Teng Et Al 2024 Life Tables of Annual Life Expectancy and Risk Factors For Mortality in Cats in The Uk

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1234556 JFM Journal of Feline Medicine and SurgeryTeng et al

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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

Life tables of annual life expectancy 1­–11

© The Author(s) 2024
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DOI: 10.1177/1098612X241234556

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Kendy Tzu-yun Teng1 , Dave C Brodbelt2,

David B Church3 and Dan G O’Neill2

Objectives The aims of the present study were to generate the first life tables for the UK companion cat population
overall as well as broken down by sex and breed status, and to quantify associations between mortality and traits
such as sex, neuter status, breed status and body weight in relation to mortality.
Methods Life table construction and modelling included data on 7936 confirmed deaths in cats under primary
veterinary care at clinics participating in the VetCompass Programme in 2019. The life tables were built for cats
overall, female and male cats, and crossbred and purebred cats. Multivariable generalised linear regression models
were generated to explore the risk factors for a shortened lifespan.
Results Life expectancy at age 0 for UK companion cats overall was 11.74 years (95% confidence interval [CI]
11.61−11.87). The probability of death at each year interval increased with age from year interval 3–4, with the
probability value not exceeding 0.05 before year 9. Female cats (12.51 years; 95% CI 12.32–12.69) had a 1.33-year
longer life expectancy than male cats (11.18 years; 95% CI 11.01–11.38) at age 0. Among the 12 breeds (including
crossbred) analysed, Burmese and Birman had the longest life expectancy at year 0, showing 14.42 years (95% CI
12.91–15.93) and 14.39 years (95% CI 12.87–15.91), respectively. Sphynx had the shortest life expectancy at year
0 among the analysed breeds at 6.68 years (95% CI 4.53–8.83). Being entire, purebred and with a non-ideal body
weight were significantly linked to a decreased lifespan.
Conclusions and relevance The life tables presented here for companion cats in the UK overall, by sex, and by
crossbred and purebred cats can contribute to a better understanding of the life trajectory of cats, helping with
evidence-based decision-making for cat owners and the veterinary profession. We have also provided an updated
life expectancy at age 0 for various cat breeds for 2019 and showed evidence of the association between non-ideal
weight and a decreased lifespan.

Keywords: VetCompass; electronic patient record; EPR; breed; epidemiology; primary care; veterinary; death;
lifespan; weight; body condition score; BCS

Accepted: 5 February 2024

Reliable and generalisable information about mortality
and life expectancy is crucial for improved understand- 1Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary
ing of the health and welfare of the companion cat popu- Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City,
lation.1–3 Changing trends over time in the life expectancy Taiwan
2Pathobiology and Population Sciences, The Royal Veterinary
of a cat population may suggest changes in the general
College, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK
health of the population.1 In addition, a lifespan com- 3Clinical Sciences and Services, The Royal Veterinary College,

parison between different subgroups of cats can iden- Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK

tify potentially less-healthy cat groups.2,4 Various factors
Corresponding author:
have previously been suggested to be associated with a
Kendy Tzu-yun Teng DVM, PhD, Department of Veterinary
shortened lifespan in cats, such as male sex,1,2,4,5 specific Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing
breeds (eg, Bengal and Ragdoll)2,4 and non-ideal body University, Taichung City, 402, Taiwan
condition.1,3 Email: [email protected]

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).
2 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 

There are two main ways of reporting the overall mor- Materials and methods
tality of cats described in the literature: average (mean or Ethics approval was obtained from the RVC Ethics and
median) overall ages at death and, more recently, life table Welfare Committee (SR2018-1652). The sampling frame
methods. The average overall ages at death have been of the present study included all cats under primary vet-
investigated and reported using various data sources, erinary care at clinics participating in the VetCompass
including primary veterinary caseloads,2 insurance data- Programme during 2019. Cats under veterinary care were
bases,4 mortality cases reported by veterinary clinics and defined as those with at least one electronic patient record
hospitals,5 and cases examined post mortem.6 However, (EPR) (free-text clinical note, treatment or body weight)
summarising the complexity of lifespan information from recorded during 2019. VetCompass collates de-identified
a large population into just a single value (ie average age EPR data from primary care veterinary practices in the
at death) provides relatively limited information about UK for epidemiological research.11 Relevant data fields
cat mortality when compared with life tables. A life table available for the present study included a unique animal
presents the life expectancy and probability of death at identifier along with veterinary group identifier, species,
a range of different ages or age groups within a given breed, date of birth, sex and neuter status, plus body
population.1,7–9 One of the most important features is that weight, free-form text clinical notes and treatment data
the life expectancy (ie, average remaining lifespan) at dif- with relevant dates.12
ferent ages is estimated by excluding information on cats To identify deaths, case-finding involved initial screen-
in the population that have died at a younger age. Thus, ing of all EPRs to identify candidate death cases by using
a reliable life table can illustrate that life expectancy at search terms in the clinical note field (search terms: euth*,
each age is not the average lifespan minus that age and pts*, crem*, ashes, pento*, casket, beech, decease*, death,
allow veterinary professionals to deliver more accurate ‘put to sleep’, doa, died, killed, ‘home bury’~1, [‘bury’
life expectancy information at different ages to (potential) and ‘home’] ) and treatment field (search terms: euth*,
cat owners whenever applicable. pento*, crem*, casket, scatter, beech). Unique candidate
Life tables have been widely used in human public cases identified from these searches were randomly
health for many years but recently have started to be ordered, and the clinical notes of a random subset of
applied to dog and cat populations to better understand candidates were manually reviewed in detail to evaluate
their mortality.1,7–9 Two published studies on cat life for case inclusion. A confirmed death required firm evi-
tables currently exist in the academic literature based on dence in the EPR that the cat had died at any date from 1
two distinct cat populations.1,10 Hayashidani et al10 used January 2019 onwards until the end of the study period
cemetery data of 3936 cats in Tokyo, Japan, between 1981 (31 March 2021). The date of confirmed death and the
and 1982, and Montoya et al1 generated life tables for methods of death were extracted for each death.
cats across survey years 2013–2019 with clinical records For deceased cats, breed-descriptive information
from >1000 Banfield Pet Hospitals in the USA. However, entered by the participating practices was cleaned and
effects from demographical boundaries that promote dif- mapped to a VetCompass breed list derived and extended
ferent genetic reservoirs as well as different breeding, from the VeNom Coding breed list.12 A breed status vari-
ownership and cat healthcare practices may result in life able categorised cats of recognisable breeds as ‘purebred’
tables from one region being poorly generalisable to other and cats recorded as mixes of breeds, domestic shorthair,
regions.1,7–9 Consequently, a more ideal situation is for domestic mediumhair and domestic longhair as ‘cross-
each geographical area to have representative life tables bred’. Sex and neuter status were defined by the final
for its domestic populations. available EPR value. Adult body weight was defined as
The aim of the present study was to generate the first the mean of all body weight values (in kg) recorded for
life tables for the UK companion cat population over- each cat after reaching the age of 9 months.
all and with further differentiation for cats of different After checking for internal validity, data cleaning
sexes and breed statuses using death data from clinical and management were performed using Excel 2013
records of cats under primary veterinary care in the UK. (Microsoft Corp) and R program version 4.2.2 (RStudio
The study also aimed to explore and quantify associa- 2022.12.0+353 ‘Elsbeth Geranium’).13,14 Descriptive and
tions between different traits of cats and early mortality. inferential analyses, cohort life table construction and
In the current investigation, life expectancy is defined as regression modelling were facilitated by R packages
“the mean lifespan of animals alive in the population,” ‘tidyverse’, ‘ggrepel’ and ‘janitor’.15–17
while lifespan refers to “the duration of an individual’s Life tables were constructed using the lifespan of
life.” The results of the study were expected to improve deceased cats for cats overall, both sexes, crossbred cats
our understanding of mortality and the life expectancy and purebred cats with the methods described in the
patterns of companion cats in the UK and help to identify study by Teng et al,9 originally presented in the study
subpopulations with lower life expectancies. by Chiang (1972).18 The 95% confidence interval (CI)
Teng et al 3

for life expectancy at each year was generated using [IQR] 1–7, range 0–91). For cats that died after 9 months
empirical bootstrapping with 10,000 iterations.19 In (n = 7722, 97.3%), the median adult body weight for 4951
addition to the life tables, descriptive information about (64.1%) cats with body weight information recorded was
longevity for breeds with ⩾15 cats was generated. 5.5 kg (IQR 4.1–7.2, range 1.5–15.0). The mechanism of
One multivariable logistic regression model and death for most cats was euthanasia (n = 6642, 83.7%),
one multivariable linear regression model were built to with 987 (12.4%) cats having an unassisted death and 307
explore the risk factors for a shortened lifespan. Logistic (3.9%) cats with no records.
regression was conducted to examine the factors associ- Table 1 presents the overall life table for cats under
ated with early-age mortality (defined as death before the primary veterinary care in the UK in 2019. The life expec-
age of 3 years). The cut-off age was determined due to tancy at age 0 for UK companion cats was 11.74 years
year interval 3–4 having the lowest probability of death (95% CI 11.61–11.87), and the life expectancy decreased
within the population. The potential risk factors consid- with age (Figure 1). The probability of death within each
ered in the modelling included sex, neuter status, breed year interval increased with age from year interval 3–4,
status (cats without breed information were combined and the value did not exceed 0.05 before year 9. The prob-
into crossbred) and breed (breeds with <15 deaths were ability of cats dying in year 1–2 (0.047) was higher than in
grouped into ‘other’). Linear regression examined fac- years 0–1 (0.039) and 2–3 (0.041).
tors that might be associated with a shorter lifespan after Female cats (life expectancy 12.51 years; 95% CI 12.32–
turning into adult (ie cats died aged ⩾9 months), includ- 12.69) had a 1.33-years longer life expectancy than male
ing those considered in the logistic regression and the cats (life expectancy 11.18 years; 95% CI 11.01–11.38) at
absolute value of the difference between the adult body age 0 (Tables 2 and 3, Figure 2). The life expectancy gap
weight of each cat and the median adult body weight between female and male cats shrank with time and
within breed and sex strata (“body weight deviance”). became not significantly different at year 15–16. The life
Both models were conducted with two steps. First, the expectancy of crossbred cats at age 0 was 11.89 years (95%
subset of covariates with the lowest weighted sum of CI 11.76–12.03), more than 1.5 years longer than pure-
standardised differences between the Akaike information bred cats (10.41 years; 95% CI 9.99–10.83) (Tables 4 and 5,
criterion and Bayesian information criterion from all pos- Figure 3). The difference decreased sharply to 0.65 years
sible combinations of the covariates was selected.20 Next, in year 3–4 and stayed relatively steady until year 13–14
all possible models using the selected subset of covari- (range of difference in this period 0.53–0.65 years).
ates with biologically meaningful pairwise interactions Among the 12 breeds with 15 or more deaths (includ-
between the covariates were made, and the final model ing crossbred), Burmese and Birman had the longest life
was chosen from these models using the aforementioned expectancy at age 0 at 14.42 years (95% CI 12.91–15.93)
method.20 Diagnostic plots and variance inflation factors and 14.39 years (95% CI 12.87–15.91), respectively (Table
were generated to examine the assumptions and collin- 6). Crossbred cats (0.00–26.69 years) had the widest and
earity of the final models, respectively. The significance Sphynx cats (0.13–14.67 years) had the narrowest range
level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. of lifespans among the breeds analysed. Sphynx had
the shortest life expectancy at age 0 among the breeds
Results analysed at 6.68 years (95% CI 4.53–8.83). Cats that were
From an available population of 1,254,484 cats under vet- euthanased had a longer life expectancy at age 0 at 12.09
erinary care across six veterinary groups during 2019, ini- years (95% CI 11.95–12.23) than cats without records of
tial screening identified 159,590 (12.72%) candidate death method of death at 10.36 years (95% CI 9.68–11.04) and
cases at any date after 1 January 2019 until 31 March 2021 cats having unassisted deaths at 9.81 years (95% CI
in the available records. From 11,974 (7.50%) of these can- 9.43–10.19).
didate deaths that were manually checked, 7936 (66.28%) Two covariates, neuter status and breed status, were
were confirmed as having died and therefore included included in the final multivariable model for early age
in the analyses. Among the 7936 confirmed deaths, 3826 mortality (death before 3 years of age) (Table 7). Entire
(48.2%) were female, 4000 (50.4%) were male and 110 cats had 4.29 times (95% CI 3.72–4.95) the odds of death
(1.4%) had unrecorded sex and neuter status. Among before 3 years compared with neutered cats. Purebred
the cats with recorded sex and neuter status, 2701/3826 cats had 1.83 times (95% CI 1.50–2.23) higher odds of
(70.6%) female cats and 2929/4000 (73.2%) male cats dying before 3 years than crossbred cats.
were recorded as neutered. The 7936 deaths included 819 Sex, neuter status, breed status and body weight devi-
(10.3%) purebred cats, 6998 (88.2%) crossbred cats and 119 ance were significantly associated with the length of
(1.5%) cats without recorded breed information. At least life­span among cats that died after the age of 9 months
one adult body weight value was available for 6003/7936 (Table 8). After accounting for the effects of the other
(75.64%) cats. The median number of adult body weight covariates, male cats lived 1.20 years (95% CI 0.91–1.49)
values available for each cat was 2 (interquartile range less than female cats, and neutered cats lived 1.07 years
4 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 

Table 1 Cohort life table of cats under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the UK
in 2019

Age Number of Number of Probability of Mean fraction Number of Number of Life expectancy
(years) cats died in cats living cats dying in of last year of cat-years cat-years (95% CI) at year
(x, x+1) (x, x+1) (d x ) at x (l x ) (x, x+1) (q x ) life lived by cats lived in (x, lived beyond x (e x )
died in (x, x+1) x+1) (Lx ) year x (Tx )
(a x )

0–1 309 7936 0.039 0.55 7797.72 93,171.81 11.74 (11.61–11.87)

1–2 359 7627 0.047 0.51 7450.89 85,374.09 11.19 (11.07–11.32)
2–3 300 7268 0.041 0.48 7111.91 77,923.20 10.72 (10.60–10.84)
3–4 220 6968 0.032 0.51 6861.28 70,811.29 10.16 (10.05–10.27)
4–5 242 6748 0.036 0.55 6639.07 63,950.01 9.48 (9.37–9.58)
5–6 256 6506 0.039 0.53 6385.53 57,310.95 8.81 (8.71–8.91)
6–7 245 6250 0.039 0.48 6123.26 50,925.42 8.15 (8.05–8.24)
7–8 248 6005 0.041 0.50 5881.23 44,802.15 7.46 (7.37–7.56)
8–9 283 5757 0.049 0.54 5625.60 38,920.92 6.76 (6.67–6.85)
9–10 349 5474 0.064 0.53 5311.24 33,295.32 6.08 (6.00–6.17)
10–11 355 5125 0.069 0.52 4953.31 27,984.08 5.46 (5.38–5.54)
11–12 417 4770 0.087 0.49 4559.24 23,030.77 4.83 (4.75–4.91)
12–13 475 4353 0.109 0.54 4136.86 18,471.54 4.24 (4.17–4.32)
13–14 508 3878 0.131 0.54 3642.43 14,334.68 3.70 (3.62–3.77)
14–15 573 3370 0.170 0.51 3090.44 10,692.25 3.17 (3.10–3.24)
15–16 593 2797 0.212 0.51 2505.83 7601.81 2.72 (2.65–2.79)
16–17 542 2204 0.246 0.52 1941.77 5095.98 2.31 (2.24–2.38)
17–18 567 1662 0.341 0.49 1373.49 3154.21 1.90 (1.83–1.97)
18–19 442 1095 0.404 0.48 866.54 1780.72 1.63 (1.54–1.71)
19–20 321 653 0.492 0.45 476.51 914.18 1.40 (1.30–1.51)
20+ 174 332 0.524 0.45 235.91 437.67 1.32 (1.19–1.46)

CI = confidence interval

body weight from the median adult body weight within

the breed and sex strata.

This study generated the first cohort life tables for the
UK companion cat population to provide information
regarding annual life expectancy and the probability of
death. We also identified some factors associated with
early death and the length of lifespan in cats.
Compared with previously published life tables for
cats in Japan and the USA, life expectancy at age 0 was
highest in the UK at 11.74 years (95% CI 11.61–11.87), fol-
lowed by the USA (11.18 years; 95% CI 11.16–11.20) and
Japan (4.2 years).1,21 In addition to the life table studies,
Figure 1 Life expectancy (years) and probability of death for one study using 1325 mortality cases from 233 primary
cats under primary veterinary care at practices participating care veterinary clinics and referral veterinary hospitals
in VetCompass in the UK in 2019 in Taiwan reported a mean lifespan of 8.4 years for the
study population,5 and another with 3108 necropsy cases
from a single veterinary medical teaching hospital in the
(95% CI 0.72–1.42) longer than entire cats on average. USA between 1989 and 2019 showed a median lifespan
Crossbred cats lived 1.27 years (95% CI 0.80–1.74) longer of 9.07 years (IQR 4.20–12.92).6 In addition, using 4009
than purebred cats. Lifespan decreased by 0.02 years (95% cats with confirmed deaths from 90 primary care veteri-
CI 0.01–0.03) for each 100 g of increase or decrease in adult nary clinics in the UK between 1 September 2009 and 20
Teng et al 5

Table 2 Cohort life table of female cats under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the
UK in 2019

Age Number of Number of Probability Mean fraction of Number of Number of Life expectancy
(years) cats died in cats living of cats dying last year of life cat-years cat-years (95% CI) at
(x, x+1) (x, x+1) (d x ) at x (l x ) in (x, x+1) lived by cats died lived in lived beyond year x (e x )
(q x ) in (x, x+1) (a x ) (x, x+1) (Lx ) year x (Tx )

0–1 137 3826 0.036 0.58 3768.56 47,846.92 12.51 (12.32–12.69)

1–2 150 3689 0.041 0.49 3613.12 44,078.35 11.95 (11.77–12.13)
2–3 131 3539 0.037 0.47 3469.82 40,465.23 11.43 (11.27–11.60)
3–4 83 3408 0.024 0.52 3367.78 36,995.41 10.86 (10.70–11.01)
4–5 96 3325 0.029 0.52 3279.08 33,627.63 10.11 (9.97–10.26)
5–6 95 3229 0.029 0.58 3188.84 30,348.55 9.40 (9.26–9.54)
6–7 102 3134 0.033 0.47 3079.59 27,159.72 8.67 (8.54–8.80)
7–8 96 3032 0.032 0.48 2981.65 24,080.13 7.94 (7.82–8.07)
8–9 122 2936 0.042 0.53 2878.20 21,098.48 7.19 (7.07–7.31)
9–10 133 2814 0.047 0.53 2751.47 18,220.28 6.47 (6.36–6.59)
10–11 156 2681 0.058 0.54 2609.90 15,468.81 5.77 (5.66–5.89)
11–12 197 2525 0.078 0.48 2422.61 12,858.91 5.09 (4.99–5.20)
12–13 209 2328 0.090 0.53 2229.16 10,436.30 4.48 (4.38–4.59)
13–14 238 2119 0.112 0.55 2012.75 8207.14 3.87 (3.78–3.97)
14–15 283 1881 0.150 0.52 1745.75 6194.39 3.29 (3.20–3.39)
15–16 335 1598 0.210 0.52 1437.73 4448.64 2.78 (2.69–2.88)
16–17 292 1263 0.231 0.51 1120.44 3010.91 2.38 (2.30–2.48)
17–18 320 971 0.330 0.49 808.13 1890.47 1.95 (1.85–2.05)
18–19 259 651 0.398 0.49 518.07 1082.34 1.66 (1.56–1.77)
19–20 184 392 0.469 0.48 296.68 564.27 1.44 (1.32–1.57)
20+ 113 208 0.543 0.46 147.14 267.59 1.29 (1.13–1.46)

CI = confidence interval

Table 3 Cohort life table of male cats under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the UK
in 2019

Age Number of Number of Probability of Mean fraction of Number of Number of Life expectancy
(years) cats died in cats living cats dying in last year of life cat-years cat-years (95% CI) at
(x, x+1) (x, x+1) (d x ) at x (l x ) (x, x+1) (q x ) lived by cats died lived in lived beyond year x (e x )
in (x, x+1) (a x ) (x, x+1) (Lx ) year x (Tx )

0–1 135 4000 0.034 0.55 3938.91 44,720.45 11.18 (11.01–11.36)

1–2 195 3865 0.050 0.52 3772.01 40,781.54 10.55 (10.38–10.72)
2–3 164 3670 0.045 0.48 3585.24 37,009.53 10.08 (9.92–10.25)
3–4 135 3506 0.039 0.51 3440.45 33,424.29 9.53 (9.38–9.69)
4–5 132 3371 0.039 0.57 3313.78 29,983.84 8.89 (8.75–9.04)
5–6 160 3239 0.049 0.50 3159.68 26,670.06 8.23 (8.09–8.38)
6–7 138 3079 0.045 0.50 3009.45 23,510.38 7.64 (7.50–7.77)
7–8 151 2941 0.051 0.52 2868.47 20,500.93 6.97 (6.84–7.10)
8–9 159 2790 0.057 0.54 2717.29 17,632.45 6.32 (6.20–6.45)
9–10 215 2631 0.082 0.54 2531.23 14,915.16 5.67 (5.55–5.79)
10–11 195 2416 0.081 0.49 2317.30 12,383.93 5.13 (5.01–5.24)
11–12 218 2221 0.098 0.51 2113.30 10,066.63 4.53 (4.42–4.65)
12–13 261 2003 0.130 0.56 1887.59 7953.33 3.97 (3.86–4.08)
13–14 267 1742 0.153 0.52 1613.95 6065.73 3.48 (3.38–3.59)
14–15 288 1475 0.195 0.50 1332.06 4451.79 3.02 (2.91–3.13)
15–16 256 1187 0.216 0.49 1056.57 3119.73 2.63 (2.52–2.74)
16–17 248 931 0.266 0.52 812.57 2063.16 2.22 (2.11–2.32)
17–18 242 683 0.354 0.49 559.21 1250.58 1.83 (1.72–1.94)
18–19 182 441 0.413 0.48 345.95 691.37 1.57 (1.44–1.70)
19–20 136 259 0.525 0.41 178.76 345.43 1.33 (1.17–1.50)
20+ 61 123 0.496 0.42   87.77 166.66 1.35 (1.14–1.59)

CI = confidence interval
6 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 

These differences might have resulted from a combi-

nation of various factors. First, among the present and
the other aforementioned studies, only Montoya et al1
estimated life expectancy using population in different
calendar years rather than a hypothetical cohorts. The
use of a hypothetical (ie, not predetermined) cohort in
the estimation of life expectancy requires an assumption
of a stable population input and output,9 which might be
the case for the companion cat population in the UK.22
Second, the year of data collection and study population
varied widely between each of the studies. With advances
in care for companion animals, including veterinary care,
longer life expectancy can be expected with more recent
studies.1,21 Data from primary care veterinary clinics are
Figure 2 Life expectancy (dot) and the 95% confidence expected to be more representative of the life expectancy
interval (grey area) for female and male cats at different of the companion cat population in a geographical region
ages (years) under primary veterinary care at practices than information from referral hospitals and universi-
participating in VetCompass in the UK in 2019 ties.23 The Japanese life table was constructed using cats
that died in 1981 and 1982 and had the shortest life expec-
December 2012, O’Neill et al2 reported a median lifespan tancy at age 0 among the aforementioned studies; how-
of 14.0 years (IQR 9.0–17.0; range 0.0–26.7). This value is ever, even that might still be an overestimation of the life
substantially higher than the average lifespan in other expectancy of cats in that period because cats that were
studies, which might partly be attributed to selection bias buried in the cemetery in the early 1980s in Japan were
(most of the 90 clinics were from one veterinary group). likely to represent a subpopulation that received better

Table 4 Cohort life table of crossbred cats under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in
the UK in 2019

Age Number of Number of Probability of Mean fraction of Number of Number of Life expectancy
(years) cats died cats living cats dying last year of life cat-years lived cat-years lived (95% CI) at
(x, x+1) in (x, x+1) at x (l x ) in (x, x+1) lived by cats died in (x, x+1) beyond year year x (e x )
(d x ) (q x ) in (x, x+1) (a x ) (Lx ) x (Tx )

0–1 238 6998 0.034 0.55 6890.31 83,231.21 11.89 (11.76–12.03)

1–2 302 6760 0.045 0.52 6614.52 76,340.91 11.29 (11.16–11.42)
2–3 248 6458 0.038 0.48 6329.12 69,726.39 10.80 (10.67–10.92)
3–4 195 6210 0.031 0.52 6115.81 63,397.27 10.21 (10.09–10.33)
4–5 213 6015 0.035 0.55 5919.40 57,281.46 9.52 (9.41–9.64)
5–6 232 5802 0.040 0.53 5692.73 51,362.06 8.85 (8.74–8.96)
6–7 215 5570 0.039 0.48 5459.12 45,669.32 8.20 (8.10–8.30)
7–8 216 5355 0.040 0.51 5248.09 40,210.21 7.51 (7.41–7.61)
8–9 253 5139 0.049 0.53 5020.45 34,962.12 6.80 (6.71–6.90)
9–10 308 4886 0.063 0.52 4739.02 29,941.66 6.13 (6.04–6.22)
10–11 313 4578 0.068 0.52 4427.10 25,202.64 5.51 (5.42–5.59)
11–12 371 4265 0.087 0.49 4074.47 20,775.54 4.87 (4.79–4.95)
12–13 416 3894 0.107 0.55 3706.76 16,701.07 4.29 (4.21–4.37)
13–14 443 3478 0.127 0.54 3273.64 12,994.31 3.74 (3.66–3.81)
14–15 497 3035 0.164 0.50 2788.92 9720.67 3.20 (3.13–3.28)
15–16 532 2538 0.210 0.51 2276.75 6931.75 2.73 (2.66–2.80)
16–17 498 2006 0.248 0.52 1766.80 4655.00 2.32 (2.25–2.39)
17–18 506 1508 0.336 0.50 1253.24 2888.20 1.92 (1.84–1.99)
18–19 403 1002 0.402 0.48 792.81 1634.95 1.63 (1.55–1.72)
19–20 292 599 0.487 0.45 437.12 842.15 1.41 (1.30–1.51)
20+ 163 307 0.531 0.45 216.80 405.02 1.32 (1.18–1.47)

CI = confidence interval
Teng et al 7

Table 5 Cohort life table of purebred cats under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the
UK in 2019

Age Number of Number of Probability of Mean fraction Number of Number of Life expectancy
(years) cats died in cats living cats dying in of last year of cat-years cat-years lived (95% CI) at
(x, x+1) (x, x+1) (d x ) at x (l x ) (x, x+1) (q x ) life lived by lived in beyond year year x (e x )
cats died in (x, x+1) (Lx ) x (Tx )
(x, x+1) (a x )

0–1 58 819 0.071 0.54 792.35 8527.93 10.41 (9.99–10.83)

1–2 54 761 0.071 0.46 731.68 7735.58 10.17 (9.77–10.56)
2–3 46 707 0.065 0.47 682.41 7003.90 9.91 (9.53–10.28)
3–4 24 661 0.036 0.49 648.67 6321.49 9.56 (9.21–9.90)
4–5 26 637 0.041 0.54 625.13 5672.82 8.91 (8.57–9.23)
5–6 24 611 0.039 0.53 599.80 5047.69 8.26 (7.94–8.57)
6–7 30 587 0.051 0.47 571.15 4447.89 7.58 (7.28–7.88)
7–8 25 557 0.045 0.47 543.77 3876.75 6.96 (6.68–7.24)
8–9 28 532 0.053 0.56 519.78 3332.97 6.26 (5.99–6.54)
9–10 36 504 0.071 0.58 488.94 2813.19 5.58 (5.32–5.84)
10–11 36 468 0.077 0.47 448.95 2324.25 4.97 (4.72–5.22)
11–12 39 432 0.090 0.55 414.55 1875.30 4.34 (4.11–4.58)
12–13 51 393 0.130 0.52 368.59 1460.76 3.72 (3.48–3.96)
13–14 60 342 0.175 0.53 313.50 1092.16 3.19 (2.97–3.43)
14–15 67 282 0.238 0.57 252.94 778.66 2.76 (2.53-3.00)
15–16 55 215 0.256 0.49 187.10 525.72 2.45 (2.21–2.68)
16–17 37 160 0.231 0.43 138.80 338.62 2.12 (1.88–2.36)
17–18 53 123 0.431 0.44 93.48 199.83 1.62 (1.38–1.88)
18–19 31 70 0.443 0.48 53.87 106.34 1.52 (1.23–1.83)
19–20 20 39 0.513 0.52 29.37   52.48 1.35 (1.01–1.73)
20+ 19 19 1 1.22 23.10   23.10 1.22 (0.77–1.77)

CI = confidence interval

the present study, only 819 (10.3%) cats were purebred

compared with higher percentages of 15.8% and 17.3% for
the two studies from the USA.1,6 It is likely that the com-
position differs even more between Western and Asian
countries.24,25 Lastly, factors such as the frequency of cats
going outdoors and the culture of decision-making for
euthanasia, especially for non-life-threatening reasons,
affect the lifespan of the cat population but can differ
widely geographically.
In line with previous results showing a longer lifespan
in female cats than male, the current study identified that
female cats lived 1.33 years longer than male cats.1,2,4,5
Sex-related differences in life expectancy in mammals
have been documented extensively.26,27 Lemaître et al27
Figure 3 Life expectancy (dot) and the 95% confidence examined 101 wild mammal species and found that the
interval (grey area) for crossbred and purebred cats at female median lifespan is 18.6% longer than that of con-
different ages (years) under primary veterinary care at specific males on average, and it was 10.6% and 8.2% for
practices participating in VetCompass in the UK in 2019 the cats in the present study and in the study by Montoya
et al,1 respectively. However, the mechanisms and molec-
ular drivers for sex differences in ageing are currently
care from their owners while alive.21 Third, the composi- unclear.26 In cats, several health conditions predisposed
tion of popular cat breeds likely varies between different in male cats could lead to their earlier death, such as
countries. Although the phenomenon of international urinary tract obstruction,28 conditions related to fights or
variation in breed structure is well known in the dog traffic accidents25 and more infections with feline leukae-
population,9 information on cats is currently scarce.2,4 In mia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus.29
8 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 

Table 6 Lifespan statistics for purebreed and crossbred cats (including cats without breed information) under primary
veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the UK in 2019

Breed Life expectancy (95% CI) at age 0 Lifespan (years) Number of deaths

Burmese 14.42 (12.91–15.93) 0.74–21.29 45

Birman 14.39 (12.87–15.91) 0.94–22.25 38
Crossbred 11.89 (11.75–12.03) 0.00–26.69 7117
Siamese 11.69 (10.56–12.82) 0.66–21.48 88
Persian 10.93 (9.63–12.23) 0.01–21.68 80
Ragdoll 10.31 (8.86–11.76) 0.36–21.34 69
Norwegian Forest Cat 9.95 (7.55–12.35) 1.71–19.05 15
Maine Coon 9.71 (8.42–11.00) 0.03–21.61 69
Russian cats* 9.65 (7.20–12.10) 0.32–19.39 19
British cats† 9.58 (8.73–10.43) 0.01–22.32 194
Bengal 8.51 (7.12–9.90) 0.14–21.22 73
Sphynx 6.68 (4.53–8.83) 0.13–14.67 18

*Russian Blue and Russian (unspecified)

Blue, British Longhair
CI = confidence interval

Table 7 Multivariable early-life mortality logistic regression model for factors associated with early death in cats (died
before 3 years of age) under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass in the UK in 2019

Covariate Category Odds ratio (95% CI) Category P value P value for the covariate

Neuter status Neutered 1 – <0.001

Entire 4.29 (3.72–4.95) <0.001
Unknown 14.05 (9.52–20.75) <0.001
Breed status Crossbred 1 – <0.001
Purebred 1.83 (1.50–2.23) <0.001

CI = confidence interval

Table 8 Results of the final multivariable later life mortality linear regression model for factors associated with a longer
lifespan for cats that died after 9 months of age under primary veterinary care at practices participating in VetCompass
in the UK in 2019

Covariate Category Estimate (95% CI) P value P value for the covariate

Intercept 12.68 (12.30–13.06) – <0.001

Sex Female   0 – <0.001
Male −1.20 (−1.49–−0.91) <0.001 –
Unknown −3.53 (−5.58–−1.48)     0.001 –
Neuter status Entire    0 – <0.001
Neutered 1.07 (0.72–1.42) – –
Breed status Crossbred    0 – <0.001
Purebred −1.27 (−1.74–−0.80) – –
Body weight deviance* (per 100 g) −0.02 (−0.03–−0.01) – <0.001

*Body weight deviance: the absolute value of the difference between the adult body weight of each cat and the median adult body weight within
the breed and sex strata
CI = confidence interval

Similar to O’Neill et al,2 crossbred cats had a longer life Pet Hospitals in the USA showed the opposite effect, with
expectancy than purebred cats in the present study, and consistently longer life expectancies in purebred cats than
the odds for purebred cats dying before 3 years of age crossbred cats.1 Close inspection of the results from both
were 1.83 times higher than crossbred cats. Interestingly, studies shows that the life expectancy at age 0 of cross-
the life tables built using the clinical records from Banfield bred cats in 2019 is not appreciably different between
Teng et al 9

these two countries (UK 11.89 years, 95% CI 11.76–12.03 for individuals over time of 6–8 on a 9-point scale had the
vs USA 11.69 years, 95% CI 11.63–11.76). However, the longest lifespan.3 The Australian result was supported by
life expectancy at age 0 for purebred cats seemed to differ the study using EPRs from Banfield Pet Hospitals in the
substantially (UK 10.41 years, 95% CI 9.99–10.83 vs USA USA, reporting that cats with a median BCS recorded for
11.85 years, 95% CI 11.7–12). This difference might result individuals of 4/5, which is generally considered ‘over-
from a combination of factors, such as study design and weight’, had the longest life expectancy at age 0.1 Our
study population, the composition of popular cat breeds study further challenges the current definition of a healthy
in the countries, general health for the same breed in the weight for cats. In our investigation, the median adult
countries, veterinary care and euthanasia decision-mak- body weight for all cats was 5.5 kg, falling outside the ‘cat
ing. In addition, purebred cats in the USA were mainly healthy weight range of domestic cats: 3.6–4.5 kg’ recom-
kept indoors,1 which could reduce the mortality caused mended by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.37
by accidents, fights, and infection. With the results from the Australian, American and our
In a previous VetCompass study using clinical data UK studies indicating a protective effect of mild over-
from 1 September 2009 to 20 December 2012,2 the median weight conditions on feline longevity, we strongly rec-
lifespan among cat breeds was longest for Birman at ommend a reassessment of the current validity of BCS
16.1 years, followed by Burmese, Siamese, Persian and systems and healthy weight ranges for cats, which should
crossbred, whose median lifespans were in the range of be grounded in empirical evidence. It is crucial to note
14.0–14.3 years. Although the median lifespan of most cat that relationships between longevity and BCS or weight
breeds reported in the present study was lower than that should not discount the evidence for the adverse impact
in the study of 2009–2012 (range of difference 0.68–1.24 of being overweight on the health of cats.38,39 The nega-
years),2 the values for Ragdoll (12.22 years in the present tive impact of excessive fats on cats’ health and longevity
study and 10.1 years in O’Neill et al)2 and Bengal (8.40 should be integral to the development of BCS systems and
years in the present study and 7.3 years in O’Neill et al)2 healthy weight ranges for cats, ensuring a comprehensive
were higher in the present study. Sphynx cats had a par- approach to feline wellbeing.
ticularly short life expectancy at age 0 at 6.68 years (95% Cat life tables enable an improved understanding of
CI 4.53–8.83) among the reported breeds in the present cat mortality and life expectancy across the full spectrum
study. Currently, there is scarce peer-reviewed informa- of cat ages. Access to reliable data on the expected remain-
tion about the mortality of Sphynx cats. UK pet insurance ing lifespan of cats at different ages provides important
provider PetPlan states on its website that ‘The Sphynx information for decision-making related to cat owner-
has a life expectancy of around 15 years’,30 more than ship, such as adoption and timing of euthanasia. Thus,
twice the life expectancy at age 0 reported by the present we encourage veterinary professionals and cat owners
study. The Sphynx has been reported with several breed- to develop life table literacy so that more realistic predic-
predisposed diseases. One prospective study from France tions of cats’ lifespans can be made and shared to support
that screened for heart conditions in Sphynx cats without evidence-based decision-making for current and prospec-
a previous record of heart disease reported that 16/114 tive owners. The trends in life expectancy at different ages
(14.0%) and 23/114 (20.2%) cats had congenital heart dis- for a specific population across time could also be used
eases and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, respectively.31 to indicate and interpret the general health and welfare
In the same paper, approximately 65% of Sphynx cats of the population. If life expectancy increases with time,
aged over 4 years were diagnosed with at least one heart a healthier population or a population receiving better
condition.31 Besides cardiomyopathy, the Sphynx is also healthcare would be suggested, and vice versa.
predisposed to variably progressive hereditary myopathy There are some limitations that we would like to
(ie, skeletal myopathy),32,33 corneal sequestrum and entro- acknowledge. First, there was likely an underestima-
pion.34 With Sphynx cats becoming one of the top 10 most tion of the probability of death of cats at age 0–1. As cats
popular cat breeds globally,35 the current lifespan results are generally considered fully immunocompetent over
suggest that more research on the mortality, health and 12 months of age,40 the probability of death should be
welfare of Sphynx cats is needed. expected to be higher for cats at age 0–1 than at age 1–2
In our study, increasing body weight deviance from rather than the opposite, as shown in our results. This
the median adult body weight within breed and sex strata outcome could be attributed to the absence of informa-
was negatively associated with lifespan. While the World tion in the current clinical data set on deaths before any
Health Organization defines overweight and obesity as visit to a primary care veterinary clinic, such as death on
‘abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair the street, in the shelter, or during or after a home birth.
health’,36 contemporary epidemiological studies examin- Second, more than 83.7% of the deaths were due to eutha-
ing the link between feline overweight conditions and nasia, resulting in an underestimation of life expectancy
lifespan do not consistently align with this definition.1,3 In compared to the life expectancy if those cats had an unas-
a study using EPRs from a cat clinic in Sydney, Australia, sisted death.41 Distinctly differing cultures on euthanasia
cats with a maximum body condition score (BCS) recorded for companion animals between countries and regions
10 Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 

could heavily influence national life tables in addition Trust, Agria Pet Insurance and The Kennel Club for supporting
to effects from the differing composition of cat breeds VetCompass.
and the differing general health of the population.42,43
However, as almost all aspects of companion cats’ lives Author note The data set supporting the conclusions of
this article is available open access on Figshare at 10.6084/
were managed by their owners, including receiving
veterinary care and euthanasia, reporting how long the
cats actually live rather than how long they might live
Conflict of interest The authors declared no potential
without human intervention has more real-world signifi- conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship,
cance. In addition, as VetCompass data only include cats and/or publication of this article.
attending primary care veterinary practices, the life tables
might be less representative of unowned cats or cats not Funding This study was supported at the RVC by an award
attending veterinary clinics. Although death at home or from The Kennel Club Charitable Trust and Agria Pet Insur-
in emergency out-of-hours clinics may be reported by ance. Neither The Kennel Club Charitable Trust nor Agria Pet
the owners to the primary care clinics, it is still possible Insurance had any input in the design of the study, the collec-
that some of those cats were missing from the current tion, analysis and interpretation of data, or in writing the man-
data. Last, the adult body weight used in our modelling uscript.
is a relatively rough representation of the body weight
of a cat. It did not take into account the age information Ethical approval The work described in this manuscript
involved the use of non-experimental (owned or unowned)
when the weight was recorded nor the effects of changes
animals. Established internationally recognised high standards
in body weight over time. How representative the value
(‘best practice’) of veterinary clinical care for the individual
also depended on how many visits a cat made to the pri- patient were always followed and/or this work involved the
mary care clinic. use of cadavers. Ethical approval from a committee was there-
fore not specifically required for publication in JFMS. Although
not required, where ethical approval was still obtained, it is
stated in the manuscript.
To the best of our knowledge, the present study has pro-
duced the first life tables for companion cats overall, as
Informed consent Informed consent (verbal or written)
well as by sex and crossbred/purebred status in cats in the was obtained from the owner or legal custodian of all animal(s)
UK. These life tables can promote a better understanding described in this work (experimental or non-experimental
of the typical life trajectory of cats and have practical appli- animals, including cadavers) for all procedure(s) undertaken
cations for the veterinary profession to inform better on (prospective or retrospective studies). No animals or people are
life expectancy to cat owners. The study shows evidence identifiable within this publication, and therefore additional
of an association between both increases and decreases informed consent for publication was not required.
in adult body weight from the median and a decreased
lifespan. Unlike the abundance of evidence on relation- ORCID iD Kendy Tzu-yun Teng https://orcid.org/0000-
ships between certain breeds and impaired longevity and 0003-3200-1545
welfare in dogs, equivalent information for cat breeds is Dan G O’Neill https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1115-2723
relatively sparse. However, the present study shows that
purebred cats lived over 1.5 years less than crossbred References
1 Montoya M, Morrison JA, Arrignon F, et al. Life expec-
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