Colorful Illustrative Basketball Multiplication Arrays

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Pasado Simple (Simple Past):
Estructura afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo en pasado simple
(+ Complementos). Ejemplo: "She danced all night."

Estructura negativa: Sujeto + "did not" o "didn't" +

Verbo en infinitivo sin "to" (+ Complementos). Ejemplo:
"They didn't go to the party."

Estructura interrogativa: "Did" + Sujeto + Verbo en

infinitivo sin "to" (+ Complementos)? Ejemplo: "Did you
finish your homework?"
1. Afirmativas:
She walked to school yesterday.
He finished his homework before dinner.
They visited Paris last summer.
The sun shone brightly all day.
2. Negativas:
She didn't like the movie.
He didn't go to the party.
They didn't study for the test.
It didn't rain yesterday.
3. Interrogativas:
Did she arrive on time?
Did they enjoy the concert?
Did he play football yesterday?
Did you see the accident?

El Pasado Simple se usa para describir acciones completas y finalizadas en el pasado. Es

importante recordar que en oraciones afirmativas y negativas, el verbo principal se
conjuga en su forma pasada, mientras que en oraciones interrogativas, se utiliza "did"
seguido del infinitivo del verbo sin "to".
Pasado Continuo (Past Continuous):

Estructura afirmativa: Sujeto + "was" o "were" + Verbo en

gerundio (-ing) (+ Complementos).
Ejemplo: "She was sleeping when the phone rang."

Estructura negativa: Sujeto + "was not" o "wasn't" / "were not" o

"weren't" + Verbo en gerundio (-ing) (+ Complementos).
Ejemplo: "They weren't watching TV at that time."

Estructura interrogativa: "Was" o "Were" + Sujeto + Verbo en

gerundio (-ing) (+ Complementos)?
Ejemplo: "Was he studying when you called?"
1. Afirmativas:
She was studying when I called her.
They were playing basketball at 5 PM yesterday.
He was cooking dinner while she was watching TV.
The birds were chirping loudly in the morning.
2. Negativas:
She wasn't listening to music while she was working.
They weren't talking during the class.
He wasn't sleeping when the phone rang.
The children weren't playing outside because it was raining.
3. Interrogativas:
Was she studying when you called her?
Were they playing basketball at 5 PM yesterday?
Was he cooking dinner while she was watching TV?
Were the birds chirping loudly in the morning?
El Pasado Continuo se utiliza para expresar acciones en progreso en un momento
específico del pasado o para describir dos acciones en progreso simultáneamente en el
pasado. Se forma con el verbo "to be" en pasado (was/were) seguido del verbo principal
en su forma de gerundio (-ing).
Pasado Perfecto (Present Perfect):

Estructura afirmativa: Sujeto + "have" o "has" + Participio

pasado del verbo (+ Complementos). Ejemplo: "She has
finished her work."

Estructura negativa: Sujeto + "have not" o "has not" /

"haven't" o "hasn't" + Participio pasado del verbo (+
Ejemplo: "They haven't seen the movie yet."

Estructura interrogativa: "Have" o "Has" + Sujeto + Participio

pasado del verbo (+ Complementos)? Ejemplo: "Have you ever
been to Paris?"
"I have visited Paris."
En esta oración, "have visited" es la forma del Pasado Perfecto del
verbo "to visit". Indica que la acción de visitar París ocurrió en
algún momento antes del presente, pero no se especifica cuándo
exactamente. La estructura "have" (o "has" si el sujeto es tercera
persona singular) + participio pasado del verbo ("visited" en este
caso) se utiliza para formar el Pasado Perfecto en inglés.
She has finished her homework.
They have traveled to many countries.
He has lived in this city for ten years.
I have read that book already.
She hasn't eaten breakfast yet.
They haven't seen the new movie.
He hasn't finished his work.
I haven't visited Europe.
Has she arrived yet?
Have they finished the project?
Has he ever been to Japan?
Have you seen this movie before?

En estas oraciones, el Pasado Perfecto se forma con el auxiliar "have" o "has" (dependiendo
del sujeto) seguido del participio pasado del verbo principal. Se utiliza para hablar sobre
acciones que ocurrieron en algún momento antes del presente, sin especificar un tiempo
Pasado Perfecto Continuo (Past Perfect Continuous):

Estructura afirmativa: Sujeto + "had been" + Verbo en

gerundio (-ing) + Complementos. Ejemplo: "She had been
studying for hours before the exam."

Estructura negativa: Sujeto + "had not been" (o "hadn't been")

+ Verbo en gerundio (-ing) + Complementos. Ejemplo: "They
hadn't been waiting for too long when the bus finally arrived."

Estructura interrogativa: "Had" + Sujeto + "been" + Verbo en

gerundio (-ing) + Complementos? Ejemplo: "Had you been
working on this project for a long time before it was
1. Afirmativas:
She had been studying for two hours before the exam.
They had been waiting at the airport for hours when their flight was finally announced.
He had been working out at the gym for weeks before he noticed any changes in his body.
The students had been practicing for the concert for months.
2. Negativas:
She hadn't been feeling well for days before she went to the doctor.
They hadn't been working on the project long enough to make significant progress.
He hadn't been paying attention during the lecture, so he didn't understand the topic.
The flowers hadn't been growing well because of the lack of sunlight.
3. Interrogativas:
Had she been studying for two hours before the exam?
Had they been waiting at the airport for hours when their flight was finally announced?
Had he been working out at the gym for weeks before he noticed any changes in his body?
Had the students been practicing for the concert for months?

En estas oraciones, el Pasado Perfecto Continuo se forma con el verbo "to have" en su forma
pasada ("had") seguido del verbo "to be" en su forma pasada ("been") y el verbo principal en su
forma de gerundio ("-ing"). Se utiliza para hablar sobre una acción continua que tuvo lugar
durante un período de tiempo antes de otro evento en el pasado.
Pasado Perfecto Simple (Past Perfect Simple):

Estructura afirmativa: Sujeto + "had" + Participio pasado del

verbo + Complementos. Ejemplo: "She had finished her
homework before dinner."

Estructura negativa: Sujeto + "had not" (o "hadn't") +

Participio pasado del verbo + Complementos. Ejemplo: "They
hadn't seen each other for years before they met again."

Estructura interrogativa: "Had" + Sujeto + Participio pasado

del verbo + Complementos? Ejemplo: "Had you ever visited
London before last summer?"
1. Afirmativas:
She had finished her homework before dinner.
They had already left when we arrived.
He had studied English before he moved to the United States.
The train had departed by the time we reached the station.
2. Negativas:
She hadn't seen that movie before last night.
They hadn't visited Europe until last summer.
He hadn't eaten sushi until he went to Japan.
The project hadn't been completed before the deadline.
3. Interrogativas:
Had she finished her homework before dinner?
Had they already left when we arrived?
Had he studied English before he moved to the United States?
Had the train departed by the time we reached the station?

En estas oraciones, el Pasado Perfecto Simple se forma con el verbo "to have" en su forma
pasada ("had") seguido del participio pasado del verbo principal. Se utiliza para indicar que
una acción ocurrió antes de otra acción o evento en el pasado.

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