DSS Unit5

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

SYST 542
Decision Support Systems

Instructor: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey

Fall Semester, 2006

Unit 5: DSS Elements:

The Dialog Subsystem
SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 1 -
Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research


• Functions of dialog subsystem

• Some interaction guidelines for
usable systems
• Design for usability

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 2 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Why the Dialog Subsystem

is Important
• The user is ultimately responsible for making
the decision
• A DSS will not be used if its input requirements
are overly burdensome
• A DSS will be useless if the user cannot
process its output and integrate with his/her
decision making process

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 3 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Functions of Dialog Subsystem

1. Data entry
2. Information display
Organize information to facilitate comprehension and
effective use
3. Sequence control
Initiation, termination, interruption of computer tasks
4. User guidance
Alerts, prompts, help messages, error messages
5. Data transmission
Communication between users
Communication between user and data or model
6. Data protection
Protection against unauthorized access / computer failure

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Dialog Desiderata
• Minimize data entry
Intelligent defaults; Use previous run as template; Save standard user
preferences; Import data when possible

• Customize features
Frequently used commands at top level; Macro facility; Full/abbreviated menus;
Verbosity of help

• Don't overload memory

People can hold only about 7 distinct "chunks" in short-term memory. Organize
displays so related information appears together.

• Facilitate understanding of problem and model

Explore consequences of actions; Explore data; Check consistency; Perform
sensitivity analysis.

• Allow user to approach problem in intuitive way

• Alert user to possible biases in preferred approach

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Types of DSS
(relevant to dialog subsystem)

• Real-time / Non real-time

• Group / Individual
• Distributed / Local

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Human Factors in
HCI Design
• Human behavior is observable and human
performance is measurable
• Human factors is the study of how human
performance depends on system design
• Human factors engineering
– Makes use of accumulated knowledge of human factors
– Apply engineering design process to develop effective and
efficient human/system interaction
• Maxims:
– User should have to adapt as little as possible to interface
– Interface should be designed to be easy and natural to learn

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research


• To users, the interface is the system

• Some components of usability
– Ease of learning
– Efficient user task performance
– Effective user task performance
– Subjective user satisfaction
– User retention over time
• Usability is measurable characteristic of a
– If we can measure it, we can improve it

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Why Usability?
• Costs
– Initial cost of system is paid once
– Costs of lost productivity and error recovery are paid every
time the system is used
– Cost of user training and customer support can wipe out profits
• Market forces
– Users will switch to competitors with more usable systems
• Software engineering
– Traditionally the “important stuff” consisted of the system
– Interface consumes an increasingly large share of project
– Structured process of design for usability is essential for wise
use of resources

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

How to Achieve Usability

• Follow structured engineering approach to
user interface design
• Design to satisfy measurable usability goals
• Empirically evaluate interface with respect to
usability goals
• Prototype and refine
• Follow established usability principles and

See references for several good

books on usability engineering

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Usability Specifications
• A usability specification is a clearly defined and
measurable target for some attribute of value
• How to measure usability
– Develop representative benchmark tasks
– Identify what will be measured for each attribute of value
– Develop targets for the measures
• Examples:
– Not a specification: “System should be easy to use”
» Identifies the target but is not clearly defined or measurable)
– Acceptable specification: “Responses to ease-of-use questions on
user questionnaire must average at least 4 out on a scale of 1 to 5”
is a specification
» The questionnaire is part of the specification
» The questions define usability targets

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 11 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Behavioral and
Constructional Domains
Behavioral Constructional
What is being Interaction component of Interface software (to
developed interface support interaction)
What view is adopted View of the user View of the system
What is described User actions, perceptions, System actions in
and tasks response to what the user
What is involved Human factors, scenarios, Algorithms, callbacks, data
detailed representations, structures, widgets,
usability specifications, programming
The locale Where interaction Where interface software
designers and evaluators implementors do their work
do their work
The test Procedures performed by Procedures performed by
the user the system
(Hicks and Hartson, 1993)
SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 12 -
Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Interface Development:
A Two-Part Process
• Part One: Interaction component
– Look and feel of the system
– Development occurs in behavioral domain
• Part Two: Interface software
– How the look and feel is instantiated in software
– Development occurs in constructional domain
• These parts interact
– Inherent conflict: better for the user may be harder for the programmer
– Available tools limit capabilities of interaction component
– The best toolkit can’t rescue a bad design!
• Design must involve:
– User interaction developer Avoid “human factors
– Interface software developer as peanut butter”
– Problem domain expert (spread over design after
– Technical expert it is otherwise finished)

(Hicks and Hartson, 1993)

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Standards and Guidelines

• User interaction standards
– ISO 9241 - international user design standard (see “bluffer’s guide” at
– Sect. 508 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - Standard for access to disabled
– Standards need interpretation to be useful
• Public domain user interaction design guidelines
– Published in trade books & published reports
– Applying them in specific situations is more than common sense
• Commercial style guides
– Description of interaction styles or objects
– Guidance on when or how to use
– May include illustrations, screen templates, toolkits
– Many have not had much professional human factors input!!
• Customized style guides
– Enterprise or project
– Every project should have at least a simple style guide
– Prevents inconsistencies, constant remaking of decisions
– A few simple rules may suffice

Many useful links at http://www.usernomics.com/ergonomics-standards.html

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Standards: Pro and Con

• Pro
– Promote ease of learning and use
– Assist in procurement, development, evaluation
– Facilitate reuse
• Con
– Standards inhibit innovation
– Standards limit the ability to customize
– Designers may substitute conformance to style guides for
rigorous empirical usability testing

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Guidelines for User-Centered Design

• Know the user
• Involve the user via participatory design
• Prevent user errors
– “To err is human; forgive by design”
– Prototyping helps identify common errors
• Optimize user operations
– Most effect for least effort
– Abbreviations; accelerator keys; macros
• Keep locus of control with user
– e.g., “Enter next command” vs. “Ready for next command”
• Help the user get started with the system
– User should need no more than one screenful of information
to get started

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 16 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Guidelines for Cognitive Issues

• Give user task-centered mental model of system
• Be consistent
– Inconsistency: Macintosh “delete file” and “eject disk”
• Keep it simple
• Give user frequent closure on tasks to economize
• Let the user recognize rather than recall
• Use cognitive directness
– Use “command-c” for cut, not “Esc-F7”
• Use familiar analogies
– Drag and drop; folders on desktop; trash can

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Guidelines on Feedback
• Use informative feedback
– e.g., trash icon expands when item is dragged in
• Give the user appropriate status indicators
– e.g., clock with moving hands indicates lengthy operation
• Use user-centered wording in error messages
– “Operation failed - Error number 173” versus “There is not enough
memory to open application. Try closing an application”
• Use positive non-threatening wording in error
– e.g., NOT “catastrophic error, logged with operator”
• Use specific, constructive terms
– “Illegal entry” versus “Inventory numbers range from 0000 to 9999”
• Make the system take the blame
– “Illegal command” versus “Unrecognized command”
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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Other Interaction Guidelines

• Do not anthropomorphize; use humor cautiously
• Use modes cautiously
– Same action should usually have same result
– Use preemptive mode only when closure is necessary before continuing (e.g., “are
you sure you want to delete?”)
• Make actions easily reversible
– Classic example of guideline that’s nice for users and hard for programmers
– What “undo” should mean is not always obvious
• Accommodate individual differences
– Good predictors of performance: spatial visualization ability, vocabulary and
logical reasoning ability
– Give user control of interface (e.g. short and long menus)
• Accommodate user experience levels
– Novice: no syntactic knowledge; little semantic knowledge
– Intermittent user: rusty syntactic knowledge; good semantic knowledge
– Power user: both semantic and syntactic knowledge

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Display Guidelines
• Maintain display inertia
• Organize the screen to manage complexity
– Minimize density
– Group related information
– Balance information and use plenty of white space
• Get user’s attention judiciously
– Only 2 levels of intensity on a single screen
– Use underlining, bold, etc. judiciously
– Use upper and lower case (takes less room and faster to read)
– Use intense attention getters (blinking) only when necessary
– Use of color:
» Be sparing on number of colors (no more than 4 colors)
» Should conform to user expectations (green = OK; yellow =
warning; red = problem)
» Provide alternative coding for users with color deficiency

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Typical User Complaints

Novice user Expert user
• The system didn't tell me what • The system makes me go
to do next. through too many
• The system wouldn't let me go procedures.
back and change my entry
• I don't need a dissertation
• I'm not sure whether I made the every time I make an error.
correct entry.
• The system keeps going
• I don't understand what I did
wrong. back to the base menu.
• How do I change my response? • I have to keep typing in the
same thing over and over
• I have too much trouble finding
the right keys. again.
• I don't understand the error • Why can't I go from A to C
messages. without doing B every time?
• I have to type so much. • Why do I have to enter that
• There are so many things to information when I know it's
remember. in the database?

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Interaction Modalities
1. Menu selection
- easy to learn
- power users may become impatient
- good organization of menu hierarchy is essential
- follow menu standards (e.g., commands on “file” menu”)
2. Command language
- harder to learn (esp. nonintuitive or abbreviated commands)
- power users like flexibility
3. Forms
- intuitive
- often tedious (but good use of defaults can help)
4. Natural language
- most natural for inexperienced users
- technology still cumbersome
5. Hypertext
- intuitive
- easy to get lost in a complex web of links
- good site design & navigation guides are essential
6. Direct manipulation
- easy to learn and use
- harder to program (but toolkits help)
- difficult to do in web-based applications

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 22 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Windows Design Guidelines

• Don’t overuse windows; minimize window
• Appearance and behavior of primary window
should be consistent
• Use different windows for different
independent tasks
• Use different windows for different
coordinated views of same task

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Menu Design Guidelines

• Organize hierarchical menus according to user
tasks and system functions
• Use meaningful groupings and orderings of
menu choices
– Adhere to common practice when possible
• Use brief descriptions for menu choices
• Use consistent layout across all menus and
keep screen uncluttered
• Allow shortcuts

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 24 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Forms Design Guidelines

• Use consistent visually appealing layout and content
• Do not assume that existing paper forms convert directly to
screen design and a good user interface
• Use appropriate visual cues for fields on forms
• Use familiar and consistent field labels and abbreviations
• Use logical navigation among fields
• Use logical navigation within fields
• Support editing and error correction of fields
• Use consistent, informative error messages
• Provide explanatory messages for expected field inputs
• Provide default values for fields whenever possible
• Provide a completion indicator on each form-filling screen

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 25 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Box Design Guidelines

• Use brief but comprehensible instructions
• Use carefully worded messages
• Use logical groupings and orderings of objects
in a box
• Use visual cues to delineate groupings within
• Keep layout consistent and visually appealing
• Make defaults, such as a button choice, visually
• Menu selections that lead to dialogue boxes
should contain a visual cue (e.g., ellipsis …)
• Boxes should disappear under user control

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 26 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Typed-Command Language
Design Guidelines
• Use a consistent rule of formation for entering
• Choose meaningful, specific, distinctive
command names
• Apply consistent rules for abbreviating
• Allow easy correction of typing errors
• Allow frequent users to develop macros
• Provide auto-complete when possible

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 27 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Graphical Interface
Design Guidelines
• Use real-world analogies as much as possible
• Keep visual representation as simple as
• Show different views of the same visual
• Use color sparingly and meaningfully
• Use video sparingly

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Guidelines for Visual

Display of Quantitative Information
(Tufte, 1983)

• Maximize data ink (percent of ink used to convey

meaningful information)
• Avoid chartjunk (content-free decoration)
– Slideshow packages are notorious for chartjunk
• Show data variation, not design variation
- Don't use areas to convey 1D information
- Avoid lies due to scale changes
• Visual to verbal translation should be

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 29 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Cover photo, E. Tufte, Visual and Statistical Thinking:

Displays of Evidence for Making Decisions

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Input / Output Mode Examples

Input: Output:
• Keyboard - alphanumeric • Text hardcopy
• Keyboard - cursor and • Graphics hardcopy
function keys • Character screen
• Mouse, trackball, trackpad • Graphics screen
• Light pen (monochrome/color)
• Pressure pad • Sound
• Optical scanning • Video
• Virtual environment
• Touch screen immersion devices
• Voice activated – Motion & acceleration
• Glance activated – Pressure simulators

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Interface Levels

• Semantic: concepts; meaning

• Syntactic: rules of dialogue construction; grammar
• Lexical: mechanisms for specifying syntax; words,
menu items, etc.
• Device: hardware

Aim for consistent, understandable

straightforward interface at all levels

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 32 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Intelligent Interface
• Dialog Management System has model of user dialog
preferences / needs
• Dialog adapts based on user, system state and world state
• Example determinants of user model:
- Expertise in problem domain
- Expertise in system
- Experience with computers
- ”Cognitive style" (analytical/intuitive)
• Example system/world characteristics affecting dialog:
- Time pressure
- Cognitive workload
- Precision required in result
- Interaction between user mdoel and system/world model
- User familiarity with problem type

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 33 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Intelligent Interface:
• Changing display formats and/or input modes in
real time can be confusing (and dangerous)
• Customization (under control of user) achieves
many of benefits of intelligently adapting
interfaces without many of the dangers
• Avoid high-tech for high-tech’s sake
• Actions taken by interface should be:
– Obvious or explained to user
– Easily grasped by user
– Reversible by user with a simple toggle

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Interface Design: The Process

• Practice iterative, evaluation-centered design
• Inherent dilemma:
– You can’t evaluate an interaction design until after it is built
– After building changes are difficult
• Solution: rapid prototyping
– Representation - how are interaction designs represented in
the prototype?
– Scope - does the prototype include whole system or just the
– Executability - can the prototype be executed at any time?
– Maturation - how does the prototype grow into a product?

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 35 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Evaluation Centered
Design for Usability

User profile

Task Analysis Usability Goals

Measurable Usability
Design Principles

Platform capabilities Style Guide

& constraints

Design and Development

Perform iterative empirical usability evaluation
throughout development Obtain user feedback
Refine and revise style guide and usability specifications Resolve issues

Perform usability acceptance testing

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 36 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Artillery Approach to
Interface Design

Design/Redesign READY


and Analysis AIM

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Prototyping the HCI:

Storyboarding Environments

• Hypertext tools
• Interface building tools
• Prototyping environments
• Spreadsheets
• Draw packages and slideshow

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Process of Interface Design

1. Perform task analysis

2. Identify input/output requirements for each task
3. Develop empirical measures of interface quality
4. Prototype interface design based on task analysis &
input/output requirements. Use dimensions of interface
quality as design goals.
5. Evaluate prototype using measures developed in Step 3.
Formative evaluation: evaluate to refine design
6. Repeat steps 3-5
7. Deliver final product
Summative evaluation: evaluate to assess quality of product

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 39 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Attributes for HCI Evaluation

(subjectively measurable)

1. Simple and natural dialog

2. Uses user's language
3. Minimizes user's memory load
4. Consistent
5. Provides feedback
6. Clearly marked exits
7. Shortcuts are available
8. Error messages
- understandable
- provide suggested recovery strategies
9. Prevents errors
10. Understandable intuitive displays (especially of
complex quantitative data)

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Attributes for HCI Evaluation

(objectively measurable)

1. Time to solution
- problem: type
- problem: novel / familiar
- user: inexperienced / experienced
2. Requests for assistance
3. Number of errors
4. Time to recover from error
5. Quality of solution
- measures may be objective and/or subjective

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Usability Evaluation

• Form hypothesis
• Design study with human participants
• Collect performance data
• Analyze data
• Confirm or refute hypothesis
• Evaluate impact of results on design decision

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Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

In Summary...

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 43 -

Department of Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Bailey, Robert W. Human Performance Engineering Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Hicks, D. and Hartson, H.R. Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability Through
Product and Process. Wiley, 1993.
Kuniryski, M., Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner's Guide to User Research.
Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.
Mayhew, D.J. The Usability Engineering Lifecycle. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1999.
Tufte, E.R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics
Press, 1983.

It’s not about human/computer interfaces, but no reference list on human factors is
complete without mentioning the Gettysburg Website:

SYST 542 Copyright © 2006, Kathryn Blackmond Laskey Unit 5 - 44 -

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