geometry (Angles)

Table 7 shows the results obtained from the cutting geometry
experimental plan for both numerical and experimental tests. As can
be seen in the effect and interaction graphs for the cutting and feed
forces (Figure 11), the parameter with highest influence on these force
components was the rake angle. Modifying this parameter from −6◦ to +6◦
made the average value of the cutting force decrease by 15% in the FEM
model and by 10% in the case of experimental results. This modification
of the rake angle made the feed force decrease by 45% and 50% for
experimental and FEM tests, respectively. Similar analysis could be carried
out for the other parameters studied.
In the case of the tangential force (Figure 12a), the most influential
parameters were the inclination and cutting edge angles, showing similar
trends for the experimental and FEM tests. Regarding the high percentage
modifications obtained for the mean tangential force value due to the
cutting angle modifications, it must be taken into account that conditions

TABLE 7 Numerical and Experimental Results for the Cutting Geometry Test Plan

FEM Experimental

Test  (K) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N) c (◦ ) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N) c (◦ )

 + 6_90_0 1312 426 127 0 01 414 187 2 1

 + 6_90_ + 6 1302 425 145 28 81 395 160 25 35
 + 6_75_0 1307 424 130 −35 −03 400 165 −39 07
 + 6_75_ + 6 1308 425 141 −9 79 427 205 −21 17
 − 6_90_0 1338 496 227 0 0 456 271 1 0
 − 6_90_ + 6 1347 496 225 31 96 447 270 33 63
 − 6_75_0 1335 497 229 −59 −2 465 288 −62 1
 − 6_75_ + 6 1337 496 235 −27 73 450 276 −35 56
Average value 1323 461 182 −9 38 432 228 −12 25

Test plan was conducted on the FEM model with mass scaling, 1 mm doc, 0.23 friction
coefficient, 300 m · min−1 cutting speed, and 0.2 mm · rev−1 feed. The cutting force values are
normalized per unit depth of cut.
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 399

FIGURE 11 Effect and interaction graphs for (a) cutting force, and (b) feed force for the
experimental plan involving cutting geometry.

close to orthogonal cutting were being employed. Thus, the values

obtained for the tangential forces were so low that the slight modification
introduced on the geometry parameters resulted in a high percentage
modification of the average values.
The main contributor to the variation of the chip flow angle for
both the experimental and numerical test was the inclination angle
(Figure 12b), showing a similar trend for both cases to the one defined
by the Stabler’s flow rule (1), increasing the chip flow angle when the
inclination angle was increased. In this sense, the modification of the
inclination angle on the numerical model had a higher effect on the chip
flow angle than the one stated by Stabler’s rule, while the experimental
tests had shown a lower effect than this flow rule. The experimental and
numerical results showed a good qualitative agreement for prediction of
chip flow angle except for the case of the variation of the rake angle, which
affected the chip flow angle in contradiction with the experimental results.

FIGURE 12 Effect and interaction graphs for (a) tangential force, and (b) chip flow angle for the
experimental plan involving cutting geometry.
400 I. Llanos et al.

TABLE 8 FEM and Experimental Results for the Cutting Conditions Test Plan Conducted on
the FEM Model with Mass Scaling, 1 mm doc, 0.23 Friction Coefficient; 6◦ Rake, 6◦ Inclination,
and 75◦ Cutting Edge Angles

FEM Experimental

Test  (K) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N)  c (◦ ) Fv (N) Ff (N) Fp (N)  c (◦ )

Vc200_f0.2 1178 4252 1343 −67 80 4188 1994 −229 3.6
Vc200_f0.3 1278 6189 1621 −36 120 5763 2239 −163 4.5
Vc300_f0.2 1308 425 141 −9 79 389 171 −18 1.7
Vc300_f0.3 1415 6165 1653 −36 113 5647 2021 −58 4.9
Average value 1295 5214 1507 −57 98 4872 1991 −158 3.7

The cutting force values are normalized per unit depth of cut.

Effect of Cutting Conditions

The results obtained from the cutting conditions experimental plan for
both numerical and experimental tests are given in Table 8. The results
showed that the numerical model obtained higher cutting force and chip
flow angle values, whereas in the case of the feed and tangential forces,
the results obtained were lower than the experimental ones.
Regarding the cutting force (Figure 13a), the numerical model showed
a good qualitative agreement with the experimental results, showing the
undeformed chip thickness as the parameter with highest influence on its
mean value.
Increasing the undeformed chip thickness from 0.2 to 0.3 mm · rev−1
increased the average cutting force by 30% and 40% for experimental
and FEM tests, respectively. In the case of the modification of the
cutting speed, similar percentage variations on the cutting force for both
experimental and FEM tests (−033% and −023%, respectively) were
reported. Although a higher softening effect could have been expected on
the cutting force due to the increase in cutting speed, the analyzed range

FIGURE 13 Effect and interaction graphs for (a) cutting force and (b) feed force for the
experimental plan involving cutting conditions.
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 401

FIGURE 14 Effect and interaction graphs for (a) tangential force, and (b) chip flow angle for the
experimental plan involving cutting conditions.

for this parameter was not enough to generate a significant temperature

rise. Thus, the percentage modification due to the cutting speed increase
was marginal in comparison to the effect of the undeformed chip
Concerning the other output variables analyzed (feed and tangential
forces and the chip flow angle), the numerical model showed a good
qualitative agreement with the experimental results for the effect of the
undeformed chip thickness and the interaction between this and the
cutting speed. In contrast, the FEM model obtained opposite trends for
the effects of the cutting speed on the feed and tangential forces and the
chip flow angle in comparison to experimental results.


When comparing the FEM estimates for the force components and
chip flow angles with the measured experimental values, higher chip flow
angles and cutting forces are obtained numerically, whereas the values for
the feed and tangential forces stay below the experimental ones.
Considering the simplifications implemented for the decrease of the
calculation time for the numerical model, higher cutting forces and chip
flow angles have been reported when employing the 1 mm depth of cut
model and mass scaling. Thus, the higher values obtained for the cutting
force and the chip flow angle on the FE model in comparison to the
experimental results could partially be justified.
Moreover, it must be taken into account that in the experimental
tests, the thickness of the tube shows a variable cutting speed profile
(Figure 15a); whereas in the FE model, it is uniform (Figure 15b), which
would lead to even lower experimental values for the chip flow angle in
comparison to the numerical ones. In contrast, taking into account that
the tangential and feed forces would oppose the sliding of the chip over
402 I. Llanos et al.

FIGURE 15 Cutting speed profiles for (a) experimental tests and (b) numerical tests.

the tool rake face, it seems logical that lower values of such forces would
lead to higher chip flow angles.
Regarding the analysis carried out on the modification of the cutting
geometry, the developed model has shown a good behavior in comparison
to the experimental results. Although showing differences in the case of
the effect of the modification of the rake angle, such effect has been
already shown by Moufki et al. in their work on the analytical modeling of
the oblique cutting process (Moufki et al., 2000). In fact, they have shown
that when employing a simple Coulomb friction law, as the rake angle
increases, the chip flow angle would increase also (Figure 16a). In contrast,
when employing a more sophisticated temperature-dependant friction law,
the chip flow angle would change its trend; increasing when the rake angle
would turn into a more negative value (Figure 16b).
In the case of the experimental plan conducted to study the effect
of the cutting conditions on the cutting forces and chip flow angle, the
behavior of the presented model agrees qualitatively with the experimental
results except for the cutting speed. This point could once again be
related to the simple friction law employed in the FEM model, unable
to account for a “friction softening” due to a temperature rise. Although

FIGURE 16 Effect of the rake and inclination angles on the chip flow angle for different friction
characteristics: (a) = constant and (b) = f (). (Moufki et al., 2000).
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 403

FIGURE 17 Temperature-dependent friction law = f () employed by Moufki et al. (2000).

not enough to generate a significant material softening, as shown before,

the temperature rise at the tool-chip interface due to the cutting speed
increase could lower the effective friction coefficient considerably as can
be seen in Figure 17 (Moufki et al., 2000).
This decrease on the friction coefficient would lead to lower cutting,
feed, and tangential forces and higher chip flow angles as shown before, so
the behavior of the FEM model could be modified to reproduce better the
experimental trends. Thus, is clear that future work should be carried out
on the introduction of a temperature-dependant friction law in the FEM
model presented here to verify its effect on the behavior of the FEM model.


The present work has shown the development and experimental

validation of an oblique cutting FE model. The following conclusions can
be drawn:

1. The selected ALE formulation for oblique turning is able to reproduce

a complex three-dimensional material flow, modifying the initial mesh
of the model into a deformed shape given by the process parameters.
2. The simplifications for lowering the calculation times (diminution of
the thickness of the model and employing mass scaling) have small and
easily detectable effects on the results from the numerical model.
3. The modification of the friction coefficient has high relevance on the
results from the numerical model.
4. The behavior of the FE model when modifying input parameters agrees
qualitatively with the observed experimental trends. Some differences
have been reported that are related to the use of a simplified friction
model at the tool-chip interface (Coulomb friction model).
404 I. Llanos et al.

5. The identification of tool-chip friction models with complex

dependencies between the physical variables at the contact interface
(, sliding velocity   ) would improve the behavior of FE models like
the one presented here.

Otherwise, since the capability of the simulation procedures employed

to reproduce complex 3D plastic material flow has been demonstrated, the
development of nose turning FE models should be undertaken, trying to
create a qualitatively predictive tool for real industrial machining cases.


Vc Cutting speed (m · min−1 )

h Uncut chip thickness (mm · rev−1 )
doc Depth of cut (mm)
s Inclination angle (◦ )
n Normal rake angle (◦ )
r Cutting edge angle (◦ )
w Clearance angle (◦ )
r Cutting edge radius ( m)
Pr Tool reference plane
Ps Tool cutting edge plane
Pf Working plane
c Chip flow angle (◦ )
Fv Cutting force (N)
Ff Feed force (N)
Fp Tangential force (N)
 Maximum rake face temperature (K)
 Density (Kg · m−3 )
E Young’s modulus (MPa)
Poisson’s ratio ()
Emissivity ()
hc Convective heat transfer coefficient (W · m−2 · K−1 )
qr Heat flux due to radiation (W · m−2 )
Surf _n Temperature of the surface n (K)
 Temperature (K)
 Friction energy transformed into heat ()
Friction coefficient ()
Heat partition coefficient ()
Ki Thermal conductance (W · m−2 · K−1 )
 Thermal conductivity (W · m−1 · K−1 )
c Specific heat (J · Kg−1 · K−1 )
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion (K−1 )
Finite Element Modeling of Oblique Machining 405

 Inelastic heat fraction ()

¯ Flow stress (MPa)
A Yield strength (MPa)
B Strain hardening modulus (MPa)
n Strain hardening coefficient ()
¯ pl Equivalent palstic strain ()
C Rate hardening coefficient ()
˙¯ pl Plastic strain rate (s−1 )
˙¯ 0 Reference strain rate (s−1 )
m Thermal softening coefficient ()
m Melting temperature (K)
w Workpiece temperature (K)
amb Room temperature (K)
 Stefan–Boltzmann coefficient (W · m−2 · K−4 )
qf Heat flux due to convection (W · m−2 )
qc Heat flux across contact interfaces (W · m−2 )

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