Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Turning Processes

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PP Periodica Polytechnica Two-Dimensional Finite Element

Mechanical Engineering
Analysis of Turning Processes

61(1), pp. 44-54, 2017

DOI: 10.3311/PPme.9283 Benjmin Borsos1, Andrs Csrg1, Anna Hidas1, Blint Kotnyek1*,
Creative Commons Attribution b Antal Szab1, Attila Kossa1, Gbor Stpn1

research article Received 06 April 2016; accepted after revision 31 October 2016

Abstract 1 Introduction
Despite crucial efforts invested into computational methods, Cutting is one of the most important material removal pro-
explicit dynamics simulation of cutting operations may still cess. In case of mass production even small enhancement of
be unacceptably expensive. Therefore, in many cases a two- a machining process can cause significant cost reduction and
dimensional model is considered. Here an overview of the quality improvement for the product. Deeper understanding of
possibilities of two-dimensional simulations is given. For this, the relation between machining parameters (cutting speed, feed
simulation and measurement of a straight turning process on rate, depth of cut, etc.) and output variables (cutting forces,
AISI 1045 steel is presented. In the numerical analysis, mate- temperature field, surface roughness, chip morphology, etc.)
rial behavior and its failure was described by Johnson-Cook could be a key to such improvement.
law, considering damage evolution. Coupled thermo-mechan- In the last few decades, substantial research effort has been
ical model with mass-scaling and adaptive remeshing was invested into the development of computational methods and
built. The numerically obtained cutting force was compared their implementations. Thus the identification of physical
to the measured data. It was found that the forces obtained variables in simulations of machining processes could be per-
with simulation and the measured ones show good agreement. formed efficiently.
Sensitivity analyses were performed to examine the influence Despite the efforts to reduce the cost of computational speed,
of specific parameters on the reaction force. The effect of these explicit dynamics simulation of cutting operations may still be
parameters is also shown. unacceptably expensive. Consequently, the usage of 2D model
could be considered.
Keywords The main objective of the present paper is to give an
Finite element modelling, Cutting forces, Turning, 2D simulation overview of the possibilities of two-dimensional simula-
tions of orthogonal cutting based on the comparison of the
results obtained from simulations and previously performed
First an overview is given about the recent works on simula-
tion approaches of machining processes. In most cases, finite
element analysis software ABAQUS/Explicit was used, and
two-dimensional model was applied.
Ducobu et al. [1] introduced three finite element models to
test three theories applicable to model Ti6Al4V chip formation
during orthogonal cutting. The reference experimental data was
taken from Sun et al. [2]. In a different paper Ducobuetal.[3]
examined the effect of adaptive mass scaling in finite ele-
ment analysis of Ti6Al4V orthogonal cutting. Hokkaetal.[4]
introduced modelling, simulation and measurement of high-
Department of Applied Mechanics,
1 speed machining of Ti-6246 and Alloy 625 Superalloys.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljustinaetal.[5] summarized the know-how about continuum
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, damage models and mesh dependence in Finite ElementAnalyses.
H-1111 Budapest, Megyetem rkp. 5., Hungary Menezesetal.[6] studied the influence of rake angle and friction
Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] in an aluminium workpiece using FEA software LS-DYNA.

44 Period. Polytech. Mech. Eng. B. Borsos et al.

Parle et al. [7] investigated modelling of microcrack formation Table 2 Summary of the experimental setup
in orthogonal cutting of AISI 1215 steel. Pres et al. [8] presented Machine Tool EU-630x300
simulation, measurement and their comparison with respect to Workpiece material AISI 1045
cutting forces and geometrical features of the chip. The mate- Workpiece size Cylinder with the diameter of 160 mm
rial used was C45E. Wang et al. [9] investigated the serrated Cutting Insert CNMG 120408KM
frequency and cutting force for Ti6Al4V. They compared their Tool holder PCLNR 2525 M12
simulation results to experimental data, and concluded that the Spindle speed 100, 200, 400 min-1
agreement was good between them. Xi et al. [10] presented a Feed rate 0.09, 0.18, 0.355 mm
rather different approach, namely the smoothed particle hydro- Depth of cut 0.5, 1, 2 mm
dynamics (SPH) Lagrangian method for 2D and 3D models Environment Room temperature, dry conditions
in LS-DYNA. Vasiri et al. [11] showed a set of constants for
the Johnson-Cook damage model calibrated for the AISI 1045
steel material. They managed to predict the resistance to cut-
ting force well.
In the next section, the reference measurement is introduced.
Section 3 details the finite element model. Explanation is given
for two-dimensional modelling of three-dimensional cutting
process in the particular case of the configuration introduced
in Section 2. The constitutive model and damage model are
explicated as well. Sensitivity analyses are carried out for mesh
density, rake angle, contact, mass scaling methodology, ALE
remeshing parameters.
In Section 4, the results of experiment and simulation are
evaluated and compared. In Section 5, conclusion and further
goals are summarized.

2 Turning experiment Fig. 1 Experimental setup

The cutting tests were performed on a universal lathe machine
(type: EU-630x300). A Kistler 9263A cutting force dynamometer The cutting measurements were executed at three different
was used to measure the cutting forces. Material of the selected cutting speeds, feed rate and cutting depth. In total 27 tests
insert was TN 123 (ISO P30C) and it was coated by titanium were performed.
carbid (TiC). The insert was designated as CNMG 120408KM. Details of the test settings and the measured force values
The geometric details of the insert are summarized in Table 1. are summarized in Table 3. As a result of this measurement,
the dependency of the acting force was evaluated with respect
Table 1 Details of the insert to the input parameters and settings of the tests (spindle speed,
Insert shape C Diamond (opening angle: 80) feed rate, cutting depth).
Relief angle N 0 The measured data of test #3 (Fig. 2) and #11 (Fig. 3) are
Inscribed circle: 0.15 0.05 presented. Only the steady-state force signals were considered.
Tolerance M
Thickness: 0.13 mm
Cross section type G -
Cutting edge length 12 12.7 mm
Height of cutting edge 04 4.76 mm
Nose radius 0.8 0.8 mm
Chip breaker KM -

This type of insert was equipped with chip breaker to subserve

chip segmentation. The tool holder was PCLNR 2525 M12. The
summary of the experimental setup is listed in Table2.
AISI 1045 normalized carbon steel (C45) cylindrical work-
piece was used with an external diameter of 160 mm. The Fig. 2 Measured axial, radial and tangential force components at
experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. Measurement #3

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Turning Processes 2017 61 1 45

Table 3 Results of the measurements

n f a Fx Fr Ft
(min-1) (mm) (mm) [N] [N] [N]
1 100 0.09 0.5 139.2 77.8 69.6
2 100 0.18 0.5 274.4 160.0 142.9
3 100 0.355 0.5 479.0 289.7 203.2
4 200 0.09 0.5 164.5 107.6 115.6
5 200 0.18 0.5 267.3 161.9 153.1
6 200 0.355 0.5 470.2 284.6 204.6
7 400 0.09 0.5 151.6 90.4 106.4
8 400 0.18 0.5 265.9 148.7 147.2
9 400 0.355 0.5 432.2 231.0 171.0
10 100 0.09 1 339.8 135.8 259.8
11 100 0.18 1 559.1 232.7 388.1
12 100 0.355 1 920.7 431.6 543.4
13 200 0.09 1 313.1 144.8 248.0
14 200 0.18 1 503.9 217.6 336.4
15 200 0.355 1 855.3 399.3 468.9
16 400 0.09 1 278.8 129.7 218.9
17 400 0.18 1 451.0 186.0 280.7
18 400 0.355 1 788.6 321.9 382.1
19 100 0.09 2 562.7 157.4 389.1
20 100 0.18 2 917.3 248.4 597.8
21 100 0.355 2 1842.8 571.0 1248.7
22 200 0.09 2 562.6 154.6 461.4
23 200 0.18 2 900.3 246.2 621.0
24 200 0.355 2 1602.1 456.1 939.3
25 400 0.09 2 510.1 141.5 459.2
26 400 0.18 2 836.3 231.7 588.2
27 400 0.355 2 1417.4 363.6 747.1

3 FE model
3.1 Overview
A two dimensional ALE FE model was built using ABAQUS/
Explicit version 6.14 to simulate the previously performed
turning process of stainless steel AISI 1045. Coupled thermo-
mechanical analysis was used to include thermal effects. As an
output of the simulation, the resultant forces of tool nodes were

3.2 Geometry and boundary conditions

Fig. 3 Measured axial, radial and tangential force components at
To simulate a three dimensional process in two dimensions it
Measurement #11 is essential to define a proper projection of the 3D case to 2D.
The turning process is simplified by considering only a small seg-
The averaged force values were calculated and during the ment from the workpiece. Since the depth of cut, feed rate and
evaluation of the FE simulation these results are used as refer- the simulated workpiece arc is negligibly small compared to the
ence. Chip shapes are shown in Fig. 4. radius of the workpiece, the segment is considered to be straight.

46 Period. Polytech. Mech. Eng. B. Borsos et al.

Since no 3D CAD geometry of the insert was available,
the insert was 3D-scanned with a precise dental scanner. The
scanned geometry is shown in the Fig. 6. Afterwards, the 3D
model of the insert was built based on the point cloud. The final
geometry of the tool in the 2D model was obtained by creating
a cross-section of the model with a properly positioned plane.
This plane was defined based on the knowledge of the machin-
ing arrangement.

Fig. 6 3D-scanned geometry of the cutting insert

The Fig. 7 shows the basic geometry of the used FE model

Fig. 4 Images of the resulted chips. Distant (a) and close-up (b) images with the applied boundary conditions, where cutting takes
place in the XY plane under plane strain condition.
In this particular machining process, two edges of the tool In the simulations, the workpiece is divided into three layers.
are involved in cutting, while in the 2D simulation, only one The upper layer of the workpiece is the chip layer (S1), which
cutting edge could be taken into account. Therefore, before is separated from the other part of the workpiece (S3) by a sac-
the simulations, it also has to be decided which cutting edge rificial element layer (S2) positioned based on the previously
is considered as dominant, and which one is neglected. In this presented projection (f ). When the tool approaches a sacrificial
study, the simulated cutting edge is indicated in Fig. 5 as cut- element, it will be deleted based on a damage criterion [12].
ting edge 1. According to this projection the distance between
the tooltip and the top edge of the workpiece presented in
Fig.7 corresponds to the feed rate from the measurement data,
not to the depth of cut. The resultant reaction forces corre-
spond to unit depth of cut, with a dimension of N/mm.

Fig. 7 FE model for the 2D simulation

The cutting edge of the tool was positioned to the sacrificial

layer of the workpiece geometry.
For the workpiece, an encastre boundary condition was
applied to the lower edge, and to the left edge of the third
Fig. 5 Illustration of the 3D-2D projection
section (S3). The upper and the right edges of the tool in the
y-direction are fixed and there is a displacement type boundary
condition given along the x-direction which equals the length
of the workpiece (L).

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Turning Processes 2017 61 1 47

3.3 Mesh where A is the yield strength, B is the hardening modulus, C is
The applied mesh consisted of CPE4RT elements with plane the coefficient of strain rate sensitivity, n is the hardening coef-
strain condition. On S1 and S2 relaxed stiffness, while on S3 ficient, m is the thermal softening coefficient, Tm , Tr , T are the
and S4 enhanced hourglass control was selected. Distortion melting, room and current temperature respectively, 0 is the
control was applied on every section except for S1, where ALE- reference plastic strain rate. The values of these parameters for
Remeshing was used with frequency of 50000 and 5 remesh- the investigated AISI 1045 steel are taken from the literature
ing sweeps per increment. Its usage prevented overly distorted [22, 25, 26, 30], and can be found in Table 5.
mesh. Element deletion was allowed only in the sacrificial layer. Disruption of the finite element mesh is necessary for mod-
Three different chip thicknesses were simulated 0.355, elling chip formation, therefore besides the material model, the
0.18 and 0.09 mm. The length of the workpiece in every model Johnson-Cook damage model was also applied. This is a frac-
was set proportionally to its thickness. In each case, the ele- ture model for ductile materials and consists of two phases, a
ment size was set according to the sensitivity analysis detailed damage initiation and a damage evolution phase.
in Section 3.6. This mesh yielded satisfactory results with The Johnson-Cook damage model assumes that the equiva-
favourable computational time. lent strain at failure is of the form:
The contact of the tool and workpiece was modelled with
p 1 + D
a surface-to-node interaction. The master surface and slave f = D1 + D2 exp D3 ln 1+ D r

4 5

nodes are highlighted in Fig. 8. Finite sliding was applied, the 0 m r

exact properties are defined in Section 3.5. (3.2)

where the values of constant coefficients are taken from the lit-
erature [11] and are presented in Table 6. In each increment of
the simulation, the increment of the equivalent strain pl is
calculated. The fraction damage is initiated in an element when
the cumulative damage parameter
= (3.3)

exceeds the value of 1.

The stress-strain relation of damaged material is illustrated
in Fig. 9, where y0 and 0pl are the yield stress and equivalent
plastic strain at the onset of damage, and fpl is the equivalent
plastic strain at failure; that is, when the overall damage vari-
able reaches the value D = 1 . The overall damage variable D
captures the effect of damage mechanisms. The value of the
equivalent plastic strain at failure fpl depends on the charac-
Fig. 8 Illustration of the mesh structure
teristic length of the element and cannot be used as a material
parameter for the specification of the damage evolution law.
3.4 Material model Instead, the damage evolution law is specified in terms of frac-
3.4.1 Workpiece AISI 1045 ture energy dissipation Gf , a material parameter that shows the
Similarly to most of the literature on the topic [13-28], the required energy to open a unit area of crack [31].
AISI 1045 steel workpiece was modelled with the Johnson-
Cook material model [29]. The popularity of this model is due
to its capability of describing behaviour of metals in processes
where large strains, high strain rates, temperature dependency
and visco-plastic deformation are included.
The properties of the Johnson-Cook constitutive model are
best represented by the expression for equivalent stress:
pl n
 pl T Tr
= A + B ( ) 1 + C ln 1 ,
 0 T T (3.1)
   m r
Elastoplastic Viscosity  
Thermal softening

Fig. 9 Stress-strain curve with damage degradation [31]

48 Period. Polytech. Mech. Eng. B. Borsos et al.

The value of Gf depends on how the crack evolves. Two 3.5 Modified Coulomb Friction
types of crack development are described in the literature, illus- Frictional interaction was considered in the FE simulation in
trated in Fig. 10. In the sacrificial layer, the first mode, while in order to get the most realistic results. The frictional interaction
the chip layer, the second mode is considered as the dominant between the chip and the cutting tool is modeled with a modi-
one. Therefore, the value for the fracture energy of these two fied Coulomb friction law [32].
sections are determined by the corresponding fracture tough- If the shear stress is denoted by and the normal pressure
ness Kf according to the following expression: by p then the critical friction stress is determined by

1 2 2 C = min ( p, limit ) (3.5)

G f ,i = K f ,i (3.4)
where is the friction coefficient and limit is the shear stress
limit. The modified Coulomb friction law states that slip occurs
at the contact point when the shear stress is greater than C
which is the critical shear stress.
However, it is difficult to identify the friction coefficient at
the tool-chip contact. Based on the experiences of many previ-
ous authors [11, 25], the friction coefficient was set to 0.17.

3.6 Sensitivity analyses

Though the literature of cutting simulation is extensive,
Fig. 10 Illustration of fracture modes I and II there are several parameters (material constants, simulation
settings, quantities describing contact behaviour) that were
3.4.2 Tool determined empirically. It is important to mention that the use
To obtain temperature field results, the tool material is of empirically obtained parameters causes that the expectations
specified as a linearly elastic material with thermal properties. influence the results. Uniformed description of machining pro-
Material properties are summarized in Table 4. cesses cannot be derived.
In this study, several such parameters were examined,
Table 4 General material properties for AISI 1045 which were different in various sources. Sensitivity analyses
workpiece, and coated carbide tool were performed to examine the influence of specific param-
Material parameter Workpiece AISI 1045 Tool eters on the reaction force. The simulations were performed
Density [kg/m3] 7800 4940 with changing only one of the parameters, and all other set-
Youngs modulus [GPa] 200 450 tings remained the same.
Poissons ratio [1] 0.3 0.18
Thus the effect of certain parameters could be examined
Specific heat [J/(kgC)] 486 565.15
Thermal conductivity [W/(mC)] 49.8 30.9
3.6.1 Mesh dependency
Expansion [m/(mC)] 11.5 7.7
The most important concern was the effect of mesh size.
Melting temperature [C] 1460 - Three different simulations were performed with different ele-
Room temperature [C] 25 25 ment sizes (0.05, 0.02, 0.008 mm). The influence of the element
Fracture toughness mode I. 55.4 - sizes on the reaction forces in x-direction can be seen in Fig. 11.
Fracture toughness mode II. 71.5 -

Table 5 Johnson-Cook material parameters

A [MPa] B [MPa] C [1] n [1] m [1]

553.1 600.8 0.0134 0.234 1

Table 6 Johnson-Cook damage coefficients

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 0 [s-1]

0.05 4.22 -2.73 0.0018 0.55 1

Fig. 11 Variation of the reaction forces in x-direction in
terms of the applied element size

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Turning Processes 2017 61 1 49

In general, it can be observed that the reduction of the ele- Table 7 Averaged forces with respect to the rake angle
ment size decreases the deviance of the force values. Moreover, Rake angle, [] Average force, [N]
the reaction force will be smaller with reduced element size.
20 305.1
This indicates that the finite element model gives an upper esti-
18 321.9
mation on the reaction force.
16 342.8
The average force with elements of size 0.008 mm is around
98% of the value registered with elements of size 0.02 mm. 14 368.8

Since simulation time was rapidly increasing with mesh refine- 12 384.9

ment, furthermore, the deviation in the measured force signal is 10 408.3

large, this inaccuracy is acceptable. Therefore 0.02 mm element 8 424.8
size was applied for analyses with chip thickness of 0.355mm. 0 501.6
For simulations corresponding to different chip thicknesses,
proportional mesh was employed.

3.6.2 Mass scaling

The necessary computational cost could be further reduced
by using the mass scaling technique. However, this influences
the resulting force signal, therefore a sensitivity analysis was
Semi-automatic mass scaling was applied for the whole model
with the following fixed scaling factors: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100.
The effect of the mass scaling factors on the resulting force
is presented in Fig. 12. The average value of the reaction force
does not change significantly, and the deviation increases only
in the transient phase with greater mass scaling factors. Fig. 13 Results of the rake angle sensitivity
It can be declared that applying mass scaling factor 20 in the
simulations has a negligible effect on the results. It was identified that the correlation between the rake angle
and the cutting force is approximately linear as it can be seen
in Fig. 14.

Fig. 12 Effect of the mass scaling on the reaction force

3.6.3 Rake angle

Other significant parameter of the cutting process was the
rake angle. To investigate the influence of tool geometry, eight Fig. 14 Averaged forces with respect to the rake angle
simulations were performed with different rake angles. The
results were summarized in Table 7. It was observed that the 3.6.4 Contact Friction coefficient
accurate geometry is indispensable in order to build a realis- As it has already been mentioned, the friction coefficient at
tic simulation because the geometry of the tool has remarkable the tool-chip contact is difficult to identify. Thus, sensitivity
effect on the results. In Fig. 13, the comparison of the reaction analysis was also performed to investigate the effect of the
forces is shown regarding to three different rake angles. different friction coefficients on the reaction forces and the
The rake angle may have negative value in cutting processes. heat generation. The considered parameters and the results for
The effect of the negative rake angle on the cutting forces is the reaction force in x-direction are presented in Table 8 and
investigated in [33-35], for instance. in Fig. 15.

50 Period. Polytech. Mech. Eng. B. Borsos et al.

Table 8 Averaged forces with respect to the frictional coefficient The reaction force in the tangential direction against time is
Friction coefficient Averaged force [N] shown in Fig. 18 and Fig. 20. Dimensionless time is used, since
0 469.1
different time intervals are assigned to different simulations.
0.1 516.2
0.17 552.1
0.2 568.2
0.3 625.1

Fig. 18 Results of the simulations #1-3

Fig. 15 Results of the friction coefficient sensitivity

4 Results and comparison

4.1 Evaluation of the simulation
As an illustration the von Mises stress distribution and the
temperature distribution can be seen on Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 for
one specific simulation setup.

Fig. 19 Results of the simulations #4-6

Fig. 16 Mises equivalent stress distribution

Fig. 20 Results of the simulation #7-9

Ignoring the transient part of the results, the steady state

reaction force values can be compared to the measurement data.

4.2 Comparison with the measurement data

The measurement and simulation data are presented in
Fig. 17 Nodal temperature distribution Table9 and in Fig. 21-Fig. 23.

Two-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Turning Processes 2017 61 1 51

to a 2D ABAQUS model was introduced. A working finite ele-
ment model was built up in ABAQUS/Explicit. The parameter
dependency of this model was investigated via sensitivity anal-
yses, where the effects of varying element size, mass scaling
factor, friction coefficient, rake angle were presented. Using
the conclusions of these investigations, an effective model was
built up which involves as limited approximations as possible,
and has favourable computational properties.

Table 9 Results of the simulations

Relative Relative
Fr Ft Fx Fy
# error error
[N] [N] [N] [N]
Fig. 21 Comparison of the results for n=100 1/min [%] [%]
1 77.7 69.6 80.8 16.1 0.2 -99.7
2 159.9 142.8 138.1 -3.7 0.4 -99.7
3 289.7 203.2 282.8 39.2 3.5 -98.7
4 107.5 115.6 77.8 -32.7 0.1 -99.9
5 161.9 153.1 144.8 -5.4 0.3 -99.8
6 284.6 204.5 276.8 35.3 1.0 -99.6
7 90.4 106.3 75.3 -29.2 0.1 -99.9
8 148.6 147.2 142.5 -3.2 0.1 -99.9
9 230.9 170.9 276.4 61.7 0.2 -99.9
10 135.7 259.1 161.6 -37.8 0.4 -99.7
11 232.7 388.8 276.2 -28.8 0.8 -99.6
12 431.6 543.3 565.7 4.1 7.0 -98.3
Fig. 22 Comparison of the results for n=200 1/min 13 144.7 248.0 155.6 -37.3 0.1 -99.9
14 217.5 336.4 289.7 -13.9 0.8 -99.6
15 399.2 468.9 553.5 18.1 1.9 -99.5
16 129.6 218.8 150.6 -31.2 0.2 -99.8
17 186.0 280.7 285 1.5 0.2 -99.9
18 321.9 382.1 552.8 44.6 0.3 -99.9
19 157.4 389.1 323.1 -16.9 0.7 -99.6
20 248.3 597.8 552.3 -7.6 1.5 -99.4
21 571.0 1248.6 1131.3 -9.4 14.0 -97.6
22 154.5 461.4 311.2 -32.5 0.1 -99.9
23 246.2 620.9 579.4 -6.7 1.5 -99.4
24 456.1 939.2 1107 17.8 3.8 -99.2
25 141.5 459.2 301.1 -34.4 0.3 -99.8
Fig. 23 Comparison of the results for n=300 1/min
26 231.7 588.1 570 -3.1 0.2 -99.9
27 363.5 747.0 1105.5 47.9 0.6 -99.8
In x-direction, the average error of the results is 23 %, the
maximal error is 61.7 %.
The finalized model was used with the machining param-
5 Conclusion eters (feed rate, frequency, depth of cut) that correspond to the
The aim of this study was to present a general overview of measurements. The experimental and computed results were
the possibilities of 2D finite element simulations of metal cut- compared.
ting processes by comparing the results of the computational As a conclusion of the comparison it can be said that the
analyses to formerly executed measurements. simulated reaction forces in the x-direction and the measured
The measurement setup and recorded results were discussed tangential reaction forces are well correlating for different cut-
then a possible projection of the examined 3D turning process ting parameters the average error was 23%. This is a major

52 Period. Polytech. Mech. Eng. B. Borsos et al.

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