Daily Quizzes Series Day 003 (18 June 2024)

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DATE: 18/06/2024

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DATE: 18/06/2024

1. A retailer opens her outlet on all (a) Rs.2990 (b) Rs.3012
seven days of the week. It is (c) Rs.2686 (d) Rs.3024
observed that her average sales 3. A dealer marks his goods at 40%
for Saturdays and Sundays above the cost price. He sells 60%
combined is Rs.300, and Rs.200 of the goods at the marked price
for the remaining five days giving 10% discount and the rest
combined. For a month starting by giving 50% discount on the
on Saturday, it was found that the marked price. What is the overall
total sales were Rs.7,000. Which profit loss percent?
among the following months it ,d Mhyj viuh oLrqvksa ij Ø; ewY; ls
could be 40% vf/kd ewY; vafdr djrk gSA mlus
,d QqVdj foØsrk lIrkg ds lHkh lkrksa 60% oLrqvksa dks 10% dh NwV nsus ds ckn
fnuksa esa viuk vkmVysV [kksyrk gSA ;g vafdr ewY; ij csp fn;k rFkk 'ks"k oLrqvksa
ns[kk x;k gS fd 'kfuokj vkSj jfookj ds dks vafdr ewY; ij 50% dh NwV nsdj
fy, la;qDr :Ik ls mldh vkSlr fcØh cspkA dqy ykHk&gkfu izfr'kr fdruk gS\
:300 gS] vkSj 'ks"k ikap fnuksa ds fy, la;qDr (a) Profit/ykHk 3.6%
:Ik ls :200 gSA 'kfuokj ls 'kq: gksus okys (b) Loss/gkfu 2.8%
,d eghus ds fy,] ;g ik;k x;k fd dqy (c) Loss/gkfu 3.6%
fcØh :7000 FkhA og eghuk fuEufyf[kr esa
(d) Profit/ykHk 2.8%
ls dkSu lk gks ldrk gS\
4. Two successive increments of
(a) March/ekpZ 30% each is by what percentage
(b) April/vizSy more than two successive
(c) January/tuojh decrements of 30% each? (Correct
(d) February/Qjojh to two decimal places)
2. A sum of Rs.8400 amounts to çR;sd 30% dh nks Øfed o`f)] izR;sd
Rs.11,046 at 8.75% p.a. simple 30% dh nks Øfed deh ls fdrus izfr'kr
interest in a certain time. What is vf/kd gS\ ¼nks n'keyo LFkkuksa rd lgh½
the simple interest on the sum of (a) 32.54% (b) 28.15%
Rs.9600 at the same rate for the (c) 25.25% (d) 35.29%
same time? 5. A boat can cover 120 km
8400 :Ik;s dh ,d jkf'k fdlh fuf'pr upstream and back in a total of 30
le; esa 8-75% izfr o"kZ lkèkkj.k C;kt dh hours, and 25 km upstream and
nj ls 11]046 :Ik;s gks tkrh gSA 9600 40 km downstream in a total of 7
:Ik;s dh jkf'k ij blh nj ls blh le; ds hours. How much distance will
fy, lkèkkj.k C;kt Kkr djsAa
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DATE: 18/06/2024

the boat cover in 16 hours in still O;kl gSA ;fn ADC = 130° gS] rks
BAC dk eku Kkr djsa %
,d uko }kjk /kkjk dh foijhr fn'kk esa (a) 40° (b) 45°
120 km tkus vkSj okil vkus esa dqy 30 (c) 35° (d) 50°
?kaVs dk le; yxrk gS] vkSj ml uko dks 8. Find the cost of carpeting a room
/kkjk dh foijhr fn'kk esa 25 km rFkk /kkjk which is 11m long and 6m broad
dh fn'kk esa 40 km tkus esa dqy 7 ?kaVs dk by a carpet which is 60 cm broad
le; yxrk gSA og uko 'kkar ty esa 16 at the rate of Rs.112.50 per
?kaVs esa fdruh nwjh r; dj ysxh\ meter.
(a) 200 km (b) 180 km 11 ehVj yackbZ rFkk 6 ehVj pkSM+kbZ okys
(c) 175 km (d) 225 km fdlh dejs esa 112-50 :Ik;s izfr ehVj dh
6. What is the value of the given nj ls dkyhu fcNkus dh ykxr Kkr djsa
expression/ fn, x, O;atd dk eku ;fn dkyhu 60 lseh pkSM+h gSA
D;k gS? (a) 12,375 (b) 13,280
(a + b + c)2 – a2 – b2 – c2 (c) 11,695 (d) 12,040
(a) 2abc 9. If cosA, sinA, cotA are in
(b) 2(ab + bc + ca) geometric progression, then the
(c) 2(a + b + c) value of tan6A – tan2A is:
(d) 2ab + bc – 2ca ;fn cosA, sinA, cotA xq.kksÙkj Js.kh esa
7. ABCD is a quadrilateral whose gS] rks tan6A – tan2A dk eku D;k gksxk\
side AB is the diameter of a circle (a) 1/2 (b) 3
through A, B, C and D. If ADC = (c) 1/2 (d) 1
130°. Then the measure of BAC 10. When 200 is divided by a positive
is: integer x, the remainder is 8. How
ABCD ,d prqHkqZt gS ftldh Hkqtk AB, many values of x are there?
A, B, C vkSj D ls xqtjus okys o`Ùk dk tc 200 dks fdlh /kukRed iw.kkZad x ls
Hkkx fn;k tkrk gS] rks 'ks"kQy 8 vkrk gSA
x ds fdrus eku laHko gSa\
(a) 7 (b) 5
(c) 8 (d) 6

Answer Key

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)

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DATE: 18/06/2024

1. Select the option in which the (a) Only Conclusion I follows/dsoy
numbers share the same fu"d"kZ I vuqlj.k djrk gS
relationship as that shared by the (b) Neither Conclusion I nor
numbers of the given set. Conclusion II follows/u rks fu"d"kZ I
ml fodYi dk p;u djsa ftlesa la[;k,a vkSj u gh fu"d"kZ II vuqlj.k djrk gS
ogh laca/k lk>k djrh gSa tks fn, x, lsV (c) Only Conclusion II follows/
dh la[;kvksa }kjk lk>k fd;k tkrk gSA dsoy fu"d"kZ II vuqlj.k djrk gSA
(8, 44, 224) (d) Both Conclusion I and
(a) (11, 59, 299) (b) (9, 80, 312) Conclusion II follow/ fu"d"kZ I vkSj
(c) (15, 75, 301) (d) (7, 39, 190) fu"d"kZ II nksuksa vuqlj.k djrs gSa
2. In a certain code language, 5. ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the brother of
‘KITCHEN’ is written as B’/‘A, B dk HkkbZ gS*A
written as ‘ITTABME’. How will ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the daughter
‘ELEMENT’ be written in that of B’/ ‘A, B dh iq=h gS*A
language? ‘A & B’ means ‘A is the husband of
,d fuf'pr dwV Hkk"kk esa ‘KITCHEN’ dks B’/‘A, B dk ifr gS*A
‘LHUBIDO’, ds :Ik esa fy[kk tkrk gS ‘A % B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’/
‘HUSBAND’ dks ‘ITTABME’ ds :Ik esa ‘A, B dh iRuh gS*A
fy[kk tkrk gSA mlh Hkk"kk esa ‘ELEMENT’ (a) Daughter’s daughter/uoklh
dks dSls fy[kk tk,xk\ (b) Daughter/iq=h
(a) FKFLFMU (b) FKFLFNU (c) Sister’s daughter/Hkkath
(c) FJFLGNV (d) FKGLFNU (d) Son’s wife/iq=o/kq
3. 12, 15, 75, ?, 738, 749 6. If 12th February 2011 was a
(a) 90 (b) 82 Saturday, then what was the day
(c) 259 (d) 155 of the week on 13th February
4. Statements/dFku: 2015?
(A) All actors are gold/lHkh vfHkusrk] ;fn 12 Qjojh 2011 dks 'kfuokj Fkk] rks 13
Lo.kZ gSaA Qjojh 2015 dks lIrkg dk dkSu lk fnu
(B) All gold are houses/lHkh Lo.kZ] ?kj Fkk\
gSaA (a) cq/kokj@Wednesday
(C) All rooms are houses/lHkh dejs] (b) eaxyokj@Tuesday
?kj gSaA (c) 'kqØokj@Friday
Conclusions/fu"d"kZ: (d) xq#okj@Thursday
I. Some gold are rooms/dqN Lo.kZ]
dejs gSaA
II. Some rooms are actors/dqN
dejs] vfHkusrk gSaA

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DATE: 18/06/2024

7. Arrange according to
dictionary/'kCndks’k ds vuqlkj Øec) second to the left of S. Who sits
djsa: to the immediate right of H/
1. Interest 2. Interdisciplinary ik¡p yM+fd;k¡ vFkkZr~ B, H, O, M vkSj S
3. Interdict 4. Interdependent ,d o`Ùkk esa dsaæ dh vksj eq[k djds cSBh gSaA
5. Intersect S, O ds Bhd ckbZa vksj] vkSj B ds Bhd nkbZa
(a) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 vksj cSBh gSA M, S ds ck,¡ ls nwljs LFkku
(b) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 ij cSBh gSA H ds Bhd nkbZa vksj dkSu cSBk
(c) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 gS\
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (a) S (b) M
8. 150 * 3 * 10 * 2 * 7 * 46 (c) B (d) O
(a) ÷, +, –, ×, = (b) –, ×, +, ÷, = 10. Select the odd group of words.
(c) +, –, ÷, ×, = (d) ×, +, ÷, –, = 'kCnksa ds fo"ke lewg dk p;u djsA
(a) (Sheep, Deer, Lion)
9. Five girls namely B, H, O. M and S (b) (Goat, Rat, Jackal)
are seating in a circle facing the (c) (Cow, Dog, Tiger)
centre. S is sitting to the (d) (Stable, House, Pig)
immediate left of O and the
immediate right of B. M sits

Answer Key

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d)

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DATE: 18/06/2024

1. Depravity (noun) – The state of being morally bad – nqjkpkjrk] Hkz"Vrk
Synonyms- Corruption, abjection, debasement, decadency, degeneracy,
degradation, dissipation, perversion
Antonyms – Goodness, virtue, morality, righteousness, rectitude, scrupulosity
2. Incorrigible (adjective) – Incapable of being corrected – ftldk lq/kkj u gks lds
Synonyms- Hopeless, irrecoverable, Incurable, irreformable, irremediable,
impenitent, unredeemable
Antonyms – Savable, curable, retrievable, redeemable, reformable
3. Amenable (adjective) – Willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion –
izfrlaosnh] ftEesnkj
Synonyms- Conformable, docile, obedient, tractable, biddable, submissive,
compliant, law-abiding, placable
Antonyms – Defiant, incompliant, intractable, recalcitrant, willful
4. Recant (verb) – Say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief – vius dks oafpr
Synonyms- Take back, unsay, withdraw, abjure, renounce, repudiate, retract,
renege, repeal
Antonyms – Adhere, admit, assert, contend, proclaim, confirm, endorse


5. Something kept as a Souvenir (N.) fu'kkuh

reminder of an event
6. Fear of great heights Acrophobia (N.) Å¡pkbZ dk Mj


7. Rank and file Ordinary workers in a company lkèkkj.k deZpkjh

8. Reap the whirlwind Suffer negative consequences as a fd;s dk ifj.kke
Result of one’s actions Hkqxruk
9. Red herrings Clues intended to distract or mislead Nykok
10. Rat race Fierce competition for power dM+h izfrLi/kkZ

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DATE: 18/06/2024

1. Article 323 of the Indian (a) 148 (b) 150
Constitution deals with ______ . (c) 151 (d) 149
Hkkjhr; laafo/kku dk vuqPNsn 323 &&& ls 5. State Public Service Commission
lacaf/kr gSA comes under which list of seventh
(a) expenses of Public Services schedule of the Indian
Commissions/yksd lsok vk;ksxksa ds constitution?
[kpksZa jkT; yksd lsok vk;ksx Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dh
(b) reports of Public Services lkroha vuqlwph dh fdl lwph ds varxZr
Commissions/yksd lsok vk;ksxksa dh vkrk gS\
fjiksVksZa (a) State List/jkT; lwph
(c) functions of Public Services (b) Transferred list/ varfjr lwph
Commissions/yksd lsok vk;ksxksa ds (c) Concurrent list/leorhZ lwph
dk;ksZa (d) Union list/la?k lwph
(d) power to extend functions of 6. Part V chapter II of the Indian
Public Services Commissions/yksd constitution does not include
lsok vk;ksxksa ds dk;ksZa dk foLrkj djus dh which of the following provisions?
'kfDr Hkkjr lafo/kku ds Hkkx V vè;k; II esa
2. The Indian Constitution originally fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&ls mica/k 'kkfey
consisted of ______ Articles. ugha gSa\
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku esa ewyr% &&&&&& (a) Joint sitting of both house of
vuqPNsn FksA Parliament in certain cases/dqN
(a) 395 (b) 385 n'kkvksa esa laln ds nksuksa lnuksa dh la;qDr
(c) 365 (d) 375 cSBd
3. Which among the following is a (b) Power of President to
subject of Union Lists in the promulgate Ordinances during
Constitution of India? recess of Parliament/laln ds
fuEufyf[kr esa ls D;k Hkkjr ds lafo/kku esa foJkafrdky ds nkSjku vè;kns’k iz[;kfir
la?k lwph ds varxZr vkrk gS\ djus dh jk"Vªifr dh 'kfDr
(a) Liquor/'kjkc (c) Language to be used in
(b) Social planning/lkekftd fu;kstu Parliament/laln esa iz;ksx dh tkus
(c) Extradition/izR;iZ.k okyh Hkk"kk
(d) Boilers/ckW;yj (d) Restriction on discussion in
4. Which Article of the constitution Parliament/ laln esa ppkZ ij fucZU/ku
of India is related to the
Comptroller and Auditor General
of India Audit reports?
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds fdl vuqPNsn dk laca/k
Hkkjr ds fu;a=d & egkys[kkijh{kd dh
laijh{kk izfrosnu ls gS\
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DATE: 18/06/2024

7. Which part of the Constitution of (c) Article 122/vuqPNsn 122

India consists of the idea of a (d) Article 119/vuqPNsn 119
Welfare State? 9. The Indian judicial system is
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds fdl Hkkx esa based on/Hkkjrh; U;kf;d iz.kkyh fdl
dY;k.kdkjh jkT; dk fopkj gS\ ij vk/kkfjr gS\
(a) Directive Principles of State (a) both integrated and dual
Policy/jkT; ds uhfr ds funs'kd rRo system/,dhÑr vkSj }S/k iz.kkyh nksuksa
(b) Fundamental Duties/ewy drZO; (b) dual court system/}S/k U;k;ky;h;
(c) Fundamental Rights/ewy vf/kdkj iz.kkyh
(d) Preamble/izLrkouk (c) multiple court system/
8. Which Article of the Constitution cgq&U;k;ky;h; iz.kkyh
does India mention that business (d) single integrated system/,dy
in Parliament shall be transacted ,dhÑr iz.kkyh
in Hindi or English 10. Who was the first chairman of
Hkkjr ds lafo/kku dk dkSu lk vuqPNsn ;g Finance Commission of India?
mYys[k djrk gS fd laln esa dkedkt fganh Hkkjr ds foÙk vk;ksx ds igys vè;{k dkSu
;k vaxzsth esa fd;k tk,xk\ Fks\
(a) Article 120/vuqPNsn 120 (a) K Santhanam/ds- laFkkue
(b) Article 121/vuqPNsn 121 (b) KC Neogy/ds-lh- fu;ksxh
(c) Ashok Kumar Chanda/v'kksd
dqekj pank
(d) PV Rajamannar/ih-oh- jkteUukj

Answer Key

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (b)

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DATE: 18/06/2024


Algebra - Cube Formulae
1. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3a2b + 3ab2
2. (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a + b)
3. a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 – 3ab (a + b)
4. a3 + b3 = (a + b) [(a + b)2 – 3ab]
5. a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 + b2 – ab)
𝑎3 +𝑏3
6. a2 + b2 – ab =

𝑎3 +𝑏3
7. a + b =
𝑎2 +𝑏2 −𝑎𝑏

8. (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3a2b + 3ab2

9. (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab (a – b)
10. a3 – b3 = (a – b)3 + 3ab(a – b)
11. a3 – b3 = (a – b) (a2 + b2 + ab)
12. a3 – b3 = (a – b) [(a – b)2 + 3ab]
𝑎3 −𝑏3
13. a2 + b2 + ab =

𝑎3 −𝑏3
14. a – b =
𝑎2 +𝑏2 +𝑎𝑏

15. (a + b)3 – (a – b)3 = 2b3 + 6a2b = 2b(b2 + 3a2)

16. (a + b)3 + (a – b)3 = 2a3 = 6ab2 = 2a(a2 + 3b2)
If a3 + b3 = 5824 and a + b = 28, then (a – b)2 + ab is equal to:
;fn a3 + b3 = 5824 vkSj a + b = 28, rks (a – b)2 + ab cjkcj gS%
𝑎3 +𝑏3 5824
Sol. (a – b)2 + ab = = = 208
𝑎+𝑏 28

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