Daily Quizzes Series Day 31 (22 July 2024)

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DATE: 22/07/2024

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DATE: 22/07/2024

1. 10 years ago, the average age of a the end of the fifth year to clear
family of five members was 38 the debt?
years. Now, two new members was ,d O;fDr ,d cSad ls 10% okf"kZd
38 years. Now, two new members lk/kkj.k C;kt ij Rs. 1,00,000 m/kkj
join, whose age difference is 8 ysrk gS vkSj ik¡p o"kksZa esa _.k dk Hkqxrku
years. If the present average age djrk gSA ;fn _.k pqdkus ds fy, igys]
of the family is the same as it was
10 years ago, what is the age (in
nwljs rhljs vkSj pkSFks o"kZ ds var esa Hkqxrku
years) of the new younger dh xbZ fdLr Øe’k% Rs. 10,000, Rs.
members? 20,000, Rs. 30,000 vkSj Rs. 40,000
10 o"kZ igys] ikap lnL;ksa ds ,d ifjokj gS] rks _.k pqdkus ds fy, ik¡posa o"kZ ds var
dh vkSlr mez 38 o"kZ FkhA vc nks u, esa fdruh jkf’k dk Hkqxrku fd;k tkuk
lnL; 'kkfey gks x, gSa] ftudh mez esa 8 pkfg,\
o"kZ dk varj gSA ;fn ifjokj dh orZeku SSC CGL 2022
vkSlr mez mruh gh gS ftruh ;g 10 lky (a) Rs. 38,250 (b) Rs. 39,490
(c) Rs. 40,450 (d) Rs. 36,450
igys Fkh] rks u, NksVs lnL; dh mez Kkr 4. A discount of 20% is given for the
djsAa SSC CHSL 2019 purchase of two books by a
(a) 15 (b) 9 bookseller and a discount of 25%
(c) 10 (d) 17 is offered if a customer buys more
2. The difference between compound than two books. A 10% discount
interest and simple interest on Rs is being offered to all the
× at 6.5% per annum for 2 years is customers on purchase of one
Rs. 33.80. What is the value of x? book. An additional 5% discount
× #i;s ij 6.5% izfr o"kZ dh nj ls 2 o"kksZa will be given to students. Sohan, a
ds pØo`f) C;kt vkSj lk/kkj.k C;kt esa student of M.Com. in college,
33.80 #i;s dk varj gSA x dk eku Kkr bought a book for Rs. 513. What
djsAa was the marked price of the
SSC CHSL 2019 book?
(a) Rs. 7800 (b) Rs. 7500 ,d iqLrd foØsrk xzkgdksa dks nks iqLrdsa
(c) Rs. 8000 (d) Rs. 8500 [kjhnus ij 20% dh NwV vkSj nks ls vf/kd
3. A person borrows Rs. 1,00,000 iqLrdsa [kjhnus ij 25% dh NwV nsrk gSA
from a bank at 10% per annum ,d iqLrd [kjhnus okys lHkh xzkgdksa dks
simple interest and clears the 10% dh NwV nh tk jgh gSA Nk=ksa dks
debt in five years. If the
instalment paid at the end of the
vyx ls 5% dh vkSj NwV nh tk,xhA ,d
first, second, third and fourth dkWyt
s eas ,e- dkWe- dh i<+kbZ djus okys
years to clear the debt are Rs. Nk=] lksgu us Rs. 513 dh iqLrd [kjhnhA
10,000, Rs. 20,000, Rs. 30,000 iqLrd dk vafdr ewY; D;k Fkh\
and Rs. 40,000, respectively, SSC CGL 2022
what amount should be paid at (a) Rs. 650 (b) Rs. 540
(c) Rs. 600 (d) Rs. 605
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DATE: 22/07/2024

5. During the first year, the 7. Find the average speed of a boys
population of a town increased by if he walks 𝟔 th distance with a
12%. The next year, due to some speed of 5 km/hr and rides a bike
contagious disease, it decreased to cover the remaining distance
by 8%. At the end of the second at a speed of 25 km/hr. The total
year, the population was 64,400. distance is 60 km.
Find the population of the town ,d yM+ds dh vkSlr pky Kkr dhft, ;fn
at beginning of the first year.
Igys o"kZ ds nkSjku] ,d dLcs dh tula[;k og dqy nwjh dk u Hkkx 5 km/hr dh pky
esa 12% dh o`f) gqbZA vxys o"kZ fdlh ls r; djrk gS vkSj 'ks"k nwjh dks 25
km/hr dh pky ls r; djus ds fy,
Li’kZtU;&jksx ds dkj.k blesa 8% dh deh
vkbZA nwljs o"kZ ds var esa] tula[;k ckbd pykrk gSA dqy nwjh 60 km gSA (in
64,400 FkhA igys o"kZ dh 'kq:vkr esa 'kgj
SSC MTS 2023
dh tula[;k Kkr dhft,A (a) 15 km/hr (b) 20 km/hr
SSC CGL 2022 (c) 12 km/hr (d) 13 km/hr
(a) 50,000 8. Pipe A can fill an empty tank in
(b) 54,750 30 hours and B can fill it in 10
(c) 62,500 hours. Due to a leakage in the
(d) 50,500 tank, it takes pipes A and B
6. A motorboat whose speed is 20 together 1.5 hours more to fill it
km/h in still water takes 30 completely that is would have
minutes more to go 24 km otherwise taken. What is the time
upstream than to cover the same time taken by the leakage alone
distance downstream. If the speed to empty the same tank
of the boat in still water is completely, starting when the
increased by 2 km/h, then how tank is completely full?
much time will it take to go km ikbi A ,d [kkyh VSad dks 30 ?kaVs esa Hkj
downstream and 30 km ldrk gS vkSj ikbi B bls 10 ?kaVs esa Hkj
,d eksVjcksV ftldh xfr 'kkar ty esa 20 ldrk gSA ikbi A vkSj B }kjk ,d lkFk
km/h gS] /kkjk ds izfrdwy 24 km tkus esa
VSad dks Hkjus esa ftruk le; yxrk gS] VSad
leku nwjh dks /kkjk ds vuqdwy r; djus dh esa ,d fjlko ds dkj.k nksuksa ikbiksa }kjk
rqyuk eas 30 feuV vf/kd ysrh gSA ;fn bls iwjh rjg ls Hkjus esa ftruk le; yxrk
'kkar ty esa uko dh xfr ls 2 km/h dh gS] VSd esa ,d fjlko ds dkj.k nksuksa ikbiksa
o`f) dj nh tkrh gS] rks mls /kkjk ds }kjk bls iwjh rjg ls Hkjus esa mlls 1.5
vuqdwy 39 km vkSj /kkjk ds izfrdwy 30 ?kaVs vf/kd yxrs gSaA ;fn VSd iwjh rjg ls
km tkus esa fdruk le; yxsxk\
Hkjk gqvk gks] rks dsoy fjlko }kjk VSad dks
SSC CGL 2021
iwjh rjg ls [kkyh djus esa fdruk le;
(a) 2 hrs 40 m (b) 3 hrs 10 m yxsxk\
(c) 3 hrs 40 m (d) 4 hrs 50 m SSC MTS 2022
(a) 42 hr (b) 40 hr
(c) 36 hr (d) 45 hr

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DATE: 22/07/2024

10.Mixture of milk and water in

9. X can do a piece of work alone in three bottles of equal capacity is
15 days while Y alone can do it in the ratio 4 : 1, 4 : 3 and 1 : 2
10 days. They worked together for respectively. These three bottles
3 days and the remaining work is are emptied into a large bottle.
finished by Z in 1 day. If they get What will be the ratio of milk and
paid Rs. 4000 for the entire work, water respectively in the large
then what is the share of Z? bottle?
X vdsys fdlh dke dks 15 fnuksa esa dj समान क्षमता की तीन बोतलों में दध
ू और
ldrk gS tcfd Y vdsys mlh dke dks पानी के ममश्रण का अनुपात क्रमशः 4:1,
10 fnuksa esa dj ldrk gSA mUgksaus 3 fnuksa
rd lkFk feydj dke fd;k vkSj 'ks"k dke 4:3 और 1:2 है। इन तीनों बोतलों को एक
Z us 1 fnu esa iwjk fd;kA ;fn mUgsa iwjs बडी बोतल में खाली कर ददया जाता है। बडी
dke ds fy, Rs. 4000 dk Hkqxrku fd;k बोतल में दध
ू और पानी का अनुपात क्रमशः
tkrk gS] rks blesa Z dk fgLlk fdruk gS\
SSC MTS 2023 क्या होगा?
(a) Rs. 2000 (b) Rs. 1000 SSC MTS 2023
(c) Rs. 1200 (d) Rs. 800 (a) 179 : 136 (b) 152 : 165
(c) 198 : 175 (d) 133 : 145

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (a)

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DATE: 22/07/2024

1. Select the set in which the Some dancers are writers./dqN
numbers are related in the same Mkalj] jkbVj gSaA
way as are the numbers of the All Writers are students./lHkh jkbVj]
given sets (NOTE: Operations LVwMsaV gSaA
should be performed on the whole Conclusions:/fu"d"kZ%
numbers, without breaking down I. Some students are
the numbers into its constituent dancers./dqN LVwMsV
a Mkalj gSaA
digits.) II. Some students are writers./dqN
LVwMsaV jkbVj gSaA
ml leqPp; dk p;u djsa ftlesa la[;k,¡ mlh III. No student is a dancer./dksbZ Hkh
izdkj ls lacaf/kr gSa ftl izdkj fn, x, LVwMsaV] Mkalj ugha gSaA
leqPp; dh la[;k,¡ lacaf/kr gSaA (uksV% la[;kvksa SSC CGL 2020
dks mlds ?kVd vadksa esa foHkkftr fd, fcuk] (a) Only conclusions II and III
iw.kZ la[;kvksa ij lafØ;kvksa dks fd;k tkuk follow/dsoy fu"d"kZ II vkSj III
pkfg,A) SSC CGL 2023 vuqlj.k djrs gSa
(14, 10, 296) (b) Only conclusions I and II
(8, 17, 353) follow/ dsoy fu"d"kZ I vkSj II vuqlj.k
(a) (29, 7, 690) (b) (18, 6, 576) djrs gSa
(c) (5, 13, 194) (d) (12, 3, 135)
(c) Only conclusions I, II and III
2. In a certain code language,
follow/dsoy fu"d"kZ I, II vkSj III
‘SUPER’ is coded as ‘61’ and
vuqlj.k djrs gSa
‘COLOR’ is coded as ‘77’. How will
(d) Either conclusions I or III
‘CENTER’ be coded in that
follow/;k rks fu"d"kZ I vFkok III
vuqlj.k djrs gSa
,d fuf’pr dwV Hkk"kk esa] ‘SUPER’ dks ‘61’
5. If, 'A % Z' means 'A is the son of Z',
vkSj ‘COLOR’ dk ‘77’ ds :i esa dwVc)
'A & Z' means 'A is the father of Z',
fd;k tkrk gSA mlh Hkk"kk esa ‘CENTER’ dks 'A x Z' means 'A is sister of Z',
fdl izdkj dwVc) fd;k tk,xk\ 'A # Z' means 'A is the mother of Z,
SSC Phase XI 'A $ Z' means 'A is the daughter of Z',
(a) 77 (b) 98 'A @ Z' means 'A is daughter-in-law of
(c) 65 (d) 103 Z', then in the given expression, how
3. M_ _KS _ ON _ SMO_K_ _ _ NKS is C related to D?
SSC CGL 2023 'A % Z' dk vFkZ gS 'A, Z dk iq=k gS',
(a) ONMNKOMS (b) ONMKNSMO 'A & Z' dk vFkZ gS 'A, Z ds firk gS',
(c) ONMMMMMO (d) NMOKNSMO 'A x Z' dk vFkZ gS 'A, Z dh cgu gS ',
4. Statements:/dFku% 'A # Z' dk vFkZ gS 'A, Z dh ekrk gS’,

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DATE: 22/07/2024

Shweta is second to the left of

'A $ Z' dk vFkZ gS 'A, Z dh iq=h gS', Aarti. Laxmi is fourth to the right
'A @ Z' dk vFkZ gS 'A, Z dh iq=o/kw gS', rks of Shweta. Mansi is the
fn, x, O;atd es]a C dk D ls D;k laca/k gS\ immediate neighbour of both
C$A#E&B%G@D Shweta and Aarti. Who is second
SSC Phase XI to the right of Mansi?
(a) wife/iRuh vkB lgsfy;k¡ ekulh] 'osrk] eksfudk] ik;y]
(b) brother/HkkbZ vkrh] dkty] y{eh vkSj jkuh ,d o`Ùkkdkj est
(c) sister/cgu ds pkjksa vksj dsna z dh vksj eq[k djds cSBh gSa
(d) daughter/iq=h (ijarq t:jh ugha fd os blh Øe esa cSBha gksa)A
6. In the following figure, the eksfudk] dkty ds nkbZa vksj ls nwljs LFkku ij
triangle represents ‘carpenters’, gSA dkty] 'osrk ds nkbZa vkSj ls rhljs LFkku
the circle represents ‘black smith’ ij gSA ik;y] 'osrk ds Bhd ckbZ vksj gSA 'osrk]
and the rectangle represents vkjrh ds ckbZa vksj ls nwljs LFkku ij gSA y{eh]
‘fishermen”. How many people are 'osrk ds nkbZa vksj ls pkSFks LFkku ij gSA ekulh]
fishermen? 'osrk vkSj
fuEufyf[kr vkd`fr esa] f=Hkqt ^c<+bZ* dk vkjrh nksuksa dh fudVre iM+kslh gSA ekulh ds
izfrfuf/kRo djrk gS] o`Ùk ^yksgkj* dk izfrfuf/kRo nkbZa vkSj ls nwljs LFkku ij dkSu gS\
djrk gS vkSj vk;r ^eNqvkjks*a dk izfrfuf/kRo SSC MTS 2023
djrk gSA eNqvkjs fdrus yksx gSa\ (a) Aarti/vkjrh (b) Laxmi./y{eh
SSC MTS 2021 (c) Rani/jkuh (d) Kajal/dkty
8. Richa starts walking from her
home and walks 50m towardswest
2 2 and then turns left and walks
4 90m. Then she again turns left
and walks 30. After that she again
(a) 13 (b) 1 turns left and goes 120 m. She
(c) 9 (d) 10 finally turns right and walks 20 m
7. Eight friends Mansi, Shweta, and reaches her final destination.
Monika, Payal, Aarti, Kajal, Laxmi How far is she from her home now
and Rani are sitting around a and in which direction is
circular table facing towards the reference to her home?
centre (not necessarily in the _pk vius ?kj ls pyk 'kq: djrh gS rFkk
same order). Monika is seconds to if’pe dh rjiQ 50 ehVj pyrh gS vkSj fQj
the right of Kajal. Kajal is third ck,a eqM+dj 90 eh pyrh gSA r cog fQj ls
to the right of Shweta. Payal is to ck,a eqM+rh gS ,oa 30 eh pyrh gSA blds ckn
the immediate left of Shweta. og fij ls ck,a eqM+rh gS ,oa 120 eh pyrh
gSA og varr% nk;s eqM+rh gS vkSj 20 eh pydj

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DATE: 22/07/2024

vius xarO; LFky ij igq¡prh gSA vHkh og vius

?kj ls fdruh nwjh ij gS rFkk og vius ?kj ls
fdl fn’kk esa gS\ 10. After arranging the given words
SSC CPO 2019 according to dictionary order,
which word will come at ‘Third’
(a) 40 m, North West position?
(b) 30 m. South fn, x, 'kCnksa dks vaxzsth 'kCndks'k ds vuqlkj
(c) 40 m North East O;ofLFkr djus ds i’pkr] dkSu lk 'kCn ^rhljs
(d) 30 m. North east LFkku ij vk,xk\
9. After interchanging the given two 1. Unaffected 2. Unarmed
signs and two numbers, what will 3. Unasked 4. Unattached
be the value of the given 5. Unauthorized SSC CGL 2022
equation? (a) Unauthorized (b) Unarmed
fn, x, nks fpàksa vkSj nks la[;kvksa dks vkil esa (c) Unasked (d) Unattached
cnyus ij] fn, x, lehdj.k dk eku D;k
+ and –; 7 and 9
8×7+9÷1– 5 SSC MTS 2023
(a) 70 (b) 60
(c) 40 (d) 10

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (c)

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DATE: 22/07/2024

1. Distend (verb) – To swell, become large because of pressure – Qwyuk ;k Qwykuk
Synonyms- Inflate, dilate, accelerate, amplify, augment, enlarge, escalate, expand,
elongate, prolong
Antonyms – Abbreviate, abridge, curtail, compress, condense, abate, dwindle
2. Vindictive (adjective) – A wish to harm someone, unwilling to forgive – izfr'kks/kh
Synonyms- Revengeful, vengeful, avenging, resentful, virulent, cruel, venomous
Antonyms – Benign, benevolent, altruistic, magnanimous, kind, sympathetic
3. Cryptic (adjective) – Mysterious and difficult to understand – xqIr
Synonyms- Arcane, enigmatic, occult, uncanny, obscure, impenetrable,
inscrutable, vague
Antonyms – Intelligible, evident, apparent, perspicuous, unambiguous, palpable
4. Penchant (noun) – Liking of or habit of doing something, a strong inclination
– yxu] :fp
Synonyms - Affection, affinity, bent, bias, devices, leaning, predilection, propensity
Antonyms – Averseness, aversion, disinclination, apathy, unconcern


5. One who works very hard Industrious (Adj.) esgurh
6. Not fit to eat Inedible (Adj.) v[kk|

7. Out of date Something old fashioned iqjkus tekus dk

8. Out of my wits Greatly confused cgqr my>u esa

9. Out of sorts To be unwell vLoLFk gksuk

10. Out of spirits Gloomy or sad mRlkgghu

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DATE: 22/07/2024

Cloze Test
We need the energy to move and we (1)_____ on oil for it. Without it, our jobs,
our free time and our mobility (2)_____ all be very different. Every day we
(3)______ 70 million barrels of oil. Every year we consume 2,200 million
tonnes of coal and 2,500 billion cubic metres of gas. It's a long story! Total
(4)_____ in 1924, and for many years it was a French state oil company. In
1999, Total joined Petrofina, the Belgian oil and gas company, and in 2000,
Total (5)_____ with its main French competitor, Elf Aquitaine, and the name
became Total Fina Elf. Now it's called Total again, and it's France's biggest

SSC CGL 19/07/2023 (3rd shift)

Q1. (a) hang (b) turn (c) settle (d) depend

Q2. (a) can (b) shall (c) could (d) will

Q3. (a) consume (b) devour (c) take (d) absorb

Q4. (a) had founded (b) was founded (c) founded (d) were founded

Q5. (a) merged (b) combine (c) join (d) incorporate\

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a)

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DATE: 22/07/2024

General Knowledge

1. Who among the following is the (b) Vikas Swarup/fodkl Lo:i

author of the book “An (c) Kiran Desai/fdj.k nslkbZ
Autobiography : Toward (d) R K Narayan/vkj ds ukjk;.k
5. Among the following freedom
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu **,u vkWVksck;ksxzkQh % fighters of India, whose
VqoMZ ˈफ़्रीडमˈ iqLrd ds ys[kd gSa\ autobiography is ‘Why am I an
SSC MTS 2023 Atheist’?
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai/ykyk yktir jk; Hkkjr ds fuEufyf[kr Lora=rk lsukfu;ksa esa
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru/tokgjyky ls fdldh vkRedFkk ^OgkbZ ,e vk;h ,u
usg: vFskbLV*(‘Why am I an Atheist’) gS
(c) Indira Gandhi/bafnjk xka/kh SSC CHSL 2022
(d) Mahatma Gandhi/egkRek xka/kh (a) Ras Behari Bose/jkl fcgkjh cksl
2. ‘I Am No Messiah’ is an (b) Bhagat Singh/Hkxr flag
autobiography of the acto _______. (c) Ram Prasad/jke izlkn fcfLey
^vkbZ ,e uks elhgk*] vfHkusrk dh vkRedFkk (d) Aurobindo Ghosh/vjfcanks ?kks"k
gSA 6. Who among the following is the
SSC CPO 2022 author of the famous classic
(a) Sonu Sood/lksuw lwn ‘Alice’s Adventures in
(b) Salman Khan/lyeku [kku Wonderland’?
(c) Sonu Nigam/lksuw fuxe fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu izfl) Dykfld
(d) Amir Khan/vkfej [kku ^,sfyl ,Mosp
a lZ bu oaMjySaM ds ys[kd gSa\
3. ‘Dollar Bahu’ is written by whom SSC CHSL 2022
among the following Indian (a) Roald Dahl
authors? MkWyj cgw(b) Ruskin Bond
* fuEufyf[kr Hkkrh; ys[kdksa esa ls fdlds }kjk fy[k
SSC CPO 2022 (c) Lewis Carroll
(d) Ernest Hemingway
(a) Kiran Desai/fdj.k nslkbZ
7. Surendranath Banerjee’s
(b) Arundhati Roy/v#a/kfr jkW;
autobiography is called _______.
(c) Sudha Murty/lq/kk ewfrZ
lqjnsa zukFk cuthZ dh vkRedFkk dh _______
(d) Khushwant Singh/[kq[koar flag dgk tkrk gSA
4. Who is the author of the book SSC CHSL 2022
‘Slumdog Millionaire’?
(a) Hind Swaraj/fgan Lojkt
^LyeMkWx fefy;us;j* (Slumdog
(b) A Nation in the Making/v us’ku
Millionaire) iqLrd ds ys[kd dkSu gSa\
bu n esfdax
SSC MTS 2022
(c) Young India/;ax bafM;k
(a) APJ Abdul Kalam/,ihts vCnqy
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DATE: 22/07/2024

(d) Hints for Self Culture/fgaV~l QkWj

lsYQ dYpj (a) Ajit Ninan/vthr uSuu
8. ‘Faster than Lightning: My (b) RK Laxman/vkj- ds- y{e.k
Autobiography’ is the story of (c) OV Vijayan /vks-oh- fot;u
which of the following (d) Mario Miranda/ekfj;ks fejkaMk
international sprinters?
10 Which of the following pairs of
^QkLVj nsu ykbVfuax % ek; vkWVksck;ksxzkQh* authors and autobiographies is
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl varjjk"Vªh; /kkod CORRECTLY matched?
dh dgkuh gS\ fuEufyf[kr esa ls ys[kdksa vkSj vkRedFkkvksa
SSC CHSL 2022 dk dkSu lkl ;qXe lgh lqesfyr gS\
(a) Usain Bolt/mlkSu cksYV SSC CHSL 2022
(b) Justin Gatlin/tfLVu xSVfyu (a) Jahangir - Baburnama/tgkaxhj
(c) Christian Coleman/fØf’p;u & ckcjukek
dksyeSu (b) Satyajit Ray – Living
(d) Michael Norman/ekbdy ukWeZu Shadows/lR;thr js&fyfoax 'kSMks
9. Which Indian cartoonist’s (c) JB Kripalani – My Times/tsch
autobiography is titled ‘The d`iykuh & ekbZ VkbEl
Tunnel of Time’? (d) Aribam Syam Sharma – Jakhan
fdl Hkkjrh; dkVwZfuLV dh vkRedFkk dk Choto Chilam/vjhc ';ke 'kekZ &
'kh"kZd ^^nh Vuy vkWQ Vkbe** gS\ tk[ku NksVks fpye

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)

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DATE: 22/07/2024

Concept of the Day


3. If height of two triangles is same, 1

the ratio of their area is × BC × AD
Area of ABC AD
∴ =2 =
proportional to the ratio of their Area of PQR 1
bases. × QR × PM PM
;fn nks f=Hkqtksa dh Å¡pkbZ leku gS] rks Ex. If there sides of a triangle are
muds {ks=Qy dk vuqikr muds vk/kkjksa ds 8cm, 17 m and x cm for what
vuqikr ds lekuqikrh gksrk gSA value of x area of triangle is
A X maximum?
,d f=Hkqt dh rhu Hkqtk;sa 8 lseh-] 17 lseh-
H H ] x lseh- gS x ds fdl ek ds fy, f=Hkqt
dk {ks=Qy vf/kdre gksxk\
P (a) 15 cm (b) 17 cm
Height of ∆ABC = Height of ∆XYZ (c) 18.79 cm (d) 23.16 cm
∴ AD = XP = H Sol.(c)
× BC × AD
Area of ABC 2
Area of XYZ 1 × YZ × XP
BC × H BC  17
YZ × H YZ 8
4. If the base of two triangles is
same, the ratio of their areas is
proportional to the ratio of their x
heights. Area of ∆ = × 8 × 17 × sin
;fn nks f=Hkqtksa dk vk/kkj leku gS] rks max = sin θmax
muds {ks=Qyksa dk vuqikr mudh Å¡pkb;ksa 1
ds vuqikr ds lekuqikrh gksrk gSA Area of  max =  8 17 1 68 cm2
sin θmax = 1 at  = 90º
X = 82 + 172 = 353 = 18.79 cm

Base of ∆ABC = Base of ∆PQR
∴ BC = QR

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